Better word than liked

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Prefer, tasteful, to care.

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Q: What is a better word to use than like?

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лучше, чем

лучшего слова, чем

Biology needs a better word than error for the driving force in evolution.

Биология нуждается в каком-то ином слове, лучшем, чем слово ошибка, для обозначения направляющей силы эволюции…

We must have a better word than ‘prefabricated’.

I can’t think of a better word than «singular,» but they’re just so unique.

Я не могу придумать лучшего слова, чем «единичное», но они настолько уникальны.

With respect to paragraph 5, a better word than «punish» could certainly be found.

I think there’s a better word than hideous.

Maybe ‘facilitator’ is a better word than ‘teacher’.

Perhaps that is a better word than grateful.

I can’t find a better word than that.

In my poor English, I cannot find a better word than sloppy.

С моим плохим английским я не могу подобрать более точного слова, чме неряшливость.

Steve: Anxious is probably a better word than excited.

And I think the word «vocational» is a much better word than in many cases a community college.

И я думаю, что слово «профессиональный» намного лучше, чем во многих случаях «общественный» колледж.

I don’t have a better word than awesome.

I would like to say I’m a «free thinker», a better word than both agnostic and atheist.

Я бы сказал, что я «вольнодумец» («free thinker» — англ.), это точнее, нежели агностик или атеист.

What is that? I’m trying to think of a better word than «dread».

Perhaps Activator is a better word than an activist.

«There is no better word than ‘catastrophe», to describe what happened in 1917.

«Нет лучшего слова, чем «катастрофа», для описания того, что произошло в 1917 году.

«Maybe excited is a better word than relieved,» he continues, after a prolonged moment of reflection.

«Возможно, возбуждение — это лучше, чем успокоение», — продолжает актер после длительной паузы.

Admiration betokens in itself a kind of respect It borders on liking, admiring — it’s a much, much better word than love.

Оно граничит с чувством симпатии, восхищение… это слово гораздо, гораздо лучше, чем «любовь».

«Congregation» is a much better word than «church».

I think ‘knew’ may be a better word than ‘heard.’

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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All five newspapers rely the same data source, so all are _______ subject to the same filtering.

Is it really «likewise» I have to stick with? It sounds odd…

200_success's user avatar


8,0431 gold badge30 silver badges46 bronze badges

asked Oct 20, 2014 at 17:26

Alexander's user avatar


To me likewise is redundant with same, unless your context clearly indicates that one given filtering can be applied in different ways.

As a result, I would simply skip likewise and write: All five newspapers rely on the same data source, so all are subject to the same filtering.

answered Oct 20, 2014 at 17:35

Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar


I would use «inherently» in this case.

This would help to convey that, due simply to the fact that they use the same data source, it is expected and usual that they are subject to the same filtering.

answered Oct 20, 2014 at 17:32

draineoh's user avatar


Just a different thought. With the subject being the data source, there are a lot of adverbs that can be injected into the sentence. The word «likewise» does not fit in the blank spot in the sentence. However, maybe you could write the sentence as

All five newspapers rely (on) the same data source. Likewise, all newspapers are subject to the same filtering.

answered Oct 20, 2014 at 20:55

NWHikerOR's user avatar

The sentence is understandable with likewise, but I have some reservations about using it that way. «Likewise» emphasizes how the other four are the same as the first. That image is slightly incongruous with «All», which treats all five newspapers as a unified group.

You don’t really need any adverb there, but if you want to one for emphasis, I would say

All five newspapers rely on the same data source, so all are equally subject to the same filtering.

Arguably, «equally» and «same» are somewhat redundant.

(Your original sentence was missing a preposition. «Rely» is an intransitive verb.)

answered Oct 20, 2014 at 21:13

200_success's user avatar


8,0431 gold badge30 silver badges46 bronze badges

All five newspapers rely on the same data source, so all are
similarly subject to the same filtering.

If the objective is to emphasize the fluidity of the entire enterprise, then using the alliteration of similarly and same could be useful. Otherwise, the subsequent @Spare1Rib4me is probably the most correct in that it is simpler:

All newspapers rely on the same data, hence they are all subject to
the same filtering.

In terms of the most informative answer regarding grammar, @200_success provided a good summary except equally may be too general:

All five newspapers rely on the same data source, so all are
equally subject to the same filtering.

Since we are talking about specific newspapers which are subject to filtering, we could reword as: Newspapers are similar subjects to the filter (not the same or equal from the filters perspective). In the context of the sentence this could be changed to «similarly subject.»

There is a nice table of Conjunctive Adverbs and the Relation They Indicate here

answered Oct 20, 2014 at 23:49

tommj's user avatar


11 bronze badge


You can skip repeating «same» and still mean the same:

All five newspapers rely on the same data source, so they are subject to similar filtering.

Since all five newspapers rely on the same data source, they are subject to similar filtering.

Community's user avatar

answered Oct 20, 2014 at 19:38

adityasrivastav's user avatar


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better than — перевод на русский

No, better than that.

Нет, лучше по-другому.

-Father knows it better than I do.

— Папа знает ее лучше.

I know your routine better than you do yourself.

Я знаю твои мысли лучше тебя самого.

— But they couldn’t be better than us.

— Но мы лучше.

Maybe this wood is better than this wood!

Но может быть, это лучше этого!

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Something you love better than me… though you may not know it.

То, что ты любишь больше меня хотя и не осознаёшь этого.

I know better than you.

— Я знаю больше тебя.

He’s batting. 342, can’t do any better than that.

Он в ударе. 342, больше никто не выбьет.

well I, I reckon this here suits me better than anything fancy.

Я думаю, что это мне подходит больше.

I understand these people better than you.

Я понимаю этих людей больше тебя.

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Kiss me better than that.

Целуй получше.

— I can tell a better one than that. — You couldn’t.

— Могу рассказать и получше.

Can’t you do any better than that? That’s all you think about, Lazy Legs, hmm?

А можно получше?

Oh, you can do better than that.

Сделай что-нибудь получше.

You’d think she’d do better than this for her own niece.

Для племянницы она могла бы выбрать что-нибудь получше.

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Sleep will do you more good than anything else.

— Сон — лучшее лекарство. Да, да, любимый.

Semi-final time was. 3 better than yours, Gary.

В полуфинале он показал лучшее время, чем ты, Гэри.


Это лучшее, что вы можете сделать!

Come on, you could do better than that.

Ну же, вы способны на лучшее…

Better than anything we’ve got so far.

Это лучший из ныне найденных! Почти невредимый!

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It’s better than that.

Это гораздо лучше!

You knew him better than I did.

Ты знал его гораздо лучше.

No, better than that: ’21 ‘.

Гораздо лучше, с доставкой на дом.

If I could make my people realize that things like this are better than all the guns in the world…

Если бы я могла заставить свой народ понять, что это гораздо лучше, чем всё оружие в мире…

— Oh, you can do better than that.

— Что ты, гораздо лучше.

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A Yankee farmer’s as good and maybe better than any Dutchman on the Hudson River.

Фермер янки ничуть не хуже какого-то голландца с Гудзона.

Let’s just be happy that they’re better than most.

Будем счастливы уже оттого, что они не хуже других.

But you have no guarantee that I won’t blackmail you… or, better than that, go to the police.

Но вы не можете гарантировать, что и я не буду вас шантажировать или, хуже того, не пойду в полицию.

I’m sure you already know even better than I do myself.

Вы, должно быть, знаете об этом не хуже меня.

They fight no better than your men did, Merikus.

Они дерутся не хуже твоих людей, Мерикус. Может, даже хуже.

Показать ещё примеры для «хуже»…

True, I’m a merchant, and you’re better than me.

Я торговец, хорошо, и ты намного лучше меня.

Better than fucking cakes any day, hmm?

Намного лучше, чем пиздить кексы, да?

And I’m a lot better than I was.

И мне уже намного лучше.

Oh, better than that!

Намного лучше!

— Because I know him too and probably a lot better than you.

— Потому что я тоже его знаю… -…и, возможно, намного лучше тебя.

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It seems to me you can do a little better than that. Maybe.

Мне кажется, вы могли бы ответить более развернуто.

Shortly before dawn… the Tiger Shark, running submerged at better than 30 knots… had left the sound behind… and was headed for open sea.

Перед самым рассветом атомная подлодка «Тигровая акула» погрузилась под воду, и со скоростью более 30 узлов, абсолютно бесшумно направилась в открытое море.

As you see, we’re coping. My three young engineers are better than the French.

Два-три молодых инженера, более способных, чем французы…

You’ll have to do better than that, Doctor.

Тебе придется быть более убедительным, чем он, Доктор.

All told, he blew town with better than $370,000 of Warden Norton’s money.

В общем, он покинул город… с более $370,000 долларов, ринадлежащих начальнику Нортону.

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I’ll do better than give you instructions.

Я дам тебе больше, чем просто инструкции.

That’d be much better than being blanked out forever.

Это ведь намного лучше, чем просто выключиться навсегда.

War doesn’t mean shooting better than the others.

Война — ето ведь не просто, кто кого перестреляет.

And now look at me, just a little better than wicked.

А теперь посмотри на меня. Я просто воплощение порока.

R2-D2, you know better than to trust a strange computer.

R2-D2, ты же не так прост, чтобы доверять незнакомому компьютеру.

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You got to do better than that!

Тебе придется придумать что-нибудь получше этого!

If you can’t do any better than that, kid, you’re going to lose.

Если ты не можешь придумать что-нибудь получше… ты проиграешь!

I know better than that.

Придумай что-нибудь получше.

Oh, you can do better than that, Jenny.

Ох, могла бы и получше придумать, Дженни.

You can do better than that, Doctor.

Мог бы придумать что-нибудь получше, Доктор.

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This pecan had undergone a unique digestive process rendering it into, for lack of a better word, a rock.
Этот орех-пекан был подвергнут уникальному пищеварительному процессу, превратившему его в, за отсутствием лучшего определения, камень.

But there is an opportunity to, for lack of a better word, resurrect them.
Но есть возможность их, так сказать, воскрешения.

In May 2008, when — for a lack of a better word — the pro-STL element of the Lebanese government ordered Hezbollah to dismantle its private communications network, the resistance group took over Beirut for a few days to underscore its absolute rejection of this demand.
В мае 2008 года, когда, скажем так, сторонники СТЛ в ливанском правительстве распорядились, чтобы “Хезболла” демонтировала свою частную сеть связи, эта группировка захватила на несколько дней Бейрут, чтобы подчеркнуть свое категорическое неприятие это требования.

For lack of a better term, I shall call this way of proceeding the «scuttlebutt» method.
За отсутствием лучшего термина мы назовем этот способ действия методом изучения «слухов».

National, religious, and cultural identities (for lack of a better word) are being transformed, though less by immigration than by the development of globalized capitalism.
Национальные, религиозные и культурные тождества (за неимением лучшего слова) трансформируются, хоть и меньше иммиграции, но больше чем развитие глобального капитализма.

This is a wheat bread, a whole wheat bread, and it’s made with a new technique that I’ve been playing around with, and developing and writing about which, for lack of a better name, we call the epoxy method.
Это пшеничный хлеб, цельнозерновой хлеб, сделанный по новой методике, с которой я экспериментировал, которую разрабатывал и о которой писал. Мы называем её эпоксидным методом.

Gessen: Another major clue to the psychological nature of the Russian disease is the fact that the two brief breaks in the downward spiral coincided not with periods of greater prosperity but with periods, for lack of a more data-driven description, of greater hope
Гессен: «На психологическую природу российской болезни указывает и тот немаловажный факт, что два кратких перерыва в этих отрицательных тенденциях совпали не с периодами наибольшего процветания, а с временами, которые можно — за отсутствием более точного определения — назвать периодами наибольшей надежды».

I have long defaulted to watching the five-year forward price for lack of a more fundamentals-based approach to thinking about the equilibrium price of oil.
Я давно не смотрю на пятилетнюю форвардную цену из-за отсутствия более фундаментального подхода к оценке равновесной цены на нефть.

The history of the activities conducted by the Conference on Disarmament to deal with the problem of a disarmament programme of this kind shows that it was not for lack of a legitimate reason to act or for lack of specific proposals on the table that the Conference was unable to complete the intensive efforts that had been made up to 1992.
История деятельности, проводимой Конференцией по разоружению с целью урегулирования такого рода проблемы всеобъемлющей программы разоружения, показывает, что Конференция по разоружению оказалась не в состоянии завершить интенсивные усилия, прилагаемые с 1992 года, вовсе не по причине дефицита веского резона к действиям или по причине дефицита конкретных предложений на столе переговоров.

For lack of a permanent fund for assistance to third States affected by the application of sanctions, the prior assessment of their impact should be of crucial importance, and selective sanctions should be applied only when they were unavoidable.
В условиях отсутствия постоянного фонда для оказания помощи третьим государствам, пострадавшим от применения санкций, необходимо сделать упор на предварительной оценке их последствий и применять только отдельные санкции, когда они неизбежны.

With the collapse of Soviet communism, the idea that we were in some kind of systemic competition with another nation or system died for lack of a competitor.
С падением советского коммунизма, представление о постоянном соревновании с другой нацией, с другой системой, постепенно растворилось, ввиду отсутствия соперника.

“There is quite a bit of tension, maybe apprehension is a better word, ahead of Tuesday,” Chris Weafer, chief strategist at Troika Dialog in Moscow, wrote in an e-mailed note on June 8.
«Сейчас в преддверии вторника ощущается какое-то напряжение, возможно, было бы правильнее сказать, дурное предчувствие, — написал в своем электронном письме Крис Уифер (Chris Weafer), ведущий стратег Московского инвестиционного банка «Тройка Диалог», 8 июня.

“We hope that the lack of a unified approach among governments on certain issues won’t influence relations among our countries, and that earlier agreements with our international partners will be successfully realized,” he said.
«Мы надеемся, что отсутствие единства подхода правительств по некоторым вопросам не будет оказывать влияния на взаимоотношения между нашими странами, и все ранее достигнутые соглашения с зарубежными партнерами будут успешно реализовываться», – добавил глава Ростеха.

In the absence of a better idea I had to choose this method.
За неимением идеи получше, мне пришлось выбрать этот метод.

The project to build a new sports center has fallen through for lack of adequate funds.
Проект постройки нового спортивного комплекса провалился из-за недостатка средств.

Would «steamed» be a better word?
Может «вскипятил» будет лучше звучать?

Something makes the current standoff between Russia and the U.S. worse than the Cold War: the lack of a common language between the two world powers’ elites.
Нынешнее противостояние между Россией и США представляется чем-то более серьезным, чем холодная война, а причиной тому — отсутствие общего языка между элитами двух мировых держав.

Tom can’t think of a better plan.
Том не мог придумать план лучше.

Diligence may compensate for lack of experience.
Прилежание может восполнить недостаток опыта.

We’ll have a better word for it.
Потом мы найдём более точное слово.

Примеры употребления слов в разных контекстах собраны автоматически из открытых источников с помощью технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных. В случае обнаружения неточностей или замечаний к тексту, используйте опцию «Сообщить о проблеме» или напишите нам

Last updated:

December 6, 2022

Are you tired of always saying “good”?

Looking forward to using more vivid and creative ways to describe people, places and experiences that you enjoy?

After reading the descriptions and examples we have below, you’ll be able to move beyond just describing everything as “good.”


  • Cool
  • Excellent
  • Wonderful
  • Perfect
  • Fantastic
  • Exceptional
  • Terrific
  • Outstanding
  • Pleasant
  • Awesome

This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you
can take anywhere.
Click here to get a copy. (Download)


In addition to being used to describe temperature, “cool” also means very good or fashionable. For example, you might describe stylish clothes as “cool” or a performance by a musician that you really enjoy.

It can also be used to express acceptance when someone makes a suggestion. For example, if someone suggests meeting to go to a movie, you could say “Cool! I’ll see you at 6 p.m.” Like “awesome,” “cool” is a popular expression for younger people, and you shouldn’t use it in more formal conversations.


“Excellent” is used to describe something very good or of high quality. Almost anything you can describe as “good,” you can also describe as excellent. It can be used when speaking to friends, family, or coworkers when you want to emphasize that something is not just ok or good, but very good.

If someone asks “how are you,” you can respond “excellent.” Or, similar to this restaurant review, you could say “Have you been to the new restaurant downtown? The food there is excellent.”


“Wonderful” means great or very good. People can be wonderful, experiences can be wonderful and things can be wonderful. You can use this word in both formal and casual settings.

For example, you could say “The paintings at the art exhibition last night were wonderful,” or “I think you’ll like her. She’s a wonderful person.”


Perfect describes something that is flawless or exactly matching the need in a particular situation.

If you have a very good day and everything happens exactly as you want it to, you could describe it as a “perfect day.” A hotel could be “perfect for families” or an actor in a movie could be “perfect for the role.” If someone suggests an idea that you like, you can say “That’s perfect” or “That sounds perfect.”


The word “fantastic” is used to describe something very good or exciting. It can be used in both formal and informal situations. It’s a very enthusiastic, positive word, so you should say it with some emphasis or exclamation.

For example, if someone asks you about your trip to Thailand, you could say “It was fantastic!”


“Exceptional” means that someone or something is above average. This adjective has a slightly more formal tone, and it’s a good word to use when you want to sound a little more sophisticated.

For example, you could say “I think Italy is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. The scenery is exceptional.”


“Terrific” means very good or great. You can use it the same way you use “good.” It’s another very enthusiastic adjective, so only use it if you’re describing something you really like a lot.

You could describe someone’s idea or performance as “terrific,” such as “I’m very happy with the results. She did a terrific job on this project.”

Keep in mind that “terrific” can also be used to describe something very bad depending on the noun it’s paired with. For example, you could also talk about a “terrific storm” or a “terrific explosion.”


“Outstanding” describes something that “stands out” or is noticeably better than the alternatives. An “outstanding” book is better than all the other books you’ve read recently, or an “outstanding” hotel is one of the nicest hotels you’ve ever stayed in. This adjective is appropriate to use in casual or formal conversations.

Note that “outstanding” can also mean “unpaid” depending on the situation. So if you have an “outstanding” bill, it means that you have a bill that needs to be paid, not a “very good” bill.

How do you know which meaning is being used? Context is super important for this. That’s why when you’re learning new words, you should try to learn them in sentences. You can also use immersion programs to see words in different scenarios. On FluentU, for example, you can search for specific words in the program’s library of authentic videos to see how they’re used by native English speakers.


“Pleasant” describes something that is enjoyable or likable. It can be used to describe people, places, or experiences. “Pleasant” is a little less strong than words like “outstanding,” “terrific” or “fantastic” and it can be a good word to use if something was nice, yet not the absolute best thing imaginable.

For example, you could say “We had a nice time at dinner. It was a very pleasant evening.”


Technically, “awesome” describes something that inspires awe or wonder. Typically, however, “awesome” is used to describe people, experiences or places that are very good or impressive.

For example, you could say “I love your new watch. It looks awesome.” It’s an adjective that is particularly popular with younger people, and it’s not an expression that you would want to use in a formal or business situation.

Say goodbye to “good!” Now you have some awesome, terrific, wonderful synonyms to improve your English vocabulary way beyond the basics.

This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you
can take anywhere.
Click here to get a copy. (Download)

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    за неимением лучшего слова

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > за неимением лучшего слова

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  • For Lack of a Better Name — For Lack of a Better Name …   Википедия

  • for — [ weak fər, strong fɔr ] function word *** For can be used in the following ways: as a preposition (followed by a noun): I bought some flowers for Chloe. Wait there for a while. as a conjunction (connecting two clauses): I told her to leave, for… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • for (the) want of something — for (the) want of sth idiom because of a lack of sth; because sth is not available • The project failed for want of financial backing. • We call our music ‘postmodern’ for the want of a better word. • We went for a walk for want of something… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Word-sense disambiguation — Disambiguation redirects here. For other uses, see Disambiguation (disambiguation). In computational linguistics, word sense disambiguation (WSD) is an open problem of natural language processing, which governs the process of identifying which… …   Wikipedia

  • for */*/*/ — strong UK [fɔː(r)] / US [fɔr] weak UK [fə(r)] / US [fər] preposition, conjunction Summary: For can be used in the following ways: as a preposition (followed by a noun): I bought some flowers for Chloe. ♦ Wait there for a while. as a conjunction… …   English dictionary

  • Move for Me — Single by Kaskade and Deadmau5 from the album Strobelite Seduction …   Wikipedia

  • The F Word — This article is about the cooking show. For other uses, see F word. The F Word Genre Food magazine/Cooking show Starring …   Wikipedia

  • Sprint (word processor) — Sprint was a powerful and programmable text based word processor for DOS, first published by Borland in 1987. FORCETOC History Sprint originally appeared as the FinalWord application, developed by Jason Linhart, Craig Finseth, Scott Layson Burson …   Wikipedia

  • Custody battle for Anna Mae He — Anna Mae He (simplified Chinese: 贺梅; traditional Chinese: 賀梅; pinyin: Hè Méi or He Sijia,[1] born January 28, 1999 in the United States), was the subject of a custody battle between her Chinese biological parents, Shaoqiang (Jack) He (贺绍强) and… …   Wikipedia

  • United Black Association for Development — (UBAD) was a cultural and political party established in Belize in February 1969 and based on traditional Black Power tenets. From a rather shaky beginning, the party grew to become one of the most fearsome Political parties established in Belize …   Wikipedia

[Intro: Liam]

[Verse 1: Harry, Liam]
Better than words, more than a feeling (Ow!)
Crazy in love, dancing on the ceiling (Ha)
Every time we touch I’m all shook up
You make me wanna— How deep is your love?
God only knows, baby

[Chorus: All, Zayn]
(Ooh!) I don’t know how else to sum it up
‘Cause words ain’t good enough
(Ooh!) There’s no way I can explain your love, no
(Ah-ooh!) I don’t know how else to sum it up
‘Cause words ain’t good enough
(Ooh!) I can’t explain your love, no
It’s better than words

[Post-Chorus: Niall, Harry, Liam]
(Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh)
Better than words

[Verse 2: Louis, Niall, Liam, Harry]
Better than words, you drive me crazy
Someone like you, always be my baby
Best I ever had, hips don’t lie (Hey!)
You make me wanna— (Tss) one more night
Crazy, we’re crazy

[Chorus: All, Harry]
(Ah-ooh!) I don’t know how else to sum it up
‘Cause words ain’t good enough
(Ooh!) There’s no way I can explain your love, no
(There’s no way I can explain your love)
(Ah-ooh!) I don’t know how else to sum it up
‘Cause words ain’t good enough
(Ooh!) I can’t explain your love, no

[Bridge: Louis, Harry, Both]
Everyone tries (They try)
To see what it feels like (Feels like)
But they’ll never be right
‘Cause it’s better, it’s better, it’s better

[Interlude: Liam, Harry]
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh
Better than words, ah-ah
One more time
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh
Better than words, ah-ah

[Chorus: All, Zayn, Harry, Zayn & Harry]
(Ah-ooh!) I don’t know how else to sum it up (I don’t know)
‘Cause words ain’t good enough
(Ooh!) There’s no way I can explain your love, no
(Ah-ooh!) I don’t know how else to sum it up (To sum it up)
‘Cause words ain’t good enough (The words ain’t good enough)
(Ooh!) I can’t explain your love, no (Explain your love, no)
It’s better than words

[Post-Chorus: Niall, Zayn, Liam]
(Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh)
It’s better than words
It’s better than words
(Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh)

How to Format Lyrics:

  • Type out all lyrics, even repeating song parts like the chorus
  • Lyrics should be broken down into individual lines
  • Use section headers above different song parts like [Verse], [Chorus], etc.
  • Use italics (<i>lyric</i>) and bold (<b>lyric</b>) to distinguish between different vocalists in the same song part
  • If you don’t understand a lyric, use [?]

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