Book in korean word

Book In Korean

In this Korean vocabulary lesson, you will learn how to say “book” in Korean. You’ll also learn many useful words that include the word (book) and be able to download a free PDF to help you learn these words. Let’s get started.

How To Say “Book” In Korean

The word for “Book” in Korean is [chaek]. Just like in English, there are many compound words that include (book). For example, bookcase (책장), bookstore (책방), notebook (공책), etc. Here is a list of words that include the word for book in Korean ().







book price



student bag

space between layers





used book

comic books

*These ‘Word Builder’ lessons were made possible by our in-house Korean teacher Korean Arah. Don’t forget to Subscribe To Korean Arah’s YouTube Channel so you never miss a lesson!

You can also book Eden Island airport hotels at low prices.

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당신은 또한 가격 에덴아일랜드 공항 호텔을 예약하실.

You can also book Kato Pavliana airport hotels at low prices.

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당신은 또한 가격 Kato Pavliana 공항 호텔을 예약하실.

You can also book Val d’Illiez airport hotels at cheap rates.

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당신은 또한 가격 Val d’Illiez 공항 호텔을 예약하실.

You can also book Slap ob Idrijci airport hotels at low prices.

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당신은 또한 가격 Slap ob Idrijci 공항 호텔을 예약하실.

You can also book Ban Pak Lak airport hotels at low prices.

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당신은 또한 가격 Ban Pak Lak 공항 호텔을 예약하실.

You can also book Ribcev Laz airport hotels at low prices.

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당신은 또한 가격 Ribcev Laz 공항 호텔을 예약하실.

You can also book Kamala Beach airport hotels at low prices.

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당신은 또한 가격 카말라 비치 공항 호텔을 예약하실.

You can also book Ravne na Koroskem airport hotels at low prices.

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당신은 또한 가격 Ravne na Koroskem 공항 호텔을 예약하실.

You can also book Ribnica na Pohorju airport hotels at low prices.

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당신은 또한 가격 Ribnica na Pohorju 공항 호텔을 예약하실.

You can also book Pointe Au Sel airport hotels at cheap rates.

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당신은 또한 가격 Pointe Au Sel 공항 호텔을 예약하실.

You can also book Ban Sam Kong airport hotels at cheap rates.

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당신은 또한 가격 Ban Sam Kong 공항 호텔을 예약하실.

You can also book Anse Etoile airport hotels at low prices.

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당신은 또한 가격 Anse Etoile 공항 호텔을 예약하실.

You can also book Kranjska Gora airport hotels at cheap rates.

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당신은 또한 가격 크라니스카고라 공항 호텔을 예약하실.

You can also book Aeschi Bei Spiez airport hotels at cheap rates.

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당신은 또한 가격 Aeschi Bei Spiez 공항 호텔을 예약하실.

You can also book Ao Nang airport hotels at cheap rates.

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당신은 또한 가격 Ao Nang 공항 호텔을 예약하실.

You can also book Sanur(Bali) airport hotels at low prices.

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당신은 또한 가격 발리 사누르 공항 호텔을 예약하실.

You can also book Le Chable airport hotels at low prices.

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당신은 또한 가격 Le Chable 공항 호텔을 예약하실.

You can also book New York City airport hotels at low prices.

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당신은 또한 가격 New York City 공항 호텔을 예약하실.

It won the USA Book News award for Best Science Book in 2006.

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USA BOOK NEWS가 뽑은 2006 미국 최고의 과학 책,

Book Direct and save 10%.

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BOOK DIRECT AND SAVE 10%모든 프로모션 보기.

Book direct for best prices guaranteed online.

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BOOK DIRECT FOR: Best prices guaranteed 무료 와이파이.

Book Early and Save 10% on all packages.

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BOOK DIRECT AND SAVE 10%모든 프로모션 보기.

Book review,“The God Delusion”.

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BOOK REVIEW- 『만들어진 신The God Delusion….

She takes the book from him, and he lets her.

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SHE HAD THE BOOK FROM HIM 그녀는 그에게서 책을 가지고.

The Book of Marvels and Travels.

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How to Say Book in KoreanAdvertisement


If you want to know how to say book in Korean, you will find the translation here. We hope this will help you to understand Korean better.

Here is the translation and the Korean word for book:




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«Book in Korean.» In Different Languages, Accessed 13 Apr 2023.



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Hello everyone, it’s your Korean teacher Jun and welcome to another Korean words tutorial. Everyone becomes a student once in their life and school is their home, even though a lot of young students hate it so much. But you know what? Many teachers hate it as much as they do lol. Anyway, today we are going to learn essential Korean words that you can use for school.

Korean Words for School Featured



학교 means a school in Korean. The Korean word 학교 is very different than the English word school. In English. school means a place where you can learn something. So, it can be a dance school, a language school or a guitar school. However, 학교 only means elementary school, middle school, high school, college or university.

The pronunciation is supposed to be [hakgyo] but it’s actually pronounced as [ha-ggyo] or [hak-ggyo].

학생 때는 학교가 싫지만 선생님 되면 더 싫어짐 ㅋㅋ
You hate school when you are a student but you will hate it more when you are a teacher lol



다니다 is an informal Korean word for ‘using a path (frequently)’ or ‘going and coming back (regularly)’. English doesn’t have this word (maybe you can find a similar word in your language though). To understand or speak Korean fluently, 다니다 is very essential. Native Koreans use it instead of ‘go’, ‘come’ or ‘use’ in a lot of casual conversations.

Native Koreans use 다니다 to say ‘go to school’. It’s very important because of 2 reasons. 1st, If you say ‘go to school’ with the Korean word ‘가다(go)’, then it literally means ‘you go to some place physically’, it doesn’t have much nuance that you are a student and you go to school everyday.

2nd, Native Koreans often answer ‘학교 다녀요 (I go to school)’ when someone asks if they are a student.

지금 고등학교 다니고 있어요
(I) go to high school now
I’m a high school student


To ask

물어보다 is an informal Korean word that is very similar to ‘ask’. You can use it for asking a question or asking someone to do something. 물어보다 is a complex verb that has 2 verbs in it. 묻다 which literally means ‘ask’ and 보다. 보다 makes a meaning ‘try to’ or ‘intent to’ after another Korean verb.

You must remember that usually 물어보다 isn’t used with a noun like ‘질문을 물어보다 (ask a question)’. You have to use it alone.

물어보지 마세요. 저도 잘 몰라요
Don’t ask me. I don’t know either


To ask a question / To make a question

질문하다 is a formal Korean word that also means ‘to ask’. However, the Korean word 질문하다 is more specified for making questions. 질문하다 is made of 2 different words, 질문 and 하다. 질문 means ‘question’ and 하다 means ‘do’. So translating it as ‘making a question’ or ‘asking a question’ is perfect.

질문 is a formal Korean word for ‘question’ as a noun. However, it’s very commonly used in casual conversations.

질문하지마시고 계속 궁금해하세요
Don’t ask a question, keep being curious



학생 means ‘student’ in Korean. However, just like the Korean word 학교. It’s only natural to describe a student of elementary, middle, high school or college, Korean prefer to be specific for this like ‘초등학생 (elementary school student)’, ‘중학생 (middle school student)’, 고등학생(high school student), 대학생 (college / university students)

저는 중학생이에요
I’m a middle school student


To take a class / To teach a class

수업하다 is a formal Korean word for teaching or being taught in a class, a school or a private tutoring session. It describes the action for taking a class or a tutoring. A teacher and students both can use this word. English doesn’t have a word for it so it can be a bit confusing. You have to translate 수업하다 differently based on who is the subject of a sentence. If it’s a teacher, then 수업하다 means ‘to teach’. If it’s a student, then it means ‘to being taught’. However, that’s not the correct way to understand this Korean word because 수업하다 describes the both meaning at the same time, it’s more like ‘doing 수업’.

Although, it’s a formal Korean word, native Koreans use it very commonly for casual conversations. You can hear this Korean word especially when a class starts or is ongoing like ‘수업하고 있어요 (I’m in the class)’.

I was in the class


책 is an informal Korean word for book. Yes, Korean language has a formal word for book lol. However, native Koreans use 책 more often for any kinds of conversations unless it’s a very special occasion. The formal Korean word for book is used only for formal writings.

책으로 연애를 배웠어요
I’ve learned dating skills with books


To teach / To give a lesson

가르치다 is an informal Korean word for teaching. Any English words can be ‘가르치다’ if it’s about teaching or giving a lesson.

Many native Koreans are very often confused with 가르치다. The correct one is 가르치다 but they often misspelled or mispronounced it like 가리치다, 가르키다 or 가리키다. Well… technically they all are wrong and one of them has a totally different meaning (가리키다 : to point out). lol and 가리치다 and 가르키다 are not even real words lol. But you should know when Koreans say that, then often want to mean ‘to teach’ lol. Seriously, now I’m teaching wrong Korean words on purpose loool.

이거 가르쳐주세요
Teach me this!



선생님 means ‘teacher’ in Korean but is not perfectly the same as ‘teacher’ because 선생님 is an honorific Korean word. So, this Korean word already has something like ‘sir’ or ‘ma’am’ itself. 선생 means ‘teacher’ and 님 is a title of respect like ‘sir’ and ‘ma’am’.

However, never use 선생 because it sounds very disrespectful even when you refer yourself or when you talk about your job. It doesn’t sound in almost all situations. Seriously, I have even seen some Koreans use this word when they talk to foreigners because foreigners don’t understand the nuance of 선생 and they really don’t want to be nice to others. And those foreigners learn it as a homonym of 선생님. Well it shocks me :/ Please, never ever use 선생 in any time.

팩트 : 선생님도 학교 가기 싫다
Fact : Teachers don’t like to go school either


Exam / Test

시험 is the most common Korean word for ‘exam’ or ‘test’ in Korean. Exam and test both are 시험 in Korean language.

When you pronounce 시험 fast, it sounds like ‘셤 [syeom]’. Actually that’s the real pronunciation of 시험 in real life. And many native Koreans write 셤 when they text to friends. But, that sounds too casual because it’s a sort of slang. I’ve never written 시험 as 셤 in my life, I’ve been many Koreans written it like that, though.

나태를 위한 시험이 있다면 제가 1등이에요
If there was an exam for laziness, I’m the first grade

How To Use The Korean Words Like Natives

학교가 너무 멀어요
(my) school is too far

고등학교 다녀요
I go to high school

뭐 좀 물어봐도 돼요?
Can I ask you something?

질문 있어요?
Do you have a question?

Are you a student?

수업하고 있어요
I’m in the class

책 읽고 있어요
I’m reading a book

준 선생님은 한국어를 가르쳐요
Teacher Jun teaches Korean

준 선생님이 제 선생님이예요
Teacher Jun is my teacher

시험 어려웠어요?
Was the exam difficult?


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⠂Made in Korea
⠂Made of 100% Korean
⠂Adjusted as 100% Korean
⠂Ready to active Professor Mode
⠂Love to make people laugh as much as I love to teach





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Today we will teach you how to say school in Korean. You will also learn Korean words and phrases related to school.

Being a student and attending school can be enjoyable as it’s where you can meet a lot of friends. If you’re currently studying in South Korea, these terms might come in handy.

A school building in with a text above it saying School in Korean

Sit down comfortably with your notes open, and let’s get to studying!


  • 1 How to say “school” in Korean
  • 2 School-related words in Korean
    • 2.1 Korean Words for schools in South Korea
    • 2.2 Korean words for school-related people
    • 2.3 Words for subjects in Korean
    • 2.4 School-related Korean verbs
    • 2.5 Other Korean vocabulary related to school
  • 3 Phrases related to school in Korean
  • 4 Wrap Up

How to say “school” in Korean

You can say “school” in Korean as 학교 (hakgyo). For each different level of schooling, from elementary school to university, the word 학교 (hakgyo) is attached.

This lesson will primarily focus on how to say “school” in Korean and the words related to it. However, we have a separate article focusing more on schools in South Korea.

Here are some common Korean words that are related to school.

Korean Words for schools in South Korea

There are different levels of education in South Korea. From elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, vocational schools, and more. Here are some of them in the Korean language.

Korean English
(chodeunghakgyo) elementary school
(junghakgyo) middle school
(godeunghakgyo) high school
(daehakgyo) university
(daehagwon) graduate school
(hagwon) cram school, private academy
(yuchiwon) kindergarten
(jeonmundae) college
(eohagwon) language school
(eohakdang) language school
(gisuk hakgyo) boarding school

“Elementary school” in Korean

The Korean word for “elementary school” is 초등학교 (chodeunghakgyo). The elementary school falls under primary education.

“Middle school” in Korean

After elementary school, middle school level follows, which is called 중학교 (junghakgyo) in Korean. Students in middle school are called 중학생 (junghaksaeng) in Korean.

“High school” in Korean

After middle school, the high school level comes next. Korean high schools are called 고등학교 (godeunghakgyo). A Korean high school student is called 고등학생 (godeunghaksaeng).

“Graduate school” in Korean

If you’d like to pursue further education, graduate school can be your next step. The Korean word for “graduate school” is 대학원 (daehagwon).

“University” in Korean

The word for “university” in Korean is 대학교 (daehakgyo). Sometimes, when spoken of a specific university, for example, 한양대학교 (hanyangdaehakgyo), it may get shortened as 대 (dae). In other words, instead of saying the full 한양대학교, you may just say 한양대 (hanyangdae). Like this:

한양대에서 졸업했어요. (hanyangdaeeseo joreopaesseoyo.)

I graduated from Hanyang University.

“College” in Korean

The word for “college” in Korean is 전문대 (jeonmundae). However, frequently the term 대학교 (daehakgyo) is used interchangeably or is shortened as 대학 (daehak). Typically the word 전문대 (jeonmundae) is used specifically for colleges with programs lasting 2-3 years, as opposed to a university’s 4-year degrees.

Here are some words for roles that people have related to school.

Korean English
(gyosu) professor
(gyosa) school teacher
(seonsaengnim) teacher
(haksaeng) student
(junghaksaeng) middle school students
(godeunghaksaeng) high school students
(chodeunghakgyo seonsaengnim) primary school teacher
(chodeunghakgyo gyosa) primary school teacher
(ban chingudeul) classmates

“Teacher” in Korean

There are two words for “teacher” in the Korean language. The first one is 교사 (gyosa) which translates to school teacher, and the other one is 선생님 (seonsaengnim), which literally means teacher. The difference between the two is that 선생님 (seonsaengnim) is an honorific, while 교사 (gyosa) isn’t.

In addressing your teachers directly, you should say 선생님 (seonsaengnim), not 교사 (gyosa).

For example, “Hello, teacher!” in Korean is 선생님, 안녕하세요! (seonsaengnim, annyeonghaseyo!) and not 교사, 안녕하세요! (gyosa, annyeonghaseyo!).

“Student” in Korean

When there’s a teacher, there’s also a student. And Korean students are generally called 학생 (haksaeng). As you learn Korean and improve your language skills, you can also consider yourself as 학생 (haksaeng).

“Classmates” in Korean

The word for “classmates” in Korean is 반 친구들 (ban chingudeul).

If you’re referring to only one classmate, then you can use the word 반 친구 (ban chingu).

Words for subjects in Korean

Different subjects are taught at school. Here are some of them in Korean.

Korean English
(gwamok) subject
(suhak) mathematics
(gwahak) science

Below are some action words in Korean related to school.

Korean English
(gareuchida) to teach
(baeuda) to learn
(yeonseupada) to practice
(gongbuhada) to study
(gyoyukada) to educate

“To study” in Korean

There are a few words for how to say “study” in Korean. Perhaps the most common one is 공부 (gongbu). You can also use it as the verb “to study” by attaching 하다 (hada) to the verb, like this 공부하다 (gongbuhada). Sometimes the word 학습 (hakseup) is also used. More specifically, this noun means “learning.”

“Go to school” in Korean

Lastly, you will probably want to know the Korean term for  “go to school.” The phrase for this is 학교에 다니다 (hakgyoe danida). The word 학교 (hakgyo) means “school,” and the verb 다니다 (danida) means “to go” and “to attend.” Based on the formality, you can drop 다 and add -녀(요) to use the verb in action.

The 에 (e) attached to 학교 (hakgyo) is an integral Korean particle, noting location or time. If you are still unfamiliar with this particle or Korean particles in general, we kindly ask you to refer to our particle guide.

We’ve also listed down additional essential Korean nouns related to school.

Korean English
(hakbu) department
(sueop) class
(siheom) exam
(gangdang) auditorium, assembly hall
(hakgyosikdang) school cafeteria
(gyosil) classroom
(hangnyeon) grade
(gyoyuk) education
(doseogwan) library
(hakgi) semester

School in Korean (Infographic)

“Graduation” in Korean

The word for “graduation” in Korean is 졸업 (joreop), and the verb “to graduate” is 졸업하다 (joreopada).

The word for “graduation ceremony” is 졸업식 (joreopsik). The word for “ceremony” is 식 (sik).

“Book” in Korean

The word for “book” in Korean is 책 (chaek). However, for “school books” specifically, the words typically used are 교과서 (gyogwaseo) and 학교 도서 (hakgyo doseo).

“Pencil in Korean

The word for “pencil” in Korean is 연필 (yeonpil). And the word for “pen” in the Korean language is 펜 (pen).

Cartoon teacher with pupils, school kids sitting at desks in classroom. Elementary school children studying in class vector illustration. Children having geography test or exam, getting knowledge

Now that we’ve learned some Korean school-related words, let’s level it up with the Korean phrases below.

좋은 대학교에 입학하게 되기 위해서 열심히 공부해요. (joeun daehakgyoe ipakage doegi wihaeseo yeolsimhi gongbuhaeyo.)

I study hard because I want to get into a good university.

제가 제일 좋은 수업은 영어에요. (jega jeil joeun sueobeun yeongeoeyo.)

My favorite school subject is English.

지금 한국어학원을 다니고 있어요. (jigeum hangugeohagwoneul danigo isseoyo.)

I am currently attending Korean language school.

일주일에 학원에서 3개 수업을 들어요. (iljuire hagwoneseo 3gae sueobeul deureoyo.)

I take three classes a week in a private academy.

Wrap Up

If you enjoyed learning Korean through this vocabulary, then you’ll love our structured online courses! You can also get all the support you need as you learn the language. Take the first step in learning here!

And now you should be ready to talk about school in Korean! Do you have plans to attend school in Korea, or have you already attended school in South Korea? How else can you make today’s material useful to you in improving your language skills? Let us know in the comments below!

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