Better word then good

Last updated:

December 6, 2022

Are you tired of always saying “good”?

Looking forward to using more vivid and creative ways to describe people, places and experiences that you enjoy?

After reading the descriptions and examples we have below, you’ll be able to move beyond just describing everything as “good.”


  • Cool
  • Excellent
  • Wonderful
  • Perfect
  • Fantastic
  • Exceptional
  • Terrific
  • Outstanding
  • Pleasant
  • Awesome

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In addition to being used to describe temperature, “cool” also means very good or fashionable. For example, you might describe stylish clothes as “cool” or a performance by a musician that you really enjoy.

It can also be used to express acceptance when someone makes a suggestion. For example, if someone suggests meeting to go to a movie, you could say “Cool! I’ll see you at 6 p.m.” Like “awesome,” “cool” is a popular expression for younger people, and you shouldn’t use it in more formal conversations.


“Excellent” is used to describe something very good or of high quality. Almost anything you can describe as “good,” you can also describe as excellent. It can be used when speaking to friends, family, or coworkers when you want to emphasize that something is not just ok or good, but very good.

If someone asks “how are you,” you can respond “excellent.” Or, similar to this restaurant review, you could say “Have you been to the new restaurant downtown? The food there is excellent.”


“Wonderful” means great or very good. People can be wonderful, experiences can be wonderful and things can be wonderful. You can use this word in both formal and casual settings.

For example, you could say “The paintings at the art exhibition last night were wonderful,” or “I think you’ll like her. She’s a wonderful person.”


Perfect describes something that is flawless or exactly matching the need in a particular situation.

If you have a very good day and everything happens exactly as you want it to, you could describe it as a “perfect day.” A hotel could be “perfect for families” or an actor in a movie could be “perfect for the role.” If someone suggests an idea that you like, you can say “That’s perfect” or “That sounds perfect.”


The word “fantastic” is used to describe something very good or exciting. It can be used in both formal and informal situations. It’s a very enthusiastic, positive word, so you should say it with some emphasis or exclamation.

For example, if someone asks you about your trip to Thailand, you could say “It was fantastic!”


“Exceptional” means that someone or something is above average. This adjective has a slightly more formal tone, and it’s a good word to use when you want to sound a little more sophisticated.

For example, you could say “I think Italy is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. The scenery is exceptional.”


“Terrific” means very good or great. You can use it the same way you use “good.” It’s another very enthusiastic adjective, so only use it if you’re describing something you really like a lot.

You could describe someone’s idea or performance as “terrific,” such as “I’m very happy with the results. She did a terrific job on this project.”

Keep in mind that “terrific” can also be used to describe something very bad depending on the noun it’s paired with. For example, you could also talk about a “terrific storm” or a “terrific explosion.”


“Outstanding” describes something that “stands out” or is noticeably better than the alternatives. An “outstanding” book is better than all the other books you’ve read recently, or an “outstanding” hotel is one of the nicest hotels you’ve ever stayed in. This adjective is appropriate to use in casual or formal conversations.

Note that “outstanding” can also mean “unpaid” depending on the situation. So if you have an “outstanding” bill, it means that you have a bill that needs to be paid, not a “very good” bill.

How do you know which meaning is being used? Context is super important for this. That’s why when you’re learning new words, you should try to learn them in sentences. You can also use immersion programs to see words in different scenarios. On FluentU, for example, you can search for specific words in the program’s library of authentic videos to see how they’re used by native English speakers.


“Pleasant” describes something that is enjoyable or likable. It can be used to describe people, places, or experiences. “Pleasant” is a little less strong than words like “outstanding,” “terrific” or “fantastic” and it can be a good word to use if something was nice, yet not the absolute best thing imaginable.

For example, you could say “We had a nice time at dinner. It was a very pleasant evening.”


Technically, “awesome” describes something that inspires awe or wonder. Typically, however, “awesome” is used to describe people, experiences or places that are very good or impressive.

For example, you could say “I love your new watch. It looks awesome.” It’s an adjective that is particularly popular with younger people, and it’s not an expression that you would want to use in a formal or business situation.

Say goodbye to “good!” Now you have some awesome, terrific, wonderful synonyms to improve your English vocabulary way beyond the basics.

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What is a better word then I?

In this page you can discover 32 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for i, like: myself, self, yours-truly, id., i, ego, one, character, unity, current and number one.

What’s another word for a wonderful?

1 awesome, wondrous, miraculous, prodigious, astonishing, amazing, astounding, phenomenal, unique, curious, strange.

What’s another word for I m?

“Because the patient remained extremely psychotic and agitated, IM haloperidol was administered, but this produced a dystonic torticollis.”…What is another word for IM?

message text
chat notify
DM tweet
communicate with text message
MMS write

How do you avoid I in a sentence?

Swap the clauses. Simple, complete sentences can be made of a single clause – and the minimum requirement for a clause is a subject and a verb. If your sentence contains more than one clause, you can often shuffle them around so the clause that starts with ‘I’ is not at the start of the sentence.

How do you say wonderful in many ways?

In this page you can discover 66 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for wonderful, like: miraculous, fabulous, marvelous, divine, stupendous, incredible, mirabile-dictu, fantastical, extraordinary, phenomenal and prodigious.

Is amazing or wonderful better?

As adjectives the difference between wonderful and amazing is that wonderful is tending to excite wonder; surprising, extraordinary while amazing is causing wonder and amazement; possessing uniquely wonderful qualities.

What we can say instead of I Am?

You can replace “I am going to” with “I will”, “I shall”, or even just “I’ll”. Although it should be noted, “I am going” can also mean “I am currently on my way to”. If this is the case, you can’t replace it with “I will”.

What words can replace I?

What is another word for I?

I for one I myself
I personally me
myself yours truly
me personally personally
for me ourself

How do you write without using I?

Following General Rules. Use the third person point of view. Never use “I,” “my,” or otherwise refer to yourself in formal academic writing. You should also avoid using the second-person point of view, such as by referring to the reader as “you.” Instead, write directly about your subject matter in the third person.

What does amazingly beautiful mean?

adj causing wonder or astonishment. amazing feats.

Are there any synonyms for the word wonderful?

Synonyms starting with letter W. wondrous good, great, remarkable. wonderful and wondrous. wicked super. wonderful and wicked. wizard capital. wonderful and wizard. well-formed.

Are there any positive words that start with the letter I?

We hope you found these positive words that start with the letter I intoxicatingly irresistible. Words are a reflection of our thoughts, and positive words simply come from positive thoughts. Pay attention to how you feel and imagine some positive descriptive words that start with I in your life as a reality, already come to pass.

Is there such a thing as a wonderful thing?

It is a wonderful thing to learn about, a terrible thing to learn from. JUST BECAUSE IT’S NATURAL DOESN’T MEAN IT’S GOOD – ISSUE 89: THE DARK SIDE DAVID P. BARASHAUGUST 19, 2020 NAUTILUS They have a wonderful conversation, and both of them are excited to start a great partnership.

Are there any good words to start a letter with?

If you scan our article How to Write a Letter, it’ll help you draft a personal letter. Then, you can pair your findings there with this List of Romantic Words. Before you know it, your loved one will have a twinkle in their eye and, hopefully, a touching reply.

Synonyms starting with letter W. wondrous good, great, remarkable. wonderful and wondrous. wicked super. wonderful and wicked. wizard capital. wonderful and wizard. well-formed.

We hope you found these positive words that start with the letter I intoxicatingly irresistible. Words are a reflection of our thoughts, and positive words simply come from positive thoughts. Pay attention to how you feel and imagine some positive descriptive words that start with I in your life as a reality, already come to pass.

Are there any beautiful words that start with a letter?


It is a wonderful thing to learn about, a terrible thing to learn from. JUST BECAUSE IT’S NATURAL DOESN’T MEAN IT’S GOOD – ISSUE 89: THE DARK SIDE DAVID P. BARASHAUGUST 19, 2020 NAUTILUS They have a wonderful conversation, and both of them are excited to start a great partnership.

I Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for I?

I for one I myself
me, myself and I myself only

What’s a fancy word for amazing?

In this page you can discover 61 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for amazing, like: astonishing, incredible, astounding, phenomenal, marvelous, wondrous, fantastical, prodigious, miraculous, stupendous and fantastic.

What is another word for IM?

message text
chat notify
DM tweet
communicate with text message
MMS write

What’s a big word for great?

1 immense, enormous, gigantic, huge, vast, grand. 6 noteworthy. 7 weighty, serious, momentous, vital, critical. 8 famed, eminent, noted, notable, prominent, renowned.

What is a meaningful word?

When something is important or significant, it is meaningful, or “full of meaning.” Meaning itself comes from the word mean, which has its roots in the Old English mænan, “to signify, tell, or complain.” Definitions of meaningful. adjective. having a meaning or purpose. “a meaningful explanation”

How do you say I’m in different ways?

For example, I might say, “I am going to go to the park”. You can replace “I am going to” with “I will”, “I shall”, or even just “I’ll”. Although it should be noted, “I am going” can also mean “I am currently on my way to”. If this is the case, you can’t replace it with “I will”.

Consider “he,” “she,” “him,” “her,” “they” and “them,” instead of using ‘I’ in your essay. Besides, use the names of authors or titles of different publications to make your argument. For starters, you may need a list of personal pronouns for your reference to tease your memory as you try rephrasing a statement.

What is another word I?

Find another word for i. In this page you can discover 32 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for i, like: myself, self, yours-truly, id., i, ego, one, character, unity, current and number one.

How do you say wonderful professionally?

Wonderful synonyms

  1. miraculous. Pertaining to miracles; referring to something that people can’t explain.
  2. fabulous. Hard to believe; incredible; astounding.
  3. marvelous. Causing wonder; surprising, astonishing, or extraordinary.
  4. divine.
  5. stupendous.
  6. incredible.
  7. mirabile-dictu.
  8. fantastical.

What’s the difference between beautiful and wonderful?

As adjectives the difference between wonderful and beautiful is that wonderful is tending to excite wonder; surprising, extraordinary while beautiful is attractive and possessing charm.

What is noun of wonderful?

Word family (noun) wonder wonderment (adjective) wonderful wonder wondrous (verb) wonder (adverb) wonderfully.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

It also has a sense of, for lack of a better word, ongoingness.

Microbiota — this is a general name for a «community» (for lack of a better word) of different types of microorganisms.

Микробиота — это общее название для «сообщества» (за неимением лучшего слова) различных видов микроорганизмов.

The word «close» is used here for lack of a better word.

I think I was, for lack of a better word, scared.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Have you ever heard the expressions “better than” and “better then”? Do you feel confused about whether they can be used as synonyms or what is the difference between them? Well, you’ve come to the right place because all answers plus examples are just a couple of paragraphs away.

The expressions “better than” and “better then” are both correct. Yet, they have a different meanings. “Better than” is a conjunction used in comparisons meaning one thing is better than another. “Better then” is an adverbial phrase used to say something was better at another time.

better than or better then

The use of “better than” and “better then” is not interchangeable; the phrases aren’t synonyms.

Moreover, the use of “than” as conjunction implies that the sentence is comparative. Therefore, it always requires the use of a comparative adjective; in this case, that comparative adjective is “better”.

On the other hand, “then” is an adverb that is used, among other things, to highlight the temporal relationship between two or more events. In this case, the word “better” means that these things being compared were or will be better in a different time than the present.

Better Than

The line “better than” is used in a comparative sentence to say that something or someone is better than another thing or someone. The inclusion of the conjunction “than” is indicative of comparison while the use of “better” defines the quality being compared (one thing is better than the other).

Let’s see how to use “better than” in a sentence with these examples:

  1. He was better than most playing football, that’s why they call him the GOAT.
  2. Being better than me in tennis doesn’t allow you to make fun of my skills.
  3. I knew I was better than him even before we started the fight, I don’t know what happened.
  4. Martha is better than Veronica at mathematics, but Veronica writes beautiful essays.
  5. Being better than Michael with the sword has made me famous!
  6. Nothing compares to being better than the rest playing the guitar; I feel like God on stage!
  7. Being better than you at driving is not something to be proud of, you’re no good at all.

Better Then

The line “better then” contains the adverb “then” which expresses, among other things, a temporal relationship between events. In this case, that relationship is that one event was or will be better than the event happening at another time. For example, we could say “football was better then than now.”

Let’s see how to use “better then” in a sentence with these examples:

  1. Everything was better then! People used to live in a slower rhythm and talk to each other.
  2. Are you telling me that it was better back then with no electricity? I can’t believe you.
  3. I remember everything being better then; I think I idealized my youth.
  4. But were you better then? Maybe you shouldn’t have ended that relationship after all.
  5. Racecar pilots were better then because they were maneuvering on such old machines.
  6. The place we live at was much better then, there wasn’t so much air pollution.
  7. Maybe it was all a chimera after all and we lived better then than we do now.

Which Is Used the Most?

When checking on word popularity, there is no tool more powerful than the Google Ngram Viewer.

better than or better then usage

According to this tool, “better then” has been used close to nothing for the last century. This trend for the word has been to this day maintained with very small nuances.

“Better than”, on the other hand, is at its all-time highest popularity level. Although it experienced a popularity loss between the 1940s and the early 2000s, it received a huge popularity boost that lasts until these days. Finally, that positive trend turned into a flat curve in the past five years.

Final Thoughts

The lines “better than” and “better then” are correct as long as they’re not used as synonyms or interchanged. The first talks about the relationship between two objects/people and the second between two different moments in time. Both represent a comparison in which one is better than the other.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

Тема «Степени сравнения прилагательных» в английском языке требует особого внимания и тщательной проработки. Прилагательные имеют три формы: положительную, сравнительную и превосходную. По аналогии с русским языком можно привести пример:

  • большой (положительная) — больше (сравнительная) — самый большой (превосходная).

В английском языке для образования степеней прилагательных используются три способа:

  • суффиксальный;
  • составной;
  • исключений.

Сравнительная и превосходная степени прилагательных

Суффиксальный способ образования прилагательных

Способ относится только к односложным прилагательным и к прилагательным, состоящим из двух слогов, но заканчивающимся на -y, -er, -ow. В данном случае сравнительная степень образовывается путем добавления -er в конце слова. А превосходная — путем добавления -est и определенного артикля the перед прилагательным. Для наглядного примера составим таблицу с переводом степеней сравнения прилагательных в английском языке:

tall (высокий, невероятный) taller (выше, невероятнее) the tallest (самый высокий, самый невероятный) Mike is the tallest boy in his class.
short (короткий) shorter (короче) the shortest (самый короткий) It was the shortest weekend in my life.

Не стоит забывать о том, что при добавлении суффикса к слову оно может претерпевать кое-какие изменения. Так, например, если слово закачивается на букву -y, а ей предшествует согласная, то буква -y меняется на -i.

Если односложное прилагательное заканчивается на ударную гласную и одну согласную, то последняя согласная при образовании сравнительной степени удваивается.

Также посмотрите таблицу степеней сравнения прилагательных, представленную ниже.

cozy (удобный) cozier (более удобный) the coziest (самый удобный) This house is the coziest of all I have ever seen.
hot (горячий, жаркий) hotter (горячее, жарче) the hottest (самый горячий, самый жаркий) It was the hottest day in this year.

Степени сравнения прилагательных в английском языке

Составной способ образования прилагательных

Данный способ образования используется только для многосложных слов. Для образования прилагательных мы ставим слово more или the most перед прилагательным, в зависимости от того, какая степень нам необходима. Наглядный пример также рассмотрим в таблице степеней сравнения прилагательных в английском языке.

talkative (разговорчивый) more talkative (более разговорчивый) the most talkative (самый разговорчивый) This boy is the most talkative person on the Earth!
beautiful (красивый) more beautiful (красивее) the most beautiful (красивейший) As for me, rose is the most beautiful flower
difficult (тяжелый) more difficult (тяжелее) the most difficult (самый тяжелый) This exercise is more difficult than others

Исключения в образовании

К этому способу относятся так называемые слова-исключения. Их не так много в английском языке, но они имеют свои особенности, которые необходимо запомнить. Ниже представлена таблица исключений степеней сравнения прилагательных в английском языке, которую необходимо знать наизусть.

good (хороший) better the best She is the best student in her class. — Она лучший ученик в ее классе
bad (плохой) worse the worst I got the worst mark in whole class. — Я получил худшую оценку во всем классе
little (маленький) less the least This room in hotel is less preferable for me. — Эта комната в отеле менее подходящая для меня
many/much (много) more the most I need more information for doing my job well. — Мне необходимо больше информации для того, чтобы выполнять хорошо свою работу
old (старый) elder/older the eldest/the oldest This car is older than me. — Эта машина старше меня
far (далекий) further/farther the furthest/the farthest Let’s go further in our discussion. — Давайте двигаться дальше в нашем обсуждении

Последние два прилагательных требуют пристального внимания. Необходимо понимать разницу между формами older и elder. Мы используем слова elder/ the eldest только тогда, когда речь идет о родственных связях. Во всех остальных случаях мы используем слова older/the oldest.

My brother is elder than my sister. — Мой брат старше моей сестры.


It is the oldest house in our village. — Это самый старый дом в нашей деревне.

Слова farther/the farthest употребляются только в прямом значении, когда речь идет о физическом расстоянии. В остальных случаях мы используем слова further/the furthest.

We are going farther and farther in deep forest. — Мы идем все глубже и глубже в темный лес.

Let’s go further in our discussion. — Давайте двигаться дальше в нашем обсуждении.

Проблемы в изучении английского языка

Необходимо обратить внимание на то, что есть прилагательные, которые не изменяются в соответствии со степенями. Такие формы характерны только для тех прилагательных, которые выражают какую-либо степень того или иного признака, качества или явления. Стоит помнить, что данная тема изучается на раннем этапе изучения языка, поэтому все таблицы степеней сравнения прилагательных в английском языке для детей будут так же полезны, как и для взрослых.

Упражнения для отработки

Заполните таблицу степеней сравнения прилагательных в английском языке с переводом:








Степени сравнения прилагательных

Поставьте прилагательные, данные в скобках, в нужную форму:

  1. Do you know our … (far) destination?
  2. I couldn’t solve this task on my math test. It was the … (difficult) for me.
  3. History is … (easy) for me than Art lessons.
  4. My mum is … (old) than my dad.

Исключения степеней сравнения прилагательных в английском языке. Таблицу необходимо заполнить на память.

the most

Переведите на английский язык:

  1. Мой дед — самый взрослый в нашей семье.
  2. Это было самое страшное воспоминание в моей жизни.
  3. Вчера я встретил одну из самых прекрасных девушек на планете.
  4. Я обещал, что буду учиться лучше.
  5. Мой друг — самый добрый человек во вселенной.

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