British word for fries

Не в каждом словаре можно найти слова и выражения вроде «картошки фри», часто ошибочно её называют «potato free», что, конечно же, неправильно, ибо free означает свободный (или бесплатный), а жареный звучит как «фрайд». В современном английском языке само упоминание овоща в этом блюде пропало. Хоть иногда можно встретить вариант «French fried potatoes», но всё же самый распространный — это «French fries». Кстати, почему эти ломтики вдруг стали французскими. Ясное дело, потому что их придумали в Бельгии и до сих пор «поджарки» с соусом — национальная гордость и излюбленная еда бельгийцев. Дело в том, что говорящих по-французски бельгийцев англичане некогда приняли за французов, увековечив это обознательство в своём языке. Вот легенда о том, как однажды из-за того, что жители одной из деревень не поймали рыбки, решили пожарить в масле картошку, получив новое кушанье.

The Legend Of French Fries
In one Belgian village ages ago
There were three fishermen
And their sister, you know,
The brothers went out
To get full nets of fish.
And their sister Francesca
Cooked their favourite dish.
That included potatoes,
Which had to be boiled,
Fresh onions and dill
And some fish fried in oil.
After working so hard
That dish was such a treat!
Potatoes and fish were just great stuff to eat.
One year the autumn was sudden and cold.
New fish weren’t caught yet,
But all old ones were sold.
The fishermen didn’t seem
To find any fish near.
It looked as if they
All had to disappear.
Perhaps, sudden frost
Drove all fish far away,
Or for some other reason,
They caught no fish that day.
But their sister Francesca
Was a smart little thing,
She cut the potatoes into fish-looking strings.
And didn’t seem
Just to cut them and boil,
But she put those strings
In some hot boiling oil.
So brothers decided
To eat it somehow,
But when it touched their tongues,
They yelled happily WOW!
Next day, brother treated
All people around,
Francesca heard nothing but
A loud munching sound.
And soon all the land
Ate it with happy eyes.
Ah what could be better
Than Francesca’s hot fries!
Francesca’s potatoes
Are well-known in the world,
When you have this fine snack,
Think of this witty girl.

Сейчас картофель-фри имеет много вариаций. Есть и картофель по-деревенски, который по-английски называется Potato wedges. В Канаде любят закуску из тех же фри с сыром и густым соусом, которое называется Poutine ( путИн), ударение на второй слог. А также фри спиральками (Curly fries) и даже фри-торнадо (tornado fries), который готовится таким образом: целую картофелину насаживают на шпажку и с помощью специального ножа разрезается на вихреобразные кусочки.

Даже отправляясь отведать фаст-фуд в другой стране, обязательно выучите названия ваших любимых блюд на местом языке. И Интенсив вам в этом поможет!

21 сентября 2018

Не секрет, что американский английский отличается от истинного, британского. Если в Англии мы пойдем в shop, то в Америке это уже будет store. Конечно, вас поймут, если вы используете «неродное» слово для этого региона. Но если вы знаете американские аналоги английских слов, то вы будете намного быстрее пониматься все вокруг и отлично ориентироваться на местности. Мы выбрали самые популярные слова, которые вы можете встретить везде: в аэропорту, магазине, ресторане и просто прогуливаясь по городу.

British English — American English


  • bin – trash can – мусорное ведро
  • lift – elevator — лифт
  • flat – apartment – квартира
  • autumn – fall – осень
  • cooker – stove – кухонная плита, печь
  • tap – faucet – водопроводный кран
  • postal code, postcode – zip code – почтовый индекс
  • dustbin – garbage can, trash can – бак для мусора
  • rubbish – garbage, trash – мусор
  • surname – last name, family name – фамилия
  • holiday – vacation – каникулы, отпуск
  • queue – line – очередь
  • cinema – movie theater – кинотеатр
  • film – movie, film – фильм
  • mobile phone, mobile – cellular phone, cell phone – мобильный телефон
  • bill – check — счет
  • book a seat – reserve a seat – забронировать место


  • trainers – sneakers – кроссовки
  • trousers – pants – штаны
  • pants (трусы мужские и женские) – underpants (мужские трусы)
  • purse (кошелёк) – purse (женская сумочка)



  • shop – store – магазин
  • car park – parking lot – парковка
  • taxi – cab – такси
  • pavement – sidewalk – тротуар
  • pharmacy – drugstore – аптека
  • crossroads – intersection – перекрёсток
  • underground, tube – subway – метро
  • railway – railroad – железная дорога
  • single ticket / a single – one-way ticket – билет в одну сторону
  • petrol – gasoline, gas – бензин


  • biscuit — cookie – печенье
  • chips – French fries – жареный картофель
  • crisps, potato crisps – chips, potato chips – чипсы
  • sweets – candies – конфеты
  • tin – can – консервная банка

Это была первая статья из серии «Британский vs Американский». В других статьях рассмотрим нюансы в написании слов, фонетике и грамматике. Stay tuned! ;)

Британский vs Американский: написание слов  

Британский vs Американский: грамматика   

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Мои примеры


french fries cooked in boiling oil — картофель фри, приготовленный в кипящем масле  

Примеры с переводом

I ordered fries and a soda.

Я заказал картошку фри и газировку.

Make my French fries a medium.

Мне картошку фри средней прожаренности.

…can I have just a swig of your lemonade to wash down these french fries?…

…можно я глотну твоего лимонада, чтобы запить картошку фри?…

He’s eaten a whole plate of french fries.

Он съел целую тарелку картошки фри.

Will you share your fries with me?

Поделишься со мной картошкой фри?

I had a sudden craving for french fries, so I pulled into the nearest fast-food restaurant.

Мне вдруг жутко захотелось жареной картошки /картошки фри/, поэтому я заехал в ближайший фаст-фуд.

I’ll have a burger with fries, please.

Мне гамбургер с картофелем фри, пожалуйста.

The haughty waiter smirked when I remarked that it was odd that a French restaurant didn’t even have french fries on the menu.

Надменный официант ухмыльнулся, когда я отметил странность того, что во французском ресторане не подают картофеля-фри.

Order a large serving of fries with extra gravy.

Закажи большую порцию жареной картошки с дополнительным соусом.

She squirted ketchup all over her fries.

Она облила свою картошку фри кетчупом.

I had a burger with a side order of fries.

Я съел бургер (бутерброд с котлетой) с жареным картофелем на гарнир.

I was craving french fries, so I pulled into the nearest fast-food restaurant.

Мне безумно хотелось поесть картошки фри, поэтому я рванул в ближайший ресторан быстрого питания.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The chicken platter comes with fries and coleslaw.

…the restaurant may not have raised the price, but there’s definitely been a subtraction in the number of fries in a side order…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Xavier da Silva

  • #1

Hello everyone,

I heard that «French fries» is American English and «Chips» is British English for a meal made of potatoes. My question is: Can I use «fried potatoes«? When

to use

«fried potatoes«?

Andrew: I’d like some fried potatoes.
Waiter: I’m sorry. We don’t have fried potatoes today.

Thank you in advance!

  • cyberpedant

    • #2

    It depends on where you are, Xavier, and how you want those spuds fried. But if there is a choice the waiter will ask for your preference. «Fried potatoes» or «fries» are both generic terms and will be understood in the U.S.


    • #3

    Hmmmm. This question is on the borderline between the language arts and the culinary arts.

    In the US, if you want finger-sized strips of fried potatoes served hot, ask for ‘fries.’
    If you want crispy, thin slices of fried potatoes served at room temperature, ask for ‘chips.’
    If you want chopped or grated fried potatoes served hot, ask for ‘hash browns.’

    I’m not sure what you would get if you asked simply for ‘fried potatoes.’
    I wouldn’t be at all surprised if a tired waitress who didn’t feel like explaining answered with nothing more than «We don’t have those.»

    Last edited: Apr 27, 2013


    • #4

    If I saw «fried potatoes» on an English menu I’d probably ask whether that was «saute potatoes» or «chips». Personally I would use «fried potatoes» to mean potatoes cut in rounds or chunks and shallow-fried.

    • #5

    There are, at least in the U.S., many ways to fry potatoes. French fries (BE chips) are just one of them. Portuguese sliced fried potatoes are popular in the area where I live. It is not a sufficiently specific term to be generally useful when ordering food, though at a place like McDonald’s which only serves one type of fried potato, it might be enough.

    • #6

    ‘Fried potatoes’ is what we say in my language, so I have no problem understanding this to mean ‘chips’. However, if I wanted to take it literally and be mean, I might bring you a bowl full of fried whole potatoes, as they come in different sizes. :D

    • #7

    BrE chips = AmE (french) fries
    AmE chips = BrE crisps

    Despite the fact that both these products are clearly potatoes which have been fried, I would not refer to either of them as «fried potatoes». That term for me would mean sliced potatoes, probably par-boiled before frying, fried together with chopped onions and chopped bacon, i.e. all together in the same frying pan at the same time. For a hearty brunch, these would typically be served with fried eggs.


    • #8

    That term for me would mean sliced potatoes, probably par-boiled before frying, fried together with chopped onions and chopped bacon, i.e. all together in the same frying pan at the same time.

    I believe we call these «home fries» in my neck of the woods, but as I never have breakfast «out» I’m not really sure.

    Last edited: Apr 27, 2013


    • #9

    As you can see from the above, «fried potatoes» is far too general to be of any use.

    When to use it? — I suggest you do not. Be specific.


    • #10

    I agree with those who’ve said «fried potatoes» is just too general. While french fries are fried potatoes, of course, I never call them that, and in my mind, «fried potatoes» is a dish that is distinctly different from «french fries.»

    By the way, you don’t have to capitalize the «f» in french fries. French here doesn’t refer to the country but instead refers to frenching, which is the process of cutting the potatoes into into long strips before cooking them. You can french many sorts of vegetables, not just potatoes.


    • #11

    As you can see from the above, «fried potatoes» is far too general to be of any use.

    I disagree. If you say «fried potatoes» in England, you are talking about potatoes cut into discs and fried in a frying pan. Chips are generally rectangular and fried in a deep-fat frier. Fried potatoes is definitely a dish in its own right. You shouldn’t use it if you mean chips though. If you mean chips, say chips, or fries if you’re in America.

    Hau Ruck

    • #12

    I disagree. If you say «fried potatoes» in England, you are talking about potatoes cut into discs and fried in a frying pan. Chips are generally rectangular and fried in a deep-fat frier. Fried potatoes is definitely a dish in its own right. You shouldn’t use it if you mean chips though. If you mean chips, say chips, or fries if you’re in America.

    As far as AE goes, I’d agree with Sdgraham. If you said «fried potatoes» in the U.S. you’d most likely be asked to specify which ones. We have an incredible amount of variance when frying those little spuds.


    • #13

    I disagree. If you say «fried potatoes» in England, you are talking about potatoes cut into discs and fried in a frying pan. Chips are generally rectangular and fried in a deep-fat frier. Fried potatoes is definitely a dish in its own right. You shouldn’t use it if you mean chips though. If you mean chips, say chips, or fries if you’re in America.

    Concur. My mother often made «fried potatoes» when I was a kid — sliced potatoes, fried in a frying pan. As cyberpedant said, «home fries» are similar but also have onions and sometimes bacon mixed in.


    • #14

    Concur. My mother often made «fried potatoes» when I was a kid — sliced potatoes, fried in a frying pan. As cyberpedant said, «home fries» are similar but also have onions and sometimes bacon mixed in.

    So did my mother, as a matter of fact, but we’re talking about the language in general and a rather specific way of preparing «fried potatoes»

    In other words, is «fried potatoes» a universal term for a certain kind of fried potato?

    If you asked for «fried potatoes» at the following, I sincerely doubt you would get the same thing at each one (if you got more than a blank stare)

    Love’s Truck Stops
    Pitty Pat’s Porch (Atlanta, Georgia)
    Swiss Chalet (Canada)
    Portuguese restaurants in Massachusetts (see post #5)

    Last edited: Apr 27, 2013

    In British English, small, sweet things that you eat, such as toffees and chocolates, are called sweets. She did not allow her children to eat too many sweets. In American English, sweet things like these are called candy. Candy is an uncountable noun.

    Do they say candy in Britain?

    Candy, also called sweets (British English) or lollies (Australian English, New Zealand English), is a confection that features sugar as a principal ingredient. The category, called sugar confectionery, encompasses any sweet confection, including chocolate, chewing gum, and sugar candy.

    What does candy mean in British slang?

    Candy has many meanings, for example sexual intercourse or drugs ( crack,cocaine,ecstasy). I hope this helps.

    Do British people call candy lollies?

    Lollies = candy = sweeties
    We call them lollies, but a lolly in England would only mean a lollipop on a stick. The English instead refer to regular lollies as “sweets” or “sweeties”, while they’re known as “candy” Stateside.

    What do British call biscuits?

    American biscuits are small, fluffy quick breads, leavened with baking powder or buttermilk and served with butter and jam or gravy. They are close to what the British would call scones.

    What is the British word for French fries?

    In the UK we have a worryingly high number of words for different types of potato foods. We call French fries just fries, and thicker-cut fries that come from a chip shop are called chips.

    What does it mean if a guy calls you candy?

    Slang. cocaine. someone or something that is pleasing or pleasurable, usually in a superficial way (often used in combination): The show is candy, but enjoy it for what it is. See also arm candy, ear candy, eye candy. SEE MORE.

    How do British say popsicle?

    ice lollies
    This is ice lolly land. You might know them as popsicles. Or maybe even ice blocks. But, in Britain, they’re called ice lollies.

    What do British people call a popsicle?

    An ice pop is also referred to as a popsicle in Canada and the United States, paleta in Mexico and the Southwestern United States, ice lolly in the United Kingdom (the term ice pop refers to a freezie in the United Kingdom), ice drop in the Philippines, ice gola in India, and ice candy in India and Japan.

    Do Australians say sweets or candy?

    What are lollies in Australia? Lollies is the Australian word for sweets or candy.

    What is toilet paper called in England?

    Senior Member. I use “loo roll” or “toilet paper”. (“Loo roll” is more informal.)

    What do British call holidays?

    bank holidays
    British people talk about bank holidays. These are also legal days off, like Christmas or Easter, but also include specific days of the year, such as the first Monday in May. If it’s not Christmas, a bank holiday is normally on a Monday in the UK.

    What do British call scones?

    A Biscuit (U.S.) Is a Scone (U.K.)
    The closest British equivalent to those buttery miracles is a scone, which ain’t too bad either. Both baked goodies use flour, fat, liquid and a leavening agent.

    What do they call cupcakes in England?

    A cupcake (also British English: fairy cake; Hiberno-English: bun) is a small cake designed to serve one person, which may be baked in a small thin paper or aluminum cup.

    What do British people call cigarettes?

    Fag may refer to: FAG, a brand of the Schaeffler Group. Cigarette, in British slang.

    What is arugula called in the UK?

    Arugula or Rocket
    Rocket, on the other hand, comes from the northern Italian word, ruchetta, which became roquette in France, and then rocket in the U.K..

    How do the British say cake?

    Break ‘cake’ down into sounds: [KAYK] – say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them.
    Below is the UK transcription for ‘cake’:

    1. Modern IPA: kɛ́jk.
    2. Traditional IPA: keɪk.
    3. 1 syllable: “KAYK”

    What do British call Fish and chips?

    Fish and chip shops are called “chippies” in British slang. By 1910, there were 25,000 fish and chip shops in the U.K., and they even stayed open during World War I.

    What is the British word for diaper?

    Diaper is what they use in North America, and Nappy is the word used in the UK & Ireland, Australia, NZ and many other Commonwealth countries.

    What is the American English word for lift?

    British vs American Vocabulary

    British English ↕ American English ↕
    lift elevator
    lorry truck, semi, tractor
    mad crazy, insane
    main road highway

    What candy girl means?

    CandyGirls are a line of realistic sex dolls manufactured by Orient Industries in Japan.

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    • British

    This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

    This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


    Informal. fried potatoes.


    3rd person singular present indicative of fry1.



    There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

    Which sentence is correct?

    Words nearby fries

    Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears, Friendswood, friend with benefits, friend zone, frier, fries, Friese-Greene, Friesian, Friesland, frieze, friezing

    Other definitions for fries (2 of 2)


    Charles Carpenter, 1887–1967, U.S. linguist. Unabridged
    Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

    Words related to fries

    How to use fries in a sentence

    • Meeting Golden, his first mentor, launched Fries’s disability rights journey.

    • At Zola’s suggestion, Fries got in touch with the Boston Self-Help Center, and, for a time, joined their peer support group.

    • Later, hit up Gretchen’s in the village for the mouth-watering Porcini truffle fries starter, followed by the famous Lodge Burger.

    • “I think as the ubiquity of French fries prove, everyone loves a crispy fried potato,” he said in an email.

    • I promised never again to wax lyrical about the fries in gravy.

    • The French fries are made out of real potatoes, the burger is great and you can get it all kinds of ways, and it tastes good.

    • Players stopped downing chili dogs or cheese fries before games.

    • Here, the vocabulary of fast food for many young Brazilians is temaki (hand rolls) instead of burgers and fries.

    • «I reckin Mrs. Herman Felsburg won’t know whut to do now with that extry fish she always fries of a Friday,» said the sergeant.

    • I must inform you that the affair about the new quintet is settled between Count Fries and myself.

    • He fries his bacon, warms his beans and sloofs at his steaming tin of tea.

    • The fat that fries out of bacon is excellent for use in the cooking and seasoning of other foods, such as vegetables and meats.

    • He has commended himself favorably to Lobkowitz and Fries and all other eminent lovers (of music).

    British Dictionary definitions for fries

    Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
    © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
    Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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    1. 1. 8. The British word for jail
    2. 2. 11. The American word for lorry
    3. 4. 5. The American word for biscuit
    4. 6. 12. The British word for mailman
    5. 7. 9. The American word for holiday
    6. 8. 10. The British word for movie
    7. 9. 1. The American word for football
    8. 10. 3. The American word for timetable
    1. 1. 4. The British word for gas
    2. 3. 2. The British word for fries
    3. 5. 6. The British word for sneakers
    4. 8. 7. The American word for autumn

    What is the British word for french fries?

    Chips (UK) / French Fries (US)

    Meanwhile, Brits call fat strips of potato that are (usually) deep fried and eaten with plenty of salt and vinegar “chips”. In the US these are “French Fries”, or often just “fries”.

    Why do Brits call French fries chips?

    Brits call chips chips because they are chips of potato which have been deep fried. Americans call French fries French fries because they are a skinny Americanised version of chips which originally came from Belgium, and Americans presumably don’t know the difference between Belgium and France.

    What is cookie in British?

    British English – Biscuit. American English – Cookie. In British English this is called biscuits, however, in American English this is called cookies. Now the Brits do sometimes use the word cookie to describe a particular type of biscuit with chocolate chips, but in general we say biscuit.

    What brits call potato chips?

    In the UK and Great Britain, «crisps» are the name used to refer to the food known in the United States as «potato chips».

    What do British call biscuits?

    In British English, a biscuit is what an American would call a cookie. Is cookie a word that’s used in British English and, if it is, what does it refer to? Yes, it is. There are lots of different types of biscuit, most of which wouldn’t be called cookies.

    Making Curly Fries from 1824. Curly Fries! |Real Historical Recipes|

    What do British call condoms?

    Rubber. This is an informal way of saying condom on the US – so a rubber is a contraceptive. We just call them condoms in the UK. And we use rubbers to remove pencil marks from paper.

    What is toilet paper called in England?

    Bog roll. Taken from the 16th-century Scottish/Irish word meaning ‘soft and moist,’ bog means restroom or lavatory. Bog roll, naturally, is an idiom for toilet paper. This will come in especially handy if you find yourself in a dire situation in the loo.

    What do British people call soda?

    In the United Kingdom and Ireland, the term «fizzy drink» is common. «Pop» and «fizzy pop» are used in Northern England, South Wales, and the Midlands while «mineral» is used in Ireland. In Scotland, «fizzy juice» or even simply «juice» is colloquially encountered, as is «ginger».

    What do they call cigarettes in England?

    Did you know they call cigarettes fags in the U.K.? You probably did. He takes short, quick drags, racing to the filter – to the fix.

    What do British people call whipped cream?

    In the UK, whipped cream is known as “squirty cream”.

    What do Brits call zucchini?

    Courgette (UK) / Zucchini (US)

    What do British people call eggplant?

    Similarly, an eggplant is called an aubergine in the UK. The American yam is not commonly found in the UK, yet the term is often used in the US to refer to what the British call a sweet potato; the Brits eat theirs roasted (as they do most things) and have not yet warmed to the American dish of “marshmallow yams.”

    What do they call fries in London?

    In the UK, ‘chips’ are a thicker version of what people in the US call ‘fries’. If you want a bag of what Americans call ‘chips’ in the UK, just ask for crisps.

    What do British people call Fish and fries?

    The modern fish-and-chip shop («chippy» in modern British slang) originated in the United Kingdom, although outlets selling fried food occurred commonly throughout Europe.

    What do British call fish and chips?

    Fish and chip shops are called «chippies» in British slang. By 1910, there were 25,000 fish and chip shops in the U.K., and they even stayed open during World War I.

    What do British call beer?

    We use pint to mean a beer in a pub. ‘Do you want to go for a pint after work? ‘

    What do British people call ice cream?

    What is ice cream called in England? Ice cream in England, and the rest of the UK is called ice cream.

    What do they call a car in England?

    Motor – n – An antiquated term for an automobile.

    What do they call custard in England?

    American puddings are closer to what the Brits would call «custard.» A British pudding is a dish, savory or sweet, that’s cooked by being boiled or steamed in something: a dish, a piece of cloth, or even animal intestine.

    What do Americans call jelly?

    There is a difference. Jam in the UK, is what Americans call jelly. Jelly in the UK, is what Americans call «Jell-O». The main difference, is how to use these words.

    What do British people call scones?

    A Biscuit (U.S.) Is a Scone (U.K.) An English Muffin (U.S.) is a Muffin (U.K.)

    What is a bathroom called in England?

    In British English, «bathroom» is a common term but is typically reserved for private rooms primarily used for bathing; a room without a bathtub or shower is more often known as a «WC», an abbreviation for water closet, «lavatory», or «loo». Other terms are also used, some as part of a regional dialect.

    What do Brits call paper towels?

    In Britain, paper towels for kitchen use are also known as kitchen rolls, kitchen paper, or kitchen towels. For home use, paper towels are usually sold in a roll of perforated sheets, but some are sold in stacks of pre-cut and pre-folded layers for use in paper-towel dispensers.

    Why do Europeans not flush toilet paper?

    No one wants to be that person. And some countries do not have systems that can break down toilet paper easily, so it’s customary not to flush.

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