Better word than good looking


  • #1


I took a look at goodlooking in the dictionary and in the forum entries, but I didn’t find what I was looking for.

Here’s the question that just came to my mind: what’s the superlative of goodlooking (or any other adjective with the word good-)? Most goodlooking, or does «good-» becomes «best-«, thus forming bestlooking?

  • panjandrum

    • #2

    I understand that this might be a curious intellectual problem.

    In the real world, when would you ever want to use such a term?
    If you post an example sentence, I am sure there are natural-sounding alternatives that avoid the problem.


    • #3

    I agree with panjandrum’s stance.

    In the absence of an example sentence, I would reply, «Sophia Loren, of course!»

    miss sparkles

    • #4

    I think both «most good-looking» and «best-looking» are ok, though I would personally say the first.


    • #5

    In the real world, when would you ever want to use such a term?

    As WRF’s best-looking orangutang, surely you would see huge scope for such usage?

    • #6

    That is the best-looking dog I’ve ever seen! We would NEVER say «most good-looking.»

    It would be hyphenated because «best-looking» is an adjective describing the dog.

    Even good-looking should be hyphenated if it is used as an adjective.

    The only time I can think of goodlooking as a noun is in an expression you might say to someone such as:
    «Hey goodlooking, what’cha got cooking?»
    I’m still not sure goodlooking wouldn’t be two words.

    • #7

    Both good looking and best looking are two words. They have gotten along nicely without hyphenation for centuries, so let’s not impose that on them, now. In certain situations, either one might be appropriate.

    HOWEVER, we have a request for an example sentence, so let’s all please wait for ElFrikiChino to reply, before we offer suggestions on which would be best for him.


    • #8

    My first thought was was the same as sramaestra’s: the best-looking dog. But I’m envious of Loob’s answer: she’s not going to have to stay after school. :)


    • #9

    I don’t really have an example. It’s just something I had been thinking about, then for some time I completely forgot, and suddenly today it popped up again.
    I guess something like «that was the best looking person I’ve ever seen». But maybe one would simply say: the most beautiful woman/handsome man.
    Anyway, it was just out of curiosity. I mean: if there is the adjective «good looking», it probably comes with its superlative form as well. But if you natives say nobody would use such a term, just forget it, it’s good to know it is not used :) But still, the curiosity remains :)

    I agree with panjandrum’s stance.

    In the absence of an example sentence, I would reply, «Sophia Loren, of course!»

    No offence intended to Sophia Loren, but she uderwent too many cosmetic surgeries. When she was younger she was very beatiful, now she looks a bit fake :p


    • #10

    In general, such compound adjectives can go either way. ‘Well-known’ can become ‘best-known’ or ‘most well-known’; ‘high-profile’ can become ‘highest-profile’ or ‘most high-profile’. Both forms are very common. That doesn’t mean you can always do both equally naturally – I for one find *’most high-quality’ sounds wrong. I can see no good reason why ‘best-looking’ sounds more natural than ‘most good-looking’, but I do find it somewhat preferable.


    • #11

    I don’t particularly object to «best-looking.» But, hey, I’ll take any compliment.


    • #12

    I definitely think there’s a place for best-looking (the best-looking pizza I’ve ever seen)… and maybe even for most good-looking (although I would have to think about that).


    • #13

    But if you natives say nobody would use such a term, just forget it, it’s good to know it is not used :) But still, the curiosity remains

    It is used, ElFrikiChino, and very often!

    Sadly, not often about me….

    • #14

    If you were talking about a group of people then you would more likely use ‘most good-looking’. For instance, ‘he’s the most good-looking out of the lot’ not necessarily the best in the world ever but certainly more good-looking than the others in the group.


    • #15

    Alternatively … if you were talking about a group of people then you might well use «best-looking».

    See etb’s post above:)

    Last edited: Jan 30, 2010


    • #17

    Of course, here in California… we’d simply say, «super good-looking» or even «awesome-looking.»

    Not something I’d employ in a business meeting though. ;)

    • #18

    I would use best-looking over most good-looking all the time.


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    Ты хочешь мне сказать, что Сэмми Дэвис мл. был красивее, чем Роберт Редфорд?

    Does he not cheat on you with your shift manager who’s only moderately better looking than you?

    context icon

    Разве он не обманывают тебя с твоей начальницей, которая выглядит лишь ненамного лучше, чем ты?

    Porcelain teapots were generally used as they were much better looking than traditional teapots of this time.

    context icon

    Фарфор чайники обычно использовались как они были гораздо лучше чем перспективных традиционных чайники на этот раз.

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    И мой парень должен быть не настолько симпатичнее меня.

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    Мужчина привлекателен больше всего, когда он влюблен.

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    So you were… you were watching her, who’s a lot


    looking than me.

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    Значит… ты смотрел на нее, она была гораздо красивее меня.

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    Автоматический перевод


    Перевод по словам

    good  — хороший, добрый, благой, хорошо, добро, благо, польза
    look  — взгляд, вид, взор, внешность, выглядеть, смотреть, посмотреть, поискать


    He gave it a good looking at.

    Он хорошенько рассмотрел это.

    Take a good look at it.

    Взгляните-ка на это хорошенько.

    He was dead good-looking.

    Он был смерть какой красивый.

    He is blandly good-looking.

    Он симпатичный, но в его внешности нет ничего особенного.

    She was a good-looking slip.

    Она была стройной миловидной девушкой.

    You get your good looks from your mother.

    Красота у тебя от матери. / Красотой ты вся в мать.

    Her good looks were unmistakably going off.

    Не было сомнения, что она подурнела.

    ещё 22 примера свернуть

    Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

    Примеры, ожидающие перевода

    His boyish good looks made him a favourite with the ladies.  

    As children, we were dazzled by my uncle’s good looks and charm.  

    Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.


    Updated on

    11 Sep 2021

    • French (France)
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    Closed question

    Question about English (US)

    What is the difference between more good-looking and better-looking ?Feel free to just provide example sentences.

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    • English (US)

    «better-looking» means someone is more attractive (looks better) than someone else. «Jack was good-looking, but his better-looking brother got more dates.»

    «more good-looking» means there’s a larger number of good-looking (something), like «There are more good-looking guys here than there are at home.»

    • English (US)

    «better-looking» means someone is more attractive (looks better) than someone else. «Jack was good-looking, but his better-looking brother got more dates.»

    «more good-looking» means there’s a larger number of good-looking (something), like «There are more good-looking guys here than there are at home.»

    • French (France)

    @MegDC Thanks ! So you can’t say « I am more good-looking than her» ?

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    What is the difference between more good-looking and better-looking ?

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      They mean the same thing. «much better» is proper English. «way better» is slang. You will be understood either way.

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      more beautiful is grammatically correct. It’s used when comparing something to another thing.

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      they mean the same things.

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      They’re both literary words, so you won’t usually hear them in informal speech.
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      better is a quality. some cars are better than others.

      more is quantity. I can have more apples than someone else.

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      @Hailey2007 It can mean someone is more beautiful or attractive than someone else.

      Ex. That woman is more beautiful than the other.

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      «much better» means that the thing that came before was bad or maybe just okay, but now it’s good

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      I’ve never heard beautiest. The most beautiful is okay.

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    • 1

      good-looking [ˏgυdˊlυkɪŋ]


      краси́вый, интере́сный; прия́тный ( о внешности)

      Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > good-looking

    • 2



      интересный, красивый, миловидный

      — good-looking girl

      English-Russian combinatory dictionary > good-looking

    • 3

      Hi, Good-lookin’. — Здравствуй, красуля.
      damned good-looking — необыкновенно хороша

      English-Russian phrases dictionary > good-looking

    • 4


      красивый; интересный; обладающий приятной внешностью

      good-looking girl [youth] — красивая девушка [-ый юноша]

      НБАРС > good-looking

    • 5

      a красивый; интересный; обладающий приятной внешностью

      Синонимический ряд:

      beautiful (adj.) attractive; beauteous; beautiful; clean-cut; comely; exquisite; fair; gorgeous; handsome; impressive; lovely; pretty; pulchritudinous; ravishing; stunning; well-favored

      English-Russian base dictionary > good-looking

    • 6
      good looking

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > good looking

    • 7

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > good-looking

    • 8
      good looking


      красивый, прекрасный, интересный, привлекательный; обладающий приятной внешностью

      Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > good looking

    • 9


      красивый, интересный; с приятной внешностью

      Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > good-looking

    • 10
      good looking

      * * *

      интересный, красивый, приятный

      Новый англо-русский словарь > good looking

    • 11










      Новый англо-русский словарь > good-looking

    • 12

      интересный, красивый
      See beautiful, .

      English-Russian word troubles > good-looking

    • 13

      English-Russian dictionary of technical terms > good-looking

    • 14



      красивый, прекрасный, интересный, привлекательный; обладающий приятной внешностью



      Англо-русский современный словарь > good-looking

    • 15

      The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > good-looking

    • 16










      English-Russian smart dictionary > good-looking

    • 17


      dobropoględny · добропогледны

      Dictionary English-Interslavic > good-looking

    • 18
      good-looking dame

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > good-looking dame

    • 19
      good-looking girl

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > good-looking girl

    • 20
      good-looking young

      English-Russian combinatory dictionary > good-looking young


    • Следующая →
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
    • 6
    • 7

    См. также в других словарях:

    • Good-looking — Good look ing, a. Handsome; fine looking; as, a good looking man. Syn: fine looking, better looking, handsome, well favored, well favoured. [1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    • good-looking — /good look ing/, adj. of good or attractive appearance; handsome or beautiful: a good looking young man; a good looking hat. [1770 80] * * * …   Universalium

    • good-looking — adj someone who is good looking is attractive >good looker n see usage note ↑beautiful …   Dictionary of contemporary English

    • good-looking — [good′look′iŋ] adj. pleasing in appearance; beautiful or handsome SYN. BEAUTIFUL …   English World dictionary

    • good-looking — comely, pretty, bonny, fair, beauteous, pulchritudinous, handsome, *beautiful, lovely Analogous words: attractive, alluring, charming (see under ATTRACT): pleasing, *pleasant, agreeable …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

    • good-looking — [adj] handsome attractive, beauteous, beautiful, clean cut, comely, fair, impressive, lovely, pretty, pulchritudinous, righteous; concept 579 Ant. dull, homely, ugly …   New thesaurus

    • good-looking — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ attractive …   English terms dictionary

    • good-looking — better looking, best looking ADJ GRADED Someone who is good looking has an attractive face. Cassandra noticed him because he was good looking. …a good looking woman …   English dictionary

    • good-looking — adjective pleasing in appearance especially by reason of conformity to ideals of form and proportion (Freq. 1) a fine looking woman a good looking man better looking than her sister very pretty but not so extraordinarily handsome Thackeray our… …   Useful english dictionary

    • good-looking — adj. VERBS ▪ be ADVERB ▪ extremely, fairly, very, etc. ▪ He was tall and fairly good looking. ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

    • good-looking — adjective someone who is good looking has an attractive face see beautiful good looker noun (C) …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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