Biology is a word and science is a one

study the active vocabulary insert the missing words1. Can you ___ cub перевод - study the active vocabulary insert the missing words1. Can you ___ cub русский как сказать

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study the active vocabulary insert the missing words
1. Can you ___ cubic metre into cubic centimeters?

2. The ___ between Moscow and Samara is 1049 ___ .

3. “Biology” is a ___ word, and “science” is a ___ one.

4. The teacher ___ one of his pupils with a difficult task.

5. Newton was a great ___ who formulated laws of gravitation.

6. What is the ___ of this swimming pool? – The swimming pool is twenty-five ___ long and two deep, and ten ___ wide. So, I ___ twenty-five by two and by ten and I get five hundred ___.

7. The ___ of ice is more than the ___ of water as a liquid. But the ___ of ice is less than the ___ of water at 4 C.

8. Who was the first traveler who reached the south ___?

9. The ___ that studies stars is astronomy.

10. The ___ units of the ___ systems are a metre, a ___ and a ___.


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


исследование активный словарный запас вставить пропущенные слова1. Вы можете ___ кубический метр в кубических сантиметров? 2. ___ между Москвой и Самара — 1049 ___.3. «Биология» ___ слово, и «наука» ___ один. 4. учитель ___ один из его учеников с трудной задачей.5. Ньютон был великий ___, который сформулировал законы гравитации. 6. Какова ___ этого бассейна? – Бассейн – двадцать пять ___ длиной и два глубоких и десять ___ широкий. Итак, я ___ двадцать пять два и десять, и я получаю пятьсот ___.7. ___ льда является больше, чем ___ воды как жидкость. Но ___ льда меньше, чем ___ воды при температуре с 4. 8. кто был первым путешественником, который достиг Южной ___? 9. ___, что исследования звезд является астрономии.10. подразделения ___ ___ систем являются метр, ___ и ___.

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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


исследование активный словарь вставить пропущенные слова1.вы можете ___ кубический метр в кубических сантиметров?2.в ___ между москвой и самара — 1049 ___.3.»биология» является ___ слово, и «наука», — ___.4.учитель ___ один из его учеников с трудной задачей.5.ньютон был очень ___, которые сформулированы законы гравитации.6.что это ___ этот бассейн?- бассейн — 25 ___ долго и две глубокие, и десять ___ широкий.так, я ___ двадцать два, и десять, и я получу пять сотен ___.7.в ___ льда — это больше, чем ___ воды в жидком виде.но ___ льда, меньше ___ воды на 4 с.8.кто был первым путешественника, который достиг юго — ___?9.в ___, что исследования звезд астрономии.10.в ___ единиц ___ систем метра, ___ и ___.

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число имён существительных.


Прочтите информацию на стр 97-98 учебника
1 (здесь и далее — Английский
язык для студентов естественно-научных
учебник для студ. учреждений высш. проф.
образования/ Е.Э.Кожарская, Ю.А.Даурова;
под ред. Л.В.Полубиченко. – М.: Издательский
центр «Академия», 2011 – 176 с.)


Выполните упражнения 1-3, стр 97-98



Прочтите информацию на стр 99


Выполните упражнения 4-6

Занятие 2.


I .Речевая разминка, устная речь. Направлено на формирование компетенции ок-11

Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. Where
    do you live now?

  2. Are
    you native of Volgograd?

  3. How
    early do you get up?

  4. What
    do you usually do in the morning?

  5. Are
    physical exercises useful for a person?

  6. How
    long does it take you to get to the University?

  7. How
    many classes a day do you have?

  8. Which
    is your favourite lecture? Why?

  9. What
    do you usually do when your classes are over?

  10. Do
    you read additional literature? In what subjects?

II. Изучающее чтение. Направлено на формирование компетенции ок-7, ок-11


Прочтите и переведите следующие слова.











deal with



















Biology and related sciences

may be defined as the science about life and how to sustain it on
the planet Earth. The word biology is derived from the Greek words
“bios” (“life”) and “logos” (“word” or “science”).
Biology deals with all kinds of living things and living systems. In
studying them we learn some of the great fundamental laws and
processes of nature.

is a very old science and it is closely bound with other natural
sciences such as physics, chemistry, geology, anthropology,
psychology, medicine and others. Biology is called the most vital of
the sciences.

biology is a very broad science which has a lot of subdivisions. But
there are two principle divisions in it: botany which deals with
plants and zoology which deals with animals. Ecology is the study of
environmental factors and how organisms interact with them.
Biochemistry deals with chemistry of living system and studies
chemical substances and chemical changes in an organism. One of the
most important biological sciences is genetics which deals with the
nature of genes and how different traits are inherited.

have made a great contribution to science. They have developed new
and better varieties of plants and animals. They have obtained
various physiologically active substances: enzymes, vitamins,
hormones, antibiotics, amino-acids and proteins.


Give English equivalents to the following word-combinations:

жизнь на планете Земля; слово происходит
от; иметь дело с (заниматься изучением
чего-либо); живые организмы; тесно
связана; жизненно-важная наука; подразделы
науки; факторы окружающей среды;
взаимодействие с живыми организмами;
черты, получаемые наследственно; вклад
в науку; получать новые вещества


Complete the sentences

Biology may be defined as…

When studying biology we learn the relations of…

Biology is closely bound with…

Biology may be subdivided into…

Ecology studies…

Biochemistry deals with…

на формирование ОК-7

методики интерактивной формы обучения,
проблемного подхода:

студенты получают задание соотнести
термин и его определение, опираясь на
ранее полученные знания по естественным
наукам и знания терминоэлементов,
составляющих международную научную

words in the left column with the definitions on the right


The scientific study of the formation, structure, and function of







The study of the chemical composition of the substances that
form living matter and of the chemical processes that go on in
living matter

The scientific study of the biological processes involved in the
transmission of characteristics from an organism to its offspring

The scientific study of fishes

The scientific study of birds

The scientific study of micro-organisms


The scientific study of living things and life processes,
including growth, structure, and reproduction

The scientific study of insects

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Biology is the study of all living organisms, including this adorable jewel bug and the plant it's perched on.
Biology is the study of all living organisms, including this adorable jewel bug and the plant it’s perched on.
(Image credit: Shutterstock)

Biology is the study of life. The word «biology» is derived from the Greek words «bios» (meaning life) and «logos» (meaning «study»). In general, biologists study the structure, function, growth, origin, evolution and distribution of living organisms.

Biology is important because it helps us understand how living things work and how they function and interact on multiple levels, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica (opens in new tab). Advances in biology have helped scientists do things such as develop better medicines and treatments for diseases, understand how a changing environment might affect plants and animals, produce enough food for a growing human population and predict how eating new food or sticking to an exercise regimen might affect our bodies.

The basic principles of modern biology

Four principles unify modern biology, according to the book «Managing Science» (Springer New York, 2010): 

  1. Cell theory is the principle that all living things are made of fundamental units called cells, and all cells come from preexisting cells.
  2. Gene theory is the principle that all living things have DNA, molecules that code the structures and functions of cells and get passed to offspring.
  3. Homeostasis is the principle that all living things maintain a state of balance that enables organisms to survive in their environment.
  4. Evolution is the principle that describes how all living things can change to have traits that enable them to survive better in their environments. These traits result from random mutations in the organism’s genes that are «selected» via a process called natural selection. During natural selection, organisms that have traits better-suited for their environment have higher rates of survival, and then pass those traits to their offspring.

The many branches of biology

Although there are only four unifying principles, biology covers a broad range of topics that are broken into many disciplines and subdisciplines.

On a high level, the different fields of biology can each be thought of as the study of one type of organism, according to «Blackie’s Dictionary of Biology (opens in new tab)» (S Chand, 2014). For example, zoology is the study of animals, botany is the study of plants and microbiology is the study of microorganisms.

A botanist, which is a type of biologist, examining plants growing in a greenhouse.

A botanist is a biologist who studies plants.  (Image credit: Shutterstock)

Within those broader fields, many biologists specialize in researching a specific topic or problem. For example, a scientist may study behavior of a certain fish species, while another scientist may research the neurological and chemical mechanisms behind the behavior.

There are numerous branches and subdisciplines of biology, but here is a short list of some of the more broad fields that fall under the umbrella of biology: 

Biochemistry: The study of the chemical processes that take place in or are related to living things, according to the Biochemical Society (opens in new tab). For example, pharmacology is a type of biochemistry research that focuses on studying how drugs interact with chemicals in the body, as described in a 2010 review in the journal Biochemistry. 

Ecology: The study of how organisms interact with their environment. For example, an ecologist may study how honeybee behavior is affected by humans living nearby. 

Genetics: The study of heredity. Geneticists study how genes are passed down by parents to their offspring, and how they vary from person to person. For example, scientists have identified several genes and genetic mutations that influence human lifespan, as reported in a 2019 review published in the journal Nature Reviews Genetics (opens in new tab).   

Physiology: The study of how living things work. Physiology, which is applicable to any living organism, «deals with the life-supporting functions and processes of living organisms or their parts,» according to Nature (opens in new tab). Physiologists seek to understand biological processes, such as how a particular organ works, what its function is and how it’s affected by outside stimuli. For example, physiologists have studied how listening to music can cause physical changes (opens in new tab) in the human body, such as a slower or faster heart rate, according to the journal Psychological Health Effects of Musical Experiences (opens in new tab). . 

The multidisciplinary nature of biology

Biology is often researched in conjunction with other fields of study, including mathematics, engineering and the social sciences. Here are a few examples:

Astrobiology is the study of the evolution of life in the universe, including the search for extraterrestrial life, according to NASA (opens in new tab). This field incorporates principles of biology with astronomy. 

Bioarchaeologists are biologists who incorporate archaeological techniques to study skeletal remains and derive insights about how people lived in the past, according to George Mason University (opens in new tab).

Bioengineering is the application of engineering principles to biology and vice versa, according to the University of California Berkeley (opens in new tab). For example, a bioengineer might develop a new medical technology that better images the inside of the body, like an improved Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) that scans the human body at a faster rate and higher resolution, or apply biological knowledge to create artificial organs, according to the journal Cell Transplant.

Biotechnology involves using biological systems to develop products, according to the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (opens in new tab). For example, biotechnologists in Russia genetically engineered a better-tasting and more disease-resistant strawberry, which the researchers described in their 2007 study published in the journal Biotechnology and Sustainable Agriculture 2006 and Beyond (opens in new tab).  

Biophysics employs the principles of physics to understand how biological systems work, according to the Biophysical Society (opens in new tab). For example, biophysicists may study how genetic mutations leading to changes in protein structure impacts protein evolution, according to the Journal of the Royal Society

An illustration of protein

A 3d Illustration of the chain of amino acids that make up protein.  (Image credit: Getty Images)

What do biologists do?

Biologists can work in many different fields, including research, healthcare, environmental conservation and art, according to the American Institute of Biological Sciences (opens in new tab). Here are a few examples:

Research: Biologists can perform research in many types of settings. Microbiologists, for instance, may study bacterial cultures in a laboratory setting. Other biologists may perform field research, where they observe animals or plants in their native habitat. Many biologists may work in the lab and in the field — for example, scientists may collect soil or water samples from the field and analyze them further in the  lab, like at North Carolina University’s Soil and Water Lab (opens in new tab).

Conservation: Biologists can help with efforts in environmental conservation by studying and determining how to protect and conserve the natural world for the future. For example, biologists may help educate the public on the importance of preserving an animal’s natural habitat and participate in endangered species recovery programs to stop the decline of an endangered species, according to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (opens in new tab).

An ecologist doing as survey

An ecologist taking a water samples from a creek. (Image credit: Getty Images)

Healthcare: People who study biology can go on to work in healthcare, whether they work as doctors or nurses, join a pharmaceutical company to develop new drugs and vaccines, research the efficacy of medical treatments or become veterinarians to help treat sick animals, according to the American Institute of Biological Sciences (opens in new tab).

Art: Biologists who also have a background in art have both the technical knowledge and artistic skill to create visuals that will communicate complex biological information to a wide variety of audiences. One example of this is in medical illustration, in which an illustrator may perform background research, collaborate with experts, and observe a medical procedure to create an accurate visual of a body part, according to the Association of Medical Illustrators (opens in new tab).

Additional resources

If you’re curious about just how wide-reaching biology is, The University of North Carolina at Pembroke (opens in new tab) has listed a number of biology subdisciplines on their website. Interested in a career in biology? Check out some options at the American Institute of Biological Sciences (opens in new tab) website.


Lornande Loss Woodruff, “History of Biology”, The Scientific Monthly, Volume 12, March 1921, (opens in new tab).  

P.N. Campbell, “Biology in Profile: A Guide to the Many Branches of Biology (opens in new tab)”, Elsevier, October 2013. 

The University of North Carolina at Pembroke, “Biology Sub-disciplines (opens in new tab)”, October 2010. 

University of Minnesota Duluth, “What is Biology? (opens in new tab)”, January 2022. 

Eric J. Simon et al, “Campbell Essential Biology (opens in new tab)”, Pearson Education, January 2018. 

Alane Lim holds a Ph.D. in materials science and engineering from Northwestern University and a bachelor’s degrees in chemistry and cognitive science from Johns Hopkins University. She also has over five years of experience in writing about science for a variety of audiences. Her work has appeared on the science YouTube channel SciShow, the reference website ThoughtCo, and the American Institute of Physics.

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