Black and white word card game

Black And White Printable Alphabet Flash Cards

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Printable Alphabet Letters Flash Cards

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How do you use alphabet flash cards?

When we want to introduce kids with lingual skills, including the alphabet, the first thing that comes to our mind is using alphabet flash cards. Actually, to make it simpler, easier, and cheaper, we can download black and white white alphabet flash cards.

However, portraying them that there are this or there are that letters is not or even never enough to make them learn better. So, even though we have the black and white alphabet flash cards, if we can’t utilize the usage, it will just be a waste. So, the method of using it is also important. Well, here are some inspo of methods that can be used to introduce alphabets or letters to kids using alphabet flash cards:

  1. Hunt the stuff inside the house that starts with the alphabet that they choose with the alphabet flash cards.
  2. Arrange the letters using these flash cards to spell a certain thing.
  3. Play tic tac toe using the method of letter sounds.
  4. Fill the blank letter, this game is like a hangman, but they need to fill the empty letter with their black and white alphabet flash cards.

How can I make flash cards at home?

Well, to do this, we can download black and white alphabet flash cards template and print them out. However, what if we don’t have a printer at home? Yes, we can create DIY flash cards at home. Here are some things to prepare and follow:

  1. Prepare the following material: Scissor, cardstocks, pencil, black permanent marker, eraser, and ruler.
  2. Download the template or image as a guide to copy or modify.
  3. Cut the cardstocks with the equal size, make sure the size of the black and white alphabet flash card can be gripped easily by our hands. Commonly, the shape of the alphabet flash card is square or rectangular. So, follow this to get the ideal alphabet flash cards. Cut it until we can get 26 sheets. It is because we need to have all letters that consist of 26 variants.
  4. Write each letter in every card from A to Z with pencil.
  5. Thicken the letters in the alphabet flash cards with black permanent marker.

Lowercase Alphabet Flash Cards

Pin It!   Lowercase Alphabet Flash Cardsdownload

Printable Alphabet Letters Flash Cards

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Printable Sign Language Alphabet Chart

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Printable Alphabet Letters Flash Cards

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Black and White Alphabet Chart Printable

Pin It!   Black and White Alphabet Chart Printabledownload

Printable Alphabet Letters Flash Cards

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Printable Alphabet Letter Chart

Pin It!   Printable Alphabet Letter Chartdownload

Printable Coloring Alphabet Flash Cards

Pin It!   Printable Coloring Alphabet Flash Cardsdownload

Printable Alphabet Bingo Game

Pin It!   Printable Alphabet Bingo Gamedownload

What is flashcard in teaching?

Yes, if the device helps us to apply a certain method of learning, this means that flashcards are helpful to improve some kind of skills after we teach them using those. The flashcards actually help kids to memorize the sequence of the alphabet from A to Z.

This is also good for learning spelling because all we need to learn spelling is understanding the letters that form a certain word. The skills that can be improved when it comes to using flashcards, including black and white alphabet flash cards, are lingual skills, like memorizing the letters to spelling.

More printable images tagged with:

Find here cards for make a matching game black and white for adults. In this printable matching game, you will find many black and white symbols, the cards could be very similar. Simply print and cut them to have an original matching game homemade to play with family or friends!

How to print the matching game for adults:

All the printable memory cards are included in the pdf file to download. So, click on the button «PRINT» below to download and then print the memory cards

Print two copies of the Memory or Matching game in pdf format in order to obtain pairs of similar cards. Once cards games have been printed out, you only have to cut them following the outline. Before cutting the printed page, you can optionally glue it on a cardboard support. In this way, the cards will be more rigid and thus they will be stronger. It also helps to avoid transparency, indeed it will not be possible to see through the card and to guess what is the picture on the hidden side. And then, start playing and enjoy! All printable Matching games on are free.

Published by Memozor

Published on 01 April 2019  /  

Last modified on 12 June 2022  /  

Read 16264 times

How to use this teaching resource

This is one of my favourite teacher resources.

It provides some really simple but effective and fun word card games ideas as well as activities for general spelling and word study.

I would use this document almost every day to plan for the following types of activities……
  • Daily group activities and/or tasks – at least one session per day involved some type of dolch sight word list or theme word card game or activity.
  • Home sight word games and activities – Many Teacher Members are sending the full version – ‘101 Fun and Educational Word Card Activities’ home as a reference document for Parents – communicating ideas and ways to help their children learn sight words at home.
  • PLUS they are fantastic for those fill in, impromptu and early finisher activities.
1. Immerse your Learning Area…
  • Absolutely immerse your learning area with words  – hang them from the ceiling like a ladder, have them on the windows, pop them on your bulletin board displays, have full class sets in themed boxes (small washing powder boxes work well) or hanging pockets ready for children to use for reference and games everyday…
  • Children need to be absolutely enveloped by all sorts of words, eg. theme words, sight words, phonics words, CVC words and more.. EVERYWHERE !
  • Practise clapping or moving to the syllables of each word.Use whiteboard markers on laminated cards to stroke out the syllables in each word (don’t forget each syllable has a vowel).
  • The sounds (or graphemes) within each syllable are then mapped using a dot for 1 letter graphemes, and underscore for 2 or more letter graphemes.
  • Also can – Bring up the pdf words file on the electronic whiteboard and use digital pen to mark the syllables and sounds as a whole class.
  • Also can – Make up a chart with headings – ‘Word’ ‘How many Syllables’ ‘How Many Sounds’ eg. The word ‘river’ has 2 syllables and 4 sounds so would look like this …….
3. Twister Chart
  • Make a ‘twister’ style chart with chalk on a concrete floor, using letters instead of colours.
  • Children choose a word and place their feet and hands on the letters as they spell out the words.
4. Make a Vocabulary / Word Dictionary...
  • Each child has a ‘scrapbook’ with each letter of the alphabet written at the top of every 2nd or 3rd page.
  • Whenever you present a new set of  words – print your chosen word cards in black and white reducing the size to about 4in 1 in your printer settings.
  • Children cut these words out and glue them into the appropriate initial letter of their ‘dictionary scrapbook’
  • Great for writing reference and word practice – by the end of the year they have a full scrapbook of all the words they have been ‘exposed’ to.
5. Mini Words…
  • Print off smaller size words in black and white using the printer settings (for example 4in1 page).
  • These words are then cut up and put into a small lunch container to practise at home.
  • Send a copy of these ‘101 Word Card Activities’ home with parents as a reference for activities with these cards.
6. Who Am I ? Game…
  • *Have your selected word cards on display.
  • *Children take turns giving ‘who am I’ clues for a chosen word.
  • *For example, I am yellow, I have 5 letters, I end in ‘y’.
  • *Other children guess the word.
7. Hangman…
  • *Have your selected word cards on display.
  • *Play ‘hangman’ using these cards as reference.
8. Find-a-Word in Reading Books…
  • *Using your pile of chosen word cards – children find each word in class reading books.
  • *Write down each word and how many times they found it.
  • *Could use a ‘tally’ for this.
9. Dominoes…
  • *Using your chosen word cards, deal them out so that each child has the same amount.
  • *Children take turns placing their cards down making sure the last letter of one matches the first letter of another word card as in dominoes style.
10. Interactive Whiteboard Wordplay…
  • *Set your IWB so that your chosen cards pdf file displays.
  • *Children circle the letters, sounds, and patterns within the words.
11. Chinese Whispers…
  • *Children are sitting in a circle.
  • *First child picks up a word card and whispers the word to the child next to them
  • *The word get ‘whispered’ around to the last child who says to word out loud.
  • *Word card gets held up to check if correct.
12. Dismissal Words…
  • *Grab a set of word cards and as children are dismissed or move to another activity – ask each child to say the word or point to a letter / sound in the word etc as they move on…
13. Circle Smaller words within Words…
  • *Use whiteboard markers to circle smaller words within the laminated word card words.
  • *For example – ‘ball’ – ‘all’.
14. Chalk Words…
  • *Children go outside and practise writing their words with chalk on the concrete.
15. Handwriting Practice…
  • *Children use whiteboard markers to practise tracing over a set of laminated word cards.
16. Word Classification / Grouping…
  • *This is a great activity for early finishers also.
  • *Grab a set of cards or more classify/group them according to all sorts of criteria…
  • *number of letters
  • *words with double letters
  • *compound words
  • *words that rhyme
  • *words with certain phonic sounds
  • *same initial letters
  • *same ending letters
17. Flashlight Words….
  • *Have your chosen word cards on display.
  • *Turn off the lights and use a flashlight or torch to flash on each word card.
  • *Children say the word as you flash on them.
18. Around the World Words...
  • *Children play this in continuous pairs.
  • *Flash the word card to the first pair, first child to say the word correctly, moves on to the next child to make a pair.
  • *Another card is flashed – first child to answer correctly moves on to the next child and so on..
19. Tic Tac Toe Here I Go…
  • *Have your chosen word cards displayed.
  • *Children or Teacher uses a pointer to sing as they point to the words in random fashion…’Tic Tac Toe Here I go, Where I Land I Do Not Know’
  • *Stop on a card – children say the word.
  • *Is fun to go really fast with this and children love being the ‘teacher’.
  • *This has always been a simple favourite wherever I have used it.
20. Swat the Word…
  • *Have the chosen words displayed.
  • *Children use a flyswat to ‘swat’ the words as they are called out.
21. Stepping Stones…
  • *Place chosen word cards on the floor in random fashion.
  • *Children take turns stepping on the stones (word cards), saying the words as they step on each one.
  • *Children be careful not to fall off into the river full of crocodiles
22. Musical Words…
  • *Children sit in a circle.
  • *1-5 word cards are passed around as music plays.
  • *Once music stops, children with cards, stop and look at them and say the word or say something interesting about the word eg. double letters etc – continue with the music.
  • *Can build it up to 20 or more cards being passed around good fun.
23. Word Walk…
  • *Children grab 1 or more cards , depending on the age of level of the children.
  • *Children walk around the room or school (under supervision) looking for their words on signs, books, around the environment…
  • *Children keep a tally of how many times they see each word.
  • *To make it fun children could have their own ‘word wands’ made from dowel or ‘fairy wands’ purchased from cheap shops.
24. Playdough Words…
  • *Children make words up using playdough.
  • *If you make the word cards larger size, they can place the play-dough over the top of the letters..
25. Coin Toss / Beanbag Toss…
  • *Place selected words on the floor face up.
  • *Children take turns to toss the coin, or beanbag onto a word and then say that word or say something interesting about the word eg. double letters etc.
  • *Make this more difficult by asking the ‘tosser’ to throw onto a specific word or other clues, such as – a word beginning with ‘b’ or a word with the sound ‘oo’ in it, or a word with 4 letters for example.
26. Crisscross Words…
  • *Children write their words downwards, then fill in the missing letters…
27. Letter Stencils and Letter Stamps…
  • *Children make up words from the selected word cards using letters stencils or letter stamps.
28. Magnetic Letters…
  • *Children make words using magnetic letters.
  • *A great way to do this for individual use is to use cheap baking trays for each child to place their magnets on.
29. Beat the Clock…
  • *Using the word cards, how many times can each word be written in 1 minute.
  • *Great to work in pairs with one child writing and one child doing the timing.
30. Beat the Clock Reading…
  • *Hold up the  words – how many words can be read out loud in 1 minute.
  • *Again, this could be done as a class or in pairs with one child saying the word while the other times.

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Comments & Reviews

We love playing word board games. Discover some of the best board games with words for adults, kids, and families. Card word games included.

We grew up in households filled with board games. We had Hungry Hippos, Pictionary, Operation, Battleship, and of course, card games like Uno and Old Maid.

Can you tell what era we grew up in? We also obsessively watched Garfield and Friends on Saturday mornings.

As we grew older and found our true loves — books, adult grape juice, and travel — our gaming habits matured.

We started playing more word board games like Taboo and Scattergories. We also craved the best classic word-based board games like Balderdash, Scrabble, and Boggle.

Today, our coat closets and desk shelves are nearly bursting from the seams with word board games for adults. And, nothing beats playing card games with words over drinks.

With so many games out there, how do you choose the best word board games? Which games are family-friendly and adults only?

Below, discover some of our favorite classic word board games along with newer games that are perfect for a rainy day inside with friends and family.

Don’t forget to let us know your favorite word board game in the comments. Let’s get started!

Explore all of our gift guides, including more board games.

Best Word Board Games and Board Games With Words with photo of scrabble letter tiles spelling out Word
Keep reading to uncover fun word board games for everyone.

Classic Word Board Games

What are some sentimental classic word games that remind you of your childhood? Here are a few of ours:


Word board games like Scrabble such as Super Boggle with letters in a plastic tray, Boggle box, and sand timer

Although we’ve never been amazing at Boggle — our minds just don’t work like that — set the timer, shake up letters, and watch where they fall.

Try to make as many four-letter plus words as you can before time runs out. Super Boggle is a tad bigger so each round lasts for 3-minutes.


Scrabble word board game box with tiles with letters

Scrabble is probably one of the most well-known classic word board games perfect for ages 8+. Players take turns making words with letter tiles to earn points.


Board games like Scrabble, Bananagrams yellow banana bag carrying case

Bananagrams is a word board game like Scrabble fit for the whole family. Players attempt to make crossword word grids and is all about spelling.

Bananagrams is super portable and great for traveling.


Classic word game, Scattergories, red box with two black shadow people holding pads and pens

One of our favorite word games as a kid, every household needs Scattergories.

Roll the letter dice. In a set amount of time, fill in categories using only words that start with that letter. The more unique and longer, the better.

Word Search

Word Search Puzzle book

Word Search is a classic game with words. Search for the words in the puzzle. These are incredibly easy to print out at home too.

Mad Libs

Word games for writers, purple Mad Libs pad

Mad Libs was all the rage in the 90s. Mad Libs is one of the most fun board games with words for writers in the making. Get creative and thoughtful with your vocabulary.

Grab a pen to fill in the blanks for a half-completed story. Each blank asks for an adjective, noun, or something slightly more specific.

Make your narrative as silly or as serious and real as you like.

Word Board Games Like Scrabble

Are you looking for word board games similar to Scrabble? Try these:


Dabble board game with letter tiles on a stand

Dabble is a word board game that the entire family can play. Recommended for 8+ years old, players race to spell out 5 words using their 20 tiles.

Two to four people can participate, and this word creation game is perfect for spelling and vocabulary building.

Quiddler Word Game

Quiddler word board game box with letter cards

A fast-paced card game with words perfect for 1 to 10 players, Quiddler asks participants to organize the letter cards in their hands into short words.

With each round, players take on more cards and the highest score wins.


Word board games similar to Scrabble like Upwords, game box with letter tiles stacked on top of each other with pig and dog balancing on a log on a egg

Upwords is exactly like Scrabble except that players can build words on top of existing ones. The higher you stack your letters, the more points you earn. Upwords is for 2-4 players, ages 8+.

One Up!

One Up! The Wicked Smart Word Game tin with wooden tile letters

Be the first person to make a word out of the tiles flipped upside down in the center of the table. But, beware as players can steal your word by adding their own letters.

Family-Friendly Word Board Games

What are some of the best word board games that you can play with the entire family? Here are a few:

Super Big Boggle

Word board games for the family like Super Big Boggle 6x6 letter grid, timer, and game box

There are a ton of versions of the word board game, Boggle. Super Big Boggle is one of them.

Imagine Boggle but with a 6×6 letter grid. Players have 6-minutes to create as many words as they can.

Pass The Pen

Pass The Pen word and drawing game box with pen with a timer and paper with a sketch

Pass The Pen is a fun and fast-paced game for families that incorporates words and drawing. You have 10 seconds to draw a picture while all of the other players have to guess what it is.

If someone guesses correctly, you earn points. If not, you pass the pen to the next player.

P For Pizza

P for Pizza board game with words in shape of yellow pizza

P For Pizza is a family-friendly board game with words for children 8+. This game is best for 2 and 4 players.

The goal is to shout out a word that links the letter on one card to the category on another. Find color-coated cards of varying difficulty and with different categories.

The first player to collect nine pizza cards and build their giant pizza slice wins the game.

Herd Mentality

Herd Mentality board game box with black and white cow spots and pink splotch

Herd Mentality is another fun card game with words perfect with 4 to 20 players that are ages 10+.

Read aloud a random question: “What is the best way to cook an egg?” Players must quickly write down their answers.

The goal is to figure out what everyone else is thinking. If your answer is in the majority, you win cows.

If your answer is unique, you get stuck with the pink cow.

Word A Round

Word A Round board game with blue and red spinners

Word A Round is an award-winning board game that is fun for everyone. Words are positioned in one continuous ring.

Players must figure out where the word starts and be the first to read it aloud.

Danger Word

Danger Word board game box with cartoon Ellen DeGeneres on it

Created by Ellen DeGeneres, Danger Word is best for ages 10+ and is one of the most fun card word games.

Guess the winning word to win. If you accidentally say the danger word, you lose the card.

It’s In The Bag

It's In The Bag board game box

If you love card games with words like charades and Pictionary, try It’s In The Bag.

There are three rounds: describe the word, describe the word using only one word, and act out the word.

Blank Slate

Blank Slate board game with single words on cards box

If you need a word-guessing board game for family game night, Blank Slate asks players to predict what everyone else is thinking.

Write a word to complete the phrase, and earn points if you match only one other person.

Word Board Games For Adults (and Teens)

In need of word games for adults and teens? Try these:

4-Bidden Words

Word board games for adults, 4-Bidden Words purple to blue ombre game box

A game recommended for 17+, 4-Bidden Words players compete against a timer to guess the Buzz Word without using any of the forbidden words.

This adult guessing word board game is recommended for holidays, reunions, and party nights.


Balderdash word board game with box, playing cards, board, and pieces.

Balderdash is the perfect board game for adults, tweens, and teens. Players roll the dice for one of 5 categories: famous people, words, initials, laws, and movies.

Each player writes down what they think the real definition or explanation is while one player records the correct answer.

Players then vote on which answer they think is right.


Word board games for teens Codenames box with woman and male spy and cartoon talking bubbles

Codenames is a contemporary and social word board game recommended for ages 14+. This game is best with 4 players.

Teams compete to see who can make contact with all of their secret agents first. Spymasters give one-word clues, which indicate multiple words on the board.

Teammates must avoid guessing words that belong to their opponents. Don’t get caught by the assassin.


Taboo board game purple box

A classic card word game for adults and teens, Taboo is recommended for 13+.

We love to play this one around the holidays. Guess the word based on clues without saying the forbidden word.

What Do You Meme?

New word board games, What Do You Meme white game box

Recommended for 17+, compete to create the funniest memes.

What Do You Meme? is a newer word board game for adults only that is sure to make you laugh. You can also order expansion packs.

Best Word Games pinterest pin with scrabble letter tiles spelling out 'words'
Find a new card game with words or word board game that you can play with friends and family? Save this post for later.

What Other Word Board Games Do You Love?

What are some of the best word board games that you’ve played or created? Are there any word card games that we are missing that you absolutely love? Let us know in the comments.

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Here’s a word game to use with the nursery rhyme, Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe. Use this game to build vocabulary and practice the rhyme. It also teaches children that words make up sentences. Find more games like this on the Nursery Rhyme page.

Prepare the Game:

Print and cut apart the word cards for this game. Laminate if you choose. Each child in the group should have a set to use. This game can be used at small group.

Why Play Word Card Games with Nursery Rhymes?

Playing word card games with nursery rhymes help children learn:

  • New vocabulary
  • Concepts of print 
  • Story recall
  • Sequencing skills
  • And it helps them learn the rhyme itself

How to Play:

First, call out the words for each card and have the children hold up each card (this familiarizes them with the cards).

To play the game, slowly recite the nursery rhyme (you may want to pause at the key words). Each time the children hear one of the key words, they should hold up that card. Repeat the game as many times as the children are interested.

When we play this game in my classroom, I have my own set of cards to use along with the children to help cue them when to hold up a card. Then, after they have seen me model the game a few times, I let them do it on their own.

Download the Free Printable

Download: Old Woman in a Shoe Game

More Resources for Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe:

This Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe resource pack includes:

  • Nursery Rhyme book in full color
  • Little book in 2 versions: color and black and white
  • Sequencing sheet
  • Sequencing cards
  • Question and answer mat

Get the Old Woman in a Shoe pack here!

Karen is the founder of She also works as a full-time Pre-K teacher in Georgia. Read more…

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