British english word for elevator

Everyone knows that for the Brits, an elevator is a “lift,” an apartment is a “flat,” and those chips you’re snacking on are actually called “crisps.” But British people also say some other really weird, confusing things.

What countries say lift instead of elevator?

– While “man” is used in both American and British English, Australians use the term “bloke” to mean “man.” – An “elevator” in American is referred to as a “lift” in both Australian and Britain.

What are common British phrases?

11 Bloody Brilliant British English Phrases “Fancy a cuppa?” meaning: “Would you like a cup of tea?” “Alright?” meaning: “Hey, how are you?” “I’m knackered!” meaning: “I’m tired.” Cheeky. meaning: playful; mischievous. “I’m chuffed to bits!” meaning “I’m very pleased.” Bloody. meaning: very. To bodge something. “I’m pissed.”.

Which is the American word for lift?

The American word for a lift is escalator​Sep 24, 2019.

What is a lorry called in America?

The truth is, a lorry in American English is a truck. The British lorry is almost the same as the American truck, and the two words have morphed into synonyms of each other.

Is front desk American or British?

British and American English – Vocabulary – N – Z British English American English N R railway railroad reception front desk.

How do British say hello?

British greetings [hello, ay-up, wotcha, and others]Jun 29, 2006.

What is the most British word?

20 of the Most Common British Slang Words Fit (adj) So, in the UK fit doesn’t just mean that you go to the gym a lot. Loo (noun) Dodgy (adj) Proper (adj) Knackered (adj) Quid (noun) Skint (noun) To Skive (verb) Skiver (noun).

What words do British say differently?

“Both also can” Word British Pronunciation American Pronunciation 1. Advertisement uhd-VER-tis-muhnt AD-ver-ties-muhnt 2. Bald bor-ld bold 3. Clique cleek clik 4. Either eye-thuh ee-thuhr.

Is lift American English or British?

British vs American Vocabulary British English ↕ American English ↕ lift elevator lorry truck, semi, tractor mad crazy, insane main road highway.

Is lift American or British?

Even native English speakers may not understand words used in the opposite form of the language that they speak. For example, what Americans would refer to as an “elevator”, the British would call a “lift”.

What do Brits call a car?

Car – Your auto. Whilst you also say “car”, you won’t find Auto in use much in Britain. Car park – Parking lot.

Why is a truck called a Lori?

“Lorry” has a more uncertain origin, but probably has its roots in the rail transport industry, where the word is known to have been used in 1838 to refer to a type of truck (a goods wagon as in British usage, not a bogie as in the American), specifically a large flat wagon.

What is a station wagon called in England?

Name. Reflecting the original purpose of transporting people and luggage between country estates and railway stations, the body style is called an “estate car” or “estate” in the United Kingdom, or a “station wagon” in North America, New Zealand, Australia and Africa.

Why is a semi called a lorry?

Lorry was originally the name for a flatbed cart pulled by horses and is from an old English word “lurry” which means “to drag”. Truck on the other hand is from the Latin “trochus” which is an iron hoop or wheel.

Is the store American or British?

Shop or store? The nouns shop and store are used somewhat differently in American and British English. In general, Americans use store the way the British use shop — to describe any room or building where people can buy things or pay for a service.

Is schedule American or British?

The word “schedule” can be somewhat confusing, even for native speakers. The reason is that it is pronounced differently in the UK and in the US. In the UK, the prevalent pronunciation is /ˈʃɛdjuːl/ (shed-yool), while the prevalent pronunciation in the US is /ˈskɛdʒuːl/ (skedzh-ool).

What is the American word for holiday?

Vacation isn’t used much in British English, except to refer to a period of time when a university is closed, but holiday is used in American English, where it means a national, legal day off, like Thanksgiving or Independence Day. So, if you’re in America, it’s possible to have a holiday during a vacation.

What is a nap called in England?

A British people use kip to mean either a nap or a longer sleep; it can also mean the idea or act of sleeping, as in “Will you be quiet? I’m trying to get some kip in here!” It can also be a verb: “They kipped down for the night”.

What is the British slang for girl?

Oh, the British! This is the paper you use in the bog, also known as “toilet paper.” This is British slang for a girl or a woman. “Mug” is more specifically London slang and is associated with the cockney accent.

Why do British people say bloody?

In British slang, bloody means something like “very.” That’s bloody brilliant! Things that are literally bloody have blood on them or are made of blood. To bloody something is to cover it in blood: “I will bloody your nose if you say that again!” It comes from the Old English blodig, from blod, or “blood.”.

What do British people call biscuits?

Scone (UK) / Biscuit (US) American do have things called biscuits too, but they are something completely different. These are the crumbly cakes that British people call scones, which you eat with butter, jam, sometimes clotted cream and always a cup of tea.

What do the Brits call pizza?

4 Answers. It’s definitely “peetsa”, both in British and American English. There is no correct alternative pronunciation. If your accent imbues a subtle “d” sound, I wouldn’t worry too much about that and people should be understanding.

What is the hardest word to say?

The Most Difficult English Word To Pronounce Rural. Otorhinolaryngologist. Colonel. Penguin. Sixth. Isthmus. Anemone. Squirrel.

Why do British say F instead of th?

TH-fronting The pronunciation of <th> as a <f> sound in words like thing or as a <v> sound in words like brother is a characteristic feature of London speech spreading across much of South East England and beyond.

What is British word for elevator?

Everyone knows that for the Brits, an elevator is a “lift,” an apartment is a “flat,” and those chips you’re snacking on are actually called “crisps.”Apr 4, 2016.

What are sidewalks called in England?

A sidewalk (North American English), pavement (British English), footpath (Oceanian English), or footway, is a path along the side of a road.

What is a lift in British English?

lift. 2. countable ​Britisha machine that carries people up or down between different levels of a tall building. The American word is elevator.

Is American English easier than British?

Britain has not been immune to the spread of American English, either. Some learners prefer American English because they believe it has fewer regional accents and dialects than British English does, experts say, and therefore is easier to understand and to use.

21 сентября 2018

Не секрет, что американский английский отличается от истинного, британского. Если в Англии мы пойдем в shop, то в Америке это уже будет store. Конечно, вас поймут, если вы используете «неродное» слово для этого региона. Но если вы знаете американские аналоги английских слов, то вы будете намного быстрее пониматься все вокруг и отлично ориентироваться на местности. Мы выбрали самые популярные слова, которые вы можете встретить везде: в аэропорту, магазине, ресторане и просто прогуливаясь по городу.

British English — American English


  • bin – trash can – мусорное ведро
  • lift – elevator — лифт
  • flat – apartment – квартира
  • autumn – fall – осень
  • cooker – stove – кухонная плита, печь
  • tap – faucet – водопроводный кран
  • postal code, postcode – zip code – почтовый индекс
  • dustbin – garbage can, trash can – бак для мусора
  • rubbish – garbage, trash – мусор
  • surname – last name, family name – фамилия
  • holiday – vacation – каникулы, отпуск
  • queue – line – очередь
  • cinema – movie theater – кинотеатр
  • film – movie, film – фильм
  • mobile phone, mobile – cellular phone, cell phone – мобильный телефон
  • bill – check — счет
  • book a seat – reserve a seat – забронировать место


  • trainers – sneakers – кроссовки
  • trousers – pants – штаны
  • pants (трусы мужские и женские) – underpants (мужские трусы)
  • purse (кошелёк) – purse (женская сумочка)



  • shop – store – магазин
  • car park – parking lot – парковка
  • taxi – cab – такси
  • pavement – sidewalk – тротуар
  • pharmacy – drugstore – аптека
  • crossroads – intersection – перекрёсток
  • underground, tube – subway – метро
  • railway – railroad – железная дорога
  • single ticket / a single – one-way ticket – билет в одну сторону
  • petrol – gasoline, gas – бензин


  • biscuit — cookie – печенье
  • chips – French fries – жареный картофель
  • crisps, potato crisps – chips, potato chips – чипсы
  • sweets – candies – конфеты
  • tin – can – консервная банка

Это была первая статья из серии «Британский vs Американский». В других статьях рассмотрим нюансы в написании слов, фонетике и грамматике. Stay tuned! ;)

Британский vs Американский: написание слов  

Британский vs Американский: грамматика   

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Continue Learning about English Language Arts

What is the British word lift mean?

The British word ‘lift’ means the same as the American

Dad word is from British or American English?

The word is so old, that while it did not develop in Britain,
American English undoubtedly inherited it from British English.

What is the British English word for faucet?

The word ‘faucet’ is called a tap in British English.American English also uses the word ‘tap’ for a faucet.

Is the word British a proper noun?

Yes, the word British is a proper noun, a word for the form of
English spoken in the United Kingdom. The word British is also a
proper adjective.

What is the british english word for sneakers?

sneakers = trainers

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

[ eluh-vey-ter ]

/ ˈɛl əˌveɪ tər /

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


a person or thing that elevates or raises.

a moving platform or cage for carrying passengers or freight from one level to another, as in a building.

any of various mechanical devices for raising objects or materials.

a building in which grain is stored and handled by means of mechanical elevator and conveyor devices.

Aeronautics. a hinged horizontal surface on an airplane or the like, used to control the longitudinal inclination and usually placed at the tail end of the fuselage.



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Which sentence is correct?

Origin of elevator

1640–50; <Late Latin ēlevātor, equivalent to ēlevā(re) (see elevate) + -tor-tor

Words nearby elevator

elevate, elevated, elevated railroad, elevated railway, elevation, elevator, elevator music, elevator pitch, elevator shoe, eleven, eleven-plus Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to elevator

How to use elevator in a sentence

  • Never mind that this particular trip involves a drive of only four miles from home and a short elevator ride to our seats.

  • They’re willing to pay, but then the elevator’s completely full.

  • Staircases, elevators, and escalators will be labeled to keep everybody moving in the same direction.

  • Co-workers do not bump into one another on the elevator or in hallways.

  • In terms of load times, elevator rides have been cut down significantly, with the option to skip them entirely to return to gameplay as quick as possible.

  • Everybody is trapped in an elevator together and tempers run a little hot.

  • The figure enters the elevator and is then seen quickly leaving the mall, black cloth flapping behind it.

  • At that meeting, Rice told the Commissioner that he had hit Mrs. Rice in the elevator.

  • Det. Johnson left in an elevator and I found myself alone in the building, save two women in the dispatch center.

  • Yesterday, as I went up and down in the elevator, I could see men working there.

  • They went up in the passenger elevator in the main building of the plant to a sort of glassed-in roof garden.

  • If therefore he should leave elevator shafts, or hatchways unguarded, he would be clearly liable for the consequences.

  • Behind him, a lobby lounger moved over to the elevator boy, jerking his chin in Wilson Lamb’s direction as he asked a question.

  • She took the elevator, which carried her to an upper floor into the region of the ladies’ waiting-rooms.

  • The elevator company must keep on hand enough grain to meet all outstanding receipts.

British Dictionary definitions for elevator


a person or thing that elevates

mainly US a mechanical hoist for raising something, esp grain or coal, often consisting of a chain of scoops linked together on a conveyor belt

mainly US and Canadian a platform, compartment, or cage raised or lowered in a vertical shaft to transport persons or goods in a buildingAlso called (in Britain and certain other countries): lift

mainly US and Canadian a large granary equipped with an elevator and, usually, facilities for cleaning and grading the grain

any muscle that raises a part of the body

a surgical instrument for lifting a part of the body

a control surface on the tailplane of an aircraft, for making it climb or descend

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Сегодня хочу поговорить еще о двух словах английского языка, которые многие постоянно путают — Lift и Elevator. Первое слово нам более привычно, так как мы и по-русски постоянного слышим слов «лифт».  Второе напоминает нам про сельскохозяйственные элеваторы и потому кажется немного странным в городских условиях. Давайте же разбираться, кто из них кто.

Основное отличие — Lift или Elevator

Оба слова обозначают кабину или платформу, расположенную в шахте и предназначенную для подъема и спуска людей или предметов на разные уровни. Поскольку эти слова обозначают одно и то же, их можно использовать как синонимы. Но не всегда и не везде.

Основное различие между этими словами заключается в их использовании.

Термин «lift» используется в британском английском, а термин «Elevator» — в американском английском.

Важно также помнить, что по ту сторону Атлантики понятие «Lift» главным образом используется для обозначения подъемника совершенно определенного типа.

Давайте подробно рассмотрим эти два термина и посмотрим, есть ли разница между ними.

Что такое Lift

С точки зрения жителей Туманного Альбиона, Lift— это машина, которая используется для перевозки людей и товаров на разные этажи в многоэтажном здании.

В Америке для обозначения этой машины используется термин «Elevator».

В Америке термином «Lift» также называют особенно простой подъемный механизм, который обычно устанавливают в частных домах. Например, кресельный подъемник chair lift или лестничный подъемник stair lift— это устройство для подъема и спуска людей по лестнице. Подъемник для инвалидных колясок wheelchair lift — это механическое устройство, предназначенное для перевозки инвалидной коляски и ее пассажира между этажами. Такие лифты могут перевозить только одного человека за раз.

Так что в этом смысле lift имеет более простую конструкцию и меньшую вместимость, чем Elevator.

Что такое Elevator

Elevator— это американский термин, обозначающий тип вертикального транспорта, который перемещает людей и вещи между этажами здания. Как объяснялось выше, британский термин для этого механизма — Lift. Elevator приводятся в движение электродвигателями. Они стали неотъемлемой частью многих новых зданий, так как многие здания многоэтажные. Многие правительства также сделали законным требованием наличие лифта в многоэтажных зданиях.

В сельском хозяйстве термин Elevator = «элеватор» относится к конвейерному устройству, которое используется для подъема материалов непрерывным потоком в силосную башню  или бункер.


В общем, и Lift, и Elevator относятся к механическому устройству, которое используется для перевозки людей и вещей на разные уровни в здании. Но между двумя терминами можно отметить следующие различия.

1) Британский английский или американский английский

  • Lift — британский термин.
  • Elevator — американский термин.

2) В Америке используют оба слова, но:

  • Lift — относительно простой механизм, позволяющий людям с ограниченными возможностями перемещаться между этажами здания.
  • Elevator — это тип вертикального транспорта, который перемещает людей и вещи между этажами здания.
Не пропустите и другие статьи про то, как не перепутать английские слова
  • Как не перепутать Continuous и Continual
  • Вы еще путаете слова Your и You’re?
  • В чем разница между Few и Little?
  • Когда использовать compliment, а когда — complement
  • В чем разница между “Each other” и “One another”

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