Big word for bad

Table of Contents

  1. What is a fancy word for bad?
  2. What is extremely bad or unpleasant?
  3. What does irksome mean?
  4. What does it mean to destroy something?
  5. What does disseminating mean?
  6. What are three synonyms decimated?
  7. What is another word for disseminate?
  8. What is another word for promulgated?
  9. How do you disseminate information?
  10. What are the 3 P’s of dissemination?
  11. What are dissemination activities?
  12. What is a dissemination strategy?
  13. What is the key to effective dissemination?
  14. Why is it important to disseminate information?
  15. How can you improve the dissemination of information?
  16. What is information dissemination example?
  17. What is the most important reason to disseminate research?
  18. What are the steps you need to take to successfully develop a communication and dissemination plan?
  19. What is a communication and dissemination plan?
  20. What challenges are raised by the dissemination and/or communication of knowledge?

1 terrible, awful, appalling, frightful; hideous, grim, ghastly, shocking, revolting, repulsive, horrid, horrendous, horrifying, repellent.

What is another word for bad?

terrible awful
dreadful lousy
poor atrocious
cheap crummy
abysmal horrible

What is extremely bad or unpleasant?

Extremely bad or unpleasant. EXECRABLE. Very bad or unpleasant (10) ABOMINABLE.

What does irksome mean?

English Language Learners Definition of irksome : annoying or irritating.

What does it mean to destroy something?

: to cause (something) to end or no longer exist : to cause the destruction of (something) : to damage (something) so badly that it cannot be repaired. : to kill (an animal) especially because it is sick, injured, or dangerous. informal : to defeat (someone or something) easily or completely.

What does disseminating mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to spread abroad as though sowing seed disseminate ideas. 2 : to disperse throughout. Other Words from disseminate Synonyms Disseminating Information on Disseminate More Example Sentences Learn More About disseminate.

What are three synonyms decimated?


  • annihilate,
  • cream,
  • demolish,
  • desolate,
  • destroy,
  • devastate,
  • do in,
  • extinguish,

What is another word for disseminate?

In this page you can discover 36 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for disseminate, like: distribute, propagate, sow, broadcast, spread, radiate, promulgate, blaze, circularise, circulate and disperse.

What is another word for promulgated?

Some common synonyms of promulgate are announce, declare, and proclaim. While all these words mean “to make known publicly,” promulgate implies the proclaiming of a dogma, doctrine, or law.

How do you disseminate information?

Common methods of dissemination include:

  1. Publishing program or policy briefs.
  2. Publishing project findings in national journals and statewide publications.
  3. Presenting at national conferences and meetings of professional associations.
  4. Presenting program results to local community groups and other local stakeholders.

What are the 3 P’s of dissemination?

There are three main methods of (external) dissemination, also known as the three Ps: posters, presentations, and papers.

What are dissemination activities?

The list includes all types of dissemination including publications, conferences, workshops, web, press releases, flyers, articles published in the popular press, videos, media briefings, presentations, interviews, films, TV clips, posters and other.

What is a dissemination strategy?

Dissemination strategies aim to spread knowledge and the associated evidence-based interventions on a wide scale within or across geographic locations, practice settings, or social or other networks of end-users such as patients and health care providers.

What is the key to effective dissemination?

1 The most successful dissemination strategies will be those that actively engage users and deliver what the users both want and need. Ensuring that you have engaged your users in an early consultation exercise to establish their needs and wants is an essential part of your project’s work.

Why is it important to disseminate information?

Information is often disseminated in the hope that individuals and entities in an organisation will improve their knowledge base and subsequently make better judgements in future situations. Information is often disseminated in order to educate, explain or promote a concept, process or principle.

How can you improve the dissemination of information?


  1. Expand your co-authorship base.
  2. Select your title and keywords wisely.
  3. Make your articles open access.
  4. Effective use of online social media.
  5. Create and share podcasts.
  6. Sharing research outputs other than the manuscript.
  7. Create a personal blog.

What is information dissemination example?

An example of this transmission of information is in fields of advertising, public announcements and speeches. Another way to look at dissemination is that of which it derives from the Latin roots, the scattering of seeds. These seeds are metaphors for voice or words: to spread voice, words, and opinion to an audience.

What is the most important reason to disseminate research?

Why is dissemination important? Creating a sound dissemination strategy for a research project will lead to increased awareness of the research and, therefore, maximize the impact that the research can have in improving the health outcomes of the patients that will benefit from it.

What are the steps you need to take to successfully develop a communication and dissemination plan?

Dissemination and communication

  • Plan for dissemination. Research. Planning.
  • Consider your target audience.
  • Select key messages.
  • Consider dissemination options.
  • Develop appropriate materials.
  • Consider other ways to improve accessibility.
  • Implement your strategy.
  • Evaluate effectiveness of dissemination.

What is a communication and dissemination plan?

The Communication & Dissemination Plan (CDP) of the CARE project arranges all dissemination activities within the project and it provides the guidelines for the dissemination to be followed by all partners. – How to communicate – the methodology (channels and tools).

What challenges are raised by the dissemination and/or communication of knowledge?

Therefore, the major challenges raised from communicating historical knowledge through just one text are twofold; it can create a narrow perception and fails to establish a more expansive awareness of the subject matter.

What is another word for bad?

terrible awful
dreadful lousy
poor atrocious
cheap crummy
abysmal horrible

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horrible, terrible, hostile, miserable

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Q: What are some big words for the word bad?

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  1. appalling.
  2. awful.
  3. bad.
  4. beastly.
  5. detestable.
  6. disgusting.
  7. dreadful.
  8. execrable.

What is a better word for sorry?

In this page you can discover 99 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for sorry, like: sorrowful, apologetic, regretful, grieved, remorseful, contrite, penitent, melted, regret, pitiful and beggarly.

How do you politely say no?

How to Say “No” for Any Reason at All!

  1. I wish I could make it work.
  2. I wish I were able to.
  3. I’d rather not.
  4. I’m afraid I can’t.
  5. If only I could!
  6. No thanks, I won’t be able to make it.
  7. Not this time.
  8. Unfortunately, it’s not a good time.

How do you say something is really good?

synonyms for very good

  1. brilliant.
  2. fantastic.
  3. heroic.
  4. impressive.
  5. outstanding.
  6. remarkable.
  7. sublime.
  8. superlative.

How do you describe really bad?

1 terrible, awful, appalling, frightful; hideous, grim, ghastly, shocking, revolting, repulsive, horrid, horrendous, horrifying, repellent.

33 related questions found

What do you call a terrible person?

It would get old to simply call them all evil, though. Luckily, there are better words for ‘evil’ than simply ‘evil’ and ‘very bad’. For example, if someone is very evil, you can call them nefarious or depraved.

What are 5 good synonyms?

  • enjoyable, pleasant, agreeable, pleasing, pleasurable, delightful, great, nice, lovely, amusing, diverting, jolly, merry, lively, festive, cheerful, convivial, congenial, sociable.
  • informal super, fantastic, fabulous, fab, terrific, glorious, grand, magic, out of this world, cool.

How do you use had?

Had had is the past perfect form of have when it is used as a main verb to describe our experiences and actions. We use the past perfect when we are talking about the past and want to refer back to an earlier past time, Madiini.

What word can I use instead of would?

synonyms for would

  • authorize.
  • bid.
  • decree.
  • enjoin.
  • exert.
  • intend.
  • request.
  • resolve.

Did what I had to do meaning?

‘I Did What I Had To Do’ generally involves an after-the-fact justification for morally questionable actions. The culprit presents this statement when he’s confronted with a «What Were You Thinking?» or «What the Hell, Hero?» reaction from someone (particularly The Heart) to whom he owes an explanation.

How do you reject nicely?

7 ways to reject someone nicely

  1. Be honest.
  2. Prepare yourself.
  3. Do it face to face.
  4. Stick with «I» statements.
  5. Know that what you’re feeling is normal.
  6. Avoid putting it off.
  7. Don’t give false hope.

What are the polite words?

Words that are polite include «Please,» «Thank you,» and «Excuse me.» «Excuse me» is what I say when I would like the attention of another person.

How do you say no without being rude?

How to Say “No” Without being Rude. 5 Ways!

  1. Be gracious and polite. There is no need to be aggressive or confrontational. …
  2. Sleep on it. Very rarely do people need an immediate response to something. …
  3. Start with what you CAN do vs. what you can’t do. …
  4. Be sympathetic while remaining firm. …
  5. Be brief but honest.

When should I use have or had?

In the present perfect, the auxiliary verb is always have (for I, you, we, they) or has (for he, she, it). In the past perfect, the auxiliary verb is always had. We use have had in the present perfect when the main verb is also “have”: I’m not feeling well.

What are examples of had?

[M] [T] She had to take care of her sister. [M] [T] They had trouble finding the place. [M] [T] Tom told us that he had a headache. [M] [T] We had a very good time last night.

What did you have or had?

1 Answer. «Had» is not the appropriate tense to use in this case: you must use «have». The grammatically correct form of your sentence would be «Did you already have the opportunity to do something?»

How do you say nice in one word?


  1. acceptable.
  2. dandy.
  3. delicious.
  4. delightful.
  5. enjoyable.
  6. fair.
  7. fine.
  8. gratifying.

What is a big word for beautiful?

Some common synonyms of beautiful are comely, fair, handsome, lovely, and pretty. While all these words mean «exciting sensuous or aesthetic pleasure,» beautiful applies to whatever excites the keenest of pleasure to the senses and stirs emotion through the senses.

What are nice things to say?

What to Say to Someone

  • You are more fun than anyone or anything I know, including bubble wrap.
  • You are the most perfect you there is.
  • You are enough.
  • You are one of the strongest people I know.
  • You look great today.
  • You have the best smile.
  • Your outlook on life is amazing.
  • You just light up the room.

big word for

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большое слово для

огромное слово для

That’s a big word for such a small man.

I’m… lying is a big word for me.

What a big word for a little mongrel like you.

That must be a big word for you.

That is called kinesiology, a big word for something very simple.

Happy is a big word for a small word.

«Ilk» was a big word for him.

Speculation is just a big word for «guess.»

I know that «happy» is a big word for many people, but not for me.

It is impossible — it’s just a big word for little people who are hiding.

«Bad» is… It’s such a big word for being such a small word.

«Transformation» is a big word for big change.

Love is a big word for it.

There’s a big word for you.

That’s a big word for a fisherman.

That’s a big word for a little girl.

That’s a big word for such a little man.

FYI, Carlos, «goo» is a big word for «icky stuff.»

Для сведения, Карлос, «слизь» это, проще говоря, гнусно.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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