British english word on the street

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word on the street

The information, or the version of that information, that is currently spreading from person to person, often in a particular setting, like school or work. A: «The word on the street is that you’re pregnant.» B: «What? That is simply not true!» There are so many people stopping by Shelly’s office because word on the street is that she’s leaving the company.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

the word on the street

a rumour or piece of information currently being circulated. informal

1992 Victor Headley Yardie The word on the street was that Roy was hooked and had smoked a fair amount of the crack himself.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

See also:

  • the word on the street
  • word on the wire
  • know where (all) the skeletons are buried
  • 411
  • 4-1-1
  • four-one-one
  • secondhand information
  • the inside dope
  • inside dope
  • inside information


  • #1

Hey :)
I’ve heard that in the street is a BrE and on the street is an AmE. Would you mind telling me whether it is true or not?
Thanks :)

  • DAH


    Senior Member

    • #2

    From where I’m sitting (in Los Angeles), it’s «on the street.»

    Best regards!


    • #3

    Well, I think in AE we use both, but «on the street» is more common.

    And I suspect they may have subtle differences in meaning depending on context.


    • #4

    Hrmm, I’m American. To me, there’s a significant difference between the two.

    «In the street» means literally that you are «in the middle of the street, standing on it, and waiting for a passing car to hit you.», while «on the street» can be used to describe buildings which face the street. i.e. «The factory was on Jackson Street.» or a pedestrian who is walking down the street, but is on the sidewalk, not in the middle of the road.

    • #5

    As a British English speaker, I would say that ‘in the street’ is more common in BrE, but we do say ‘on the street’ as well, probably because we do use many AE phrases in everyday speech.

    • #6

    I have always had this problem. Some say that in the street is for the activities and on the street is for position. is this true? Please give me a hand. Thanks guys.

    <<Mod comment: This thread has been added to the end of the previous thread on the same subject. Well, OK, it had the in and the on the other way round, but you can see the similarity.>>

    suzi br

    • #7

    meagain9969 said:

    I have always had this problem. Some say that in the street is for the activities and on the street is for position. is this true? Please give me a hand. Thanks guys.

    That sounds ok in theory — but usually people can think of examples to contradict these generalities.


    • #8

    SB is correct. It doesn’t take much effort to think of —

    Riding my bicycle on the street…which is an activity.

    Where is the manhole cover? It’s in the middle of the street….position.


    • #9

    I somewhat disagree—I think one rides a bicycle in the street, but on the pavement. Which is interesting, because one rides a bicycle on the sidewalk, not in the sidewalk. And, even worse, one drives a car on Main Street. Why do I think a bicycle uses in and a car on? No idea, it’s just the way I’ve always said it!

    At any rate, it’s tricky, isn’t it?

    • #10

    I would ride my bike on the street. «In» the street always implied a more risky endeavor, since childhood. Don’t ask me why. :)


    • #11

    I wonder what the man in the street would say?
    If we listen carefully, I think we’d hear him speak BE, whereas his cousin, the man on the street, would speak AE.


    • #12

    Try changing ‘street’ to ‘road’ and ‘highway’. For me, though the vehicle may remain the same, whether bicycle or go-kart or roller-skates, the prepositions sometimes change. Curious. It seems to be more about sound and cadence than grammar.


    • #13

    The kids used to play games in the street.
    They were not allowed to play on the road(pavement), but were told to stay on the footpath(sidewalk).

    Cuchu’s cadences, of course, compel me onwards.
    On the Road Again.
    On Highway 61

    • #14

    panjandrum said:

    The kids used to play games in the street.
    They were not allowed to play on the road(pavement), but were told to stay on the footpath(sidewalk).

    Cuchu’s cadences, of course, compel me onwards.
    On the Road Again.
    On Highway 61

    On Route 66

    • #15

    We say «on the street» here in Minnesota, USA.


    • #16

    I’d also heard/read the comment that one was American and the other British. I don’t remember which was which.:D

    I’ve found some set expressions in my dictionary with «on/in the street.» According to it, you can say:
    1)»The man/woman in the street,» but also «the man/woman on the street» (the average person, who represents the general opinion about things)
    2) «The streets» also «the street,» «young people living on the streets» (the busy public parts of a city where there is a lot of activity, excitement, and crime, or where people without homes live)
    3) «a car parked on the other side of the street»
    4) «be (living) on easy street» (to be in a situation in which you have plenty of money)

    I wonder if one can say #2 and 4 with «in».


    • #17

    I don’t think you can. Sure is complicated!


    • #18

    Thank you!
    Hm, now the obligatory question for me is, if you heard a nonnative speaker saying «on the street» where you would have said «in» and vice versa (apart from the cases #2 and 4), would you consider it a big mistake or wouldn’t you even notice it if someone didn’t point it out?

    • #19

    1. He lives in London.

    2. He lives at 34 Oxford Street.

    3. His house is on Oxford Street.

    4. He lives on Oxford Street.

    I know the first 3 sentence are fine. How about the fourth sentence? Would you agree with the preposition ‘on’ in the fourth sentence?

    • #20

    The fourth is fine. «On» is the best choice for the sentence.
    He doesn’t live «at» Oxford Street, he could live «in» Oxford Street, but that can be misinterpreted to mean a down-and-out who lives in a cardboard box in a hidden-away corner.


    • #21

    4. He lives on Oxford Street.

    Would you agree with the preposition ‘on’ in the fourth sentence?


    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 19, 2013

    • #22

    I live in Ireland.

    I live in Belgium.

    You wouldn’t use the prepostion ‘on’ here, would you?


    • #23

    Oros said:

    I live in Ireland.

    I live in Belgium.

    You wouldn’t use the prepostion ‘on’ here, would you?

    It’s nugatory. Countries and streets are different pair of shoes.

    • #24

    5. He lives at 34 Oxford Street in London.

    I guess,if you want to specify the address, the fifth sentence is fine.

    Would you write the fifth sentence?
    My question is on the prepositions.


    • #25

    According to what I have been taught AmE and BrE differ in this respect. AmE would take on while BrE would take in, and thus AmE He lives on Oxford Street and BrE He lives in Oxford Street. However, if you specify the address, you indeed use at.


    • #26

    I’m happy with all



    I think the choice between in and on (in 3&4) depends on how big the street happens to be.
    Oxford Street is huge. If anyone lives there, they live on Oxford Street.
    Chadwick Street is short. People who live there live in Chadwick Street.

    Previous threads have discussed this strange subject:

    On the street or in the street

    «in» or «at» the area

    It seems to be quite subjective.

    • #27

    I thank everybody for the comments.

    So Tony Blair lives in London.

    6. Tony Blair lives at 10 Downing Street.

    7. Tony Blair lives on 10 Downing Street.

    The place ‘number 10 Downing Street’ is a spot.

    So it should be the sixth sentence.

    For example, we say I met him in London but I met him at Heathrow Airport. London is a huge geographical area where as the airport is a particular place though it has a mass area.

    We use the preposition ‘in’ for a geographical area and ‘at’ for a spot or rather a particular place.

    Would you write the seventh sentence?


    • #28

    I don’t think you should use 10 Downing Street as an example. It is not a spot, it is the Prime Minister’s official residence.

    Tony lives in 10 Downing Street rather as the Queen lives in Buckingham Palace.

    • #29

    Queen lives in Buckingham Palace.
    The above is obvious. The Palace has the three diemensional aspects.

    I live in this house. The preposition ‘in’ should be used as it has some walls, roof, etc.

    I am not satisfied with ‘in Downing Street’ , though.


    • #30

    From the perspective of a UK resident, the name «10 Downing Street» means the building we see on the news every day. It is a three-dimensional concept, not just an address.

    Bill Bloggs lives at 47 Adelaide Street.
    He does not live on 47 Adelaide Street.

    He might say he lives on Adelaide Street, or in Adelaide Street.
    I think that his choice of on/in depends on how big Adelaide Street is.

    • #31

    A pedantic old git writes:-

    panjandrum said:

    Tony lives in 10 Downing Street :cross: rather as the Queen lives in Buckingham Palace.

    I thought everyone knew that the Blairs and the Browns have swapped — the Blairs actually live at 11 Downing Street as it was more commodious for their larger (by previous Prime Ministerial standards) family.


    Senior Member

    • #32

    Is this some strange sort of BE thing? I would never say anyone lived IN any street, no matter how short or small it was.

    When I think of someone living IN «11th street» (as an example), I imagine tiny sidewalk people who live in the cracks of the sidewalk, or something like that. The only time I can think of using IN + STREET is:

    I live in the street

    Which would mean something on the lines of beeing homeless. However, I would use ON there as well if I felt like it.



    • #33

    Please read the links provided in post #8.


    • #34

    From a purely AE standpoint, «at» is used for a specific, defined place, «on» is used before a street name with no specific address, and «in» is used whenever there is the sense of «within» or «inside of.» For example:

    He lives at 34 Oxford Street.

    He lives on Oxford Street.

    He lives in Palace Apartments.

    Notice that if the person you are talking to already knows of Palace Apartments, then it is already defined and specific enough between the speakers, so that one may say, «He lives at Palace Apartments.» (If the other person does not know of Palace Apartments, he would infer that it is a specific place and probably ask, «What is Palace Apartments?» instead of «Where is Palace Apartments?»)

    There are always exceptions and linguistic nuances. One could say, «John lives at that restaurant» to mean «John goes to that restaurant so often that he practically lives there»; but to say «John lives in that restaurant» would imply «John physically inhabits that restaurant.»

    When speaking of geographic regions, one always uses «in» since we literally mean «He lives within/inside of London» and not «He lives on top of London» or «He lives at the specific spot of London.»

    Hope this helps.


    • #35

    We have a shop on Adelaide Street.

    Our shop is on Adelaide Street.

    Are the above fine?

    Does it really matter the size of the street?

    Adelaide Street can be a small one, big one or famous one like Champs Elysee.


    • #36

    I stress that I am speaking BE, and perhaps more locally than that.

    On is perfect if Adelaide Street is well-known for shopping.
    If no one expects to find a shop there, the shop is in Adelaide Street.

    Others may suggest different uses of on and in.
    I’m sorry, but use of in and on in this context has no objective rule.

    • #37

    Oros said:

    We have a shop on Adelaide Street.
    Our shop is on Adelaide Street.

    Are the above fine?

    I’d be happy with both of them, and with «Our shop is in Adelaide Street».

    The size of the street doesn’t matter to me.
    There used to be a difference in the understanding of what constituted a road/street/place/lane/avenue etc. but no longer. I think this might be what panjandrum is referring to.


    • #38

    maxiogee said:

    […]There used to be a difference in the understanding of what constituted a road/street/place/lane/avenue etc. but no longer. I think this might be what panjandrum is referring to.

    You could be right.
    If so, it is entirely sub-conscious for me.

    • #39

    Over here the President lives on Pennsylvania Avenue. He lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

    «Don’t misunderestimate me» George W. Bush

    Kelly B

    • #40

    Yes, and he lives in the White House. I think Panjandrum meant that the phrase 10 Downing Street is equivalent to the White House, rather than to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.


    • #41

    Kelly B said:

    Yes, and he lives in the White House. I think Panjandrum meant that the phrase 10 Downing Street is equivalent to the White House, rather than to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

    That’s exactly what he meant.

    Honestly, you’d think the idiot would manage to say what he meant first time instead of needing to be interpreted.
    I’ll have a word with him and tell him to try harder in future.


    • #42

    1)on the street
    2)in the street

    Is it because of the usege difference between British and American that these two types are equally frequently used?


    • #43

    Yes, I think so. Our visitors from the US will say «Is the monastery on Albeq Street?» and the British ones will say, «Is the monastery in Albeq street?»

    I wonder if «in the street» can mean «in the middle of the street, in the traffic lanes» in both AE and BE?



    • #44

    The preposition depends on the meaning of the sentence.

    The word on the street is that Tom is dealing drugs.
    The graffiti painted on the street . . . .
    The car was parked on the side of the street.

    Jane was standing in the street crying and calling for her lost dog.
    The water in the street was waist deep.

    What is the sentence you need help with?


    • #45

    1)the building facing the street. The Opera House is ( ) the X street.
    2)There are musicians ( ) the street.
    Thanks for the help!

    • #46

    To my way of thinking a person who is on the street is basically living on the street.
    To be in the street is to visit the street for a short period.



    • #47

    The preposition depends on the meaning of the sentence.

    The word on the street is that Tom is dealing drugs.
    The graffiti painted on the street . . . .
    The car was parked on the side of the street.

    Jane was standing in the street crying and calling for her lost dog.
    The water in the street was waist deep.

    What is the sentence you need help with?

    But there is an AE BE difference I think.

    For me —

    the word on the street is…:tick: but
    The graffiti painted in the street (eg on the walls along the street, on would mean literally painted on the road surface — unless that’s what you meant?)
    The car was parked in the street.

    So, it seems we only use «on» for the the «word on the street» (although I may not have thought of an example of «on» of course).


    • #48

    But there is an AE BE difference I think.

    The graffiti painted in the street (eg on the walls along the street, on would mean literally painted on the road surface — unless that’s what you meant?)

    Yes, I meant on the road surface.


    • #49

    Yes, I meant on the road surface.

    Oh, we’d probably call that «street art» here!:D


    • #50

    To my way of thinking a person who is on the street is basically living on the street.
    To be in the street is to visit the street for a short period.


    I would agree with this. I worked with a project called on the street and into work which was about getting homeless people off the streets, into work and then into housing.

    Word on the street

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