Bolded is not a word

Asked by: Lessie Dickinson MD

Score: 4.3/5
(16 votes)

So the answer to the question posed at the top of this question—’Is “bolded” a word?’ —is unequivocally yes, bolded is definitely a word.

What does bolded mean?

Bolded word means a word that is bolded. Bold words are words that are made darker usually thicker letters.

Is it bolded or emboldened?

Senior Member. Just a note: when text appears in bold, we don’t call it ‘bolded’ — the verb to use is ’embolden’, so you’d need to say ‘do the proposed emboldened options work?’ .

Why would a word be bolded?

Bold strongly stands out from regular text, and is often used to highlight keywords important to the text’s content. For example, printed dictionaries often use boldface for their keywords, and the names of entries can conventionally be marked in bold.

What is a adjective for good?

great, satisfying, exceptional, positive, acceptable, satisfactory, valuable, superb, marvelous, bad, wonderful, favorable, excellent, respectable, honest, useful, talented, efficient, reliable, able.

35 related questions found

What is bold used for in Microsoft Word?

Bold, Italic and Underline Commands in MS Word

These commands are given in the Font group in the Home tab. … Bold: It allows you to Bold the text of your document. Italic: It allows you to Italicize the text of your document. Underline: It allows you to underline the text of your document.

Is boldface the same as bold?

As verbs the difference between bold and boldfaced

is that bold is to make (a font or some text) bold while boldfaced is (boldface) (to print or write in a bold manner).

What is typeface in word?

A typeface is a set of characters of the same design. These characters include letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and symbols. Some popular typefaces include Arial, Helvetica, Times, and Verdana. … The term «typeface» is often confused with «font,» which is a specific size and style of a typeface.

Which tags should be bolded?

HTML <b> tag is used to display the written text in bold format.

What is the verb form of slavery?

slave. verb. slaved; slaving; slaves. Definition of slave (Entry 2 of 4) intransitive verb.

Is being bold a good thing?

People who choose to be bold are inspiring not just because they get big things accomplished, but because they also instigate growth, progress, and movement for themselves and others around them. Sadly, far more people wait for someone who is bold to lead the way, hoping somehow luck will shine success upon them.

What does bolded text mean?

B. A set of type characters that are darker and heavier than normal. A bold font implies that each character was originally designed with a heavier appearance rather than created on the fly from a normal character. See boldface attribute.

What is the meaning of bold boy?

Bold is defined as free in behavior, or prominent. A person who is not afraid to speak up for what he believes, even to people with more power than him, is an example of someone who is bold. A child who is too confident and arrogant as a result of being spoiled is an example of a child who is overly bold.

What is the best meaning of the boldfaced word?

1 : bold in manner or conduct : impudent. 2 usually boldfaced : being or set in boldface.

What do the words in boldface do in statements?

Boldface fonts can be used sparsely to draw attention to words or short phrases, and are most often seen in business writing. Using boldface for emphasis is not appropriate for academic writing.

What does it mean to be bold?

1 : willing to meet danger or take risks : daring bold knights. 2 : not polite and modest : fresh a bold remark. 3 : showing or calling for courage or daring a bold plan. 4 : standing out prominently She has a face with bold features. 5 : being or set in boldface.

How do you bold in Microsoft Word?

Select the text that you want to make bold, and do one of the following:

  1. Move your pointer to the Mini toolbar above your selection and click Bold .
  2. Click Bold in the Font group on the Home tab.
  3. Type the keyboard shortcut: CTRL+B.

What is underline in Microsoft Word?

An underline is a section of text in a document where the words have a line running beneath them. For example, this text should be underlined. Underlined text is commonly used to help draw attention to text. … Create underline text in a word processor, such as Microsoft Word.

What is the verb form of bold?

embolden. (transitive) To render (someone) bolder or more courageous. (transitive) To encourage, inspire, or motivate. (transitive, typography) To format text in boldface.

At some point or another, whether in writing or speech, we may have come across the term “bolded”. Now, this term may not seem like it, but it has been known to cause some confusion. This is because many are uncertain – is this a correct and proper term, or not?

“Bolded” is considered a word in the English language. Although, we do have to be somewhat careful with how we use this particular term, as its appropriate usability is minuscule. We would instead use the terms “bolden” or “embolden”, as they carry a similar, yet more appropriate meaning.

is bolded a word

As one can easily see when searching for a definition of the term “bolded”, most websites or dictionaries do not include this term – which is why alternative terms are generally chosen instead.

Is “Bolded” The Past Tense Of “Bold”?

“Bolded” is considered to be both the past tense and past participle of the term “bold”. Because of this, we can only use this term when it is applicable and we are attempting to discuss a situation or moment that has already occurred.

We can see that Your Dictionary does not define the term “bolded”, merely listing it as the past participle of “bold”.

In terms of the appropriate definition of bold, Cambridge Dictionary defines the term as printed in thick, dark letters. Therefore, the term “bolded”, refers to a section of typed words that we have previously changed to be in the bold format.

Is It Correct To Say “Bolded Text”?

We can use the phrase “bolded text”, as this is a proper way of using the term “bolded”. In this case, we would be discussing a portion of the text that was written in bold or that we changed previously to be in bold format.

Using the term “bolded” in this format (alongside the term “text”), is one of the only applicable ways to utilize this term. This makes it a very correct option for anyone to use, in terms of the English language.

Should I Use “Emboldened” Instead Of “Bolded”?

We would often consider the use of the term “emboldened” to be more formal and appropriate than that of the term “bolded”. For something to be “emboldened”, it means to cause a portion of text to appear in a bold typeface.

Although saying that something has been “bolded” is correct, we should choose to say something has been “emboldened” because it sounds more proper to the English speaker. This is not to say that you would be misunderstood if you say “bolded”, however, it may be seen as incorrect.

We can see this is very much true when we look at this graph provided by Google Ngram Viewer. As the data dictates since the 1800s “emboldened” has been the more commonly used term, over “bolded”.

emboldened vs bolded

The use of the term “bolded” is by no means popular and has only been around for the past few decades. This will have much to do with the use of technology – computers, and typing in particular.

Examples Of How To Use “Bolded” In A Sentence

We will now look over some examples that highlight the use of the term “bolded”. If the use of the term is incorrect, the correct use will be shown below it.

  • Correct: The bolded items in our report were supported by the team of developers.
  • Correct: I went through and read over the bolded text throughout the essay and it all seemed to be accurately sourced and referenced.
  • Incorrect: I bolded that portion of the text for you just now – I hope that’s okay.
  • Correct: I emboldened that portion of the text for you just now – I hope that’s okay.
  • Incorrect: I would like to see the title centered, bolded, and underlined.
  • Correct: I would like to see the title centered, emboldened, and underlined.
  • Incorrect: It’s important that you remember your resource links must be bolded.
  • Correct: It’s important that you remember your resource links must be emboldened.
  • Correct: I was able to accurately find the key points of the argument, as they were all typed in bolded text.
  • Incorrect: You should have bolded the title portion of your essay, making it more readable to a viewer.
  • Correct: You should have emboldened the title portion of your essay, making it more readable to a viewer.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

Bolded certainly registers on Ngram when you run a Google Books search for it. Here’s the resulting Ngram chart for the years 1920–2019:

The frequency of the matches seems to have leveled off starting around the year 2007 after rising quite rapidly over the previous 25 years.

The earliest Google Books match for bolded in the sense of «set in boldface type» is from Tony Webster & Richard Champion, Microcomputer Software Buyer’s Guide (1984) [combined snippets]:

  • Displaying different Control Characters on the display screen. This feature allows the operator to check, for example, on what tabs are set, where hard carriage returns have been given (as opposed to automatic carrier returns), what text has been bolded, underlined and centered, and any special modes in which the system may be.

  • Specifying by commands during text entry that text, when printed out, should be Underscored or Bolded. The bolded feature actually causes text to be struck more than once to create a dark, bold effect. Such an effect is used for emphasis in titles, headings etc.

By 1990, numerous instances show up in the search results. Here is a typical one from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Health Status of Vietnam Vets (January 1989) [combined snippets]:

The most popular alternative is bolded to indicate it should be used in the review of symptoms or PFC probes if the respondent simply says, «Yes» to the question without choosing one of the alternatives.

That same publication repeatedly uses bolded as an adjective, as here:

SX: Abbreviation for «Symptom» or «Symptoms.» This is a signal to the interviewer to insert the bolded words from a symptom question into this question to refer to the symptom of interest.

Merriam-Webster Online still doesn’t acknowledge that bold/bolded as a verb and bolded as an adjective have been in common use (especially in publishing) since the 1990s—or indeed that they exist at all. But eventually it will have to concede the obvious because this usage shows no signs of going away. Google Books search results for 2006 alone, for example, report 75 unique matches in published works.

So the answer to the question posed at the top of this question—’Is “bolded” a word?’—is unequivocally yes, bolded is definitely a word.

Table of Contents

  1. What does it mean when words are bolded?
  2. How do you spell bolded?
  3. What does italic mean?
  4. What is the verb for bold?
  5. What are some bold words?
  6. What do you call a person with no hair?
  7. What disease causes hair not to grow?
  8. What disease makes you have no hair?
  9. Why does kyu have no hair?
  10. How old is Caillou now?
  11. Why is Caillou so whiny?
  12. Is Caillou dead?
  13. Why does Rosie from Caillou have red hair?
  14. Is Caillou a cancer kid?
  15. What happened on the last episode of Caillou?
  16. Is Caillou still running?
  17. Why was Caillou taken off PBS?
  18. Is Caillou good for toddlers?
  19. Why do parents hate the middle child?
  20. Does the middle child get less attention?
  21. Why is the middle child treated the worst?

—is unequivocally yes, bolded is definitely a word.

What does it mean when words are bolded?

Bolded word means a word that is bolded. Bold words are words that are made darker usually thicker letters. See a translation.

How do you spell bolded?

How Do You Spell BOLDED? Correct spelling for the English word “bolded” is [bˈə͡ʊldɪd], [bˈə‍ʊldɪd], [b_ˈəʊ_l_d_ɪ_d] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

What does italic mean?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1a : of or relating to a type style with characters that slant upward to the right (as in “these words are italic”) — compare roman. b : of or relating to a style of slanted cursive handwriting developed in the 15th and 16th centuries.

What is the verb for bold?

embolden. (transitive) To render (someone) bolder or more courageous. (transitive) To encourage, inspire, or motivate. (transitive, typography) To format text in boldface.

What are some bold words?


  • audacious.
  • bold.
  • brave.
  • courageous.
  • daredevil.
  • daring.
  • dashing.
  • gutsy.

What do you call a person with no hair?

Bald is a common word used to describe a person as having no hair on their head.

What disease causes hair not to grow?

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune condition, which means the body’s immune system attacks healthy tissues, including the hair follicles. This causes hair to fall out and prevents new hair from growing. This condition can affect adults and children, and hair loss can begin suddenly and without warning.

What disease makes you have no hair?

Alopecia universalis (AU), also known as alopecia areata universalis, is a medical condition involving the loss of all body hair, including eyebrows, eyelashes, chest hair, armpit hair, and pubic hair.

Why does kyu have no hair?

As Caillou appeared as a much younger child in the original line of children’s books, he originally had no hair. When illustrators found that adding hair made him look unrecognizable, it was decided that Caillou would never have hair. This has led to an urban legend that the protagonist has cancer.

How old is Caillou now?

His WAY-too parents only lightly scolded him for that yet he still cried and whined like a little baby that he is. That was just one out of many instances of his heinous crimes that his parents were just bribed to look the other way….

Nationality French-Canadian
Born 11th of September, 2001
Age 18
Status Alive

Why is Caillou so whiny?

Article content. The reason for this is simple: Caillou is a shameless whiner. Virtually every episode of the show focuses on Caillou whining his way through a mundane task without reprimand or consequence. For lengthy segments, in fact, whining can constitute Caillou’s only interaction with the surrounding world.

Is Caillou dead?

Caillou is dead. As a four year old, Caillou was given the horrifying diagnosis of terminal cancer. His chemo treatments left him with the difficult side effect of baldness. His mother can’t bring herself to empty Caillou’s room, so she leaves it (and the stuffed animals) as they were when he was still alive.

Why does Rosie from Caillou have red hair?

Rosie. Rosie has orange hair either because she’s adopted and Caillou’s parents did not want to get another child like Caillou, or one of the parents was more of a redhead when they were younger and their hair became darker over time.

Is Caillou a cancer kid?

A long-existing urban legend is that the four-year-old boy has cancer, which is one of the reasons why his parents always let him get his way. However, this simply isn’t true. The TV series “Caillou” was actually based on a much younger character from an illustrated children’s book.

What happened on the last episode of Caillou?

3 October 2010

Is Caillou still running?

Program ‘Caillou’ PBS has officially canceled its long-running animated series Caillou. The network announced that it will stop running episodes of the children’s program after more than 20 years.

Why was Caillou taken off PBS?

PBS declined Current’s request for an interview for this article. In a statement, a spokesperson said that Caillou was retired “as part of our ongoing efforts to continuously refresh our offerings to meet the needs of today’s kids.”

Is Caillou good for toddlers?

Parents need to know that Caillou is about a sweet, curious child who loves to explore the world. The program sometimes deals with intense emotions such as fear, anger, loneliness, anxiety, and empathy, but they’re presented in a straightforward manner that will help kids, not frighten them.

Why do parents hate the middle child?

Rivalry. The middle child often feels the need to compete with both the younger and older sibling for parental attention. They might compete for attention between siblings, as they risk being ignored by one or the other. As they find themselves in the middle of everything, they may also become the peacemaker.

Does the middle child get less attention?

Middle kids bemoan their fate as being ignored and often grow resentful of all the parental attention given to the oldest and the baby of the family, and feel short-shifted. Parents tend to be much more easy-going, less anxious, and less demanding with second and third children.

Why is the middle child treated the worst?

Middle children have to actively overcome people’s preconceived notions about them. Since they might be viewed as less charismatic or less intelligent than their siblings, they need to illustrate that they’re just as capable as their older/younger sibs.

So the answer to the question posed at the top of this question—’Is “bolded” a word?’ —is unequivocally yes, bolded is definitely a word. In the grand tradition of English, we can take words and make them verbs.

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As a non-native English speaker, I’ve come to face a problem with the word «bolded»

I know «bold» is an adjective so we can use that word like this: the bold words.

How about «bolded»? Isn’t «bolded» a word? I can’t find «bolded» in any English dictionaries but in many web-pages written in English.

Is «the bolded words» a wrong phrase?

  • anonymous
  •   answer


This is a problem for many people. The word ’embolden’, which is the usual word for ‘make bold’, applies to bravery, not type sets. Actually, there is already a good verb for this: ‘boldface’ (‘Please boldface the next 3 lines’), but it is almost unknown outside printers’ circles. With the amount of boldfacing that is going on these days on the internet, I would not be surprised if ‘bold/bolded/bolded’ as a verb soon enters the dictionaries.

  • Mister Micawber
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  • anonymous
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I’m afraid you’ve made a rather quick — and fallacious — judgement here.

Close reading of the Wikipedia article you reference reveals no support for «centuries of use» of the word «bolded.»

  • The oldest reference (an 1899 essay quoting a letter from 1540) contains the other meaning of bolded (made brave).
  • The next reference (a textbook from 1981 — hardly «centuries» old) contains boldface treatment of key terms. The Wikipedia author describes those key terms as «bolded,» but does not provide evidence that the textbook contains the word «bolded.»

In fact, the earliest actual usage of the word «bolded» cited in this Wikipedia entry occurs in 2001 — and it is used not in the primary copy of the text but in revision notes.

  • anonymous
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Adjectives do not have a tense. In other words the word bold describes something and therefore cannot, or rather, should not have a present, past or future tense like verbs do. Some people do this same thing with the word text. There is a reason why saying,» I texted him,» doesn’t sound right. That’s because it isn’t right. It should read, » I sent him a text.» Text in this case is a noun. Nouns also do not have tenses.

Hope this helps. I know it is confusing, especially as so many people do use these words as verbs. Our language is becoming shorthand in the tech world. This only further complicates a language where words can have multiple meanings even in the same sentence.

  • anonymous
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AnonymousThere is a reason why saying,» I texted him,» doesn’t sound right.

It’s fine. TEXT is widely used as a verb in BrE. It is listed in several dictionaries at, including the Oxford, American Heritage and Merriam-Webster’s.

This is a very recent development, as this Ngram shows.

  • fivejedjon
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Answer this Question

Is bolded a word?

I just bolded the important text in this sentence.


I’d say in the context of computer editing, bold is certainly used as a verb (e.g. bold that paragraph, I bolded the important points), beyond that it depends on your criteria for what makes a word.

Wikitionary certainly cites this use as a word, and I trust them more than the OED for defintions of “new” words or meanings of words.

bold (third-person singular simple present bolds, present participle bolding, simple past and past participle bolded)
To make a selected portion of text have a typeface with thicker and heavier strokes.

Source : Link , Question Author : wizlog , Answer Author : Ben Brocka

  1. Word Unscrambler
  2. The Meaning of bolded

Here is the meaning and Word Game information for bolded

BOLDED is NOT a valid word in NWL, formerly TWL (USA, Thailand, Canada)

BOLDED is NOT a valid word in CSW, formerly SOWPODS (Other Countries)

BOLDED is NOT a valid word in WWF

Definitions for bolded

Sorry. I don’t have the meaning of this word.

Word Game Tile/Letters

Here are the values for each of the letters/tiles in your rack. These values do not include any bonus squares, which can double or triple the value of the total word or letter.


  • B 3
  • O 1
  • L 1
  • D 2
  • E 1
  • D 2

Words With Friends

  • B 4
  • O 1
  • L 2
  • D 2
  • E 1
  • D 2

Word Lists

bolded is included in the 6 Letter Words list and 6 Letter Words starting with b list. Go to either of the lists to see related words.

Unscrambled Words using the letters BOLDED

Below is a list of additional words that can be unscrambled from the letters B D D E L O

6 letter words made using the letters BOLDED

  • boddle

Win every game of Scrabble & Words With Friends using our word solvers. Information

Our site is designed to help you descramble the letters of words while playing the Scrabble® word game, Words with Friends®, Chicktionary, Word Jumbles, Text Twist, Super Text Twist, Text Twist 2, Word Whomp, Literati, Wordscraper, Lexulous, Wordfeud and many other word games. Cheating isn’t always a bad thing! in our case it is a learning tool.

  • #1

Bold as a verb, when I do for example this
Would the past of that verb bolded:

Example: She bolded some words in the document to make them noticeable

  • sdgraham

    • #2

    Typical usage would be «she bold-faced words, etc.»

    You might not find «bold-faced» in the dictionary, but it’s old typesetting language that has made its way into general usage with advent of desktop publishing.

    • #3

    Would it be better to say:
    She made some words bold in the document to make them noticeable

    • #4

    Bold as a verb, when I do for example this
    Would the past of that verb bolded:

    Example: She bolded some words in the document to make them noticeable

    I won’t disagree entirely with the other posts, but I think ‘bolded’ is fine. Its meaning is very clear in the context, and it is analogous with ‘italicized’.


    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

    выделены жирным шрифтом

    выделенные жирным шрифтом

    выделено жирным шрифтом

    выделенный жирным шрифтом



    Or, if your product is in the automotive market, try a bolded font or one that portrays an aspect of toughness or longevity.

    Или, если продукт на автомобильном рынке, попробуйте полужирный шрифт или тот, который изображает аспект ударной вязкости или долговечности.

    The bolded outline 630 represents one example for indicating rendered physical objects to a user.

    Полужирный контур 630 представляет собой один пример для указания пользователю визуализированного физического объекта.

    Words that are not bolded are understood in their natural language sense.

    Any search terms which a user has searched for will be bolded within the meta description, so it’s a good idea to include relevant keywords within them for both these reasons.

    Любые поисковые термины, которые искал пользователь, будут выделены жирным шрифтом в мета-описании, поэтому рекомендуется включать в них релевантные ключевые слова по обеим этим причинам.

    The bolded candidates received the most votes, and were thus elected president of their respective regions.

    Кандидаты, выделенные жирным шрифтом, получили большинство голосов, и, таким образом, были избраны президентами в соответствующих регионах.

    The minute yet bolded borders between countries, so carefully inscribed on pastel versions of the world, are artificial constructs that elide the cultural and social commonalities between local inhabitants.

    Мельчайшие, хоть и выделенные жирным шрифтом границы стран, столь тщательно выведенные на пастельных версиях нашего мира, представляют собой искусственные структуры, которые замалчивают о культурной и социальной общности, существующей между местными жителями.

    Below you will find the full schedule of events that was posted on the website (Bracelet events are bolded):

    Ниже вы найдете полное расписание мероприятий, который был размещен на сайте (браслет событий выделены жирным шрифтом):

    As you can see from the image above, when I typed in Europe’s greenest city, the keywords in the meta description appeared and they are bolded to draw attention.

    Как видно из рисунка выше, когда я набрал «самый зеленый город Европы», в мета-описании появились ключевые слова, которые выделены жирным шрифтом, чтобы привлечь внимание.

    From Wikipedia [My comments bolded]

    The bolded terms are those that are in highest amounts.

    Самые выгодные сделки — это те, в которых фигурируют самые высокие суммы.

    I have bolded the sections I think are the most important.

    Я скопировал те разделы, которые, по моему мнению, считаются самыми важными.

    We’re going to improve your rankings just because you bolded the keywords.

    Мы собираемся улучшить ваш рейтинг только потому, что вы набросали ключевые слова».

    Replace the bolded values as you wish.

    заменяют ть bolded значения по мере того как вы желаете.

    Lower case is vector, uppercase is matrix, both of them are bolded.

    Строчными обозначаетсявектор, прописными матрица, оба они выделены жирным шрифтом.

    We’ve bolded each major point in this section, so that you may scroll past any information you already know.

    Мы выделили все основные пункты в этом разделе, чтобы вы могли пролистать любую информацию, которую вы уже знаете.

    This moment is very important because the subtitle is not just a bolded title of the section.

    Этот момент очень важный, потому что подзаголовок — это не просто выделенное жирным шрифтом название раздела.

    I bolded part of your post.

    Items that are bolded or display in a bigger font are not interpreted to be structural elements.

    Элементы, выделенные жирным или более крупным шрифтом не интерпретируются как структурные.

    I bolded the lines in red that troubled me.

    Я выделил красным то, что беспокоит меня.

    Certain words are bolded and you’re supposed to emphasize those words.

    Даны слова, а вы должны дать определение этих слов.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Результатов: 156. Точных совпадений: 156. Затраченное время: 75 мс


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    Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

    Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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