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  • Word Problem Practice Workbook

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    ISBN: 978-0-07-881033-6MHID: 0-07-881033-7 Word Problem Practice
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    To the Student This Word Problem Practice Workbook gives you
    additional examples andproblems for the concept exercises in each
    lesson. The exercises are designed to aid your studyof mathematics
    by reinforcing important mathematical skills needed to succeed in
    the everydayworld. The materials are organized by chapter and
    lesson, with one Word Problem Practiceworksheet for every lesson in
    Glencoe Math Connects, Course 1.

    Always keep your workbook handy. Along with your textbook, daily
    homework, and class notes,the completed Word Problem Practice
    Workbook can help you in reviewing for quizzes and tests.

    To the Teacher These worksheets are the same ones found in the
    Chapter Resource Mastersfor Glencoe Math Connects, Course 1. The
    answers to these worksheets are available at the endof each Chapter
    Resource Masters booklet as well as in your Teacher Wraparound
    Editioninterleaf pages.

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    Lesson/Title Page1-1 A Plan for Problem Solving
    ……………….11-2 Prime Factors
    ………………………………….21-3 Powers And Exponents
    …………………….31-4 Order of Operations
    …………………………41-5 Algebra: Variables and
    Expressions …51-6 Algebra: Functions
    …………………………..61-7 Problem-Solving

    Guess and Check…………………………….71-8 Algebra:
    Equations …………………………..81-9 Algebra: Area
    Formulas ……………………92-1 Problem-Solving
    investigation: Make

    a Table………………………………………….102-2
    Bar Graphs and Line Graphs …………..112-3 Interpret Line
    Graphs ……………………..122-4 Stem-and-Leaf Plots
    ………………………132-5 Line Plots
    ……………………………………..142-6 Mean
    ……………………………………………152-7 Median,
    Mode and Range……………….162-8 Selecting an Appropriate
    Display……..172-9 Integers and Graphing
    ……………………183-1 Representing Decimals
    …………………..193-2 Comparing and Ordering Decimals
    ….203-3 Rounding Decimals ………………………..213-4
    Estimating Sums and Differences…….223-5 Adding and Subtracting
    Decimals…….233-6 Multiplying Decimals by Whole

    Multiplying Decimals ………………………253-8 Dividing
    Decimals by Whole

    Dividing by Decimals………………………273-10
    Problem-Solving Investigation:

    Reasonable Answers ……………………..284-1 Greatest
    Common Factor………………..294-2 Simplifying Fractions
    ………………………304-3 Mixed Numbers and Improper

    Problem-Solving Investigation: Make

    an Organized List …………………………..324-5 Least
    Common Multiple ………………….334-6 Comparing and Ordering
    Fractions…..344-7 Writing Decimals as Fractions………….354-8
    Writing Fractions as Decimals………….364-9 Algebra: Ordered
    Pairs and

    Rounding Fractions and Mixed

    Problem-Solving Investigation:

    Act It Out ………………………………………395-3
    Adding and Subtracting Fractions

    with Like Denominators…………………..405-4 Adding and
    Subtracting Fractions with

    Unlike Denominators………………………41

    Lesson/Title Page5-5 Adding and Subtracting Mixed

    Numbers ………………………………………425-6
    Estimating Products of Fractions ……..435-7 Multiplying
    Fractions……………………….445-8 Multiplying Mixed
    Numbers …………….455-9 Dividing
    Fractions…………………………..465-10 Dividing Mixed
    Numbers …………………476-1 Ratios and Rates
    …………………………..486-2 Ratio
    Proportions……………………………………506-4 Algebra:
    Solving Proportions……………516-5 Problem-Solving

    Look for a Pattern…………………………..526-6
    Sequences and Expressions …………..536-7 Proportions and
    Equations………………547-1 Percents and Fractions
    …………………..557-2 Circle Graphs
    ………………………………..567-3 Percents and Decimals
    …………………..577-4 Probability
    …………………………………….587-5 Constructing
    Sample Spaces…………..597-6 Making
    Predictions…………………………607-7 Problem-Solving

    Solve a Simpler Problem…………………617-8 Estimating
    with Percents…………………628-1 Length in the Customary
    System……..638-2 Capacity and Weight in the

    Customary System…………………………648-3 Length in
    the Metric System ……………658-4 Mass and Capacity in the

    Metric System ……………………………….668-5
    Problem-Solving Investigation: Use

    Benchmarks ………………………………….678-6
    Changing Metric Units…………………….688-7 Measures of
    Time ………………………….698-8 Measures of Temperature
    ……………….709-1 Measuring Angles
    ………………………….719-2 Estimating and Drawing Angles
    ……….729-3 Angle Relationships
    Problem-Solving Investigation: Draw

    a Diagram……………………………………..769-7
    Similar and Congruent Figures ………..7710-1
    Circles and Circumferences …………….7910-3 Area of
    Parallelograms……………………8010-4 Area of Triangles
    ……………………………8110-5 Problem-Solving
    Investigation: Make

    a Model ………………………………………..8210-6
    Volume of Rectangular Prisms…………8310-7 Surface Area of
    Rectangular Prisms…8411-1 Ordering Integers
    …………………………..8511-2 Adding Integers


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  • Lesson/Title Page11-3 Subtracting Integers
    ……………………….8711-4 Multiplying Integers
    ………………………..8811-5 Problem-Solving investigation:

    backward ………………………………………8911-6
    Dividing Integers ……………………………9011-7 The
    Coordinate Plane …………………….9111-8 Translations
    …………………………………..9211-9 Reflections
    ……………………………………9311-10 Rotations
    ………………………………………9412-1 The
    Distributive Property ………………..9512-2 Simplifying
    Algebraic Expressions ……9612-3 Solving Addition Equations
    ……………..9712-4 Solving Subtraction Equations
    …………9812-5 Solving Multiplication Equations ………9912-6
    Problem-Solving Investigation:

    Choose the Best Method of


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    NAME ________________________________________ DATE
    ______________ PERIOD _____

    Chapter 1 1 Course 1









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    Use the four-step plan to solve each problem.

    GEOGRAPHY For Exercises 1 and 2, use the poster information
    about Crater Lake National Park in Oregon.

    Visit Crater Lake National Park

    90 miles of trails26 miles of shorelineBoat tours available

    Open 24 hours

    Directions from Klamath Falls: Take U.S. Highway 97 north 21

    then go west on S.R. 62 for 29 miles.

    Word Problem PracticeA Plan for Problem Solving

    1. How many more miles of trails arethere than miles of
    shoreline in CraterLake National Park?

    2. How many miles is it from KlamathFalls to Crater Lake
    National Park?

    3. SPORTS Jasmine swims 12 laps everyafternoon, Monday through
    Friday.How many laps does she swim in oneweek?

    4. SPORTS Samantha can run one mile in8 minutes. At this rate,
    how long will ittake for her to run 5 miles?

    5. SPORTS On a certain day, 525 peoplesigned up to play
    softball. If 15 playersare assigned to each team, how manyteams can
    be formed?

    6. PATTERNS Complete the pattern: 5, 7,10, 14, ___, ___, ___

    7. SHOPPING Josita received $50 as a gift.She plans to buy two
    cassette tapesthat cost $9 each and a headphone setthat costs $25.
    How much money willshe have left?

    8. BUS SCHEDULE A bus stops at thecorner of Elm Street and Oak
    Streetevery half hour between 9 A.M. and 3 P.M. and every 15
    minutes between 3 P.M. and 6 P.M. How many times willa bus stop at
    the corner between 9 A.M.and 6 P.M.?

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  • NAME ________________________________________ DATE
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    Word Problem PracticePrime Factors

    Chapter 1 2 Course 1

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    ANIMALS For Exercises 13, use the table that shows the height
    andweight of caribou.

    1. Which animal heights and weights areprime numbers?

    2. Write the weight of caribou cows inkilograms as a prime

    3. ANIMALS Caribou calves weigh about13 pounds at birth. Tell
    whether thisweight is a prime or a compositenumber.

    4. SPEED A wildlife biologist once found acaribou traveling at
    37 miles per hour.Tell whether this speed is a prime orcomposite
    number. Explain.

    5. GEOMETRY To find the area of a floor,you can multiply its
    length times itswidth. The measure of the area of afloor is 49.
    Find the most likely lengthand width of the room.

    6. GEOMETRY To find the volume of a box,you can multiply its
    height, width, andlength. The measure of the volume of abox is 70.
    Find its possible dimensions.

    CARIBOUHeight at the Shoulder Weight

    inches centimeters pounds kilograms

    Cows (females) 43 107 220 99

    Bulls (males) 50 125 400 180

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    NAME ________________________________________ DATE
    ______________ PERIOD _____

    Word Problem PracticePowers and Exponents

    Chapter 1 3 Course 1









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    1. SPACE The Sun is about 10 10 millionmiles away from Earth.
    Write 10 10using an exponent. Then find the valueof the power. How
    many miles away isthe Sun?

    2. WEIGHT A 100-pound person on Earthwould weigh about 4 4 4 4
    poundson Jupiter. Write 4 4 4 4 using anexponent. Then find the
    value of thepower. How much would a 100-poundperson weigh on

    3. ELECTIONS In the year 2000, thegovernor of Washington, Gary
    Locke,received about 106 votes to win theelection. Write this as a
    product. Howmany votes did Gary Locke receive?

    4. SPACE The diameter of Mars is about 94 kilometers. Write 94
    as a product.Then find the value of the product.

    5. SPACE The length of one day on Venusis 35 Earth days. Express
    this exponentas a product. Then find the value of theproduct:

    6. GEOGRAPHY The area of SanBernardino County, California,
    thelargest county in the U.S., is about 39 square miles. Write this
    as aproduct. What is the area of SanBernardino County?

    7. GEOMETRY The volumeof the block shown can be found by
    multiplying the width, length, and height. Write the volume using
    an exponent. Find the volume.

    2 in.2 in.

    2 in.8. SPACE A day on Jupiter lasts about

    10 hours. Write a product and anexponent to show how many
    hoursare in 10 Jupiter days. Then find thevalue of the power.

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    Word Problem PracticeOrder of Operations

    Chapter 1 4 Course 1

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    MONEY For Exercises 13, use the table that shows the price
    ofadmission to a movie theater.

    1. Janelle (age 12) and her cousin,Marquita (age 14), go to a
    7:00 Write an expression for the totalcost of admission.
    What is the totalcost?

    2. Jan takes her three children and twoneighbors children to a
    matinee. All ofthe children are under age 13. Writean expression
    for the total cost ofadmission. How much in all did Janpay for

    3. Connor (age 13), his sister (age 7), andConnors parents go to
    a movie onSaturday night. Write an expression forthe total cost.
    What is the total cost?

    4. SOCCER Eduardo is 16. Eduardos dadtakes him and his younger
    sister to asoccer match. Tickets are $17 for adultsand $13 for
    children (18 and under).Write an expression for the total cost
    ofthe tickets. What is the total cost of thetickets?

    5. MONEY Frankie orders twohamburgers and a soda for lunch.
    Ahamburger is $3 and a soda is $1.00.Write an expression to show
    how muchhe paid for lunch. Then find the valueof the

    6. MONEY A store sells barrettes for $2each and combs for $1.
    Shelby buys 3 barrettes and a comb. Kendra buys 2 barrettes and 4
    combs. Write anexpression for the amount the two girlsspent all
    together. Find the totalamount spent.

    Movie Theater Admission

    Adults: $8Children (under 13): $5

    Matinee (before 6 P.M.): $3

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    NAME ________________________________________ DATE
    ______________ PERIOD _____

    Word Problem PracticeAlgebra: Variables and Expressions

    Chapter 1 5 Course 1









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    TRAVEL For Exercises 1 and 2, use the table that shows the
    distancebetween cities in Arizona.

    Arizona Mileage Chart

    Flagstaff Phoenix Tucson Nogales

    Phoenix 136 miles 117 miles 181 miles

    Tucson 253 miles 117 miles 64 miles

    Nogales 317 miles 181 miles 64 miles

    1. To find the speed of a car, use theexpression d t where d
    represents thedistance and t represents time. Findthe speed of a
    car that travels fromPhoenix to Flagstaff in 2 hours.

    2. To find the time it will take for abicyclist to travel from
    Nogales to

    Tucson, use the expression ds where d

    represents distance and s representsspeed. Find the time if the
    bicyclisttravels at a speed of 16 miles per hour.

    3. PERIMETER The perimeter of arectangle can befound using
    theformula 2 2w,where represents the length and wrepresents the
    width. Find theperimeter if 6 units and w 3units.


    4. PERIMETER Another formula forperimeter is 2( w). Find
    theperimeter of the rectangle in Exercise 3using this formula. How
    do the answerscompare? Explain how you used orderof operations
    using this formula.

    5. SHOPPING Write an expression using avariable that shows how
    much 3 pairsof jeans will cost if you do not know theprice of the
    jeans. Assume each paircosts the same amount.

    6. SHOPPING Write an expression usingvariables to show how much
    3 plain T-shirts and 2 printed T-shirts will cost,assuming that the
    prices of plain andprinted T-shirts are not the same.

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    Word Problem PracticeAlgebra: Functions

    Chapter 1 6 Course 1

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    1. DRAGONS The Luck Dragons that livein the Enchanted Forest
    weigh 4xpounds when they are x years old.Write a function table
    that can be usedto find the weights of 6-year old, 8-yearold, and
    10-year old Luck Dragons.

    2. ROLLER COASTER Twelve people areable to ride the Serpent of
    Fire rollercoaster at one time. Write a functiontable that shows
    the total number ofpeople that have been on the rollercoaster after
    1, 2, 3, and 4 rides.

    3. MOVIES At the local movie theater itcosts $10.00 for 2
    students to see amovie. It costs $15.00 for 3 students,and it costs
    $20.00 for 4 students. Letthe number of students be the input.What
    is the function rule that relatesthe number of students to the cost

    4. HOMEWORK At Elmwood MiddleSchool, sixth graders spend 1
    hourevery night doing homework. Seventhgraders spend 2 hours, and
    eighthgraders spend 3 hours. Let thestudents grade be the input.
    What isthe function rule between the studentsgrade and the amount
    of time thestudents spend on homework everynight?

    5. BEADS A bead shop sells wooden beadsfor $3 each and glass
    beads for $7 each.Write a function rule to represent thetotal
    selling price of wooden (w) andglass (g) beads.

    6. Use the function rule in Exercise 5 tofind the selling price
    of 20 woodenbeads and 4 glass beads.

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    NAME ________________________________________ DATE
    ______________ PERIOD _____

    Word Problem PracticeProblem-Solving Investigation: Guess and

    Chapter 1 7 Course 1









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    2. ELEVATION The table shows the highestpoint of elevation for 5
    different states.How much higher is the highest point ofelevation
    in Colorado than Texas?




    North Carolina


    Highest Point ofElevation (feet)






    1. AGES The sum of Coopers, Dantes, andMarias ages is 31. Dante
    is twice as oldas Cooper. Maria is one year older thanDante. How
    old are Cooper, Dante, andMaria?

    3. FOOTBALL The junior varsity footballteam scored 23 points in
    last Saturdaysgame. They scored a combination of 7-point touchdowns
    and 3-point field goals.How many touchdowns and how manyfield goals
    did they score?

    4. MONEY Willow purchased a new car. Herloan, including
    interest, is $12,720. Howmuch are her monthly payments if shehas 60
    monthly payments to make?

    5. PATTERNS Draw the next figure in thepattern.

    6. FUNDRAISER The school band is having acar wash to raise
    money. Their goal is tocollect $150. So far they have earned
    $10each from three families and $5 eachfrom 15 families. How much
    more moneydo they have to earn to reach their goal?

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  • NAME ________________________________________ DATE
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    Word Problem PracticeAlgebra: Equations

    Chapter 1 8 Course 1

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    INSECTS For Exercises 13, use the table that gives the average
    lengthsof several unusual insects in centimeters.

    Insect Length (cm) Insect Length (cm)

    Walking stick 15 Giant water bug 6

    Goliath beetle 15 Katydid 5

    Giant weta 10 Silkworm moth 4

    Harlequin beetle 7 Flower mantis 3

    1. The equation 15 x 12 gives thedifference in length between a
    walkingstick and one other insect. If x is theother insect, which
    insect is it?

    2. The equation 7 y 13 gives thelength of a Harlequin beetle and
    oneother insect. If y is the other insect,which insect makes the
    equation a truesentence?

    3. Bradley found a silkworm moth thatwas 2 centimeters longer
    than average.The equation m 4 2 represents thissituation. Find the
    length of thesilkworm moth that Bradley found.

    4. BUTTERFLIES A Monarch butterfly fliesabout 80 miles per day.
    So far it hasflown 60 miles. In the equation 80 m 60, m represents
    the numberof miles it has yet to fly that day. Findthe solution to
    the equation.

    5. CICADAS The nymphs of some cicadacan live among tree roots
    for 17 yearsbefore they develop into adults. Onenymph developed
    into an adult afteronly 13 years. The equation 17 x 13 describes
    the number of years lessthan 17 that it lived as a nymph. Findthe
    value of x in the equation to tellhow many years less than 17 years
    itlived as a nymph.

    6. BEETLES A harlequin beetle lays eggs intrees. She can lay up
    to 20 eggs over 2or 3 days. After the first day, the beetlehas laid
    9 eggs. If she lays 20 eggs inall, how many eggs will she lay
    duringthe second and third days?

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    NAME ________________________________________ DATE
    ______________ PERIOD _____

    Word Problem PracticeAlgebra: Area Formulas

    Chapter 1 9 Course 1









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    FLOOR PLANS For Exercises 16, use the diagram that shows the
    floorplan for a house.

    2 ft

    6 ft

    2 ft 10 ft9 ft

    12 ft 18 ft

    7 ft

    13 ft

    12 ft

    13 ft

    12 ftKitchen

    Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2



    Living/Dining Room



    1. What is the area of the floor in thekitchen?

    2. Find the area of the living/dining room.

    3. What is the area of the bathroom? 4. Find the area of Bedroom

    5. Which two parts of the house have thesame area?

    6. How much larger is Bedroom 2 thanBedroom 1?

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    Chapter 2 10 Course 1

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    2. BASEBALL The table shows the nationalleague home run leaders
    in the20022006 seasons. How many morehome runs did Ryan Howard hit
    in 2006than Jim Thome in 2003?






    Home RunLeader

    Sammy Sosa

    Jim Thome

    Adrian Beltre

    Andruw Jones

    Ryan Howard

    1. SPORTS The table shows the result ofShantes survey of her
    classmatesfavorite sports. How many morestudents chose
    softball/baseball thanfootball?

    Word Problem PracticeProblem-Solving Investigation: Make a

    B basketball F football S soccer

    SB softball/baseball V volleyball

    Favorite SportsB





















    3. MONEY Trista has 8 coins in her pocketthat total $1.55. She
    only has quartersand dimes. How many of each coin doesTrista

    4. ORDER OF OPERATIONS Use each of thesymbols , , , and to make
    thefollowing math sentence true.

    12 3 7 1 11 0

    5. GEOMETRY Find the difference in thearea of the rectangle and
    the area of thesquare.

    6. BICYCLES Kenji is saving money to buy anew bicycle that costs
    $125. So far hehas saved his weekly allowance of $5 forthe past 8
    weeks. He also saved $35from his birthday money. How muchmore money
    does Kenji need tosave?

    Number ofHome Runs






    9 m

    3 m

    5 m

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    NAME ________________________________________ DATE
    ______________ PERIOD _____

    Word Problem PracticeBar Graphs and Line Graphs

    Chapter 2 11 Course 1









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    TREES For Exercises 1, 3, and 4, use Table A. For Exercises 2,
    5, and 6, use Table B.

    Table A Table B

    Average Heights of Pine Trees

    Tree Height (ft)

    Eastern White LodgepoleLongleafPitchPonderosa




    Lemons Produced by My Tree

    Year Number of Lemons



    1. You and Jorge are writing a report ondifferent kinds of pine
    trees. Make abar graph for the report that shows theaverage heights
    of different kinds ofpine trees. Use the data from Table A.

    2. Table B shows the number of lemonsyour tree produced each
    year. Make aline graph for the data in Table B.

    3. Use your graph for Exercise 1. Whichtree is about half as
    tall as aponderosa?

    4. How does the average height of a pitchpine compare to the
    average height of alodgepole pine?

    5. Use the line graph you made inExercise 2. Describe the change
    in fruitproduction for your lemon tree.

    6. FRUIT Suppose you want to make agraph of the total number of
    lemonsproduced by your lemon tree and thetotal number of oranges
    produced byyour orange tree in one year. Would youmake a bar graph
    or a line graph?Explain.

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  • NAME ________________________________________ DATE
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    Word Problem PracticeInterpret Line Graphs

    Chapter 2 12 Course 1

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    FITNESS For Exercises 13, use Graph A. For Exercises 46, use
    Graph B.

    Graph A Graph B

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8










    ber o

    f Sit-




    Caras Sit-ups

    1 2 3 4 5 6









    ber o

    f Stu





    Aerobics Class

    1. Refer to Graph A. Describe the changein the number of
    students taking theaerobics class.

    2. Predict how many students will be inthe aerobics class in
    week 6 if the trendcontinues.

    3. Predict how many students will be inthe aerobics class in
    week 8.

    4. Describe the change in the number ofsit-ups Cara can do.

    5. Predict how many sit-ups Cara will beable to do in week 6 if
    the trendcontinues.

    6. Predict the week in which Cara will beable to do 80 sit-ups
    if the trendcontinues.

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    Word Problem PracticeStem-and-Leaf Plots

    Chapter 2 13 Course 1









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    TRAFFIC For Exercises 1 and 2, use the table. For Exercises 3
    and 4, usethe stem-and-leaf plot.

    Number of Birds at a Watering Hole Each Hour

    3|4 34 birds

    1. Mr. Chin did a traffic survey. He wrotedown the number of
    trucks that passedthrough an intersection each hour.Make a
    stem-and-leaf plot of his data.

    2. Refer to your stem-and-leaf plot fromExercise 1. Mr. Chin
    needs to know therange of trucks passing through theintersection in
    one hour into which thegreatest number of trucks fall.

    3. What is the least number of birds atthe watering hole in one
    hour? What isthe greatest number?

    4. What is the most frequent number ofbirds to be at the
    watering hole in onehour?

    5. RVs Make a stem-and-leaf plot for thenumber of RVs Mr. Chin
    counted in 12hours: 3, 4, 9, 13, 7, 9, 8, 5, 4, 6, 1, 11.

    6. RVs Write a few sentences that analyzethe RV data for Mr.
    Chins report inExercise 5.

    Stem Leaf


    8 94 8 93 4 4 42 5 5 5 5 7 80 0 3 3 4 6 6 7

    Number of Trucks Passing Throughthe Intersection Each Hour

    5 15 6 42 34 2819 18 19 22 23 2132 26 34 19 29 2110 6 8 40 14

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  • ANIMALS For Exercises 14, use the line plot below about
    themaximum speed of several animals.

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    Chapter 2 14 Course 1

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    Maximum Speed of Animals (miles per hour)

    30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70

    2. What speed is most common that isrepresented in the line

    1. How many animals represented in theline plot have a maximum
    speed of 45miles per hour?

    3. What is the difference between thegreatest speed and least
    speedrepresented in the line plot?

    4. Write one or two sentences that analyzethe data.

    5. LAWN SERVICE Make a line plot for theamount of money Kyle
    earned thissummer with each lawn service job: $20,$25, $30, $15,
    $22, $25, $25, $30, $18,$15, $25, $20.

    6. MAGAZINES Make a line plot for theselling price of several
    popularmagazines: $3, $4, $5, $4, $3, $2, $4, $5,$3, $7, $9, $3,
    $4, $5.

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    Word Problem PracticeMean

    Chapter 2 15 Course 1









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    ANIMALS For Exercises 13, use the table about bears.

    1. You are writing a report on bears. Youare analyzing the data
    on heights andweights in the table above. First lookfor outliers.
    Identify the outlier for theheight data. Identify the outlier for
    theweight data.

    2. Find the mean of the bear weight datawith and without the

    3. Describe how the outlier affects themean of the bear weight

    4. WORK Carlos earned $23, $29, $25,$16, and $17 working at an
    ice creamshop after school. What is the meanamount he earned?

    5. CARS The cost of a tank of gas at ninedifferent gas stations
    is shown below.What was the mean cost of a tank ofgas?

    Cost of Gas: $17, $18, $22, $15, $17,$16, $25, $21, and $20

    6. SCHOOL Sally received scores on mathquizzes as shown below.
    Find her meanscore with and without both outliers.

    Quiz Scores: 84, 85, 91, 81, 52, 92, 99,91, and 45

    Bear Average Height (ft) Average Weight (lb)

    Alaskan BrownBlackGrizzlyPolar



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    Word Problem PracticeMedian, Mode, and Range

    Chapter 2 16 Course 1

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    SCIENCE For Exercises 13, use Table A. For Exercises 46, use
    Table B.Table A shows the number of days it took for some seeds to
    germinateafter planting. Table B shows how tall the plants were
    after 60 days.

    Table A Table B

    1. Refer to Table A. You are doing someexperiments with
    germinating seeds.You are preparing a report on yourfindings to a
    seed company. What arethe mean, median, and mode of thedata?

    2. Use your answer from Exercise 1.Which measure of central
    tendencybest describes the data? Explain.

    3. What is the range of the seedgermination data? Describe how
    thedata vary.

    4. What are the mean, median, and modeof the plant height

    5. Refer to your answer in Exercise 4.Which measure of central
    tendencybest describes the data? Explain.

    6. What is the range of the plant heightdata? Describe how the
    data vary.

    Height (in.) of Plants After 60 Days

    17 19 13 17 2015 17 21 14

    Number of Days for Seeds to Germinate

    15 20 30 15 169 21 21 15

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    VIDEOS For Exercises 14, use the three graphs on DVD sales shown

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    Word Problem PracticeSelecting an Appropriate Display

    Chapter 2 17 Course 1









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    Stem Leaf

    2 53 0 54 0 0 0 55 5

    3|0 30 DVDs

    Number of DVDs Sold

    Jan Feb




    n Jul





    ber S








    DVD Sales

    25 30 35 40 45 50 55

    Number of DVDs Sold

    2. Which display makes it easiest to findthe range of the

    1. Which display makes it easiest to seewhat number of DVDs were
    sold themost often?

    3. Which display makes it easiest to seehow the number of DVDs
    sold changedfrom January to August?

    4. Which display makes it easiest tocompare the number of DVDs
    sold inApril to the number of DVDs sold inAugust?

    5. MUSIC What type of display would bebest to show the different
    price of amusic CD at five different stores?

    6. ROLLER COASTERS Select and make anappropriate type of display
    for thefollowing data.

    Steepness of Wooden Roller Coasters70









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    Word Problem PracticeIntegers and Graphing

    Chapter 2 18 Course 1

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    1. MONEY Katryn owes her father $25.Write this number as an

    2. GEOGRAPHY Mt. Whitney in Californiais 14,494 feet above sea
    level. Writethis number as an integer.

    3. GEOGRAPHY Badwater in Death Valleyis 282 feet below sea
    level. Write thisnumber as an integer.

    4. SCHOOL Dick forgot to put his name onhis homework. His
    teacher deducts 5points for papers turned in withoutnames on them.
    So, Dick lost 5 pointsfrom his score. Write this number as

    5. GEOGRAPHY Multnomah Falls inOregon drops 620 feet from the
    top tothe bottom. Suppose a log is carried bythe water from the top
    to the bottom ofthe falls. Write the integer to describethe
    location of the log now.

    6. TRAVEL The train left the station andtraveled ahead on the
    tracks for 30miles. Write an integer to describe thenew location of
    the train from thestation.

    7. WEATHER The table shows the averagenormal January temperature
    of threecities in Alaska. Graph thetemperatures on a number

    8. GAMES The table below shows thenumber of points Chantal
    scored oneach hand of a card game. Make a lineplot of the data.

    City Temperature (F)



    Points Scored





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    Word Problem PracticeRepresenting Decimals

    Chapter 3 19 Course 1









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    BASEBALL For Exercises 14, use the table.

    The table shows lifetime batting averages for leading baseball

    1. Write Mike Piazzas batting average inword form.

    2. Which digit is in the thousandths placeof each players
    batting average?

    3. What is the batting average for theNew York Yankees player in

    4. Which players average has a 3 in thehundredths place?

    5. BUILDING When measuring boardfootage for some exotic woods,
    acarpenter must use 1.25 for thicknessrather than 1 in her
    calculations. Write1.25 in expanded form.

    6. TRAVEL The summer camp Jasonattends is exactly four hundred
    twenty-three and four tenths of a mile from hishome. Write four
    hundred twenty-threeand four tenths in standard form.

    Lifetime Batting Averages for Leading Players

    Player Team Batting Average

    Albert Pujols St. Louis Cardinals 0.331

    Manny Ramirez Boston Red Sox 0.315

    Mike Piazza San Diego Padres 0.309

    Chipper Jones Atlanta Braves 0.304

    Derek Jeter New York Yankees 0.316

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    Word Problem PracticeComparing and Ordering Decimals

    Chapter 3 20 Course 1

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    MUSIC For Exercises 14, use the table.

    The table shows the percent of the music market for each type of

    1. Use or to compare the percents forpop and rap/hip-hop. Which
    is greater?

    2. Use or to compare the percents forcountry and R&B. Which
    is greater?

    3. If you owned a store that sells CDs,which kind of music would
    you want tosell, based on the table? Explain.

    4. Suppose childrens songs have 8.05percent of the market. Is
    this greater orless than the percent for pop music?Explain.

    5. CONSTRUCTION Alberto is setting outfour boards of lumber. The
    lengths ofthe boards are 4.5 feet, 4.52 feet, 4 feet,and 4.505
    feet. Order the lengths fromlongest to shortest.

    6. CONSTRUCTION Ella set out a board ofpine lumber that was 0.8
    feet long anda board of cedar lumber that was0.80 feet long.
    Alberto said the cedarboard was longer. Is he correct?Explain.

    Music Industry Sales Statistics, 2003

    Type of Music Percent of Market

    Pop 8.9

    Country 10.4

    Rock 25.2

    Rap/Hip-Hop 13.3

    R&B 10.6

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    Word Problem PracticeRounding Decimals

    Chapter 3 21 Course 1









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    POPULATION For Exercises 1 and 2, use the table.

    The table shows the number of people in the United States per
    square mile.

    EVERGLADES For Exercises 37, use the following information.The
    Everglades National Park gets an average of 59.10 inches of
    rainfall ayear. It had 1.181351 million visitors in 2004, and its
    budget for 2003 was$13.958 million.

    Year Number of people persquare mile of land area

    1970 57.4

    1980 64.0

    1990 70.3

    2000 79.6

    U.S. Population

    1. Round the decimal for the number ofpeople per square mile in
    2000 to thenearest tens. Then round it to thenearest ones.

    2. Round the decimal for the number ofpeople per square mile in
    1970 to thenearest tens. Then round it to thenearest ones.

    3. How much rain does the EvergladesNational Park receive each
    yearrounded to the nearest inch?

    4. How many visitors did the park haverounded to the nearest
    tenth of amillion?

    5. How many visitors did the park haverounded to the nearest
    ten-thousandthof a million?

    6. What is the budget to the nearestmillion?

    7. What is the budget to the nearesthundredth of a million?

    8. SNOWBOARDING Mike, Jake, and Aaronare buying snowboards. Mike
    is gettinghis snowboard on sale for $219.49.Jakes costs $279.97.
    Aarons costs$234.95. Round each snowboard priceto the nearest

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    Word Problem PracticeEstimating Sums and Differences

    Chapter 3 22 Course 1

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    SPORTS For Exercises 13, use the table.

    The table shows the percent of annual hospital visits due to
    sports injuries bymales 15 to 19 years of age.

    Percent of Male Sports-Related Injuries in the U.S.Sport Percent
    Sport PercentBasketball 25.9 Boxing, Wrestling 4.4

    Football 21.3 Exercise 3.8

    Baseball/softball 4.1 Bicycling 8.1

    Soccer 4.6 Skateboarding 3.6

    1. Use clustering to estimate the totalnumber of hospital visits
    due to injuriesin baseball/softball, exercising,skateboarding, and

    2. Use rounding to estimate how manymore visits were due to
    football injuriesthan to soccer injuries.

    3. Use front-end estimation to estimate thetotal number of
    visits caused by injuriesin basketball and skateboarding.

    4. BASKETBALL Len dribbled a basketballfor 43 seconds before
    Greg got the ballaway. Then Greg dribbled the ball for11.525
    seconds before Len got the ball.Use front-end estimation to
    estimatehow many more seconds Len dribbledthe ball than Greg.

    5. GARDENING Kevin is going to plantthree new types of
    vegetables in hisgarden. The garden store sells packagesof
    tomatillo seeds for $1.67, chili pepperseeds for $0.89, and pumpkin
    seeds for$2.32. Use rounding to estimate howmuch Kevin will spend
    on all threepackets of seeds.

    6. TRAVEL Gloria drove 53.2 miles to hergrandmothers home. From
    hergrandmothers home she drove 12.67miles to her aunts home. Use
    front-endestimation to estimate how many milesGloria drove to get
    to her aunts home.Then use rounding to estimate thenumber of miles

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    Word Problem PracticeAdding and Subtracting Decimals

    Chapter 3 23 Course 1









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    1. MICE The average length of the headand body of a western
    harvest mouseis 2.9 inches. The average length ofthe tail is 2.8
    inches. First, estimatethe total length of the mouse. Thenfind the
    actual total length.

    2. MUSIC A piano solo on a CD is5.33 minutes long. A guitar solo
    is9.67 minutes long. How much longeris the guitar solo than the
    piano solo?First estimate the difference. Thenfind the actual

    3. WHALES The average length of a humpback whale is 13.7 meters.
    Theaverage length of a killer whale is6.85 meters. How much longer
    is thehumpback whale than the killer whale?

    4. GARDENING Alan is connecting threegarden hoses to make one
    longer hose.The green hose is 6.25 feet long, theorange hose is
    5.755 feet long, and theblack hose is 6.5 feet long. First,estimate
    the total length. Then findthe actual total length.

    5. ASTRONOMY Distance in space can bemeasured in astronomical
    units, or AU.Jupiter is 5.2 AU from the Sun. Pluto is39.223 AU from
    the Sun. How muchcloser to the Sun is Jupiter than Pluto?

    6. ALGEBRA It is x miles from JamesCity to Huntley and y miles
    fromHuntley to Grover. How many miles isit from James City to
    Grover? To findout, evaluate x y if x 4.23 andy 16.876.

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    Word Problem PracticeMultiplying Decimals by Whole Numbers

    Chapter 3 24 Course 1

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    1. COOKING Norberto uses three 14.7 ozcans of chicken broth when
    he makeshis delicious tortilla soup. How manytotal ounces of
    chicken broth does heuse?

    2. TIME Amanda works on a farm out inthe hills. It takes her
    2.25 hours todrive to town and back. She usuallygoes to town twice
    a week to getsupplies. How much time does Amandaspend driving if
    she takes 8 trips totown each month?

    3. EXERCISE The local health club isadvertising a special for
    new members:no initiation fee to join and only $34.50per month for
    the first year. If Andyjoins the health club for one year, howmuch
    will he spend on membership?

    4. BIKING In order to train for a cross-state biking trip, Julie
    rides her bike34.75 miles five times a week. Howmany total miles
    does she ride eachweek?

    5. MONEY David wants to buy 16 boltsfrom a bin at the hardware
    store. Eachbolt costs $0.03. How much will Davidpay for the

    6. INSECTS One wing of a Royal Moth is0.75 inch across. How wide
    is themoths wingspan when both wings areopen?

    7. COSTUMES KJ is making costumes forthis years samba parade.
    The patternshe is using calls for 2.125 yards offabric for each
    costume. How manyyards of fabric will she need to make 34

    8. POOL PASSES The girl scouts are goingto the pool. It will
    cost them $2.50 perperson to go and there are 10 peoplegoing. What
    will the total cost be?

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    Chapter 3 25 Course 1









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    1. GIFTS Colin is filling 4.5 ounce bottleswith lavender bubble
    bath that hemade for gifts. He was able to fill 7.5bottles. How
    many ounces of bubblebath did he make?

    2. GROCERY Ionas favorite peaches are$2.50 per pound at the
    local farmersmarket. She bought 3.5 pounds of thepeaches. How much
    did she spend?

    3. SHOPPING Jennifer is buying newschool clothes. The items she
    wants tobuy add up to $132.50 before sales tax.Sales tax is
    calculated by multiplyingthe total amount by 0.08. What is
    theamount of sales tax for the items?

    4. DRIVING Ana bought a van that holds20.75 gallons of gas and
    gets anaverage of 15.5 miles per gallon. Howmany miles can she
    expect to go on afull tank?

    5. INCOME Ishi makes $8.50 an hourrolling sushi at Kyoto
    JapaneseRestaurant. His paycheck shows thathe worked 20.88 hours
    over the pasttwo weeks. How much did Ishi makebefore taxes?

    6. TRAVEL Manny is on vacation inFrance. He rented a car to
    drive 233.3kilometers from Paris to Brussels andwants to figure out
    the distance inmiles. To convert from kilometers tomiles, he needs
    to multiply the totalkilometers by 0.62. How many mileswill Manny

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    Word Problem PracticeDividing Decimals by Whole Numbers

    Chapter 3 26 Course 1

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    1. ENTERTAINMENT Frank, Gina, Judy, andConnie are splitting
    their dinner bill.After tip, the total is $30.08. How muchdoes each
    owe if they split the bill fourways?

    2. FOOD There are 25 servings in a12.5 ounce bottle of olive
    oil. How manyounces are in a serving?

    3. RUNNING Isabella has found that shestays the most fit by
    running variousdistances and terrains throughout theweek. On
    Mondays she runs 2.5 miles,on Tuesdays 4.6 miles, on Thursdays6.75
    miles, and on Saturdays 4.8 miles.What is the average distance
    Isabellaruns on each of the days that she runs?Round to the nearest
    hundredth of amile.

    4. BUSINESS Katherine spends $1,089.72each month for rent and
    supplies torun her hair salon. If she charges $18for a haircut, how
    many haircuts mustKatherine do to cover her monthlyexpenses? Round
    to the nearest wholenumber.

    5. CONSTRUCTION It took Steve and hisconstruction crew 8 months
    to build ahouse. After expenses, he was left with$24,872.67 for
    himself. On average, howmuch did Steve make per month?Round to the
    nearest dollar.

    6. GRADES Shane wants to figure outwhat grade he is getting in
    math. Histest scores were 85.6, 78.5, 92.5, 67,and 83.7. What was
    his average test score? What grade will he receive?

    Grade Average Score

    A 90 100

    B 80 89

    C 70 79

    D 60 69

    F 50 59

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    Word Problem PracticeDividing by Decimals

    Chapter 3 27 Course 1









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    MARATHON For Exercises 1 and 2, use the table that shows
    courserecords for the Boston Marathon.

    Course Records for the Boston Marathon

    Record-holderDivision Year Time (hours)

    Mens Open Cosmas Ndeti 1994 2.121

    Womens Open Margaret Okayo 2002 2.345

    Mens Wheelchair Ernst Van Dyk 2004 1.305

    WomensWheelchair Jean Driscoll 1994 1.523

    1. The Boston Marathon is 26.2 miles.Use the times shown in the
    table tocalculate the miles per hour for eachdivision winner. Round
    to the nearestthousandth.

    2. To the nearest hundredth, how manytimes greater was the mens
    open timethan the womens wheelchair time?

    3. DRIVING The Martinez family drove48.7 miles to the river. It
    took them 1.2 hours to get there. How fast didthey drive? Round to
    the nearest wholenumber.

    4. SHOPPING Nikki is buying somerefrigerator magnets for her
    friends.Her total bill is $16.80. If magnets are$0.80 each, how
    many magnets is shebuying?

    5. SCALE MODEL Matt is making a scalemodel of a building. The
    model is 3.4 feet tall. The actual building is41.48 feet tall. How
    many timessmaller is the model than the actualbuilding?

    6. COOKING Yori has 14.25 cups ofcupcake batter. If each cupcake
    uses0.75 cup of batter, how many cupcakescan Yori make?

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  • 1. FOOD Anoki is selling cotton candy atthe school carnival. The
    machine holdsenough for 16 cotton candy treats. If heneeds to
    refill the machine every 30minutes, how many cotton candy treatscan
    he expect to sell in 3 hours?

    3. AGES Avas mother is 3 times as old asAva. Her grandmother is
    twice as old asAvas mother. The sum of their threeages is 120. How
    old is Ava, her mother,and her grandmother?

    5. FOOD Keegan stopped by the deli forhis mom. If he has $14,
    does he haveenough money to buy 1 pound of turkey,1 pound of roast
    beef, and 1 pound ofham? Explain.

    2. ZOOS The table shows the admissionprice to a local zoo.

    The Jung family is buying 2 adulttickets, 2 student tickets, and
    1 childsticket. How much will it cost the Jungfamily for admission
    to thezoo?

    4. PURSES A department store sells threedifferent styles of
    purses made by acertain designer. Each style comes innavy, black,
    or pink. How manydifferent purses are available by thisdesigner at
    the department store?

    6. PATTERNS Draw the next two figures inthe pattern shown

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    Word Problem PracticeProblem-Solving Investigation: Reasonable

    Chapter 3 28 Course 1

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    Lunch Meat Prices (lb)Ham

    Roast beef







    Ticket PricesAdult


    Child under 5




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    Chapter 4 29 Course 1









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    c.Word Problem PracticeGreatest Common Factor

    1. WAREHOUSE A warehouse has threeshelves that can hold 8, 12,
    or 16skateboards. Each shelf has sectionsholding the same number
    ofskateboards. What is the greatestnumber of skateboards that can
    be putin a section? Explain.

    2. FRUIT Mei has 15 oranges, 9 peaches,and 18 pears. She wants
    to put all ofthe fruit into decorative baskets. Eachbasket must
    have the same number ofpieces of fruit in it. Without mixingfruits,
    what is the greatest number ofpieces of fruit Mei can put in
    eachbasket? Explain.

    3. SHIPPING Oscar needs to ship 14 rockCDs, 12 classical CDs,
    and 8 pop CDs.He can pack only one type of CD ineach box, and he
    must pack the samenumber of CDs in each box. What is thegreatest
    number of CDs Oscar can packin each box? Explain.

    4. GARDENING Jill wants to put 45 sunflower plants, 81 corn
    plants,and 63 tomato plants in her garden. Ifshe puts the same
    number of plants ineach row and if each row has only onetype of
    plant, what is the greatestnumber of plants Jill can put in onerow?

    5. MONEY The list shows theamounts ofmoney the clubleader
    collected from members for acamping trip. Each member paid thesame
    amount. What is the most thecamping trip could cost per

    Wednesday $36Thursday $54Friday $72

    6. MONEY Use the information fromExercise 5. How many members
    havepaid to go on the camping trip if theprice is the greatest
    possible price permember?

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    For Exercises 13, use the following information and the table at
    the right. Write your answers insimplest form.

    In a frequency table, the relative frequency of a category is
    the fraction of the data that falls in that class.

    To find relative frequency, divide the frequency by the total
    number of items.

    Eye Color Survey

    Brown 552 12

    Blue 5 5

    Green 4 4

    Hazel 53 8

    Violet 1 1

    Color Tally Frequency

    1. STATISTICS What is the relativefrequency of people with brown

    2. STATISTICS What is the relativefrequency of people with hazel

    3. STATISTICS What is the relativefrequency of people with brown
    or hazeleyes?

    4. ANIMALS Lions sleep about 20 hours a

    day. Write 2204

    as a fraction in simplest


    5. MARBLES Carlota has 63 marbles.Twenty-eight of her marbles
    are aggies.What fraction of Carlotas marbles areaggies? Write the
    answer in simplestform.

    6. MOVIES Fourteen of the top thirty all-time grossing childrens
    films were

    animated films. Write 1340

    as a fraction

    in simplest form.

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    Word Problem PracticeMixed Numbers and Improper Fractions

    Chapter 4 31 Course 1









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    1. MILEAGE Brownsville is 758 miles away

    from Frisco. Write the distance as animproper fraction.

    2. SWIMMING Steven swam 467 meters

    crossing Lady Jay Creek. Write thedistance he swam as a mixed

    3. FOOD Kenjis favorite recipe calls for

    334 cups of flour. Write the amount of

    flour he needs as an improper fraction.

    4. PUPPY Nikkis puppy weighs

    275 pounds. Write the puppys

    weight as a mixed number.

    5. EXERCISE Koto can run 4170

    miles before

    she is too tired to keep going. Write thedistance she can run as
    an improperfraction.

    6. GEOGRAPHY Hampshire Hill is 897

    meters tall. Write its height as a mixednumber.

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    Word Problem PracticeProblem-Solving Investigation: Make an
    Organized List

    Chapter 4 32 Course 1

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    2. ICE CREAM Meagan is taking the kids sheis babysitting to the
    local ice creamparlor. If she has $7, does she haveenough money for
    two ice creamsandwiches, one sundae, and one scoop ofice cream?

    1. GEOMETRY Find the difference in theareas of the square and

    3. FUNDRAISER The school band is sellingcookie dough for a
    fundraiser. A tub ofcookie dough sells for $12, a pack of drycookie
    mix sells for $5, and drop cookiedough sells for $15 a pack. If the
    schoolband sells 24 tubs, 15 dry mixes, and 30packs of drop cookie
    dough, how muchmoney will they collect?

    4. SHOPPING At a sports store, Curtisbought some baseball card
    packs andsome T-shirts. The baseball card packscost $3 each and the
    T-shirts cost $8each. If Curtis spent $30, how manybaseball card
    packs and how many T-shirts did he buy?

    5. LANGUAGE ARTS On Monday, 86 sciencefiction books were sold at
    a book sale.This is 8 more than twice the amountsold on Thursday.
    How many sciencefiction books were sold onThursday?

    6. PATTERNS What number is missing in thepattern . . . , 234,
    345, , 567, . . . ??

    Ice Cream PricesOne scoop

    Two scoops

    Ice cream sandwich

    Ice cream sundae





    6 ft 8 ft

    3 ft

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    Word Problem PracticeLeast Common Multiple

    Chapter 4 33 Course 1









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    1. FORESTRY Omar is planting trees. Hehas enough trees to plant
    6, 7, or 14trees in each row. What is the leastnumber of trees Omar
    could have?

    2. BUSES The Line A bus arrives at thebus stop every 25 minutes,
    and theLine B bus arrives every 15 minutes.They are both at the bus
    stop rightnow. In how many minutes will theyboth be at the bus stop

    3. MARCHING BAND The high schoolmarching band rehearses with
    either 6 or 10 members in every line. What isthe least number of
    people that can bein the marching band?

    4. TIME In a clock, a large gear completesa rotation every 45
    seconds, and asmall gear completes a rotation every18 seconds. How
    many seconds passbefore the gears align again?

    5. ROSES Dante is planting his rosegarden. He knows he can plant
    all ofhis roses by planting 12 or 15 rosebushes in every row. What
    is the leastnumber of rose bushes Dante couldhave?

    6. FAMILY Every 7 years the Lancasterfamily has a family
    reunion. Every 6years they update their family tree. Ifthey both
    had a photo taken andupdated their family tree in 1997, inwhat year
    will both events occur again?

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    Word Problem PracticeComparing and Ordering Fractions

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    1. SHOES Toya is looking in her closet. If


    of her shoes are black and 25 are

    brown, does she have more black shoesor more brown shoes?

    2. BUDGET Daniel spends 37 of his money

    on rent and 49 of his money on food.

    Does he spend more money on food orrent? Explain.

    3. WOODWORKING Isi drilled a hole that

    is 59 inch wide. She has a screw that is


    inch wide. Is the hole wide enough to

    fit the screw? Explain.

    4. FOOD In a recent survey, 25 of the

    people surveyed said their favorite food

    was pizza, 14 said it was hot dogs, and


    said it was popcorn. Which food was

    favored by the greatest number ofpeople? Explain.

    5. OFFICE SUPPLIES A blue paper clip is


    inch wide. A silver paper clip is


    inch wide, and a red paper clip is


    inch wide. What color paper clip has

    the smallest width? Explain.

    6. GUMBALLS A red gumball is 58 inch

    across. A green gumball is 56 inch

    across, and a blue gumball is 79 inch

    across. List the gumballs in order fromsmallest to largest.

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    Word Problem PracticeWriting Decimals as Fractions

    Chapter 4 35 Course 1









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    1. FIELD TRIP About 0.4 of a biology classwill be going on a
    field trip. Write thedecimal as a fraction in simplest form.

    2. EARTH Eighty percent of all life onEarth is below the oceans
    surface.Write 0.80 as a fraction in simplestform.

    3. VENUS The planet Venus is 67.24million miles away from the
    Sun. Writethe decimal as a mixed number insimplest form.

    4. SATURN If you weighed 138 pounds onEarth, you would weigh
    128.34 poundson Saturn. Write the weight on Saturnas a mixed number
    in simplest form.

    5. MERCURY If you were 10 years old onEarth, you would be 41.494
    years oldon Mercury. Write the age on Mercuryas a mixed number in
    simplest form.

    6. INTERNET According to recent figures,4.65 million people in
    the Middle Eastare online. Write the decimal as amixed number in
    simplest form.

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    1. PLANETS The planet Mercury is roughly


    the size of Earth. Write the fraction

    as a decimal.

    2. MARBLES Lin has a marble that is


    inch wide. Write the marbles width

    as a decimal.

    3. HOMEWORK Miko has finished 156 of

    her homework. Write the fraction as adecimal.

    4. EXERCISE Tate has been dancing for 170

    of an hour. Write this fraction as adecimal.

    5. SPORTS Charlie played tennis for

    334 hours. Write the mixed number as a


    6. COOKING A recipe calls for 234 cups of

    milk. Write the mixed number as adecimal.

    7. HEIGHT Winona is 2132 the height of her

    little brother. Write the mixed numberas a decimal.

    8. RECESS Jennifer has been spinning in

    circles for 4136

    minutes. Write the

    mixed number as a decimal.

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    Word Problem PracticeAlgebra: Ordered Pairs and Functions

    Chapter 4 37 Course 1









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    EXERCISE The table shows the time it takesQuentin to jog 1, 2,
    3, and 4 laps aroundthe track.

    3. List this information as ordered pairs(number of times around
    track, totaltime).

    4. Graph the ordered pairs. Then describethe graph.

    PHOTOGRAPHY A photography store sellsblack and white film. The
    cost of 1, 2, and 3rolls of black and white film are shown inthe

    1. List this information as ordered pairs(number of rolls of
    film, cost).

    2. Graph the ordered pairs. Then describethe graph.

    FOOTBALL In football, each field goal madescores 3 points. The
    table shows thisrelationship.

    5. List this information as ordered pairs(field goals made,
    total points).

    6. Graph the ordered pairs. Then describethe graph.

    JEWELRY The table gives the number ofbeads needed to make
    bracelets of lengths7, 7.5, 8, and 8.5 inches.

    7. List this information as ordered pairs(bracelet length,
    number of beads).

    8. Graph the ordered pairs. Then describethe graph.

    Black and White Film CostsNumber of Rolls


    Cost ($)48


    Number of Times Around Track


    Total Time (min)5


    Field Goals Made0123

    Total Points0369

    Bracelet Length (in.)Number of Beads





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    Word Problem PracticeRounding Fractions and Mixed Numbers

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    1. EXERCISE Judy walked 658

    miles. To the

    nearest half mile, how many miles didshe walk?

    2. ANIMALS Marias hamster weighs 349

    pounds. How many pounds is this tothe nearest half pound?

    3. TRAVEL It is 9170 miles from the

    library to the school. How many milesis this to the nearest half

    4. CARPENTRY Jan has cut a board to make a shelf. The board is

    7 feet long.

    How many feet is this to the nearesthalf foot?

    5. LUMBERING Pat needs to haul away 13

    8 tons of wood from the lot. The

    maximum weight his pickup truck issupposed to carry is 1 ton.
    How manytrips should Pat make to haul all thewood away?

    6. CLOTHING Mandy is making table place mats that will take

    4 yards of cloth. If

    cloth is sold in half yards, how manyyards of cloth will Mandy
    need to buy?Explain.

    7. EXERCISE Julien is preparing for a 5-mile race. He can choose
    from a


    -mile course to train on or a 525


    course. Which course should he choose?Explain.

    8. CRAFTS Marisa wants to glue her 61

    4-inch by 84

    5-inch painting onto

    foam backing. The foam backing comesin sheets that are 6 inches
    by 9 inchesor 7 inches by 9 inches. Which sheet offoam should
    Marisa buy? Explain.

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    Chapter 5 39 Course 1









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    1. BIRTHDAYS Jonah took a survey of thedates of birth in his
    classroom. Helisted them in a stem-and-leaf plot.Which is greater
    for this set of data, themode or the median?

    3. SHOPPING Jen-Li has $95 to spend onathletic shoes. The shoes
    she wants tobuy cost $59.99. If you buy one pair, youget a second
    pair for half price. Abouthow much money will she have left overif
    she purchases two pairs of theshoes?

    5. MONEY The table gives admission costsfor a home improvement
    fair. A group oftwelve people paid a total of $50 foradmission. If
    8 of them were children,how many people in the group wereadults and
    how many were seniorcitizens?

    2. FOOD About how much more money isspent on strawberry and
    grape jellythan the other types of jelly?

    4. FIELD TRIP Mrs. Samuelson had $350 tospend on a field trip
    for herself and 18students. Admission was $12.50 perperson and
    lunch cost about $5.00 perperson. Write an equation to describethe
    amount of money left after thetrip.

    6. FOOD Carmen bought 134

    pounds of

    salmon, 215

    pounds of catfish, and 23

    pound of shrimp. About how muchseafood did Carmen buy?

    Word Problem PracticeProblem-Solving Investigation: Act It

    Stem Leaf

    0 1 1 2 3 5 5 8 91 1 2 3 3 7 8 82 0 3 5 5 6 7 7 73 0 0 1

    1|4 14th day of the month

    Home ImprovementAdmission Costs



    Senior Citizens




    Yearly Jelly Sales (thousands)strawberry andgrape jelly

    all others



    Source: Nielson Marketing Research

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    MAPS For Exercises 13, use the drawing at the right that shows
    distances between major sites onthe Avenue of the Americas inNew
    York City. Em

    pire S

    tate B








    um of


    ern Ar



    al Pa

    rk So


    1620 mi

    320 mi

    620 mi

    Avenue of the Americas, New York City

    { { {1. Carla walked from the Empire State

    Building to the Museum of Modern Art.How far did she walk?

    2. Julie walked from Central Park Southto the Museum of Modern
    Art. Jolenewalked from Radio City Music Hall tothe Museum. How much
    farther didJulie walk than Jolene?

    3. Darnell walked from Central ParkSouth to the Empire State
    Building.How far did he walk?

    4. COOKING Tiffany made a glass ofpunch from fruit juice
    concentrate. She

    used 14 cup concentrate and 34


    water. How much more water thanconcentrate did Tiffany use?

    5. ART Beng is creating a painting. He has 58 of a tube of red
    paint and


    of a

    tube of green paint. How much morered paint does he have than

    6. CONSTRUCTION Mr. Hayashi is repairing his sidewalk. He mixed

    pound of cement with sand and waterto make concrete. The next
    day he

    mixed 79 pound of cement with sand

    and water. How many pounds of cementaltogether did Mr. Hayashi

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    ______________ PERIOD _____

    Word Problem PracticeAdding and Subtracting Fractions with
    Unlike Denominators

    Chapter 5 41 Course 1









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    BUSINESS For Exercises 14, use the table below. It lists the
    fractions ofUnited States car sales held by several companies in a
    recent year.

    1. What fraction of the U.S. sales didCompany C and Company B

    2. How much greater was the fraction ofthe market of Company A
    than ofCompany D?

    3. How much more than Company Asfraction of the market did
    Company Chave?

    4. Find the total fraction of the marketthat Company D and
    Company B holdtogether.

    5. TRAVEL Gabriellas travel shampoo bottle holds 1

    2 cup of shampoo. Before

    leaving on vacation, she filled the bottle

    to the top with 18

    cup of shampoo. How

    much shampoo was already in thebottle?

    6. EXERCISE Bill and Andy were racing tosee who could run the
    farthest in

    5 minutes. Bill ran 58

    of a mile, and

    Andy ran 34

    of a mile. How much

    farther did Andy run than Bill?

    Leading Car Sales in U.S.

    Company Fraction of Sales

    Company A 15

    Company B 245

    Company C 25

    Company D 230

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    Solve. Write answers in simplest form.

    1. SCHOOL Liwanu spent 225

    hours on his

    math homework and 135

    hours on his

    science homework. How much time didhe spend doing math and

    2. FARMING Mr. Garcia planted 478


    of wheat and 158

    acres of corn. How

    much more wheat did he plant thancorn?

    3. TRAVEL It usually takes Amalie 134

    hours to get to her aunts house. Due to

    Thanksgiving traffic, this year it took


    hours. How much longer did it take

    this year?

    4. COOKING Gina wants to make muffins.The recipe for blueberry
    muffins calls

    for 234

    cups of flour. The recipe for

    cornmeal muffins calls for 113

    cups of

    flour. How many more cups of flourwould Gina need for blueberry
    muffinsthan corn muffins?

    5. SCULPTURE Jos has 812

    cups of Plaster

    of Paris powder. If Jos uses 535


    for a sculpture, how much plaster willhe have left?

    6. BOOKS Kyle read 356

    books and Jan

    read 213

    books. How many more books

    did Kyle read than Jan?

    7. ANIMALS The average length of a Rufous hummingbird is 31

    2 inches. The

    average length of a Broad-tailed

    hummingbird is 412

    inches. How much

    shorter is the Rufous hummingbird?

    8. RECYCLING The class collected


    pounds of glass bottles and


    pounds of aluminum cans. How

    many pounds of glass and aluminumdid the class collect in

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    Word Problem PracticeEstimating Products of Fractions

    Chapter 5 43 Course 1









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    Estimate by using rounding or compatible numbers. Show how you
    found yourestimates.

    FOOD For Exercises 13, use the table.The table lists the grams
    of saturated fat per tablespoon of some common fats.

    1. Jenny is making muffins. The recipecalls for 4 tablespoons of
    oil. If she usessafflower oil, about how many grams ofsaturated fat
    would she be adding tothe muffin batter?

    2. Curtis spread 2 tablespoons of butteron his slice of bread.
    About how manygrams of saturated fat did Curtis addto the slice of

    3. Rubin is fond of bagels and cream cheese. He spread 523
    tablespoons of

    cream cheese on his bagel and ate thebagel. About how many grams
    ofsaturated fat did Rubin eat by eatingthe cream cheese?

    4. WATER Marcia is making a habit ofdrinking at least 7 cups of
    water a day.About how many cups of water did she

    drink if she drank 34 the number of

    cups she wanted to drink?

    5. TRAVEL Seth has been driving for 434 hours at 62 miles per
    hour. About

    how many miles has he driven?

    6. MAIL The U.S. Postal Service deliversabout 199 billion pieces
    of mail each

    year. Of this mail, 45 is sent by big

    commercial users. About how manypieces of mail are sent by
    bigcommercial users each year?

    Grams of Saturated Fat per Tablespoon

    Safflower Oil 45

    Olive Oil 145

    Butter 715

    Cream Cheese 315

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    COOKING For Exercises 1 and 2, use the recipe for chocolate

    1. Georgia wants to cut the recipe forchocolate frosting in half
    for a smallcake that shes making. How much ofeach ingredient will
    she need?

    2. Suppose Georgia wanted to double therecipe; what would the
    measurementsbe for each ingredient?

    3. COMPUTERS 15

    of todays collegestudents began using computersbetween the ages
    of 5 and 8. If a collegehas 3,500 students, how many of thestudents
    began using computersbetween the ages of 5 and 8?

    4. EXERCISE A paper published in amedical journal reported that

    1215 of girls ages 16 to 17 do not exercise

    at all. The entire study consisted ofabout 2,500 girls. About
    how many didnot exercise?

    5. ANIMALS Catherine walks her dog


    mile every day. How far does she walk

    each week?

    6. MUSIC If you practice a musical instrument each day for 2

    3 of an hour,

    how many hours of practice would you

    get in each week?

    Chocolate Frosting Recipe


    cup butter

    2 ounces melted unsweetened chocolate

    2 cups powdered sugar


    teaspoon vanilla

    2 tablespoons milk

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    Word Problem PracticeMultiplying Mixed Numbers

    Chapter 5 45 Course 1









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    FOOD For Exercises 13, use the table. The table shows Keiths
    foodoptions for a 7-day outdoor survival course.

    Food Options for 7-day Outdoor Survival Course

    peanut butter 1 plastic jar 435


    dried noodles/rice 1423


    dried fruit/nuts 616


    concentrated juice boxes 8 boxes 1614


    beef jerky 313


    powdered milk 1 box 845


    dehydrated soup 5 packages 1523


    canned tuna/meat 4 cans 535


    1. Keith wants to divide his tuna over theseven-day course. How
    many cups oftuna meat can Keith plan on

    consuming each day?

    2. Keith would like to bring enoughconcentrated juice in order
    to have


    cups available per day. How much

    juice does he need and is 8 boxes ofconcentrated juice

    3. Six other students have been advised tobring the same menu on
    the course.How many cups of dried fruits and nutswill the students
    be bringing alltogether?

    4. MEASUREMENT Bill wants to put alarge mural on a wall that


    feet long and 818

    feet wide. Find

    the area of the wall. If the mural is 100 square feet, will it
    fit on the wall?

    5. PAINTING Pam is mixing 315

    batches of

    paint. If one batch calls for


    tablespoons of detergent to add to

    the tempera powder, how manytablespoons of detergent will

    6. COOKING To make a batch of fruit punch, Steve needs 22

    3 cups blackberry

    juice. If he wants to make 234


    of punch, how many cups of blackberryjuice will he need?

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    1. PIZZA Norberto has 190 of a pizza. The

    pizza will be divided equally among 6 people. How much will each

    2. CARPENTRY Laura wants to cut a board into three equal pieces.
    The board is


    feet long. How long will each piece


    3. PETS Errol uses 13

    can of wet dog food

    for his dog, Muddy, each day. How manyservings will he get from
    5 cans of dogfood?

    4. ICE CREAM Julia ate 12

    pint of mint

    chocolate chip ice cream. Mark ate


    pint of malt ice cream. How many

    times more ice cream did Mark eat?

    5. GARDENING Talia wants to give away 6 bundles of rosemary from
    her herb

    garden. If she has 12

    pound of rosemary,

    how much will each bundle weigh?

    6. SCHOOL Kirsten has 34

    hour left to

    finish 5 math problems on the test.How much time does she have
    to spendon each problem?

    7. FOOD Joe has 12

    of a cake he would like

    to split among 3 people. What part ofthe cake will each person

    8. INTERNET 34

    of college students use the

    Internet more than the library. 1900 use

    the library more. How many timesmore students use the

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    NAME ________________________________________ DATE
    ______________ PERIOD _____

    Word Problem PracticeDividing Mixed Numbers

    Chapter 5 47 Course 1









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    es, In


    1. VIDEOTAPES Lyle is putting hisvideotapes on a shelf. The
    shelf is 12 inches long. If each videotape is


    inches wide, how many videotapes

    can he put side-by-side on the shelf?

    2. FOOD DeLila has 412

    pies to divide

    equally among 9 people. How much will

    each person get?

    3. GARDENING Maurice mows lawns onSaturday. Last week it took
    him 51


    hours to finish. This week it took only 5hours. How many times
    longer did it

    take last week than this week?

    4. COOKING Chris is cutting a roll ofcookie dough into pieces
    that are


    inch thick. If the roll is 1012


    long, how many pieces can he make?

    5. SPORTS Tanya Streeter holds the worldrecord for free-diving
    in the ocean. She

    dove 525 feet in 312

    minutes. How many

    feet per minute did she dive?

    6. GARDENING Catherine got 938


    of c

Rated 4.26 out of 5 based on 23 customer ratings

(24 customer reviews)

Kumon Middle School Math Series. Advance in Math with ease. Kumon Middle School Math workbooks provide an introduction to math subjects with explanations of topics, definitions of terms, and practice problems designed to improve each child’s math skills. Using Kumon’s step-by-step method children will advance through concepts without feeling frustrated when faced with new material. These workbooks will help children develop confidence in their math abilities.

Our workbooks are based on the Kumon Method, a learning system designed to help each child reach his or her full potential. Concepts are introduced in a step-by-step manner that allows your child to master each in turn without frustration. Through Kumon Workbooks, children gain confidence in their abilities and are motivated to learn on their own. We believe in creating the best possible products for children, so our workbooks never compromise on content or quality.

Word Problems Grade 6-8 joins Kumon Middle School Math series. The word problems in this workbook will cover grade appropriate topics. Word problems are designed to test a child’s understanding and mastery of math topics. This workbook will develop your child’s ability to apply the math skills he or she has learned in Middle School to real world situations. Learning math is easy with our middle school level math books.

11 × 8 ½ inches. paperback. 192 pages. full color. US $14.95 / C$17.95

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  • Reviews (24)


Kumon Middle School Math Series. Advance in Math with ease. Kumon Middle School Math workbooks provide an introduction to math subjects with explanations of topics, definitions of terms, and practice problems designed to improve each child’s math skills. Using Kumon’s step-by-step method children will advance through concepts without feeling frustrated when faced with new material. These workbooks will help children develop confidence in their math abilities.

Our workbooks are based on the Kumon Method, a learning system designed to help each child reach his or her full potential. Concepts are introduced in a step-by-step manner that allows your child to master each in turn without frustration. Through Kumon Workbooks, children gain confidence in their abilities and are motivated to learn on their own. We believe in creating the best possible products for children, so our workbooks never compromise on content or quality.

Word Problems Grade 6-8 joins Kumon Middle School Math series. The word problems in this workbook will cover grade appropriate topics. Word problems are designed to test a child’s understanding and mastery of math topics. This workbook will develop your child’s ability to apply the math skills he or she has learned in Middle School to real world situations. Learning math is easy with our middle school level math books.

11 × 8 ½ inches. paperback. 192 pages. full color. US $14.95 / C$17.95

Additional information


6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade


Calculation Workbooks





24 reviews for Word Problems Grades 6-8

  1. Rated 5 out of 5

    Jackie Arevalo
    October 12, 2022

    Worth itBrother needed it, came fast, and in perfect condition

  2. Rated 5 out of 5

    June 30, 2022

    Two Excellent Books in One-Workbook I and Workbook II are included in this 192 page book. Be mindful that the answer key for the first book is right in the middle of the book! currently page 88. Then book II follows. The problems are in increasing difficulty with the skill displayed in bold at the top of the page, there are also hints at the bottom of the page on some of the newer or more difficult tasks. This is not a textbook, it is a workbook, totally worth the money. Don’t rush through it and success is sure to be achieved!

  3. Rated 4 out of 5

    Shital Patel
    July 27, 2021

    Good workbook to develop your child.Great worked book tobuae for child development.

  4. Rated 5 out of 5

    February 11, 2021

    Great for afterschool helpMy daughter has really improved in math using these books. She always struggled with word problems. So a lil one on one after work/school with her and she has started to gain the confidence she needed to make her improvements. This isn’t a “miracle” that’s just give to your child and it good. you’ll have to invest time with your child and help them, but I promise they will improve and gain confidence.

  5. Rated 1 out of 5

    Kindle Customer
    October 11, 2022

    Not for AmericansAlmost every single word problem is in metric units!! This book is almost completely useless. Even the speed problems avoid miles per hour like a bad penny. Why should you care? This defeats two important reasons for using word problems. First, they are supposed to be apply their worldly knowledge to help understand and therefore organize and solve the problem. Second, students are supposed to ask if their answers are reasonable.

  6. Rated 5 out of 5

    January 15, 2021


  7. Rated 1 out of 5

    September 17, 2021

    Used book, not newJust turn the first page, and find that there is a word written on that page. This book is a used one.

  8. Rated 5 out of 5

    October 4, 2022

    Excellent!My 7th grader is homeschooled. This is a great workbook for her!

  9. Rated 4 out of 5

    January 8, 2022

    Very goodVery good book to help kids practice solving a variety of word problems. Some problems are too difficult for sixth graders to work on without adult help.

  10. Rated 4 out of 5

    January 26, 2023

    Wow amazing 🙂Amazing workbook for my daughter. Very fast delivery and in good quality. Daughter learner a lot 👍👍👍

  11. Rated 5 out of 5

    C W
    December 11, 2022

    Good for my sonVery good material for my son who is going to be in year 7. The delivery was super fast.

  12. Rated 5 out of 5

    July 2, 2022

    Buen libroExcelente

  13. Rated 5 out of 5

    January 1, 2021

    Exactly what I had been looking for!Some reviews mentioned that these are impractical problems i.e. not application-based, Yes, that is true to an extent. However, that is not the reason you should buy this book. The idea is to help the student think out a solution instead of blindly applying a formula, plugging in the values and spitting out an answer. It is a great tool for cultivating thinking-based problem solving. It also teaches that there is more than one way to arrive at the solution. When I say “teach”, I don’t mean that the book shows you how to solve the problem. This book is not a textbook for teaching or learning. It is for applying your knowledge (gained in class, home school, tutor groups, etc.) and figuring out how to solve the problem. The answer key is provided, but not the method used to arrive at the solution. This is the reason why I bought it – you are forced to think out the answer; there may be more than one way to get the answer and the answer key only serves the purpose of giving the answer and not doing the thinking for you!If that is something you are looking for – you should definitely buy this book!

  14. Rated 5 out of 5

    November 16, 2020

    Gorgeous and worth it!!!I recommend every workbook and anything from Kumon. Their books are great, short and clear explanations that explain enough without wasting the child’s time, clear and accurate assessment of the student’s work through a point system in the books, plus there are answers and some solutions that help a lot. So far, I haven’t come across Kumon’s bad workbooks, although I’ve bought textbooks from almost every subject they offer. They are really grеat!!! Especially this book for grades 6-8 for text math problems, for Algebra and Geometry, which covers everything the children maybe missed and the children progress very quickly to a higher grade that they has not yet reached. I am very impressed ! I rarely have such opinions about any book! In the beginning it is difficult for the child with Kumon’s books and they spend more time even for one lesson, but later the child begins to understand more and more and becomes pleasant and begins to become more independent if they don’t stop perseverance in the practice of Kumon’s books.

  15. Rated 4 out of 5

    Patrick Guan
    January 23, 2021

    this book is very goodI liked that it has two separate parts one where it is easier and one where it is harder and the book was long and hard as well

  16. Rated 2 out of 5

    Amazon Customer
    June 10, 2022

    Good for kids who completely understand this math .If you are not completely sure and need help then this is not for you. It’s geared more to extra practice then helping understand the concepts.

  17. Rated 5 out of 5

    Wei Bai
    January 15, 2022

    Great bookGreat book

  18. Rated 5 out of 5

    January 7, 2022

    GreatWord problems are gymnastics for a mathematically oriented mind. Kumon doesn’t disappoint

  19. Rated 3 out of 5

    October 6, 2020

    OkKids said it’s too easy… lol

  20. Rated 5 out of 5

    jin chen
    February 17, 2021

    helpfuleasy to start, easy to understand

  21. Rated 5 out of 5

    November 25, 2020

    Worth every pennyWorth to buy for year6-8, practice at home and learn to concentrate on questions

  22. Rated 5 out of 5

    August 23, 2020

    Variety of questionsGood variety of questions for children at different levels.

  23. Rated 5 out of 5

    Jianhua Song
    March 9, 2020

    good bookperfect for practicing.

  24. Rated 5 out of 5

    Amazon Customer
    January 13, 2020


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Word problems can be thought of as little math puzzles we read. Students learn that solving a word problem involves reading it carefully then turning the words into numbers. The book demonstrates how to solve addition and subtraction word problems by using objects or drawings. This title also will allow students to explain how an author uses reasons and evidence to support particular points in a text and identify which reasons and evidence support specific point(s).


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Дорогой ценитель литературы, погрузившись в уютное кресло и укутавшись теплым шерстяным пледом книга «All About Word Problems» Markovics Joyce (EN) поможет тебе приятно скоротать время. Сюжет разворачивается в живописном месте, которое легко ложится в основу и становится практически родным и словно, знакомым с детства. Обильное количество метафор, которые повсеместно использованы в тексте, сделали сюжет живым и сочным. На первый взгляд сочетание любви и дружбы кажется обыденным и приевшимся, но впоследствии приходишь к выводу очевидности выбранной проблематики. Что ни говори, а все-таки есть некая изюминка, которая выделяет данный masterpiece среди множества подобного рода и жанра. Благодаря живому и динамичному языку повествования все зрительные образы у читателя наполняются всей гаммой красок и звуков. Кто способен читать между строк, может уловить, что важное в своем непосредственном проявлении становится собственной противоположностью. Обращают на себя внимание неординарные и необычные герои, эти персонажи заметно оживляют картину происходящего. Динамичный и живой язык повествования с невероятной скоростью приводит финалу и удивляет непредсказуемой развязкой. Мягкая ирония наряду с комическими ситуациями настолько гармонично вплетены в сюжет, что становятся неразрывной его частью. Темы любви и ненависти, добра и зла, дружбы и вражды, в какое бы время они не затрагивались, всегда остаются актуальными и насущными. «All About Word Problems» Markovics Joyce (EN) читать бесплатно онлайн, благодаря умело запутанному сюжету и динамичным событиям, будет интересно не только поклонникам данного жанра.

Читать All About Word Problems


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There are many books that purport to teach children how to do math word problems. However, there is no clear consensus on which of these books is the best. This book seeks to provide a clear and concise guide on how to math word problems, with an emphasis on helping children understand the process. It includes worked examples for every type of problem, step-by-step instructions, and tips for success.

Why Math Word Problems Book Is Necessary?

Word problems are an essential part of math education, as they help students learn to apply their mathematical knowledge to real-world scenarios. The best math word problem books will offer a variety of word problems that cover a range of topics and difficulty levels. This will ensure that students have ample opportunity to practice this important skill. In addition, the best word problem books will provide helpful solving strategies and tips so that students can approach each problem confidently.

Our Top Picks For Best Math Word Problems Book







Word Problems Grade 4 (Practice Makes Perfect (Teacher Created Materials))



Daily Warm Ups: Word Problems - Book - Grade 3



Daily Warm-Ups: Problem Solving Math Grade 4: Problem Solving Math Grade 4 (Daily Warm-Ups: Word Problems)



School Zone - Big Second Grade Workbook - 320 Pages, Ages 7 to 8, 2nd Grade, Word Problems, Reading Comprehension, Phonics, Math, Science, and More (School Zone Big Workbook Series)



Kumon Grade 3 Word Problems (Kumon Math Workbooks)

Best Math Word Problems Book Guidance

Word Problems Grade 4 (Practice Makes Perfect (Teacher Created Materials))

Word Problems Grade 4 (Practice Makes Perfect (Teacher Created Materials))

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Word problems can be tricky for some fourth grade students. However, with a little practice, they can master this skill. This workbook provides students with plenty of practice opportunities to flex their math muscles and problem-solving skills. From working with fractions and decimals to improving their multiplying and dividing abilities, students will be equipped with the knowledge and confidence they need to succeed in math class and beyond.

Common Questions on Word Problems Grade 4 (Practice Makes Perfect (Teacher Created Materials))

• Tony had 26 candy bars. He gave away 14 candy bars to his friends. How many candy bars does Tony have now?

Tony has 12 candy bars now.

Why We Like This

• 1. Provides practice with solving word problems, a key skill for fourth grade students
• 2. Features a variety of problem types to keep students engaged
• 3. Includes a reproducible student workbook for extra practice
• 4. Offers tips and strategies for solving word problems
• 5. perfect for use at home or in the classroom

Additional Product Information

Height 11 Inches
Length 8.5 Inches
Weight 0.3 Pounds

Daily Warm Ups: Word Problems – Book – Grade 3

Daily Warm Ups: Word Problems - Book - Grade 3

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When it comes to teaching math, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. That’s why we created this comprehensive Daily Warm Ups: Word Problems book. It includes a variety of problems that will help your students learn different strategies for solving word problems. And because the exercises also teach other important math concepts, your students will be well-prepared for whatever math challenges they encounter. So don’t wait – get your students started on the path to math success today!

Common Questions on Daily Warm Ups: Word Problems – Book – Grade 3

• Division with remainders

What is the best way to handle remainders when dividing?

• How can you use estimation when solving word problems?

Estimation can be used to check the reasonableness of your answer.

Why We Like This

1. 250 exercises to help students learn a variety of strategies for solving word problems.
2. Also helps teach other math concepts.
3. Provides students with strategies and skills for solving a variety of word problems.
4. Ideal for grade level 3.
5. Ensures success for students.

Additional Product Information

Height 11 Inches
Length 8.5 Inches
Weight 0.95 Pounds

Daily Warm-Ups: Problem Solving Math Grade 4: Problem Solving Math Grade 4 (Daily Warm-Ups: Word Problems)

Daily Warm-Ups: Problem Solving Math Grade 4: Problem Solving Math Grade 4 (Daily Warm-Ups: Word Problems)

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An ideal resource for helping students learn a variety of strategies for solving word problems, the Daily Warm-Ups: Problem Solving Math Grade 4 includes 250 exercises that also help teach other math concepts as well. Covering a range of strategies from making a list or chart to looking for clues and patterns, this resource prepares your students with both strategies and skills for solving a variety of word problems to ensure success. Ideal for grade level 4.

Common Questions on Daily Warm-Ups: Problem Solving Math Grade 4: Problem Solving Math Grade 4 (Daily Warm-Ups: Word Problems)

• Tony has 4 dogs. He wants to put them all in the same pen, but he only has enough room for 3 dogs in the pen. How can he put all of his dogs in the pen?

He can put 3 dogs in the pen, and then put the fourth dog in a different pen.

Why We Like This

• 250 exercises to help students learn various strategies for solving word problems
• Also helps teach other math concepts
• Prepares students with strategies and skills for solving a variety of word problems
• Ideal for grade level 4
• Sold as an Each

Additional Product Information

Height 11 Inches
Length 8.5 Inches
Weight 0.95 Pounds

School Zone – Big Second Grade Workbook – 320 Pages, Ages 7 to 8, 2nd Grade, Word Problems, Reading Comprehension, Phonics, Math, Science, and More (School Zone Big Workbook Series)

School Zone - Big Second Grade Workbook - 320 Pages, Ages 7 to 8, 2nd Grade, Word Problems, Reading Comprehension, Phonics, Math, Science, and More (School Zone Big Workbook Series)

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School Zone’s Big Second Grade Workbook is packed with 320 pages of educational fun for 7- to 8-year-olds. This workbook covers key second grade concepts including word problems, reading comprehension, phonics, math, science, and more. Each page is filled with bright, kid-friendly illustrations and lively activities to keep little ones engaged.

With easy-to-follow instructions, parents can feel confident that their child is receiving a well-rounded education. This workbook is the perfect way to supplement your child’s school curriculum or provide extra practice at home. Give your child a head start with School Zone’s Big Second Grade Workbook.

Common Questions on School Zone – Big Second Grade Workbook – 320 Pages, Ages 7 to 8, 2nd Grade, Word Problems, Reading Comprehension, Phonics, Math, Science, and More (School Zone Big Workbook Series)

• What is the title of the book?
The title of the book is “School Zone – Big Second Grade Workbook – 320 Pages, Ages 7 to 8, 2nd Grade, Word Problems, Reading Comprehension, Phonics, Math, Science, and More (School Zone Big Workbook Series)”.

• What is the author’s name?
School Zone

• What is the page count?
320 pages

• What is the reading level?
Ages 7 to 8, 2nd Grade

• What subjects are covered in the book?
Word Problems, Reading Comprehension, Phonics, Math, Science

Why We Like This

• The School Zone Big Second Grade Workbook covers 320 pages of material, making it a great value.
• The workbook is designed to help 7 to 8 year olds master important 2nd grade concepts.
• Topics include word problems, reading comprehension, phonics, math, science, and more.
• The workbook is made with high quality materials and is a top quality children’s item.
• The School Zone Big Second Grade Workbook is a great way to help your child succeed in school.

Additional Product Information

Color Paperback,
Height 11 Inches
Length 8.75 Inches
Weight 1.5 Pounds

Kumon Grade 3 Word Problems (Kumon Math Workbooks)

Kumon Grade 3 Word Problems (Kumon Math Workbooks)

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Kumon grade 3 word problems are designed to help your child understand and solve different types of word problems. These word problems cover a variety of topics, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, and more.

With Kumon grade 3 word problems, your child will:

– Practice identifying the important information in a word problem
– Learn how to approach and solve different types of word problems
– Build confidence in solving word problems

Kumon grade 3 word problems are an excellent way for your child to practice and improve their problem-solving skills. With these word problems, your child will be well on their way to becoming a math problem-solving pro!

Common Questions on Kumon Grade 3 Word Problems (Kumon Math Workbooks)

Find the product of 5 and 8.

The product of 5 and 8 is 40.

• Find the product of 9 and 3.

The product of 9 and 3 is 27.

• Find the product of 2 and 6.

The product of 2 and 6 is 12.

• Find the product of 7 and 4.

The product of 7 and 4 is 28.

• Find the product of 8 and 5.

The product of 8 and 5 is 40.

Why We Like This

1. Helps your child develop critical thinking skills and learn to solve problems independently.

2. Provides step by step instructions and plenty of practice opportunities.

3. Encourages your child to persevere and build confidence in their abilities.

4. Kumon workbooks are developed by experienced educators and are trusted by parents and teachers worldwide.

5. The Kumon Method has helped millions of children around the world to reach their full potential.

Additional Product Information

Height 10.9 Inches
Length 8.4 Inches
Weight 0.6 Pounds

Benefits of Math Word Problems Book

A good math word problems book can help students sharpen their problem-solving skills and improve their understanding of mathematical concepts. The best books also provide practice in identifying key information in a word problem and using that information to solve the problem. These books can be used as a supplement to a regular math curriculum or as a stand-alone resource for struggling students or those who need extra practice.

Buying Guide for Best Math Word Problems Book

There are many different math word problem books on the market. It can be difficult to decide which one is right for you. Here are some things to keep in mind when choosing a math word problem book:

-What level of math are you comfortable with? Some books are geared towards elementary school students while others are more appropriate for middle or high school students. Choose a book that is at the right level for you.

-What types of word problems are you interested in? Some books focus on specific types of problems, such as geometry or algebra word problems. Others contain a mix of different types of word problems. Decide what type of problems you want to work on before selecting a book.

-How much guidance do you need? Some books provide step-by-step instructions on how to solve each problem while others simply present the problems and leave it up to the reader to figure out the solution. Choose a book based on how much guidance you feel you need.

Frequently Asked Question

What are the best math word problem books?

Some popular math word problem books include ‘The Elephant’s Child’ by Rudyard Kipling, ‘The Tortoise and the Hare’ by Aesop, and ‘The Three Little Pigs’ by James Marshall.

How can I improve my math word problem solving skills?

Some tips that may help you solve math word problems more effectively are to read the problem carefully and try to identify what information is given and what is being asked. Once you have a clear understanding of the problem, you can begin to devise a plan to solve it. Often it is helpful to draw a picture or diagram to visualize the problem and solution. Another helpful tip is to use math vocabulary when solving the problem and to label your work clearly.

What strategies can I use to solve math word problems?

There are a variety of strategies that can be used to solve math word problems. Some common strategies include using a model or drawing a picture to represent the problem, using estimation to solve the problem, or using algebraic equations to solve the problem.

What are some common mistakes that students make when solving math word problems?

Some common mistakes students make when solving math word problems are: -Not reading the problem carefully and understanding what is being asked-Not translating the words into math symbols and equations-Guessing the answer instead of solving the problem-Skipping steps in the solution-Not checking their work for mistakes

What are some tips for solving math word problems?

Some tips that could be useful for solving math word problems in general include: reading the problem carefully and understanding what is being asked; identifying and extracting the relevant information from the problem; using diagrams or other visuals to help solve the problem; and breaking the problem down into smaller, more manageable pieces. Additionally, it is often helpful to talk through the problem with someone else or to write down each step of the solution process in order to keep track of one’s thoughts.


Don’t miss this great opportunity to buy the best math word problems book! It’s packed with tons of useful information that will help you improve your math skills.

О книге «Math Word Problems For Dummies»

Covers percentages, probability, proportions, and more Get a grip on all types of word problems by applying them to real life Are you mystified by math word problems? This easy-to-understand guide shows you how to conquer these tricky questions with a step-by-step plan for finding the right solution each and every time, no matter the kind or level of problem. From learning math lingo and performing operations to calculating formulas and writing equations, you’ll get all the skills you need to succeed! Discover how to: * Translate word problems into plain English * Brush up on basic math skills * Plug in the right operation or formula * Tackle algebraic and geometric problems * Check your answers to see if they work

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