Bride and groom one word

Surinam del Nord

  • #1


is there any single word who contains both the couple «bride and groom», the same way that «siblings» contains «brothers and sisters»?

Thanks a lot.

    • #2

    A man and a woman who seem more or less together are called a couple.

    If they are just married, it’s common to call them the happy couple. The adjective has nothing to do with whether they are happy or not; it just refers to their newly-married condition. They cease being the happy couple once the honeymoon is over, when they become a married couple.

    • #3

    Or you can call them ‘newlyweds’ for an undefined period after their marriage (a year maybe?)

    Surinam del Nord

    • #4

    I thank you a lot. I think the newlyweds will suit. I guess there must be married happy couples as well, at least hope so.


    • #5

    However there doesn’t seem to be a singular word meaning «bride or groom». After the ceremony you can say ‘newlywed’: each newlywed posed for a photograph with the other’s family. But each . . . arrived in a white Daimler? I can’t think of one.

    • #6

    However there doesn’t seem to be a singular word meaning «bride or groom». After the ceremony you can say ‘newlywed’: each newlywed posed for a photograph with the other’s family. But each . . . arrived in a white Daimler? I can’t think of one.

    We were not asked for such a word, Entangled. We were asked for a single word which contains both the couple «bride and groom», the same way that «siblings» contains «brothers and sisters«?

    • #7

    I thank you a lot. I think the newlyweds will suit. I guess there must be married happy couples as well, at least hope so.

    I’m not sure if I was clear. Happy is used in a technical sense in the happy couple. They may easily be miserable, of course.

    • #8

    We were not asked for such a word, Entangled. We were asked for a single word which contains both the couple «bride and groom», the same way that «siblings» contains «brothers and sisters«?

    I think the point was that you can use the terms ‘bride’ and ‘groom’ before the wedding, but you can’t use ‘newlywed’ before the wedding. So effectively a pre-wedding replacement for ‘bride and groom’ doesn’t exist (as far as we can recall).

    • #9

    I think the point was that you can use the terms ‘bride’ and ‘groom’ before the wedding, but you can’t use ‘newlywed’ before the wedding. So effectively a pre-wedding replacement for ‘bride and groom’ doesn’t exist (as far as we can recall).

    But we do talk of a bride and a groom before the ceremony itself. Or we might say the bride-to-be if we wanted to be very pernickety, I suppose.

    • #10

    But we do talk of a bride and a groom before the ceremony itself. Or we might say the bride-to-be if we wanted to be very pernickety, I suppose.

    Exactly. We can say ‘bride’ before the wedding, we can say ‘groom’ but before the wedding we can’t replace these individual terms with a collective one like ‘newlywed’ (unless anyone has any suggestions).


    • #11

    I think we can use «the young couple» before, during and after the wedding ceremony.

    • #12

    Exactly. We can say ‘bride’ before the wedding, we can say ‘groom’ but before the wedding we can’t replace these individual terms with a collective one like ‘newlywed’ (unless anyone has any suggestions).

    The problem is, I think, Gwan, that we understand different things by a collective term. I’d say that we were short of a term to describe the individual in his or her new condition. For me a collective term means a term to describe a collection, i.e. more than one, of something. That’s why I was happy with couple + an adjective.

    Maybe I’m out on a limb in this.

    Surinam del Nord

    • #13

    Well, what I was asking about, and if I’ve been ambiguous it’s because of my limited knowledge of English, is a word that’s suitable just the same for the male and for the female part of a couple.

    Thank you all.

    (So it has to be more with sex or genre than with number.)

    But it has been useful to me to learn how they’re called the couples when getting married.

    And about the happy couple, yes, I got the point. I was just failing to make a joke.


    • #14

    I’m lobbying for ‘the betrothed’ but I don’t think I could convince anyone to use it:)

    • #15

    The problem is, I think, Gwan, that we understand different things by a collective term. I’d say that we were short of a term to describe the individual in his or her new condition. For me a collective term means a term to describe a collection, i.e. more than one, of something. That’s why I was happy with couple + an adjective.

    Maybe I’m out on a limb in this.

    Ah, I see what you mean. Yes, since ‘newlywed’ can be singular or plural it might be playing a bit fast and loose with the meaning of ‘collective’ to call it a collective term. I just meant a term that could equally describe either party (bride or groom) or both.

    ‘Young couple’ works, but of course isn’t specific to married or about-to-be married couples.

    As for betrothed, I think you might be right shawnee, I can’t quite say it to myself without putting on a hammy voice.

    • #16

    Betrothed is perfect.. it works for both sexes and must be prior to the marriage
    changing to Spouse after

    • #17

    Betrothed is perfect.. it works for both sexes and must be prior to the marriage
    changing to Spouse after

    I think this would be true if it was a word in common, as opposed to music-hall, use.


    • #18

    It’s not one word, but wedding couple is a fixed term that can only refer to the bride and groom.


    • #19

    I think those who think «betrothed» is an archaic term need to check current usage.
    Click HERE.
    That looks like more than 100 media examples within November.

    It may be archaic, but then we are inclined to use archaic/traditional language in this context.

    • #20

    «Betrothed» is still pretty archaic and would hardly be used in speech today, especially as a noun. You might say «My sibling has a problem with that» or «My sister has a problem with that» but would be much less likely to say «The betrothed has a problem with that» than you would be to say «The bride has a problem with that.» Also I blame Kate and William for a lot of the recent usage anyway.

    • #21

    I find it jaw-dropping to read that anyone can feel that ‘betrothed’ is not used much today. Looking at the comments I think we should all accept that while some people find it current, there are clearly an equal number who think it’s something akin to ‘gadzooks.’

    • #22

    It’s current in the newspaper, probably in part because it’s shorter to say X and Y are betrothed than to say X and Y are engaged to be married, but it’s rarely used in speech to the best of my knowledge. Probably you hear it about as often as you hear gadzooks though!

    • #23

    I believe I would say «the betrothed» before I would say «my sibling and I».

    How about «fiancé(e)» (the «(e)» is silent), or something like «spouse-to-be» or «newlywed-to-be»?

    Asked by: Carolyn Runte

    Score: 4.9/5
    (33 votes)

    a newly married man or a man about to be married.

    What is the female name of groom?

    A bridegroom (often shortened to groom) is a man who is about to be married or who is newlywed. When marrying, the bridegroom’s future spouse (if female) is usually referred to as the bride.

    Is bride groom one word?

    Senior Member. It’s not one word, but wedding couple is a fixed term that can only refer to the bride and groom.

    What is the meaning of groom’s?

    1 : a man who has just been or is about to be married. 2 : a person in charge of horses. groom. verb. groomed; grooming.

    What is meaning of bride groom?

    A bridegroom is a man who is getting married or who has just got married. Synonyms: husband, groom, newly-wed, marriage partner More Synonyms of bridegroom.

    43 related questions found

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    A bride is a woman who is about to be married or who is newlywed. When marrying, the bride’s future spouse is usually referred to as the bridegroom or just groom. In Western culture, a bride may be attended by a maid, bridesman and one or more bridesmaids.

    What is gender of bride?

    Bride and bridegroom are the feminine and masculine, i.e. these are gender specific words. Bride refers to a female usually and bridegroom to a male.

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    «Groot» is the Dutch word for «large», possibly referring to his stature and ability to grow in size.

    What is the opposite of a bride?

    Opposite of a woman who is going to marry or who has just been married. bridegroom. groom. husband.

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    2. You notice them using or wearing something new, that you didn’t buy for them.
    3. Groomers often aim to isolate their targets from their family or friends.

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    It is quite a common practice for couples to kiss at the wedding. It is, however, entirely optional.

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    What is a bride-to-be called?

    betrothed. nounintended. bride-to-be. fiancé fiancée.

    What do you call a beautiful bride?

    Lose the Word “Gorgeous” & Use These 14 Words To Describe Brides Instead

    • RADIANT. Radiance is all about light glowing from within. …
    • DAZZLING. To be dazzling is to be so bright that it’s almost blinding. …
    • GLAMOROUS. …
    • ELEGANT.

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    The opposite gender noun to spinster is bachelor.

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    One fan theory claims that Avengers: Infinity War revealed that Groot’s real name is actually Tree. Groot is one of the most unique creatures in the cosmos, only able to say three simple words: I am Groot.

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    The four genders are masculine, feminine, neuter and common. There are four different types of genders that apply to living and nonliving objects. Masculine gender: It is used to denote a male subtype.

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    The Old English root of the word ‘witch’ has two forms: wicca, for a male witch, and wicce for a female. ‘Warlock’ is rooted in a different semantic field: ‘oathbreaker, traitor, or devil’. Modern English has lost the explicitly gendered forms of ‘witch’, and attributes the feminine gender to the word implicitly.

    What do you call a male bride?

    A bride is typically attended by one or more bridesmaids or maids of honor. Her partner, if male, is the bridegroom or «groom», and after the wedding, in marriage, is her husband. In same-gender weddings, two feminine participants may both be termed brides.

    There is no single word that is really commonly used. Some might be accurate, but they are so uncommon as to sound strange to some people.

    I would say the most accessible single word is betrothed:

    : engaged to be married a betrothed couple
    // … clasped hands, signifying the bond between betrothed men and women …
    — Mary Feilden
    // For three years she and Emilio Estevez were an item and were even betrothed for a time.
    People Weekly

    : the person to whom someone is engaged to be married
    // … she put on her grey silk gown and her cherry coloured ribbon with as much care as if she had been herself the betrothed.
    — George Eliot

    Used as a noun, the betrothed can refer to a single such person, a couple, or multiple people.

    In terms of commonality, Google Books Ngram Viewer shows that the betrothed is more common than the espoused, the affianced, or the postulants (and note that espouse also has the second sense of supporting a cause, meaning its engaged sense is even less common):

    the betrothed, espoused, affianced, and postulants

    Although the betrothed is arguably the most common and least esoteric of possible phrases with an article and a noun, I’d say it can’t be as natural as just using the bride and groom in the first place (or the brides or the grooms in the case of same-sex marriages), or something like the happy couple where the context is known:

    the betrothed, espoused, affianced, postulants, bride and groom, and happy couple

    bride and groom

    Общая лексика: жених и невеста, жених c невестой

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

    Смотреть что такое «bride and groom» в других словарях:

    • bride and groom — newly married husband and wife, people who are getting married …   English contemporary dictionary

    • Bride and Gloom (film) — Infobox Film name = Bride and Gloom image size = caption = director = Alfred J. Goulding producer = Hal Roach writer = narrator = starring = Harold Lloyd music = cinematography = editing = distributor = released = 18 August, 1918 runtime =… …   Wikipedia

    • bride — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ beautiful, lovely, radiant ▪ blushing ▪ child, teenage, young ▪ new …   Collocations dictionary

    • groom — [[t]gru͟ːm[/t]] grooms, grooming, groomed 1) N COUNT A groom is the same as a bridegroom. …the bride and groom. 2) N COUNT A groom is someone whose job is to look after the horses in a stable and to keep them clean. 3) VERB If you groom an… …   English dictionary

    • groom — 1. verb 1) she groomed her pony Syn: curry, brush, comb, clean, rub down 2) his dark hair was carefully groomed Syn: brush, comb, arrange, do; tidy, spruce up, smarten up …   Thesaurus of popular words

    • groom — 1. verb 1) she groomed her pony Syn: curry, brush, clean, rub down 2) his hair was carefully groomed Syn: brush, comb, arrange, do; informal fix 3) groomed for stardom …   Synonyms and antonyms dictionary

    • bride-price — bride price, bride wealth The money or goods given by the kin of the groom to the kin of the bride on marriage. Although it is sometimes seen as compensatory payment to the natal family for the upbringing of the daughter, it varies in form and… …   Dictionary of sociology

    • Bride kidnapping — Thought to be a bride kidnapping in progress in Central Asia, circa 1870 Bride kidnapping, also known as marriage by abduction or marriage by capture, is a practice throughout history and around the world in which a man abducts the woman he… …   Wikipedia

    • Bride price — Relationships Types …   Wikipedia

    • Courtship, marriage, and divorce in Cambodia — Bride and groom at a Cambodian wedding Contents 1 Early years 2 Courtship …   Wikipedia

    • bride·groom — /ˈbraıdˌgruːm, ˈbraıdˌgrʊm/ noun, pl grooms [count] : ↑groom 1, 1 the bride and bridegroom …   Useful english dictionary

    Недавно я был на свадьбе своего английского друга. Мне понравилось! И я подумал: наверное, было бы полезно написать урок на тему “Свадьба”. Кто знает, может пригодится :)

    Вообще-то, свадьбы в Британии — вторая по дороговизне вещь после недвижимости. Жениться в Англии стоит дороже, чем купить автомобиль. Если молодые люди решили “пройти  вниз по проходу” — walk down the aisle /АЙЛ/ (эта идиома — синоним слова “пожениться”), то в среднем их расходы составят около 20 тысяч фунтов, иначе почти два рублей. Но это — в среднем. А так, как говорится, the sky is the limit — то есть предела нет.

    Итак, давайте для начала проверим, какие слова на тему “Свадьба” вы знаете. Прежде, чем читать далее, пожалуйста, ответьте на несколько вопросов. Если хотите, можете записать ответы — потом будет интереснее проверять.

    1.  Чем отличаются слова  “marriage” и “wedding”?

    2.  Как сказать “на свадьбе”?

    3.  Как сказать “жених” и “невеста”?

    4.  Как по-английски “свидетель” и “свидетельница”?

    5.  Должны ли жених и невеста кидаться чем-нибудь на свадьбе?

    6.  Что такое “civil marriage”?

    7.  Как сказать “золотая свадьба”?


    Или быстро пробежали вопросы глазами и стали читать дальше?

    Конечно, дело ваше, но если есть минутка, все-таки попробуйте, пожалуйста, ответить — это принесет гораздо больше пользы.


    Чем отличаются слова  “marriage” и “wedding”?

    “Wedding” — это сама церемония свадьбы. “Marriage” — это “брак”.

    Например: Vladimir’s marriage lasted for 30 years. — Брак Владимира длился 30 лет.

    Have you ever seen a real Indian wedding? —  Ты когда-нибудь видел настоящую индийскую свадьбу?


    Как сказать “на свадьбе”?

    Кажется, что ответ очевиден: AT the wedding (разве только предлог “at” может вызвать проблемы). Но, как известно, свадьба состоит из двух частей — торжественной и веселой. По-русски первую часть часто называют “регистрация”, по-английски же говорят “ceremony”. А вот веселую часть свадьбы по-английски называют “прием” — “reception”. Поэтому русскую фразу “на свадьбе” иногда можно перевести как “at the reception”.

    Вот примеры:

    Dick met his future wife at his friend’s wedding. — Дик познакомился с будущей женой на свадьбе друга.

    During the ceremony the groom was scratching all the time. — Во время регистрации жених все время чесался.

    All the guests at the reception drank tomato juice. — Все гости на свадьбе пили томатный сок.


    Как сказать “жених” и “невеста”?

    “Жених” по-английски будет “groom” или “fiancé”.

    “Невеста” будет “bride” или “fiancée”.

    “Groom” и “bride” — это жених и невеста только в день свадьбы. А вот “fiancé” и ”fiancée” — с момента, как они решили пожениться, до дня свадьбы — то есть, пока они помолвлены.

    Обратите внимание: слово fiancé (“жених”) пишется с одной буквой “е” на конце, и над этой буквой стоит значок ударения (такие значки часто можно увидеть во французских заимствованиях). А fiancée (“невеста”) пишется с двумя буквами “е” на конце, а значок ударения стоит над первой из них.  Читаются же оба слова абсолютно одинаково:  /фи-ОН-сей/. То есть на слух отличить жениха от невесты можно только по контексту.

    Вот несколько примеров:

    The groom arrived at his wedding in a balloon and the bride came on a skateboard. — Жених прилетел на свадьбу в воздушном шаре, а невеста приехала на скейтборде.

    Sam wants to travel to Milan with his secretary, but he’s afraid his fiancée won’t like it. — Сэм хочет поехать в Милан со своей секретаршей, но боится, что это не понравится его невесте.

    Debbie’s fiancé gives her orchids in jars every weekend. — Жених Дебби дарит ей орхидеи в баночках каждые выходные.


    Должны ли жених и невеста кидаться чем-нибудь на свадьбе?

    Есть два предмета, которыми со времен средневековья традиционно кидаются на английских свадьбах — bouquet /бу-КЕЙ/ (вот вам еще одно свадебное слово, заимствованное из французского) и garter /ГА:-тэ/. Bouquet, как вы догадались, — это букет невесты. А garter — это ее подвязка, которая надевается на правую ногу чуть выше колена.

    Происходит это так: в разгар торжества невеста кидает в толпу свой свадебный букет, а жених — сначала снимает с ноги невесты подвязку, а потом тоже бросает ее гостям. При этом букет должны ловить незамужние женщины, а подвязку — неженатые мужчины. Затем поймавший подвязку молодой человек должен надеть ее на ногу девушки, поймавшей букет. Считается, что именно эти двое будут следующими, кто поженится (не волнуйтесь, не обязательно друг на друге!)


    Как по-английски “свидетель” и “свидетельница”?

    Свидетель — best man, а свидетельница — bridesmaid /БРАЙДЗ-мейд/. В России, как известно, жених выбирает себе одного свидетеля, а невеста — одну свидетельницу. В Англии традиции гуманнее — на каждой свадьбе не одна, а сразу несколько девушек могут быть bridesmaid. А это — особый статус и платье почти не хуже, чем у невесты.  (Правда иногда — но не всегда! — среди bridesmaids выбирается самая главная. Она называется maid of honour /О-нэ/). А вот best man у английского жениха должен быть один. У него много важных обязанностей, главные из которых — хранить кольца, пока они еще не надеты, и произнести короткую, но эффектную речь на банкете.

    Забавная деталь:  “жених”, если помните, по-английски будет “groom”. А другое значение слова groom — “конюх”. А вот “свидетель” — “best man”, то есть “лучший мужчина”. Как говорится, есть над чем задуматься…

    Будьте осторожны: civil marriage — это не “гражданский брак”

    В разговорной речи выражение “гражданский брак” означает, что пара живет как муж и жена, но их отношения не оформлены официально. И я часто замечаю, что студенты переводят фразу “Мы живем в гражданском браке” буквально, слово в слово: “We live in a civil marrage”. Но “civil marriage” по-английски — это брак, как раз-таки официально зарегистрированный в Register Office — британском аналоге ЗАГС.

    Вообще, в английском нет точного аналога фразы “гражданский брак”. Если вы хотите сказать: “Белла и Том живут в гражданском браке”, то лучше всего прозвучит: “Bella and Tom live together but they’re not legally married”.  Но лучше просто не акцентировать внимания на том, официальный брак или нет, — в Европе это не так важно, как в России.


    Как сказать “золотая свадьба”?

    Русские скажут “золотая свадьба”, а англичане — “золотая годовщина” — golden anniversary /э-ни-ВЁ-сэ-ри/.

    Кстати, названия главных дат по-русски и по-английски совпадают полностью: пять лет — деревянная свадьба (wooden anniversary), десять — оловянная (tin anniversary), 20 — фарфоровая (china /ЧАЙ-нэ/ anniversary), 25 — серебряная (silver anniversary), 50 — золотая свадьба (golden anniversary).


    Итак, давайте теперь подведем итог и сделаем упражнение. Сначала — ответы на вопросы

    1.  Чем отличаются слова  “marriage” и “wedding”?

    Marriage — брак; wedding — свадьба.

    2.  Как сказать “на свадьбе”?

    At the wedding. Иногда — если “на свадьбе” значит “на свадебном банкете” — at the reception.

    3.  Как сказать “жених” и “невеста”?

    До свадьбы — fiancé /фи-ОН-сей/ и fiancée (произносится так же). В день свадьбы — bride и groom.

    4.  Как по-английски “свидетель” и “свидетельница”?

    Best man и bridesmaid. Иногда бывает maid of honour.

    5.  Должны ли жених и невеста кидаться чем-нибудь на свадьбе?

    Невеста должна кидаться своим букетом, а жених — невестиной подвязкой. Кто поймает — тот скоро вступит в брак.

    6.  Что такое “civil marriage”?

    Официальный брак (а не гражданский брак)

    7.  Как сказать “золотая свадьба”?

    “Золотая годовщина”  — Golden anniversary.


    А теперь упражнение. Переведите рассказ “Веселая свадьба” на английский, а потом проверьте себя по ключам. Если хотите, чтобы слова лучше запомнились, прочтите ключи вслух, а спустя несколько дней сделайте это же упражнение еще раз.


    Свадьба была замечательная. На регистрации жених флиртовал с пианисткой, которая только что отпраздновала свою золотую свадьбу. На банкете он напился и начал есть букет невесты. Затем свидетельница тайно сняла подвязку с ноги невесты и дала ее свидетелю со словами: “Хочешь стать моим женихом? Наверняка у нас будет счастливый брак!”


    веселая —  merry

    прошла ужасно — was a disaster

    флиртовал с — flirted with

    отпраздновать —  celebrate

    напиться — get drunk

    тайно — secretly

    снять (одежду) — take off

    со словами — saying

    наверняка — I’m sure

    До скорой встречи!

    Anton Brejestovski

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    The wedding was fantastic. At the ceremony the groom was flirting with the pianist, who had just celebrated her golden anniversary. At the reception he got drunk and began to eat the bride’s bouquet. Then the bridesmaid secretly took the garter off the bride’s leg and gave it to the best man saying: “Do you want to be my fiancé? I’m sure we’ll have a happy marriage!”

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