Big word for amazing


Can you use it in a sentence?

Updated: March 21, 2022

Originally Published: Dec. 28, 2020

Big Words

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Language really is a beautiful thing. Just think about it — all around the world, people are using different languages to speak and communicate with each other. Language is so vast that we can even communicate thoughts and feelings solely by using our bodies. Expanding on your vocabulary is always a great thing, especially if you’re looking for new ways to get your point across. Big meaningful words shouldn’t be intimidating. Instead, these words should be embraced and used way more often. You’re not an egghead if you use different words to express yourself! Rather, you call that a sesquipedalian (aka lover of long words).

Writers love learning unfamiliar words, but so do kids. That means that language can be a blast and an excellent way to bond with your family. Your family can try to use fancy words every day as a challenge. Making those words positive is even better. Right now, our world needs every little bit of cheer it can get, right? So, here are some fun big words for good, words for beautiful, and — of course — the fanciest of words to express love.

Looking for more pages to help boost your brainpower? Check out our funny brain teasers page and are you smarter than a fifth-grader questions.

Big Words for Good

  1. Exceptional — unusually excellent; being out of the ordinary
  2. Positive — fully assured; having or showing a mind free of doubt
  3. Adept — very skilled; proficient
  4. Stupendous — astounding and marvelous
  5. Delightful — highly pleasing
  6. Favorable — winning approval; marked by impressive success
  7. Magnificent — great in deed, or exalted in place; impressive to the mind or spirit
  8. Quintessential — perfectly typical or representative of a particular kind of person or thing
  9. Marvelous — causing wonder; of the highest kind or quality
  10. Tremendous — notable by reason of extreme size, power, greatness, or excellence; being such may excite trembling or arouse dread, awe, or terror
  11. Commonsensical — sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or the facts
  12. Righteous — genuine, excellent
  13. Virtuous — having or exhibiting virtue; morally excellent
  14. Exemplary — deserving imitation because of excellence
  15. Immaculate — having or containing no flaw or error

Big Words for Beautiful

  1. Resplendent — shining brilliantly
  2. Statuesque — majestic dignity, grace, or beauty
  3. Pulchritudinous — physically beautiful
  4. Sublime — supreme or outstanding
  5. Beauteous — beautiful
  6. Ravishing — enchanting; entrancing
  7. Splendiferous — extraordinarily or showily impressive
  8. Ravishing — unusually attractive, pleasing, or striking
  9. Aesthetical — concerning or characterized by an appreciation of beauty or good taste
  10. Bewitching — powerfully or seductively attractive or charming
  11. Exquisite — pleasing through beauty, physical fitness, or perfection
  12. Captivating — charmingly or irresistibly appealing
  13. Comely — having a pleasing appearance
  14. Fetching — attractive, appealing
  15. Alluring — having a strong, attractive, or enticing quality
  16. Junoesque — imposingly tall and shapely
  17. Telegenic — very photogenic

Big Words for Smart

  1. Resourceful — able to deal skillfully with new situations
  2. Prompt — quick or alert
  3. Sagacious — having or showing keen mental discernment or judgment; shrewd
  4. Canny — astute and skilled
  5. Astute — very clever and sometimes cunning
  6. Intelligent — having or indicating a high or satisfactory degree of mental capacity
  7. Insightful — exhibiting or characterized by insight
  8. Perceptive — capable of exhibiting keen insight or sympathetic understanding
  9. Perspicacious — of acute mental vision or discernment
  10. Discerning — showing insight and understanding
  11. Knowledgeable — having or showing knowledge or intelligence
  12. Well-informed — having extensive knowledge, especially of current topics and events
  13. Enlightened — freed from ignorance and misinformation
  14. Comprehending — grasping the nature, significance, or meaning of something
  15. Ingenious — having or showing an unusual aptitude for discovering, inventing, or contriving

Big Words for Amazing

  1. Prodigious — wonderful or marvelous
  2. Astonishing — causing astonishment or surprise; amazing
  3. Astounding — capable of overwhelming with amazement
  4. Phenomenal — highly extraordinary or prodigious; exceptional
  5. Breathtaking — exciting, thrilling; very great, astonishing
  6. Extraordinary — going beyond what is regular or customary; exceptional to a very marked extent
  7. Sensational — exceedingly or unexpectedly excellent or great
  8. Awe-inspiring — that arouses awe
  9. Incomparable — eminent beyond comparison
  10. Indescribable — surpassing description
  11. Ineffable — incapable of being expressed in words
  12. Transcendent — extending or lying beyond the limits of ordinary experience; being beyond comprehension
  13. Wondrous — that is to be marveled at
  14. Majestic — having or exhibiting majesty
  15. Flabbergasting — overwhelming with shock, surprise, or wonder

Big Words About Love

  1. Devotion — earnest attachment to a cause, person, etc
  2. Adulation — excessive devotion to someone; servile compliments and flattery
  3. Allegiance — loyalty or devotion to a person, group, cause, or the like
  4. Amorousness — the act of being in love
  5. Amativeness — relating to or indicative of love
  6. Enamored — affected by strong feelings of love, admiration, or fascination
  7. Enchantment — the act or art of enchanting
  8. Reverence — honor or respect felt or shown
  9. Infatuated — filled with or marked by a foolish or extravagant love or admiration
  10. Affection — a feeling of liking and caring for someone or something; tender attachment
  11. Tenderness — gentleness and affection
  12. Besottedness — related to being blindly or utterly infatuated
  13. Canonize — to treat as illustrious, preeminent, or sacred
  14. Canoodle — to engage in amorous embracing, caressing, and passionate kissing
  15. Predilection — an established preference for something
  16. Fondness — affection for someone or something
  17. Endearment — a phrase that expresses love

Other Big Words to Use

  1. Elucidate — to explain or make something clear
  2. Selcouth — unusual, strange
  3. Halcyon — characterized by happiness, great success, and prosperity
  4. Orphic — mystic, oracular; fascinating, entrancing
  5. Malaise — physical discomfort or a general feeling of being under the weather
  6. Scintillating — something fascinating or brilliantly clever
  7. Ebullience — the quality of lively or enthusiastic expression of thoughts and feelings
  8. Quiddity — whatever makes something the type that it is; the essence
  9. Aeonian — lasting for an immeasurably or indefinitely long period of time
  10. Coruscate — to reflect or give off light in bright beams or flashes; sparkle
  11. Atelophobia — the fear of not doing something right or not being good enough
  12. Cimmerian — very dark or gloomy
  13. Adamancy — the quality or state of being adamant; obstinacy
  14. Evenfall — the beginning of evening, dusk
  15. Orgulous — proud
  16. Parsimonious — frugal
  17. Tantalizing — tormenting or teasing with the sight or promise of something unobtainable; exciting one’s senses or desires
  18. Teasing — in a sexual sense, it means to be sexually arousing
  19. Pulchritudinous — attractive or beautiful
  20. Bellwether — a leader, trendsetter, or boss
  21. Accoutrements — accessories
  22. Magnanimous — courageous, noble, unselfish, or extremely generous
  23. Unencumbered — free or unburdened with responsibilities
  24. Acumen — quickness to judge
  25. Unparagoned — having no equal; matchless, incomparable
  26. Osculator — someone who kisses
  27. Anomalistic — deviation or departure from the norm or rules; phenomenal, exceptional
  28. Usufruct — the right to use and enjoy the profits and advantages of something belonging to another
  29. Luminescent — something that displays light that is not caused by heat
  30. Auspicious — favorable, flourishing
  31. Winebibber — a person who drinks too much wine
  32. Excogitate — thinking of something carefully or thoroughly
  33. Gasconading — to brag or gloat
  34. Idiosyncratic — traits that belong to a person’s character
  35. Nidificate — to nest
  36. Cacophony — a loud, obnoxious blend of sounds
  37. Ennui — feeling simultaneously bored and annoyed
  38. Aquiver — feeling overcome with emotion
  39. Umbrage — displeasure, resentment, or anger
  40. Glib — suave or smooth-talking
  41. Ubiquitous — universal or everywhere
  42. Nefarious — wicked or criminal
  43. Capricious — whimsical, fickle, or careless
  44. Boondoggle — work or activity that is wasteful or pointless but gives the appearance of value
  45. Sycophant — a person who flatters someone important in order to take advantage of them
  46. Mellifluous — sweet or musical, pleasant to hear
  47. Brogue — a strong outdoor shoe, usually made of leather
  48. Intelligentsia — intellectuals who form an artistic, social, or political vanguard or elite
  49. Consanguineous — of the same blood or origin; someone who descends from the same ancestor
  50. Grandiloquenta lofty, extravagantly colorful, pompous, or bombastic style, manner, or quality, especially in language
  51. Psychotomimetic — relating to, involving, or inducing psychotic alteration of behavior and personality
  52. Perfidiousness — a betrayal of trust
  53. Preposterous — contrary to nature, reason, or common sense
  54. Anagnorisis — the point in the plot especially of a tragedy at which the protagonist recognizes his or her or some other character’s true identity or discovers the true nature of his or her own situation
  55. Circumlocution — the use of an unnecessarily large number of words to express an idea

This article was originally published on Dec. 28, 2020

What is a fancy word for amazing?

astonishing, astounding, surprising, bewildering, stunning, staggering, shocking, startling, stupefying, breathtaking, perplexing, confounding, dismaying, disconcerting, shattering. awesome, awe-inspiring, sensational, remarkable, spectacular, stupendous, phenomenal, prodigious, extraordinary, incredible, unbelievable.

What is a bigger word for amazing?

SYNONYMS FOR wonderful 1 awesome, wondrous, miraculous, prodigious, astonishing, amazing, astounding, phenomenal, unique, curious, strange.

Is awesome a professional word?

The general consensus is that “awesome” in the example may be a bit informal for this situation because it is business. You have to evaluate though how well you know these people. It may be better in a more formal setting to say something like “great.”

How do you spell 59?

59 in English Words is : fifty-nine.

What is Word Form 30?


What is the spelling of 30?

Counting Chart: Numbers 1 to 100

1 one 2 two 10 ten
11 eleven 12 twelve 20 twenty
21 twenty- one 22 twenty- two 30 thirty
31 thirty- one 32 thirty- two 40 forty
41 forty- one 42 forty- two 50 fifty

What is the spelling of 50000?

50,000 (fifty thousand) is the natural number that comes after 49,999 and before 50,001.

How do you write 35000 in words in English?

35000 in English Words is : thirty-five thousand.

Why is 50000 called 50K?

So, 50k (lower case) is 50,000, 50K (upper case) is extremely hot! — 50T (upper case) is 50,000,000,000,000 which would be a genuine 50 billion.

How much does 50K mean?

Why is 50k short for 50 thousand? : NoStupidQuestions.

What does 50K stand for?

fifty thousand noun

What is 5K in money?

K stands for 1000, so 5K = 5000.

What does 35k mean?

35k means 35,000, thirty five thousand. K is a symbol used to indicate thousands. In computer terms it usually indicates 35,000 bytes or 35,000 bits.

What is 1K in money?

1k= one thousand (1,000)

Does 5K mean $5000?

For example, 5K money basically just means five thousand (5,000).

What is 30k money?

As such, people occasionally represent the number in a non-standard notation by replacing the last three zeros of the general numeral with “k”: for instance, 30k for 30,000.

How much is 500k in money?

You have just converted five hundred thousand dollars to united states dollar according to the recent foreign exchange rate 1.00. For five hundred thousand dollars you get today 500,000 dollars 00 cents….USD to USD Table.

$500 = $500
$1,000 = $1,000

In this page you can discover 61 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for amazing, like: astonishing, incredible, astounding, phenomenal, marvelous, wondrous, fantastical, prodigious, miraculous, stupendous and fantastic.

What is a fancy word for amazing?

1 awesome, wondrous, miraculous, prodigious, astonishing, amazing, astounding, phenomenal, unique, curious, strange.

What are synonyms that start with A?

a bit abbreviated.

  • abbreviation abound with or in something.
  • abounding abstemious.
  • abstemiousness acclaimed.
  • acclamation ace in the hole.
  • acerbic act or play the fool.
  • act up adduce.
  • adept adorable.
  • What is another word for being a?

    What is another word for being?

    life actuality
    animation living
    reality existence
    existing livelihood
    sustainment sustenance

    What is an acronym for awesome?


    Acronym Definition
    AWESOME Agents, Web Services, and Ontologies: Integrated Methodologies
    AWESOME Angina with Extremely Serious Operative Mortality Evaluation

    What can I use instead of awesome?


    • amazing,
    • astonishing,
    • astounding,
    • awful,
    • eye-opening,
    • fabulous,
    • marvelous.
    • (or marvellous),

    What can I say instead of starters?

    synonyms for for starters

    • first off.
    • to begin with.

    What is a fancy word for start?

    Some common synonyms of start are begin, commence, inaugurate, initiate, and usher in.

    What to use instead of would be?

    synonyms for would-be

    • budding.
    • enterprising.
    • potential.
    • prospective.
    • ambitious.
    • eager.
    • hopeful.
    • keen.

    What are some different words for Amazing?

    Answer and Explanation: Synonyms for the word amazing include: wondrous, astounding, breathtaking, startling, stupefying, surprising, astonishing, jarring, and stunning.

    What word means amazing?

    (something) is amazing. The word “amazing” means “really, really great”. In American English, words like “amazing” and “awesome” have been slowly losing their strength over recent years.

    What are other words for Awesome?

    the worda sweet, narly, cool, and unbelievable are other words to use instead of awesome. dont forget steezy, dope and nasty’. Splendid. It is awful when an awesome word is felled and its demise is attributed to evolution.

    What is a big word for Amazing?

    Prodigious – wonderful or marvelous

  • Astonishing – causing astonishment or surprise; amazing
  • Astounding – capable of overwhelming with amazement
  • Phenomenal – highly extraordinary or prodigious; exceptional
  • Breathtaking – exciting,thrilling; very great,astonishing
  • What is another word for amazed?

    In this page you can discover 45 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for amazed, like: astonished, astounded, stunned, dumbfounded, astonied, flabbergast, posed, surprised, overwhelmed, mystified and astonish.

    What are some big words for amazing?

    Synonyms & Antonyms of amazing

    • astonishing,
    • astounding,
    • blindsiding,
    • dumbfounding.
    • (also dumfounding),
    • eye-opening,
    • flabbergasting,
    • jarring,

    What is the meaning of avoid?

    : to stay away from (someone or something) : to prevent the occurrence of (something bad, unpleasant, etc.) : to keep yourself from doing (something) or participating in (something)

    What type of verb is avoid?

    Avoid is never used with an infinitive. It is followed by a verb in the -ing form: ✗ Avoid to use long quotations unless really necessary….avoid ​Definitions and Synonyms ​‌‌‌

    present tense
    past participle avoided

    How do you use the word avoid?

    Avoid sentence example

    1. You can’t avoid conflict all the time.
    2. Why lie when she made it so easy for him to avoid talking about it at all?
    3. He shut the door to avoid being overheard.
    4. The carpenters tried to keep the dust level down, but it was impossible to avoid all of it.

    What’s the opposite of avoid?

    avoid. Antonyms: seek, court, approach, accost, address, affect. Synonyms: quit, shun, abandon, desert, forsake, relinquish, fly, eschew, elude, dodge, escape, shirk.

    What word can I use instead of avoid?


    • dodge,
    • duck,
    • elude,
    • escape,
    • eschew,
    • evade,
    • finesse,
    • get around,

    Does avoid mean dont?

    Avoid means to succeed in keeping away from a dangerous or undesirable experience. In law, to avoid means to make void or of no effect; to invalidate.

    What is it called when you avoid your problems?

    What Is Avoidance Coping? Avoidance coping—also known as avoidant coping, avoidance behaviors, and escape coping—is a maladaptive form of coping in which a person changes their behavior to avoid thinking about, feeling, or doing difficult things.

    Why you shouldn’t run away from your problems?

    Running away from the problem gives you a temporary sense of comfort — that the monster can’t see you any longer, a feeling that you have escaped the danger you could have been in, the blame shifts to something else or someone else, and a general sense of optimism that things will get better, and much more.

    Is it good to ignore your problems?

    This is important, because a problem that you are ignoring can still cause you to feel stress, anxiety, and in some cases depression, even though you’re not thinking about it. Indeed, it takes a mental effort to try to ignore a problem, and that effort itself can cause additional stress.

    Does ignoring a problem make it go away?

    FCC Learns That Ignoring Problems Does Not Make Them Go Away; Can Often Make Them Worse. One of the hardest things about growing up is learning how to face hard problems. The easy impulse is always to try and ignore a hard problem and hope that it goes away. The flaw in this strategy is that it almost never works.

    Here is our list of other words for amazing that can you can add to your writing.

    The word “amazing” describes someone or something beautiful, unique to the eyes, or surprising. Find out the other words you can use as a substitute for this word in this guide.


    • What Are Other Words for Amazing?
    • Other Words for Amazing: As in Surprising
    • Other Words for Amazing: As in Wonderful
    • Other Words for Amazing: As in Very Good
    • Other Words for Amazing: As in Negative Emotions
    • Other Words for Amazing: Phrases, Expressions, Idioms
    • Additional Other Words for Amazing
    • Author

    What Are Other Words for Amazing?

    What are other words for amazing?

    ‘Breathtaking’ is another word for amazing

    “Amazing” is the most common word for incredible experiences showing wonder and excitement. Recognizing alternatives for this word can show your true joy and excitement in a unique way. Understanding these terms can grow a learner’s vocabulary and improve competency in the application and usage of the English language.

    Ace Fabulous Perfect
    Adorable Fantastic Phenomenal
    Admirable Far-fetched Prime
    Aesthetically Pleasing Fascinating Prodigious
    Alluring Fearsome Puzzling
    Amazeballs Fine Ravishing
    Amusing Fine and Dandy Remarkable
    Appalling First-class Sickening
    Astonishing Flabbergast Shocking
    Astounding Goodness Me Smashing
    Attractive Grand Spectacular
    Awe-inspiring Great Staggering
    Awesome Gruesome Stand Out
    Breathtaking Heavenly Startling
    Beauteous Heart-stopping Strange
    Beyond Compare Holy Moly Stunning
    Beyond One’s Wildest Dreams Horrendous Stupefying
    Beyond Words Ideal Stupendous
    Bizarre Incredible Sublime
    Brilliant Incomparable Superb
    Captivating Indescribable Supreme
    Confusing Jaw-dropping Surprisingly Wonderful
    Cool Kick-ass Taken Aback
    Dazzling Lovely Terrifying
    Delightful Majestic Too Good to Be True
    Distinctive Marvelous Top-notch
    Divine Mesmerizing Top of the Line
    Draw the Attention Mind-blowing Tremendous
    Dumbfounded Miraculous Unbelievable
    Electrifying Nice Unearthly
    Enticing Notable Unexpected
    Epic Noteworthy Unimaginable
    Ethereal One’s Liking Unordinary
    Excellent Overwhelmed Unreal
    Exceptional Out of the Ordinary Unsettling
    Exciting Out of This World Unusual
    Extraordinary Outrageous Very Good
    Exquisite Outstanding Very Impressive
    Eye-opening Par Excellence Wondrous
    Eye-popping Peculiar World Class

    Other Words for Amazing: As in Surprising

    These are the main synonyms of the word amazing that suggest positive emotions and reactions. In most cases, people use these terms to express a strong emotional response caused by unexpected occurrences.

    1. Astonishing

    The magician performs a series of astonishing magic tricks.

    1. Breathtaking

    The view from the rooftop is breathtaking.

    1. Dumbfounded

    We’re dumbfounded at the rent prices in New York.

    1. Electrifying

    The dance troupe presented an electrifying performance.

    1. Exceptional

    History talks about the exceptional beauty of Spain’s Princess Leonor.

    1. Extraordinary

    Gerry receives the highest grade for his extraordinary art project.

    1. Eye-opening   

    Unfortunately, these catastrophes aren’t enough eye-opening truths for capitalists.

    1. Eye-popping

    He includes an eye-popping revelation during his speech.

    1. Flabbergast

    She plans to flabbergast her visitors with her pregnancy announcement. 

    1. Heart-stopping

    Waiting for the results of the competition is a heart-stopping moment.

    1. Incredible

    For an eight year old kid, Xander’s intelligence in math is incredible.

    1. Jaw-dropping

    The beauty, knowledge, and talent of the Miss Universe contestants this year are jaw-dropping.

    1. Mind-blowing  

    The food in this three-star Michelin restaurant is mind-blowing.

    1. Miraculous

    Claire topping the board exam is miraculous.

    1. Phenomenal

    Michael Jackson is still the top phenomenal performer of all time.

    1. Startling

    Bea shows a startling change in her personality since she became independent.

    1. Spectacular

    Amanda’s team is known for its spectacular events.

    1. Stupefying

    The CEO’s stupefying management skills help the hotel get back into the business.

    1. Unbelievable

    The result of the election is unbelievable.

    1. Unexpected

    My Grandma made an unexpected visit to our home.

    Other Words for Amazing: As in Wonderful

    These are the words to use if you’re looking for unique ways to praise someone or something.

    1. Admirable

    David’s diligence and optimism make him admirable.

    1. Alluring

    Elena’s alluring smile attracts people regardless of their age and gender.

    1. Astounding

    I want to visit Hong Kong’s astounding tourist destinations. 

    1. Awesome

    One of my regular readers left an awesome review on my newest story.

    1. Delightful

    We are looking for a place with a delightful view for our reception.

    1. Exciting

    The host says that whoever wins the game will win exciting prizes.

    1. Fabulous

    Frances looks fabulous with her new wavy blonde hair.

    1. Fascinating

    Glenda is an example of a fascinating modern woman.

    1. Incomparable

    My grandparents’ love story before the internet is incomparable to what others find today on dating sites.

    1. Kick-ass

    We’ll win this competition with our kick-ass teamwork!

    1. Majestic

    What I love most about old buildings is their majestic beauty.

    1. Marvelous

    The talent show is looking for people with marvelous singing talent.

    1. Mesmerizing

    Daniel captures the audience’s attention with his mesmerizing smile.

    1. Notable

    Filipinos are notable for their hospitality, strong family ties, and generosity.

    1. Prodigious

    Angelo has prodigious upper body strength.

    1. Remarkable

    Our economy has shown remarkable growth since the pandemic.

    1. Staggering

    Given the circumstances, we never thought our sales would have a staggering increase this quarter.

    1. Stunning

    Ivy looks stunning in her galaxy-themed ball gown.

    1. Stupendous

    The tall buildings of New York City are truly stupendous.

    1. Wondrous

    Jay’s art room contains wondrous paintings and sketches.

    Other Words for Amazing: As in Very Good

    These words are often used in response to someone who has done something good. You can also use these words to describe something amazing in a person, place, or thing.

    1. Ace          

    Helios is the ace of their class.

    1. Attractive

    That flower centerpiece is attractive to my eyes.

    1. Brilliant

    I have a brilliant idea for our next project.

    1. Cool

    Marvin looks cool in his new black suit.

    1. Divine

    Team C’s food looks divine, and I’m excited to try it.

    1. Epic

    My favorite boy band is making an epic comeback soon!

    1. Excellent

    The drama club plays an excellent version of Hamlet.

    1. Exquisite

    Her fashion choices make her look exquisite.

    1. Fantastic

    The renovation makes the old park look fantastic.

    1. Fine

    There are many fine arts in the museum to see.

    1. Great

    You did great on your presentation; congratulations!

    1. Heavenly

    The food from the restaurant joint is heavenly.

    1. Nice

    Gabby did a nice job designing our company logo.

    1. Outstanding

    Jay is the most outstanding student in their English class.

    1. Perfect

    Daniel and Lian are perfect for each other.

    1. Prime

    My dad is the prime example of what a hero looks like to me.

    1. Smashing

    Top Gun: Maverick earned a smashing record of 78 million tickets sold in North America.

    1. Superb

    Gian has a storehouse of superb spices he collected from all over the world.

    1. Supreme

    His delusions include talking with supreme deities.

    1. Tremendous 

    The town has undergone tremendous changes since the calamity.

    Other Words for Amazing: As in Negative Emotions

    The word “amazing” usually has a positive connotation. However, in colloquial or informal language, it can also have negative implications. Depending on how the speaker delivers the message and context, like body language and other cues, “amazing” can mean “amazingly bad.” Other words you can use to describe surprise, wonder, or astonishment caused by negative emotions are listed below.

    1. Appalling

    The defendant pretended to be insane in an appalling attempt to avoid the consequences of her actions.

    1. Bizarre

    Out of everyone I’ve met, he has the most bizarre beliefs.

    1. Confusing

    Dilan has to explain a confusing quote from Albert Einstein.

    1. Far-fetched

    He has a far-fetched idea of what love should be like.

    1. Fearsome

    Several environmental groups call attention to the fearsome impacts of the government’s drastic plans to increase tourism.

    1. Gruesome

    My neighbor creates a gruesome setup on their house for Halloween.

    1. Horrendous

    The Itaewon Halloween Crowd Crush has become a horrendous memory for many.

    1. Overwhelmed

    The actor was overwhelmed by the number of people waiting for him at the airport.

    1. Outrageous

    His outrageous fashion is what makes him unique.

    1. Peculiar

    My pregnant cat has had peculiar behaviors recently.

    1. Puzzling

    The county required more officers to investigate the puzzling disappearance of the teens.

    1. Sickening

    The investigators on the missing persons’ case presented several sickening possibilities.

    1. Shocking

    The shocking news of her dog passing away made her sob uncontrollably. 

    1. Strange

    Being alone in this mansion gives me a strange feeling.

    1. Terrifying

    There are several terrifying effects of social media, especially on teenagers.

    1. Unearthly

    I accidentally booked my flight at an unearthly hour.

    1. Unimaginable

    Losing a loved one is an unimaginable experience.

    1. Unordinary

    Her reaction to the exam results is quite unordinary.

    1. Unsettling

    Her threat of destroying his life left him with an unsettling feeling.

    1. Unusual

    It was unusual for our hard-working CEO to cancel a meeting.

    Other Words for Amazing: Phrases, Expressions, Idioms

    Phrases are words grouped to function as meaningful units in a sentence. These are common phrases in the English language that work like the word “amazing” that you can employ in verbal communication and various forms of writing.

    1. Aesthetically pleasing

    That plain yellow accent wall is aesthetically pleasing to the eyes.

    1. Beyond compare

    Gia’s kindness to others is beyond compare.

    1. Beyond one’s wildest dreams

    To be the next person to walk on the moon is beyond one’s wildest dreams.

    1. Beyond words

    The sadness she’s feeling is beyond words.

    1. Draw the attention

    His funny facial expressions draw the attention of many.

    1. Fine and dandy

    Someone looks fine and dandy for his job interview today.

    1. Goodness me

    Goodness me, after years of trying, I’m finally pregnant!

    1. Holy Moly

    Holy Moly, I got the full scholarship!

    1. One’s liking

    The group’s modern architectural design will surely pass one’s liking.

    1. Out of the ordinary

    The judges chose her poem because she picked a subject out of the ordinary.

    1. Out of this world

    These dessert-like soap designs are out of this world.

    1. Par excellence

    Everyone loves Mrs. Andrews, and she’s a principal par excellence.

    1. Stand out

    Hera’s braveness during the interrogation makes her stand out from the rest.

    1. Surprisingly wonderful

    Peanut butter on hamburgers sounds weird, but it makes a surprisingly wonderful snack.

    1. Taken aback

    Antoinette was taken aback by how quickly the keto diet worked on her.

    1. Too good to be true

    A completely hassle-free lifestyle is too good to be true in the modern age.

    1. Top of the line

    Isabela is set on proving that her clothing designs are top of the line.

    1. Very good

    All the employees are showing very good performance recently.

    1. Very impressive

    The new iPhone model has many very impressive features.

    1. World class

    The fans are excited to see another world class performance from their favorite artist.

    Additional Other Words for Amazing

    You can use more words from various dictionaries to describe someone or something impressive.

    1. Adorable

    Cindy looks adorable in her thick nerdy glasses.

    1. Amazeballs

    The new story published by my favorite author was amazeballs!

    1. Amusing

    I find free magic performances in the park amusing.

    1. Awe-inspiring

    The novice actor is very happy to be part of an awe-inspiring movie.

    1. Beauteous

    A beauteous woman lives alone in the old castle.

    1. Captivating

    Taylor Swift is an award-winning singer with a captivating voice.

    1. Dazzling

    He showcased his dazzling dancing skills in front of the school students.

    1. Distinctive

    Every tourist destination in the world has its distinctive beauty.

    1. Enticing

    Many are curious about Elena’s enticing beauty.

    1. Ethereal

    The event organizers work hard to make the place look ethereal.

    1. First-class

    The challenge is looking for a three-star hotel with first-class services.

    1. Grand

    My uncle is saving all his money to give his granddaughter a grand debut.

    1. Ideal

    Your beachfront lot is ideal for a resort.

    1. Indescribable

    The happiness she felt after surviving a toxic relationship was indescribable.

    1. Lovely

    Our visit to Japan was a lovely and memorable experience.

    1. Noteworthy

    Ysagani’s dictation about cultural differences is a noteworthy piece.

    1. Ravishing

    JM looks ravishing in his blue velvet suit.

    1. Sublime

    Listening to her worries is a sublime way to show you love her.

    1. Top-notch

    We are planning to get top-notch catering for our wedding anniversary.

    1. Unreal

    This place looks so unreal!

    Grammarly is one of our top grammar checkers. Find out why in this Grammarly review.

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    • Maria Caballero is a freelance writer who has been writing since high school. She believes that to be a writer doesn’t only refer to excellent syntax and semantics but also knowing how to weave words together to communicate to any reader effectively.

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