Big word meaning confused

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Can you give you an example of a sentence with the word confused?

technically, your question is a sentence with the word
‘confused’ in it…

What is the root word for confusion?

the root word is confuse

Is confuzzled a real word?

Yes, it is a word combining confused and puzzled

What part of speech is the word perplexed?

The word perplexed is an adjective. It means to be confused.

What is an synonym for the word disturbed?

upset, confused, troubled




1. Being unable to think with clarity or act with understanding and intelligence.


a. Lacking logical order or sense: a confused set of rules.

b. Chaotic; jumbled: a confused mass of papers.

con·fus′ed·ly (-fyo͞o′zĭd-lē) adv.

con·fus′ed·ness n.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




1. feeling or exhibiting an inability to understand; bewildered; perplexed

2. in a disordered state; mixed up; jumbled

3. (Social Welfare) lacking sufficient mental abilities for independent living, esp through old age

confusedly adv

conˈfusedness n

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Adj. 1. confused - perplexed by many conflicting situations or statementsconfused — perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements; filled with bewilderment; «obviously bemused by his questions»; «bewildered and confused»; «a cloudy and confounded philosopher»; «just a mixed-up kid»; «she felt lost on the first day of school»

at sea, baffled, bewildered, confounded, mazed, mixed-up, befuddled, bemused, lost

perplexed — full of difficulty or confusion or bewilderment; «perplexed language»; «perplexed state of the world»

2. confused - lacking orderly continuityconfused — lacking orderly continuity; «a confused set of instructions»; «a confused dream about the end of the world»; «disconnected fragments of a story»; «scattered thoughts»

garbled, disjointed, disordered, illogical, scattered, unconnected, disconnected

incoherent — without logical or meaningful connection; «a turgid incoherent presentation»

3. confused — having lost your bearings; confused as to time or place or personal identity; «I frequently find myself disoriented when I come up out of the subway»; «the anesthetic left her completely disoriented»

disoriented, lost

unoriented — not having position or goal definitely set or ascertained; «engaged in unoriented study»; «unoriented until she looked at the map»

4. confused - thrown into a state of disarray or confusionconfused — thrown into a state of disarray or confusion; «troops fleeing in broken ranks»; «a confused mass of papers on the desk»; «the small disordered room»; «with everything so upset»

disordered, upset, broken

disorganised, disorganized — lacking order or methodical arrangement or function; «a disorganized enterprise»; «a thousand pages of muddy and disorganized prose»; «she was too disorganized to be an agreeable roommate»

5. confused — mentally confused; unable to think with clarity or act intelligently; «the flood of questions left her bewildered and confused»

perplexed — full of difficulty or confusion or bewilderment; «perplexed language»; «perplexed state of the world»

clearheaded, clear-thinking — not mentally confused; able to think clearly and act intelligently

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



1. bewildered, puzzled, baffled, at sea, muddled, dazed, perplexed, at a loss, taken aback, disorientated, muzzy (U.S. informal), nonplussed, flummoxed, at sixes and sevens, thrown off balance, discombobulated (informal, chiefly U.S. & Canad.), not with it (informal), not knowing if you are coming or going People are confused about what they should eat to stay healthy.
bewildered aware, with it (informal), informed, switched-on (informal), enlightened, on the ball (informal), sussed (Brit. slang)

2. disorderly, disordered, chaotic, mixed up, jumbled, untidy, out of order, in disarray, topsy-turvy, disorganized, higgledy-piggledy (informal), at sixes and sevens, disarranged, disarrayed The situation remains confused as both sides claim victory. Everything lay in a confused heap on the floor.
disorderly ordered, in order, arranged, organized, tidy, orderly

«If you are sure you understand everything that is going on, you are hopelessly confused» [Walter Mondale]
«Anyone who isn’t confused doesn’t really understand the situation» [Ed Murrow (on the Vietnam War)]

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



2. Characterized by physical confusion:

The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.







ruglaîur, ringlaîurruglingslegur, óskipulegur






bối rối


[kənˈfjuːzd] ADJ

Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[kənˈfjuːzd] adj

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(kənˈfjuːz) verb

1. to put in disorder. He confused the arrangements by arriving late.

2. to mix up in one’s mind. I always confuse John and his twin brother.

3. to make puzzled. He completely confused me by his questions.

conˈfused adjective

1. mixed up. The message I received was rather confused.

2. mixed up in the mind. in a confused state of mind.

conˈfusedly (-zidli) adverbconˈfusion (-ʒən) noun

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


مُرْتَبِك zmatený forvirret verwirrt μπερδεμένος confundido sekava confus zbunjen confuso 当惑した 당황한 verward forvirret zdezorientowany confuso спутанный förvirrad ที่สับสน kafası karışık bối rối 困惑的

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


a. confuso-a, confundido-a, distraído-a;


to be ___estar ___, confundirse.

English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


adj confundido; to get o become — confundirse

English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

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[ kuhn-fyoozd ]

/ kənˈfyuzd /


not thinking coherently or rationally; bewildered; perplexed: My attempt to explain was met with confused stares and shrugging shoulders.Hopelessly confused, I just tossed my trash into what I thought was the right receptacle.

incorrectly differentiated, identified, or associated: You’re getting him confused with another player with the same name—this one plays for the Twins.In this lesson, students learn the frequently confused words their, they’re, and there.

without order; jumbled:Over time, the original neat lines of tents grew into a confused tangle of canvas-roofed shelters.What was once an imposing fortress is now just a confused heap of erect and fallen stones.

disconcerted, perturbed, or ashamed: I emerged from the office red-faced and confused.

expressed in a way that is not easily understood:The novel plods along trying to provide hopelessly confused technical detail, much of which is blatantly impossible according to the elementary laws of physics.


the simple past tense and past participle of confuse.



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Which sentence is correct?

Origin of confused

First recorded in 1350–1400; confuse + -ed2 for the adjective senses; confuse + -ed1 for the verb sense


con·fus·ed·ly [kuhn-fyoo-zid-lee, —fyoozd-], /kənˈfyu zɪd li, -ˈfyuzd-/, adverbcon·fus·ed·ness, nounpre·con·fus·ed·ly, adverbsu·per·con·fused, adjective

un·con·fused, adjectiveun·con·fus·ed·ly, adverb

Words nearby confused

Confucianism, Confucius, con fuoco, confusable, confuse, confused, confused elderly, confused flour beetle, confusing, confusion, confusticate Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to confused

baffled, befuddled, bewildered, dazed, disorganized, distracted, muddled, perplexed, perturbed, puzzled, chaotic, messy, abashed, addled, discombobulated, disconcerted, flummoxed, flustered, gone, misled

How to use confused in a sentence

  • This disjuncture — between the rapidly rising case counts and relatively relaxed social life — has left some confused, and others complacent.

  • Her confidence plummeted, and she was confused about the options the district laid out for how she could finish the class.

  • You become confused, wary, uncertain what to believe or how to act.

  • When another doctor had tried to take her medical history the night before, Johnson was too confused to provide it.

  • These imperfections—and the surrealist quality of the memes—will keep them from being confused for reality.

  • Unfortunately, the most confused Ebola alarmists had millions of followers: Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter.

  • I think he sometimes got it confused, particularly in his storytelling.

  • He said his son was confused why he was being pulled over—other cars had been speeding by him—before hanging up the phone.

  • It began when a classmate raised her hand and stated that she was confused about the facts of the case.

  • “I fall very much on the pessimistic spectrum, in the sense that I get very confused about it,” she says.

  • The crowd shuffled off in all directions, and then engaged in a confused struggle for the chairs.

  • Results are in terms of bulk of precipitate, which must not be confused with percentage by weight.

  • She now understood nearly all that was said directly to her, though she could not follow general and confused conversation.

  • He gave me some instructions, but I was too confused to understand them, and too shy to ask questions.

  • Irregular spurts of musketry heralded the appearance of confused masses of armed men.

British Dictionary definitions for confused


feeling or exhibiting an inability to understand; bewildered; perplexed

in a disordered state; mixed up; jumbled

lacking sufficient mental abilities for independent living, esp through old age

Derived forms of confused

confusedly (kənˈfjuːzɪdlɪ, -ˈfjuːzd-), adverbconfusedness, noun

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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From the verb confuse: (⇒ conjugate)
confused is: Click the infinitive to see all available inflections
v past
v past p

WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

con•fused /kənˈfyuzd/USA pronunciation  

    1. hard to understand; mixed up;
      unclear:Your writing seems confused.
    2. (of a person) having difficulty understanding or doing something:The two confused tourists got lost in the mall.

    con•fus•ed•ly /kənˈfyuzɪdli/USA pronunciation  adv. 
    con•fus•ed•ness, n. [uncountable]

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

conˈfused /kənˈfjuːzd/ adj

  1. feeling or exhibiting an inability to understand; bewildered; perplexed
  2. in a disordered state; mixed up; jumbled
  3. lacking sufficient mental abilities for independent living, esp through old age

confusedly /kənˈfjuːzɪdlɪ -ˈfjuːzd-/ adv conˈfusedness n

WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

con•fuse /kənˈfyuz/USA pronunciation  
v. [+ object], -fused, -fus•ing. 

  1. to cause to make a mistake;
    mix up: The flood of questions confused me.
  2. to make hard to understand, unclear, or indistinct:Let’s not confuse matters.
  3. to fail to distinguish between (two things):I always confuse the twins.[+ object + with + object]I always confuse one twin with the other.

    confuse is a verb, confusion is a noun, confused and confusing are adjectives:All those numbers just confused me. The airport was a scene of confusion. Confused students looked at one another nervously. It was a confusing homework problem.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(kən fyo̅o̅z),USA pronunciation v.t., -fused, -fus•ing. 

  1. to perplex or bewilder:The flood of questions confused me.
  2. to make unclear or indistinct:The rumors and angry charges tended to confuse the issue.
  3. to fail to distinguish between; associate by mistake;
    confound:to confuse dates; He always confuses the twins.
  4. to disconcert or abash:His candor confused her.
  5. to combine without order;
    disorder:Try not to confuse the papers on the desk.
  6. [Archaic.]to bring to ruin or naught.
  • Latin confūsus, past participle of confundere; see confound
  • Anglo-French confus (with -eded2 maintaining participial sense)
  • back formation from confused (since early 19th century), Middle English confused

con•fusa•ble, adj. 
con•fus′a•bili•ty, n. 
con•fusa•bly, adv. 

(kən fyo̅o̅zid lē, -fyo̅o̅zd-),USA pronunciation adv. 

con•fused•ness, n. 

    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged mystify, nonplus.
      Confuse, disconcert, embarrass imply temporary interference with the clear working of one’s mind.
      To confuse is to produce a general bewilderment:to confuse someone by giving complicated directions.To disconcert is to disturb one’s mind by irritation, perplexities, etc.:to disconcert someone by asking irrelevant questions.To embarrass is to cause one to be ill at ease or uncomfortable, so that one’s usual judgment and presence of mind desert one:to embarrass someone by unexpected rudeness.
    • 4.See corresponding entry in Unabridged mortify, shame.
    • 5.See corresponding entry in Unabridged disarray, disarrange, disturb.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

confuse /kənˈfjuːz/ vb (transitive)

  1. to bewilder; perplex
  2. to mix up (things, ideas, etc); jumble
  3. to make unclear: he confused his talk with irrelevant details
  4. to fail to recognize the difference between; mistake (one thing) for another
  5. to disconcert; embarrass
  6. to cause to become disordered: the enemy ranks were confused by gas

Etymology: 18th Century: back formation from confused, from Latin confūsus mingled together, from confundere to pour together; see confound

conˈfusable adj n

confused‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

  • 1

    1) приводи́ть в замеша́тельство, смуща́ть; сбива́ть с то́лку

    2) сме́шивать, спу́тывать;

    3) помрача́ть созна́ние

    4) производи́ть беспоря́док; приводи́ть в беспоря́док; создава́ть пу́таницу

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > confuse

  • 2

    Персональный Сократ > confuse

  • 3

    1. III

    1) confuse smb. confuse a girl привести девушку и т. д. в смущение /в замешательство/; all this talking confuses me вся эта болтовня сбивает меня с толку; too many new objects confused me обилие незнакомых предметов привело меня в замешательство; they asked so many questions that they confused me они задавали столько вопросов, что я растерялся

    2) confuse smb., smth. confuse the twins you are confusing two perfectly different things вы путаете две совершенно разные вещи; let’s not confuse the issues не нужно смешивать разные вопросы

    2. IV

    confuse smb. in some manner confuse smb. deliberately /purposely/ умышленно и т. д. смущать кого-л. /приводить кого-л. в смущение или замешательство/

    3. XI

    1) be confused be [utterly] confused находиться /быть/ в [полном] смущении или замешательстве; get /become/ confused смутиться, смешаться, прийти в замешательство; stand confused стоять в смущении или в замешательстве; look confused иметь смущенный вид; she blushed and looked confused она покраснела и смутилась; be confused at /by/ smth. he was confused at his error /by his blunder/ ему стало стыдно за свою ошибку; she was confused at the question она сконфузилась, когда ей задали этот вопрос

    2) be /become/, etc.) confused my papers became confused in moving мой бумаги и т. д. перепутались /перемещались/ при переезде; my ideas on the ‘subject are rather confused у меня весьма туманное /путаное/ представление об этом предмете /деле/; if you try to learn too many things at the same time, you may get confused если вы будете стараться постигнуть сразу слишком много, у вас все перепутается в голове

    4. XXI1

    1) confuse smth. with smth. confuse Austria with Australia confuse smb. wi th smb. confuse me with smb. else путать меня с кем-то еще и т. д.; принимать меня за кого-то другого и т. д.

    2) confuse smb. by /with/ smth. confuse a pupil by too difficult a question приводить ученика в смущение или в замешательство слишком трудным /сложным/ вопросом и т. д.

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > confuse

  • 4

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > confuse

  • 5


    1. смущать, приводить в замешательство

    to confuse a pupil by difficult questions — смутить ученика трудными вопросами

    2. смешивать, спутывать

    to confuse two authors of the same name — спутать двух писателей с одинаковой фамилией

    to confuse two words of similar spelling — спутать два слова с одинаковым написанием

    3. запутывать, усложнять

    НБАРС > confuse

  • 6

    kənˈfju:z гл.
    1) а) смешивать, спутывать( with) I always confuse him with his brother. ≈ Я всегда путаю этого человека с его братом. We in reality confuse wealth with money. ≈ На самом деле мы смешиваем понятия богатства и денег. б) затемнять, замутнять (смысл) Syn: blur
    2) перемешивать в беспорядке, приводить в беспорядок Syn: jumble
    3) а) конфузить, смущать б) запутывать, сбивать с толку( with) The teacher confused the student with too many questions. ≈ Преподаватель засыпал студента вопросами, чем окончательно запутал его. Syn: bewilder, confound, dumbfound, nonplus, abash Ant: clarify, encourage, hearten, help, reassure
    смущать, приводить в замешательство;
    — to * a pupil by difficult questions смутить ученика трудными вопросами смешивать, спутывать;
    — to * two authors of the same name спутать двух писателей с одинаковой фамилией;
    — to * two words of similar spelling спутать два слова с одинаковым написанием;
    — to * money with happiness отождествлять богатство и счастье запутывать, усложнять;
    — stop confusing the issue перестаньте запутывать вопрос
    confuse запутывать ~ смешивать ~ смущать

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > confuse

  • 7



    I always confuse him with his brother. — Я всегда путаю этого человека с его братом.

    We in reality confuse wealth with money. — На деле мы путаем богатство с деньгами.


    3) конфузить, смущать

    4) запутывать, сбивать с толку

    The teacher confused the student with too many questions. — Преподаватель засыпал студента вопросами, чем окончательно сбил его с толку.



    Англо-русский современный словарь > confuse

  • 8



    1) смущать, приводить в замешательство

    confuse smb

    — be confused

    2) путать, спутывать, смешивать, теряться

    The old man was completely confused by all the traffic. — При виде такого Уличного движения старик совсем растерялся.


    Значение глагола to confuse и сочетания to be/to get confused связано с понятием смущения, замешательства, растерянности, образно связано с потерей ориентации, что отражается в следующих примерах: You have lost me. — What do you mean? Ты не следишь за моей мыслью. — Что ты имеешь в виду? I was completely at sea. Я совершенно не знал/не понимал. что делать/что происходит. I felt adrift and alone, with no real sense of direction. Я чувствовал себя покинутым и беспомощным, не понимал, что делать/куда все идет. I seem to have lost my bearing. Я потерял всякую ориентацию/не понимаю, что происходит/не знаю, что делать. I don’t know if I am coming or going. Совсем не понимаю, что делаю. I feel like a fish out of water. Я чувствую себя как рыба, вытащенная из воды. /Я чувствую себя не в своей тарелке. You’ve got it all back to front. Ты все поставил с ног на голову/вывернул все наизнанку/перепутал


    Русским возвратным глаголам на -ся в английском языке соответствуют две конструкции. Первая — это конструкция get + Participle II: get (become) confused/embarrassed (hurt, frightened) смущаться (обидеться, испугаться). В этом случае подразумеваются две стороны, участвующие в ситуации: одна, испытывающая смущение (обиду, испуг), и другая, вызывающая эти чувства. Вторая — это конструкция с возвратным местоимением oneself: to repeat oneself (to forget oneself, to justify oneself, to cut oneself) повторяться (забываться, оправдываться, порезаться). В этом случае есть только один участник ситуации, на которого и направлено действие.

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > confuse

  • 9


    confuse запутывать confuse смешивать confuse смущать

    English-Russian short dictionary > confuse

  • 10

    1. смущать: to confuse smb — смущать кого-либо, поставить кого-либо в тупик; to be (to become, to get) confused — смущаться; 2. смешивать, путать: to confuse dates, names — путать даты, имена
    Русским возвратным глаголам на —ся в английском языке соответствуют две конструкции. Первая — это конструкция get + Participle II:

    get (become) confused (embarrassed, hurt, frightened, etc.) — смущаться (обидеться, испугаться и т. п.).

    В этом случае подразумеваются две стороны, участвующие в ситуации, — одна, испытывающая смущение (обиду, испуг), и другая, вызывающая эти чувства. Вторая — это конструкция с возвратным местоимением oneself:

    to repeat oneself (to forget oneself, to justify oneself, to cut oneself, etc.) — повторяться (забываться, оправдываться, порезаться и т. п.).

    В этом случае есть только один участник ситуации, на которого и направлено действие.

    English-Russian word troubles > confuse

  • 11


    1) смешивать, спутывать

    2) приводить в замешательство, смущать

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > confuse

  • 12

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > confuse

  • 13

    1. v смущать, приводить в замешательство

    2. v смешивать, спутывать

    3. v запутывать, усложнять

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. addle (verb) addle; ball up; discombobulate; distract; dizzy; fuddle; mull; throw off; throw out

    3. bewilder (verb) baffle; befuddle; bewilder; daze; disorient; metagrobolize; mystify; nonplus; perplex; pose; puzzle; stumble; throw

    4. blend (verb) blend; combine; intermingle; intermix; mingle

    6. disconcert (verb) abash; chagrin; discomfit; discomfort; disconcert; discountenance; disturb; embarrass; faze; fluster; mortify; put out; rattle; shame; startle

    8. jumble (verb) disarray; disorder; entangle; jumble; mess up; obfuscate; scramble; snarl

    9. misrepresent (verb) belie; color; distort; falsify; garble; miscolor; misrepresent; misstate; pervert; twist; warp; wrench; wrest

    10. mistake (verb) confound; err; lump together; misconstrue; misdeem; misidentify; mistake; misunderstand; mix

    Антонимический ряд:

    clarify; enlighten

    English-Russian base dictionary > confuse

  • 14

    Англо-русский технический словарь > confuse

  • 15

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > confuse

  • 16

    kənˈfju:zприводить в замешательство, смешивать, спутывать

    Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов > confuse

  • 17

    Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > confuse

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    1) Общая лексика: запутывать, конфузить, перемешивать, помрачать сознание, помрачить сознание, привести в беспорядок, привести в замешательство, приводить в беспорядок, приводить в замешательство, произвести беспорядок, производить беспорядок, путать, сбивать с толку, сбить с толку, смешивать, смутить, создавать путаницу, создать путаницу, спутать , усложнять, вносить смуту, смешать, смущать, спутывать, сбить с панталыку, задурить голову, ошибочно приписывать чему-либо, ошибочно связывать с, соотносить

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > confuse

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    смешивать, спутывать

    затемнять, замутнять

    перемешивать в беспорядке, приводить в беспорядок

    конфузить, смущать

    запутывать, сбивать с толку

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > confuse

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    1) спут(ыв)ать, смещ(ив)ать; затемнять, запутывать; сбивать с толку; перемешивать, приводить в беспорядок

    2) конфузить, смущать, смутить

    2000 самых употребительных английских слов > confuse


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См. также в других словарях:

  • Confuse — Con*fuse , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Confused}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Confusing}.] 1. To mix or blend so that things can not be distinguished; to jumble together; to confound; to render indistinct or obscure; as, to confuse accounts; to confuse one s… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • confuse — 1 Confuse, muddle, addle, fuddle, befuddle mean to throw one out mentally so that one cannot think clearly or act intelligently. Confuse usually implies intense embarrassment or bewilderment {you confuse me, and how can I transact business if I… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • confuse — I (bewilder) verb abash, addle, astonish, baffle, befog, befuddle, bemuddle, confound, confundere, daze, discompose, disconcert, distract, embarrass, flurry, fluster, fog, jumble, mislead, mix up, muddle, mystify, nonplus, obfuscate, permiscere,… …   Law dictionary

  • confuse — [v1] bewilder someone abash, addle, amaze, astonish, baffle, becloud, bedevil, befuddle, bemuse, cloud, clutter, complicate, confound, darken, daze, demoralize, discomfit, discompose, disconcert, discountenance, disorient, distract, embarrass,… …   New thesaurus

  • Confuse — Con*fuse , a. [F. confus, L. confusus, p. p. of confundere. See {Confound}.] Mixed; confounded. [Obs.] Baret. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • confuse — 1550s, in literal sense mix or mingle things so as to render the elements indistinguishable; attested from mid 18c. in active, figurative sense of discomfit in mind or feeling; not in general use until 19c., taking over senses formerly belonging… …   Etymology dictionary

  • confuse — ► VERB 1) make bewildered or perplexed. 2) make less easy to understand. 3) mistake (one for another). DERIVATIVES confusable adjective. ORIGIN from Latin confusus, from confundere mix up …   English terms dictionary

  • confuse — [kən fyo͞oz′] vt. confused, confusing [ME confusen < confus, perplexed < OFr < L confusus, pp. of confundere: see CONFOUND] 1. to mix up; jumble together; put into disorder 2. to mix up mentally; specif., a) to bewilder; perplex b) to… …   English World dictionary

  • confuse */*/ — UK [kənˈfjuːz] / US [kənˈfjuz] verb [transitive] Word forms confuse : present tense I/you/we/they confuse he/she/it confuses present participle confusing past tense confused past participle confused 1) to make someone feel that they do not… …   English dictionary

  • confuse — confusable, adj. confusability, n. confusably, adv. confusedly /keuhn fyooh zid lee, fyoohzd /, adv. confusedness, n. /keuhn fyoohz /, v.t., confused, confusing. 1. to pe …   Universalium

  • confuse — 01. Everyone [confuses] me for my sister because we look so much alike. 02. Some of the questions on the test were really [confusing] for me. 03. Some of the questions on the test really [confused] me. 04. I always get [confused] between the past …   Grammatical examples in English

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