Brand new word meaning

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

The most effective means to keep in mind a brand-new word is to use it immediately so it will stay in your memory.

Лучший способ запомнить новое слово — использовать его сразу, чтобы оно осталось в вашей памяти.

Maybe you want to get creative with your name, but you can’t come up with a brand-new word from scratch.

Может быть, вы хотите проявить креативность со своим именем, но вы не можете придумать новое слово с нуля.

Overall, the interfaces that are brand-new Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc. search quite more comfortable while keeping a ribbon design which will be still too a newcomer to be replaced.

В целом, новые интерфейсы для Word, Excel, PowerPoint и т. Д. Выглядят как-то яснее, сохраняя структуру ленты, которая все еще слишком новая для замены.

Другие результаты

Create a brand new Word document.

| Brand-new words which have not become

неологизмы — новые слова, которые ещё не стали

Exactly like all efforts to improve your vocabulary, it’s beneficial to sustain a diary or set of brand new words on that to refer.

Как и при любых усилиях по увеличению вашего словарного запаса, полезно вести дневник или список новых слов, на которые можно сослаться.

«That was a brand new word back in the 70s,» says Steve.

«Люди думали, что это была сумасшедшая идея«назад в 70-е»», говорит Стив.

Much like every efforts to improve your language, it truly is useful to sustain a diary or list of brand new words to what to refer.

Как и при любых усилиях по увеличению вашего словарного запаса, полезно вести дневник или список новых слов, на которые можно сослаться.

They can really feel comfy because everybody else is additionally concentrating on the lesson, as well as will gradually accumulate the courage to add brand-new words to their vocabulary as well as deal with their enunciation naturally.

Они могут чувствовать себя комфортно, так как все остальные также сосредоточены на уроке и будут медленно наращивать смелость, чтобы добавить новые слова в свой словарь и работать над их произношением естественным образом.

In contrast to them the game Forsaken World is a brand new word in the game world, which is still far from being fully explored.

В отличии от них игра Forsaken World это абсолютно новое слово в игровом мире, который еще далеко не полностью исследован.

This new edition includes thousands of brand-new words and senses, as well as up-to-date encyclopedic information, and extensive appendices covering topics such as countries, heads of state, and chemical elements.

Новое издание, помимо тысяч новых слов и значений, содержит современную энциклопедическую информацию и расширенные примечания, например о странах, главах государств и химических элементах.

Most utterances are brand-new combinations of words, never before uttered in the history of humankind.

Большинство высказываний — новехонькие комбинации слов, за всю историю человечества ни разу раньше не произнесенные.

You can use this data to locate brand-new, related key words, or to build added material based on these terms.

Вы можете использовать эти данные для того, чтобы найти новые и похожие ключевые слова, или создать дополнительный контент на их основе.

First, virtually every sentence that a person utters or understands is a brand-new combination of words, appearing for the first time in the history of the universe.

Во-первых, практически каждое предложение, которое человек произносит или понимает, это принципиально новая комбинация слов, впервые возникающая в истории вселенной.

Brand New documents and Word 2007 (2010) files are conserved in Word Document structure, files of earlier incarnations are conserved in term 97 — 2003 format, rtf files are saved as Text in RTF structure, etc.

Новые документы и файлы Word 2007 (2010) сохраняются в формате Документ Word, файлы предыдущих версий сохраняются в формате Документ Word 97 — 2003, файлы rtf сохраняются как Текст в формате RTF и т.д.

In simple words it is a brand new kind of decentralized electronic currency, which can be used in the Internet only.

Простыми словами, это новая децентрализованная цифровая валюта, использующаяся для расчетов только в сети Интернет.

From the words of Borisov became clear that in the Ministry of Defence in the current time creates brand new structure.

Из слов Борисова стало известно, что в составе министерства обороны в настоящее время создается новая структура.

In other words, all important US carriers have to follow these brand new regulations.

Другими словами, все важные американские операторы должны следовать этим совершенно новые правила.

In other words, a brand new threat to the U.S. Navy in the region.

Иными словами, это новая угроза для ВМС США в этом регионе мира.

In other words, it would have had to make a brand new plane.

Другими словами, пришлось бы создать новый самолет.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 51. Точных совпадений: 3. Затраченное время: 149 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

  • 1

    соверше́нно но́вый; «с иго́лочки»

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > brand-new

  • 2
    brand new

    Персональный Сократ > brand new

  • 3




    (совершенно) новый

    First, lets begin by understanding why individuals are searching out second hand computers in contrast to a brand-new one. — Для начала, давайте разберемся, почему люди ищут подержанные компьютеры, а не абсолютно новые.

    Never buy a brand-new car unless you’re rich. Purchase a slightly used car. — Никогда не покупайте абсолютно новые машину, если только вы не богач. Покупайте слегка подержанную.



    (совершенно) новый; только что появившийся

    They are in the process of releasing brand-new products to the market. — Они в процессе вывода на рынок совершенно новых товаров.

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > brand-new

  • 4

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > brand-new

  • 5

    В настоящее время brand-new обозначает любой новый предмет, которым ещё не пользовались. Сначала это определение относилось только к металлам или предметам, сделанным из металла, т. к. корень его происхождения лежит в староанглийском языке: brand означало факел, а в более широком значении — огонь. Таким образом, brand-new означало «только что с огня», «из горнила», когда металлические вещи светятся, блестят и сияют.

    English-Russian dictionary of expressions > brand-new

  • 6
    brand new

    совсем новый, абсолютно новый

    «ещё с этикеткой»

    We present to you, this brand new album from The Beatles, called «LOVE».

    He was finally able to buy a brand-new car.

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > brand new

  • 7

    с иголочки; новехонький

    I couldn’t afford a brand-new car, so I bought one second-hand.

    In Uncle Tom’s trunk we found a wedding ring, still in its little satin-lined box, still brand-new.

    Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов > brand-new

  • 8

    a совершенно новый, с иголочки, новёхонький

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. fire-new (adj.) fire-new; mint; spang-new; spanking-new; span-new; spick-and-span

    2. new (adj.) different; fresh; new

    English-Russian base dictionary > brand-new

  • 9
    brand new

    English-Russian base dictionary > brand new

  • 10
    brand new

    The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > brand new

  • 11
    brand new

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > brand new

  • 12

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > brand-new

  • 13
    brand new

    English-Russian dictionary of geology > brand new

  • 14
    brand new

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > brand new

  • 15

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > brand-new

  • 16


    совершенно новый

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > brand-new

  • 17
    brand new

    совершенно новый, не бывший в употреблении.

    English-Russian dictionary of terms for geological exploration drilling > brand new

  • 18
    brand new

    Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > brand new

  • 19
    brand new

    (a) совершенно новый

    * * *

    новенький, совершенно новый, с иголочки

    Новый англо-русский словарь > brand new

  • 20

    Новый англо-русский словарь > brand-new


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • Brand New — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Brand New Información personal Origen Merrick, New York, Estados Unidos …   Wikipedia Español

  • brand new — UK US (also brand new) adjective ► recently created, or not yet used: »brand new businesses »a brand new car »The hotels are all brand new …   Financial and business terms

  • Brand New — est un groupe de rock alternatif américain formé en 2000. Leur troisième album The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me a été lancé le 21 novembre 2006. Sommaire 1 Biographie 1.1 Formation 1.2 Your Favorite Weapon …   Wikipédia en Français

  • brand-new — • brand new • bran new adj As new or fresh as when just made and sold by the manufacturer; showing no use or wear. He had taken a brand new car from the dealer s floor and wrecked it. In Uncle Tom s trunk, we found a wedding ring, still in its… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • brand-new — adj new and not yet used ▪ a brand new car ▪ His clothes looked brand new …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Brand-new — a. [See {Brand}, and cf. {Brannew}.] Quite new; bright as if fresh from the forge. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • brand-new — [brand′no͞o′, brand′nyo͞o′; bran′no͞o′, bran′nyo͞o′] adj. [orig., fresh from the fire: see BRAND] 1. entirely new 2. recently acquired …   English World dictionary

  • brand new — c.1570, from BRAND (Cf. brand) (n.). Originally it must have meant fresh from the fire (Shakespeare has fire new) …   Etymology dictionary

  • brand-new — adjective * extremely new: a brand new car …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • brand-new — is the correct spelling, not bran new. The term originally meant ‘fresh like a brand [= burning torch] from a furnace’ …   Modern English usage

  • brand new — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ completely new. ORIGIN with the idea straight from the fire …   English terms dictionary

Brand-new has been used to describe completely new and unused things since the late 16th century. Brand in the word goes back to Old English and referred to a piece of burning wood. Fire-new is another 16th-century word whose meaning is similar to brand-new; it was used several times by William Shakespeare, among others.

Your fire-new stamp of honour is scarce current.
— William Shakespeare, Richard III, 1592

… some excellent jests, fire-new from the mint….
— William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night, 1601

brand new

‘Brand-new’ goes back to the 16th century, as does ‘fire-new’. Both words referred to the newness of an object fresh from the fire, forge, or furnace.

The newness implied by brand-new and fire-new was originally from something being fresh from the fire, forge, or furnace. Today, things that are brand-new are regarded as fresh from the manufacturer.

You may be familiar with the variant bran-new and the synonym span-new. Bran-new was developed in the 17th century, probably because it more accurately reflects the common pronunciation of brand-new—much like how minced meat was eventually altered to mincemeat. The variant has been preserved in literary works—Charles Dickens, Washington Irving, and Mark Twain employed the word—but it is seen infrequently in contemporary sources.

So, the happy schoolmaster put on a bran-new pair of gloves which he had carried in a little parcel in his pocket all the way….
— Charles Dickens, The Old Curiosity Shop, 1841

… his attention was happily called away by the candle-grease from the chandelier … dropping on his clothes. This he loudly complained of, and declared his coat was bran-new.
— Washington Irving, Spanish Papers and Other Miscellanies, Hitherto Unpublished or Uncollected, 1866

We got an old tin lantern, and a butcher-knife without any handle, and a bran-new Barlow knife worth two bits in any store….
— Mark Twain, Huckleberry Finn, 1884

L. Frank Baum also used the variant in reference to the Scarecrow’s brains in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, which makes one stop to think for a second about whether or not the Scarecrow ever got brains from the Wizard or just new cereal bran stuffing.

Hereafter you will be a great man, for I have given you a lot of bran-new brains.

The synonym span-new goes back to at least the 14th century and is from Old Norse spānn, meaning «chip of wood.» Span-new probably developed from the idea of something being as fresh as a newly cut chip. (It is also the source of span in spick-and-span.)

… he forthwith took down from the wall a span-new little saddle….
— William Howitt, The Boy’s Country Book, 1840

Playful combinations of bran-new and span-new can be found in dialectal English—for example, bran-span and bran span new.

The black station wagon was last year’s version of this year’s, and I couldn’t have told them apart, except that they were both obviously bran-span new.
— Madeleine L’ Engle, A Ring of Endless Light, 1980

The Dictionary of American Regional English also documents similar formations with bran-new and fire-new: bran(d)-fire-new and bran(d)-fired-new.

Another word that brand-new has been joined with over time is spanking. Spanking mysteriously appears in the English language around the mid-17th century. It precedes the verb spank by almost 50 years. Initially, the word was used as an adjective to describe things that are remarkable or exceptional in some way.

A table … Whereon she plac’d a spanking dish.
— Thomas Bridges, Homer Travestie, 1767

In time, the word developed adverbial use, which is often found in the phrase spanking new.

Some New Yorkers long to live in spanking new apartment buildings….
— Nicholas Blanford, The Christian Science Monitor, 23 Aug. 2009

It is from that phrase that we have the expression brand spanking new.

Guinness Book of World Records has come out with its brand-new, brand spanking new book.
— Hoda Kotb, speaking on NBC Today, 18 Nov. 2010

Before extinguishing this word history of brand-new, a few more words must be said of its prominent base. The noun brand can refer to a mark made by burning with a hot iron. That sense is only slightly older than brand-new. It first occurs in the mid-16th century and came to refer to an identifying mark burned into the skin of criminals generally to indicate the nature of their crime. The routine branding of cattle or horses originated in the United States a century later, but it should be noted that the practice of branding property in general to designate ownership is older.

In 18th-century trade, brand came to be used for a unique mark impressed on goods to indicate origin or ownership. These brands were commonly burnt on casks of wine and on wooden or metal goods. A century later, the word developed the familiar sense referring to a class of goods identified by name as being the product of a particular maker, as in «What brand are those jean?» or «I’m trying a different brand of soap.» In the early 1900s, the term brand name comes into play, followed by name brand.


Alternative forms[edit]

  • brand-new, bran new, bran-new, brent new, brank new


Most likely from brand in the sense of firebrand (a term often used for the heated, glowing end of a forged tool), implying something that is newly forged (first citation 1570), or less likely from brand as in a branding iron. The first element of the variant bran new, with the post nasal stop deletion common to English (compare the common pronunciation (outside Britain) of hunting as hunning [hʌnɪŋ]), is often back-etymologized as being from bran as if from cases where new items were supposedly “packaged up with unwanted grain (bran) in the 18th century to protect the objects during transit” (source unknown). Both variants are well attested.


  • IPA(key): /ˈbɹænd ˌn(j)uː/, /ˈbɹæn.n(j)uː/


brand new (not comparable)

  1. Utterly new, as new as possible.
    Synonyms: see Thesaurus:new
    • 1570, John Foxe (source OED)
      New bodies, new minds … and all thinges new, brande-newe
    • 1807 Alexander Chalmers — The British Essayists
      two pair of bran-new plumpers
    • 1965, James Brown (lyrics and music), “Papa’s Got A Brand New Bag”:

      He ain’t no drag / Papa’s got a brand new bag

    • 1983, Andrew Farriss & Michael Hutchence (lyrics and music), “Original Sin”, performed by INXS:

      Dream on white boy / Dream on black girl / And wake up to a brand new day / To find your dreams have washed away


  • brand spanking new


utterly new

  • Afrikaans: splinternuut, blinknuut
  • Arabic: please add this translation if you can
  • Azerbaijani: yepyeni
  • Catalan: nou de trinca, flamant (ca)
  • Chinese:
    Cantonese: 全新 (cyun4 san1), 新簇簇 (san1 cuk1 cuk1)
    Mandarin: 全新 (zh) (quánxīn), 嶄新崭新 (zh) (zhǎnxīn), 簇新 (zh) (cùxīn)
  • Chuvash: ҫӗп-ҫӗнӗ (śĕp-śĕnĕ)
  • Crimean Tatar: yapyañı
  • Czech: zbrusu nový
  • Danish: splinterny
  • Dutch: gloednieuw (nl), splinternieuw (nl), spiksplinternieuw (nl)
  • Esperanto: freŝbakita
  • Faroese: spildurnýggjur, brannýggjur, sprænnýggjur
  • Finnish: tuliterä (fi), upouusi (fi)
  • French: flambant neuf (fr)
  • Galician: novo do trinque, novo de todo
  • German: funkelnagelneu, nagelneu (de), brandneu (de), ganz neu, fabrikneu (de), nigelnagelneu (de)
  • Greek: ολοκαίνουριος (el) (olokaínourios)
  • Hungarian: vadonatúj (hu), vadiúj (hu)
  • Irish: úr nua, amach ón deil, (of garment) amach ón tsnáthaid, (of garment) as an bhfilleadh
  • Italian: nuovo di zecca
  • Japanese: 真新しい (まあたらしい, maatarashii)
  • Korean: 완전 새 (wanjeon sae)
  • Latin: recentissimus
  • Norwegian: splitter ny
  • Old English: ælnīewe
  • Polish: prosto spod igły (pl)
  • Portuguese: novo em folha, zero bala
  • Punjabi: ਬਿਲਕੁਲ ਨਵਾਂ (bilkul navā̃)
  • Romanian: nou-nouț (ro) (informal)
  • Russian: с иго́лочки (ru) (s igóločki), но́венький (ru) (nóvenʹkij), соверше́нно но́вый (soveršénno nóvyj)
  • Scottish Gaelic: ùr-nodha
  • Spanish: recién estrenado, sin estrenar, flamante (es)
  • Swedish: splitterny (sv)
  • Telugu: కొత్త కొత్త (kotta kotta)
  • Thai: ใหม่แกะกล่อง
  • Turkish: yepyeni (tr) (absolute superlative), yepisyeni (tr) (humorous superlative)
  • Turkmen: ýap-ýaňy
  • Ukrainian: please add this translation if you can
  • Uyghur: يېپيېڭى(yëpyë’ngi)
  • Vietnamese: mới tinh (vi), mới cóng
  • Welsh: newydd sbon

What meanings might be conveyed by something being called brand new, as opposed to it simply being called new? What’s behind the word brand here?

Daniel's user avatar


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asked Dec 11, 2011 at 23:19

Ollie Glass's user avatar

According to the Online Etymology Dictionary, in Old English the word «brand» carried the meanings of «fire, flame; firebrand, piece of burning wood, torch». The word «brand» comes from the Germanic languages (and Old English was still very much part of the Germanic family) and is still commonly used in modern Dutch and German to mean «fire».

The meaning of «brand new» is thus, as also noted by the Online Etymology Dictionary, «fresh from the fire». I presume the term originally referred to items produced by a smithy, which were molded and tempered by the heat of a fire.

answered Dec 11, 2011 at 23:35

Bjorn's user avatar


2,8851 gold badge19 silver badges19 bronze badges


Etymonline suggests «fresh from the fire».

It seems brand is Old English for fire or flaming; the Dutch word brand still means fire in English.

answered Dec 11, 2011 at 23:27

Henry's user avatar


19.5k3 gold badges53 silver badges70 bronze badges


For this etymology to work, we need to know the approximate date of the first usage of the phrase «brand new.» For all we know, it could refer to new products under copyright or trademark, as in «brand-name» products, as opposed to generic knockoffs, which by definition are brought to market later. According to Google N-gram, usage of the phrase «brand-new» or «brand new» in print begins in 1870 and picks up in the early 20th century. I think the association of «brand» with property seems right, but its origin and and increased use during a period of dramatically increased patent and trademark issues might also be worth considering.

answered May 15, 2014 at 17:58

Paul Burnett's user avatar


The expression brand new just intensifies the idea of new. Obviously it is no longer clear where this image comes from, so you can choose any object that is produced by heating as iron pieces and the like. I have chosen the image of a pottery where the pieces are burnt in an oven.

Compound adjectives of the type brand new where the first element intensifies the simple adjective are not uncommon. Unfortunately I have no representative list to hand, only some examples with stone: stone cold, stone dead, stone still

and with dead: dead right, dead wrong, dead straight, dead flat, dead calm, dead drunk. This adjective is not related with death, but with total. My view.

answered May 15, 2014 at 19:43

rogermue's user avatar


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My conjecture is on the lines of branding rather than brand itself. A hot iron or wooden tool was typically used to brand cattle with an identification, could be to indicate ownership. This leads to the idea that something brand new would be like a new member of one’s cattle just branded.

By extension, a car leaving the production lines gets its gleaming logo (brand) fixed just before leaving for the market: a brand new car!

answered Dec 12, 2011 at 11:16

Kris's user avatar


36.9k6 gold badges56 silver badges158 bronze badges


The association of brand-new with fire is indeed the right one. To support that claim, consider the rarer, yet synonymic expression fire-new.

answered May 15, 2014 at 18:36

Elian's user avatar


42.8k25 gold badges128 silver badges238 bronze badges

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