Bring home the word

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These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

привезти домой

принести домой

приносить домой

вернуть домой

привести домой

доставить домой

привозят домой

приводить домой

вернуться домой

увезти домой


The souvenirs you bring home are BIG.

А сувениров, которые захочется привезти домой, здесь уйма.

On the other hand, they are buying less food and other goods that could bring home.

С другой стороны, они покупают меньше продуктов и других товаров, которые могли бы привезти домой.

You know, being a modern husband, I can bring home the bacon and wash out the pan.

Знаешь, чтобы быть современным мужем, я могу принести домой бекон и помыть сковородку.

Since the arrhythmia might not occur at the hospital, there are portable ECGs that you can bring home.

Так как аритмия может не возникать в больнице, есть портативные ЭКГ, которые вы можете принести домой.

Everyday your child will bring home a take-home folder.

Каждый день ребенок будет приносить домой рукотворные поделки.

They stay home with the kids while men bring home money.

Они не сидят дома, воспитывая детей, пока мужчины ходят на работу и приносят домой деньги.

That means you bring home about 85,000 dollars after taxes.

Это значит, что вы приносите домой 85000 долларов после вычета налогов.

Hope you bring home the trophy.

Avoid these warning signs, and you’ll bring home a healthy plant, every time.

Избегайте этих предупреждающих знаков, и каждый раз приносите домой здоровое растение.

Before the start was given, quite a few children were certain that they would bring home their very first medal.

Перед стартом немало ребят были уверены в том, что привезут домой свою первую медаль.

By the way, you can buy and bring home original collection of high quality tea.

Кстати, можно купить и привезти домой оригинальную коллекцию высококачественного чая.

Don’t forget to bring an empty suitcase so you can bring home some good bargains.

Не забудьте взять с собой пустой чемодан, чтобы вы могли привезти домой много вещей.

She would often bring home table scraps from the restaurant where she worked to feed to her dog.

Она часто приносила домой остатки еды из ресторана, в котором работает, чтобы прокормить свою собаку.

You go out with the family, bring home a nice dinner.

Not my idea of fun, but maybe she’ll bring home cake.

Не вижу ничего интересного, но, может, она принесет домой торт.

Other children bring home gerbils, hamsters.

Every night I bring home a newspaper.

In addition to the sea of impressions you can always bring home a lot of interesting souvenirs that can be purchased from local artists.

Помимо моря впечатлений Вы всегда можете привезти домой много интересных сувениров, которые можно приобрести у местных мастеров.

«Please let me have a chance to become the best,»so I can bring home the gold.

Пожалуйста, дайте мне возможность стать лучшим и привезти домой золото.

One of the most authentic souvenirs you can bring home is Mdina glass which most shops sell.

Одним из самых подлинных сувениров, которые вы можете принести домой, является стекло Mdina, которое продается в большинстве магазинов.

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  • 1
    bring home to

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > bring home to

  • 2
    bring home to

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > bring home to

  • 3
    bring home to

    1. давать понять

    2. убедить; довести до сознания

    English-Russian base dictionary > bring home to

  • 4
    bring home

    убедить; довести до сознания

    English-Russian base dictionary > bring home

  • 5
    bring home

    2) Сельское хозяйство: пригонять

    3) Дипломатический термин: довести до сознания

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > bring home

  • 6
    bring home to

    1) Общая лексика: убедить (кого-л.) в , давать понять, довести до сознания, убедить, донести до сознания, доводить (что-л.) до (чьего-л.) сознания, уличить , втолковывать , заставить (кого-л.) понять , уличить (кого-л.) в

    2) Макаров: доводить (что-л.) до чьего-л. сознания, уличить (кого-л.) в , втолковывать

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > bring home to

  • 7
    bring home


    показать; продемонстрировать; убеждать

    Англо-русский словарь цитат, пословиц, поговорок и идиом > bring home

  • 8
    bring home

    идиом. фраз. гл.




    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > bring home

  • 9
    bring home to

    убедить кого-либо, заставить кого-либо поверить во что-либо

    уличить кого-либо

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > bring home to

  • 10
    bring home

    (v. phr.) показать; продемонстрировать; убеждать

    Conversation vocabulary and slang. English-Russian dictionary > bring home

  • 11
    bring home the bacon

     зарабатывать деньги

    I’ve got to get to work if I’m going to bring home the bacon.

    English-Russian small dictionary of idioms > bring home the bacon

  • 12
    bring home the bacon


    When I have to bring home the bacon, I hope I have an interesting job — Если уж мне придется зарабатывать на жизнь, то я надеюсь, что у меня будет интересная работа


    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > bring home the bacon

  • 13
    bring home the groceries

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > bring home the groceries

  • 14
    bring home the bacon


    преуспеть, добиться успеха ; провернуть дело [ амер.]

    Now, course, Mr. Eathorne, you’re conservative and maybe you feel these stunts would be undignified, but honestly I believe they’d bring home the bacon. (S. Lewis, ‘Babbitt’, ch. XVII) — Конечно, вы, мистер Иторн, человек консервативный, и, возможно, вам эти фокусы кажутся недостойными, но, честное слово, барыш от них будет еще какой! Я в этом не сомневаюсь.

    ‘…I have never, never failed to bring home the bacon,’ she said slowly… (G. Vidal, ‘The Judgment of Parts’, ch. 8) — -… я всегда, всегда добьюсь своего, — медленно произнесла миссис Пибоди…

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > bring home the bacon

  • 15
    bring home the bacon


       пpeуcпeть, дoбитьcя уcпexa в чём-л.; пpoвepнуть дeлo [

    пepвoнaч. aмep.


    ‘I have never, never failed to bring home the bacon,’ she said slowly (G. Vidat). The firm wants very much to get this contract, and we’re looking to you to bring home the bacon

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > bring home the bacon

  • 16
    bring home the bacon

    earn the living for the family
    обеспечить семью

    He works very hard at several places to bring home the bacon.

    English-Russian mini useful dictionary > bring home the bacon

  • 17
    bring home the bacon

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > bring home the bacon

  • 18
    bring home an issue

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > bring home an issue

  • 19
    bring home hay

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > bring home hay

  • 20
    bring home stray dogs and cats

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > bring home stray dogs and cats


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • bring home — If you bring something home, you explain it or make it very clear …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • bring home to — ► bring home to make aware of the significance of. Main Entry: ↑home …   English terms dictionary

  • bring home to — 1. To prove to, in such a way that there is no way of escaping the conclusion 2. To impress upon • • • Main Entry: ↑home …   Useful english dictionary

  • bring home — verb 1. make understandable and clear (Freq. 3) This brings home my point • Hypernyms: ↑show, ↑demo, ↑exhibit, ↑present, ↑demonstrate • Verb Frames …   Useful english dictionary

  • bring home — v. (D; tr.) ( to make known ) to bring home to (the bombing brought the war home to the civilian population) * * * (D; tr.) ( to make known ) to bring home to (the bombing brought the war home to the civilian population) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • bring home — {v.} To show clearly; emphasize; make (someone) realize; demonstrate. * /The accident caused a death in his family, and it brought home to him the evil of drinking while driving./ * /A parent or teacher should bring home to children the value and …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • bring home — {v.} To show clearly; emphasize; make (someone) realize; demonstrate. * /The accident caused a death in his family, and it brought home to him the evil of drinking while driving./ * /A parent or teacher should bring home to children the value and …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • bring home — verb a) To earn (money) I bring home 10000 dollars a month. b) To make clearer or better understood This brought home the inadequacies of NIH policy regarding informed consent, as well as its continued reliance on the ethical judgment of its… …   Wiktionary

  • bring home — v To show clearly; emphasize; make (someone) realize; demonstrate. The accident caused a death in his family, and it brought home to him the evil of drinking while driving. A parent or teacher should bring home to children the value and pleasure… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • bring home the bacon — {v. phr.}, {informal} 1. To support your family; earn the family living. * /He was a steady fellow, who always brought home the bacon./ 2. To win a game or prize. * /The football team brought home the bacon./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • bring home the bacon — {v. phr.}, {informal} 1. To support your family; earn the family living. * /He was a steady fellow, who always brought home the bacon./ 2. To win a game or prize. * /The football team brought home the bacon./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

Смотреть что такое BRING HOME в других словарях:


bring home: translation{v.} To show clearly; emphasize; make (someone) realize; demonstrate. * /The accident caused a death in his family, and… смотреть


bring home: translation{v.} To show clearly; emphasize; make (someone) realize; demonstrate. * /The accident caused a death in his family, and… смотреть


bring home to — 1) убедить кого-л., заставить кого-л. поверить во что-л.; 2) уличить кого-л. bring home the bacon — 1) зарабатывать достаточно; 2) добиться своего; добиться успеха; оказаться в выигрыше… смотреть


идиом. фраз. гл.


&LT;05&GT; показать; продемонстрировать; убеждать


bring home the bacon: translation
bring home the bacon INFORMAL
► to earn money to live on: »Men were once solely responsible for bringing home the … смотреть


bring home the bacon: translationbring home the bacon
Fig. to earn a salary; to bring home money earned at a job. • I’ve got to get to work if I’m goin… смотреть


bring home the bacon: translationbring home the bacon
Fig. to earn a salary; to bring home money earned at a job. • I’ve got to get to work if I’m goin… смотреть


expr infml
I have to bring home the bacon for five kids — Мне нужно кормить пятерых детей
When I have to bring home the bacon, I hope I have an interesting job — Если уж мне придется зарабатывать на жизнь, то я надеюсь, что у меня будет интересная работа
I have never failed to bring home the bacon — Еще не было ни разу, чтобы я не добилась своего… смотреть


идиом. 1) зарабатывать достаточно 2) добиться своего; добиться успеха; оказаться в выигрыше


1. быть добытчиком, кормильцем; приносить в дом деньги; обеспечивать семью; 2. добиться успеха, оказаться в выигрыше


bring home the bacon expr infml 1. I have to bring home the bacon for five kids Мне нужно кормить пятерых детей When I have to bring home the bacon, I hope I have an interesting job Если уж мне придется зарабатывать на жизнь, то я надеюсь, что у меня будет интересная работа 2. I have never failed to bring home the bacon Еще не было ни разу, чтобы я не добилась своего… смотреть


expr AmE infml
He’s beginning to bring home the groceries — Он начинает зарабатывать на жизнь
I’ve got to get to work if I’m going to bring home the groceries — Мне придется идти на работу, если я хочу зарабатывать на жизнь
I just hope you bring home the groceries — Я надеюсь, что ты добьешься ощутимых результатов в своей работе… смотреть


bring home the groceries expr AmE infml 1. He’s beginning to bring home the groceries Он начинает зарабатывать на жизнь I’ve got to get to work if I’m going to bring home the groceries Мне придется идти на работу, если я хочу зарабатывать на жизнь 2. I just hope you bring home the groceries Я надеюсь, что ты добьешься ощутимых результатов в своей работе… смотреть


bring home to: translationSynonyms and related words:account for, accredit with, accrete to, accuse of, acknowledge, afford proof of, anathematize, app… смотреть


1) убедить кого-л., заставить кого-л. поверить во что-л. You must bring the difficulty home to John. — Джону надо обязательно втолковать, что дело это вовсе не простое. Syn: come home to, drive home to, get home 2) уличить кого-л…. смотреть


убедить кого-либо, заставить кого-либо поверить во что-либоуличить кого-либо


bring home to а) убедить кого-л., заставить кого-л. поверить во что-л. Youmust bring the difficulty home to John. You must bring home to John what thedifficulty is. б) уличить кого-л. The courts are making efforts to lying theircrimes home to the young people.<br>… смотреть

    • See Also:
      • brindle
      • brindled
      • Brindley
      • brine
      • brine shrimp
      • Brinell hardness number
      • bring
      • bring about
      • bring down
      • bring forward
      • bring in
      • bring off
      • bring out
      • bring over
      • bring round
      • bring to
      • bring up
      • bring-and-buy sale
      • bringdown
      • brinjal
      • brink
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WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

home /hoʊm/USA pronunciation  
n., adj., adv., v., homed, hom•ing. 

  1. a house or apartment that is the usual place where one lives: [countable]bought a retirement home in Florida.[uncountable]He left home at six o’clock.
  2. the place in which one’s family life and affections are centered:[uncountable]thinking of home.
  3. a person’s own country:[uncountable]When we were in Uganda, we longed to hear the news from home.
  4. the place or region where something comes from or is most common:[countable]Alaska is the home of Kodiak bears.
  5. headquarters:[countable]The company’s home is in Detroit.
  6. an institution for people with special needs:[countable]a nursing home.
  7. Sport[uncountable] home plate.

adj. [before a noun]

  1. of, relating to, or done or made in one’s home or country;
    domestic:home products.
  2. principal:the corporation’s home office.
  3. Sportplayed in a team’s own area:a home game.


  1. to, toward, or at home:I want to go home.
  2. deep;
    to the heart:The truth struck home.
  3. to the point aimed at:He drove the nail home.


  1. Rocketry home in (on), [+ in (on) + object] to go or move toward a specified target:The missile homed in on the target.


  1. Idioms at home:
    • in one’s own house or place of residence:It was good to be at home again.
    • comfortable;
      at ease:Make yourself at home.
    • well-informed;
      knowledgeable about a subject:a scholar at home in the classics.

  2. Idioms bring home, to make clearly evident: [ + home + obj]:That defeat brought home to the team an awareness that they needed to practice.[ + obj + home]:That defeat brought it home to me.
  3. Idioms home free, in a position assured of success or out of danger or jeopardy:Once we’re past the guards we’ll be home free.

home•like, adj. 

    Note that the word home usually does not take the preposition to:I went home.I started home.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(hōm),USA pronunciation n., adj., adv., v., homed, hom•ing. 

  1. a house, apartment, or other shelter that is the usual residence of a person, family, or household.
  2. the place in which one’s domestic affections are centered.
  3. an institution for the homeless, sick, etc.:a nursing home.
  4. the dwelling place or retreat of an animal.
  5. the place or region where something is native or most common.
  6. any place of residence or refuge:a heavenly home.
  7. a person’s native place or own country.
  8. (in games) the destination or goal.
  9. a principal base of operations or activities:The new stadium will be the home of the local football team.
  10. Sport[Baseball.]See home plate. 
  11. Sport[Lacrosse.]one of three attack positions nearest the opposing goal.
  12. Idioms at home:
    • in one’s own house or place of residence.
    • in one’s own town or country.
    • prepared or willing to receive social visits:Tell him I’m not at home. We are always at home to her.
    • in a situation familiar to one;
      at ease:She has a way of making everyone feel at home.
    • well-informed;
      proficient:to be at home in the classics.
    • played in one’s hometown or on one’s own grounds:The Yankees played two games at home and one away.


  1. of, pertaining to, or connected with one’s home or country;
    domestic:home products.
  2. principal or main:the corporation’s home office.
  3. reaching the mark aimed at:a home thrust.
  4. Sportplayed in a ball park, arena, or the like, that is or is assumed to be the center of operations of a team:The pitcher didn’t lose a single home game all season.Cf. away (def. 14).


  1. to, toward, or at home:to go home.
  2. deep;
    to the heart:The truth of the accusation struck home.
  3. to the mark or point aimed at:He drove the point home.
  4. Nautical, Naval Terms
    • into the position desired;
      perfectly or to the greatest possible extent:sails sheeted home.
    • in the proper, stowed position:The anchor is home.
    • toward its vessel:to bring the anchor home.

  5. Idioms bring home to, to make evident to;
    clarify or emphasize for:The irrevocability of her decision was brought home to her.
  6. British Terms, Idioms home and dry, having safely achieved one’s goal.
  7. Idioms home free:
    • assured of finishing, accomplishing, succeeding, etc.:If we can finish more than half the work today, we’ll be home free.
    • certain to be successfully finished, accomplished, secured, etc.:With most of the voters supporting it, the new law is home free.

  8. Idioms write home about, to comment especially on;
    remark on:The town was nothing to write home about. His cooking is really something to write home about.


  1. to go or return home.
  2. Aeronautics(of guided missiles, aircraft, etc.) to proceed, esp. under control of an automatic aiming mechanism, toward a specified target, as a plane, missile, or location (often fol. by in on):The missile homed in on the target.
  3. Aeronauticsto navigate toward a point by means of coordinates other than those given by altitudes.
  4. to have a home where specified;


  1. to bring or send home.
  2. to provide with a home.
  3. Aeronauticsto direct, esp. under control of an automatic aiming device, toward an airport, target, etc.
  • bef. 900; Middle English hom, Old English hām (noun, nominal and adverb, adverbial); cognate with Dutch heim, Old Norse heimr, Danish hjem, Swedish hem, German Heim home, Gothic haims village; akin to haunt

    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged abode, dwelling, habitation; domicile. See house. 
    • 2.See corresponding entry in Unabridged hearth, fireside.
    • 3.See corresponding entry in Unabridged asylum.

(hyo̅o̅m),USA pronunciation n. 

  1. Biographical Lord. See Douglas-Home. 

bring home‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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Other forms: brought home; bringing home; brings home

Definitions of bring home

  1. verb

    earn as a salary or wage

  2. verb

    make understandable and clear

    brings home my point”

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘bring home’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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