Brain and word teasers

A brainteaser is a type of riddle that makes one think outside the box. Some brainteasers are easy, some are a little harder, and some can really make you ponder for a while. Often, when you finally hear the answer, you feel ignorant or silly, because it should have been obvious to you. However, brainteasers are fun. Therefore, we keep testing ourselves and hoping we get better at solving them.

Our collection of brainteasers includes brainteasers for kids and for adults. Those for adults have some longer, more complicated brainteasers to challenge your mind. We close with a collection of brainteasers without answers, so that you can test your ability to solve brainteasers.

Related: 203 Fun Riddles for Kids with Answers

Table of Contents

  • 1 Brain Teasers for Kids
  • 2 Longer Brain Teasers for Adults
  • 3 Brain Teasers with Answers
  • 4 How to Find Answers for Brain Teasers
    • 4.1 Brain Teasers with Answers
    • 4.2 Answers:
    • 4.3 Related Posts

Brain Teasers for Kids

Kids love brainteasers, as long as they do not get too frustrated trying to figure them out. Our collection of brainteasers for kids takes that into consideration. Most of the answers are fairly obvious if kids listen carefully and think for a moment. Adults will have fun sharing these with their children, teachers with their students, and kids with their friends.

  • There are three houses. One is red, one is blue, and one is white. If the red house is to the left of the house in the middle, and the blue house is to the right to the house in the middle, where is the white house?
  • You are in a cabin and it is pitch black. You have one match on you. Which do you light first, the newspaper, the lamp, the candle, or the fire?
  • Who is bigger: Mr. Bigger, Mrs. Bigger, or their baby?
  • Mike is a butcher. He is 5’10” tall. What does he weigh?
  • A farmer has 17 sheep and all but nine die. How many are left?
  • How far can a rabbit run into the woods?
  • In a year, there are 12 months. Seven months have 31 days. How many months have 28 days?
  • What are the next three letters in the following sequence?J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, __, __, __
  • Jimmy’s mother had four children. She named the first Monday. She named the second Tuesday, and she named the third Wednesday. What is the name of the fourth child?
  • Before Mt. Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain in the world?
  • Which is heavier? A pound of feathers or a pound of rocks?
  • What is full of holes but can still hold water?
  • A family lives in a large tower apartment building, 10 floors high. Every day their son takes the elevator from the family’s apartment on the 10th floor to the ground floor and goes to school. When he returns in the afternoon, he uses the elevator to get to the fifth floor, and then uses the stairs for the remaining five floors. Why?
  • A plane crashes on the border of the U.S. and Canada. Where do they bury the survivors?
  • I do not have any special powers, but I can predict the score of any football game before it begins. How can I do this?
  • You are driving a bus. At the first stop, two women get on. The second stop, three men get on and one woman gets off. At the third stop, three kids and their mom get on, and a man gets off. The bus is grey, and it is raining outside. What color is the bus driver’s hair?
  • Imagine that you are in a boat, in the middle of the sea. Suddenly, you are surrounded by hungry sharks, just waiting to feed on you. How can you put an end to this?
  • Give me food, and I will live; give me water, and I will die. What am I?
  • Which travels faster? Hot or Cold?
  • When you have me, you immediately feel like sharing me. But, if you do share me, you do not have me.
  • What can you hold without ever touching or using your hands?
  • First, I threw away the outside and cooked the inside. Then I ate the outside and threw away the inside. What did I eat?

Brainteasers entangle the mind of the reader and make him forget his worries, at least for a while. Many adults find brainteasers work well as stress relievers. We have two lists of brainteasers for adults. One has longer brainteasers that are more difficult. The other has normal brainteasers for adults. Try out selection to relax and have fun.

Longer Brain Teasers for Adults

  • A lift is on the ground floor. There are four people in the lift including me.
    When the lift reaches first, floor, one person gets out and three people get in.
    The lift goes up to the second floor, 2 people get out 6 people get in.
    It then goes up to the next floor up, no-one gets out but 12 people get in. Halfway up to the next floor up the lift cable snaps, it crashes to the floor. Everyone else dies in the lift. How did I survive?
  • A man walks into a restaurant and the waiter says, “Good day, Admiral.”
    Why did the waiter call the man an Admiral?
  • I have no voice, yet I speak to you.
    I tell of all things in the world that people do.I have leaves, but I am not a tree.I have pages, but I am not a bride.I have a spine, but I am not a man.I have hinges, but I am not a door.I have told you all. I cannot tell you more.What am I?
  • A man pushes his car to a hotel and tells its owner that he is bankrupt. Why?
  • You are a cyclist in a cross-country race. Just before the crossing finish line, you overtake the person in second place. In what place did you finish?
  • You are in a room that has three switches and a closed door. The switches control three light bulbs on the other side of the door. Once you open the door, you may never touch the switches again. How can you definitively tell which switch is connected to each of the light bulbs?
  • I left my campsite and hiked south for 3 miles. Then I turned east and hiked for 3 miles. I then turned north and hiked for 3 miles, at which time I came upon a bear inside my tent eating my food! What color was the bear?
  • Crime Scene: A large wooden box was built with one door. The door was locked from the inside, and then nailed shut from the inside. The police break into the room. In the middle of the room there is a dead man hanging from the ceiling, with his shoes 3 feet off the ground. The only other thing in the room is a hammer lying in a puddle of water. Can you explain what happened?
  • You are in a cookie factory, and need to make a huge batch of chocolate chip cookies. The recipe calls for exactly 4 cups of sugar. Problem is that you have two buckets. One bucket holds 5 cups, the other 3 cups. Using these buckets, how can you measure exactly 4 cups of sugar?
  • A man is the owner of a winery who recently passed away. In his will, he left 21 barrels (seven of which are filled with wine, seven of which are half full, and seven of which are empty) to his three sons. However, the wine and barrels must be split, so that each son has the same number of full barrels, the same number of half-full barrels, and the same number of empty barrels. Note that there are no measuring devices handy. How can the barrels and wine be evenly divided?
  • An Arab sheik is old and must will his fortune to one of his two sons. He makes a proposition. His two sons will ride their camels in a race, and whichever camel crosses the finish line LAST will win the fortune for its owner. During the race, the two brothers wander aimlessly for days, neither willing to cross the finish line. In desperation, they ask a wise man for advice. He tells them something; then the brothers leap onto the camels and charge toward the finish line. What did the wise man say?
  • You have a 3-gallon jug and a 5-gallon jug. You need to measure out exactly 7 gallons of water. How can you do it?
  • A man is on a game show. He is presented with two doors, one on the left, and one on the right. Behind one is 2 million dollars, and behind the other is a donkey. Choose the correct door to win the prize. There are also two men in front of the doors, and they know which door leads to the millions. One wears a black hat, and the other wears a white hat.The host explains that one of the men is a liar, and will always lie, and the other man will always tell the truth – but you do not know which is which.You can ask only one of the men only one question. What is the question, and which man do you ask to ensure you win the money?
  • Cannibals in the jungle capture three men. The men are given one chance to escape with their lives. The men are lined up and bound to stakes such that one man can see the backs of the other two, the middle man can see the back of the front man, and the front man cannot see anybody. The men are shown five hats, three of which are black and two of which are white. Then the men are blindfolded, and one of the five hats is placed on each man’s head. The remaining two hats are hidden away. The blindfolds are removed. The men are told that if just one of the men can guess what hat he is wearing, they may all go free. Time passes. Finally, the front man, who cannot see anyone, correctly guesses the color of his hat. What color was it, and how did he guess correctly?
  • A man is looking at a photograph of someone. His friend asks who it is. The man replies, “Brothers and sisters, I have none. But that man’s father is my father’s son.” Who was in the photograph?
  • What words are pronounced differently by merely capitalizing the first letter?
  • A man left home running. He ran a ways and then turned left, ran the same distance and turned left again, ran the same distance and turned left again. When he got home, there were two masked men. Who were they?
  • Your dad tells you that he will pay you $6.00 an hour for the 6 seconds that you take to wash your hands before dinner.
    How much did you make for washing your hands?
  • There is a fishing trawler, with a ladder in it, leaning against a wall at the harbor. There are five oars and two fishing nets in the trawler. The distance between two consecutive steps on the ladder is 1 meter. If waves lashing against the wall rise half meter in every half hour, in how much time will six steps of the ladder get under the waves?
  • When young, I am sweet in the sun.When middle-aged, I make you gay.When old, I am valued more than ever.
  • As I was going to St. Ives,
    I met a man with seven wives.Each wife had seven sacks,Each sack had seven cats,Each cat had seven kits.Kits, cats, sacks and wives,How many were going to St. Ives?

Brain Teasers with Answers

Brain Teasers with Answers

Although these brainteasers are not as hard the previous ones, they still present a challenge. These brainteasers prepare you for our last group, where answers are not provided immediately!

  • Guess the next three letters in the series GTNTL.
  • A boy is walking down the road with a doctor. While the boy is the doctor’s son, the doctor is not the boy’s father. Then who is the doctor?
  • I am the beginning of sorrow and the end of sickness. You cannot express happiness without me yet I am in the midst of crosses. I am always in risk yet never in danger. You may find me in the sun, but I am never out of darkness.
  • Joseph and Lena are found dead on the floor with some water around. The windows are open and a strong wind draft is blowing the curtains around. How did they die?
  • What has a mouth, but cannot eat; moves, but has no legs; and has a bank, but cannot put money in it?
  • A man wanted to encrypt his password but he needed to do it in a way so that he could remember it. He had to use seven characters consisting of letters and numbers only (no symbols like ! or <). In order to remember it, he wrote down “You force heaven to be empty.” What is his password?
  • A man condemned to death has the option of picking one of the mentioned three rooms. The first room is a furnace filled with flames. The second has armed men with loaded guns, while the third has lions starving for years. Which one should the man choose?
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger has a long one. Michael J. Fox has a short one. Madonna does not use hers. Bill Clinton always uses his. The Pope never uses his. What is it?
  • A man wanted to work, but he could not log in to his computer terminal successfully. He tried twice, but still his password did not work. He suddenly remembered that the passwords are reset every month for security purposes. So, he called his boss and said, “Hey boss, my password is out of date.”
    His boss replied, “Yes, that’s right. The password is different. Listen carefully. I am sure, you can figure out the new one. The new one has the same amount of letters as your old password, but only four of the letters are the same.””Thanks boss.”With that, the man could correctly log into his station. What are both the new and old passwords?
  • The number 8,549,176,320 is a unique number. What is so special about it?
  • A man is headed to a mountain along with a lion, a goat, and a basket of vegetables. On the way, he needs to cross a river and the boat can only carry two things at a time. If he takes the vegetables, the lion will eat the goat. If he takes the lion, the goat will eat the vegetables. How does he cross the river?
  • Your parents have six sons including you and each son has one sister. How many people are in the family?

How to Find Answers for Brain Teasers

How to Find Answers for Brain Teasers

Brain Teasers with Answers

Now that you have read our collection, here are some good brainteasers without their answers for you to try.

  1. What 5-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?
  2. Find a number less than 100 that is increased by one-fifth of its value when its digits are reversed.
  3. A bat and a ball cost $1.10. The bat costs one dollar more than the ball. How much does the ball cost?
  4. What letter comes next in the following sequence? D R M F S L T_
  5. How many times can you subtract the number two from the number fifty?
  6. In British Columbia, you cannot take a picture of a man with a wooden leg. Why not?
  7. Can you think of a common word that contains double C, double S and double L? Can you think of a second one?
  8. What number comes next in the following sequence? 2 4 8 10 20 _
  9. Without it, I am dead. If I am not, then then I am behind. What am I?
  10. If you wrote all of the numbers from 300 to 400 on a piece of paper, how many times would you have written the number 3?
  11. You are in a place called Jack’s World and there is only one law. There is a mirror, but no reflection. There is pizza with cheese, but not sausage. There is pepper, but no salt. There is a door, yet no entrance or exit. What is the law?
  12. I come in different shapes and sizes. Parts of me are curved, other parts are straight. You can put me anywhere you like, but there is only one right place for me. What am I?
  13. What is black when you get it, red when you use it, and white when you are all through with it?
  14. It goes in dry, it comes out wet, the longer it is in, the stronger it gets. What is it?
  15. I have no eyes, no legs, or ears, and I help move the earth. What am I?
  16. A truck is stuck under a bridge and the driver cannot get it out. A man walks by and stops to help. He easily gets the truck unstuck. How did he do it?
  17. How much dirt is there in a hole that is 3 feet deep, and 6 inches in diameter?
  18. What makes more as you take them?
  19. When can you add two to eleven and get one as the correct answer?
  20. A man went into a party and drank some of the punch. He then left early. Everyone at the party who drunk the punch subsequently died of poisoning. Why did the man not die?


  1. Short
  2. 45 (1/5 of 45 = 9, 9 + 45 = 54)
  3. The ball costs 5 cents. One dollar more than 5 cents is $1.05, the sum of which is $1.10.
  4. D – each letter represents one note in the diatonic musical scale: Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti, Do
  5. After that, you would be subtracting from 48.
  6. You cannot take a picture with a wooden leg; you need a camera.
  7. Unsuccessfully.
  8. 22 (the sequence alternates +2, x2)
  9. Ahead
  10. 120 (100 threes in the hundreds place + 10 threes in the tens place + 10 threes in the ones place)
  11. Everything (each word) in Jack’s World must contain double letters.
  12. A jigsaw puzzle piece
  13. Charcoal
  14. A tea-bag
  15. An earthworm
  16. He let the air out of the tires.
  17. None, because a hole and contains no dirt!
  18. Footsteps
  19. When you add two hours to eleven o’clock, you get one o’clock.
  20. The poison from the punch came from the ice cubes. When the man drank the punch, the ice was fully frozen. Gradually, as the ice cubes melted, the poison was released into the punch.

Brainteasers are popular for a number of reasons:

  • Brainteasers help you improve your concentration and logical thinking.
  • Brainteasers are good for sharing at parties and with friends.
  • Brainteasers are fun!

For additional fun, try making up a few brainteasers of your own. Think of unusual relationships and situations, and then pose them to your family and friends. Brainteasers never get old! Puzzle on!

Susan Mann

Susan majored in English with a double minor in Humanities and Business at Arizona State University and earned a Master’s degree in Educational Administration from Liberty University. She taught grades four through twelve in both public and private schools. Subjects included English, U.S. and world history and geography, math, earth and physical science, Bible, information technologies, and creative writing.

Susan has been freelance writing for over ten years, during which time she has written and edited books, newspaper articles, biographies, book reviews, guidelines, neighborhood descriptions for realtors, Power Point presentations, resumes, and numerous other projects.

Read full bio

Not only is Brain Teasers – solving fun, but it’s also a great way to train and test your brain’s agility. According to the New York Times, “The attraction to Brain Teasers goes far beyond the rush to find a solution. The idea of ​solving a mystery causes the brain to adopt an open and playful mode which is an enjoyable pastime ”.

At Bright Side, we love to solve puzzles, and in this article, we want to share some Brain Teasers that we recently found. We hope you have a good time trying to solve them.

Unconventional questions that will ask you to think unconventionally to get the correct answer. It’s an excellent way to exercise your brain when it seems like your brain needs to be awakened.

Let’s get started!

The World’s Best Brain Teasers

Brain Teasers: Part 1

Q1: How many seconds do you have in a year?

Answer: 12 seconds – January 2, February 2, March 2, etc.

Q2: If five peacocks lay ten eggs in 2 days, how many peacocks will lay 100 eggs in 24 days?

Answer: Peacocks don’t lay eggs. Peahens do.

Q3: How many oranges can you put in an empty container?

Ans: A single orange – If you put an orange, it will not be an empty container.

Q4: When you add two letters, the five-letter word becomes shorter. What is that?

Ans: Short

Q5: You are running in a 5000-meter marathon, and you have beaten the person in second place. Where are you?

Ans: Second place

Q6: What is the reason it is considered illegal to bury a man living in North America in South America?

Ans: It is illegal to bury a man alive when he is alive.

Q7: If five men take about 3 hours to dig three holes, how long will it take two men to dig half a hole?

Ans: There is nothing called a half hole, and it cannot be dug!

Q8: Two girls have played and completed five games of chess. Each of them won the same number of fun, and there was no tie in any game. How did it happen?

Ans: The two girls did not clash and played with different opponents

Q9: A farmer had 20 cows. Due to a contagious disease, all cows except 11 died suddenly. How many cows does he have now?

Ans: 11 cows – ALL but 11 cows died – 11 cows survived.

Q10: You can see a beautiful red house to your left and a hypnotic greenhouse to your right, an attractive heated pink place in the front. So, where is the White House?

Ans: The White House in the United States

Q11: What is at the end of a rainbow?

Ans: The letter W.

Q12: What begins with the letter “t”, is filled with “t” and ends with “t”?

Ans: A teapot

Q13: A girl is sitting in a house at night with no light. There is no lamp, no candle, nothing. Yet she reads. How? ‘Or’ What?

Ans: The woman is blind and reads braille.

Q14: How far can a dog run in the woods?

Ans: The dog can only run in the woods over half the wood – that it would be out of the forest.

Q15: If there are three apples and you take 2, how many do you have?

Ans: If you take two apples, you, of course, have 2.

Next: The Kick-You-in-the-Crotch, Spit-on-Your-Neck Fantastic Friends Quiz

Q16: Beth’s mother has three daughters. One is called Lara, and the other is Sara. What is the name of the third daughter?

Ans: Beth.

Q17: I am tall when I am young, and I am short when I am old. What am I?

Ans: A candle.

Q18: In a one-story pink house, there was a pink person, a pink cat, a pink fish, a pink computer, a pink chair, a pink table, a pink phone, a pink shower – everything was pink! What color were the stairs?

Ans: There were no stairs. It was a one-story house.

Q19: What has hands but can’t clap?

Ans: A clock.

Q20: A train is leaving Halifax, Nova Scotia, heading for Vancouver, British Columbia, at 120 km / h. Three hours later, a train left Vancouver for Halifax at 180 km / h. Suppose there are precisely 6,000 kilometers between Vancouver and Halifax. When they meet, which train is closest to Halifax?

Ans: The two trains would be in the exact location when they meet, so they are equidistant from Halifax.

Q21: What goes around the wood but never goes into the wood?

Ans: The bark on a tree.

Q22: Two mothers and two daughters went out to eat, everyone ate a burger, but only three burgers were eaten. How is it possible?

Years: They were a grandmother, mother, and daughter.

Q23: A cowboy arrives in town on Friday, stays for three days, and then leaves on Friday. How did he do it?

Ans: His horse was Friday.

Q24: You cross a bridge and see a boat full of people, but there is no single person on board. How is it possible?

Ans: All the people on the boat are married.

Brain Teasers: Part 2

Q25: A boy was taken to the hospital emergency room. The emergency room doctor saw the boy and said, “I cannot operate on this boy. He is my son. But the doctor was not the boy’s father. How could it be?

Ans: The doctor was his mother.

Q26: You enter a room with a match, a kerosene lamp, a candle, and a fireplace. Which do you turn on first?

Ans: The match.

Q27: What gets more and more humid as it dries?

Ans: a towel.

Q28: You draw a line. Without touching it, how to lengthen the line?

Ans: You draw a shorter line next to it, and it becomes the longer line.

Q29: A man was outside taking a walk when it started to rain. The man did not have an umbrella, and he was not wearing a hat. Her clothes were soaked, but not a single hair on her head got wet. How could this happen?

Ans: The man was bald.

Q30: What can run but cannot walk?

Ans: A drop of water.

Next: Pop Till You Drop! Can You Dominate These 70 Pop Culture Trivia Questions?

Q31: A house has four walls. All the walls face south, and a bear surrounds the house. What color is the bear?

Ans: The house is on the north pole, so the bear is white.

Q32: Who weighs more, a pound of feathers or a pound of bricks?

Ans: Neither; they both weigh a pound.

Q33: How many months have 28 days?

Ans: Every 12 months.

Q34: Name four days of the week that begin with the letter “t”?

Ans: Tuesday, Thursday, today, and tomorrow.

Q35: Two mothers and two daughters had a picnic consisting of ham, potato salad, and beans. Each person ate only one dish. How is it possible that no one is hungry?

Ans: Picnics are a grandmother, a mother, and a daughter.

Q36: If Sally’s daughter is my daughter’s mother, what should I do to Sally?

Ans: I am Sally’s daughter.

Q37: There are four houses in a row. The Wallaces live next to the Clarks but not next to the Randalls. If the Randalls do not live next to the Lodens, who are the Lodens’ immediate neighbors?

Ans: The Wallaces.

Q38: How many years are there between 5 and 5.

Ans: 9, because there is no year 0

Q39: How can you throw a ball as hard as you can so that it only comes back to you if it doesn’t bounce?

Ans: Throw the ball directly into the air.

Q40: My name is Ruger; I live on a farm. There are four other dogs on the farm with me. Their names are Snowy, Flash, Speedy, and Brownie. What do you think the fifth dog is called?

Ans: Ruger.

Q41: I am an odd number. Take away a letter, and I become the same. What number am I?

Ans: Seven (remove the “s” and it becomes “even”).

Q42: The more you take, the more you leave. What are they?

Ans: Footprints.

Q43: What are the two keys that cannot open any door?

Ans: A monkey and a donkey.

Q44: What invention allows you to look through a wall?

Ans: A window.

Q45: What is full of holes but still holds water?

Ans: A sponge.

Next: 100 Fantastic (and Not-So-Trivial!) Trivia Questions with Answers

Q46: If an electric train is heading east at 60 mph and there is a strong westerly wind, which way is the smoke from the train drifting?

Ans: There is no smoke coming from the electric trains.

Q47: Saying Racecar backwards.

Ans: ‘Racecar upside down.’

Q48: How are dog hunters paid?

Ans: By the pound.

Q49: What never asks questions but is often answered?

Ans: A doorbell.

Q50: What is yours that other people use more than you?

Ans: Your name.

Brain Teasers: Part 3

Q51: What does that mean? I RIGHT I

Ans: Right between the eyes.

Q52: Which five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters?

Ans: Shorter.

Q53: Imagine you are in a room full of water. There are no windows or doors. How do you get out?

Ans: Stop imagining.

Q54: What do the numbers 11, 69, and 88 all have in common?

Ans: Read it the same right side up and upside down.

Q55: What word has the same meaning backward and backward?


Q56: A boy fell from a 30-meter ladder without being injured. Why not?

Ans: He fell from the last step.

Q57: Adding only, how do you add eight 8’s and get the number 1000?

Ans: 888 + 88 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 1000.

Q58: I have a giant piggy bank, 48 centimeters square and 42 centimeters high. Approximately how many coins can I put in my empty piggy bank?

Ans: Just one, after which it won’t be empty anymore.

Q59: Who travels faster? Hot or cold?

Ans: Hot is faster ‘coz you can catch a cold.

Q60: What has a mouth but cannot eat, what moves but has no legs, and what has a bank but cannot put money in it?

Ans: River

Next: The office trivia questions

Q61: Guess the following three letters in the series.


Ans: I, T, S – the first letter of each word in the sentence.

Q62: A boy is walking on the road with a doctor. Although the boy is the doctor’s son, the doctor is not his father. So who is the doctor?

Ans: The doctor is the boy’s mother.

Q63 A death row inmate has the option of choosing one of the three chambers mentioned. The first room is an oven filled with feeding flames, and the second has men armed with loaded guns, while the third has lions hungry for years. Which one should a man choose?

Ans: The third room, because the lions starved for years, would have died long ago

Q64: Arnold Schwarzenegger has a long one. Michael J. Fox has a short one. Madonna doesn’t use hers. Bill Clinton still uses his. The Pope never uses his. What is that?

Ans: Last name

Q65: I first threw out the outside and cooked the inside, then I ate the outside and threw the knowledge out; what did I eat?

Ans: Corn on the cob

Q66: When you have me, you immediately want to share me. But if you share me, you don’t have me.

Ans: A secret

Q67: Joseph and Lena are found dead on the ground with water. The windows are open, and a strong wind blows the curtains. How did they die?

Ans: Joseph and Lena were goldfish. The wind knocked over their bowl, killing them!

Q68: A man stuck in a closed room with only two doors. One leads to a fire-breathing dragon, while the other leads to a room consisting of a magnifying glass. Whoever dares to enter is charred before even realizing it. How does he escape?

Ans: He will wait until nightfall and come out of the glass room!

Q69: What can you hold without ever touching or using your hands?

Ans: Your breath!

Q70: I am the beginning of sorrow and the end of illness. You cannot express happiness without me, but I am in the middle of the cross. I am always in danger but never in danger. You can find me in the sun, but I never come out of the darkness.

Ans: Letters

Q71: There is a hanged man in a room and only a puddle on the ground. There is nothing else around, no chair, no table, nothing. How did he hang himself?

Ans: He climbed on an ice cube and hung a rope around his neck, then the ice cube melted.

Q72: A peasant woman has seven daughters.
One day she will pick apples, but she likes only 5.
However, she manages to share them equally between her seven daughters. Ow, did she do it?

Ans: She made compote!

Q73: For me:

Childbirth is before pregnancy.
Childhood is before birth.
Adolescence is before childhood.
Death is before life … Who am I?

Ans: I am a dictionary.

More Riddles

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75 Short Riddles // 40 Emoji Riddles // 172 Riddles for Kids
154 Trick Questions // 154 Funny Riddles // 73 Brain Teasers
82 Hard Riddles // 73 Dirty Riddles // 73 What Am I Riddles // 37 Egg Riddles

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These visual brain teasers are for adults, kids, and everyone in between. Start exercising right now or download our visual brain teasers printable for a rainy day!

Visual Brain Teaser

Find the Path Brain Puzzle

Bip Bip! Can you tell which scooter will reach the gas station? 🛵

To find the right answer, you need to be very careful. Focus and solve it!

If you follow the road path, you will see that only B can reach the gas station.

So, the answer is B!

Explore MentalUP Educational Games to solve more brain teasers!


Do You Like Brain Teaser Games? Try This!

Try to Solve This Brain Teaser!

Can you find the right lock? Help the pirate to collect the treasure! 🔐

It was a great brain teaser for treasure hunters!

The key fit only the lock of chest number 4.

You need to think out of the box for solving this one.

For more brain teaser games that will develop your abilities:


Math Brain Teaser

Math Brain Teaser

Which balls should you put in the hole in order to total 30? 🎱

This is an easy visual brain teaser that maths brain teaser lovers can solve easily.

This math brain teaser cannot be solved mathematically. This is because the sum of three odd numbers cannot be an even number. Don’t forget that!

What you need to measure here is your attention!

If you place balls 11 and 13 into the holes, you get 24.

Then, if you put ball 9 upside down in the hole, you get 24 + 6 = 30.

Do you like interesting math brain teasers?

Don’t skip without visiting MentalUP’s other math brain teasers.


Which Glass Gets Full First?

Which Glass Gets Full First?

Kids gonna love this picture brain teaser! Just they need to concentrate and think about which glass will be filled first! 🥛

Glass 5, 6, and 7 are not possible as there is a blocked connection.

Now, as the connection to 3 is lower than that of 2, it will first while the rest milk glasses will remain empty.

The answer is 3!

You can solve more brain teasers to boost your skills instantly.


A Bird’s Eye View Puzzle Question

A Bird’s Eye View Puzzle Question

Which one is the air view of the tower on the left? 👀

  • First of all, let’s look at the picture on the left. The top layer is orange. Here, we can eliminate option C directly.
  • The purple layer underneath will not be visible because it is the same size as the top one.
  • The small circle below will not be seen from the top of the mold.
  • Beneath the small orange circle is a large purple circle. This is the second circle that will appear after the initial orange circle and will appear as a thin purple line.
  • A slightly larger orange circle than the purple one is just below it. This will appear on the outside as the largest circle in our painting.

Therefore, the answer to this question is A.

Puzzle questions open up your horizon. You will do better on short notice.


Shadow Picture Brain Teaser With Answer

Shadow Picture Brain Teaser With Answer

Which shadow corresponds to the image on the left? 🐓

The A option looks like a pelican. Hence, option B doesn’t look like a rooster; we can eliminate it too. If you look at option C carefully, then you might guess that it must be a duck.

You did it, didn’t you? Congrats.

So, the correct answer is D.

If you like picture brain teasers with answers, MentalUP offers you lots of alternatives.


Visual Brain Teaser

Visual Brain Teaser

View the blocks on the left from the orange point and direction of the arrow. Which image on the right is the correct view? 🧱

Now, let’s answer the question step by step.

We start at the orange spot and look at the blocks. There are four blocks at the base.

There are two blocks on the right on the top floor. This eliminates option C. If we go up one more floor, we see only the second block on the right.

So, the answer is D.

Visual brain teasers boost your visualization, creativity, and logic skills. You can continue solving them.


Brain Teaser with Answer

Brain Teaser with Answer

Which way is the bus going? 🚌

Here is a tip for you: This is a bus in the U.K

You need to read the tip very carefully for solving this brain teaser.

As it says, the bus in the U.K. We know their traffic goes in the other direction and it is different from our roads.

The right answer is to be LEFT.

Do you like solving tricky questions like this one? Then you are lucky.


Try to Solve This Brain Teaser!

Try to Solve This Brain Teaser!

How many squares are there on the chessboard? ♟

This one needs mathematical intelligence and logic skills. But we are sure that you can have the right answer, don’t forget to focus.

8×8:1, 7×7:4, 6×6:9, 5×5:16, 4×4:25, 3×3:36, 2×2:49, 1×1:64

There are 204 squares on a chessboard.

All the people from different age groups that include both children and adults should improve their abilities to be used in these kinds of questions.


Who is Left-Handed Brain Teaser

Who is Left-Handed Brain Teaser

Can you guess who is left-handed and why? 🧐

Before you start to solve this brain teaser, you need to think carefully.

It’s irregular to serve drinks with the left hand for a right-handed person.

So, the answer is 5.

If you like to solve entertaining and developing brain teasers, you can benefit from MentalUP’s extensive compilation.


It’s For Brain Teaser Lovers!

brain teasers puzzles

Can you clear the traffic by removing one car? 🚦️

To solve this brain teaser, you should think carefully. If you do this, you can definitely find the answer.

Did you have a guess?

Of course, the answer is number 2! Because when you take it, all the issues will be disappeared.

When you start to solve fun and improve brain teasers daily, your logic, memory, and focus skills will boost on short notice.


Show Us How Good You Are at Mind Teasers!

mind teaser

Find the missing part for each building! 🏗️

It was an easy puzzle! We hope you find the answers.

When you are solving this puzzle, you need to concentrate and observe. Don’t be impatient not to be tricked.

Here they are:

mind teaser

Mind teasers like this one support your whole life.

Both kids and adults need to cerebrate to have more powerful abilities. MentalUP offers you lots of options to do this.


A Great Brain Teaser With Answer

brain teaser with answer

How many people do you see? 🤔️

You need to count the people to solve this funny brain-teaser carefully.

Did you count? Well. There are actually 39 people.

We trust you on this.

But if you want to solve these brain teasers easily in a short span of time, you need to practice on a regular basis.


Try to Solve This Mind Teaser to Learn How Smart You Are!

mind teaser

Can you find the missing piece? 🧩️

Do you think you are smart enough to solve hard questions?

Then you need to start thinking about the solution.

The missing piece is waiting for you to find it.

The cube in the upper right is the correct answer!

Maybe it has been hard for you to solve this brain teaser and you feel a little disappointed.

But you don’t have to be like that, MentalUP will give you a chance to develop all your mental abilities and skills.


Visual Brain Teasers with Answers

These visual brain teasers are for adults, kids, and everyone in between. Start exercising right now or download our visual brain teasers printable for a rainy day!

Mind Teaser Game

Mind Teaser Game

Look at the picture and name the colors in order. One color perfectly matches its name. Which word is it? 👨‍🎨👩‍🎨

Trust yourself and start working on this mind teaser.

Did you say the names of the colors correctly?

Green, grey, purple, red, blue, yellow, pink, black, pink, orange, turquoise, and brown.

The right answer is to be BLUE.

Hundreds of different brain teasers are waiting for in the certified educational game app MentalUP.


Tricky Blocks Math Brain Teaser

math brain teaser

Come closer and look at the picture! Can you find the missing number?

It was as easy as one-two-three. We hope you find the correct answer quickly!

The answer is 9 because the sum of the three numbers on each die equals the number written below it.

If you concentrate on the answer, you will definitely see it has been easy as a pie.

If you want to stay young, you should improve your memory and logic skills.

For this purpose, you just need to download MentalUP and start using it.


Brain Teaser Question with Answer!

Brain Teaser Question with Answer!

Read the question and try to find the right answer! It will be fun!

People buy me to eat, but Never Eat me…

Hint: We use this magic word every day.

The right answer for this brain teaser question is easy. It is a plate!

Because we always use it for eating, but ironically we can not eat these kinds of things.

Tricky brain teaser questions are sometimes bothersome for you. But if you continue to solve them, they become no longer troublesome for you.


Try to Find the Different One!

Try to Find the Different One!

For solving this brain teaser question, you need to look at the light bulbs and find out the different one.

Did you look at the light bulbs and guess the answer? We know you can do it.

The right answer is to the light bulb numbered 1!

Because it has a little black line on it. To see it, you need to have eagle eyes.

Do you know that you can empower your hand-eye coordination regardless of your age?


Brain Teaser of The Blue House

Brain Teaser of The Blue House

There is a blue single-story house and, everything is blue, the doors are blue, the windows are blue, and the TV is blue. What color are the stairs?

The answer is a little tricky but, you are smart enough to solve it.

If you are curious, there are no stairs in a single-story house.

These kinds of tricky questions are always fun because they are bone-jarring brain teasers.

If you like to solve out-of-ordinary brain teasers, you are in the right place.

MentalUP, which is designed by academicians and experts for this purpose, provides you with dozens of extraordinary games and exercises.


Find out The Common Ground!

Find out The Common Ground!

It’s a simple but really funny brain teaser! What is the common ground of these images?

Try to think out of the box!

This question can seem appropriate for dull people, but it is a really entertaining and developing one.

The answer is to RED!

When you look at all the pictures, you can see all of them include the color red!

If you want your kids to play educational games both for having fun and developing, you can benefit from our certified app that is created personally according to all the age groups who will use it.


Crazy Fruits Picture Brain Teaser

picture brain teasers

Some fruits are different from others. Can you find 7 differences?

This picture brain teaser can be a little weird for you. If you like to push your limits, you can use it.

We are sure that you’ve guessed the differences as they should be.

You can see them here!

picture brain teasers

MentalUP offers both kids and adults lots of picture brain teasers that will boost visual skills instantly.


Try to Find the Hidden Animals!

picture brain teasers

Animals are hidden in the magical forest. They need help. Can you find them?

In this brain teaser, we have lots of crazy animals, and you need to find these naughty ones.

Did you find the hidden animals correctly? Alligator, Butterfly, Camel, Rabbit, Cobra, Deer.

Here is the answer:

picture brain teasers

If you like to solve brain puzzles that include crazy and cute animals, you are so lucky because we have good news about it.


What are the Colorful Houses Trying to Tell Us?

What are the Colorful Houses Trying to Tell Us?

There is a green house. Inside the green house, there is a white house. Inside the white house, there is a red house. Inside the red house, there are lots of babies. What is it?

You found the answer quickly, didn’t you?

Of course, it is a watermelon! 🍉

Because watermelon fruit that almost all of us love is just like that.

You can train your brain with these kinds of fun gamified exercises.


Funny Family Photograph Brain Teaser

Funny Family Photograph Brain Teaser

A man, while looking at a photograph, said, «Brothers and sisters have I none. That man’s father is my father’s son.» Who was the person in the photograph?

This brain teaser is a little confusing, but if you push your mind enough, you can make it.

The answer is to the man’s son.

If you are curious about why you should track the family tree carefully.

Don’t you want to boost your skills with entertaining brain teasers? Also, you can track your progress and start to feel the difference in a short while with MentalUP.


Use Your Loaf and Find the Answer!

Use Your Loaf and Find the Answer!

I exist only when there’s light, but direct light kills me. What am I? ☀️

If you start to think out of the box, you can find the right answer immediately.

It is very easy. Probably, you’ve found it before reading the answer.

The answer is SHADOW!

Are you interested in developing your mental abilities by challenging your mind?

Multi-awarded educational games app MentalUP is tailored for you.


Brain Teaser for Travellers!

Brain Teaser for Travellers!

Do you know what can travel around the world while staying in a corner? 🌍

Do you like traveling? Then you need to join this quest by solving a special brain teaser.

The answer is to be a stamp, as you can guess!

We know that all the travel lovers have said it out loud!

You can train with different mind puzzles and brain teasers that are designed especially according to your interests.


Picture Brain Teasers with Answers

These picture brain teasers are appropriate for all the people who are sharp-eyed. Be ready to both have fun and develop your skills. Also, you can download these brain teasers!

Funny Squares Picture Brain Teaser

Funny Squares Picture Brain Teaser

You need to focus efficiently because this brain teaser is challenging for your mind!

Can you find how many squares you see in the picture?

If you’ve counted carefully, you definitely could find the right answer.

The answer is 17 squares, including 6 small, 6 medium, 3 large, and 2 very large ones.

You can see and count all the squares in the picture by focusing on the lines.

When you start to practice with mental exercises like this one, your logical thinking skills that will support you in your daily life will boost instantly.


Try to Solve the Mystery!

Try to Solve the Mystery!

You read the story. Now it is time to answer the mysterious question!

What color was the bear?

You need to be careful about something important here: the bear was white!

The only place you can hike 3 miles south, then east for 3 miles, then north for 3 miles, and end up back at your starting point is the North Pole.

There are only polar bears in the North Pole, which are white.

Do you like solving mysteries to train your brain by having fun at the same time?

Then, you can continue without slowing down with MentalUP.


The Brain Teaser Appropriate for Film Lovers

The Brain Teaser Appropriate for Film Lovers

We described a famous movie with modern emojis! Can you guess what this movie is?

Hint: It is a classic kids’ story in the meantime.

Do you like watching classical movies? Then you will definitely find the right answer.

The right answer is Cinderella!

The pumpkin, mice, elegant dress, and shoes remind us of that.

If you love picture puzzle questions like this or you want to have fun together with your kids by using these fun brain teasers, you can find hundreds of different options in our app.


Crazy Rabbits on The Snow

Crazy Rabbits on The Snow

Crazy rabbits love to run on the snow. They are playin near the train rails.

Can you count them? Tell us what your answer is!

It is time for you to train your brain and improve your mental skills.

Did you count all of them? We know you could do it.

The answer is 20. There are 20 rabbits in total.

You can find dozens of brain puzzles and hundreds of mind games that will glorify your memory, concentration, and mathematical skills in MentalUP.


The Farmer Needs Your Help!

The Farmer Needs Your Help!

Do you think how the farmer can bring the wolf, the goat, and the cabbage across the river?

If you want to help our farmer who is in trouble, you need to think carefully and decide wisely.

The answer is to be like this:

  1. Take the goat.
  2. Return the shore.
  3. Take the cabbage.
  4. Return with the goat.
  5. Take the wolf.
  6. Return the shore.
  7. Take the goat.

Do you like brain teasers that develop your decision-making skill? MentalUP is tailored for this purpose.


Entertaining Christmas Picture Brain Teaser

Entertaining Christmas Picture Brain Teaser

If a lion had a Christmas music album, what would it be called?

You can solve it if you are a genius or a real music lover!

Did you look at our picture brain teaser by concentrating on it? Unless you do that, it can be very hard for you to find the right answer.

The answer is to be Jungle Bells!

Because we have a lovely lion family that is at Christmas time. They need to celebrate this special holiday with an appropriate song like this one.

MentalUP is designed to improve the mental skills of both kids and adults.

You can try hundreds of alternatives according to your age and level.


Tricky Brain Teaser for Smart Ones!

Tricky Brain Teaser for Smart Ones!

Do you think which one is heavier? A pound of feathers or a pound of rocks? ⚖️

We have feathers and rocks. You need to think wisely to find the correct answer.

If you said NEITHER, you would be correct. Because both weigh a pound!

Maybe, it can be shocking for you but almost all the objects’ weight will be equal when they are the same size.

Do you want to boost your mathematical and logic skills when you are having fun?

For more brain teasers that develop your abilities, you can download MentalUP.


Tricky Dice Brain Teaser

Tricky Dice Brain Teaser

If we move the dice to the point where there is a red arrow, what will be the number on the top? 🎲

We hope you are good at mathematics because you need to know the basic knowledge of arithmetic for solving this one.

You can use paper and a pen to find the right answer easily.

The sum of the two opposite of the dice is 7.

In this case, the answer is 3.

If you want your kids to be more successful in their school life, you can use the educational game app MentalUP that offers them learning exercises.


Play with The Magical Matches and Reach the Answer!

Play with The Magical Matches and Reach the Answer!

You need to remove 8 matches to form 2 non-touching squares.

When you are solving this brain teaser, you need to be careful.

Easy peasy! Just remove the 8 intermediate matches. That’s all you need!

If you do this, you will form two perfect squares.

Here is the answer:

brain teaser with answer

If you like to train your brain with interesting questions, you can try MentalUP.

There are hundreds of brain teasers with answers in them that will develop you.


Guess the Right Colors and Be a Hero!

Guess the Right Colors and Be a Hero!

You need to look at the picture of this cube carefully and then answer our question.

When the below shape is folded into a cube, what colors will the opposite faces be? 🎲

Colorful questions are always more fun to solve for both kids and adults.

The colors of reciprocal squares need to be just like that:

Yellow-Red / Blue-Purple / Green-Pink.

You can solve entertaining brain puzzles by learning at the same time.

Limitless options are waiting for you.


Math Brain Teasers with Answers

Are you ready for our math brain teasers? If you are good at numbers, start exercising now, or you can also download them for a boring day!

Math Puzzle Brain Teaser

Math Puzzle

View the picture carefully because we have a logical question for you. Do you think how much a car costs?

Math puzzles with answers are specially designed for people who are interested in numbers.

Could you do the math? Then you are a real brain teaser expert.

The answer is 3500.

If you are good at mathematical questions, don’t skip without visiting our math puzzle brain teasers that are one more beautiful than the other.


Find The Answer and Prove Your Math Skills!

math brain teaser

You need to move only three circles and turn the image upside down! What are these circles?

When you are solving this one, you need to consider it from a different angle.

The answer is 1, 7, and 10.

Because when you move them, the image will be upside down as it needs to be.

math brain teaser

If you want to solve more brain questions like this one by yourself or with your loved ones, MentalUP is tailored just for you.


Brain Teaser for Sudoku Lovers

sudoku brain teaser

Fill the blanks with numbers from 1 to 9. You can use the numbers more than ones. The important thing is to reach the same sum vertically and diagonally.

If you have a regular sudoku practice, you will solve this one easily.

Did you find the answer? Congrats.

Then you just need to fill the blanks with the right numbers.

sudoku brain teaser

Do you like sudoku or math puzzles, then try our other fun alternative to spend your time effectively.


Labyrinth Escape Brain Teaser with Answer

brain teaser with answer

Nobody ever wants to be stuck in a labyrinth. There is just one way out, and it is between room 13th and 4th.

What is the path we need to take?

Imagine you are in this labyrinth and you need a way out.

Then solve this brain teaser by bearing it in your mind.

Could you find the way out? We know you are smart enough.

Here it is:

brain teaser with answer

MentalUP determines your weak and strong brain activities with gamified tests to help you to develop your skills with daily exercises.


Try to Answer Delicious Egg Question

easy brain teaser

Look at the picture, read it carefully, and try to answer the question about our delicious eggs!

Is it so easy for you? So you’ve obviously answered it right. Superb!

The answer is to be 4 eggs!

Because when an egg is eaten, it is disappeared but even if you break one, it still exists.

You can develop your mental skills such as logic, memory, and focus with MentalUP’s entertaining brain teasers.


Count Trapped Animals and Save Them

animals brain teaser

Can you count the trapped animals to save them? Then be quick and tell us the right answer!

Are you a real animal lover? Then it is time for you to show it.

There are 17 animals in total. Did you find it? Thank you for saving them.

You can see them all here:

animals brain teaser

With the certified app MentalUP, you can improve in a short time by having fun at the same time and tracking your progress during this process.


Equation Brain Teaser

math brain teaser question

Can you solve this fun equation?

You need to be good at mathematical equations to find the right answer.

But we know you will make it.

The answer is to be 1 because the yellow square is 2 and the blue circle is 1.

Do you want to solve more mathematical brain teasers? Then you are very lucky.


Geometric Shapes Brain Teaser

Geometric Shapes Brain Teaser

Can you tell what the question mark will be replaced with?

To solve this one, you need to find the numerical values of all the shapes.

Then you can find the right answer on short notice.

We’re sure that you can make it!

The answer is A.

If it has been hard for you to find the answer, you should definitely train your brain by developing your mathematical skills. We have lots of options for this purpose according to your interests.


Logic Brain Teasers with Answers

Do you want to solve logic brain teasers to have fun and develop your skills? Then you can find lots of them here and also you can download them for exercising.

Silent Motion Pictures Brain Teaser

mind brain teaser

Let’s play silent motion pictures! Can you guess the movie in the picture?

Do you know much about movies? Then you totally would make it.

This logic brain teaser’s answer is to be Eat Pray Love!

Because you see the iconic concepts of the movie here such as cutlery, a heart full of love, and praying hands.

You can continue to empower by solving intellectual brain teasers. Dozens of different questions are ready for you to have fun and learn.


Magical Bird Mind Brain Teaser

mind brain teaser

Can you find out which picture is the shadow of our magical bird?

Don’t forget that you need to choose the exact match!

The right answer is to be the fifth shadow. Because it fits the bird like a glove.

You can see it by yourself if you look carefully.

Explore MentalUP Educational games to solve more brain teasers like that one!


Solve The Problem and Show How Smart You Are!

mind brain teaser

Can you cut the shape into equal size images using

  1. Two Lines
  2. One Line

To solve this one you may need some paper and a pen.

If you draw this and cut it into equal size, you can see how many lines you have to use!

Could you decide what you will do? Then let’s look at the answer:

problematic brain teaser

MentalUP offers you lots of fun brain teasers and improving educational games according to your age group and level. In this way, your mental abilities will be boosted.


Friendly Dogs Brain Teaser

brain teaser with answer

The friendly dogs are hungry. They will drink milk.

Do you think which one will drink the milk first?

Along with good logical skills, you also need good observation skills to solve this brain teaser.

If you see the image closely, you will see that all other pipes are blocked somewhere or the other.

So the answer is to be the dog numbered 2.

If you want to solve more tricky brain teasers to have fun with your family, you need to give a chance to MentalUP which provides you with hundreds of learning exercises.


Find Out The Stranger Things

mind brain teaser

Stranger things is going on in this picture. Indeed, there are 4 odd things.

Can you name them?

The stranger things are just like that:

The direction of the smoke from the chimney is opposite that of the direction in which the trees are blowing.

The shadows are not consistent. The man’s shadow is falling on the left and, the dog’s shadow is on the right.

There is no door above the stairs. The horse is plowing the field.

Do you need more entertaining mind puzzles to solve?


Help The Lights Turn on!

logic brain teaser

There is a power outage in the city. You need to help the lights turn on by choosing the right switch.

Can you tell which switch is the correct one?

Did you find the right answer?

Then thank you for helping the lights to be turned on.

The answer is RED SWITCH because it goes directly to the bulb!

You can join MentalUP in just two simple steps to have a progressive process by boosting your skills and also it offers you a detailed report for measuring your results against your peers.


Word Picture Brain Teasers with Answers

Do you love solving brain words games like crosswords, as we all do? Then you can’t help but spend your whole time with our brain teasers. Also, we have special printables for you!

Decipher the Brain Teaser and Crack the Code!

word picture brain teaser

We have a code that is created by the words. Can you decipher this brain teaser?

Tell us what it might be!

Could your crack the code? Great.

If you want to solve this one, you need to think of a meaningful phrase.

The right answer needs to be here: Nobody is above the law.

Do you want to expand your vocabulary by empowering your concentration?

Then, you should definitely start to do daily practice.


Crossword Brain Teaser

brain teaser with answer

Do you like solving crosswords? Then you will definitely love this brain teaser.

Fill in the blanks to create the original eight-letter words.

We all know you can complete it successfully.

If you have difficulty in finding the appropriate words, you may need to use paper and a pen. This way you can remember more easily.

Now let’s look at the answers:

word brain teaser

Crossword brain teasers are designed for both kids and adults to train their brains.

You can improve your memory and logic skills by this means.


Happy Word Circles Brain Teaser

word picture brain teaser

Look at the letters in the circles and create three words, one from each circle, that all have a similar meaning.

Can you do that?

Hint: The title of this brain teaser will help you.

Try to use the letters collaterally. Thus, you can guess the right answers.

The answer is Merriment, Laughter, and Hilarity.

Let’s see together!

tricky brain teaser

Kids need to develop their memory during their developmental process.

Adults need to train their brains not to be weak when they grow older.

MentalUP meets all the people from different age groups with its exercises.


Outer Space Spring Flowers

picture brain teaser

Space dust has landed on Earth, carrying with it seeds for exotic new alien flowers. One of them still lacks a name.

If the xenobotanists follow the same rules they used to create the other terms, what should they call the last flower?

The answer is Cosmofilium jupibristo.

The first half of the top term tells the color of the flower’s center; the last half is the petal color.

The first half of the bottom term tells the shape of the flower’s center; the last half is the shape of the petals.

Do you want to solve interesting brain teasers like this one? Dozens of different learning questions are waiting for you!


Tricky Word Picture Brain Teaser

word brain teaser

Unscramble the letters to create six words that relate to reading.

Give it a try! Let’s see whether you can do it or not.

You need to form meaningful words from these letters. Use your mind and think out of the box!

You did it, didn’t you? Then you can check your answers!

Now it is time to look at the right answers here:

word picture brain teaser

If you have fun solving word picture brain teasers, you can develop your vocabulary and expand your horizon with MentalUP’s limitless options.


Word Picture Brain Teaser with Answer

brain teaser

There is a group of words that have a one common ground.

Do you think what is special about these words?

You need to think carefully because the answer is hard to find.

These words are pronounced differently when the first letter is capitalized.

Grammar knowledge is very important for solving these kinds of questions.

You can develop both your grammar knowledge and vocabulary by doing mental exercises regularly. MentalUP offers you and your kids to have a safe learning environment with its no ads policy.


Confusing Brain Teaser

brain teaser

To solve this brain teaser, you need to identify the word in the picture! Let’s begin!

To solve this tricky brain teaser you need to be careful about the details.

Look at the letters by focusing on them and trying to see the word!

Did you find out the word? Great.

The answer to the confusing brain teaser is EXERCISE!

Hundreds of different brain teasers and learning games are waiting for you!


Word Brain Teaser with Answer

word picture brain teaser

There is a confusing question for you. Read it carefully and guess what it can be! Let’s begin!

When you are looking at this word brain teaser, keep in mind that the answer is a common word we always use in our daily lives.

The right answer for this tricky word brain teaser is to Surname! Could you guess it?


Did you like this brain teaser? You can download MentalUP for much more besides!


Brain Teaser Questions

Brain teaser questions are a fun way to spend time for kids and adults and even can be known as one of the beneficial and free brain games for seniors. You can double these teasers’ effect on seniors by playing memory games for seniors too.

Outer Space Spring Flowers

brain teaser question

If we’re talking about burgers, it will never be enough! But we all are curious about this funny question’s answer.

Let’s hear your answers!

The answer is 100 burgers.

3 Boys can eat 3 burgers each in 3 minutes. Each boy has 1 burger in 1 minute.

Now each boy will have 10 burgers in 10 minutes.

So 10 boys will have 100 burgers in 10 minutes.

When you want to spend your time effectively by both having fun and improving your skills, you can always benefit from the MentalUP educational games app.


Answer Question Right and Prove Yourself

brain teaser question

Do you love sleeping? If you are a real sleepyhead, you can answer this brain teaser question quickly.

During which month do people sleep the least?

You need to get back to your school days and remember your basic knowledge for solving this confusing brain teaser.

The answer is FEBRUARY.

Remember! There are fewer nights in February.

Are you interested in challenging your mind and boosting your mental abilities? Then don’t waste any time!


Challenging Brain Teaser Question for Geniuses

brain teaser

There is a brave cowboy who saves all the helpless people. One day he comes to a town on Monday and stays for two days. Then he leaves town on Monday.

How can this be?

It is a strange question. Did you make up your mind?

The answer is because his horse’s name is Monday.

If you think about it, you can see the trick!

Do you like entertaining brain teaser questions? You can solve them to train your brain.

MentalUP’s gamified exercises are appropriate for all the different age groups.


Choose the Right Exit and Escape From the Fearful Room

brain teaser question with answer

You’re stuck in a room with three exits…One exit leads to a pit of venomous snakes. Another exit leads to a lethal inferno. The third and final exit leads to a pool of great white sharks that haven’t eaten for six months.

Which door should you choose?

Imagine yourself in a dangerous place and you need to get rid of this. Then answer the question by keeping this in your mind.

The right answer is the THIRD DOOR!

Because great white sharks typically can only live three months without food.

Thanks to MentalUP you can not only develop your mind but also you can track your progress and compare it with your peers.


Entertaining Brain Teaser Question

brain teaser question with answer

Look at the picture carefully! Can you find the company name from the images?

Take your time!

Did you find it? Awesome.

The answer is Microsoft

Because it includes Mic + Crow + Softy. You can see the relationship if you look closer.

All the people want to keep their brains powerful. You can benefit from increasingly difficult brain teasers to improve your mental skills with MentalUP. Download and enjoy!


Count the Magic Balls and Make a Wish

brain teaser

There are lots of magic balls. If you count them right, you will have a chance to make a wish.

How many are them?

We know you would do it. Tell us which number you find out!

The answer is to be 30.

If you are curious about its reason, let’s look at the explanation together.

It is formed by the addition of the numbers 16, 9, 4, and 1.

Dozens of other puzzle questions are waiting for you to solve!


Count the Magic Balls and Make a Wish

brain teaser question

Look at the picture and focus on it! What do you think?

Tell us what can it symbolize!

It was a tricky and confusing one! Did you guess it right?

The answer is COFFEE BREAK!

You see the space between two words so you need to relate this connection.

Now you are ready to start improving yourself with other questions and follow your progress with detailed reports!


Try to Solve This Brain Question!

brain question

Here is your daily brain teaser: Which pit stop will the car reach? 🏎️

The car’s starting point is very important for solving brain questions.

You need to track the road carefully.

The answer is C.

Because the end of the road goes there.

Do you like these kinds of labyrinths? You can find limitless alternatives of different brain teasers according to your interests and level.


Ridiculous but Sweaty Brain Teaser Question

brain teaser question

We have a question for you. It seems fun at first glance but the gospel truth is different.

Can you answer it?

We know you could do it. If your answer is right, congrats to you.

The answer is a COMPUTER KEYBOARD.

Because all the objects on the table give us a little hint about this answer.

If you think about these words, you will definitely see the connection.

Do you have difficulty in joining up the dots? Then you should do daily exercises.


Can you help us

brain teaser question

We need four equal sized figures. Can you help us?

You can use 15 matchsticks to do this. Think carefully and act fast. The clock is ticking.

Hint: The answer is hidden in the question.

After you read the hint carefully, you can start to place the match in the right places.

Could you do it? It is a really entertaining one, isn’t it?

Then now, it is time to see the correct answer.

fun brain teaser

Development is a process and it can’t be finished in a couple of days.

You need to work regularly to train your brain. MentalUP will give you a chance for this.


Brain Teasers for Adults

Adults need to spend time having fun, too. These brain teasers for adults and riddles for adults will help you to entertain and develop yourselves. You can also download them here.

Tangled Triangles Brain Teaser for Adults

brain teaser question

How many triangles do you see in the picture?

There are lots of claims about the correct answer! Find the right result and end the discussion.

The answer is 27 triangles. Take a look at the explanation!

The number of triangles forms of 1 unit: 16

The number of triangles forms of 4 units: 7

The number of triangles forms of 9 units: 3

The number of triangles forms of 19 units: 1

It is never easy to have sharper mind skills but MentalUP can help you.


Tricky Brain Teaser for Adults

brain teaser

Look at the picture and read the instruction carefully because you can be confused easily.

Do you think you can answer this brain teaser correctly?

The answer is 99 seconds or 1 minute and 39 seconds.

Because when the 99th cut is made, the remaining foot does not have to be cut.

You can see it is very logical if you concentrate on it properly.

Focus, memory, and logic skills are a little bit hard to develop. You need to work daily with the appropriate learning practices.


Decipher the Code and Prove Yourself

numerical brain teaser

Each letter from A through H has one of the eight values listed below, and no two letters have the same value.

Can you decipher the code and tell which number goes with which letter to make all the equations true?

If you solve this brain teaser, it means that you are a real genius.

Now it is time to see the right answer:

A = 13, B = 5, C = 17, D = 8, E = 2, F = 4, G = 3, H = 12.

If you don’t understand the logic in this question, you can check the answer again.

Hundreds of other tricky questions that will boost your mathematical skills are in MentalUP.


Colorful Dices Wait For You to Play!

dices brain teaser

Do you like throwing dices? Then we have a question for yor to answer.

What is the probability of obtaining either a 6 or a 7 when throwing a pair of dice?

To solve this one, start by listing the number of ways to throw either a 6 or a 7.

There are 36 possible throws of two dice because each of the six faces of the first die is matched with any of the six faces of the second one.

Of these 36 possible throws, 11 produce either a 6 or a 7.

Therefore, the probability of throwing either a 6 or a 7 is 11/36.

Don’t you want to boost your minds’ power with brain puzzles! No more waiting!


Find the Connection and See How Smart You Are!

brain teaser for adults

There is a connection between these pictures. You need to find it.

It seems so easy, but actually, this is not what it looks like. Can you catch the link?

It seems hard but actually, you just need to focus.

Did you make up your mind? Check it again for not to be fooled.

Then now, it is time to see the answer:

hard brain teaser

Do you know millions of people improve their cognitive skills like attention, memory, and problem-solving with MentalUP?

You can be one of them.


Funny Monkey Brain Teaser

monkey brain teaser

Once upon a time, there lived a monkey in the forest. When he saw the magical gears, he wanted to turn them. But all the things get tangled up.

Can you help him and tell us which mark the monkey hit? A or B?

It is a very confusing brain teaser. Focus and imagine the gears turning.

The right answer is A!

Because when the monkey starts to turn the wheels, their way is changed.

entertaining brain puzzle

You can continue practicing with lots of fun games and mind puzzles! Also, there are dozens of alternatives that are appropriate and safe for your kids in MentalUP.


Water Tank Brain Teaser for Clever People

monkey brain teaser

We have a challenging brain teaser for you. Only clever ones can answer it.

Try your luck and tell us which tank will be filled first?

The answer is TANK 5.

This is a hard brain Teaser because the connection between tank 5 and tank 2 is closed, so water will go into tank 5 from tank 1 but not go to tank 2.

Therefore tank 5 will be filled first.

You can start improving your brain skills with gamified exercises thanks to MentalUP.


Challenging Brain Teaser for Adults

brain teaser for adults

Can you tell which number will be placed in the blank?

The answer is to be 44.

Here is the explanation. You would check it out if the question cracked you.

Column1: [(7×4)+1]-11=18.

Column2: [(8×5)+2]-12=30.

Column3: [(9×6)+3]-13=44.

Do you like challenging brain teasers? They boost all your mental abilities such as attention, logic, and problem-solving.


Brain Teasers for Kids

All the kids love entertaining brain teasers. With our tricky questions, children will both have fun and develop their skills. You can also download them easily.

Colorful Dices Wait For You to Play!

trick brain teaser

he car has begun a journey but no one knows which way it goes.

Can you find which direction the car goes?

This brain teaser is very funny but a little confusing.

You need to pay utmost attention to solving these kinds of questions!

The answer is to be like that. The car is not moving! Because it has no wheels.

For more brain teasers with answers, you can use MentalUP which offers you both learning games and boosting mental exercises that are designed specially according to the age groups.


Confusing Brain Teaser for Kids

brain teaser with answer

A man shaves several times a day but still has a beard. Can you guess who he is?

Did you find the correct answer? It was a tricky but entertaining one.

The answer is a BARBER.

Because barbers always need to cut and shave beards as you know.

If you see the little trick, you can definitely be successful.

By practicing regularly, you can empower your skills, be more logical in your daily life and concentrate easily on whatever you want.


Cute Animals Brain Teaser for Kids

brain teaser for kids

Look at our cutest friends and try to guess their total weight!

The answer is 27 kilograms.

Because the dog is 17 kg, the cat and the rabbit are 10 kg.

If it is a little hard for you to count, you can try to use paper and a pen.

Kids need to develop their abilities and grow older by learning the things they don’t know.

MentalUP is here for you and your family.

Track your kids’ progress and see the difference!


Brain Teaser for Kids

trick brain teaser

Let’s guess how many blocks are in this tower? 🧩

You need to count other blocks too, which cannot be seen in the image.

If you count all of them you can find the right answer easily.

The answer is 9! We hope you guess it correctly.

Dozens of other brain teasers and learning games that are designed by experts, wait for you! All the people from different age groups can develop with MentalUP.


Geography Brain Teaser for Kids

brain teaser

All the animals live happily here.

Can you tell us in which continent they live by looking at the animals in the picture?

You need to have basic geography knowledge to answer the question.

Could you make it? Congratulations!

The answer is Africa. Because all of them live there.

Do you like these kinds of entertaining brain teasers with answers? Then you should look at MentalUP’s fun mental exercises and educational games!


Answer the Question about the Delicious Breakfast!

brain teaser for kids

Eva has very particular tastes and eats the same delicious meal every morning.

Can you figure out the rule behind her culinary preferences? Bacon or Eggs?

It was an easy one. If you always have breakfast, of course, you will answer it fast.

The answer is EGGS because Eva loves to eat sunny-side-up eggs every morning.

You can prefer to eat eggs in the breakfast and act out this question by yourself.

Mind puzzles, brain teasers, and daily workouts are very important for you to boost your skills such as focus, memory, and logic. Don’t give up and continue practicing!


Meet Mr. Smith and His Family

brain teasers

Mr. Smith has a big and happy family. We have a tricky question about it.

Can you count his children and tell us how many are there?

The answer is 5! Because each daughter has the same brother.

We know that it is a confusing one but you need to trust yourself.

If you should try to visualize or draw the family on paper, it will be easier to solve it.

For more picture brain puzzles like this one, don’t skip without visiting the multi-awarded educational games app MentalUP.


Simple Brain Teaser for Children

brain teasers

Friendly pandas have a little dog body. This cute dog is between them now.

Can you find the dog hidden in a group of pandas?

It is a simple one. But you need to look at it with eagle eyes.

Don’t forget to concentrate! Nothing can distract you!

Did you find the dog? Awesome.

simple brain teaser

You can challenge your mind with entertaining brain teasers and explore your true potential with MentalUP which offers you hundreds of mental exercises.


It is quite normal for you to make mistakes and sometimes struggle when solving these brain teasers. Don’t give up! 💪 Continue to test and improve yourself with the most loved brain training app ❱❱ MentalUP Brain Teasers App or check out the apps to improve math skills for adults.

We are finished with visual puzzles. Now, let’s solve some math puzzles or math riddles.

✅ Fast & Fun: 84 Brain Teasers
✅ Improves: Brainpower
✅ Suitable: for Kids & Adults
✅ Printable: Yes

Recommended: If you’re interested in teaching colors and shapes to your kids, we have a scientifically proven way! ❱❱ Color and Shape Learning Games 🌈

13 June 2020

Last Update Date: 14 Frebruary 2022

Lauran Cole


HOME PAGE / BLOG / Brain Teasers With Answers For Kids

Word Brain Teasers

Word brain teasers are intelligent brain exercises, which help the child to think beyond the obvious. Here are a few brain teasers that you can have fun with.

Long trips can be really boring for kids, as there is little scope for them to play around. To make such unending trips fulfilled, word brain teasers are a brilliant option, because it will keep them engaged for a good amount of time and make the transit to long distances easy for parents. Another objective of brain teasers and riddles is that, they give the brain a chance to think out of the box. The child, through these activities gets a stimulus to think beyond the obvious answers. This especially, helps the child to see things through a different perspective. Here’s a list of brain teasers with answers for your kid to think over.


You’re driving a bus that is leaving on a trip from Pennsylvania and ending in New York. To start off with, there were 32 passengers on the bus. At the next bus stop, 11 people get off and 9 people get on. At the next bus stop, 2 people get off and 2 people get on. At the next bus stop, 12 people get on and 16 people get off. At the next bus stop, 5 people get on and 3 people get off. Question: What color are the bus driver’s eyes?

What is so fragile that when you say its name you break it?

Forward I am heavy, backwards I am not. What am I?

What object has keys that open no locks, space but no room, and you can enter but not go in?

I have five letters.
If you take the first and last ones I will still be the same.
Even if you take the middle letter I will be the same as before.
What am I?

A leathery snake,
With a stinging bite,
I’ll stay coiled up,
Unless I must fight.
What am I ?

Until I am measured,
I am not known.
Yet how you miss me,
When I have flown.
What am I?

My posterior is adorned with feathers.
I have a rather long neck and quite a pointy nose.
I am able to fly, yet I have no wings.
What am I?

It has no top or bottom but it can hold flesh, bones, and blood all at the same time.
What is this object?

How would you rearrange the letters in the words ‘new door’ to make ‘one word’? Note: There is only one correct answer.

A word I know,
six letters it contains
subtract just one,
and twelve is what remains.
Which word is it?

What can run but never walks,
has a mouth but never talks,
has a head but never weeps,
has a bed but never sleeps?

My scale is something that does not weigh in grams, ounces, or pounds. However, I may be heavy or light. What am I?

Liberate the way you or your child think with these amazing list of brain teasers. Try them out today, to break the ice with kids around you and have a blast with the funniest answers ever!

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Word Brainteasers
Word Brainteasers

You can use these buttons to move to the next or previous page.

s p r i n capital g; s u m m capital e, then r; a u t u m capital n; w i n capital T then e r

Reveal Answer?

A man (gent!) for all seasons!

3. O U T, 2. O U T, 1. O U T

Reveal Answer?

Outnumbered 3 To 1

b u d g e t underlined, with an upside down V centered under it

Reveal Answer?

Balanced Budget

e y e b r written up at an angle; o w s written down from the top at an angle

Reveal Answer?

Raised Eyebrows

s y m p h o n

Reveal Answer?


D A N U B E across; D L O S written down in a column

Reveal Answer?


E M P L O Y _ _ _ T

Reveal Answer?


another 1

Reveal Answer?


1, 3, 5, 7, 9 versus U

Reveal Answer?



Reveal Answer?


T _ R N
n partial-o, then s e

Reveal Answer?


M A N in large letters over campus

Reveal Answer?


c o u n c l o s e t e r s

Reveal Answer?


b u s i n e s

Reveal Answer?


w r i IT t i n g

Reveal Answer?


D O (12 inches) O R

Reveal Answer?



Reveal Answer?



Reveal Answer?


GIVE x 4; GET x 4

Reveal Answer?


fairy, wolf, duckling

Reveal Answer?

The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly!

o u t on top of a big L E G

Reveal Answer?


insult + injury

Reveal Answer?


often 4 times, not one time

Reveal Answer?



Reveal Answer?


j A N o b

Reveal Answer?


F U S S in big letters; under that is the word nothing

Reveal Answer?


t i m e with an arrow pointing to e

Reveal Answer?


p p o d

Reveal Answer?


l o v

Reveal Answer?


frontier 4 times, with an arrow pointing to the last one

Reveal Answer?

The final frontier

jobs I'm jobs

Reveal Answer?

I’m between jobs

Go it it it it

Reveal Answer?

Diamond in the rough

A chance n

Reveal Answer?

six feet under ground

T O U C H written in a column
e n d s s d n e

Reveal Answer?

Making Ends Meet!


Reveal Answer?

West Indies (west in d’s)

g o o o o o o o o
the word meal is centered on a scale

Reveal Answer?

Feeling UNDER the weather

s t e f r a n k i n

Reveal Answer?

Mind over matter

e l s e v e n

Reveal Answer?

Lemonade (lem ON ade)

The word ring appears in a circular shape around rose e

Reveal Answer?

Two (2) IN one

"Drive" appears in a circular shape 4 times

Reveal Answer?

Quarter back, half back, full back

"Camping" appears above night

Reveal Answer?

Paradox (pair a’ dox)

The word "meal" appears 4 times in a square shape

Reveal Answer?

HiKING in the woods

"T O O T H"  written in increasingly larger letters

Reveal Answer?

Working OVERtime

"C O V E R" with an arrow pointing to the space below it

Reveal Answer?

Head OVER heels IN love

The word "thanks" written eight times

Reveal Answer?

MisUNDERstanding BETWEEN friends

The word "settle" written at the bottom of the block

Reveal Answer?

Once IN A blue moon

w o n a l i c e d e r l a n d

Reveal Answer?

Noel (no l)

The letters "m e r r y g o" written in a circle

Reveal Answer?

A cut ABOVE THE rest

A line above the word READ, another line under READ

Reveal Answer?

Drop IN THE bucket

9 S 2 A 5 F 4 E 1 T 8 Y 6

Reveal Answer?

Full time, part time

L I P S t i p t o e L I P S

Reveal Answer?

5 lbs OVERweight

T A L E written in a column with tall letters
c h a w h o w h o r g e

Reveal Answer?

What goes up, must come down!

goodbye drawn out in a long line across the page

Reveal Answer?


safe neatly written, over sorry written in a scribble

Reveal Answer?


s h e a d a n d

Reveal Answer?


chance written on the outside edge of a box

Reveal Answer?

Outside chance

the end, with an arrow pointing to the t

Reveal Answer?

The beginning of THE END

e g s g, g e g s, e s g g

Reveal Answer?


d u o b l e s, d o u l e b s, d u b o l e s

Reveal Answer?


{ income tax }

Reveal Answer?


big horn written very small

Reveal Answer?


s i n o w h e r e g h t

Reveal Answer?


dumps, dumps, goosefeathers, dumps, dumps

Reveal Answer?


the word iceberg slanted from bottom to top

Reveal Answer?



Reveal Answer?

All hands on deck!

a red E followed by the words more, more, more, more

Reveal Answer?

Split Second Timing

a period, followed by a blank space and the word range

Reveal Answer?

Close Quarters

right me

Reveal Answer?

Corner stone

the word arrest above the word you're

Reveal Answer?


e t a d p u written downward in that order

Reveal Answer?


history written three times

Reveal Answer?

Son of a Gun!

time time

Reveal Answer?

gross INjustice

G U A R D written down toward the left, and down again to the right, with the A's meeting in the middle again to the

Reveal Answer?

odds are OVERwhelming!

m i l l  #1  i o n

Reveal Answer?

Man in the Moon

v a (space) d e r s

Reveal Answer?

bend OVER backwards

right right

Reveal Answer?

stand IN the corner!

me repeat

Reveal Answer?

Captain Hook!

o l d written in increasingly large letters, with a watering can over it

Reveal Answer?


a blank space, then program

Reveal Answer?

Space Program

animation written so the middle hangs down

Reveal Answer?

Suspended Animation

hearted, with only the top half of the work showing

Reveal Answer?

Half Hearted

side with the word look written in the hold of the D

Reveal Answer?

Look INside

he's himself

Reveal Answer?

He’s BESIDE Himself

c a space s e, case

Reveal Answer?

Open and Shut Case

sand written in a box
The word time spread out across the picture, and under it the letter a, b, d, e

Reveal Answer?

Reading BETWEEN the Lines

the word strawberry in large letters, the word cake in small

Reveal Answer?

Split Level

dice dice

Reveal Answer?

Paradise (PAIR OF DICE)

 NO across the top, left running down at the end of NO

Reveal Answer?

No Left Turn

board written under man

Reveal Answer?

Man OVERboard


Reveal Answer?

Some are OVERworked and UNDERpaid

r i    p o o r c h

Reveal Answer?

Blood is thicker than water

cus (space) tom
u p l a t m
"I'm" written with big type, with the word "you" written smaller

Reveal Answer?

Right between the eyes (I’s)

The word "knee," written over light and light

Reveal Answer?

Generation gap

cluck cluck quack quack

Reveal Answer?

I UNDERstand

the numbers 1 through 9 above U S
you and me with J U S T in the middle

Reveal Answer?

Just BETWEEN You and Me

 age, a space g e, age

Reveal Answer?

Middle Age Spread

c a j u s t s e
the number 1 million next to the word air

Reveal Answer?

Three Degrees BELOW Zero

the word "power" written 4 times, with an arrow pointing to the last one
g e t t i n g running up in a column in the middle of d a and w n

Reveal Answer?

Getting Up at the Break of Dawn

b i r d typed in large font

Reveal Answer?

Water UNDER the bridge!

I C E with a superscript 3 after it

Reveal Answer?

One step forward, two steps back!

land time

Reveal Answer?

That is beside the point! (i.e. means «that is»)

j o h n s  written in a very long manner

Reveal Answer?


C h i m a d e n a

Reveal Answer?

Little house on the prairie

$0 all all all all

Reveal Answer?

equal rights!

Can can

Reveal Answer?

sleeping ON the job!

space next to the word it

Reveal Answer?

love at first sight!

issue, issue, issue, issue, issue, issue, issue, issue, issue, issue

Reveal Answer?

good INtentions!

Calm storm

Reveal Answer?

parting of the «ways»!

b a n (space) a n a

Reveal Answer?

a house divided!

#1 beside the word knows
day day out

Reveal Answer?

Too sweet to be forgotten! (2 sweet 2 be 4 gotten)


Reveal Answer?

Turned INSIDE out!

death life

Reveal Answer?

Six of one, half dozen of another!

b o w written down, with b o w written through the middle, like in a crossword

Reveal Answer?


c l (space) u d (space)

Reveal Answer?


thought an

Reveal Answer?

Sailing OVER the Seven Seas (c’s)!

t o (space) r n

Reveal Answer?

act OUT OF character!

m i n I ' l l b e t h e r e u t e
x q q q m e

Reveal Answer?

Unfinished Symphony!

y a p l a y r d

Reveal Answer?

I’ll get OVER it.

big big ignore ignore

Reveal Answer?

A «hole in one»!

o space e r space t space o space

Reveal Answer?

I UNDERstand you UNDERtake to OVERthrow my UNDERtakings.

"Easy" written over a series of letter "i"'s

Reveal Answer?

Eye (I) before E except after See (C)

"Belt" written on top of "hitting"

Reveal Answer?

singing in the rain

Search at the top, and at the bottom

Reveal Answer?

Too(2) wise(Y’s) you(U) are(R) Too wise you be I see you are Too wise for me!

w e l i e i g h t

Reveal Answer?

Long underwear!

"Pass" written under the word "highway"

Reveal Answer?

H2O (water) [h to o]

"w a y"  or "w e i g h"

Reveal Answer?

illegal (Ill Eagle)

he, he, he, himself

Reveal Answer?

He’s beside himself

k c u t s written in a column
w a t e r written down at an angle

Reveal Answer?

Water fall, or drop of water

P O U R written in a column
N O written above ways it ways

Reveal Answer?

No two ways about it


Reveal Answer?

Quit Following Me


Reveal Answer?

Double Agent

V I T _ M I N

Reveal Answer?

Vitamin A deficiency

C L O U D Y written so that it is partially obscured

Reveal Answer?

Partly Cloudy

C A space S E written over C A S E

Reveal Answer?

Open and shut case


Reveal Answer?

Jack in the Box

S T A H W written in a column next to the word that

Reveal Answer?

What’s up with that!

MacBeth written over W O R D S

Reveal Answer?

A play on words

N I G H T with arrows pointing to the G

Reveal Answer?

Middle of the night


Reveal Answer?

Backseat driver

H E A D / A C H E

Reveal Answer?

Splitting Headache

choice X 3

Reveal Answer?

Multiple choice

the word it surrounded by doubt's with X's over the doubt's

Reveal Answer?

No doubt about it

d o u b t written with shadows behind it

Reveal Answer?

Shadow of a doubt

wrong over wrong over an underline over right with an X through it

Reveal Answer?

Two wrongs don’t make a right

MEAL, MEAL, MEAL written in a square

Reveal Answer?

Three square meals

1. glance, 2. (nothing), 3. glance, 4. glance

Reveal Answer?

Without a second glance

N and V next to the word green

Reveal Answer?

Green with envy.

8 two's above the word day
a plus sign, then 4 e's above the word mountains

Reveal Answer?

Andes Mountains

the number 1million next to the word air

Reveal Answer?


the word strawberry in large letters, the word cake in small letters

Reveal Answer?

Strawberry Short Cake

the numbers 1 through 9 above U S

Reveal Answer?

Count on us.

star written down at an angle

Reveal Answer?

Falling Star

T I, then spaces, then M E

Reveal Answer?


the word power written 4 times, with an arrow pointing to the last one

Reveal Answer?

Lowest Power

the word time spread out across the picture, and under it the letter a, b, d, e

Reveal Answer?

Long time, no see (C)

a box around I N, then outside the box is the word inside
the word learning written 5 times, with an arrow pointing to top one

Reveal Answer?

Higher Learning

e p a h s written in a column down on the inside of a box, and s h i p written next to the box

Reveal Answer?

Shape up or ship out

F O O T in very large letters
y o n d e r written down in a column

Reveal Answer?

Down Yonder (slang)

cluck cluck quack quack

Reveal Answer?

«Foul» language

book beside going

Reveal Answer?

Going by the book

pants twice

Reveal Answer?

A pair of pants!

h i j k l m n o

Reveal Answer?

H20 (h to o)

U W I N + AND U L O S E +

Reveal Answer?

You win some, you lose some

S B A R G written in a column 4 times

Reveal Answer?

Up for (4) grabs

several letter i's with o's under them

Reveal Answer?

Circles under the eyes

c o f, a space, then f e e

Reveal Answer?

Coffee Break

e g a m i

Reveal Answer?

Mirror Image

c o o r d e r u r t

Reveal Answer?

Order in the Court

dance written four times in a box shape

Reveal Answer?


faced and faced
a p p l a u s e  written in a circle

Reveal Answer?

A round of applause

D A Y outside a square, and D A Y inside a square

Reveal Answer?

Day in, Day out

the word play in large letters, the word stop in smaller letters

Reveal Answer?

Play shortstop

8:45 in big numbers, with the word operator underneath

Reveal Answer?

Big time operator

pod, pod, pod
take pets

Reveal Answer?

Take a step backwards.

The words you're out with three x's over them

Reveal Answer?

Three strikes you’re out!

the word visit cut off across the top

Reveal Answer?

Short visit

words Christmas tree, but without the first c and the last e

Reveal Answer?

Trim the Christmas Tree

t a r i o with the word lake on top of it

Reveal Answer?

Lake Ontario

The word ball appears 8 times, with behind under it

Reveal Answer?

Behind the 8 Ball

five ones sitting on a line above the time of 2:45 p.m.

Reveal Answer?

One’s (Once) upon a time!

the word called six times, the word chosen twice

Reveal Answer?

Many are called, but few are chosen.

c a j u s t s e

Reveal Answer?

Just in case.

9 S 2 A 5 F 4 E 1 T 8 Y 6

Reveal Answer?

Safety in Numbers

a line above the word READ, another line under READ

Reveal Answer?

Read between the lines

 L I P S t i p t o e L I P S

Reveal Answer?

Tiptoe through the tulips

w o n a l i c e d e r l a n d

Reveal Answer?

Alice in Wonderland

the letters m e r r y g o written in a circle

Reveal Answer?

Merry Go Round

the word settle written at the bottom of the block

Reveal Answer?

Settle down

the word thanks written eight times

Reveal Answer?

Thanks a lot!

C O V E R with an arrow pointing to the space below it

Reveal Answer?

Under Cover

T O O T H written in increasingly large letters
e over k over a over m
f l u b a d e n c e

Reveal Answer?

Bad Influence (in fluence)

the word meal appears 4 times in a square shape

Reveal Answer?

Square Meal

l a n g 4 u a g e
camping appears above night

Reveal Answer?

Camping Overnight

drive appears in a circular shape 4 times

Reveal Answer?

4 Wheel Drive

the word ring appears in a circular shape around rose e

Reveal Answer?

Ring Around the Rosie

e l s e v e n

Reveal Answer?

Seven Eleven (sev in eleven)

s t e f r a n k i n

Reveal Answer?

Frankenstein (Frank in Stein)

the word turn shaped like u
the word meal is centered on a scale

Reveal Answer?

Well balanced meal

the word chair is placed at the very top of the box
the word scope is written in very small letters
death life

Reveal Answer?

life after death

b o w written down, with b o w written through the middle, like in a crossword
c l (space) u d (space)

Reveal Answer?

Partly cloudy

thought an

Reveal Answer?

An afterthought

m i n I ' l l b e t h e r e u t e

Reveal Answer?

I’ll be there in a minute

t o (space) r n

Reveal Answer?

Torn in half

o space e r space t space o space

Reveal Answer?

Painless operation

x q q q m e
y a p l a y r d

Reveal Answer?

Play in the yard

w a y  or w e i g h

Reveal Answer?

One way, or the other

big big ignore ignore

Reveal Answer?

Too big to ignore

easy written over a series of letter i's

Reveal Answer?

Easy on the eyes

belt written on top of hitting

Reveal Answer?

Hitting below the belt

w e l i e i g h t

Reveal Answer?

Lie in wait

search at the top, and at the bottom

Reveal Answer?

Search high and low

a chance n

Reveal Answer?

An outside chance

go it it it it
pass written under the word highway

Reveal Answer?

Highway overpass

l a n g 4 u a g e

Reveal Answer?

Foreign language (4 in language)

c h a w h o w h o r g e

Reveal Answer?

Who’s in charge?

the word knee written over light and light

Reveal Answer?

Neon lights

I'm written with big type, with the word you written smaller beside it

Reveal Answer?

I’m bigger than you

u p l a t m

Reveal Answer?

Platinum (plat in um)

cus (space) tom

Reveal Answer?

Breaking a custom

a red E followed by the words more, more, more, more

Reveal Answer?

Ready for more.

history written three times

Reveal Answer?

History repeats itself

the word rail written down and to the left and down and to the right, meeting in the middle

Reveal Answer?

Rail crossing.

the word arrest above the word you're

Reveal Answer?

You’re under arrest.

e t a d p u written downward in that order
right me

Reveal Answer?

Right beside me

time time

Reveal Answer?

Time after time (or double time)

m i l l  #1  i o n

Reveal Answer?

One in million

G U A R D written down toward the left, and down again to the right, with the A's meeting in the middle

Reveal Answer?

Crossing guard

r i   p o o r c h

Reveal Answer?

Take from the rich, give to the poor

v a (space) d e r s

Reveal Answer?

Space Invaders

right right

Reveal Answer?

Equal Rights

me repeat

Reveal Answer?

Repeat after me

b i r d typed in large font
I C E with a superscript 3 after it
land time

Reveal Answer?

The Land Before Time

j o h n s  written in a very long manner
C h i m a d e n a

Reveal Answer?

Made in China

$0 all all all all

Reveal Answer?

Free for all

can can

Reveal Answer?

Toucan (2 can)

space next to the word it
issue, issue, issue, issue, issue, issue, issue, issue, issue, issue

Reveal Answer?

Tennis shoe (10 issue)

calm storm

Reveal Answer?

Calm before the storm

b a n (space) a n a

Reveal Answer?

Banana split

#1 beside the word knows

Reveal Answer?

Won by a nose

day day out

Reveal Answer?

Day in, day out


Reveal Answer?

Missing link

you deserve [space] today

Reveal Answer?

You deserve a break today

the word gears is written in ups and downs

Reveal Answer?

Shifting gears

L A U G H written down one side and T E R written down the other side

Reveal Answer?

Sidesplitting Laughter

the word gears is written in ups and downs

Reveal Answer?

Shifting gears

the word temporary written backwards

Reveal Answer?

Temporary setback

P E N in very large letters, and S W O R D in smaller letters

Reveal Answer?

Pen is mightier than the sword

if-land, ififc

Reveal Answer?

One if by land, two if by sea


Reveal Answer?

Cryin’ shame

contract with the cross over the t drawn out

Reveal Answer?

Contract extension

 C H A R T written with i's
D A Y L 8 [space] D O L L A

Reveal Answer?

Day late and a dollar short

b a [space] n k

Reveal Answer?

Break the bank.

b a [space] n k

Reveal Answer?

Break the bank.

now, raised h e, re

Reveal Answer?

He came out of nowhere

barbershop written 4 times

Reveal Answer?

Barbershop quartet

the word sitting above the word world

Reveal Answer?

Sitting on top of the world

H O R S I N G written in a circle

Reveal Answer?

Horsing around

fire written in the shape of an X

Reveal Answer?

A walk in the park

the word timing, followed by the word timing, but with a space in the middle of the word

Reveal Answer?


Exit with lunch and lunch beside it

Reveal Answer?

Out to (2) Lunch


Reveal Answer?

No one to blame


Reveal Answer?

Extended family

eiln pu

Reveal Answer?

Line up in alphabetic order

Doctor written twice
M C E written 3 times

Reveal Answer?

Three blind mice (no i’s)

M, numeral 1, followed by l l i o n

Reveal Answer?

One in a million


Reveal Answer?

All mixed up

HO written very large
M E 1 1 1 ONE ONE

Reveal Answer?

someone’s following me!

An L plus an O over a total line, with ss underneath
three UR's written together one on top of the other, with one written over to the right

Reveal Answer?

You (u) are (r) out of line or it could also be «right you are!»

a 2 written in the center of 10's

Reveal Answer?

Too intense

dom written in a vertically oblong oval

Reveal Answer?

Dominoe (dom in O)

earth written from top to bottom, twice

Reveal Answer?

Down to earth (down 2 earth)

na, na, and the word fish

Reveal Answer?

Tuna fish (2 na fish)

a period, followed by a blank space and the word range

Reveal Answer?

Point blank range

the word iceberg slanted from bottom to top

Reveal Answer?

Tip of the iceberg

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green apple

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