Blank use in a sentence for each word

“What does it do?” she asked him point blank, the look on her face clearly suggesting that she didn’t believe he knew

There was nothing else in Herndon’s folder but a scrap of scratch paper and a blank copy of the storage contract

He could see his initials in nine spots but with one blank spot at the bottom 10th-place position

all hollow-eyed and blank

Topher had found the note in a blank envelope in his mailbox—no return address

He needed to consult the map to find his way in from the front, the dock side of Taktor’s yard and found that was all left blank

«We’re in this blank paper here,» Tahlmute showed him on the map

grind, putting on that happy face that she did so well even when the soul was blank

The young man went a little blank and then motioned for him to go through

’ Stephen said, his voice expressionless, his expression blank

My mind went blank

On the tactical display, the Squidy was a blank, gray region, like a menacing, disembodied shadow

Maybe he should have been more of a man, hiding his feelings and resuming the daily grind, putting on that happy face that she did so well even when the soul was blank

a blank page is set and the story

The stare of those eyes was as dead and blank as that of a camera

that question and your blank stare as answer

He named and saved that conversation, loaded a blank one

My heart was racing yet my mind was blank

He couldn’t see anything but blank pages, for there was, as far as he could tell, nothing written on any piece of paper anywhere in the room

Together with Sir John and his cabinet colleagues, the great politician swept through the corridors of power and into the office where the two doctors of spin were pretending to type away furiously at blank computer screens

You’d think there was nothing here but blank pages were you a simple minded man or an incompetent fool, but that, of course, is the beauty of it»

The rest, as they say, is history, although throughout his long years of retirement, when he published his memoirs and his diaries and tried to settle into a state of fatherly grace in the House of Lords, the once great politician told anyone who would listen that he had been right, that his opponents had been wrong and that a report with blank pages was exactly what he had intended all along

So, surrounded by a huge crowd of curious strangers and attentive townsfolk, new and old, I staggered to my feet as my mind went blank

I had it blank but she unblanked it

The notebooks were blank

“She was left with a blank conditioning program

“But why wouldn’t they have just given her a blank universe and a scene generator

resignation following the blank speech scandal, Jack and Jill had

blank with any name that is not their own

_____?” filling in the blank with each emotion listed

He couldn’t see anything but blank pages, for

report with blank pages was exactly what he had intended all along

» Ava looked around the room at blank stares

Ava looked blank, she had already answered that

Suzanne looked blank, and a swift glance to Cordra showed her staring at the ceiling, but I knew her mind raced to determine where I would go with that left-field conversation start

He looks blank for a moment then sees what I am getting at

Very soon I find that, by concentrating on work, I can blank out any thought of the situation between Dave and I

Harry saw his eyes grow large and unblinking at the craftsmanship being explained and reviewed in front of his blank face

Leona’s father sits in his chair and stares at the blank television screen

the arch appeared to be a blank masonry wall but, when the transport

Billy gives the consultant a blank stare

He looked across at Mickey who nodded, his face blank

Chrissie’s eyes flickered over to him from time to time, trying to work out what was going on behind the blank expression on his face

His mind is a blank

or pencil or calculator in front of him, only the blank desk that he scraped the gum

Images of Bex merge with shots of junkies in their Trainspotting brutality; threadbare interiors, screams and shouts, blue lights, shadows, blank faces, anonymous dealers, and spliced into the sequence he sees Jock Cascarino’s smug face as he tells Billy to buck-up his ideas and get a plan

Its glass was blank and

Roman’s windows were blank and black

His face was perpetually blank, he spoke in a dead monotone, he was the kind of guy who wouldn’t know what Fun was if it gave a detailed presentation on its benefits with detailed charts and graphs

” He patted his benefactor on the back as Samuel smiled and wagged a finger at his wife, whose turn now it was to adopt the blank look, but of near feigned innocence

Roman’s face was blank, his eyes lifeless

Looking up into his blank eyes, He couldn’t hear them, but for her the tones grow louder again «Stop them,» she screeched at the top of her lunges

But instead of that blank stare—the look

Basically, the CEO gave him a blank cheque to make his problems disappear

Roman read both pages in seconds and looked out the window with a blank stare

Li-Quang asked again so all could hear, “Is there any news from Ho Chi Minh about MAS 370?” The others looked blank

The ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) field was blank

He looked down into a pair of burning red eyes and smooth, blank metallic face

gun at point blank range and squeezed the trigger

She was able to get the student loan easily because her credit was spotless, blank actually

The smell of cabbage reached the nose of Toad as he lay in his misery on the floor, and gave him the idea for a moment that perhaps life was not such a blank and desperate thing as he had imagined

All but one of them returned his look with blank faces

Viktor was pure blank on that

So, he tottered his way to the wall, stepped up onto one of the ramparts and simply started to fire, point blank, into the faces of the attackers

Both eyes a blank white stare of opaque cataracts

around the hospice?’ More blank looks

She had to recreate and debug the hacked blank circuitry to figure out what was going on, which took most of the rest of the night

X’ander said not a word, merely sent his father a blank, white-eyed stare

At the sight of his fallen companion, the mighty giant entered such a rage that even the blank faces of the servants seemed afraid

The minority of which were blank faced

You should now have two tables completed with six blank tables

called on, your mind goes blank? That’s what happens

“What?” she stares at him with a straight, blank

(Just fill in the blank

body blank, and to have one prepared with

format where one blank line is left between lines of text

a blank space that borders the edge of the text

A blank spot to write the time the meeting started and ended

The screen went blank and the officer handed Martin a copy of the transmission he had just seen

His hands were placed over a blank console, as if he was trying to control something; they were charred right to the bone

And after a few seconds the screen went blank followed by: INTERFACE DEACTIVATED

” said Mark, staring at the blank window

It was pale blue with the title “Official Plan for the Repatriation of Galilean Mining Operations” printed across the otherwise blank front cover

Didn’t she know what love was, too? Her face was a blank page

her, next to the blank TV

Just stopped at the blank wall opposite

I flicked on my lighter and used the light from it to look into his eyes I saw they were completely blank no recognition of me or where he was in fact they were like bottomless pits staring into nowhere

Sam was now sat up and had stopped his keening now he looked out of blank eyes starring into space but I wasn’t that worried

’ The connection was cut; a moment of dead air, followed by a message from someone calling himself Jerand Volandry, but still no visual, only a blank blue screen

The advert ended and Raven stared, dumbfounded, at the blank screen

He felt like a small child, waiting for her attention, his mind blank except for thoughts of her

“It is time, Miss Zakis,” the taller of the two stated in a blank, emotionless tone

A light appeared, a circle in front of the blank screen

We stood over the lifeless body of Tierney, blank eyes open with a bullet wound in the temple

His world went blank

I was hoping for another great idea, but must have reached my limit, as my brain went as blank as it usually did around her

Moisture dampened his pajamas, but he kept his face blank

She had stood up when I entered, and had watched the bravado with a blank look on her face

The voice that asked, «How’s the investigation going?» was female, so he blanked the screen and looked to see who it was

Jim palms the gear into his jeans pocket and thinks about saying thanks but Shaun has already blanked him

For a second I’d blanked out but then had come to and was now fully separated but for a brief moment I was a tabula rasa and forgot where, who and what I was

She was lucky that as yet her brain had not completely blanked out all her senses and that she knew she was loved

A few minutes later, she had blanked out the rest of the world and was busy concentrating on the task at hand

I found myself believing what Terry had told me just before he blanked out

The Swede was waving goodbye as he and the boy turned the boat around and headed upstream, when Yenkele started the engine with a powerful rev that blanked out everything for a few seconds

“That’s how I twisted my ankle, blanked out

”he said moving closer to me but I blanked him and turned to Karl

his head and blanked out

He sat up in a start, feeling light-headed as his eyes blanked over and, for an instant, he was sure he would pass out again

But Miriam had already returned to her computer and blanked

On his way to the interview he had blanked out the mess and created a picture in his mind of himself as he thought he had been before everything went wrong, and acted that part

She blanked out the fact that she was kissing a woman at first, but then Skinny touched the side of her face and pulled Kita in further

Joey had blanked out in the fall

Then he blanked the screen

Their polyphonic noise, as Onn knew they sounded, where blanked out by the viewing window of Onn’s office

With its sonar equipment all but blanked out by the noise from the high speed run of the flotilla, the 18,000-ton helicopter carrier and its destroyer escorts never heard the quiet YUAN-Class submarine until it was too late

The other men had broken off into several groups and had their own dialogues going, but all that was blanked out as I continued in deep thought

“He blanked me when I asked about Tom

Tam’s eyes focused on the blade and he blanked out for a moment

But Long Fei face was blanked and did not seen to hear as he carried Gu

” I without blanked their eyes via whatever screen they were willingly chained to

Ralf blanked his thoughts, a technique he’d always found very useful when misdirection was his goal, and after some moments Forquessas nodded and continued

had blanked her total y

Still he blanked out what she was saying and concentrated on what he was doing

These myths and fables were so powerful during the Dark Ages of Europe, during a time when more murder, mayhem ,and human abominations were committed in secret and openly… by all the knights and Barons and Kings of Europe: that the peasants of that Age blanked out all of the human misery and horror they had suffered, and only kept the fairytale Romances and Epics alive in their cultural memories

Dogged by the reoccurring nightmare & blanked out with an a letchard inc odyssey

He then straightened his clothes and blanked his expression

After that, he blanked out

Maury changed the subject to funeral planning and wills and I blanked out a little

He was used to blanking out the din that usually fed the crowd’s bloodlust

Monroe termed this as a blanking, sublimation, or veil of

With continual concentration on every feature of the stimulus, an almost hypnotic (sometimes mystical) state is achieved, in which a blanking out of the left brain’s reality occurs

for automatic blanking of the non-significant outputs in the high state

“Lezura…” Joey droned, and the last thing he remembered was falling on Lezura’s shoulder before blanking out

Temporary DOS’s began blanking the ASes of those trying to Eyedentify the anomaly atop The Wall

Blanking out any sense of life within the forest, they were a wall of enormous power,

Shrinking into his seat, he stared into the screen-saver fish tank, blanking his thoughts and wishing himself into a newt, wriggling happily behind the glass

I was about to retire, so that I could enjoy the process of falling asleep instead of blanking out like a smashed light bulb, when I heard a car turn on the pecan-tree drive and head steadily and confidently for the front of the house

Some of the tiles are grey blanks

On top of that, instrumentation had discovered another ship paralleling their course and Alan had to re-check the data on the blanks all that instrumentation was blown into

That silicon was heavily contaminated right into the foundry blanks

George built up the supply of blanks and rods for the store racks

George set him to hand rubbing and polishing as soon as he was big enough to hold the rags, and he spent hours sanding the glued and cured rod blanks, reel seats, and grips until his handshake was near as firm as any grown man

He tarried in the assembly shops where men, and some women, turned the blanks into rods ready for varnishing

Fill in the blanks

Fill in the blanks below with one of the 15 irregular past tense verbs in the box

draw the prizes ought to gain all that is lost by those who draw the blanks

Mining, it seems, is considered there in the same light as here, as a lottery, in which the prizes do not compensate the blanks, though the greatness of some tempts many adventurers to throw away their fortunes in such unprosperous projects

There was nothing for it but to cast new blanks and get them patched in

then fill in the blanks for things which they don’t

Tei recovered, squeezed the Elf’s hand a little tighter and began, “While GingerKat was the obvious ambassador, to fetch you up, introduce you to Sheranara and the One, it is my turn to fill in the blanks for you—being my sister and all!” She nodded to Tohm and Kate, “You heard GingerKat’s introduction of the Nuncii;” the Elf nodded

body blanks as there were solders, for a

format where no blanks lines are left in-between lines of text

the Police Captain and instructed him to fill out the blanks, «In the names of Mrs Lazlo and Dave Walsh

The R1 (SLR) rifle also demanded a lot of cleaning since shooting blanks foul the barrel very quickly

Look up the Scripture reference and fill in the blanks

I have a theory, being the school’s history boffin that the SAP shot at unruly tribe’s men with blanks or over their heads as warning shots decades ago

She knew all the other memories she needed to fill in the blanks would come in good time

Caroline’s testimony filled in a lot of blanks for the investigators, although some things didn’t check out

These weren’t blanks

when we kill? Doesn’t it cheapen the life of the one who shoots the criminal? Isn’t that why they use many shooters with blanks, and only one with a bullet, so no one will

Ganesh didn’t need to fill in the blanks

gaps, when the mind blanks out

Again and again it blanks out,

sations blanks out, or goes beyond consciousness and uncon-

in some of the blanks as it applies to you

solution statement is to fill in the blanks, “You know how

area but Ruth will be able to fill in the blanks

I want you all to go to the barn and fire these blanks into targets until you are familiar with the guns

Both drew blanks and knew 15 9 the fat man to be their only chance at getting the answers they needed

Had he been given the chance to speak to Demery before the interview he would have filled in the blanks and they could have gotten to the matter of the guns quicker

This is not a program where you fill out a couple of blanks and consider yourself done

” He let me fill in the blanks

They represent spaces, a space, nothing, a single blank and blanks

This allows for two blanks line between the main title and the subheading

draw blanks more times than not

you can’t fill in the blanks

before the authorities fill in the blanks

After several blanks and some white-noise a

There were however obvious blanks and missing information in the credits, showing that the documentary had been carefully edited to take out any indication of where and when it had been produced

Whenever a woman actively tries to get a deeper connection by filling in the blanks about you,

As his mind blacks and blanks his final thought is for the cool safe sanctuary of the ash tree

there are nagging hints that most of what lies ahead involves filling in the blanks

information into the blanks

students were expected to fill in blanks with correct verb tenses or

One of the men, the local representative of the Jovian Shipping Lines at Las Americas Spaceport, was known to Tina, but the two others drew blanks in her memory

‘’Then allow me to fill in a few blanks for you

” and fill in the blanks with

Revelation 13—fills in the blanks

was shooting blanks!” Damon laughed as Samual appeared in the doorway wearing the same

This would entail having a hidden safe to store the ID blanks etc

And whoever concocted the best story—whoever told the story the subjects wanted to hear—would fill in the blanks even if the story weren’t true

Thus, after the tender opening, as we fill in the blanks on that machine in our office, the typeface would come clean, even under the microscope

I’m going to simplify the process with a simple exercise; all you have to do is fill in the blanks by answering the questions

All you have to do is fill in the blanks

To fill in the blanks, answer the ques-

Dennis lay there and watched wondering if she had blanks in the gun

We had mock rifles donated that shot blanks and we had a commander of the honor guard along with a weapons detail that marched at the front and rear of the honor guard and could shoot a twenty-one gun salute at funerals

The warmth from the heavy blanks was not enough to keep out the cold

Add twenty blanks to the list you have for the charity and copy me in on the email

and conquer with a whip and a gun of blanks the absolutely

These blanks are taken home to be signed by the

His eyes flare wide with surprise before he blanks his face

But as the next few weeks progressed, his story filled in a lot of blanks that would have been there otherwise

The facts of the past merely fills in the remaining blanks

� They feel they must hold on to their identity in order to live at all (Please fill in the blanks): «It’s _____ to die for,» or «I couldn’t live if I didn’t have _____

Fill in the blanks with appropriate verb forms

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb given

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate conjunction

Fill in the blanks for a book by Groucho

I know that I have no blanks

Just ask yourself one question and the answer will fill in all the blanks for you

Can you complete any of those blanks for your forefathers/ancestors that came from Western or other nations through those kinds of searches?

When answering, be careful not to leave blanks unless it really does not apply

Each opposite that blanks the face of joy

“We’ve got a nutshell, but we’re still filling in some blanks

If you examine this scrap with attention you will come to the conclusion that the man with the stronger hand wrote all his words first, leaving blanks for the other to fill up

These blanks were not always sufficient, and you can see that the second man had a squeeze to fit his ‘quarter’ in between the ‘at’ and the ‘to,’ showing that the latter were already written

They were careful to cover themselves by filling in all the blanks, dotting all the “i”s and crossing all the “t”s

Many of his old ideas seemed to him superfluous and extreme, but many blanks became distinct to him when he reviewed the whole thing in his memory

For your own sake, if not for mine, make haste, Monsieur de ——, and General ——, and Baron —— (you can fill up the blanks for yourselves as you read this)

I promise you that in the next edition there will be no blanks to fill

Clearly, however, they had not received blanks

Use the word blank in a sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use blank in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for blank.

  • Leave a blank. (8)
  • He felt blank and ashy. (8)
  • I drew a blank in Berry. (10)
  • The paper is quite blank. (8)
  • A blank in the Diary ensued. (10)
  • She must have Blank to-morrow. (8)
  • Dacier asked the blank ceiling. (10)
  • I shall speak to Blank about you. (8)
  • I will send a blank cheque tomorrow. (10)
  • I will send a blank cheque tomorrow. (22)
  • She looked at him in blank amazement. (8)
  • The workman looked absolutely blank. (13)
  • Blank hollowness retorted on the blow. (10)
  • He took his hat and hurried, to Blank Row. (8)
  • Or rather we have to wish it were a blank. (10)
  • By stupendous luck it was almost a blank day. (8)
  • They were blank as eyeballs of the mindless. (10)
  • He wrote and asked me point blank what I owed. (8)
  • He could not bear his covers to be drawn blank. (8)
  • Indeed, I told her, point blank, he loved her. (10)
  • But in Lady Summerhay all was too sore and blank. (8)
  • Melville gazed blank astonishment at the notion. (10)
  • He is a short, broad man, rather blank, and fatal. (8)
  • From lost and blank, they became alive and smouldering. (8)
  • Anticipating the blank silence, he rang the house-bell. (10)
  • Seen of his dread, she is to his blank eye The eyeless Ghost. (10)
  • The blank expanse of table-cloth returned his desolate stare. (10)
  • During one of such Shelton found himself in Little Blank Street. (8)
  • He smarted at the blank of any, of even two or three formal words. (10)
  • He glanced at the ceiling, to bathe in a blank space out of memory. (10)
  • There was no writing; the unburnt corner of the letter was a blank. (10)
  • A sort of blank ensued which Clemens filled in the only possible way. (9)
  • He kissed her, and the vision of the critical world faded to a blank. (10)
  • Rose had slightly awakened him: this letter was blank day to his soul. (10)
  • The blank, unmeaning stare of its lidless and browless eyes is uncanny. (1)
  • The thought shot Dacier on his legs for a look at the blank behind him. (10)
  • I refuse to act the part of warming-pan any longer; I refuse point blank. (10)
  • Lord Fleetwood acted his part, inscrutable as the blank of a locked door. (10)
  • Blank enough they looked if ever I despaired of their knowing more than I. (10)
  • He got out with a blank sensation, as if those memories had played him false. (8)
  • That cloudiness in his brain disappeared before it, but a mere blank remained. (9)
  • The man was tall and large-featured, with an immense blank expression of face. (22)
  • And again her blood, as with a wave of rich emotion, washed out the blank spot. (10)
  • He stared at her cowering form in blank amaze, and put his hands in his pockets. (9)
  • It is the sentence which completes that stage; A testament of wisdom reading blank. (10)
  • But who while veins run blood shall know the page Succeeding ere we turn upon our blank? (10)
  • Her face had remained utterly blank, although she seemed to be listening to her husband. (13)
  • I was delighted, I confess, with this renewal of imagination in me after so many blank years. (14)
  • The man on whom they had looked shivered over the thought of it after years of blank division. (10)
  • Curiously perfect peace was left by their departure; blissful, yet blank, because his son was not there. (8)
  • Blank walls and shuttered windows were turned to the great edifice, and grass grew on the white causeway. (2)
  • The journey, pregnant at the start, exciting in the course of it, was absolutely blank at the termination. (10)
  • I was happy writing it, and so steeped in it that if I had written to you it would have been in blank verse. (14)
  • Her first blank despair at sight of the trap she had fallen into, was clearing before her natural high courage. (10)
  • Yet he was, in the keeping of the stage Providence, as harmless as a blank cartridge, in spite of his deadly aims. (9)
  • It is not always most comfortable for a conspirator to find himself unsuspected: he reads the blank significantly. (10)
  • Even in the blank of certain years, when I added little other reading to my store, I must still have been reading it. (9)
  • The truth was, that she could read a character when it was under her eyes; but its yesterday and to-morrow were a blank. (10)
  • The truth was, that she could read a character when it was under her eyes; but its yesterday and to-morrow were a blank. (22)
  • Suddenly this enchanting landscape seemed to rise swiftly upward like the drop scene at a theatre, and vanished in a blank. (1)
  • Except for the making of money, the whole year of an erected Lakelands, notwithstanding uninterrupted successes, was a blank. (10)
  • How repulsive they looked with their blood-smears, their blank, staring eyes, their teeth uncovered by contraction of the lips! (7)
  • But a fine round silver coin and an urgent request for an envelope, told her as plainly as a blank confession that this was a lover. (10)
  • Stormed by an attack of his cacoethes scribendi, after those few blank days at Becket, Felix saw nothing amiss with his young daughter. (8)
  • Aminta drove her questioning heart as a vessel across blank circles of sea, where there was nothing save the solitary heart for answer. (10)
  • Jackson lingered in the lane, watching the sun fade from the window panes, until the air suddenly became chill and the scene was blank. (13)
  • Only the footman appeared at that early hour, and his countenance was blank whitewash as he stood rigid against the wall for the lady to pass. (10)
  • Employing a favorite device of political humor, they may select a harmless blank cartridge, a respectable numskull, what is commonly called a perfumer. (16)
  • And it was a character strangely open to feminine perceptions, while to masculine comprehension it remained a dead blank, done either in black or in white. (10)

Also see sentences for: empty, void.

Glad you visited this page with a sentence for blank. Now that you’ve seen how to use blank in a sentence hope you might explore the rest of this educational reference site to see many other example sentences which provide word usage information.

More Sentence Examples

Select First Letter

How to use Blank in a sentence as a noun

My website, for example, has been blank page for nigh unto half a decade now, just because I want to write something good on there and I’m not sure whatever I write will be good.

Why is the letter A transmitting, when it’s actually about receiving?So not to sound like a complete ***, here’s what I would’ve used instead — a gear for preferences, a «power off/on» symbol for logout, a simple blank page with a plus sign for «new», some sort of inbox or even an envelope for «notifications».

Heres an example video:»——-«The standard gestures dont help, requiring many in-from-the-edge swipes that not only arent discoverable»»After waiting over a minute for the machine to boot and launch the mail app, I got a blank gradient screen.

In the travel search space there is literally nothing to start from but a blank sheet of paper.

How to use Blank in a sentence as a verb

Not only did they roll trucks to a residence to do a search that was almost mathematically guaranteed to come up blank, but when they did that, they hinted around at the secret program that got them to do it.

It was <blank>’s opinion that honesty and integrity are not required qualities to hold such a position.

«It’s 5σ at .2″His wife, also a theoretical physicist — blank stare «Discovery?

As more documents leak, I become increasingly concerned with the apparently blank cheque for surveillance that the NSA has been issued.

How to use Blank in a sentence as an adjective

Each chance encounter with an online stranger a blank slate.

The Macbook Air, on the other hand, will allow you to do a fresh re-installation of OS X over the Internet with a completely blank disk: it’s baked into the firmware.

You tap the icon and find yourself on a blank screen.

Blank definitions


a blank character used to separate successive words in writing or printing; «he said the space is the most important character in the alphabet»

See also:


a blank gap or missing part

See also:


a piece of material ready to be made into something


a cartridge containing an explosive charge but no bullet

See also:


keep the opposing (baseball) team from winning


(of a surface) not written or printed on; «blank pages»; «fill in the blank spaces»; «a clean page»; «wide white margins»

See also:


void of expression; «a blank stare»

See also:


not charged with a bullet; «a blank cartridge»

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Как научится говорить грамотно и правильно? Общение на хорошем, уверенном и естественном русском языке является достижимой целью. 


2. Read the statement from the DataPro Inc. CEO. Then , mark the following statements true(T) or false (F):

    1) The IT Department is increasing. — FALSE

    2) Data processing employees now encode data — FALSE

    4) Supervisors know the employees’ new assignments  — TRUE

3. Match the words with definitions:

    1) software — G

    2) code — I

    3) hardware — B

    4) data processing — F

    5) information security — J

    6) online — C

    7) technical support — H

    8) data — D

    9) quality assurance — E

    10) encoding — A

         A. putting secret information into code;

         B. the physical parts of computer;

         C. connected to the Internet;

         D. numbers entered/held in a computer;

         E. checking products for problems;

         F. the act of using information;

         G. programs/instructions added to computer;

         H. helping people use/understand technology;

         I. program language;

         J. the act of protecting information;

4. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from word bank:

    1) Enter the data into the computer.

    2) The company uses encoding to protect information.

    3) Quality assurance finds and fixes problems in new projects.


2. Read the email about computers available at TEI Inc. Then, choose the correct answers.

    1) What is the email about?

         A. The types of work employees do.

         B. computers that the company sells.

         C. What computers the company uses.

         D. the installation of a server.

    2) According to the passage, employees use laptops when they

         A. respond to email.

         B. work on spreadsheets.

         C. process the largest files.

         D. Work outside the office.

    3) Which of the following is not true?

         A. the company has a mainframe.

         B. employees get email on their cell phones.

         C. All employees receive desktop computers.

         D. The desktop computers are faster than the workstations.

3. Read the sentence and choose the correct word:

    1) My PDA/mainframe notifies me when I have a meeting.

    2) I have a laptop/supercomputer to do work on a plane.

    3) John has server/desktop computer because he only uses simple programs.

    4) This computer/server runs programs, but doesn’t have Internet access.

    5) A workstation/handler PC is smaller than a laptop, but still has a keyboard.

    6) Connect to the server/PDA to use that printer.

    7) A supercomputer/handler PC is the most popular machine in the world.

4. Match the words with the definitions:

    1) Workstation — fast computer that is used by one person and has more memory than an ordinary personal computer.

    2) Mainframe — Large and powerful computer that supports many other computers working at once.

    3) Cell phone — A device that makes and receive calls.


2. Read the technology guide about computer assembly. Then, choose the correct answer:

    1) What is the guide mostly about?

         A. Putting together a computer.

         B. Problems with computer parts.

         C. Uses of expansion cards.

         D. Repairing a broken computer.

    2) When should the hard drive be installed?

         A. Step #1

         B. Step #3

         C. Step #5

         D. Step #6

    3) According to the guide, what is NOT an assembly step?

         A. Collecting parts

         B. Opening the case

         C. Connecting the drives

         D. Installing the RAM card

3. Match the words with definitions:

    1) heat sinkC

    2) RAMB

    3) expansion cardE

    4) processorF

    5) hard driveD

    6) motherboardA

         A. a slotted board with circuits and ports;

         B. a short term, quick memory source;

         C. a part used to cool the processor;

         D. a part used to store large amounts of data;

         E. a part used to increase a computer’s functions;

         F. a part that completes tasks for the computer;

4. Write a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part:

    1) Spinning blades keep the computer from underlined part. (Fun)

    2) The electrical source directs power throughout the computer. (Power supply).

    3) Joey purchased a protective bag for his computer. (Case)

    4) Can the coded disk reader play DVDs? (disk drive.)


2. Read the advertisement from a computer parts catalogue. Then, mark the following answers as true(T) of false (F).

    1) The keyboard has a wireless connection. — FALSE

    2) The LCD monitor does not require a lot of room. — TRUE

    3) The touch screen comes with keyboard. — FALSE

3. Match the words (1-5) with the definitions (A-E)

    1.  keyboard — C

    2.  mouse — E

    3.  scanner — A

    4.  microphone — D

    5.  monitor — B

         A.  a device that reads images and sends them to a computer

         B.  a device that displays images

         C.  a device that enters information into a computer

         D. a device that gathers sounds

         E. a device that is used to control a pointer  or cursor

4. Check the sentence that is true

    1) A. A keyboard reads documents

         B. A USB cable connects computers and devices

    2) A. A peripheral is the main part of a computer

         B. A printer creates documents and pictures

    3) A. An input device   enters information

         B. A microphone creates  sounds

    4) A. A monitor input sounds

         B. A touch screen does not need a mouse

     5) A. A scanner displays pictures and words

         B. A peripheral is a device that is added to a computer


2. Read the article about networks. Then, choose the correct answers.

    1. What is the main idea of the passage?

         A. how to set up a network

         B. correcting network problems

         C. choosing network equipment

         D. a comparison of LANs and WLANs

    2. What  can you infer from the passage?

         A. A computer is not functioning during the cycle

         B. LAN routers do not work well near walls of metals

         C. Interference impacts a routers configuration

         D. Renewing an IP address fixes DHCP errors

    3. According to the passage, a LAN ___

         A. assigns IP address

         B. requires a router

         C. links CAT-5 cables

         D. cycles a network

3. Fill in the blanks with the correct words or phrases from the word bank

DHCP    CAT-5 cable    router  network    cycle    WLAN  Internet  configuration

    1.  The router lets a network connect to the Internet.

    2. A LAN is a type of network.

    3. Businesses communicate on the Internet.

    4. We do not use cables for our network. We have a WLAN.

    5. Routers need a correct configuration to work properly.

    6. Businesses with a LAN use CAT-5 cable to connect computers.

    7. It is something necessary to cycle a network to make it work.

    8. The DHCP provides different IP addresses for computers.

4. Choose the best definition for each word


         A. a part of a computer

         B. a wireless network

         C. a networking device

    2. IP address

         A. a city-wide network

         B. an identification number

         C.  a networking device

    3. LAN

         A. a local network

         B. a networking device

         C. a wireless network


2. Read the introduction to the operating system manual. Then, choose the correct answers.

    1.  What is the main ides of the passage?

         A. where to locate shortcuts

         B. the advantages of the CCC OS

         C. how to identify and use parts of the OS

         D. types of operating systems available

    2. What can you infer about this operating system?

         A. It comes with free software

         B. Files have to stay in one folder

         C. Menus contain multiple commands

         D. Folders do not maximize or minimize

    3. According to the passage, what does the pointer NOT do?

         A. move files

         B. open menus

         C. start software

         D. minimize windows

3. Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the word bank

Icons   desktop operating system pointer windows  GUI

    1.  Use the pointer to choose files and commands.

    2. Small pictures or symbols in software are icons.

    3. The operating system is the program that makes a computer work.

    4. When something is on the desktop you see in onscreen.

    5. An OS that uses small pictures to represent files is a GUI.

    6. You can minimize files and programs in different windows.

4.  Choose the best definition for each word.

    1. Drag

         A. save an icon

         B. close a desktop

         C. move a file

    2. Folders

         A. organize files

         B. move windows

         C. create shortcuts

    3. Shortcut

         A. a type of software

         B. a type of icon

         C. a type of window.


2.  Read the advertisement for a new word processing program. Then, mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).

    1) Macros determine the layout of a document. — FALSE

    2)TypeWrite 4.0 features customizable fonts. — FALSE

    3) Not all file formats work with TypeWrite 4.0. — TRUE

3.Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the word bank.

    1) Use a macro to type out phrases that you use a lot.

    2)My file won’t open in other programs due to a compatibility problem.

    3) Instead of writing by hand use a word processing program.

    4) This fie is in a format that doesn’t open in TypeWrite.

    5) Save each document with a different name so you have a copy of each.

    6) The letter’s layout is wrong. The heading is in the wrong place.

    7) Increase the font size to make the file easier to read.

    8) Most word processors offer spell check to help you find mistakes.

4. Choose the word that is closest in meaning to the underlined part.

    1. The style you use for this document makes it hard to read.

         A — macro

         B — formatting

          C – compatibility

    2.To write a business letter, use the appropriate document pattern.

         A -word processing

         B — compatibility

         C– template

    3. She did not think that her typing command was saving her any time.

         A — formatting

         B – macro

         C– template


2. Read the excerpt from the employee handbook guide at T.B. Brown Inc. Then, mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).

    1. The company uses a P093 server to receive email. — TRUE

    2. The company provides webmail for all employees. — FALSE

    3. All employees have multiple company email accounts. — FALSE

3. Match the words (1-5) with the definitions (A-E).

    1) Attachment – E

    2) domain name–C

    3) password – D

    4) email client – B

    5) SMTP server – A

         A. a computer that sends email.

         B. a program that saves sends and receives email.

         C. words/letters used to identify companies and addresses.

         D. letters/numbers that let a person access something.

         E. a file that is sent with an email.

4. Choose the word that is closest in meaning to the underlined part.

    1. That company that provides access to the internet has very good service.

         A – ISP

         B —  email address

         C – username

    2. I use an email service available on web browsers so my emails are not saved on my computer.

         A -POP3 

         B — webmail

         C — ISP

    3.Enter your code that identifies you on a computer and ‘press’ Enter.

         A — username

         B — webmail

         C — POP3

    4. Most people use a method to receive emails from a server to get their email.

         A -email address

         B — POP3

         C – webmail


2. Read the email from the IT department of TS. Brown Inc. Then, mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).

    1) T.B. Brown Inc. now has a different URL.  — TRUE

    2) The hyperlinks navigate away from the original page. — FALSE

    3) The web site now has fewer meta tags. — FALSE

3. Match the words (1-5) with the definitions (R-E).

    1) Hyperlink – C

    2) Website –  A

    3) HTML –  D

    4) Web host –  E

    5) Web browser – B

         A. a collection of related Internet pages.

         B. a program that lets you look at web pages

         C. a word image that you can clock on to navigate.

         D. a computer language used to make web sites.

         E. a company that provides space for a websites.

4. Choose the word that is closest in meaning to the underlined part.

    1) The text used in webpage codes that provide information to search engines gives us high search rankings.

         A — hyperlink

         B — meta tag 

         C — web host

    2) Type a word into the computer program that allows people to look for particular information to find a web site.

         A — search engine

         B – http

         C — website

    3) Our website is very popular on the system of information that is available on the internet.

         A -meta tag

         B –hyperlink

         C – www

    4) The company’s text and symbols that form a web address is

         A — URI

         B — search engine

         C — web host

    5) Please begin the web address with the part of the web address that allows the computer to connect to the site.

         A –HTML

         B —  web browser

         C — http


2. Read the article from Graphic Arts Magazine. Then choose the correct answers.

    1) What is the article mostly about?

         A. why people edit graphics

         B. how to edit graphics

         C. the causes of poor exposure

         D. how to crops picture

     2) According to the article, how can you remove unwanted parts of images?

         A. crop the picture

         B. resize the image

         C. save the picture as a JPEG

         D. increase the number of pixels

     3) According to the article, what is NOT a way to fix a blurry photo?

         A. resize the photo

         B. increase the lighting

         C. save in JPEG format

         D. increase the amount of pixels 1

3. Match the words (1-6) with the definitions (A-F).

    1. pixel — B

    4. graphics — A

    2. exposure — D

    5. resolution — F

    3. JPEG — C

    6. tint — E

         A images on a computer, in a book or magazine etc.

         B a small dot that makes up part of an image a computer screen

         C a file used to store pictures on a computer

         D the length of time film is open to light when taking a picture

         E a small amount of a color in something

         F a computer or camera’s ability to produce a clear picture

4. Fill in the blanks with the words and phrases from the word bank.

     1) It’s hard to see the details of this picture. Pease ________  it so that it is bigger.( RESIZE)

     2) I want to edit my pictures .I need a__________. (GRAPHIC EDITING PROGRAM)

     3) I don’t like the background of this picture. Lets_________ it out.  (CROP)

     4) This picture is too dark. Make the ____________ a little lighter. (CONTRAST)


2. Read the email from it department of TB. Brown Inc.  Then, read the paraphrase of the email. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the wont bank.

    Employees often use databases and spreadsheets incorrectly. Use a database to organize largo amounts of information about Clients. A database makes it easy to Search   multiple tables for client information. Use a spreadsheet to perform calculations about sinks data. Spreadsheets are also able to create graphs and charts showing profits.

3. Match the words (1-5) with definitions (A-E).

     1) Worksheet — D

    2) database — B

    3) sort — A

    4) field — E

    5) formula — C

         A to arrange the information in a database

         B a large group of data organized in a computer

         C a mathematical instruction that performs spreadsheet calculations

         D a single page of a spreadsheet

         E a database category that hot a type 01 information

4. Choose the word that is closest in meaning to the Underlined part.

    1) Sue types in a(n) symbol that performs a specific calculation on the line

         A cell

         B operator

         C worksheet

    2) Please arrange the client addresses in a single collection of information a database.

         A table

         B field

         C query

    3) Dave adds up the values with a mathematics spreadsheet calculation

         A worksheet

          B formula

          C database

    4) Jim organizes records in a computer program that organizes information and performs calculations.

         A function

         B query

         C spreadsheet

    5) Martha finds clients who live nearby with a search that locates all information of a specific type

         A query

         B field

         C operator

    6) Some information in one unit of a spreadsheet that holds a piece of information is incorrect.

         A table

         B function

         C cell


2. Read the article from a business newsletter. Then, choose the correct answers.

    1) What does the Web Development class teach?

         A making a website easy to use

         B improving a website’s visibility

         C using code to program a website

         D how to market a new website

    2) What can you inter about the Web Design

         A Attending the class is mandatory.

         B The first class addresses functional

         C it focuses on improving a site’s visual

         D Its registration fee is less than the Web Development class.

    3) What is the function of CSS?

         A It helps improve navigation.

         B It decreases a website’s visibility.

         C It changes the style of a web page.

         D It expands the functionality of a web

3. Match the words (1-6) with the definition (A-F).

    1) web design — A

    2)coding — C

    3) navigation — E

    4) visibility — B

    5) usability — D

    6) content — F

         A choosing a website’s visuals

         B how easily you can find a website on a engine

         C a website’s programming

         D how easily a user can use a website

         E moving around a website

         F everything contained h a website

4. Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the word bank.

     1) The website doesn’t work well. I want to improve its functionality

     2) My website locks boring. I’ll give it a more interesting appearance

     3) If you are interested in making a website, take a web development class.

     4) I’m learning CSS so that I can change my website.


2. 1. What is the purpose of this advertisement?

         A to post a job opening

         B to describe a company

         C to start a publishing company

         D to sell a desktop publishing program

    2. Which is NOT a job qualification?

         A the ability to make clip art

         B project planning skills

         C a college education

         D the ability to make layouts

    3. What can you infer from this advertisement?

         A The job pays very well.

         B This is a managerial position.

         C The company is hiring from within.

         D Students do not meet the requirements.

3. Read the sentence pair. Choose correct word

    1. electronic paper/ assemble electronic pages

         Many books are available on electronic paper.

         Desktop publishing specialists assemble electronic pages.

    2. page layout/clip art

         If you need an extra picture use clip art.

         That page layout looks complete.

    3. Electrostatic printing/Offset lithography

         Electrostatic printing is all done with machines.

         Offset lithography uses oil and water to transfer ink.

4. Match the words (1-4) with the definitions (A-D).

1. comprehensive layout —  B

2. desktop publishing  — C

3. desktop publishing software — D

4. graphic communications — A

         A. a form of visual language

         B. a piece that is ready for print

         C. the design of a layout using software

         D. a computer program used by publishers


2. Read the email from IT professional at Acme Enterprise. Then, mark the following statements with true (T) or false(F)

    1. Videoconferencing reduces traveling time and cost. (TRUE)

    2. The dedicated system comes with a video bridge. (FALSE)

    3. Videoconferencing works best with low bandwidth Internet access.(FALSE)

3. Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the word bank.

    1) My computer isn’t working. No images are showing on the monitor.

    2) Let’s purchase a dedicated system It comes with everything we need for videoconferencing

    3) Only I can edit the report. The videoconference system does not allow document sharing

    4) You can’t hold a multipoint videoconference without a video bridge

    5) The echo-cancellation feature eliminates unwanted

    6) I want face-to-face meeting. Let’s hold a videoconference

4) Write a word that s similar in meaning to the underlined part.

    1) A high amount of information that a network sends and  receives helps images load quickly on the Internet. Bandwidth

    2) To set up a videoconference system, first connect the equipment that codes and reads signals. Codec

    3) John attached a camera that broadcasts sound and video on the Internet. Webcam

    4) Our offices can hold a videoconference among people in different locations. Multipoint videoconference


2. Read the email from the marketing director of Then, mark the following statements as true(T) or false(F)

    1) has a brick and mortar shop. (False)

    2) TFC Gaming is an affiliate of (False)

    3) Affiliates earn a percentage of sales for increases in page views.(True)

3. Read the sentence pairs. Choose where the words best fit in the blanks.

    1) digital certificate/certificate authority

         I don’t trust this site, it has no digital certificate .

         The certificate authority will tell customers our site is safe.

    2) page views/traffic

         My site has two hundred more page views today.

         Advertising a website should increase  traffic

    3) FAQs/banner

         Let’s display a new banner to attract attention.

         Check the FAQs to find out about tine company.

4 . Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the word bank.

    1) E-commerce allows people to shop with businesses globally.

    2) My business is a(n) affiliate of that website. We share profits.

    3) There are many brick and mortar shops on Main Street.

    4) Put an item in a shopping cart and pay for it later.

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