Booking system in excel

  1. 09-19-2008, 04:03 AM


    aretha is offline

    Registered User

    Create booking system in excel!

    Hi, I’m pretty new here but I’m in need of help badly. My job deepends on this. I am a field service engineer (system administrator) but for some reason, my office has demanded that i create an excel sheet with tools for them to be able to monitor their cars. i.e , the drivers, who booked the car, for how long, etc.

    I am not a genius with Excel/VBA but all I was able to make is the front-end ( kindly see attached).

    All i need is this.

    When I click the
    Date: I would like the users to be insert date from a calendar
    Booked By: click and an arrow to insert their names from a list of employees
    Driver’s name: insert name from list of drivers
    Car Type: insert car type from a list of cars
    Register number:insert from a list
    Depart time: insert time from a clock ( if possible)
    Arrival time: insert time from a clock ( if possible)
    Status: select between available ( blue color) & not available. (red color)

    Also, the excel sheet will be placed on a network drive where users can access it and save.

    Help please, because I just don’t know what to do. Any advice or modification as welcome.

    Many thanks.

    Last edited by aretha; 09-19-2008 at 04:09 AM.

  2. 09-19-2008, 04:17 AM


    There’s a topic about listboxes on my site. This might help you to get data from a list.

  3. 09-19-2008, 04:39 AM


    aretha is offline

    Registered User

  4. 09-19-2008, 05:03 AM


  5. 09-19-2008, 05:07 AM


    aretha is offline

    Registered User

    yeah..thanks..checking it out…but can the data be saved and then be seen by users the moment they open the excel sheet.

    say for example, to know you booked a car and on which day?

  6. 09-19-2008, 05:49 AM


    Can you attach what you have si far?

  7. 09-19-2008, 05:54 AM


    aretha is offline

    Registered User

    Quote Originally Posted by royUK
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    Can you attach what you have si far?

    What I have so far is just the excel sheet Kindly see attached.

  8. 09-19-2008, 07:10 AM


    aretha is offline

    Registered User

    ok guys…this is what I have now. ( Kindly see attached).

    I am able to create a list of (drivers, cars etc) on another sheet and its taking shape.

    Question now is,
    1) how do I insert date and time.
    2) How do I hide the second sheet so that users
    dont see it at all.
    3) to make status change in color, e.g if available (blue)..if not available RED.

    Last edited by aretha; 09-19-2008 at 07:13 AM.

  9. 09-19-2008, 08:07 AM


    When I click the

    Date: I would like the users to be insert date from a calendar
    this will need VBA

    Booked By: click and an arrow to insert their names from a list of employees
    Driver’s name: insert name from list of drivers
    Car Type: insert car type from a list of cars
    Register number:insert from a list
    Status: select between available ( blue color) & not available. (red color)

    The above can be done with Data Validation see :

    Depart time: insert time from a clock ( if possible)
    Arrival time: insert time from a clock ( if possible)

    The above can be done with VBA

    Add your data validation then post back for further help.

  10. 09-19-2008, 08:23 AM


    aretha is offline

    Registered User

    many thanks roy…I have done the data validation. the file is attached in my previous post. (test.xls)

    can you see it?

    what is left is the

    Date: I would like the users to be insert date from a calendar

    this will need VBA

    Depart time: insert time from a clock ( if possible)
    Arrival time: insert time from a clock ( if possible)

    The above can be done with VBA

    Last edited by aretha; 09-19-2008 at 09:11 AM.

  11. 09-19-2008, 09:54 AM


    The front end looks nice, but how functional is it?

    You haven’t addressed a major concern: how will the information be databased. Specifically, once someone enters their information, what is supposed to happen to it? Will they print out the Car Booking? If not, when someone else enters their information, it will clear out the first person’s info.

    Do you have any ideas on proceeding? Or do we have a degree of free reign?

  12. 09-19-2008, 10:20 AM


    aretha is offline

    Registered User

    Quote Originally Posted by BigBas
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    The front end looks nice, but how functional is it?

    You haven’t addressed a major concern: how will the information be databased. Specifically, once someone enters their information, what is supposed to happen to it? Will they print out the Car Booking? If not, when someone else enters their information, it will clear out the first person’s info.

    Do you have any ideas on proceeding? Or do we have a degree of free reign?

    Hi BigBas and many thanks…I followed advices of earlier posters (WintE & RoyUk) to perform the data validation, which I have done. (see attached)

    but then actually if you have more ideas about how to proceed..they will be highily welcomed. There is a high degree of free reign…))))

    I dont know what to do with the database, which in fact is supposed to be stored. i.e if you enter a date/time and there is already a booking for that day, it should be reflected…

    Last edited by aretha; 09-19-2008 at 10:29 AM.

  13. 09-19-2008, 10:57 AM


    So, I set up a sheet (DataBase) that collects the information that is entered into the main sheet. Admittedly, I didn’t have very much time for error checking and what not, so give the workbook a try and let us know what needs to be changed, and what is drawing an error.

  14. 09-22-2008, 02:13 AM


    aretha is offline

    Registered User

    Many Thanks BigBas…absolutely fantastic…!!!! I honestly couldnt have done this by myself.

    I tested the file you sent (database sheet) and noticed the following?

    1. The destination address (in the database sheet) was showing date & time but looks like I was able to rectify it. Kindly have a look.

    2. Also I added another row: Time on Road…Is it possible for this to be automatically calculated or inserted after the journey is completed?

    3. How do I edit a booking?

    4. How do I change the status of the booking by colors. If Available (in blue), if Not Available (in Red).

    5. How do I add arrows like the ones you inserted in the date row. Its looks and works easier than the ones in the booked by, drivers’name ,etc… row.

    6. Is it possible for you to send me a tutorial how you built the macros, etc…that will be awesome!!!

  15. 09-29-2008, 05:53 AM


    aretha is offline

    Registered User

    hi..anyone to help out pls…!!!

  16. 09-29-2008, 06:14 AM


    To add the time on road, switch on design view & double click the last time control(DTPicker3), this will open the VB Editor. Make sure the control’s name is in the left hand drop down and in the right hand dropdown find Change. Paste in this code.

    To change the status of a booking use Conditional Formatting see…formatting.htm

    Last edited by royUK; 09-29-2008 at 09:30 AM.

  17. 09-29-2008, 06:20 AM


    Quote Originally Posted by aretha
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    3. How do I edit a booking?

    To edit a booking with the form would require a similar one setting up, you would need to add a reference number for each booking. This should show in column A of the database. Then use VLOOKUP to populate the editable cells. The code should then be adapted to overwrite the correct line.

    5. How do I add arrows like the ones you inserted in the date row. Its looks and works easier than the ones in the booked by, drivers’name ,etc… row.

    These are activex controls, the others are Data Validation. You would need to use ComboBoxes but it would need more coding.

  18. 09-29-2008, 09:12 AM


    aretha is offline

    Registered User

    many thanks RoyUK…Let me try what you suggested.

  19. 09-29-2008, 09:30 AM


    I’ve just amended the earlier code.

  20. 09-30-2008, 04:00 AM


    aretha is offline

    Registered User

    hi..I tried and for some reason I get 0 as time on road! How is that?

    Also, the depart time and arrival time in the database sheet, shows the date
    9/19/2008 7:30:00 AM.

    I have tried to do the changes but sometimes, it appears normal and sometimes it doesnt. Kindly help out pls.

  21. 09-30-2008, 04:49 AM


    It works fine for me. You need to reformat the cell for the time, you currently have white Font. You also need Custom NumberFormat «hh:mm»

  22. 10-05-2013, 09:37 AM


    Rhynzie is offline

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    Re: Create booking system in excel!

    How to make flight booking using excel (MS excel 2010) PLEASE HELP! ASAP! Thanks! :D

  23. 01-04-2017, 02:32 AM


    shn110 is offline

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    Re: Create booking system in excel!

    How to make flight booking using excel (MS excel 2010) PLEASE HELP! ASAP! Thanks! :D

    plz help me

  24. 10-10-2018, 03:45 AM


    sofileen is offline

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    Re: Create booking system in excel!

    hi, i didnt dhowload the formate can any one helf me

  25. 10-10-2018, 03:42 PM


    Re: Create booking system in excel!

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  26. 10-10-2018, 03:49 PM


    Re: Create booking system in excel!

    sofileen welcome to the forum

    Unfortunately your post does not comply with Rule 4 of our Forum

    RULES. Do not post a question in the thread of another member — start your own thread.

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    1. Use code tags for VBA. [code] Your Code [/code] (or use the # button)
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  27. 10-10-2018, 06:27 PM


    Re: Create booking system in excel!

    The original thread was actually posted over 10 years ago. I don’t think anyone else will be monitoring it now.


  28. 10-10-2018, 08:16 PM


    Re: Create booking system in excel!

    Yup, that too, Pete

  29. 12-28-2021, 09:21 PM


    anisiqbal is offline

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    Re: Create booking system in excel!

    Quote Originally Posted by aretha
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    hi..I tried and for some reason I get 0 as time on road! How is that?

    Also, the depart time and arrival time in the database sheet, shows the date
    9/19/2008 7:30:00 AM.

    I have tried to do the changes but sometimes, it appears normal and sometimes it doesnt. Kindly help out pls.

    How was it? did it work for you? I am kind of in the same situation here, that needed the same help xD

  30. 12-29-2021, 03:59 AM


    Re: Create booking system in excel!

    Administrative Note:

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Hotel Room Booking Template

You can organize your hotel business all with one simple template this year. The free Hotel Room Booking Template is the perfect document to help you organize all the rooms and clients you have so you’re always on top of the people coming and going. You can also use this template to track the names and information of people that have booked a stay in your hotel as well. You don’t have to pay for expensive software to keep your hotel running perfectly round the clock. This free template gives you the space to create and customize a document that works for the system you already have in place. Give this template a try by reading the guide below.

How to Use the Hotel Room Booking Template

To download this free Hotel Room Booking Template, just follow the link at the bottom of this page.

Now, go to the setup page at the bottom of your screen to enter the start of your calendar period, the total number of rooms you have at your disposal, the status system you want to use for rooms and the colors system you need for your calendar.

You can also use this page to keep track of the busy season for your business as well.

You can then proceed to the hotel room information page to enter the different rooms you have to offer. This way you can keep track of special suites and set them apart from the rest.

Your booking guest information page will allow you to enter the status of each hotel room and the number of people staying at your hotel, to keep a running total of all this information on one page.

If you need to know what rooms you have available, head over to the availability page to see a complete review of all your room and their current status. There is a page for your unique suites and another for your regular rooms.

The guest monthly recap page will help you track all of this data and monitor the people that have canceled, stayed in your hotel before, and have booked a reservation.

Download: Hotel Room Booking Template

Related Templates:

Hello All!

I am trying to create a desk booking system in excel. Unfortunately, my office does not have the budget/allow for us to have specific software.
I have 12 desks at the moment. I have created a Calendar tab and a requests tab.

My idea is to have employees only enter data in the requests tab and for this data to feed through to the Calendar tab using formulas. I would lock the Calendar tab so it cannot be altered by employees.

Issue 1:

I have tried using IF, AND, Vlookups and I can’t seem to get what I need (you can see some formulas in cells G4-I4 in the calendar tab).

I created this formula below, what I think it is saying is IF the desk number AND start date AND start time slot in the requests tab match the calender then the output should be Employee (column B requests) and if it doesn’t match the output should be Available (G1 calendar). This works when I put it in cell I4 (calender) but when I drag it down and across it doesn’t work. I also wasn’t sure how to include the end date and end time slot in the formula. I also want to be able to potentially expand the time slots to hourly slots but I am not sure how complicated the formula will be.

=IF(AND(VLOOKUP($I$3, Requests!$A:$A, 1, 0), VLOOKUP(Calendar!$E4, Requests!$C:$C,1,0), VLOOKUP(Calendar!$F4, Requests!$D:$D, 1,0)), Requests!$B3,Calendar!$G$1)

Issue 2 — In the calendar tab columns B & C I want to be able to have a snapshot of which desks are booked or available based on a date selected from a drop down. I don’t know where to begin with attempting this,

Issue 3 — In the requests tab, as some employees may try to book a desk that is already booked, I want some formula or conditional formatting which will highlight the row in red if a desk is double booked based on the same desk number, start date, start time slot, end date and end time slot. Would a concatenate work here?

As you can see I have very basic skills, I can visualize what I need but lack the knowledge of formulas to execute. Any insights/help/suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Desk booking.xlsx
Thank you!


Table of Contents:

What desk booking solutions do hybrid offices prefer? Survey results!
Factors to consider before you choose a desk booking system
What are the options?
#1 Hot desk booking template in Excel
#2 In-house software solution
#3 Third-party desk booking app

Spoiler alert! Free template download to follow.

Excel and Google Sheets have been the foundation of many operations, especially in new-born companies. That’s why when hybrid work started becoming “a thing” we turned to the good old tables in Excel for maintaining the new concept.

Although in some cases this “out of the box” solution might work, it can’t replace a fully optimized desk booking system or hot desk solution. Employees now require working platforms to manage their desk spaces, take control of their time and have the flexibility to make the most out of their work arrangements.

And that’s where the Excel booking system will probably do more harm than good.

In this article, we’ll cover all the pros and cons of an Excel hot desk booking system versus your own software tool versus a software solution such as OfficeRnD Hybrid. In case you’re for the treat, though – you can download the free hot desk booking template in Excel here.

What desk booking solutions do hybrid offices prefer? Survey results!

We held a short survey throughout our social media channels and the results are no surprise. More than 100 people gave their input about desk booking solutions in their company and around 30% of them are on the right path. They have implemented a software solution thus leveraging the advanced and user-friendly functionality of such a tool, the best decision for larger teams. However, we encourage you to take these results with a grain of salt. Here are some conclusions you might find insightful.

Only 11% answered that they’re using Excel/Sheets for desk booking but we noticed that there are people from one and the same company who answered differently, so

  • People who answered “Our own software solution” (17.4%) might be using a hot desking template in Excel as well
  • There might not be one single solution for the entire company but different teams could be using different tools, thus employees from one company answered with “we don’t need such a solution” , “Excel/Sheets” and “Our own solution”
  • Teams are different and with different needs that’s why they might not be using the same system for managing their desk space

hot desk booking survey

Factors to consider before you choose a desk booking system

When deciding how to facilitate hybrid work, there are several points to consider. These will help you select the best tool for your team and business.

Number of desks and employees

Start with deciding how many desks you want to manage in your office. There are many examples of companies that cut off their number of desks during and after the pandemic in order to lower utility costs. However, this would be very difficult to manage through the Excel booking system, especially if you have more than 30 employees. Take in mind how your team would grow in the future and what goals you want to achieve with your hybrid work arrangement. Spreadsheets are fast to build and easy to use but not flexible enough so you might want to consider a future-proof tool for desk management.

Hybrid work policies

Put simply, hybrid work policies are the practices and schedules you want to implement when introducing hybrid work. They help you provide a smooth and easy transition, as well as set clear expectations among your employees.

We’ve covered pretty much everything you need to know about policies here. This ebook will also help you to craft your own hot desking policy template to follow in your hybrid office.

When choosing whether to use a booking spreadsheet template or third-party software, keep in mind the policies your organization sets. This also includes the different roles in your team – some might have to be in the office more than others, or they might need a desk with two or more computer screens. Defining your employee type is essential because it will show you who needs a dedicated desk (e.g. HRs, People Managers, Operations, Legal, etc.) and who can benefit from desk sharing. Then you’ll be able to define hot desking policy with clear rules in place (e.g. no personal items left after work, specific desk for a specific role, etc.). Such policies can improve people’s productivity and attendance rate as well as enable flexible working in your company.

You can still use different tabs in Sheets to facilitate all that but the chances to get messy are quite high.

KPIs to measure success

Like everything else, hybrid work’s success should be evaluated because you can’t improve what you don’t measure.

In order to know if you’ve chosen the right tool with key features, you need to set proper KPIs to measure the success of your team. The indicators will provide necessary insights into team performance that may otherwise get missed. Try to determine which ones are the most important for your company and keep track of how they progress. For example, collaboration, office utilization and employee well-being are the ones that most businesses go with.

Platforms like OfficeRnD Hybrid equip you with a dashboard that shows all the metrics you need in order to choose the best working strategy. It also provides a booking calendar to reserve desks in advance.

What are the options?

This table presents the pros and cons of a desk booking software vs hot desk booking template in Excel vs creating your own solution:

pros and cons of different desk booking solutions

#1 Hot desk booking template in Excel

Let’s talk about what you can do with simple Excel/Sheets. Managing hybrid work in Excel is the least expensive tool you can put into action. If we return to our short survey, the desk booking system in Excel would be perfect for a small team (under 20-30 people) who work at the same location and don’t usually book rooms for meetings.

It would work best if your team is made of 1 or 2 types of professionals (e.g. only software developers, or software engineers and product managers). It’s very easy to use and you can access it all the time. Plus, people are already familiar with it so you won’t be introducing a completely new platform.

However, someone has to own this task and be the one who answers any questions regarding it, as well as fixes it when it breaks. Is that going to be the office manager or the HR? And should this person manage the hot desking policy and hybrid work schedules as well?

In cases where your team needs to be 50% of the time in the office, managing this policy will be a huge challenge through a hot desking policy template in Excel. Forget about the KPIs because your data wouldn’t be reliable.

People could book desks and not come to the office or edit their bookings to be in line with policies they don’t even care about. This will compromise your data and it won’t be reliable for any conclusions. Just imagine booking rooms, desks, booths and focus time through one spreadsheet. You as a manager wouldn’t know if hybrid work is actually working for you or not since you don’t have the platform to facilitate all this.

Also, it’d be very hard to determine if there’s a problem with your team’s productivity. Sheets don’t offer proper dashboards to measure intangible factors such as productivity levels and collaboration stats.

Nonetheless, we believe every team is different and what might work for somebody, might not necessarily work for the other. That’s why we created this free functional template to try for your business. You can find it here and use it without any charge.

#2 In-house software solution

Building a hybrid work software from scratch is the most extreme way to deal with the issue. It also has numerous benefits like it’s going to be created according to your taste and needs, it’s managed by your team so if something goes wrong, it can be quickly fixed, etc. However, it costs a lot.

First, you need to decide if you’d need new developers to join the team and take ownership. Second, there are the costs of hosting, building, and managing. For example, the cost of licensing a user on Microsoft PowerApps is $10 per user, per month. A large company developing a solution on Microsoft PowerApp could cost an organization of 100 users $12,000 per year.

Not to mention all the hustle and bustle around developing it, testing it, and building new features.

If you choose to go with this method, keep all that in mind.

#3 Third-party desk booking app

Once you’re ready to choose a system, there are still some points you need to consider:

  • How quickly can you get going with uploading and making your floorplans and resources bookable?
  • How easy is it to configure and set hot desking rules?
  • Can you easily customize and white-label the mobile, web, and integrated experience for your employees?
  • Can you easily connect your Microsoft Active Directory or Google Workspace Directory and sync your employees?
  • How easy is it to hit the go-live button and allow your employees to access the platform?
  • Usually, it shouldn’t take more than 14 days to do all that, so keep it in mind.

While there’s no one-size-fits-all approach, workplace technology should be flexible and adapted to your needs in order to serve your business’s goals.

OfficeRnD Hybrid will help you manage your desk space and meeting rooms, but it also brings people together in a collaborative workspace. That’s why users love us.

officernd desk booking solution

Desk and room booking via interactive floor plans

Booking a desk or a meeting room should be seamless if you plan to increase office attendance. Building an interactive floor plan of your hybrid office will enable employees to see who’s in the office in real-time and who’s reserved a desk during the week. It will empower collaboration and team attendance because people will be able to set their own schedules according to their peers and favorite colleagues. Also, our floorplan clustering functionality gives you a simple and very effective way to navigate large, complex office maps and find your perfect spot!

Seamless and secure integrations with MS teams, Outlook, Google calendar, Slack, and more

We are big fans of the so-called “app-less experience” and we practice what we preach. So our platform is made to be enough for every activity concerning office space. Let employees book desks and meeting rooms on any device via our portal or directly through Microsoft Teams, Outlook, Google Calendar, Google Chrome or Slack.

You can also make a recurring booking to build work patterns, like reserving a desk every Monday and Thursday. This will help you implement your specific work policies and schedules.

Take a look at our MS Teams Integration:

Analyze your office utilization

Understand what are the dynamics in your workplace and how your employees work. This will help you decide what changes to do – if you need more desks or fewer of them and benefit from lower office costs. Advanced Workplace Analytics will allow you to be proactive in creating new hybrid work policies and increase your team results.

If you want to get OfficeRnD Hybrid – absolutely for free – you can do so here and take advantage of the free desk booking tool.


Why replace your Excel booking system with a desk booking app?

Modern teams need modern solutions for their hybrid work lifestyles. While Excel was serving well for a lot of operations within a company, post-pandemic times require smart solutions for hybrid teams. A desk booking system has a lot more functionalities than just a table with names, places, and times for work attendance. It enables collaboration and improves space utilization.

How to create a booking system in Excel?

Creating a desk booking system in Excel or Google Sheets is very easy but it will take you time and effort to do. That’s why we created a template that is ready to use and free of charge. You can download it here.

A thorough and effective bookkeeping and accounting system should include an Excel spreadsheet. There are many reasons why it is the most powerful accounting tool.

Excel Spreadsheet Booking System With Booking Calendar  Excel Templates

It records data, from dates, to invoices, to inventories, to inventories per company. It can also help prepare and enter records electronically.

Excel Spreadsheet Booking System With Booking Calendar  Excel Templates

Tools such as spreadsheets allow users to work collaboratively, without being conscious of the methods of doing the work. It also saves time for many people.

Excel Spreadsheet Booking System Pertaining To Hotel Reservations  Excel Templates

Excel is the easiest way to make such systems, because it is so user friendly. This makes it a perfect choice for an Excel spreadsheet bookkeeping system. Excel Spreadsheet Bookkeeping System

Many managers today have realized the importance of keeping track of costs and therefore organized their departments to be able to do so. This has allowed them to save money on labor costs. To keep track of everything, it would have been necessary to get a manual spreadsheet and input data manually.

Excel Spreadsheet Booking System Within Hotel Reservations  Excel Templates

Most companies nowadays need skilled computer operators, accountants, and marketing department personnel. Such personnel can easily be hired, and although they are much cheaper than people in previous years, it is always better to use the less expensive option.

Excel Spreadsheet Booking System Regarding 32 Free Excel Spreadsheet Templates  Smartsheet

The ability to easily record and keep track of bookkeeping costs, increases profits. This is because employees work more efficiently.

A customer’s bottom line will not be affected if he or she knows where his or her money is being spent. Also, the growth of a company’s sales will increase significantly when this information is used correctly.

Apart, from the increase in profits, which will come from increased sales, employees work better. This is due to the ability to avoid fudging figures.

The use of an Excel spreadsheet as part of a bookkeeping system makes it easy to keep track of expenses. Everything is not only done on a simple piece of paper.

This will enable one to obtain a clear record of expenditures. It also makes it possible to keep track of other expenses, such as personal taxes.

The current trend in the business world is toward automation. There is an increasing need for such systems in order to be successful. PLEASE SEE : excel spreadsheet alternative

Hello, My Friends,
Gantt Charts in Excel have been around for a while, but could you have ever imagined a time when you could add an incredible drag & drop feature to them? Well today I am going to not only show you that, but how to create an incredible Hotel Booking System with ease.

In this week’s training I bring you one of the most amazing applications I have ever built in Excel, and I am going to do it right in front of you during this week’s training.

This week’s one-of-a-kind training will show you how to

☑️ Create a Drag & Drop Gantt Chart
☑️ Build A Complete Hotel Booking System
☑️ Use Dynamic Colors in Shapes
☑️ ..and much, much more

Download Your Free Hotel Booking Application Workbook with either of the following links:

Using Your Email Here:

With Facebook Messenger Here:

If you have ever wanted to be able to turn your Excel skill and passion into a lucrative passive income stream then I have just the program for you. 

I have spent the last 7 months putting together the most comprehensive program in which I will share with you all of my secrets that have enabled me to create and sell my Excel applications. 

In this Mentorship Program I will be releasing brand new private video training’s in 90 minute modules made up of smaller lessons. The first application we will be creating together is an amazing Accounting Application consisting of Invoicing, Inventory, Purchase Orders, an Email & Notification Center, Chart Of Accounts, General Ledger, Recurring Transactions, a Full Dashboard and it will have complete Share & Sync capabilities, and much, much more.

I will be sharing every aspect of the process, from concept to cash, including how to Define, Design, Develop and Deploy your own applications. If this sounds like something for you, then NOW is the time join. Lock in your early-bird price before they rise. Click here to join today:

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  • Question

  • Hi

    I am looking to make a booking system in Excel but am not sure where to start. This is what I need.

    The user needs to be able to select how many days they would like to book for, minimum 1 and maximum 7.

    Then, they need to be able to choose the actual dates. Once they have chosen those dates, they need to no longer be available for selection by anybody else.


    I select three days, then choose the dates 1st to 3rd March, whenever the spreadsheet is used afterwards, those dates should no longer be available.

    Any help/tips/pointers etc would be much appreciated. thanks a lot.


    • Edited by

      Monday, January 26, 2015 9:22 AM


  • Hi sunnycorleone,

    Based on the description, you want to create a booking system in Excel.

    In my option, the Excel is not much suitabled to use for the complex system, I suggest that you consider using Access instead. And you can search on the internet, there are many samples booking system.

    Also if you still want to use Excel, here are some uselful links for you learning about Excel developing:

    Concepts (Excel 2013 developer reference)

    How to: Create a Scheduling Calendar Workbook

    Object model reference (Excel 2013 developer reference)

    Hope it is helful.

    Regards & Fei


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    • Marked as answer by
      Fei XueMicrosoft employee
      Monday, February 2, 2015 11:05 AM

Booking and Reservation Calendar

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This booking and reservation spreadsheet comes with multiple templates. Take a look below to pick the best one for your needs.

You will need Microsoft Excel to edit all these templates. If you don’t have it yet, you can get it as part of «Office 365» from Microsoft’s website here.

Template Contents

Hotel Reservations: this spreadsheet is great for hotel room occupancy management. You can use this if you manage a small hotel or rooms and you don’t want to use any complicated software to manage your reservation.

Monthly Booking Calendar: This reservation template is having month layout, like monthly calendar layout. So, you can check or manage your booking by viewing the availability month by month.

Daily and Hourly Reservation Calendars: These are somewhat general reservation calendars that do not require to tweak the formulas, and it comes with several options that allow easy customization. There is no guest management function in this template. If you need an all-in-one guest management software, this template won’t work for you. Try an all-in-one guest management software like Trafft or Amelia instea. This one is aimed to hotel, apartment, car rental or other small businesses and it is made to manage up to 100 rooms or 100 cars. But, you can use all the recorded booking information to create your own report  either for your own needs or to be represented to your hotel owner.

Restaurant Reservation: This reservation spreadsheet is based on hour reservation. The basic reservation scheme is the same, but I put tables number, smoking and non-smoking preferences, and table capacities as parameters in this spreadsheet. But, the formula will work only on the table number

Banquet Halls Reservation: If you have or manage a banquet hall and very often reserved for wedding ceremonies, school parties, press conferences or many other purposes, you might need this spreadsheet to help you manage your reservation. This is a single worksheet reservation where you can see your banquet hall availability time and your reservation information.

Room Booking Calendar: This room booking calendar is an excel spreadsheet that should help you managing your room reservation for one year period in calendar visualization. It is simple and you can use it across different Excel version and Operating System where you can manage it in any laptops without incompatibility issues.

Hotel Reservations

Hotel Reservations

How to use this reservation template:

  1. Go to availability worksheet and put your room type and number in the corresponding column. There are samples there that you can modify. You can continue the number by putting your room information and the reservation column will be revealed automatically.
  2. Put your start date reference. This start date is used for the scroll bar as its scroll start date.
  3. There are two dates next to the Hotel Availability Table title to help you monitor the reservation window.
  4. All reservation information in that window will be differentiated by the color. The blue color means that the room is available on that date, red color means that the room is reserved, and yellow color means the room is double booked, so you have to adjust the reservation.
  5. Once you see that the room is available on customer requested date, go to Room Reservation worksheet to fill your customer information.

Hotel Customer Information

Since this is a simple template, you can modify it to suit other type of reservations.

Monthly Booking Calendar

Booking Calendar 3
And I created this booking calendar for hotel booking purposes. If you already downloaded my previous hotel booking template, you will see the different. You can put all room information down along the column because the period layout is column based. But, this one has a calendar layout which mean you cannot put your room information down along the column. So, you have to put your room information in room booking worksheet.

In this worksheet, you can put type of the room and room detail. For example, you have 4 Standard Rooms, 3 Deluxe Rooms, 2 Superior Rooms and 1 Suite Room. Put that information in corresponding table. After that you can break down each room in the table below room type column.
Booking Calendar
You can see how the room displayed in Calendar worksheet. You can set your booking period by selecting the month and fill the year. And you can select whether you want to see room availability based on room type or room detail. If you select “room type”, you will see numbers inside the calendar that represent the availability of rooms with that type. If the cells turn red, it means the rooms are not available. If you select “room number”, the calendar will display the availability of that room where if the room is available it will show you number 1 (not blue color due to conditional formatting limitation). If the cell is red, it means the room is not available. If the cell is yellow, it means the room is double booking.
Booking Calendar 2
There is a scroll bar to scroll between rooms, since the maximum room availability that can be displayed is four. And the same with the previous hotel reservation template, once your customer agreed with the time, you can go back to “room booking” worksheet to fill your customer detail information.

Daily Reservation Calendar

Daily Booking Calendar for Excel

Microsoft always does development on Microsoft Excel which generates incompatibility among different Excel version, especially if the spreadsheets used VBA/macro codes. At the beginning, I assumed it is more safe if I used built-in Form and Active-X Control functions since it is available as part of Excel built-in functions. But, I found some of those built-in codes have problems in Microsoft Excel 2013. So, I decided not to use those built in functions again and replace it with a more safer dropdown list (for options) and there will be no scrolling button. It will make the spreadsheet looks like a big table, but it will be safer for you to move between different Excel version as well as different Operating System.

I separated this reservation calendars into 2 spreadsheets. Daily Reservation Calendars template, which is more suitable for hotel, apartment, villa, and Hourly Reservation Calendar template, which is more suitable for Car, Party equipments, Music Studio rental businesses. I have to split it to reduce processing time when you are working with them. Compared with previous free reservation calendars, these one will reduce your booking management time. There are 4 big parts in this spreadsheet. Those are :

> Setup
Here, you can set all of your spreadsheet parameters before you use it daily

> Booking
This would be your daily worksheet. You should type all of your guests/customers information here, and there is an availability panel where you can see the availability of your rooms/cars at respective dates quickly

> Availability
This worksheet will summarize detail information on hotel rooms/cars availability within 1 year period.

> Summary
You can check records of your guests/customers information monthly.

Below are steps on how to use this calendar :

  1. Go to Setup worksheet
  2. Type reservation calendar start period (the spreadsheet will show calendar for 12-month period only, start from the month you put on setup worksheet).
  3. Type total number of your hotel room
  4. Go to “edit room information”, it will move to “Room Information” worksheet automatically
  5. Type your room
  6. Type number of rooms for each room types as well as its prices for low, normal and peak season dates. You can type their description and description column.
  7. Select room type and type related room numbers on the second table. You can type additional information for each room in Notes column.
  8. Back to Setup worksheet
  9. Type Status name for your reservation status (maximum 10 status). Put “X” at UCode column for Cancellation status, to release room reservation when any guests are cancelling their reservation.
  10. Define a number of available room color marker which will be shown on reservation calendars when the conditions are met. Only yellow and light green color are available to be customized with your number where yellow color should have less number than light green color. Red and green color are already set with fully booked and available conditions, where available conditions is define as number above light green number.
  11. Type Peak Season period (maximum 5 range period). It will differentiate font color on reservation calendar (dark orange) and also will show Peak Season price on Calendar helper in Booking Guest Information worksheet
  12. Type Low Season period (maximum 5 range period). It will differentiate font color on reservation calendar (dark red) and also will show Low Season price on Calendar helper in Booking Guest Information worksheet
  13. Type Holiday information in Holidays table (maximum 50 holiday dates). Cells with holiday dates will be bordered with Pink color.
  14. Go to Booking Guest Information worksheet. This is a place to manage your reservation daily. You can check and put any guest information quickly. There is a helper table on top of this worksheet which should help you getting useful information before typing guest booking information. It will show you room availability as well as price on 20 days period.
  15. Check Room Availability and Price. Type the dates where guest plans to book at Check Availability cell (M17). It will show the the availability on its date and the next 19 days on the table
  16. Go to Show cell (F17) and select “Room Availability” to show number of available rooms. Select “Room Price” to show its price.
  17. When guests are confirming their bookings, you can go to guests booking table below. Row 1 to 20 are freezed. You can scroll guest table information without top information being scrolled.
  18. Input your guest checkin date at Checkin date column, and type their length of stay at Checkout length column. Checkout date will show automatically. If your guest know Checkout dates only, use the Check Availability cells to calculate their length of stay period. Type checkin date at cell M17 (the same cell as starting availability period), and checkout date at cell O17. You will get the length of stay at cell N17 (cell with blue color). Copy/type this number to your guest booking table checkout length.
  19. Input your guest name at family name column
  20. Input your room number. To see which specific rooms are available, go to Availability – Room Number worksheet
  21. Select month where your guest plan to stay and expand the rows by clicking the (+) sign at the left bar of the worksheet.
  22. Back to Booking Guest Information worksheet and type the room number. If there is a double booking, or you accidentally type incorrect room number, you will see dates cell on Room Availability table table turn into dark orange which means there is a double booking on the same room on those dates.
  23. Type Booking Status dan Dates in respective columns
  24. Type Cancelled in Booking Status column if any guests cancel their reservation to release the room
  25. Type other information in other columns. You can modify add, delete or modify any columns starting from column R to the right to fit your own needed information.

Hourly Reservation Calendar

Main differences between this calendar and the daily one, you should tipe time interval in setup worksheet to set your monitoring time within one day. There will be 2000 time intervals. If you set 24 hours, it will cover 2000 days, while if you set 1 hour, it will cover 83 days. Also, those 2000 time interval is arranged to the right in availability worksheet. As informed above, it is arranged in purpose  to minimize any incompatibility issues, if it is using a scroll bar, which should arise if you used this spreadsheet in other computers.

In this spreadsheet, you will find a recurring customer worksheet which will ease you on managing customers who book your cars/equipment frequently on weekly/monthly bases. This feature should be needed if you are renting a sport courts, or applying membership scheme to your customers. Steps on how to use it are the same as for the daily reservation calendar above.

If you are satisfied with lite version of these spreadsheets and want to expand it to handle until 12000 guests/customers, you can purchase the Pro version below. There are fully unprotected also (not just shown worksheets), so you can modify it to meet your own business needs. You can purchase them as separate spreadsheets or as a single package. Price reduction applied when you purchase them as a single package.

Restaurant Reservation

Restaurant Reservations

This spreadsheet consists of two worksheets. To customize this spreadsheet, go into availability worksheet and put your tables information in table type, capacity, and table number columns. And you can custom the display of reservation time here, by change the time step value (in minutes). After you finished entering all information, you can go to restaurant reservation worksheet to start your reservation log. You can custom the column in this worksheet except the table number because this is the reference of the formula. Once you fill the reservation or you want to see the reservation information, go back to the availability worksheet and slide the date to the date of reservation.

You can change the scroll bar in the worksheet the new scroll bar if it can’t work with your Excel version.

Feel free to give me some feedback about real situation, since I don’t have a restaurant :-).

Banquet Halls Reservation

Banquet Halls Reservation

Here is how you can use this spreadsheet:

  1. Define your time period for reservation. I limit to only have maximum 4 time periods. But, you even define one period, if you only have one time period.
  2. Enter your reference start date information which will be used as reference for scroll bar starting date.
  3. There are two cells next to banquet hall window period title to help you see your reservation window.
  4. The availability will be based on the cell color. Blue color means that the period is available for reservation, red color means that the period is already taken, and yellow period means that the period is double booking where you have to change the booking time period.
  5. Once you and your customer agreed on the date and period, you can fill your customer information in the customer reservation table below the availability table.
  6. There are a color conditional formatting inside the customer reservation table, where the cells will turn into gray color if the reservation is out of date.

Room Booking Calendar

This template uses Excel where you can transfer, process and analyze inputted data easily using other Microsoft Office programs, like Word and PowerPoint. Or, you can create your own chart within or in another Excel program. It is equipped with formulas and functions that automate availability calculation, calendar date placement and booking calendar visualization in seconds. It erases your manual tasks which sometimes could confuse you. This spreadsheet should suite any room rental business, like hotel, apartment, villa, and many others who rent their rooms on daily bases.


In this room booking calendar you will find useful features as summarized below.

1. Calendar style booking availability

Booking Room Calendar Spreadsheet Excel

You can quickly see dates with your room availability status in one full year with respective color markers.

> Availability color markers

You can set until 3 different remaining rooms as color markers in the Availability Calendar. As you can see in picture above, there are four different color markers that can be set based on availability numbers that you put in respective cells, where red color cannot be altered. It has zero value by default. You may set remaining colors where orange box must has less number than yellow box, and yellow box must have less number than light green box.

> Availability and rates quick info table

Table helper in Availability Calendar worksheet to see room availability and rates at respective dates. You can see this table on the right side of the picture above. You can set the start date and you can toggle between “Show Availability” and “Show Rates” to see detail information on respective week.

2. 30 room categories and 100 room numbers

Room Booking Calendar - Room Setup

You can define until up to 30 categories for all of your rooms and up to 100 room numbers.

3. One full year booking board

Room Booking Calendar - Booking Board

You can see map of your room availability in board alike visualization.

4. 30 different price groups

Room Booking Calendar - Set Price

You can have until 30 price groups that you can set, select and distribute over 365 days.

5. Double booking marker

Room Booking Calendar - Double Booking Marker

All remaining rooms at respective dates will be calculated automatically by created excel formulas. And any double bookings will be marked in Booking Board worksheet where you can spot it quickly to fix its respective double bookings.

6. Custom summary

Room Booking Calendar - Custom Summary

You can see summary of all your guests based on their booking status

7. Booking dashboard

Room Booking Calendar - Dashboard

You can analyze your hotel occupancy ratio and generated revenue monthly in Chart visualization. You can analyze performance of your booking agents.

8. 6000 booking lines

Room Booking Calendar - 6000 Booking LInes

You can book guests until 6000 entries. You can expand it to accommodate more guests if you need more lines.

All worksheets are unprotected to fully tweaking the formula and customizing its layout. You can put your company logo, name, adjust columns and rows, add more worksheets for your specific needs, or tweak formulas (you need to have excel knowledge to do this).

You can use this spreadsheet with Excel 2010 for Windows and above and Excel 2008 for Mac and above without having incompatibility issues.

The template is Multi User License (within one Company). Any employees are allowed to use this spreadsheet as long as they are working within one company.

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