Biggest words with friends word

Words with Friends Cheat is a tool that helps you find words and answers for the famous Zynga game. It generates all possible words from the inputted letters so that you can pick the highest-scoring ones. Easy, intuitive, and free to use when you need to make words from letters or boost your game.

What is Words with Friends — The Complete Guide

Words with Friends is a popular word game you can play with your friends. It’s similar to the word game Scrabble though there are some differences. You can participate in up to 30 games with friends from around the world in Words with Friends. The game is exciting, fun, and can provide enjoyment for hours or even days!

In this Words for Friends guide, you will get to know all about the game. We will also provide helpful tips, tricks and strategies so that you can become a great word solver. We will also give you a Words with Friends cheat to win every game and boast to your friends. 

Word Finder — A Great Way to Boost Your Game

Do you want to beat your friends at Words with Friends?

Then welcome to our cheat site. Here you can get bright ideas if you get stuck with difficult tiles, vowels, or those tricky XYZ words. You can think of our resource as a cheat board or word finder for WWF. You can type in the tiles that are giving you problems and press the search button. If you want, use the Advanced Filter option to refine your search. 

Even veteran Words with Friends players can get stuck from time to time. For this reason, Word tips have created a Words with Friends word generator to help in your time of need. Simply enter the tiles you wish to utilize and our intuitive generator will provide you with the best scoring results. You may look at us as Words With Friends cheat board or more favorably your little Words with Friends helper. Boost your vocabulary and increase your winning streak!

Our Words with Friends word finder provides legal and eligible words from the WWF dictionary. You can use the words confidently in the game to get past your mental block. The search results will also give you an idea about the length and points you can earn. 

So keep the WWF cheat tool handy to use anytime you face difficulty making new words.

How to Play Words with Friends?

Words with Friends is available as a mobile game from the app store. You can get the game for free from both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. The game is playable on iPhones, iPads, iPod Touch and Android smartphones. You can also play Words with Friends on Kindle Fire and Nook Tablets.

Words with Friends Rules and Guidelines

The main aim of the game is to create words on the board to win points. You can make words using the tiles that appear on your screen. The tiles can contain letters, vowels, consonants and other syllables. You have to unscramble the tiles and create new words just like in Scrabble.


  • You can make words by using tiles vertically and horizontally
  • The first word you make gets added to the plus tile
  • You have to connect new words with previously played words

4 Steps to Follow

  1. You can change your tiles if you don’t like them. You need to use a turn to change the tiles. 
  2. Tap on Play once you have your word ready to notify your opponent.
  3. You will get a push notification alerting about your turn. 
  4. You can chat while the game is on with your friends. 

Scoring Points and Winning

You win the game by scoring more point than your opponent. Each tile comes with a value which is mentioned above the letter. The game also ends when one player uses «Pass» three times in a row. You can score more points by-

  • Playing all 7 tiles in a move which gives you 35 points
  • Make words on the colored squares for more point

Bonuses List — DL, TL, DW, TW

  • Double Letter: Gives you double value of the tile
  • Triple Letter: The value of the tile is tripled
  • Double Word: The value of the word is doubled
  • Triple Word: You get triple value for the word

You can combine multiple bonuses to earn more points.

Play Words with Friends Online for More Fun

WWF is a multiplayer word game. You can download the game on your device play online with your friends. The game also matches you with random opponents from different parts of the world. Both Words with Friends and Words with Friends 2 are multiplayer games that you can play online. The aim of the game is to beat your friends by making words and accumulating as many points as you can. 

Can You Play WWF Offline?

There are some ways to play WWF offline. One of the most prominent features of the word finder game is the Solo Play option. This feature lets you play WWF offline and you don’t need any internet connectivity. The Solo Play feature pairs you against the artificial intelligence-powered bot of the game. 

You will be able to play the game even while traveling in a train or standing in a queue in offline mode. 

There is also another way you can play WWF offline. The makers of the game have released board versions of WWF. You can lay out the board and play Words with Friends offline with your friends. 

Words with Friends Help and Assistance

Did you get too difficult tiles? Can’t seem to come up with any new words?

It’s normal to face some difficulties while playing Words with Friends. The game is supposed to challenge your brain cells, so a bit of difficulty is desired. But that doesn’t mean you have to get stuck or lose the game. You can use our WWF cheat or Words with Friends dictionary to get ideas about new words you can make to score points. 

Our Words with Friends generator provides you with a list of possible words based on the tiles you have chosen. You can pick the applicable words from the list and use in your game to become the champion. 

So don’t hesitate to use a bit of help- everybody does it, especially beginners. With time, you will become a pro and won’t need help with WWF anymore!

10 Tips, Tricks, and Strategies to win WWF

Now we will reveal a list of some secret tips and tricks to score more points in Words with Friends. 

Tip #1: Begin Small

It pays to begin the game with a 2 letter or 5 letter word. If you go with two letters, you can get rid of your least desirable tiles right at the beginning of the game. If you go for five letters, your opponent will create a lay along, following your word. This way, you can score single for your word. 

Tip #2: Make Use of Colored Squares

Play your tiles on the colored squares to make the most of the bonus points. You will be able to score more points by playing DL, DW, TL and TW squares. For example, if you make the word Park on four blank squares, you will get 11 points. But if your «P» is on a TL and «K» on a TW, then you can win 57 points.

Tip #3: Use Functional Words

If you want to score more points, memorize some 2 to 3 letter words. Also, put stress on words with vowels and the letters J, Q, X, and Z. 

Tip #4: Combine Bonus Multipliers

You should look to combine several bonus multipliers to maximize your points. For instance, you can combine letter multiplier with word multiplier to get truckloads of points. 

Tip #5: Aim for Parallel Plays

Try to make new words parallel to existing plays. You can form several two and three letter words in this way and win more points. Let’s say you have the word «Human» in four blank squares. Now you use the tiles to make the word «Apex» parallel to the word «human.» This overlap will help you win 70 points. 

Look for similar overlaps to multiply your points. 

Tip #6: Create Hooks for More Points

A hook is adding to an already existing word to make a new work. It’s easy to make and can give you rich dividends. You can add letters to the beginning or end of words to create new words. Another way to take advantage of bonus multipliers is to go for a perpendicular play by adding tiles to the bottom or top of words. 

Tip #7: Swap When Required

You have the option of swapping your tiles if you don’t like them or find them difficult. Don’t be apprehensive about swapping your tiles as it is a good move. You can get new tiles and keep scoring turn after turn. 

Tip #8: Try to Make Bingos

If you end up with blanks and low-value consonants, try to go for bingos. You may face difficulties to make words using these tiles, so going Bingo is a great choice. Try using all of your tiles for scoring a full 35 points.

Tip #9: Concentrate on the Center

Try to play towards the center to prevent your opponent from getting big scoring opportunities. Don’t let your opponent take advantage of the outer four rows and columns where TL and TW combinations are more of a possibility. 

Tip #10: Adopt Some Defense

Your opponent will look to score big points just like you by using bonuses and multipliers. So your aim should be to limit opening to the colored squares where it would be advantageous for your opponent. You can make a lesser word in some other part of the board unless you are sure of scoring big.

Scrabble Vs. Words with Friends

Wondering which of the two is better?Words with Friends is similar to Scrabble, but not exactly the same. There are some differences when it comes to the arrangement of the bonus squares. The values of tiles are also different along with the distribution of points.

5 Notable Differences between Scrabble and WWF

  1. The number of TL and DW squares are different in each game
  2. WWF has more tiles than Scrabble
  3. Value of letters are higher in WWF
  4. A Bingo in scrabble gives you 50 points while the same earn you 35 points in WWF
  5. Words with Friends doesn’t allow fake or misspelled words

You will also see some differences in how the games are played. For instance, the person who starts the game creates the first word in WWF. In Scrabble, the player with blank tile or a letter closer to «A» starts the game. 

Whether you are playing scrabble or WWF, you can take advantage of cheat dictionary. The Words with Friends word generator will help you with new ideas if you get stuck with some tiles. So use all the help you can and defeat your friends to become the winner. 

Give a Try to Words with Friends 2

The makers of WWF 1 released Words with Friends 2 to offer more fun and excitement. You have more ways to challenge your grey matter and friends compared to WWF 1. You can play the game for free on your mobile or tablet just like the predecessor version. You can also enjoy new word games and play against interesting characters in the Solo Play mode. WWF 2 also comes with new design and themes which are updated every month. 

So pick your poison and start playing to become the word master among all your friends.

Did you know..?

Created by brothers Paul and David Bettner, and owned by the Newtoy Inc. company, Words with Friends was launched after the initial success of Chess with Friends. Emerging during the first wave of app gaming, it now stands as one of the most popular online games in the world, played by millions of people every day. It remains a top-earning app, most fans agreeing its popularity is due to its more user-friendly design when compared to other word games — emphasizing multiplayer action right from the beginning.

Interestingly enough, the social nature of the game has actually resulted in many romantic relationships (and a few marriages), so if you are looking for love, you may want to strike up conversations with the random opponents you find intriguing!

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This is a strategy guide for the game Words with Friends. It is based on the basic game, 2-player game, but much of what this contains can be used in 3-4 player games, other variants, or in Scrabble. Keep reading the detailed text version below or view the brief video version that immediately follows this sentence.

The biggest misconception Words with Friends players have is thinking that the best players are the ones who make the biggest words or have the largest vocabulary. That is extremely inaccurate. The most important keys are:

  • Know all the 2 letter words. They are:
    AA, AB, AD, AE, AG, AH, AI, AL, AM, AN, AR, AS, AT, AW, AX, AY, BA, BE, BI, BO, BY, DA, DE, DI, DO, ED, EF, EH, EL, EM, EN, ER, ES, ET, EX, FA, FE, FI, GI, GO, HA, HE, HI, HM, NO, ID, IF, IN IS, IT, JO, KA, KI, LA, LI, LO, MA, ME, MI, MM, MO, MU, MY, NA, NE, NO, NU, OF, OE, OF, OH, OI, OM, ON, OP, OR, OS, OW, OX, OY, PA, PE, PI, QI, RE, SH, SI, SO, TA, TI, TO, UH, UM, UN, UP, US, UT, WE, WO, XI, XU, YA, YE, YO, ZA
    (Note that V and C are not included here, which makes them excellent blockers to prevent opponents from playing two letter words in order to stretch over to a Triple Word Score.)
  • Play defensively. This is EQUALLY important as playing offensively. If you say to yourself, “I’ll play here and just hope my opponent doesn’t have a (something),” abort that plan and find another place to play.
  • Recognize prefixes and suffixes. Realizing you have something like “ing” or “tion” is far more important than having a large vocabulary.
  • Understand the value of your play options in a very basic way. See the Playing Words section below.

Playing Tiles

Step One: What are the best spots on the board? In order of average value:

  1. Triple word scores. This is by far the most valuable tile, making even a simple word into a decent score.
  2. Triple/double letters next to vowels. This allows you to play a larger point letter on it perpendicular to the vowel so you can score it twice, along with the double/triple bonus.
  3. Playing on top of or next to a block that will give you multiple words. This is commonly used to get rid of low-point letters, especially vowels. A strong knowledge of three-letter words helps tremendously in this endeavor.
  4. Double word scores. These can add up to serious points, especially in conjunction with a double/triple letter score. Be careful not to leave your opponent with a high-potential place to play when using them though.
  5. Adding a letter on to the end of an existing word. If you can play a word that adds a single letter onto an existing word to make a second new word, you can score a decent number of points from the existing word. Since you do not get bonuses for the existing word, this type of play is not one of the most valuable options, but still better than only getting points for a single word.

Step Two: What will this play leave for my opponent?

The potential point opportunity for your opponent is of almost equal importance as how many points it will get for you, especially when you are playing a WWF player of advanced skill. When deciding on the word to play, take into account both your word score and your opponent’s scoring potential given the state of the board you leave for their turn. Pretty much never leave them with access to a Triple Word Score or a Triple/Double Letter Score next to a vowel.

Tray Management

When you’re looking for words to play, try to identify parts of words that are commonly used. What you want:

  • Things like ing, ed, er, ite, ide, ine, tion, etc. You can string these together to form words that use all 7 tiles or just stretch a long word over to a Triple Word Score. If nothing else, organizing the tiles in your tray so these letter combinations are together help visualize the words you can form.
  • A roughly 35%/65% distribution of vowels/consonants. No one likes to have mostly/all vowels or mostly/all consonants and the naïve WWF player will tell you it’s all luck of the draw. It’s really not. It is worth using a slightly less valuable word to leave yourself with a better balance of consonants and vowels for next turn. For example, leaving yourself with TIAE is way better than leaving yourself with IIAE, even if it means a few less points.
  • Avoid repeating letters. I would MUCH rather have an A and an E left for next turn than two As. It’s not as bad to have OO or EE because they frequently show up together, but II or AA is terrible.

Part of your tray composition is luck, but you are often faced with fairly even scoring word options, where you may be able to lose a point or two in order to have a more favorable combination of letters for your next turn. These really add up throughout a game.

Ending the Game

In a very close game, end game tactics may be the deciding factor. If you can leave your opponent with some high-scoring tiles left when you go out, the point swing can be significant. Simply, you want to go out first, so:

  • Do not take exactly the remaining tiles left in the bag. For example, if there are 4 tiles left in the bag, do not make a 4 letter word. Either leave a couple in the bag so your opponent cannot go out next turn, or make as large a word as possible (hopefully 5+ letters) so you get the advantage in going out first.
  • Also, once you get down to less than 7 tiles left in the bag, start planning out your final few turns so you can go out as quickly as possible.

Words With Friends High Point Play 137 Points

137 point play.  35 points for using all 7 letters combined with a double and triple word score and a triple letter score on the R.  What is your best?

Words With Friends High Point Play - 116 Points

116 points.  Pretty good.  This one includes the Q on the triple letter for 30 points plus a triple word score for “quits” for 3 X 35 = 105.  Combine that with 11 points for “sleave” and that is 116 points total.

Words With Friends High Point Play 111

111 Words With Friends High Point Play

111 points for playing “beached”.  35 points for playing all 7 letters, triple word score on the “C” and “E” for 23 points, multiplied by the triple word score for 69 points.  Add in the words “er” and “de” and that is another 7 points for a total of  111 points.

Words With Friends Highest Point Word 100 Points

Words With Friends Highest Point Word 100 Points

A good use of two double word squares and playing all 7 letters.

Words With Friends Highest Point Word 113 Points

Words With Friends Highest Point Word 113 Points

A very generous opening provided by this opponent to allow for a triple letter score on the Z multiplied by a triple word score on “gauze.”

101 Point Play

A 101 point play with implore. Used all 7 letters for 35 points, a triple letter score on the P and O for 15 points, plus a triple word score on the implore for 60 points, plus two other words that made up 6 more points.

103 Point Play

A 103 point play with four letters.  The key here is the triple letter score on the J for 30 points plus a triple word score of 99 points.  Add in the 4 points from Tore and it’s 103 points.

Best Point Play 115

Didn’t know “dewaxes” is a word but I’m sure the word scrambler somebody used here did.  The big play here is the double word score used twice plus all seven letters for 35 points.  “Guns” nets 8 points and the double word score on two tiles nets 72 points (4 X 18) for 115 points total.

Best Point Play 133 Points

This is an impressive play with all 7 letters.  35 points for using all 7 letters, 6 points for “Rif” and 92 points (23 * 4) for “Jerkily” which is sitting on two double word tiles.

Point Play for 103 Points

Excellent use of the triple word score combined with the triple letter score.  The J is on the triple word tile for 30 points combined with “Rioja” triple word score for 99 points (33 * 3).  The last points were from “Aw” for 4 points.  Now use Rioja in a sentence.

High Point Word – 109 Points

It’s always a mystery why a player would open up the opportunity for someone to use the Double Word score on two words especially with the word maxi which carries 14 points.  To make matters worse this same player provided the opportunity to use two Double Word scores with 5 tiles.  This player not only had one S to capitalize but two which enabled the player to use all seven letters for 35 points.  “Maxis” scores 30 with the Double Word score and “Shields” nets 44 points by utilizing two Double Word scores.  Players simply cannot setup other players with these opportunities.

98 Point Word Play

The point total isn’t high here but get honorable mention for such a high score with one word and letters with low values.  This one is a 7 letter play for 35 points, Triple Letter scores on the E and C combined with a Triple Word score for 63 points.

105 Point Play

Another classic mistake by someone who chose to net a 7 point play that allowed multiple plays for their opponent on the either Triple Word spot.  Everyone loves to get the 10 point letters on the Triple Letter but it’s even better when it’s combined with the Triple Word.  Here this person got the Q on Triple Letter and “Aquae” on the Triple Word score for 105 points.

Win every game with our Words with Friends cheat tool

Words with Friends is a fun word game puzzle developed by Zynga. Unlike other word puzzles, this one champions social involvement. It pits you directly against your friends in a fun, playful competition that can help improve your vocabulary and boost your reasoning skills.

However, you don’t need to let your friend win just because you’re having a slow day, or because you don’t have the time to think up a complex, points-boosting word. If you ever need a little pick-me-up, then come right here to help improve your game with an easy WWF cheat.

Inspired by the infamous Scrabble, Words with Friends puts fun right in your pocket. You can play up to 40 different games simultaneously so you can challenge everyone from your friends to your family and even your co-workers.

Don’t have someone that wants to play Words with Friends with you? Play strangers instead. Everything is anonymous and you can connect with other players around the country or world to keep up your streak or just to stay challenged.

Whether you’re playing the original or one of the sequels, Words with Friends is a great way to challenge yourself and indulge in healthy competition. Playing frequently will give you a huge repertoire of great words to play that rack up the points, but if you ever feel like brain fog is getting you down use our words with friends cheat to find the best, most impressive words.

How do I Cheat on Words with Friends?

Cheating on Words with Friends is different to other word-based puzzle games. Rather than work to get the right answer as you would on Wordle or with a crossword puzzle you are working to submit words that get the highest number of points. This gives you so many more possibilities, since there technically isn’t a wrong answer. It also means that our helper is more useful for this Words with Friends, than it is to help you find the day’s Wordle answer.

You can use our helpful little tool to help you pick better words based on point value, which will help you win at Words with Friends or Scrabble, since they operate based on the same set of rules.

To get the best possible answers you are going to want to use the Advanced Options, which let you really dictate which words show up in the list based on starting or ending letters. You can even enter hook letters like ED and ING.

At the end of the day, however, our useful tool only gets you halfway. You will need to use strategy and sort through the list of potential words that you can use to pick out the best word in the best position. There are triple letter and double letter point spots on the board as well and hitting these with your highest-value number is another great way to win.

All of these additional considerations mean that using our word generator on its own won’t guarantee a win, it just means that you have all the available words based on your letters. If you aren’t the greatest at anagrams but love playing Words with Friends for the challenge and positioning of words to get the highest points, then this tool is less a WWF cheat and more a helpful guide to get the ball rolling.

At the end of the day our word finder is a simple word generator. The strategy is entirely up to you. Simply being able to see the words you can make with your available tiles as well as those placed already on the board, however, can immediately improve your game.

Some people simply don’t have the mind to sort out anagrams, but our anagram solver makes it easy. Not only will you see words that use as many tiles as possible you will be able to visualize the shorter words that you can use to connect to existing tiles on the board or use to help you get those important points-boosting spots on the board.

Woman winning her Words with Friends game

What’s the quickest way of Solving Words with Friends?

Words with Friends is a digital version of Scrabble the board game and while having a great vocabulary and knowledge of the Scrabble dictionary (or in this case, the Words with Friends dictionary) is a great help, it doesn’t mean a guaranteed win.

Just as people can play so often that they come to learn the entire Scrabble dictionary by heart, using our online helper tool is a way to cut through that brain fog and start building up a useful dictionary list that can help you make better selections again and again.

When it comes to playing Words with Friends the thing you need to keep in mind is that it isn’t about solving Words with Friends, it’s about winning. Words with Friends takes away a lot of the frustrating aspects of Scrabble and calculates the points on your behalf, so you can work out the best options based on the board in front of you.

One of the biggest things to remember when it comes to Words with Friends is that it isn’t how impressive or long the word you choose which matters, but the points you can rack up with by playing it.

With two ways to earn points the importance of playing the board cannot be stressed enough. You will always be better off using high-value letters and trying to get on those triple letter or triple word score slots.

Since you keep playing until all the free tiles are played and one player uses up all their usable tiles, hitting those point-winning options is so important. There is no way to really cheat because of this, but you can get a better selection of words with their correct spellings by using our online tool.

That being said there are benefits of using up as many tiles as you can, as fast as you can. Since the game only ends when the number of available tiles is exhausted, you can use as many large words as you can, and then aim to end the game as fast as you can. This gives your opponent fewer opportunities to gain points on you and can help you win quickly.

Solve Words with Friends using our Cheat Tool

You can solve Words with Friends and improve your chances at winning with this simple, free cheat tool. It can give you the best opening word to play and can help you pick the best words to help you get a high scoring win.

1. Select the Dictionary

First things first you need to be working from the right dictionary. Our tool supports several Scrabble-inspired games (including Scrabble itself) but spelling and word options are restricted. While you can get away with a lot when you are playing the board game physically at home, apps aren’t quite so forgiving when it comes to spelling mistakes or what words you can and cannot use.

If you usually spell with US spellings (or alternatively with UK spellings), then you are going to need to select the right dictionary. Our tool supports Scrabble, Wordfeud, and Words with Friends, so to get the best suggestions for your Words with Friends game you will want to start by making sure that you are working with the right dictionary!

2. Starting Move

If you have the starting move, then there are a few strategies that you can play, but do note that any openings you leave yourself are also openings for your opponent. If you want the safest opening you can use this tool and look at word length or, alternatively, the word that will fetch you the highest number of points.

Words that use the least commonly used letters are actually the most useful in games like Words with Friends, since they usually give you the highest points.

If your word is full of the most common letters, then this isn’t a challenging or difficult choice. While you may be able to use most of your letters, if you choose the word that has a Q or an X in it instead you may find that the number of points you earn is higher.

If you can, try to form a starting word that uses J, Q or Z – each of these letters is worth 10 points each. X is worth 8 points, which makes it a great runner-up.

You should keep in mind, however, that saving these letters to use on a triple letter spot can seriously boost your score, or alternatively if you can use a word like QUEEN or QUEUE on a double word score slot.

As for blank tiles try to save these for later. Starting a word with only the letters you have available is going to inhibit your opponent and give you more options later on. They aren’t worth any points either, which won’t help boost your score.

If you need help with the starting word, use our tool. All you need is to input the letters you have available. Though we recommend holding off on using those useful blank tiles just yet you can account for them in our tool by using the ‘?’ key.

This will give you a list of words based on your tiles. Work out which words will give you the largest number of points or give you the best openings that you can then use later on for future words.

Thinking a few steps ahead is so important when it comes to winning Words with Friends, so don’t rush! While there are speedy versions of the game that require you to play within a certain time period, the original version of the game is supposed to be low-key and played over a period of time.

3. Using the Advanced Options

When it comes to your second move (and all other moves) you will want to use the advanced options. There are many different options to use, and this little outline will help you understand what all the features mean and how to use this tool to give you the best words for your game.

To start there are four different modes:

The first is DEFAULT. This means that the tool will look for all the words that it can make out of the letters you input.

The second option is CONTAINS. Selecting this option is ideal if you want to add to the end of a shorter word. If there is the word AND on the board, for example, you can enter AND into the CONTAINS section and then the tool will look for words that contain AND either at the beginning, the middle or the end.

BEGINS WITH is perfect when there isn’t space for anything but to start a word with those letters. It works if you have a whole word you want to add onto or if it is just one letter.

ENDS WITH is the opposite and will help you find words that end with either the suffix or the letter of your choosing.

HOOK LETTERS is a special feature that helps you find words based on hooked letters like ED. You are hooking letters onto a word already on the board.

In all options ‘?’ will represent a blank tile.

4. How to use this tool alongside your WWF strategy 

One of the best parts about our tool is that you can see the total value of the words before you commit to them. To get the most accurate value you will need to make sure you have selected Words with Friends dictionary, since the various Scrabble games all use a different points system.

By being able to quickly see the value of the words you can make smart choices in a split second. Before you go and put down the highest value word, always double check the tiles on the board. The board has many special tiles that can change up the game, and you are almost always better off going for one of those special bonus squares.

If you want to really boost your strategy, of course, there are a few additional tips and tricks to use alongside this tool that will really help you rack up the points.

Link words for easy points

Sometimes the absolute best way to win is to be simple. If there is a word on the table and you can add to it by either adding an S or and ED to change its tense, do it. Doing this gives you the full points for the word as well as the points for any new letters you add and any bonus tiles you hit in the process.

Use two letter words to boost points

While you won’t want to play a two letter word on its own do be aware of the board. If you can play your word parallel to a word already on the board with the use of helpful little two-letter words, do it. This lets you earn points on more than one word during one single turn.

Play defensive, not offensive

A great tip to take is that playing defensive works wonders with Words with Friends. When you play defensively you earn points off the hard work of your opponent. Adding that S at the end of their word, for example, or using their word to get you to a triple point tile.

When it comes to playing this way, however, do remember that your opponent is also likely playing this way. Very few players are going to try to do their own thing without also trying to cut you off wherever they can. After all, getting as many points as you can is just the start. You will also want to try to prevent your opponent from earning points while you are at it.

Learn the board

One final tip is to become familiar with the board. The good news is that the app takes care of things like keeping track of the score and handles all the math equations on your behalf, so learning the board has never been easier.

Not only does playing Words with Friends make that irritating counting a thing of the past it also lets you visually lay down your words without committing to them – and unlike with traditional Scrabble your opponent cannot see what you are doing until you commit to it!

Take your time to explore your options and play with the board placements. Doing this will help you find the best positioning for your word, regardless of whether your goal is to earn the most points, set yourself up for another move, or cut off your opponent.

As time goes on, you’ll start to become intimately familiar with knowing where all the special bonus tiles are, so use that to your advantage when playing. Using the board strategically is one of the best ways to make big moves count. You’ll immediately have an advantage over your opponent just because you know the board and take the time to play around with your options so that you choose the best next move.

More on our Words with Friends Cheat

How does the Words with Friends Cheat work?

This tool is a simple anagram solver. Rather than a straight anagram solver, however, you can also add in the potential for blank tiles and can also take into account the words already on the board.

To get the most out of this tool it is recommended that you always use the Advanced Options. These options give you the ability to specifically create a word list to suit your strategy. If there is a triple letter tile near the words on the board, for example, you will want to target that tile specifically and find a word you can connect to the letters on the board.

How it works is simple: there are many parameters you can specify, with the most important one being the words that you can make out of the letter tiles you have. If you have any blank tiles or if there are open blank tiles on the board, you can use ‘?’ to represent them.

There are several dictionaries to choose from, depending on the game you are playing and this is how you can customize our tool to help you regardless of whether you are playing Words with Friends or Scrabble.

There is the English UK Scrabble dictionary, the English US Scrabble dictionary, the English UK Wordfeud dictionary, the English US Wordfeud dictionary, and the English UK/US Words with Friends dictionary.

Is the Words with Friends Cheat Free?

Is this Words with Friends cheat free? Yes! It is free to use every day and as many times as you need throughout the day. The online version is easy to access online at any time from your mobile phone, tablet, desktop or laptop. If you want an on-the-go and offline version, then download the Scrabble Solver app which is available for iOS and Android devices and can easily be added to your home screen.

It is a simple, universal tool that can help you improve your strategy for any Scrabble-inspired game including Words with Friends.

It can make the game far more challenging as well if both you and your friend agree to use this word finder to create applicable word lists. If you both use this tool, then it’s all about the strategy of playing against the board and your opponent, not the words you know.

This will give you a whole new dynamic to the game!

If you don’t want to play a harder game, keep this little tool a secret! Since the best words aren’t always the most complicated your opponent is unlikely to realize you are using a solver to build up your word list.

Is the Words with Friends Solver easy to use?

This Words with Friends solver is so easy to use and can be customized to give you very specific word lists to find the perfect Words with Friends word which will help you with your overall WWF strategy. It is also very fast so that if you did want to play the game quickly, this shouldn’t slow you down. Simply input the letters you have, and use ‘?’ to represent any blank tiles. Doing this will give you a list of the word that you can make with your existing tiles.

If this is the very first move, then you won’t need to use any of the additional features available in the Advanced Options. In fact, trying to get as many letters as possible to rack up the points and open up new possibilities for yourself (and unfortunately also your opponent) can be a great way to open the game.

For all subsequent turns you will want to use the Advanced Options. These Advanced Options (once you get the hang of them) can really help you master your Words with Friends and beat the game.

One last thing – don’t forget to select the language! Choosing the language as well as which dictionary you are using is essential for getting words that your game will accept. The same word may also have a different spelling depending on whether you use US or UK spellings.

Will it work with any Words with Friends game?

Not only will this work with any Words with Friends game, but it will actually work with most Scrabble-inspired word games as well. The only thing to keep in mind is the dictionaries that these games use. We currently support Scrabble, Wordfeud, and Words with Friends US and UK dictionaries. These dictionaries are not the same as the full English dictionary, as they usually exclude archaic words and scientific names.

When it comes to Words with Friends, however, we have your back. You will be able to play and use our online tool to its full potential. Don’t forget to use the strategies, tips, and how-to steps outlined in this guide to use this online tool as effectively as possible and improve your overall Words with Friends strategy.

Words With Friends 2 WiKi: Советы и хитрости прохождения игры

WORDS WITH FRIENDS 2 — игра на андроид с датой выхода 7.11.2017 г. от компании Zynga. Жанр игры: Словесные игры. В статье мы обобщили советы по прокачке от ТОПовых игроков, ответы разработчиков на вопросы геймеров, гайды для новичков с официального сайта и наши секреты прохождения игры. Внимание, сайт Мудрый Гик постоянно обновляется, заходите к нам почаще.

Содержание статьи

  1. Гайд для новичков
  2. Советы по ведению матча
  3. Гайд по режимам игры
  4. Прохождение игровых событий
  5. Получаем достижения
  6. Советы по стилям плиток
  7. Настройка учетной записи

Words With Friends 2: Гайд для новичков

Words With Friends 2 компании Zynga. Это продолжение знаменитой Игры слов с друзьями, которая набрала огромную популярность на фейсбуке. Не меньшие число поклонников есть и у мобильной версии WWF2. К сожалению, в игре нет русского языка, но она имеет большую популярность у нас в стране. На ней, как на симуляторе, можно оттачивать знание английского и других, встроенных в игру, языков. Преимущество данного вида Скрэббла состоит в том, что в нее можно поиграть не только с другими игроками, но и создать командные битвы, а также развлечься с искусственным интеллектом. Стоит отметить, что ИИ в игре наделен богатым словарным запасом, поэтому не стоит считать матчи с компьютером легкой победой.

Старт игры

Для того, чтобы запустить игру, необходимо нажать на «плюсик» в правом нижнем углу экрана. Если вы играете с iPad в ландшафтном режиме, то на вашем экране в этом месте будет кнопка «Создать игру». После чего перед вами появиться выбор режимов игры:

  1. See Who’s Playing — здесь можно найти игроков, которые есть в сети (или уже добавленных друзей), чтобы создать с ними партию.
  2. Lightning Round — режим командной игры, где вы со случайно выбранными пользователями ведете интеллектуальный бой с командой других геймеров.
  3. Practice Mode — режим практики, то есть игра с ИИ.

Вы будете перенаправлены на страницу, основанную на выбранном вами игровом режиме. Lightning Round приведет вас в лобби (предыгровое окно), а затем непосредственно в режим матча и практики, который поможет вам улучшить свои навыки, не влияя на вашу статистику.

После того, как перед вами появиться игровое поле, вам требуется создать слово. Любая 1 буква слова должна лечь на плюсовую плитку. Следующие слова должны соединяться с ранее написанными.

Когда вы придумаете слово, следует тапнуть по кнопке «Play». В этот момент вашему сопернику придет push — уведомление. Вам также будут приходить сообщения, когда наступит время вашего хода. В режимах «Solo Challenge» и «Lightning Round» нет уведомлений.

Начисление очков. Очки зарабатываются в том случае, если вы победите соперника набрав больше очков, чем ваш противник. Во время матча вы получаете очки за каждое слово, плюс бонусы, которые дают подписанные слоты на поле. Для составления слова у вас есть внизу окна 7 плиток. Если вы все их используете, то есть напишите слово из 7 букв, то получите 35 дополнительных очков. Термин, обозначающий данное действие, называется «Бинго».

Гораздо труднее сделать бинго в конце игры, потому что доска заполнена больше, чем в начале. Если вы видите слово из 6 букв, следует постараться сохранить эти буквы, особенно без буквы S, тогда вы можете добавить букву S в конце слова.

Бонусные ячейки:

  • DL — в 2 раза увеличивает значение плитки.
  • TL — в 3 раза повышает значение плитки.
  • DW — в 2 раза увеличивает значение слова.
  • TW — в 3 раза повышает значение слова.

Для того, чтобы увеличить бонусные очки, рекомендуется составлять слово так, чтобы использовать максимально возможное количество бонусных слотов.

Игра заканчивается, когда вы играете все свои плитки или, когда вы, или ваш друг используете «пас» 3 раза подряд. Если вы используете все свои плитки сначала, вы получаете очки от плиток в стойке вашего друга, добавленные к вашему окончательному счету.


  • Первое слово должно быть расположено так, чтобы 1 из букв разместилась на звезде в центре доски.
  • Каждое слово, следующее за этим, должно быть помещено так, чтобы, по крайней мере, 1 плитка была разделена с существующим словом на доске.
  • Буквы слова могут быть размещены только в одной вертикальной или горизонтальной линии каждый ход.
  • Плитки могут располагаться так, чтобы можно было получить дополнительные (промежуточные) слова, которые используют соседние символы.
  • Слова не могут располагаться на поле, если они создают незаконное слово, используя соседние буквы.
  • Пустые плитки можно использовать в качестве замены любой буквы, но они не имеют точного значения.

Как закрыть матч? Играть одновременно можно в несколько матчей в разных режимах. Для того, чтобы покинуть один из раундов, вам требуется зайти в него и щелкнуть по кнопке «More» (три белые горизонтальные линии), щелкнуть по белому флагу. Затем нужно выбрать команду «Resign».

Есть еще один момент, если противник не делает ход длительное время, матч прекращается автоматически. Например, если соперник не делает ход 5 дней, то на 6 игра будет закрыта системой.

Какие слова можно использовать в матче? Не все слова, которые есть в словарях представленных языков можно использовать:

  • Имена собственные (слова всегда пишутся с большой буквы).
  • Аббревиатуры.
  • Приставки и суффиксы, стоящие отдельно.
  • Слова, требующие дефиса или апострофа.
  • Уничижительные слова или оскорбления.

Игровые функции (их можно использовать, зайдя в меню «More»)

  1. Store — можно купить дополнительные опции и бонусы.
  2. Dictionary — словарь, с его помощью можно подобрать слова, если у вас возникли трудности.
  3. Tile Bag — показывает оставшиеся бонусы.
  4. Pass — пропуск хода.
  5. Swap — вместо хода можно поменять местами ненужные плитки.

Как поднять свой рейтинг? Вы можете увидеть свой рейтинг в игре, нажав на значок турнирной таблицы (Standings) в нижней части экрана.

Здесь можно увидеть ваш текущий рейтинг в общем количестве баллов, средний балл по словам. А также ваш личный рейтинг по отношению к другим игрокам, с которыми вы когда-либо соревновались. Очки начисляются за все проведенные вами игры на всех языках, на которых играли. Очки лидерства обновляются еженедельно в воскресенье.

Игровые языки:

  1. Английский.
  2. Испанский.
  3. Итальянский.
  4. Португальский.
  5. Немецкий.
  6. Французский.
  7. Британский английский.

Words With Friends 2: Советы по ведению матча

  1. Напишите слово на двух DW в пределах пяти точек друг от друга у края доски. Это даст вам больше очков.
  2. Написать маленькое слово поверх плитки TW лучше, чем уступить его своему противнику.
  3. Можно использовать префиксы, которые меняют значение слова. Префикс (приставка) — это небольшая часть слова (в основном, приставка), стоящая перед корнем и изменяющая его лексическое и грамматическое значение. Например, PACK (упаковка), если поставить перед словом слог Pre, то получиться PREPACK (полуфабрикат). Этим приемом можно свободно пользоваться в игре.
  4. PFFT, BRRR и PSST — это все допустимые четырехбуквенные слова без гласных.
  5. Плитки, оставшиеся на вашей стойке в конце игры, считаются против вас. Поэтому необходимо следить, чтобы к окончанию матча у вас не оставалось свободных букв (или их было как можно меньше).
  6. В словаре игры есть 101 двухбуквенное слово. Можно воспользоваться словарем, чтобы узнать, какие слова можно использовать. Но в словаре нет таких слов с буквой «С». Не забывайте это!
  7. Для того чтобы у вас было больше вариантов, попытайтесь собрать слово из 3 гласных и 4 согласных букв.
  8. В некоторых моментах лучше использовать замену букв, чем написать плохое слово.
  9. Есть Q, который пропускает свой U? QAT, QANAT и SHEQEL — это все допустимые слова без буквы U в них.
  10. Некоторые согласные хорошо сочетаются друг с другом. Например, C и H, C и K. Следует держать их вместе в стойке, и в нужный момент, составить хорошее слово на поле.

Самые популярные слова на WWF-это QI, TO, RE, IT и HE.

Что такое Сила слова? Это оценка вашего, на данный момент, сыгранного слова от максимально возможного балла. Чтобы активировать Силу слова, необходимо щелкнуть по значку молнии, который появляется над словом.

Здесь вы увидите силу своего слова. Вы можете изменить свое слово, если считаете, что результат вас не удовлетворяет.

Как играть серию? Эта функция работает между вами и другим игроком на текущей игре. Она не влияет на другие ваши события или прогресс в WWF2. Кроме того, полоса приходится на одного игрока, поэтому, если у вас есть несколько игр с противником, это все равно одна шкала.


  • Вы или ваш друг должны разыграть ход в течение 24 часов.
  • На третий день непрерывной игры появится огненный смайлик (показывающий 2), указывающий на начало полосы. Число рядом со шкалой показывает количество дней серии.
  • Один из вас должен сыграть следующий ход в течение 24 часов с момента предыдущего хода, чтобы сохранить прогресс.
  • Время измеряется от сыгранного хода, а не от календарного дня.
  • Если у вас есть несколько игр с одним игроком, можно сделать ход в любой из игр, чтобы полоса оставалась живой. Вам не обязательно играть во все активные игры.
  • Если полоса скоро сгорит, то смайлик окрасится красным цветом. Это значить, что вы должны сделать свой ход в течение 3 часов. Иначе шкала обнуляется.

Слово дня. Оно включает в себя определение слова с использованием в большинстве случаев в игре присутствует слово, которое редко встречается или включает в себя буквы с высокими баллами, которые вы можете посмотреть, чтобы использовать в будущем.

Чтобы использовать эту функцию, ее необходимо активировать. Сделать это можно в Профиле во вкладке Настройки. Затем следует поставить галочку напротив опции Слово дня (Word of the Day).


Все имеющиеся у вас бонусы можно посмотреть в режиме игры. Они отображаются сверху игрового поля.

  • Замена плитки плюс (Swap +, фиолетовый значок). Позволяет менять местами ваши текущие плитки, не теряя хода. Плитки меняются случайным образом, поэтому заранее нельзя предугадать, какие буквы выпадут. Замену можно использовать только 1 раз за ход.
  • Ретроспектива (голубой значок). Эта функция может быть использована после перемещения, позволяет увидеть лучшее возможное слово. Если значок ретроспективы становится серым после того, как вы сделали свой ход, это значить, что ход, который вы сыграли, был самым результативным из доступных.
  • Слово — радар (зеленый символ). Его можно использовать перед тем, как сделать ход, чтобы увидеть, где можно разместить большинство слов. Word Radar выделяет все места, где вы можете воспроизвести слово, используя свой текущий набор плиток. Вы можете отключить и включить выделенные области, снова нажав на значок «Word Radar», такая попытка не отнимет бонус. Если вы поменяете местами какие-либо плитки, это деактивирует слово радар, а активация его снова вычитает из вашей доступной суммы бонусов.
  • Слово — подсказка (красный символ). Используется перед ходом, выделяя область и плитки, которые могут сыграть.

Как получить бонусы? Бонусы выпадают в случайном порядке из таинственных коробок различной редкости.

Как заработать значки? Значки даются за прохождение еженедельного вызова. Все значки, которые вы заработали, можно посмотреть в своем профиле. Следует щелкнуть на последний заработанный значок, чтобы увидеть все ваши награды. Здесь же можно посмотреть еженедельный вызов.

Discovery Carousel. Карусель поможет вам найти новых соперников с похожим стилем игры, друзьями или способностями. Опция разделена на несколько пунктов:

Хотите быть лучшим в игре? Заходите на наш сайт почаще! В своих статьях мы обобщаем советы опытных игроков, рекомендации разработчиков, официальные гайды и наши секреты прохождения игр.

  • Социальный — найдет противника с похожими друзьями или среди друзей ваших друзей.
  • Стиль воспроизведения — соперник будет подбираться по вашей скорости хода.
  • Навык — оппонент с аналогичной средней оценкой слов.
  • Новичок в игре — вы можете стать первым соперником нового игрока.

Words With Friends 2: Гайд по режимам игры

Solo Challenge

Этот режим позволяет вам играть с мастерами слова. Эти матчи позволяют двигаться вперед, и выиграть монеты и другие бонусы. Для того, чтобы попасть в этот режим, необходимо щелкнуть по «плюсику» в правом нижнем углу, а затем выбрать данную игру. Необходимо за определенное количество времени победить всех мастеров. За победу вы получите отличные награды.

Продвигаясь по режиму, вы будете встречаться с новыми, сильными соперниками. Как только вы закончите с одним мастером, через некоторое время вам станет доступен следующий противник. Если вы не хотите ждать, то можно за монеты, открыть игру с новым противником сразу.

Если вы проиграли, то не сможете какое-то время использовать данный режим. Но у вас есть возможность за монеты обнулить время ожидания, чтобы провести матч — реванш. Во время игр, есть вероятность выиграть таинственные коробки разного достоинства.

Если вы не хотите, чтобы мастера самостоятельно приглашали вас на соревнование, то вы можете отменить данную функцию. Для этого вам необходимо перейти в Настройки игры, затем зайти в раздел Вызов (Settings). Здесь есть пункт «Allow Solo Challenge WordMasters to start matches with me» (Позвольте Solo Challenge WordMasters начать матчи со мной), где следует передвинуть тумблер в состояние «выключено». Чтобы включить функцию, требуется вернуть тумблер в положение «включено».

Solo Challenge Mastery

Этот режим напоминает Solo Challenge, только противники здесь намного сильнее предыдущего режима. Чтобы стать экспертом, следует победить мастера на 3 звезды. В этом режиме вас ждут приятные призы.

После завершения 1 матча, на каждом мастере вы увидите таймер (исход матча не важен). У вас есть возможность за монеты пропустить время ожидания, и начать раунд с другим оппонентом.

Вы можете выбрать, с каким мастером слов играть матч — реванш. Следует просто зайти в меню Solo Challenge, чтобы увидеть соперников, с которыми вы ранее играли на текущей неделе. Если вы победите конкретного мастера, то получите более высокий балл, чтобы заработать больше звезд. Вы можете получить до 3 звезд от каждого мастера, с которым вы играете. Каждая звезда даст вам 1 таинственную коробку. Если у вас будет с мастером равный счет, то вы проиграли.

Lightning Round

Этот режим представляет собой быстрый командный матч в реальном времени, в котором участвуют две команды по 5 человек друг против друга. После выбора данного режима, можно присоединиться к созданной другим геймером игре, или создать новую. Для создания необходимо выбрать функцию «Создать игру», а затем выбрать режим Молниеносный круг. Через небольшой отрезок времени будут подобраны команды.

После того, как 1 игрок ходит, следующим ходит геймер из команды соперников. Каждый игрок может пропустить ход, если посчитает нужным. Победа присуждается команде, которая первая набрала необходимое количество очков. Текущий счет вашей команды будет отображаться в верхнем левом углу экрана, а счет ваших соперников в верхнем правом углу. В центре показана цифра — это количество очков, которые необходимо набрать.

Как только игра с молниеносным раундом закончится, вы можете сразу же начать играть в другую игру, нажав кнопку «Воспроизвести еще раз».

Words With Friends 2: Прохождение игровых событий

Периодически в игре появляются дополнительные игровые акции (временные события).

Word Wheel. Это событие длится 4 дня и включает в себя 12 уровней головоломки. Во время мини-игры, вы можете войти в систему, чтобы пройти 3 уровня каждый день. Необходимо завершить 12 этапов до окончания мероприятия, чтобы выиграть таинственную коробку. Требуется провести пальцем по буквам внизу экрана. Слова будут появляться над колесом по мере их написания.

Одну букву на колесе можно использовать только 1 раз. Если на колесе несколько одинаковых букв, то каждый повтор может быть применен тоже 1 раз. Для того чтобы закончить написание слова, нужно просто убрать палец от экрана. Вы можете использовать бесконечное число попыток, чтобы написать правильное слово.

Дуэли. Это событие работает 4 дня. Вы играете 1х1 против другого игрока. Требуется быстро написать слова на 3 вращающихся досках, чтобы набрать очки. Побеждает тот соперник, кто первым наберет 150 очков. Если вы не можете подобрать слово, необходимо быстро переключиться на другую доску.

Тематические события. Каждое событие ставит перед вами задачу собрать определенное количество элементов мероприятия. Акция постоянно изменяет тематику. Темы могут включать в себя праздники (погоня за пасхальными яйцами), исторические события, или просто причудливые случаи (вечеринка в пушистых свитерах). Участвовать в тематических акциях весело и поучительно.

Ежедневная игра слов. Каждый день вам будут доступны новые головоломки, которые можно решить между PvP матчами. Вам необходимо написать одно слова в серии классических заполненных игровых досок. За прохождение ежедневных раундов, вы будете получать награды, как только заполните шкалу баллов. Шкалу можно увидеть в меню события. Призы обнуляются каждые 24 часа.

Ежедневные цели. Это персонализированные задачи, которые нужно решать каждый день. Ежедневно вам необходимо выполнить 3 цели. Посмотреть миссии можно в меню «Daily Goals». Каждый вызов уникален, и адаптируется к уровню мастерства игрока. За выполнение всех 3 целей вы получите таинственную коробку, а также ежедневные очки вызова, которые помогут вам подняться в рейтинге над соперниками.

Words With Friends 2: Получаем достижения

Достижения — это один из способов вознаградить игроков за их стиль игры. Каждое действие в игре считается определенным достижением. Как только вы разблокируете определенное достижение, вам будут вручены страницы, которые заполнят ваши книги. Когда книга заполнена, открывается новая книга (уровень). Очки достижений представлены в виде страниц, а уровни — книгами.

На главной странице вашего профиля будет отображаться текущий уровень и общее количество страниц. Чтобы просмотреть достижения, необходимо нажать на свой профиль. Здесь в разделе «Информация» можно посмотреть список достижений. Здесь можно выбрать любую из категорий:

  1. Все.
  2. Слова.
  3. Игры.
  4. Испытания.
  5. Друзья.

В каждом разделе можно увидеть список достижений и их подробную информацию:

  • Название и сложность.
  • Цель.
  • Ваш прогресс.
  • Наградные Страницы.

Каждая цель имеет определенное количество страниц в качестве награды. Вы получите уведомление, как только достигните цели. В сообщении будут показаны заработанные вами очки. Чтобы повысить свой уровень достижений, требуется периодически проверять задания на достижения. Когда вы закроете все страницы в книге, вы перейдете на новый уровень.

В коллекции достижений вы можете «прочесть» книги различных жанров:

  • Романтика.
  • Ужасы.
  • Басни.
  • Фэнтези.
  • Научная фантастика.
  • Эпос.

Также можно открыть книги и других жанров, если постараться.

Words With Friends 2: Советы по стилям плиток

Стили плитки — это новая функция, которая позволяет вам играть десятками различных стилей плитки, зарабатывая материалы с помощью таинственных коробок. Как только новый стиль будет обнаружен, вы начинаете зарабатывать материалы для завершения стиля, что сделает хороший результат еще более полезным. Стили носят только эстетический характер (работает как декор).

В настройках в разделе «Show Tile Style» можно включить или отключить стилизацию ваших букв. После отключения опции, вы все равно будете получать краску для плиток. Посмотреть какие расцветки у вас уже открыты, можно в вашем профиле во вкладке «Inventory». Здесь же меняется текущий цвет букв. Вы не можете удалить стиль плитки, но можете отказаться от его использования. К сожалению, ежедневное окрашивание букв, в данный момент, невозможно.

В Профиле вы можете установить ваш любимый цвет, тогда, при открытии тайных коробок, вы с большим шансом будете получать именно ваш любимый тон.

Для сбора определенного цвета, вам требуется вначале разблокировать его. Это можно сделать, открывая таинственные коробки. Если у вашего друга уже есть ваш любимый тон, но вы его еще не получили, не стоит отчаиваться. Следует дальше открывать призы, и однажды вы получите необходимый вам цвет.

Words With Friends 2: Настройка учетной записи

Вход или создание учетной записи. Чтобы зарегистрировать ваш игровой аккаунт в системе, необходимо привязать его к учетной записи на Facebook или через вашу электронную почту.

Регистрация через почту или Facebook необходима для сохранения ваших данных, и восстановления их в случае непредвиденной ситуации. Также в игре есть возможность синхронизации на нескольких устройствах. Поэтому важно пройти регистрацию.

Просмотр вашего профиля. Чтобы посмотреть профиль необходимо просто нажать на ваше игровое имя (оно расположено вверху основного экрана). После щелчка, перед вами откроется страница Пользователя. Окно вашего профиля позволяет просматривать основную статистику игры:

  • Победы.
  • Проигрыши.
  • Средний счет игры.
  • Самый высокий счет игры.
  • Время между сыгранными плитками.
  • Уникальные слова, которые вы использовали.
  • Текущая выигрышная серия.
  • Сыгранные 7 плиток.

Чтобы изменить личные данные, необходимо тапнуть по кнопке «Редактирование», которая расположена в правом верхнем углу (карандаш на листе бумаги). Здесь вы можете поменять:

  • Имя.
  • Фамилию.
  • Страну.
  • Пол.
  • Колледж.
  • Адрес электронной почты.

Просмотр профиля соперника. Если во время матча вы захотите больше узнать о противнике, то можно нажать на его аватарку (в правом верхнем углу). После чего откроется страница с его данными. В информации вы увидите его ник, имя и фамилию, дату его начала игры, страну, из которой он родом и его пол. Возможно, вы найдете общие темы для общения. Если немного прокрутить бегунок вниз, то появиться статистические данные его игры.

Как заблокировать пользователя? Часто игроки, по каким-либо причинам, хотят ограничить свое общение с другим геймером. Так как в игре практически все матчи проходят в PvP, то разработчики предусмотрели возможность блокировки игроков. Для того что заблокировать игрока, необходимо выполнить следующие действия:

  1. Необходимо зайти в Настройки в Профиле.
  2. Затем прокрутить пункты меню вниз до опции «Управление списком блокировок» в разделе Конфиденциальность (Manage Block List).
  3. После этого действия откроется страница блокировки пользователей.
  4. Здесь вы можете выбрать игроков, с которыми у вас недавно был матч, из выпадающего списка «Выбрать пользователя» или ввести их имя игрока в окне «ввести имя пользователя».
  5. Затем следует нажать на кнопку «Заблокировать пользователя».

В этом же меню можно сообщить о нарушениях любого игрока, просто нажав на кнопку с 3 полосками в правом верхнем углу. После чего появиться контекстное меню, где необходимо выбрать пункт «Report Abuse» (Сообщить о злоупотреблении).

Есть и еще одни способ блокировки неугодного геймера. Вы также можете блокировать противников сразу же через чат. Для этого просто требуется нажать на пузырь чата вашей игровой доски. Далее следует щелкнуть по кнопке с 3 кругами в правом верхнем углу. Эта кнопка открывает Параметры чата, где необходимо выбрать команду «Блокировать игрока». Здесь же можно сообщить о злоупотреблении, выбрав соответствующий пункт.

Как изменить звук? В Настройках Профиля можно включить или отключить звуки убрав или поставить галочку:

  1. Notification Sounds — звуки уведомлений.
  2. Game Sounds — звуки игры.
  3. Vibration — вибрация.

Управление уведомлениями на iOS:

  • Следует зайти в раздел «Настройки».
  • Выбрать пункт «Уведомления»
  • Здесь необходимо выбрать приложение WWF2.
  • Далее требуется включить или выключить опцию «Разрешить уведомления».

Управление уведомлениями на Android:

  • Следует зайти в раздел «Настройки».
  • Выбрать пункт «Приложения» или «Диспетчер приложений».
  • Здесь необходимо выбрать приложение WWF2.
  • Поставить или убрать флажок напротив команды «Показывать уведомления».

Автор статьи: Евгения Г.

Yeah, this is Scrabble. I like Scrabble better.

Words With Friends has just added 50,000 new pop-culture words.

This is horrifying.

According to the AP:



NEW YORK (AP) — Tell your bae or your bestie: The mobile game Words With Friends is adding thousands of pop culture words as part of its largest dictionary update in the game’s eight-year history.

Game developer Zynga told The Associated Press on Tuesday that it is adding 50,000 internet slang words, including BFF, fitspo, delish, FOMO, hangry, kween, smize, TFW, turnt, twerk, yas – as well as bae and bestie.

Gurpreet Singh, director of product for the Scrabble-esque game, said Words With Friends players are constantly reaching out – on social media and in the game itself, which has a submission feature – with words they’d like added to the dictionary. He said Zynga gets 5,000 suggestions a day, which formed the basis of the update.

“For us, it’s a way to listen to our players and also have a bit of fun,” Singh said. “The words that they’re requesting are really a reflection of what they’re doing in their day-to-day life and how they communicate with their loved ones.”

The multiplayer phone-friendly crossword game has been installed more than 200 million times since 2009, according to Zynga. This year, an estimated 57 million active Words With Friends games are being played around the world at any given time.

The 50,000 new words will be added to the existing dictionary of 173,000 words, which is always evolving. The game earlier this year added “covfefe” after President Donald Trump introduced the mysterious term and it spread like wildfire on social media, while twerk and selfie were added in 2014.

Singh said there’s no hard-and-fast rule for what constitutes a word and what doesn’t. The team leans toward ones that are inclusive and popular.

“We try to be very holistic in our thinking,” he said. “It’s a game based on connecting and if we feel our values are being adhered to by the word that we’re adding, then even if it’s not a proper word – as a standard dictionary would consider it to be – we would still go ahead and add those.”

Does Singh have some favorites? Yes, the high-point offering queso – “anytime I can use a ‘q,’ I’m happy,” he said – as well as turnt, which is a variation on “turn up” that means getting excited.

What’s the big deal?

Words With Friends is a game. So why do I even give a crap?

As a writer, I operate within a specific lexicon — a clear collection of words whose meanings are clear. If I tell you I find this announcement appalling, you can trust me that appalling is word. If you don’t know what it means, you can look it up. Your trust in me as a writer also tells you that once you’ve learned what it means, you can use it, too.

There are plenty of “words” outside the lexicon. I’m not going to tell you I’m turnt. I’m won’t explain TFW I read an AP article like this. And since no one knows what covfefe actually means, it’s not appropriate to use it to mean anything.

I’m well aware that the boundaries of that lexicon are blurry and ever-changing. Blog didn’t used to be a word. Now it is. So is selfie. These words started outside the boundary of the lexicon and through common usage, they migrated to the inside.

I’ve got my own idea of where those boundaries lie, and I’m also respectful of the authorities that make those choices, like Merriam-Webster and The American Heritage Dictionary.

When you write me an email, share a report with me, create a blog post, or even tweet (from a business twitter account), I expect you to know the difference between heel and heal, how to correctly spell tap, and that FOMO isn’t an appropriate term for that communication. You and I share a common understanding of what it means to communicate, which includes a shared lexicon and the meanings of the words in that lexicon.

Many of us also operate outside that lexicon in different contexts. We text each other and tweet with TBH (to be honest) and fitspo (fitness inspiration). This is slang, and I celebrate it.

And I love word games. They’re a fun way to train the brain, and a great way to learn new words.

But if the boundary of the lexicon is blurry in everyday writing, it’s precise in word games. You can’t play TBH in scrabble, because it’s an acronym, and slang. And Word With Friends ought to know that kween isn’t acceptable for queen — yet.

Adding 50,000 words words to a 173,000-word lexicon will ruin the game. Neither player is going to know at any given moment if covfefe or IMHO is legal. It’s like driving in India, where you mostly get to make up the rules yourself. It’s not a coincidence that Indian drivers are always honking their horns. I don’t want to write in a world where writers are doing the same.

These games are training players for a world where the are no boundaries between the real and the fake. And given the current state of online media, we ought to be revering those boundaries.

I may be on the wrong side of history here, but somebody has to pull in the other direction.

Here’s what to do about it

Go to the Words With Friends page on your phone’s app store and enter a one-star review, citing the expansion of the lexicon as the reason.

Start playing Scrabble. The Scrabble dictionary is subject to plenty of arguments, but at least it isn’t adding 50,000-word chunks of FOMO and shizzle.

Go ahead. Disagree with me in the comments. But you had better write them in something that resembles clear English.

Our Words With Friends Word Finder helps you find the best words with the highest score in WWF and WWF 2. Try our Scrabble Word Finder as well. If you love Words With Friends, you will also love Scrabble.

You can use question marks (?) for blank letter tiles.

Starts With

Ends With

Word Length

How to Use Our Words With Friends Word Finder

Our Words With Friends cheat tool isn’t just a simple word search or word generator; it is a complete solution to all your WWF & WWF 2 troubles. Best of all, it is easy to use! Enter your scrambled letters, including ‘?’ as blank tiles, and then click the magnifying glass button to find all possible answers, along with the scores.

If you need more than our Words With Friends cheat site to win, try our WWF Help Guide for expert tips and tricks to win every game.

Four Simple Steps For Our Words With Friends Word Finder:

  1. Start a new board game of WWF on your favorite platform. Here are the links for WWF word games in the app store: Android, and iOS

  2. At the start of the board game, each player receives seven tiles/letters. For example,let’s say you are dealt these random letters: T N A G O I, or even blank tiles. Enter these letters into our Words With Friends cheat and then the fun begins!

  3. Our Words With Friends helper will give you a list of best words with your letters, like AUTOING 11. The letters will be grouped by length, so if you notice any 7 letter words from the results, you will be rewarded with a bingo worth 35 extra points!

    If letters are already on the board then you can add the letter you want to start from in your letter search to find the best words to play with the highest point value.

  4. Repeat over and over again, until you win.

Advanced Options

  • Starts With: You can choose what tile or tiles (letter or letters) you want all the unscrambled word answers to start with.

  • Ends With: You can choose the ending letters for your unscrambled words.

  • Max Length: You can choose the maximum length for your unscrambled words. For example, if you choose 4 Letters, you will only get 4 letter words, 3 letter words, and 2 letter words, no matter how many letters you enter.

This Words With Friends cheat also works with Words With Friends 2, Scrabble, Text Twist, Daily Jumble, and other similar word scramble games.

What is Words With Friends?

Words With Friends, also called WWF, is a fun multiplayer word game created by & owned by Zynga, formerly «Newtoy.» Words With Friends is one of the most popular online word scramble games in the world! Millions of people play every day.
The game is very competitive, so there are many WWF word search tools, word solver, and WWF Help guides are available (ours is best, of course!).

How Can I Get Words With Friends?

You can download and play Words With Friends on IOS, Android, Windows phones, tablets, and Kindle Fire. WWF is also available on social media platforms, such as Facebook.

You can download the Words With Friends Apps here

  • Google Play Store — Android
  • Apple App Store — iPhone

If you want to play on the social media platforms, log on to Facebook and search «Words With Friends» and you will surely find it.

WWF = Words With Friends

How to Play Words With Friends

The rules of the game are mostly the same as Scrabble, with a few crucial differences:

  • The arrangement of the bonus tiles on the board for each word game is different
  • The point value of each letter or tile is different
  • The Scrabble Word Dictionary is different than the Words With Friends Dictionary. WWF uses the ENABLE (ENHANCED NORTH AMERICAN LEXICON) dictionary with 173,000+ words in its word list.
  • Since they use different dictionaries, each game has its own cheat: Scrabble Cheat & Words With Friends Cheat

See below for an example of the Words With Friends game board on IOS.

Example Words With Friends Board

words with friends cheat board
image courtesy of Wikipedia

At the start of the game, you are given seven random letters. Your task is forming words on the board in crossword puzzle style fashion. You can form words horizontally or vertically.
You should try to score as many points possible for each word you place on the board because the highest score wins.

Rules of the Game

  • The first word must be placed so that one of the letters is on the star in the center of the board.
  • All other words after the first word is played, must be placed so that at least one tile is shared from a previous word on the board.
  • Each tile must be placed to make words only horizontally or vertically.
  • You can make more than 1 word when you place your tiles.
  • You can’t place a tile if it makes an invalid word on another set of tiles. Use our WWF dictionary to check the validity of a word.
  • The game ends when one of the players uses all tiles in his or her rack and there are no tiles left to draw from.
  • The game can also end prematurely if three turns pass with no scoring turns, if the score is not 0 to 0

How to Score Points

  • 35 bonus points are given to any player who uses all seven tiles at once. Be sure to brush up on 7 letter words.
  • If you create multiple words in a single turn, score each word separately, including bonuses. You receive the total of all words and bonuses combined.
  • Bonus Tiles:

    Use bonus tiles to boost your score quickly

    • DL (double score of letter/tile)
    • TL (triple score of letter or tile)
    • DW (double word score)
    • TL (triple word score)

Tips on Winning in Words With Friends and WWF 2

  • Learn the Board

    One of the best bits about WWF is the fact that is has a built-in a robot that accurately and automatically shows you your potential score, with scrabble you have to do this in your head. Use this to your advantage to see which word is going to score you more.

    Running through all your possibilities is the best way to find all the best moves and learn the board.

  • Defense vs Offense

    Although it is good to score as many points as possible, sometimes playing a lower scoring word or skipping a turn in a tactical way is going to win you the game. Try to use up the bonus squares or add an ‘S’ every now and aging if it’s going to prevent your opponent from using them or going in a favorable place on the board.

    You need to assume that every opportunity that appears to you, you’re opponent will see it too. Be wary of other players that play this way, you could be in for a long yet interesting game if you’re both doing this. Sometimes they can go for days.

  • Educate Yourself

    Words are literally your friend with this game, the more you know the more chance you have of coming up with the highest score. One of the best things you can do to educate yourself id to use the WWF dictionary or word cheat such as this WWF Word Finder.

    You’re not cheating by doing this, you’re merely learning and allowing yourself to become more educated. Nothing beats the power of language, reading on a regular basis, looking up the meaning of words that your opponents use and making notes of words you’ve come across are great ways of furthering your knowledge could lead to you winning a large proportion of your games.

  • Parallel Play

    tactic that is commonly used to win in Word With Friends is parallel play. It will make you better at playing and also make it more challenging for your opponent. To do this you should try to avoid going across your opponent’s word. Try to match consonants with vowels and do the same with vowels to consonants. This way you are going be getting pints for creating multiple words on a regular basis whilst preventing them from doing the same. The best thing you can do to help this trick work is to become familiar with two-letter words, so do a little research and have few ready to pull out of your sleeve.

Here are the full WWF Help Guide including strategies on how to win every game.

Words With Friends Help & Tips

The game’s object is to find the best words and score the highest amount of points, and usually, to do so, you have to keep your opponent’s score low.

How can I Win More in Words With Friends?

  • The Shuffle button rearranges your letters in a different order. This may make it easier for you to visualize new word possibilities.
  • Please don’t make it easy for your opponent! Ensure you are very aware of the words that can be played based on the letter you put out. You may set them up for all kinds of bonuses, unintentionally.
  • Don’t be afraid to try words that you don’t know. What’s the worst that could happen if you put in a word that’s not real? Try to hit the bonuses when doing so.
  • As stated before, go for bonuses. Go for double letter and triple letter blocks whenever possible.
  • Make sure you study the board before you make your next move. You could be overlooking tons of points or giving away points.
  • Make sure you know this word list of two-letter words, ex, za, qi, and xu. Two-letter words are a good chance for easy points if you know them.
  • Please take a look at our full WWF Guide for more detail or try our Word Generator.

Words With Friends is all about strategy. With a little bit of planning, word knowledge of best words [playable], and attention to detail, you can win every game. Also, remember, a good defense helps you win games.

Words With Friends FAQs

Here are a few answers to commonly asked questions about Words With Friends and WWF 2. If you can’t find the answer here, then you are sure to find it on our Help Guide.

  • What Dictionary Does Words With Friends Use?

    Words With Friends and Words With Friends 2 both use the ENABLE dictionary. In case you wanted to know, ENABLE is an acronym for the Enhanced North American Benchmark Lexicon. This dictionary is similar to Scrabble’s, but it uses a lot more social words and abbreviations. The board layout is very similar as well.

  • What is the Highest Scoring Word in Words With Friends?

    Not including bonuses, oxyphenbutazone, is worth 44 points and has 15 letters. The chances of spelling this word are very slim, to say the least.

    Oxyphenbutazone is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication, so becareful when playing Words with Friend against medical professionals. They have a leg up!

  • What is the Green Button on the WWF App?

    It is the Word Radar power-up button. If you click it, it will show you where you can place letters on the board. This isn’t always helpful if there are a lot of places to lay a word down, but it is worth a shot.

    Other Power-ups

    • Swap+

      This power-up allows you to swap tiles without losing your turn.

    • Hindsight

      Hindsight power-up lets you see the best possible move that could have been made on your previous turn. This power-up wont help you on your current turn, but it will help you learn for future turns.

    • Word Clue

      the Word Clue power-up is similar to Word Radar. It helps you figure out where a word should go, but it only highlights one place on the board and the letters to go along with it.

  • What is the Flame Emoji (🔥) and number on WWf?

    According to the Words With Friends Help page, the fire emoji, represents a streak between you and an opponent.

    • You or your friend must play a move within 24 hours for two consecutive days.
    • On the third day of continuous game play, a fire emoji (showing 2) will appear indicating the start of the streak. The number beside it is the Days of streak.
    • One of you must play the next move within 24 hours from the previous move to maintain the streak.
  • What is Word of the Day?

    The Word of the day gives you an uncommon word daily that can be used in a WWF game.

  • How do I report a problem on Words With Friends?

    • On your main screen, tap “Profile”.
    • Next, tap on “Help.”
    • This will bring you to our “Help and Support” window where you can find different self-help topics depending on the issue you are having.
    • If you can’t find the answers to your questions, simply tap on the “Contact Us” (iOS) or «Conversation» (Android) button in the upper right-hand corner.

    The above details are taking from the Zynga support website to ensure the information is updated and accurate.

  • How do I contact Words With Friends?

    Zynga Customer Service Phone Number (800) 762-2530. You can give them a ring if you have any questions or issues.

What is Words With Friends 2?

Words With Friends 2 is the sequel to the Words With Friends word game, also created by Zynga. It was released in September 2017.

Words With Friends 2 has more game modes than WWF. You can play against your friends in lightning duels or play solo. There is also the addition of 50,000 new words!

The rules remained the same as they were in Words With Friends. The board layout, bonus tiles & letter value also remained the same.

Here is a link to the new game:
Words With Friends 2. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook

WWF Letter Values

Here is a break down of the value of each letter/tile in WWF. Z, Q, J are the most valuable, so, it is a good idea to study words with those tiles/letters!

  • A 1
  • B 4
  • C 4
  • D 2
  • E 1
  • F 4
  • G 3
  • H 3
  • I 1
  • J 10
  • K 5
  • L 2
  • M 4
  • N 2
  • O 1
  • P 4
  • Q 10
  • R 1
  • S 1
  • T 1
  • U 2
  • V 5
  • W 4
  • X 8
  • Y 3
  • Z 10

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