Learning Excel can be a uphill task. After all, there are so many features, functionalities, and functions to learn about.
And with every version and update, there are new functionalities being added to it.
If learning Microsoft Excel is on your bucket list this year, you would need all the good resources to make the best use of your time.
My Top Excel Books Recommendations
I am listing the best Excel Books (basic & advanced) that have helped me learn Excel. I highly recommend these Excel books to anyone who is looking to learn Excel.
I have personally gone through each of these Microsoft Excel books (Yes! All of it) and have learned a lot from it.
Best Excel Book for All Skill Levels
This Excel 2016 book is written by John Walkenbach, who is a leading authority in spreadsheets. It justifies its name, and is indeed a bible about Excel spreadsheets.
It is divided into seven parts where each part handles an aspect of Excel in detail.
Part I: Getting Started with Excel -
Part II: Working with Formulas and Functions -
Part III: Creating Charts and Graphics -
Part IV: Using Advanced Excel Features -
Part V: Analyzing Data with Excel -
Part VI: Programming Excel with VBA -
Part VII: Appendixes
This book tries to cover a lot of different topics, and is a good starting point. If you’re an intermediate/advanced Excel user, I recommend this as the Best Excel book (and I always keep it as a reference with me).
It dives into basic Excel features such as Excel functions, Excel charts, data analysis, and then goes onto cover some advanced concepts. If you properly go through this book (which might take some time), you can easily claim to be an Excel advanced user.
Also, while it covers almost all important topics in Excel, it will not go into too much detail on topics such as VBA or dashboards, etc. It also doesn’t cover new features such as Power Pivot or Power Query.
One things that I don’t like about this book is that it’s too dry and verbose sometimes. It makes it a bit difficult to go through this book. I wish it was written in a more conversation tone. Nevertheless, a highly recommended Excel resource you must posses if you work with Excel and intend to become a power user.
Best Excel Book for Beginners
This Excel 2016 All-in-one for Dummies book is written by Greg Harvey, who started teaching computers in 1980’s and have authored multiple Excel books.
This one is best suited for Excel beginners (as evident by the name).
While it covers all the major Excel features, it does so in an easy to follow tone. It covers the following Excel topics:
Excel Basics -
Worksheet Design -
Formulas and Function -
Worksheet Collaboration -
Charts and Graphics -
Data Analysis & Managemen -
Macros and VBA
This Microsoft Excel book is not going to make a power user, but it will give you enough working knowledge to do 99% of the tasks in Excel. Once you’re done with this book, you can move to other more advanced Excel books/topics.
If you’re looking for the best excel books for beginners, I highly recommend getting this textbook by Greg Harvey to begin with.
Best Excel Book for Interview & Quick Refresher
This short Excel quick start guide is written by William Fischer.
It is strictly for Excel newbies and is meant to act as a quick starting point or basic Excel refresher.
This Excel book is best suited when you have an Excel interview to ace and you want to quickly brush up on some Excel skills. Again, this is quite basic so get it only if you’re a beginner.
The good thing about this books is that it’s only 100 pages long and if you buy it on Kindle, it only costs a few bucks.
It’s designed to be consumed quickly, so don’t expect it to get into the details of any topic. It will cover topics such as Excel functions, Excel charts, formatting, etc., but not in detail.
Also, the hard cover copy quality is not the best.
What works in this books favor is that it delivers on what it promises, quick refresher that can be life saver when appearing for interviews.
Best Excel Book for Pivot Table
If you’re beginning with Pivot Tables, this is one of the best Excel books to get strated with.
It’s written by Bill Jelen (aka Mr Excel) who is an Excel MVP and a leading authority in Excel spreadsheets (and one of my personal favorite).
This book covers the basics of Pivot Table in detail and then takes you through some of the advanced concepts in Pivot Table (such as Power Pivot and VBA).
It comes with a download of example files that are used throughout the book to showcase Pivot Table concepts.
You will also get many practical case studies in this book that really helps in getting a clear picture of when and how to use Pivot Tables.
However, if you’re looking for advanced Pivot Table or Power Pivot learning, this Excel book is not for you.
This book is written by Rob Collie and Avichal Sign and is one of the best Excel books for people starting out with Power Pivot, Power Query, and Power BI.
Even the advanced users of Power Pivot would find some golden tips and tricks in it.
The book does a great job in introducing you to the benefits of Power Pivot and is full of practical examples.
It also covers DAX formulas in detail.
Note that I don’t recommend this Microsoft Excel book if you’re a beginner. To benefit from this book, you need to have a basic idea of Pivot Table, Tables, relationships, and databases.
The tone of writing is engaging and the use of practical examples make it easy to follow.
Best Excel Book for Dashboard (Intermediate/Advanced Users)
This amazing Excel book on Dashboard and Reports is written by Michael Alexander and John Walkenbach.
This is one of my favorite Excel books (since I love Excel dashboards).
It is divided into five parts:
Part 1: Getting Started with Excel Dashboards -
Part 2: Introducing Charts in Your Dashboards -
Part 3: Advanced Charting Concepts -
Part 4: Pivot Table Driven Dashboards -
Part 5: Working with the Outside World
The best part about this book is that it doesn’t try to give you everything. Rather, it focuses on important dashboard concepts and shows you how to best use it.
It is full of important dashboard rules and guidelines that will help you create world class Excel Dashboards.
My take – if you want to learn how to create awesome dashboards, go for this advanced Excel textbook. It will not show you how to create a dashboard from scratch,but it will give you all the tools and techniques you need to know to build one.
Best Excel Book for VBA Beginners
Another wonderful book by John Walkenbach
If you’re a beginner in VBA, this is one of the best Excel books about VBA to get started with (that’s what I did).
It is divided into 6 parts:
Part 1: Getting Started with Excel VBA -
Part 2: How VBA Works in Excel -
Part 3: Programming Concepts -
Part 4: Communication with your Users -
Part 5: Putting it All Together -
Part 6: The Parts of Tens
This book focuses on giving you a great start that will create a strong foundation for further Excel VBA learning. If you’re already writing codes in VBA, this Excel book is not for you.
The writing is simple and engaging. It covers a lot of VBA best practices and Do’s & Don’ts.
My take – start with this book and read it a couple of times (it’s not a big book so won’t take you a lot of time). Once you’ve clarity of simple concepts, you can go for an advanced VBA book (or a VBA course).
Remember that this is just a starting point and this book on Excel VBA will not make you an expert. But it does a fantastic job in introducing you to the programming language and make a strong foundation.
If you’re looking for the best book to learn Excel VBA, go for this one
Complete VBA Guide for Beginners and Advanced Users
This VBA power resource book is written by Michael Alexander and Dick Kusleika, both of whom are experts in VBA and programming languages.
I call this book the Excel VBA Bible.
It is aimed at beginners as well as power users. A lot is covered in this book and I recommend going one chapter at a time.
This book is best suited for people who have a little bit of VBA knowledge. If you’ve a working knowledge of how VBA works, this book can be used as a reference.
It is divided into 4 parts:
Part 1: Introduction to Excel VBA -
Part 2: Advanced VBA Techniques -
Part 3: Working with Userforms -
Part 4: Developing Excel Applications
While the tite of this book may suggest that this is for Excel 2016, you can use tit even if you have prior versions (Excel 2013, 2010, 2007 or even 2003) or later versions of Excel.
My take – If you’re a complete newbie to VBA, go for the “Excel VBA Programming for Dummies” book. This books is huge and can be overwhelming for a beginner. Get it only if you’re already familiar with basics of VBA. I am not saying that this Excel book will not cover those concepts, in fact, it will cover a lot more, and that may be hard to digest at once.
And if you know a little bit of VBA, this is must have. I have it and I have read it cover to cover.
PS: If you like any of these Excel books and decide to purchase it using the link in this article, I get a small commission (without any additional cost to you). I personally own and have gone through each of these Excel books.
Trumpexcel.com is a participant in the Amazon Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon and affiliated sites.
You may also find the following Excel resources useful:
- Excel Templates
- Free Online Excel Training
- Creating an Excel Dashboard
Просмотров 17.5k.
Обновлено 03.07.2020
Отобрали лучшие книги по Excel на русском языке. Актуальная литература с лучшими оценками.
Excel 2019. Библия пользователя. Джон Уокенбах
Книга об версии Excel 2019 с новыми подсказками и рекомендациями по работе с программой. Отлично подойдет как начинающим пользователям, так и профессионалам.
Бестселлер поможет освежить знания о программе – что такое ячейки, формулы, функции, диаграммы. Учит обрабатывать информацию самыми разными способами. Также есть возможность овладеть такими средствами как: автозаполнение, условное форматирование, пакет анализа и т.д. В книге рассмотрены примеры и практические решения, которые оказывают хорошую помощь всем новичкам и опытным пользователям.
Excel. Трюки и эффекты. Алексей Гладкий, Александр Чиртик
Эта литература предназначена для пользователей Microsoft Excel любого уровня. В ней можно найти описание определенных приемов и методов работы, которые не представлены в пользовательской документации.
Книга написана на простом и понятном языке, поэтому материал быстро и легко усваивается.
Много цифр. Джон Форман
Некоторые люди уверяют, что термин «большие данные» понятен только специалистам. Но автор книги утверждает обратное и рассказывает о том, что анализ данных можно провести в простой и эффективной программе Excel. Все способы, которые предложены в литературе, отлично подойдут как владельцам интернет-магазинов, так и аналитикам крупных фирм.
Книга учит не бояться больших данных, видеть в них нужную информацию, проводить анализы и предлагать клиентам новые продукты.
Excel 2019 для чайников. Грег Харвей
Работа с Excel максимально простым языком с наглядными примерами. Здесь каждый сможет найти для себя полезную информацию, как новичок, так и опытный пользователь. Справочник учит форматировать ячейки, строить диаграммы, добавлять гиперссылки, разрабатывать сводные таблицы, вводить формулы и т.д.
Грег Харвей выпустил множество интересных компьютерных книг. Также он проходил курс по электронным таблицам и базам данных в университете в Сан-Франциско.
Финансовое моделирование в Excel. Дмитрий Жаров
Финансовые модели можно строить в разных программ, но не все могут соперничать с простой и функциональной Excel. Автор на собственном опыте рассказывает, как можно моделировать показатели бизнес-процессов и планировать результаты по финансам. Литература предназначена для людей с опытом в работе Excel, которые понимают базовые функции. Она станет незаменимым помощником.
Бизнес-анализ с использованием Excel
Конрад Карлберг написал книгу о том, как применять программу для решения определенных задач по бизнесу, с которыми сталкивается любой предприниматель:
- Планирование финансов.
- Управление финансовыми задачами.
- Работа с инвестициями.
- Управление продажами.
- Маркетинговые работы.
Руководствуясь личным опытом, автор рассказывает о том, как получить всю необходимую информацию из новых функций Excel. Также в книги есть описание простых способов, которые помогают решить другие важные задачи. Здесь рассматриваются готовые бизнес-проекты, которые имеют сопровождающие советы. В дополнениях можно найти электронные примеры.
Статистические вычисления в среде Excel. Ратмир Вадзинский
Данное издание подходит для людей, которые имеют математическую подготовку или являются специалистами. Книга подходит:
- преподавателям;
- экономистам;
- медикам;
- инженерам;
- студентам;
- научным работникам.
В литературе описаны встроенные средства статистического анализа табличного процессора Excel. Некоторые главы имеют небольшое, вступительное изложение с теорией и статистикой. Можно найти различные примеры по обработке и анализу данных.
Делитесь не попавшими в эту подборку книгами по Excel в комментариях!
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Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program that is used to record and analyze numerical data. Excel is the most powerful tool to manage and analyze various types of Data.
Are you interested in learning the Excel skills and looking for some excellent book that will help you skyrocket your Excel expertise? Then you have come to the right place.
Here is a curated list of the best books to learn Excel for beginners. These books on Excel are highly recommended by Excel experts and are helpful for students to grasp the Excel fundamentals. These resources will guide you to build your career in this promising field.
Read more…
Best Excel Books for Beginners to Advanced Level
Book Title | Author Name | Latest Edition | Publisher | Ratings | Link |
Excel 2019 Bible | Michael Alexander | 1th edition | Wiley | Learn More | |
Excel 2019 All-in-One for Dummies | Greg Harvey | 1st edition | For Dummies | Learn More | |
Slaying Excel Dragons | Mike Girvin | 1st edition | Holy Macro! Books | Learn More | |
Ctrl+Shift+Enter Mastering Excel Array Formulas | Mike Girvin | 1st edition | Holy Macro! Books | Learn More | |
Excel for Beginners (Excel Essentials Book 1) | M.L. Humphrey | 1st edition | Independently Published | Learn More |
1) Excel 2019 Bible
#1 Top Pick
Excel 2019 Bible
Author Name: Michael Alexander
Publisher: Wiley
Latest Edition: 1st edition
No of Pages: 1120 pages
Excel 2019 Bible is a book written by Michael Alexander Richard Kusleika John Walkenbach. This book is the most comprehensive, go-to guide for all your Excel 2019 needs. You will also learn to incorporate templates, implement formulas, create pivot tables, analyze data, and much more.
The textbook also covers topics like creating a function, spreadsheet, master formulas, formatting, pivot tables, and more.
2) Excel 2019 All-in-One for Dummies
Excel 2019: All-In-One for Dummies is a book written by Greg Harvey. This Excel book covers basic Excel functions, like creating and editing worksheets, sharing and reviewing worksheets, and editing macros with Visual Basic. This Excel book also provides an option for the most common Excel applications and functions.
This Excel book covers topics like formatting worksheets, setting up formulas, protecting worksheets, importing data, charts, and graphs, and performing statistical functions. The book covers importing data, building and editing worksheets, creating formulas, and performing financial functions.
3) Slaying Excel Dragons: A Beginners Guide to Conquering Excel’s Frustrations and Making Excel Fun
Slaying Excel Dragons is a book written by Mike Girvin and Bill Jelen. This book focuses on using the program immediately for maximum efficiency. It has over 1,104 screenshots and information on everything from rows, columns, and cells to subtotalling, sorting, and pivot tables.
This advanced excel book offers strategies for avoiding problems and streamlining efficiency and assists readers from start to finish, turning individual from novices into experts.
4) Ctrl+Shift+Enter Mastering Excel Array Formulas
Ctrl+Shift+Enter Mastering Excel Array Formulas is a book written by Mike Girvin. This reference book teaches you how to create formulas that can be used to solve everyday problems with a series of data values.
The book begins with an introduction to array formulas. This book includes topics like the use of functions and array constants and functions. The book contains 529 screenshots, which helps you to learn various aspects of Microsoft excel.
5) Excel for Beginners (Excel Essentials Book 1)
Excel for Beginners
Author Name: M.L. Humphrey
Publisher: Independently Published
No of Pages: 146 pages
Excel for Beginners is a book written by M.L. Humphrey. Learning to use Excel can be overwhelming when confronted with a thousand-page guide talking about anything and everything under the sun.
In this book, the writer walks you through the basics of using Excel by focusing on what you’ll need for day-to-day use. This book covered in this book includes navigating Excel, inputting your data, formatting it, manipulating it, and printing your results.
6) Microsoft Excel 2019 Pivot Table Data Crunching (Business Skills)
Microsoft Excel 2019 Pivot Table Data Crunching is a book written by Bill Jelen and Michael Alexander. In this book, you will learn to use pivot tables and pivot charts to produce powerful, dynamic reports in minutes instead of hours. It helps you to control your data and business.
The book offers methods for solving real business problems, avoiding common mistakes, and presenting tips and tricks, you’ll find nowhere else.
7) Microsoft Excel 2019 Data Analysis and Business Modeling (6th Edition) (Business Skills)
Microsoft Excel 2019 Data Analysis and Business Modeling is a book written by Wayne Winston. This refrecne book helps you to learn excel to get the accurate answer and solution of excel complex topics like pivot table, advanced filtering, etc. This reference book covers topics like power query/get and transform to Office 365 geography and stock data types.
The book helps you to learn to use PowerQuery, geographic and temporal data with 3D Maps: pivot tables, descriptive statistics, histograms, Pareto charts,etc.
Learn Excel 2016 Essential Skills with The Smart Method
Learn Excel 2016 Essential Skills is a book written by Mike Smart. In this book you will you’ll find it easy to work through the lessons. Each topic described in such a way that absolutely any student of any age can easily understand.
This book caters to any self-learning or teaching period. Many learners have learned excel using this book by the side just a few minutes every day to complete a single lesson.
9) Excel Basics In 30 Minutes
Excel Basics In 30 Minutes
Author Name: Ian Lamont
Publisher: I30 Media Corporation
Latest Edition: 2nd Revised edition
No of Pages: 112 pages
Excel Basics In 30 Minutes is a book written by Ian Lamont. The book teaches you some MS Excel basics, from navigating the home screen to working with formulas and working with charts.
Excel Basics In 30 Minutes, the book is written in pure English with step-by-step instructions and screenshots that demonstrate exactly what to do. The book covers important topics like Excel screen layout, cells, and terminology, Excel 2016 vs. Excel Online vs. Google Sheets, excel for iOS and Android, basic excel formatting, etc.
10) Professional Excel Development
Professional Excel Development is a book written by Rob Bovey, Dennis Wallentin, Stephen Bullen, John Green. It is an excel reference book for the developers who want to build powerful, state-of-the-art Excel applications using the latest technologies.
The book course covers the experience of authors’ real-world experience to cover not only how a feature works, but also theit’s practical implications in reallife.
11) Excel 2016 VBA and Macros (includes Content Update Program)
Excel 2016 VBA and Macros
Author Name: Bill Jelen
Publisher: Que Publishing
Latest Edition: 1st edition
No of Pages: 1814 pages
Excel 2016 VBA and Macros is a book written by Tracy Syrstad. The book helps you to discover macro techniques you won’t find anywhere else, and create automated reports that are amazingly powerful.
In this excel reference book, you will find step-by-step instructions, real-world case studies, and 50 workbooks packed with additional examples, macros, and solutions. This book also helps you to avoid critical mistakes.
12) Power Pivot and Power BI
Power Pivot and Power BI
Author Name: Rob Collie
Publisher: Holy Macro! Books
Latest Edition: 2nd edition
No of Pages: 308 pages
Power Pivot and Power BI is a book written by Rob Collie. This book, printed in full-gorgeous color, gives you an overview of about Pivot table, Power BI, DAX formulas, the capability of Power Pivot.
This refrence book includes many formulas that can be reused across reports of completely different shapes, how to make specific columns in a pivot, merge disjointed sets of data into unified reports, etc.
13) Microsoft Excel 2019 Formulas and Functions (Business Skills)
Microsoft Excel 2019 Formulas and Functions is a book written by Paul McFedries. The book helps you make the most of formulas and functions, including the latest improvements to arrays, formula error handling, and statistics.
This book includes examples and clear instructions that help you to developed advanced-level formula construction. It helps you to leverage Excel’s most useful functions in your everyday work.
14) Excel VBA Programming For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))
Excel VBA Programming For Dummies is a book written by Michael Alexander and John Walkenbach. This book helps you to learn Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).
This book introduces you with a wide array of new Excel options, beginning with the Visual Basic Editor’s most important tools and operations. Inside this book, you’ll find an overview of the essential elements and concepts for programming.
15) Statistical Analysis with Excel For Dummies
Statistical Analysis with Excel For Dummies is a book written by Joseph Schmuller. In this excel study guide, you will learn how to use excel to create and translate statistics, understand common statistical terms, and improve your professional skills.
This book shows you how to use formulas and functions, charts and PivotTables, samples and normal distributions, probabilities, and related distributions, etc.
16) Advanced Excel Essentials
Advanced Excel Essentials
Author Name: Jordan Goldmeier
Publisher: Apress
Latest Edition: 1st edition
No of Pages: 216 pages
Advanced Excel Essentials is written by Jordan Goldmeier. It is the only book for an experienced Excel developer. This reference book assumes that you are well-versed in Excel and builds on your skills to take them to the advanced level.
This book covers advanced formula topics like array formulas and Boolean logic. It provides insight into better code and formulas development.
🏅 What is Microsoft Excel?
Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program used to record and analyze numerical and statistical data. Microsoft Excel provides multiple features to perform various operations like calculations, pivot tables, graph tools, macro programming, etc.
📚 Which are the best Excel books?
Following are some of the best Excel books for beginners and advanced users
- Excel 2019 Bible
- Excel 2019 All-in-One for Dummies
- Slaying Excel Dragons: A Beginners Guide to Conquering Excel’s Frustrations and Making Excel Fun
- Ctrl+Shift+Enter Mastering Excel Array Formulas
- Excel for Beginners (Excel Essentials Book 1)
🚀 Why Should I Learn Microsoft Excel?
We all deal with numbers in one way or the other. We all have daily expenses which we pay for from the monthly income that we earn. For one to spend wisely, they will need to know their income vs. expenditure. Microsoft Excel comes in handy when we want to record, analyze and store such numeric data.
- 20+ Excel Books for Free! [PDF]
- Мои книги по Microsoft Excel
- Excel Books
- 10 Best Excel Books [Updated 2023]
- #1 – Microsoft Excel Bible: The Comprehensive Tutorial Resource
- Book Review
- Takeaways
- #2 – Excel: Quick Start Guide from Beginner to Expert (Excel, Microsoft Office)
- Book Review
- Best takeaways
- #3 – Excel for Dummies (Excel for Dummies)
- Book Review
- Best takeaways
- #4 – Power Pivot and Power BI: The Excel User’s Guide to DAX, Power Query, Power BI & Power Pivot in Excel
- Book Review
- Best takeaways
- #5 – Building Financial Models with Microsoft Excel: A Guide for Business Professionals, (MISL-WILEY)
- Book Review
- Takeaways
- #6 – Predictive Analytics: Microsoft Excel
- Book Review
- Takeaways
- #7 – Microsoft Business Intelligence Tools for Excel Analysts (WILEY)
- Book Review
- Best takeaways
- #8 – Excel Macros For Dummies
- Book Review
- Best takeaways
- #9 – Excel from Scratch: Excel course with demos and exercises
- Book Review
- Best takeaways
- #10 – Excel Charts
- Book Review
- Best takeaways
- Recommended Articles
- Comments
20+ Excel Books for Free! [PDF]
Some computer tools are indispensable nowadays. Especially in the workplace, not mastering some of them can represent a limitation to fully develop in a job or even get it in the first instance. To train you in one of the most important ones, we have created the Excel book collection in PDF format.
Excel is a computer program that belongs to the Microsoft Company and is freely accessible to all people who have a computer with Windows installed. Over the years it has become the most widely used electronic spreadsheet in the world. Therefore, we understand your interest in approaching this selection of excel books in PDF format.
This computer program is part of the Office package, along with PowerPoint and Word, all from Microsoft. It was released in 1985. At that time, the first version was created exclusively for Macintosh, however, in 1987, Microsoft released Excel 2.0, exclusively for Windows. From then on, it began to evolve non-stop until it became the most requested.
Excel has very different functions from those of other office programs, since it allows the user to work with numerical data. With the data we enter in the spreadsheet we can perform basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division; complex mathematical functions and also statistical functions.
In addition, it allows us to analyze all the data in an easy and practical way, as well as to obtain reports of results through graphs and tables. Learning to handle this tool is essential for most jobs today, not only for those in accounting or finance.
Study about this subject safely with these more than 20 excel books in PDF format. Download them free and fast from this section to your electronic devices.
Мои книги по Microsoft Excel
Китайский мудрец Лао Цзы как-то сказал: «Если ты не нашел книгу, которую тебе хотелось бы прочитать — напиши ее сам». Я и написал. Даже две три.
Книга-выручалочка. Сборник готовых решений для типовых задач в повседневной работе с Microsoft Excel. 2-е издание Формат А4, 360 страниц, доступна в бумаге и цветном PDF + 120 файлов с примерами в комплекте |
Подробное руководство по «высшему пилотажу» в формулах и функциях Microsoft Excel Формат А4, 240 страниц, доступна в бумаге и цветном PDF + 62 файла с примерами в комплекте |
Как загружать в Excel любые данные и приводить их в порядок. Первая книга про Power Query на русском языке 2-е издание Формат А4, 330 страниц, доступна в бумаге и цветном PDF + 130 файлов с примерами в комплекте |
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Использование любых материалов сайта допускается строго с указанием прямой ссылки на источник, упоминанием названия сайта, имени автора и неизменности исходного текста и иллюстраций.
Excel Books
10 Best Excel Books [Updated 2023]
Excel is what people learn by searching on Google. But, if you want to make your learning comprehensive, the internet will not be able to help you always. There would be something or the other missing from your open/free courses that you would only find in books. Below is the list of such books on excel that you must read in 2023:
- Microsoft Excel Bible: The Comprehensive Tutorial Resource ( Get this book )
- Excel: Quick Start Guide from Beginner to Expert (Excel, Microsoft Office) ( Get this book )
- Excel for Dummies (Excel for Dummies) ( Get this book )
- Power Pivot and Power BI: The Excel User’s Guide to DAX, Power Query, Power BI & Power Pivot in Excel 2010-2016 ( Get this book )
- Building Financial Models with Microsoft Excel: A Guide for Business Professionals, (MISL-WILEY) ( Get this book )
- Predictive Analytics: Microsoft Excel ( Get this book )
- Microsoft Business Intelligence Tools for Excel Analysts (WILEY)( Get this book )
- Excel Macros For Dummies( Get this book )
- Excel from Scratch: Excel course with demos and exercises ( Get this book )
- Excel Charts
Let us discuss each of the excel books for beginners in detail, along with its key takeaways and reviews.
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Let us get started.
#1 – Microsoft Excel Bible: The Comprehensive Tutorial Resource
by John Walkenbach
This book is one of the most revered books on Excel in recent times. Let us look at the brief review and the best takeaways from the book.
Book Review
Several Excel books in the market promise to be an ally to students and teachers. However, they turn out to be a complete waste of time in the first place. But this book is one of the most sought-after books on Excel, and people from all walks of life have recommended this book to everyone, whoever wants to learn Excel at a deeper level. This particular book is used as a tool for advanced Excel for top-level MBA programs and people who love learning by themselves. Very detailed, and the research in the book is commendable.
If you are a sincere student of Excel, you may get a lot out of this book. Here are the best takeaways from the book:
#2 – Excel: Quick Start Guide from Beginner to Expert (Excel, Microsoft Office)
by William Fischer
This top Excel book is equally comprehensive, as the name suggests, but the most important part of this book is its price. It is much cheaper than any complete book on Excel.
Book Review
Let us say that it is your first job, and you need a reference guide that will aid you in learning the basic excel formulas Basic Excel Formulas The term «basic excel formula» refers to the general functions used in Microsoft Excel to do simple calculations such as addition, average, and comparison. SUM, COUNT, COUNTA, COUNTBLANK, AVERAGE, MIN Excel, MAX Excel, LEN Excel, TRIM Excel, IF Excel are the top ten excel formulas and functions. read more to advanced concepts; what should you do? First, you should pick up this book and follow the instructions, and you will learn almost everything you need to know to earn professional proficiency. You will discover nearly everything from charts to data modeling Data Modeling A data model in Excel is a data table in which two or more tables are linked together by a common or many data series. Data from several sheets is combined to create a unique table in data model tables. read more , from pivot models to dashboard design. Even when you’re going for any core domains like data scientist or data analysis, this book would greatly help you as a reference guide.
Best takeaways
Compared to the price you need to pay to buy this book, you can call it a no-nonsense guide to learning Excel (from basics to advanced). Let us find out the best takeaways from the book:
- This book is for everybody. If you are a beginner, you can refer to this book. And even if you are an expert in Excel, you will still learn something from the book. So, it is a comprehensive book and can be used as a great reference for all your professional and personal requirements.
- The examples used in this book are easy, which makes learning easier.
- The shortcut keys mentioned in the book are very useful and save you time.
>» target=»_blank» rel=»nofollow noopener sponsored» data-aawp-product-id=»1533137951″ data-aawp-product-title=»Excel QuickStart Guide — From Beginner to Expert Excel Microsoft Office»> >
#3 – Excel for Dummies (Excel for Dummies)
by Greg Harvey
Dummies’ books are always un-put-down-able. However, once you decide to learn something new, you can pick up a book on dummies, and you will discover a ton. This book on excel is no different.
Book Review
Dummies’ books are always un-put-down-able. However, once you decide to learn something new, you can pick up a book on dummies and learn a ton. This book on Excel is no different.
Best takeaways
You will learn a lot from this book. Here are the best takeaways:
- No matter where you are at this moment, this book will get you started. You will learn to create worksheets, use formulas, integrate graphs, remember to format, and more as you go along with the book.
- You will also be able to make changes in data, learn about transferring data between different workbooks, organize information, and create a chart.
- It is a great guide, even if you hate learning Excel. It is so comprehensive and easy to know that you can take one sip at a time and learn as much as you need.
>» target=»_blank» rel=»nofollow noopener sponsored» data-aawp-product-id=»111929343X» data-aawp-product-title=»Excel 2016 For Dummies For Dummies Computers»> >
#4 – Power Pivot and Power BI: The Excel User’s Guide to DAX, Power Query, Power BI & Power Pivot in Excel
by Rob Collie and Avichal Singh
As the title suggests, this book is for people who need to Excel for four things – Excel Power Query Excel Power Query Power Query is an excel tool used to import data from different sources, transform (change) it as required, and return a refined dataset in the workbook. read more , Power BI, DAX, and Power Pivot. But, first, let us look at the review of the book and the best takeaways.
Book Review
This book is a masterpiece. People who need Power Pivot for their professional requirements revere this book as the only reference guide. In 2012, the edition was almost full proof. This edition has been refined more, and now it is the perfect guide for professionals and students. It is formatted beautifully and very easy to use. This book is a must-have on your shelf to know any of these core areas in-depth.
Best takeaways
This advanced Excel book is not for beginners, so you should try out any of the above three before picking up this book if you are a beginner. This book will assume that you have enough knowledge of the basic pivot tables, relationships, and databases, and then it will teach you how you can get started with DAX and Power Pivot. The writing style is very lucid, and people from all walks of life would greatly benefit from this book.
#5 – Building Financial Models with Microsoft Excel: A Guide for Business Professionals, (MISL-WILEY)
by K. Scott Proctor
Financial modeling is complex, and professionals who need to know advanced excel at a much deeper level. Let us look at the review and the best takeaways.
Book Review
If you are new to financial modeling and do not know where to start, pick up this book and dive in. This book will help you build financial models from scratch. Many finance professionals are acquainted with financial modeling, but very few are familiar with consolidated financial statements Consolidated Financial Statements Consolidated Financial Statements are the financial statements of the overall group, which include all three key financial statements – income statement, cash flow statement, and balance sheet – and represent the sum total of its parents and all of its subsidiaries. read more analysis and projections. This book will help you build that skill. This book will also come with a CD, which will help you save the effort and time of going online and downloading the sheets and workbooks. The only possible flaw in this book is that it is a little old (for 2007 Excel), but most of the methods mentioned here work similarly in the recent versions of Excel.
- It will teach you how to build financial models from scratch, even when a beginner.
- You will learn how to integrate many financial statementsFinancial StatementsFinancial statements are written reports prepared by a company’s management to present the company’s financial affairs over a given period (quarter, six monthly or yearly). These statements, which include the Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Cash Flows, and Shareholders Equity Statement, must be prepared in accordance with prescribed and standardized accounting standards to ensure uniformity in reporting at all levels.read more like cash flow statements, balance sheets, and income statements into one.
- It will also teach you how you can present the financial models.
>» target=»_blank» rel=»nofollow noopener sponsored» data-aawp-product-id=»0470481749″ data-aawp-product-title=»Building Financial Models with Microsoft Excel A Guide for Business Professionals»> >
#6 – Predictive Analytics: Microsoft Excel
by Conrad Carlberg
This book is different in context and covers mostly practical problems. Let us have a glance at the reviews and best takeaways.
Book Review
This advanced Excel book is not for beginners. This book is for people who already have some experience in Excel should go for this book. This book is about predictive analytics and how you can solve practical problems in marketing, finance, and other domains by using Excel. You will build skills that will help you reduce costs, improve productivity, enhance revenues, and build momentum in your business or professional activities. You will also get a collection of downloadable Excel workbooks plus a VBA code.
- You will learn to use data to make better tactical decisions.
- You will find out the right analytics techniques for each real-life problem.
- You will learn to use Excel to solve real-life problems.
- You will learn about managing huge variables and datasets.
>» target=»_blank» rel=»nofollow noopener sponsored» data-aawp-product-id=»0789749416″ data-aawp-product-title=»Predictive Analytics Microsoft Excel»> >
#7 – Microsoft Business Intelligence Tools for Excel Analysts (WILEY)
by Michael Alexander, Jared Decker & Bernard Wehbe
Book Review
This best Excel advanced book is particularly useful for business analysts because business intelligence is their work domain. But that does not mean you, as a business owner, can get access to this incredible book. This book is not for beginners. To pick up this book, you at least need a basic overview of Excel functions and formulas. In addition, this book will teach you to be more efficient with Microsoft Business Intelligence tools like Power Pivot, Power Query & Power View in Excel Power View In Excel Excel Power View is a data visualization technology that helps you create interactive visuals like graphs, charts. It allows you to analyze data by looking at the visuals you created. As a result, it makes your excel data more meaningful and insightful for better decision making. read more .
Best takeaways
- This book is the best Excel book you can find on linking files and extracting clear and solid summaries.
- Business analysts need to understand the pattern to make an informed decision. This book will teach them how to bring all the files together within a few hours.
- It is for people at an advanced level in Excel, but it is very lucid and easy to understand.
>» target=»_blank» rel=»nofollow noopener sponsored» data-aawp-product-id=»1118821521″ data-aawp-product-title=»Microsoft Business Intelligence Tools for Excel Analysts»> >
#8 – Excel Macros For Dummies
by Michael Alexandar
This book is from dummies. Moreover, the dummies series always stand out. And this book does too. You may have a look at the review and best takeaways.
Book Review
This book is one of the most sought-after Excel macro books. Once you finish up this book, you will be able to implement and use over 70 macros, save time, and become more productive. You will also learn how to use macros and how you can customize them.
Best takeaways
- You will learn Macros 101. You will know how macros are used and understand VBA and VBE (Visual Basic Editor).
- You will get a workbook workshop that will teach you how to automate tasks using macros.
- You will learn how macros help you navigate spreadsheets and scrub, shape, and manipulate data.
- You will also learn how macros can help you automate pivot table and chart tasks.
>» target=»_blank» rel=»nofollow noopener sponsored» data-aawp-product-id=»111936924X» data-aawp-product-title=»Excel Macros For Dummies 2nd Edition For Dummies Computer/Tech»> >
#9 – Excel from Scratch: Excel course with demos and exercises
by Peter Kalmstrom
This book is another book on pure Excel for beginners and advanced users. So let us have an overview of the same.
Book Review
This Excel book is perfect for people who are beginners as well as those who have advanced knowledge of Excel. The main focus of this book is on the calculations and visualizations where most people get stuck. It is not only applicable to the Microsoft 2016 version; you can also use this book for older versions.
Best takeaways
Best takeaways: You will learn everything in Excel step-by-step. Moreover, along with this book, you will get a vault of 60 articles with video demonstrations and downloadable exercises, which will give you practical ways to learn Excel.
#10 – Excel Charts
by John Walkenbach
This book is for mastering Excel charts. But, first, let us see the review and best takeaways.
Book Review
Most professionals use Excel to make calculations and as a business tool for making solid decisions. But this book concentrates on visual representations of data. You would learn to select the right charts for appropriate visual illustrations and modify the charts’ data endurance. But this book is not for newbies. You need to know Excel at a foundational level to be able to justify the content of this book.
Best takeaways
- You will be able to create high-impact charts for business and educational purposes.
- You will learn to customize charts with graphics, shapes, and pictures.
- You will also learn to use interactive charts in Excel.
- You will learn to use VBA to create and modify charts.
These ten books will help you become a master of Excel. If you pick up all ten and decide to study and apply all you learn, you will soon become an authority in Microsoft Excel.
Recommended Articles
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WallStreetMojo is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com
Ravibhushan says
Your CFA course video tutorials are too good for my knowledge.
Grant Lambert says
Thanks for the Excel books. All the books which you mentioned are very informative and useful in daily life. Professionally explained. Thanks once again.
Dheeraj Vaidya says
You are welcome Grant!
Levi Claes says
Very helpful. But I was also looking for some kind of VBA Macro language books. I hope you must be having any other article in which have mentioned some VBA Macros Books. Please share it if you have?
Dheeraj Vaidya says
Hi Levi, you can have a look at this best VBA Books
10 Best Excel Books [Updated 2023]
Excel is what people learn by searching on Google. But, if you want to make your learning comprehensive, the internet will not be able to help you always. There would be something or the other missing from your open/free courses that you would only find in books. Below is the list of such books on excel that you must read in 2023:
- Microsoft Excel Bible: The Comprehensive Tutorial Resource ( Get this book )
- Excel: Quick Start Guide from Beginner to Expert (Excel, Microsoft Office) ( Get this book )
- Excel for Dummies (Excel for Dummies) ( Get this book )
- Power Pivot and Power BI: The Excel User’s Guide to DAX, Power Query, Power BI & Power Pivot in Excel 2010-2016 ( Get this book )
- Building Financial Models with Microsoft Excel: A Guide for Business Professionals, (MISL-WILEY) ( Get this book )
- Predictive Analytics: Microsoft Excel ( Get this book )
- Microsoft Business Intelligence Tools for Excel Analysts (WILEY) ( Get this book )
- Excel Macros For Dummies ( Get this book )
- Excel from Scratch: Excel course with demos and exercises ( Get this book )
- Excel Charts No products found.
Let us discuss each of the excel books for beginners in detail, along with its key takeaways and reviews.
Let us get started.
#1 – Microsoft Excel Bible: The Comprehensive Tutorial Resource
by John Walkenbach
This book is one of the most revered books on Excel in recent times. Let us look at the brief review and the best takeaways from the book.
Book Review
Several Excel books in the market promise to be an ally to students and teachers. However, they turn out to be a complete waste of time in the first place. But this book is one of the most sought-after books on Excel, and people from all walks of life have recommended this book to everyone, whoever wants to learn Excel at a deeper level. This particular book is used as a tool for advanced Excel for top-level MBA programs and people who love learning by themselves. Very detailed, and the research in the book is commendable.
If you are a sincere student of Excel, you may get a lot out of this book. Here are the best takeaways from the book:
- Using this book, you would be able to create functional spreadsheets that you would use in every minor to major thing possible.
- You would be able to make charts and integrate graphics into your content or report to improve visibility and influence.
- You would also be able to visualize data using conditional formatting in excelConditional formatting is a technique in Excel that allows us to format cells in a worksheet based on certain conditions. It can be found in the styles section of the Home tab.read more and the use of the advanced feature.
- Lastly, by using this book, you would be able to make the most of add-ins in your excel spreadsheetsAn add-in is an extension that adds more features and options to the existing Microsoft Excel.read more.
<< Get this book >>
#2 – Excel: Quick Start Guide from Beginner to Expert (Excel, Microsoft Office)
by William Fischer
This top Excel book is equally comprehensive, as the name suggests, but the most important part of this book is its price. It is much cheaper than any complete book on Excel.
Book Review
Let us say that it is your first job, and you need a reference guide that will aid you in learning the basic excel formulasThe term «basic excel formula» refers to the general functions used in Microsoft Excel to do simple calculations such as addition, average, and comparison. SUM, COUNT, COUNTA, COUNTBLANK, AVERAGE, MIN Excel, MAX Excel, LEN Excel, TRIM Excel, IF Excel are the top ten excel formulas and functions.read more to advanced concepts; what should you do? First, you should pick up this book and follow the instructions, and you will learn almost everything you need to know to earn professional proficiency. You will discover nearly everything from charts to data modelingA data model in Excel is a data table in which two or more tables are linked together by a common or many data series. Data from several sheets is combined to create a unique table in data model tables.read more, from pivot models to dashboard design. Even when you’re going for any core domains like data scientist or data analysis, this book would greatly help you as a reference guide.
Best takeaways
Compared to the price you need to pay to buy this book, you can call it a no-nonsense guide to learning Excel (from basics to advanced). Let us find out the best takeaways from the book:
- This book is for everybody. If you are a beginner, you can refer to this book. And even if you are an expert in Excel, you will still learn something from the book. So, it is a comprehensive book and can be used as a great reference for all your professional and personal requirements.
- The examples used in this book are easy, which makes learning easier.
- The shortcut keys mentioned in the book are very useful and save you time.
<< Get this book >>
#3 – Excel for Dummies (Excel for Dummies)
by Greg Harvey
Dummies’ books are always un-put-down-able. However, once you decide to learn something new, you can pick up a book on dummies, and you will discover a ton. This book on excel is no different.
Book Review
Dummies’ books are always un-put-down-able. However, once you decide to learn something new, you can pick up a book on dummies and learn a ton. This book on Excel is no different.
Best takeaways
You will learn a lot from this book. Here are the best takeaways:
- No matter where you are at this moment, this book will get you started. You will learn to create worksheets, use formulas, integrate graphs, remember to format, and more as you go along with the book.
- You will also be able to make changes in data, learn about transferring data between different workbooks, organize information, and create a chart.
- It is a great guide, even if you hate learning Excel. It is so comprehensive and easy to know that you can take one sip at a time and learn as much as you need.
<< Get this book >>
#4 – Power Pivot and Power BI: The Excel User’s Guide to DAX, Power Query, Power BI & Power Pivot in Excel
by Rob Collie and Avichal Singh
As the title suggests, this book is for people who need to Excel for four things – Excel Power QueryPower Query is an excel tool used to import data from different sources, transform (change) it as required, and return a refined dataset in the workbook.read more, Power BI, DAX, and Power Pivot. But, first, let us look at the review of the book and the best takeaways.
Book Review
This book is a masterpiece. People who need Power Pivot for their professional requirements revere this book as the only reference guide. In 2012, the edition was almost full proof. This edition has been refined more, and now it is the perfect guide for professionals and students. It is formatted beautifully and very easy to use. This book is a must-have on your shelf to know any of these core areas in-depth.
Best takeaways
This advanced Excel book is not for beginners, so you should try out any of the above three before picking up this book if you are a beginner. This book will assume that you have enough knowledge of the basic pivot tables, relationships, and databases, and then it will teach you how you can get started with DAX and Power Pivot. The writing style is very lucid, and people from all walks of life would greatly benefit from this book.
<< Get this book >>
#5 – Building Financial Models with Microsoft Excel: A Guide for Business Professionals, (MISL-WILEY)
by K. Scott Proctor
Financial modeling is complex, and professionals who need to know advanced excel at a much deeper level. Let us look at the review and the best takeaways.
Book Review
If you are new to financial modeling and do not know where to start, pick up this book and dive in. This book will help you build financial models from scratch. Many finance professionals are acquainted with financial modeling, but very few are familiar with consolidated financial statementsConsolidated Financial Statements are the financial statements of the overall group, which include all three key financial statements – income statement, cash flow statement, and balance sheet – and represent the sum total of its parents and all of its subsidiaries.read more analysis and projections. This book will help you build that skill. This book will also come with a CD, which will help you save the effort and time of going online and downloading the sheets and workbooks. The only possible flaw in this book is that it is a little old (for 2007 Excel), but most of the methods mentioned here work similarly in the recent versions of Excel.
- It will teach you how to build financial models from scratch, even when a beginner.
- You will learn how to integrate many financial statementsFinancial statements are written reports prepared by a company’s management to present the company’s financial affairs over a given period (quarter, six monthly or yearly). These statements, which include the Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Cash Flows, and Shareholders Equity Statement, must be prepared in accordance with prescribed and standardized accounting standards to ensure uniformity in reporting at all levels.read more like cash flow statements, balance sheets, and income statements into one.
- It will also teach you how you can present the financial models.
<< Get this book >>
#6 – Predictive Analytics: Microsoft Excel
by Conrad Carlberg
This book is different in context and covers mostly practical problems. Let us have a glance at the reviews and best takeaways.
Book Review
This advanced Excel book is not for beginners. This book is for people who already have some experience in Excel should go for this book. This book is about predictive analytics and how you can solve practical problems in marketing, finance, and other domains by using Excel. You will build skills that will help you reduce costs, improve productivity, enhance revenues, and build momentum in your business or professional activities. You will also get a collection of downloadable Excel workbooks plus a VBA code.
- You will learn to use data to make better tactical decisions.
- You will find out the right analytics techniques for each real-life problem.
- You will learn to use Excel to solve real-life problems.
- You will learn about managing huge variables and datasets.
<< Get this book >>
#7 – Microsoft Business Intelligence Tools for Excel Analysts (WILEY)
by Michael Alexander, Jared Decker & Bernard Wehbe
Every business is always looking for a competitive advantageCompetitive advantage refers to an advantage availed by a company that has remained successful in outdoing its competitors belonging to the same industry by designing and implementing effective strategies that allow the same in offering quality goods or services, quoting reasonable prices to its customers, maximizing the wealth of its stakeholders and so on and as a result of which the company can make more profits, build a positive brand reputation, make more sales, maximize return on assets, etc.read more. Business intelligence can be yours if you pick up this book and apply its principles. But, first, let us look at the review and the best takeaways.
Book Review
This best Excel advanced book is particularly useful for business analysts because business intelligence is their work domain. But that does not mean you, as a business owner, can get access to this incredible book. This book is not for beginners. To pick up this book, you at least need a basic overview of Excel functions and formulas. In addition, this book will teach you to be more efficient with Microsoft Business Intelligence tools like Power Pivot, Power Query & Power View in ExcelExcel Power View is a data visualization technology that helps you create interactive visuals like graphs, charts. It allows you to analyze data by looking at the visuals you created. As a result, it makes your excel data more meaningful and insightful for better decision making.read more.
Best takeaways
- This book is the best Excel book you can find on linking files and extracting clear and solid summaries.
- Business analysts need to understand the pattern to make an informed decision. This book will teach them how to bring all the files together within a few hours.
- It is for people at an advanced level in Excel, but it is very lucid and easy to understand.
<< Get this book >>
#8 – Excel Macros For Dummies
by Michael Alexandar
This book is from dummies. Moreover, the dummies series always stand out. And this book does too. You may have a look at the review and best takeaways.
Book Review
This book is one of the most sought-after Excel macro books. Once you finish up this book, you will be able to implement and use over 70 macros, save time, and become more productive. You will also learn how to use macros and how you can customize them.
Best takeaways
- You will learn Macros 101. You will know how macros are used and understand VBA and VBE (Visual Basic Editor).
- You will get a workbook workshop that will teach you how to automate tasks using macros.
- You will learn how macros help you navigate spreadsheets and scrub, shape, and manipulate data.
- You will also learn how macros can help you automate pivot table and chart tasks.
<< Get this book >>
#9 – Excel from Scratch: Excel course with demos and exercises
by Peter Kalmstrom
This book is another book on pure Excel for beginners and advanced users. So let us have an overview of the same.
Book Review
This Excel book is perfect for people who are beginners as well as those who have advanced knowledge of Excel. The main focus of this book is on the calculations and visualizations where most people get stuck. It is not only applicable to the Microsoft 2016 version; you can also use this book for older versions.
Best takeaways
Best takeaways: You will learn everything in Excel step-by-step. Moreover, along with this book, you will get a vault of 60 articles with video demonstrations and downloadable exercises, which will give you practical ways to learn Excel.
<< Get this book >>
#10 – Excel Charts
by John Walkenbach
No products found.
This book is for mastering Excel charts. But, first, let us see the review and best takeaways.
Book Review
Most professionals use Excel to make calculations and as a business tool for making solid decisions. But this book concentrates on visual representations of data. You would learn to select the right charts for appropriate visual illustrations and modify the charts’ data endurance. But this book is not for newbies. You need to know Excel at a foundational level to be able to justify the content of this book.
Best takeaways
- You will be able to create high-impact charts for business and educational purposes.
- You will learn to customize charts with graphics, shapes, and pictures.
- You will also learn to use interactive charts in Excel.
- You will learn to use VBA to create and modify charts.
These ten books will help you become a master of Excel. If you pick up all ten and decide to study and apply all you learn, you will soon become an authority in Microsoft Excel.
No products found.
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WallStreetMojo is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com
When we talk about learning Excel, we almost always think of videos and written tutorials.
While these are great ways to learn Excel, you can also consider using Excel books to level up your Excel learning.
And if you think that books are boring and hard to understand, I must tell you that there are some great Excel books out there that have been continually improved over the years.
These are now a lot easier to go through (even Kindle books are available), and often do a much better job of giving you a structured learning experience.
So, if you are thinking of learning Excel, you must consider using Excel books as well.
And to help with that, I am listing the best Excel books that are available right now and have benefited thousands of people over the globe.
While there are hundreds of Excel books out there (with each claiming to be the best Excel resource ever), it could be quite hard to know which books to go for.
Here is a list of 10 amazing Excel books that have been thoughtfully written (and reviewed multiple times over the years).
I have personally read each of the books and learned a lot from them. You don’t need to get all these books. Just choose one (or a couple) about the topics you wish to learn about and get these first.
Microsoft Excel 365 Bible (1st Edition)
This Excel bible (available for Microsoft 365 as well as Excel 2019) is written by John Walkenbach and is one of the best Excel books you can refer to. It’s quite in-depth and covers a lot of useful topics.
And it’s quite detailed (1152 pages of Excel awesomeness)
Best Takeaways
By reading this book thoroughly, you can do these things easily.
- Creating functional spreadsheets that you can use for various minor and major things.
- You can create charts and integrate graphics to enhance your content visibility.
- Using conditional formatting, you can create more visual data.
- Details about add-ins in your spreadsheet.
Topics Covered
- Basic Excel
- Excel Formulas and functions
- How to create Excel charts and graphics
- Advanced Excel features
- Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts
- Programming Excel (VBA)
- Appendixes
Review of Excel 365 Bible
Approximately 33 customers recommended this Excel book by John Walkenbach and gave 4.6 ratings.
These customers recommended this book to everyone who wants to make their career in Excel or wants to master basic Excel. So if you are a beginner or an intermediate Excel user, this book is for you.
Check out this Excel book
Excel Dashboards and Reports
If you’re looking to improve your skills in creating an amazing Excel dashboard and reports, this Excel book by Michael Alexander and John Walkenbach is a must.
This book is not meant for Excel beginners as it talks mostly about the dashboard, Excel charts, and Pivot Tables.
The focus is on presenting the data in the most effective and user-friendly manner. Even if you’re an intermediate or advanced Excel user, you can pick up some great tips from this book.
Best Takeaways
After thoroughly reading this book, you can easily get an insight into:
- Concepts about the dashboard and give you the tips and techniques to use it in a better way.
- You will find dashboard rules and guidelines that help you creating wonderful dashboards.
- Data analysis and reports that enhance the dashboard look and make it more effective.
- Use different perspectives to get better data visibility and divide data into different views.
- Find tools and techniques to create eye-catching visualizations, impressive design, and other such dashboards and reports.
Topics Covered
- Excel dashboards
- Charts introduction in your dashboards
- Advanced Excel charts and charting concepts
- Pivot table dashboards
- Working with the outside world
More than 33 Excel pros recommended this book after reading it. As per their rating, the book has 4 stars rating.
The users recommended this book because it helps you learn how to create awesome dashboards by giving you details about the tools and techniques that let you build one. It also shows you how to be created when doing data analysis using effective Excel charts
Check out this Excel book
Excel 2019 for Dummies (All-in-one) by Greg Harvey
This is a great Excel book for beginners who want to build a strong foundation. It covers all the important topics from scratch and also covers some advanced concepts.
While this book by Greg Harvey has been written for Excel 2019, you can also use this in case you have Excel 2016 or 2013.
Written by Greg Harvey, this book touches upon topics such as Excel formulas, charting, VBA/macros, as well as data management, analysis, modeling, and visualization.
Best Takeaways
- With Excel 2019 for dummies, you can make changes in the data, learn how to transfer data between worksheets, and organize information, and create graphs.
- It helps in learning how to create worksheets, to use formulas, how to integrate graphs, how to do conditional formatting Excel, and more.
Topics Covered
- Basics of Excel
- Designing of worksheet
- Excel formulas and functions
- Collaboration of worksheet
- Excel charts and graphics
- Data Management and Analysis
- Learning of Macros and VBA
More than 103 Excel enthusiasts recommended this book. It has a 4.5-star rating and comes at an affordable price.
This all-in-one Excel book offers you all the details like creating and editing worksheets, and formulas, how to import data, and performing statistical functions. If you’re an Excel beginner and can only buy one Excel book, this should be the one.
Check out this Excel Book
Building Financial Models with Microsoft Excel (by Scott Proctor)
If you work in the finance domain and need to learn how to best use Excel for financial modeling, this is a great book.
Note that this is not for beginners and is meant for people looking to use Excel in finance.
It does a great job of explaining concepts and also shares some useful models that you can easily adapt to your work.
Best Takeaways
- Learn to create Financial Modelling.
- Learn to budget
- Financial statements integration like Cash flow, balance sheet, and income statements.
- Learn how to present financial models.
Topics Covered
- Operating Budget: Sales, Collections, Inventory, Purchases, Cost of Goods Sold, Expenses, Income Statement
- Financial Modeling
- Financial Budget: Capital and Cash Budget
- Cash flows and dashboard
- Financial Statements
- Valuation
- Capitalization
- Financial Ratios
- Sensitivity Analysis
- Contribution Margin Analysis
Around 15 people who bought this book also recommended this as a good Excel resource.
It has 3-star ratings. This is the best Excel book for those who want to learn about financial modeling. The book is mainly purchased by professionals who want an in-depth knowledge of advanced Excel.
Check out this Excel Book
Power Pivot and Power BI: The Excel User’s Guide to DAX, Power Query, Power BI & Power Pivot
This book is meant for people who want to learn Power Pivot and Power BI. It’s not meant for beginners and get this only when you have a good grasp in Excel Pivot tables and other basic concepts.
So far, this Excel book by Rob Collie and Avichal Singh is the best resource to learn about Power Pivot and Power BI.
Best Takeaways
- A complete guide for Excel pivot tables, relationships, and databases.
- Teach you the basics of DAX, Power Pivot, Power Query, and Power BI.
- This is a perfect guide for professionals and students.
- If you want to take an idea and core knowledge of any topic related to excel then this book is for you.
The book is an amalgamation of various things including Power Query, Power BI, PowerPivot, and DAX.
This Excel book is not recommended for the beginners, the person must have the basic idea of the pivot table and databases.
The book is recommended by approximately 33 readers and they gave this book 4.5-star ratings.
This Power Pivot and Power BI book is best for the users who want to learn Power Pivot. In this book, you can take its golden tips and tricks.
Check out this Excel Book
Excel Macros for Dummies
If you’re a VBA beginner, this Excel book by Michael Alexander is a great starting point. It covers all the basics first, so you’re never lost, and helps you build a strong Excel VBA foundation.
Once you’re done with this book, you can move to more advanced VBA programming books.
Best Takeaways
- The Excel Macros for Dummies is written by Michael Alexander. He is a Microsoft Certified Application Developer and is named by Microsoft as an MVP. The author has 15 years of experience in consulting and developing office solutions, as well as sharing basic access with excel tips.
- Each and every topic covered how to apply macros with complete explanations and instructions given. You can learn here how you can customize your application as per your preference and the way you want.
- You can implement excel macros easily, and you can work with workbooks, worksheets, and ranges.
- You can streamline your workflow as there is a macro that will solve your problems. There is no requirement for a programmer for further customizations.
Topics Covered
- Macro fundamentals Overview
- How to create and build workbooks
- Getting started with VBA
- How to automate your reports
- Retrieving external data sources
- How to send emails from Excel
- How to clean up your data
More than 45 users gave a 4.5 rating and recommended this Excel book. This is one good starting point for VBA beginners to learn and level up their VBA Excel skills.
In this Excel book, you will find 70 excel macros that you can customize according to your wish for immediate use.
Check out this Excel Book
Excel Formulas & Functions for Dummies
This Excel book focuses on giving you a complete overview of Excel formulas and functions.
It doesn’t just give you the different Excel functions and how to use these but also shares a lot of useful formulas that you can use in your day-to-day work.
Best takeaways
- The user can use excel functions and understand how this function works in the formula.
- How to use 150 in-built excel functions to solve problems by crunching numbers.
- Different ways to calculate investments, and you can track your expenses.
- Help in making good financial decisions by comparing rates in excel
- It tells you all your excel functions that help in solving problems related to cost, interest rates, and ROI. You can learn different predicting factors used for forecast and get details of current trends.
- Learn different ways to diversify data from the database. How to use HLookup and VLookup as well as the If statement
Topics Covered
- Top 10 functions you must know
- Amortization table
- Working with dates and times
- Correction of formula errors
- Database Functions
- Manage Inventory
- Real-world examples
- How to use excel for decision making
More than 44 customers recommended this Excel book and have given 4.5 ratings.
This is an excellent book to learn all Excel functions and formulas that help in making a financial decisions like securing a mortgage, computing grades, buying a car or home, calculating investment performance, and other functions.
Check out this Excel Book
Excel VBA Programming for Dummies
Another Excel book by the duo Michael Alexander and John Walkenbach. This is a beginner-level Excel resource to learn about VBA programming.
Even if you have never learned anything about VBA or programming, you can still pick this one and learn a lot. Once you have a good basic level of understanding, you can move to other advanced VBA books.
Best Takeaways
- Get complete details about VBA and learn how to automate tasks, use add-ins, and commands, and develop macro-driven applications.
- You can learn to create custom functions in the user interface of Excel. You can design user-based applications and work on them.
- Explore a different range of objects and create various Excel user forms.
- You can take the data analysis and your programming skills to the next level so that you can implement VBA.
Topics Covered
- VBA Advantages and disadvantages
- Working on Excel object hierarchy
- How to handle errors
- How to create macros
- Properties and methods of useful range objects
- Custom solutions that fit according to your needs
- How to solve bugs coming in between code
Around 140 users recommended this Excel book and gave 4.5 ratings.
Many of the people mentioned that this Excel book covers all the basics and has a clear teaching approach. Just follow examples and learn the step-by-step process. If you want to improve your Excel VBA skills, then you must buy this Excel book.
Check out this Excel Book
Professional Excel Development: The Definitive Guide to Developing Applications Using Microsoft Excel, VBA, and .NET
This Excel book is meant for people who want to develop applications using Excel and .NET. It isn’t meant for you if you use Excel for your day-to-day work and is geared towards developers.
Best Takeaways
- You will find a hands-on case study project that helps you practicing of planning, architecture, and building Excel applications.
- The book is written by four authors, out of which three of them are honored by Excel MVPs. With this book, they offered complete guidance to build powerful, robust, and secure applications.
- Applications in excel are getting more complex and the platform of website development is getting more powerful. Hence a developer needs some tutorial or guidance that helps in solving a problem for the next level of sophistication. Hence the professional excel development book is specially designed for those developers.
Topics Covered
- Excel with Web Services integration
- Deploy applications
- How to design worksheets
- In-Built add-ins
- You can construct applications
- Windows API calls
- Make you master in error handling, debugging, and optimization of VBA
- Learn visualization solutions
- How to work with VB.Net
The Excel book is recommended by many users, and they have rated this book 4.5.
This is specially designed for developers as this is the only book that offers in-depth insight into Excel programming. You can build powerful applications using various Microsoft technologies.
Check out this Excel Book
Learn Excel 2016 Expert Skills
Best Takeaways
- By reading this book, your skills will be greater or broader than other users, and you can very well understand all the Excel features.
- You will find that the instructions are logically designed in the form of sessions and lessons. It caters to self-learning and teaching period. Make sure that you must complete every single lesson each day.
- This is not a beginner’s book and does not cover any basics of excel. If you are one level upside of a beginner, then Excel 2016 Essential Skills book is for you. Make sure that you must know all the basics of excel.
- Each and every concept is described in simple English. No jargon is used to make you learn easily.
- The book is most preferred by Excel teachers as it is designed in such a way that it teaches Excel not to look like reference books. It has the best methodology that clearly defines the objective of every learning session.
Topics Covered
- Separation of OLAP skills from mainstream Excel skills
- How to apply simple filters and custom filters to a range
- How to apply an advanced filter
- A quick analysis of the total and percentage
- How to convert the range into a table
- A custom table-style creation
- Sort a range by rows and columns
- How to create an automatic structured table reference
This is the most preferred Excel book by users who want to learn excel, not a reference book but a tutorial.
Users who read this book have given five ratings to this book. It teaches you the true excel expert level.
Check out this Excel Book
Last Word
Excel Books that are listed above are recommended by real Excel users. You don’t need all these books, and each of these books has its own plus point.
If you are a beginner, then go for the Excel 2016/2019 Bible or Excel 2016 for Dummies. User who are not beginners and wants to learn formulas and functions then buy Excel Formulas & Functions for Dummies as well as Learn Excel 2016 Expert Skills.
If you are professional and your objective is to create dashboards, then go for Excel Dashboards and Reports, whereas, for financial modeling, we recommend you buy Building financial models with Excel.
For developers, the best book is Professional Excel Development, from where they can get insight view and in-depth Excel programming skills, whereas to learn VBA Programming, you can buy Excel VBA for Dummies and Excel Macros for Dummies.
If you want to learn the pivot table only, then go for Power Pivot and Power BI. This is how you can buy Best Excel Books via this post. Thanks!!
You may also like the following Excel tutorials/resources:
- How to Compare Two Columns in Excel Using Vlookup
- Best Excel Books
- Microsoft Excel vs Google Sheets – Which One Is Better for You?
- Row vs Column in Excel – What’s the Difference?
- Excel Table vs. Excel Range – What’s the Difference?
Представляем самые популярные пособия и самоучители для работы в Excel для начинающих и продвинутых пользователей.
Excel – это универсальный инструмент, которые применяют буквально везде – для экономических, финансовых, технических и инженерных задач, для бухгалтерского и банковского учета, при статистической обработке информации, анализе данных, для заполнения налоговых деклараций и т.д.
Excel позволяет оперативно обрабатывать статистическую информацию и представлять данные в виде графиков и диаграмм. Эту программу можно использовать даже в повседневной жизни, например, для контроля текущих расходов семейного бюджета.
Лада Рудикова.”Microsoft Office Excel. Руководство”
Наиболее полное руководство по возможностям и средствам, доступным пользователям в версии Microsoft Office Excel 2019. Изложены базовые сведения о работе с табличным процессором и форматами обрабатываемых данных, возможности создания и редактирования формул и функций на рабочих листах, визуализации данных с использованием диаграмм и карт, возможности интеграции с другими офисными приложениями.
Показаны приемы совместного редактирования документов Excel в браузере прямо на веб-сайте. Описана работа со списками и базами данных, встроенными инструментами (3D Maps, WordArt, SmartArt, Power Pivot, средствами графической обработки данных и др.).
Рассмотрены вопросы обработки и анализа данных, настройка пользовательского интерфейса. Даны основы автоматизации в среде Visual Basic for Applications. Все возможности программы продемонстрированы на практических примерах.
Финансовая модель, о которой будет рассказано в этом пособии, построена на примере малого предприятия и включает в себя процессы от закупки и наценки товаров до формирования бюджетов движения денежных средств и бюджета доходов и расходов. Данная методика не требует наличия специальных программ для бухгалтерского учета и бюджетирования. Учет хозяйственных операций и формирование отчетов осуществляется только в Excel.
Если учет на предприятии ведется в отдельной программе, то вы найдете здесь рекомендации, которые помогут преобразовать данные учета для отчетов любого формата.
А. Швыдков.”Учебник по функциям Excel и программированию в среде VBA”
В книге рассматриваются вопросы применения встроенных функций Excel для решения прикладных задач, а также приводятся начальные сведения языка программирования VBA для Excel. Материал излагается в краткой, доступной форме и иллюстрируется большим количеством наглядных примеров.
Учебник предназначен для пользователей, имеющих опыт работы в приложении Excel, но не использующих широких возможностей встроенных функций и программирования в VBA, а также всем интересующимся обработкой информации в Excel.
Вячеслав Кильдишов. “Использование приложения MS Excel для моделирования различных задач”
Книга является практическим руководством по моделированию задач с использованием приложения MS Excel.
Книга предназначена для школьников, студентов и преподавателей, которые хотят быть знакомы с MS Excel «на Вы», а также научиться моделированию, разработке моделей, алгоритмов и программ.
Прочитав эту книгу, вы научитесь использовать возможности MS Excel, о которых ранее не знали.
Нина Комолова. “Программирование на VBA в Excel”
Книга научит самостоятельно создавать приложения для автоматизации работы в программе Microsoft Office Excel 2019 с использованием макросов и языка программирования Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). Приведена информация о новинках программы, а также сервисах Power по работе с данными. Даны теоретические сведения о программировании, элементах объектной модели Excel, запуске и отладке макросов.
Рассмотрены вопросы автоматизации рабочего листа при помощи элементов управления Excel. Описаны приемы создания макросов, пользовательских функций и форм в редакторе VBE. Приведены способы взаимодействия при помощи VBA с другими программами пакета Microsoft Office. Для закрепления материала рассмотрены примеры пользовательских приложений с анализом и поясняющими комментариями.
Леора Бурнаева. “Обработка и представление данных в MS Excel”
Книга посвящена эффективному использованию инструментов приложения Excel для обработки и анализа многомерных данных с целью их систематизации, выявления характера и структуры взаимосвязей. Пройдя путь от структурирования данных до создания простейшей базы данных, на основе которой можно строить различные сводные таблицы для нахождения ответов на поставленные вопросы, читатель научится извлекать необходимую информацию и знание из множества данных.
Дополнительно к этому, в книге рассматривается одна из наиболее востребованных задач – статистическая обработка данных, полученных в результате случайного эксперимента. Особое внимание уделено визуализации данных с помощью диаграмм и дополнительных возможностей, предоставляемых в последних версиях Excel.
У. Винстон. “Бизнес-моделирование и анализ данных. Решение актуальных задач с помощью Microsoft Excel”
Уэйн Винстон научит вас быстро анализировать данные, принимать решения, подводить итоги, составлять отчеты, обрабатывать данные и строить аналитические модели в Microsoft Excel 2019 и Office 365.
В новом шестом издании вас ждут более 800 бизнес-задач, основанных на реальных ситуациях, а также обсуждение новых инструментов и функций. Где бы вы ни работали – в крупной корпорации, небольшой компании, государственной или некоммерческой структуре, – это поможет вам увеличить прибыль, снизить издержки или эффективно управлять производством.
Прочитав эту книгу, вы сможете cпрогнозировать результаты выборов, научитесь определять точки безубыточности, рассчитывать вероятность выигрыша в кости или победы любимой команды в турнире.
Джим Демарко. “Excel для профессионалов”
Задумывались ли вы когда-нибудь, есть ли в Excel что-либо большее, чем данные, отображаемые в строках и столбцах, и красивые диаграммы? Если вы хотите узнать, как переместить данные в свои проекты Excel, научиться работать с XML, увидеть, как объектно-ориентированное программирование может быть использовано в Excel, эта книга – для вас.
Майк МакГрат. “Excel VBA. Стань продвинутым пользователем за неделю”
Пошаговый самоучитель по языку VBA, при помощи которого создаются макросы для Excel, поможет вам стать продвинутым пользователем и повысить свою эффективность работы в этой программе в несколько раз. Книга снабжена множеством иллюстраций, а вся теория объясняется на доступных даже для полных новичков примерах.
Внутри вы найдете полезные советы, предостережения и сможете скачать архив с бесплатными примерами для работы с ними на компьютере.
5 лучших онлайн-курсов MS Excel с нуля
Освоить Excel легко! Если вы придерживаетесь противоположного мнения, вам не попадалось классное пособие для изучения программы.
Я и сам когда-то хватался за все учебники подряд. Глотал информацию в надежде хоть немного подтянуть знания по Excel. Признаться, перебрал десятки книг. И понял, что справляются со своей задачей лишь единицы.
На прошлых выходных я заглянул в свой книжный шкаф и пришёл в ужас. Сколько самоучителей и учебников по Excel пылятся без дела! Я вспомнил свои мытарства в поисках хорошей литературы и решил, что просто обязан поделиться с посетителями моего сайта надёжными источниками знаний. Мне хочется, чтобы на освоение программы вы потратили меньше времени и средств, чем я.
Итак, вот мой выстраданный перечень из 10 лучших книг по Excel:
- 1. Джон Уокенбах «Microsoft Excel 2013. Библия пользователя»
- 2. Джон Уокенбах «Формулы в Microsoft Excel 2013»
- 3. Джон Уокенбах «Excel 2013. Профессиональное программирование на VBA»
- 4. Билл Джелен и Майкл Александер «Сводные таблицы в Microsoft Excel»
- 5. Куртис Фрай «Microsoft Excel 2013. Шаг за шагом»
- 6. Грег Харвей «Microsoft Excel 2013 для чайников»
- 7. Конрад Карлберг «Бизнес анализ с использованием Excel»
- 8. Шимон Беннинг «Основы финансов с примерами в Excel»
- 9. Джон Уокенбах «Excel 2013. Трюки и советы Джона Уокенбаха»
- 10. Николай Павлов «Microsoft Excel. Готовые решения — бери и пользуйся!»
1. Джон Уокенбах «Microsoft Excel 2013. Библия пользователя»
Было время, когда я делал круглые глаза при слове «формула». А услышав «VBA-макросы», и вовсе готовился падать в обморок. Жаль, тогда мне не встретилось это исчерпывающее руководство от Джона Уокенбаха. С «Microsoft Excel 2013. Библия пользователя» вы освоите основные возможности программы. На раз плюнуть сможете обрабатывать данные с помощью диаграмм и графиков. Даже попрактикуетесь в создании этих жутких макросов. Одним словом, пособие научит вас всему, что нужно, чтобы прослыть знатоком Excel. Книга кишит подсказками, советами, секретами и примерами. Так что я обращаюсь к ней постоянно. |
2. Джон Уокенбах «Формулы в Microsoft Excel 2013»
Знаете, о чём я пожалел после покупки этой книги? О том, что она не попала в мои руки намного раньше. Это же настоящий кладезь мудрости! Джон Уокенбах за руку проведёт вас от элементарных возможностей Excel до мастерского владения функциями. Вы научитесь работать с ячейками и диапазонами, ворочать огромными массивами данных и извлекать из них нужную информацию, обрабатывать и анализировать данные любого типа, и многое-многое другое. Под конец станете таким крутым спецом, что сможете создавать пользовательские функции в VBA самостоятельно. Берите и изучайте «Формулы в Microsoft Excel 2013» от корки до корки. Она того стоит! |
3. Джон Уокенбах «Excel 2013. Профессиональное программирование на VBA»
Финальный аккорд трилогии гуру Microsoft Excel Джона Уокенбаха! Эта книга должна быть у каждого, кто всерьёз нацелен развиваться на поприще электронных таблиц. Хотите подробно изучить язык программирования VBA? Сооружать надстройки для Excel собственными силами? Научиться писать приложения в программе? Одним словом, освоить 1000 и 1 приём крутого VBA-программиста? Вооружайтесь творением Уокенбаха и вперёд одолевать высший пилотаж! |
4. Билл Джелен и Майкл Александер «Сводные таблицы в Microsoft Excel»
Кому не хочется поднять производительность работы? В разы сократить затраты времени на занудную отчётность? Почти мгновенно оценивать и анализировать данные? А как насчёт урезать длинный запутанный отчёт до лаконичного и понятного? Сложно? Ничуть! Со сводными таблицами в Microsoft Excel все эти фокусы – проще пареной репы. Если вам частенько приходится иметь дело со сложной отчётностью, труд Билла Джелена и Майкла Александера – must have в вашей библиотеке. |
5. Куртис Фрай «Microsoft Excel 2013. Шаг за шагом»
Одна из тех немногих книг, которые понятны всем. Сначала Куртис Фрай простым языком объяснит принципы работы Excel. Затем перейдёт к анализу данных (в том числе при помощи диаграмм и сводных таблиц). И на закуску расскажет, как осилить макросы. На мой взгляд, это простое и понятно пособие по Excel облегчит жизнь и студенту и офисному работнику. Но даже если вы ни тот ни другой, познакомиться с Excel поближе стоит в любом случае. Издание Куртиса Фрая подходит для этого на все сто. |
6. Грег Харвей «Microsoft Excel 2013 для чайников»
Ещё одно пособие для новичков, которое позволит играючи управиться с электронными таблицами. Эта книга для тех, кто не хочет прогрызаться сквозь премудрости Excel, и кому достаточно всего лишь разобраться с фундаментом (интерфейсом, основами формул и функций, форматированием и т.д.) Если вы мечтаете, чтобы больше никто не посмел назвать вас «профаном» или «чайником», запасайтесь этим учебником и чувством юмора. Оно вам пригодится! |
7. Конрад Карлберг «Бизнес анализ с использованием Excel»
Что может быть скучнее, чем тягомотина с тоннами отчётов? Сидеть и анализировать ситуацию или разбираться с деловыми задачами приходится часами. Да бросьте! Вы серьёзно не в курсе, что всё это можно с легкостью делать в Excel? Эта книга научит вас решать любые бизнес-задачи шутя! С помощью Excel вы сможете вести электронную бухгалтерию, прогнозировать и составлять бюджет, оценивать и анализировать финансовый оборот, предсказывать спрос на продукцию, просчитывать товарный запас, управлять инвестициями, а также многое другое. К слову, пособие Карлберга придётся кстати не только предпринимателям, но и менеджерам. Вы ведь не собираетесь сидеть на месте, как пресловутый камень, который вода обходит стороной? Нет? Тогда берите «Бизнес анализ с использованием Excel», учитесь и развивайтесь! |
8. Шимон Беннинг «Основы финансов с примерами в Excel»
Любопытный факт: почти все авторы пособий по финансам в своих книгах пренебрегают Excel. И очень зря. Ведь сейчас большинство компаний выполняют расчёты именно в этой программе. Шимон Беннинг заметил эту оплошность и выпустил «Основы финансов с примерами в Excel». В книге вы найдёте не только практические примеры, но и почерпнёте важные знания о том, как строить финансовые модели, оценивать активы, принимать финансовые решения в нестандартных условиях и так далее. Я считаю, что финансы нужно изучать в контексте работы с Excel. Вот почему рекомендую пособие «Основы финансов с примерами в Excel», как один из лучших учебников. Труд Шимона Беннинга пригодится и студентам и профи. |
9. Джон Уокенбах «Excel 2013. Трюки и советы Джона Уокенбаха»
Изучать Excel можно вечно. Когда-то я думал, что мой запас знаний о программе тянет на вагон и небольшую кошёлку. Оказалось, что знал я далеко не всё. В Excel есть масса хитростей. О том, как ими пользоваться, и расскажет Джон Уокенбах. Книга содержит такое количество подсказок, советов, трюков, хитростей и приёмчиков, что удержать их все в голове порой невозможно. Вместе с тем каждый из них стоит взять на заметку, чтобы сократить время работы над той или иной задачей. Либо улучшить качество этой самой работы. Так что для меня книга «Excel 2013. Трюки и советы Джона Уокенбаха» стала настольной. Чего и вам желаю! |
10. Николай Павлов «Microsoft Excel. Готовые решения — бери и пользуйся!»
Отличное пособие для новичков и специалистов в Excel с готовыми решениями. По признанию автора, книга содержит 20% знаний об Excel, которые помогают решить 80% каждодневных задач. Недурное соотношение, не так ли? Николай Павлов посветит вас в тонкости форматирования, редактирования, операций с текстом, книгами и листами. Научит отправлять письма прямо из Excel. Расскажет, как создавать выпадающие списки. Объяснит, как анализировать данные и работать со сводными таблицами и проч. Ещё одно издание, которое я рекомендую всегда хранить под рукой. |
Пособиями, которые я рекомендую в этой статье, пользуюсь до сих пор. Все они принесли огромную пользу мне и обязательно принесут её вам. Безусловно, лучше обзавестись бумажными экземплярами, чтобы делать пометки и оставлять закладки. Так удобней! Вот увидите, эти книги ускорят вашу работу с Excel и вдохнут в неё новую жизнь. Если вы так не считаете, с удовольствием поспорю с вами в комментариях! =)
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Some computer tools are indispensable nowadays. Especially in the workplace, not mastering some of them can represent a limitation to fully develop in a job or even get it in the first instance. To train you in one of the most important ones, we have created the Excel book collection in PDF format.
Excel is a computer program that belongs to the Microsoft Company and is freely accessible to all people who have a computer with Windows installed. Over the years it has become the most widely used electronic spreadsheet in the world. Therefore, we understand your interest in approaching this selection of excel books in PDF format.
This computer program is part of the Office package, along with PowerPoint and Word, all from Microsoft. It was released in 1985. At that time, the first version was created exclusively for Macintosh, however, in 1987, Microsoft released Excel 2.0, exclusively for Windows. From then on, it began to evolve non-stop until it became the most requested.
Excel has very different functions from those of other office programs, since it allows the user to work with numerical data. With the data we enter in the spreadsheet we can perform basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division; complex mathematical functions and also statistical functions.
In addition, it allows us to analyze all the data in an easy and practical way, as well as to obtain reports of results through graphs and tables. Learning to handle this tool is essential for most jobs today, not only for those in accounting or finance.
Study about this subject safely with these more than 20 excel books in PDF format. Download them free and fast from this section to your electronic devices.
Here we present our complete selection of Excel books:
1) Microsoft Excel Manual
University of Mary Washington
2) Excel Fundamentals
St. George’s University of London
3) Advanced spreadsheets – Microsoft Excel 2010
Mariza Maini
4) Essential Spreadsheets Book 1
University of York
5) Excel 2010 Advanced
STL Training
6) Advanced Excel — Vlookup, Hlookup and Pivot Tables — Excel 2010
Liz Cooke
7) MS-Excel Lecture Notes
Government Arts College Coimbatore
Microsoft Excel: Advanced
Towson University
9) Microsoft Excel Tips & Tricks
Mynda Treacy
10) Excel Advanced
Shasta County Office of Education
11) Formulas & Functions in Microsoft Excel
Theresa A Scott, MS
12) Microsoft Excel for Beginners
Pandora Rose Cowart
13) Introduction to Excel
14) Intro to Excel spreadsheets
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
15) Excel Functions — Full List
Western Sydney University
16) Creating Basic Excel Formulas
Syracuse University
17) Chapter 3 Logical Functions
Watsonia Publishing
18) Advanced Formulas and Functions in Microsoft Excel (Article)
UIS-Universidad Industrial de Santander
19) Excel: Introduction to Formulas (Article)
Shasta County Office of Education
20) Excel Cheat Sheet Basic Skills (Article)
21) Excel Formulas (Article)
University of Detroit Mercy
Here ends our selection of free Excel books in PDF format. We hope you liked it and already have your next book!
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