Better word than done

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лучше, чем

лучшего слова, чем

Biology needs a better word than error for the driving force in evolution.

Биология нуждается в каком-то ином слове, лучшем, чем слово ошибка, для обозначения направляющей силы эволюции…

We must have a better word than ‘prefabricated’.

I can’t think of a better word than «singular,» but they’re just so unique.

Я не могу придумать лучшего слова, чем «единичное», но они настолько уникальны.

With respect to paragraph 5, a better word than «punish» could certainly be found.

I think there’s a better word than hideous.

Maybe ‘facilitator’ is a better word than ‘teacher’.

Perhaps that is a better word than grateful.

I can’t find a better word than that.

In my poor English, I cannot find a better word than sloppy.

С моим плохим английским я не могу подобрать более точного слова, чме неряшливость.

Steve: Anxious is probably a better word than excited.

And I think the word «vocational» is a much better word than in many cases a community college.

И я думаю, что слово «профессиональный» намного лучше, чем во многих случаях «общественный» колледж.

I don’t have a better word than awesome.

I would like to say I’m a «free thinker», a better word than both agnostic and atheist.

Я бы сказал, что я «вольнодумец» («free thinker» — англ.), это точнее, нежели агностик или атеист.

What is that? I’m trying to think of a better word than «dread».

Perhaps Activator is a better word than an activist.

«There is no better word than ‘catastrophe», to describe what happened in 1917.

«Нет лучшего слова, чем «катастрофа», для описания того, что произошло в 1917 году.

«Maybe excited is a better word than relieved,» he continues, after a prolonged moment of reflection.

«Возможно, возбуждение — это лучше, чем успокоение», — продолжает актер после длительной паузы.

Admiration betokens in itself a kind of respect It borders on liking, admiring — it’s a much, much better word than love.

Оно граничит с чувством симпатии, восхищение… это слово гораздо, гораздо лучше, чем «любовь».

«Congregation» is a much better word than «church».

I think ‘knew’ may be a better word than ‘heard.’

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 25. Точных совпадений: 25. Затраченное время: 294 мс


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do better than word

Макаров: сделать больше обещанного

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «do better than word» в других словарях:

  • Even Better Than the Disco Thing — Compilation album Released 2008 ( …   Wikipedia

  • be better than one’s word — To do more than one had promised • • • Main Entry: ↑better …   Useful english dictionary

  • Word salad (computer science) — Word salad is a mixture of seemingly meaningful words that together signify nothing; [Lavergne 2006:384] the phrase draws its name from the common name for a symptom of schizophrenia, Word salad. When applied to a physical theory, word salad is a …   Wikipedia

  • be better than one’s word — do more than one had promised …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Word-sense disambiguation — Disambiguation redirects here. For other uses, see Disambiguation (disambiguation). In computational linguistics, word sense disambiguation (WSD) is an open problem of natural language processing, which governs the process of identifying which… …   Wikipedia

  • Word sense disambiguation — In computational linguistics, word sense disambiguation (WSD) is the process of identifying which sense of a word is used in any given sentence, when the word has a number of distinct senses. For example, consider two examples of the distinct… …   Wikipedia

  • better — I UK [ˈbetə(r)] / US [ˈbetər] adjective *** 1) a) more satisfactory, suitable, pleasant, effective, or of higher quality etc She s trying to find a better job. better than: The results were better than we had expected. get better (= improve): The …   English dictionary

  • better — bet|ter1 [ betər ] function word *** Better is the comparative form of good and well, and can be used in the following ways: as an adjective: a better method of teaching languages The weather is better today. as an adverb: Our opponents played… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • better*/*/*/ — [ˈbetə] grammar word summary: Better can be: ■ an adjective: a better method of teaching languages ■ an adverb: Our opponents played better than we did. ■ a noun: There has been a change for the better. 1) the comparative form of ‘good and ‘well …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • better — adjective 1》 more desirable, satisfactory, or effective. [compar. of the adjective good.]     ↘more appropriate, advantageous, or well advised. 2》 partly or fully recovered from illness or injury. [compar. of the adjective well1.] adverb more… …   English new terms dictionary

  • Word superiority effect — In cognitive psychology, the word superiority effect (WSE)refers to a particular mental phenomenon, in which people recognize letters in the context of a word better than when the letter is presented in isolation. This effect was first described… …   Wikipedia

Idioms browser

  • better (to be) safe than sorry
  • better a dollar earned than ten inherited
  • better an egg today than a hen tomorrow
  • better angels
  • better bang for (one’s)/the buck
  • better be an old man’s darling than a young man’s slave
  • better be going
  • better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion
  • better bend than break
  • better dead than red
  • better fish to fry
  • better get moving
  • better get on my horse
  • better get used to it
  • better half
  • better half, my
  • Better keep still about it
  • better late than never
  • better left unsaid
  • better luck next time
  • better mousetrap, (if one can) build a
  • better of
  • better off
  • better off than (someone)
  • better safe than sorry
  • better said than done
  • better than
  • better than a ham sandwich
  • better than a kick in the pants
  • better than a kick in the teeth
  • better than a kick up the backside
  • better than a poke in the eye (with a sharp stick)
  • better than nothing
  • better than sex
  • better the devil you know
  • better the devil you know than the devil you don’t (know)
  • Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t know
  • better the devil you know than the one you don’t (know)
  • better things to do
  • better to ask the way than go astray
  • better to let it out and bear the shame
  • better to light one (small/little) candle than to curse the darkness
  • better you than me
  • betty
  • between
  • between (someone or something) and (someone or something else)
  • between a rock and a hard place
  • between dog and wolf
  • between hawk and buzzard
  • between hay and grass
  • between jobs

Full browser

  • better part
  • better part of
  • better part of it
  • better part of something
  • Better Part of Valor
  • Better Payment Practice Group
  • Better Power Lines Global
  • better practice
  • Better Price Limit Order
  • Better Price Limit Orders
  • Better Process Control School
  • Better Programming Initiative
  • Better Public Buildings
  • Better Quality Business Systems
  • Better Quality Information
  • Better red than dead
  • Better red than dead
  • Better red than dead
  • Better red than dead
  • Better red than dead
  • Better red than dead
  • Better Regulation Executive
  • Better Regulation of Over-the-Counter Medicines Initiative
  • Better Regulation Office
  • Better Regulation Review Group
  • Better Regulation Task Force
  • Better Regulation Unit
  • Better Residential Independent Contractor Konsortium LLC
  • better safe than sorry
  • better safe than sorry
  • better said than done
  • Better School Food
  • Better Seafood Board
  • Better Service Delivery Program
  • Better Services for Vulnerable People
  • Better Services for Vulnerable People
  • Better Sleep Council
  • Better Software Development
  • better still
  • Better Stronger Better
  • Better Than
  • better than a ham sandwich
  • better than a kick in the pants
  • better than a kick in the teeth
  • better than a kick up the backside
  • better than a poke in the eye
  • better than a poke in the eye (with a sharp stick)
  • better than a poke in the eye with a burnt stick
  • better than a poke in the eye with a rusty nail
  • Better Than A Poke In The Eye With A Sharp Stick
  • Better Than A Poke In The Eye With A Sharp Stick
  • better than a poke in the eye with a shitty stick
  • better than a sharp stick in the eye
  • Better than a sharp stick in the eye!
  • Better than a sharp stick in the eye.
  • better than a sharp stick to the eye
  • Better than a sharp stick to the eye!
  • Better than a sharp stick to the eye.
  • Better Than All
  • Better Than Average
  • Better Than Beer


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Автоматический перевод

лучше, чем

Перевод по словам

well  — ну, что ж, уж, хороший, хорошо, вполне, колодец, бить ключом
than  — чем, кроме, как, чтобы


She sings better than I do.

Она поёт лучше, чем я.

He writes better than I do.

Он пишет лучше меня.

You can do better than that!

Вы способны на большее!

He sings better than he acts.

Он поёт лучше, чем играет (на сцене).

An old car is better than none.

Лучше иметь старую машину, чем не иметь никакой.

Your stereo is better than mine.

Твой магнитофон лучше, чем мой.

His English is better than mine.

Его английский лучше, чем у меня.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

No one knows her better than I do.  

Glover tapdances better than anybody  

We did better than all the other schools.  

He was a better songwriter than performer.  

So much better than going to the Lower Rooms.  

This cake is no better than the last one we made  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

As soon as it became clear that

pictograms can not convey the meanings better than words, they began to be given more decorative functions.


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Разочаровавшись в способности пиктограмм передавать смысл лучше слов, им стали отводить все более и более декоративные роли….


Videos, lecture notes and presentations, films about international conferences, presentations of new books, seminars held by the laboratory staff, photos of those who work in the TANDEM and attend our events, photo reports from various events in some


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Видеоролики, записи лекций и докладов, фильмы о международных конференциях, презентациях новых книг, семинарах, которые проводят и в которых принимают участие сотрудники лаборатории, фото авторитетных ученых, работавших в нашей лаборатории и посещавших наши мероприятия,

фоторепортажи с различных мероприятий рассказывают о жизни лаборатории« Тандем» лучше слов.


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Music Is Better Than Words— дебютный альбом создателя Гриффинов Сета Макфарлейна,

вышедший в 2011 году.

Slant Magazine described it as»a novelty record» and wrote,»Collaborating with Joel McNeely on arrangements,

MacFarlane casts Music Is Better Than Words as a tribute to the big-band swing and sterling pop of the Rat Pack,

but he wisely avoids choosing songs that were recorded by his musical idols.

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Журнал Slant Magazine обозвал его« новой пластинкой» и написал:

Music Is Better Than Words— это дань всем биг- бэндам и свинговым коллективам, таким как Rat Pack,

однако Макфарлейн избегает всех песен, которые исполняли те идолы.

On top of that, as human beings we tend to remember images better than we remember words— so if you think back to the last ad you saw, you probably remember the image better than the copy.


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Кроме того, мы, люди, склонны запоминать изображения лучше, чем мы запоминаем слова— так что если вы попытаетесь вызвать в памяти последнюю рекламу, которую вы видели, вы, скорее всего, лучше вспомните картинку, а не текст.


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Результаты торговли версии 2. подтверждают сказанное лучше всяких слов.


White roses will tell you about the purity of your intentions better than any words.


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Белые розы скажут о чистоте ваших намерений лучше всяких слов.


After all, what could be better than warm words that are cheered up in a difficult moment?


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Ведь, что может быть лучше теплых слов, которые подбадривают в трудную минуту?


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Выяснилось, что женщины,

чаще занимающиеся сексом и получающие оргазм, лучше запоминали слова, но не лица.


Weekly reports,

the growth position and attendance and increasing of the number of sales speaks for itself better than any words.


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Еженедельные отчеты, рост позиций и посещаемости и увеличение количества продаж, говорят за себя лучше всяких слов.


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Да- да, тому самому, который лучше всяких слов и поступков объясняет« куда» надо идти.


Gorgeous and plastic pantomime of actors and


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Великолепная пантомима и пластика актеров и

танцоров раскрывают сюжет постановки лучше любых слов.


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So others are motivated to follow.’ In other


live an exemplary life, so this life is able to serve as an illustration of how to live in the Kingdom,


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живите образцовой жизнью, так, чтобы эта жизнь могла служить иллюстрацией того, как жить в Царстве,

и это делает намного лучше, чем ваши слова могут что-либо указывать.


It’s better than trusting the words and feedback from well-known celebrities who are not

actually using the product, and called people who may never even existed.


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Это лучше, чем на доверчивых слов и отзывов от известных знаменитостей, которые фактически не являются

использования этого продукта и назвали людей, которые могут даже никогда не существовали.


Perhaps, a revealing photo gallery

will tell about the current situation much better than any words, whereas the details of the European migrant crisis,

in particular in Germany, may be found on numerous news websites.


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Лучше любых слов, пожалуй, передаст общее настроение сложившейся ситуации объемный фоторяд, а вот с подробностями обострившегося кризиса в Европе, в частности,

в Германии, желающие легко могут ознакомиться на новостных сайтах.


There is nothing better than such a bouquet for recognition without words, exquisite compliment or unobtrusive hint.


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Нет ничего лучше такого букета для признания без слов, изысканного комплимента или ненавязчивого намека.


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Девиз этой статьи заключается в следующем: профилактика лучше лечения.


Words came to be seen as having an almost supernatural force, sharper


the sword and better than any medicine.


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Вот так слово получило сверхъестественную силу- оно стало ранить острее,


меч, и лечить лучше, чем любое лекарство….


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Кто, как не Мария, лучше услышал Слово Божие и внял Ему?


The very music of Wynton Marsalis,

his creative devotion prove


than words ever could the need for jazz to have a House of its own.


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Сама музыка Уинтона Марсалиса, его творческая самоотдача красноречивее всяких слов доказывает необходимость того, чтобы у джаза был свой Дом.


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Though you’re much better than me, your kind


have flattered me once again.

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Но вы намного лучше чем я, вы снова мне льстите.

better word — перевод на русский

Maybe you could put in a good word for me with Captain Sisko.

Может, ты могла бы замолвить за меня словечко капитану Сиско.

Can you put in a good word for me?

Ты можешь замолвить за меня словечко?

She could put in a good word.

Она могла бы замолвить за меня словечко.

Think you could put in a good word for me?

Ты не могла бы замолвить за меня словечко?

Could you put in a good word for me with jenna?

Можешь замолвить за меня словечко перед Дженной?

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I’ll put in a good word for you with the Major.

Я замолвлю за тебя словечко перед майором.

A mate put a good word in for me, the salary’s three times what I get here.

Товарищ замолвил за меня словечко. Зарплата в 3 раза больше, чем здесь.

We’ll put a good word in for you, mate.

Мы замолвим словечко за тебя, приятель.

I’ll give His Highness a good word about you.

Я замолвлю за тебя словечко Его высочеству.

I’ll put in a good word for the two boys.

Я замолвлю словечко за тех двух парней.

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That’s a good word.

Хорошее слово.

Confess everything, don’t hide anything and if you have any spare time just put in a good word for me too.

Если у вас останется время, замолвите хорошее слово и за меня.

Let me see, what’s a good word?

Дай-ка придумаю хорошее слово.

That’s a good word for it.

Это хорошее слово .

It is a good word.

Мораль — это хорошее слово.

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Would «steamed» be a better word?

Может «вскипятил» будет лучше звучать?

I don’t have a better word than awesome.

Лучше, чем «жжесть» и не скажешь.

That’s not a good word to use around here.

Лучше не употребляй здесь это слово.

Maybe that’s a better word.

Да, так лучше.

-What’s the good word?

Что хорошего, док? Не много, Харви.

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Just like any child her age, Meinhardis is looking for some kind of support, a good word, a hand …

Также, как и любой ребенок ее возраста, Майнхардис хочет получить одобрение и поддержку, доброе слово, руку помощи

The social worker was a sweet and nice person, who was spreading the good word and buying discounted shoes.

Народу она несла доброе слово, а сама довольствовалась туфлями, купленными на распродаже.

Look, I know you might not believe this, I was actually putting a good word for you.

Я знаю, ты можешь не верить, Я на самом деле положить доброе слово для вас.

A good word?

Доброе слово?

But my job, it means everything to me, and I know a good word from you would…

Но моя работа, все для меня, и я знаю, что доброе слово от вас сделает…

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There’s no better word.

но лучшего слова я подобрать не могу.

Let’s say he’s… for lack of a better word… real.

Скажем, что он… не имея лучшего слова… настоящий.

This-this cacophony which follows us into our homes and into our beds and seeps into our… into our souls, for want of a better word.

Эта-эта какофония, следующая за нами в наши дома и в наши постели, проникающая в наши… в наши души ради желания лучшего слова.

At least until they come up with a better word for it.

По крайней мере, пока никто не придумал лучшего слова, описывающего это.

We were «hacktivists.» For lack of a better word.

Мы были хактивистами, лучшего слова и не придумаешь.

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I could put in a good word for you to my employer.

Я могу замолвить слово перед своим работодателем.

I tried to put in a good word. She wouldn’t let me.

Хотел замолвить слово, она не позволила.

You said you would protect Sid Liao. I said I’d put in a good word with the powers that be and I did.

Я сказал, что постараюсь замолвить слово, и я сделал это.

I know my voice isn’t official, but I’d like to put in a good word for Will regarding the open ED attending position.

Я знаю, что мой голос ни на что не влияет, но я бы хотела замолвить слово за Уилла, касательно его места в приёмном.

That you’re not the father, I can put in a good word for you with foster.

, что Вы не отец ребенка, я бы мог замолвить за вас слово перед Фостер.

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I know another good word.

Я знаю другое слово.

And suddenly I’m thinking «sucking» isn’t a good word to use around vampires.

Мне внезапно подумалось, что слово «сосательный» не стоит употреблять в присутствии вампиров.

I mean, that’s not a good word.

То есть это не совсем то слово.

Mother, I think «intrigued» is a better word.

Мама, я думаю, слово «заинтригован» подходит больше.

Now, I know that her best friend is Diane Lockhart at your firm, and I was hoping that you might ask her to put in that… good word.

Я знаю, что её лучшая подруга — Даян Локхарт в твоей фирме, и я надеялся, что ты сможешь попросить её замолвить за меня.. слово.

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Shut up. Greed, for lack of a better word, is good.

Жадность, за неимением лучшего слова, подойдет.

Oh, I assure you, what goes on here is all quite healthy and, for the lack of a better word…

Уверяю вас, все, что здесь происходит, совершенно здорово и, за неимением лучшего слова…

For want of a better word, «Ow»!

За неимением лучшего слова, «Ой!» Кливс!

For lack of a better word, they tend to choose more feminine ways to die.

За неимением лучшего слова, они выбирают более «женственные» способы, чтобы умереть.

Now, I know you are all good, decent, fair-minded folk, but over the last decade or so, our suspicion of Islamic people has blossomed, for want of a better word, into an irrational but genuine fear.

Да, я знаю, что все вы хорошие, порядочные, справедливые люди, но за последние 10 лет наше подозрительное отношение к мусульманам превратилось, за неимением лучшего слова, в иррациональный, но неподдельный страх.

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Yes…er, excuse me, materialised, I think, is the better word.

Да, прошу прощения, я бы лучше сказал материализовались.

No, they were good words, Sharpe.

Нет, вы хорошо сказали, Шарп.

What’s the good word?

Хей! Что скажешь хорошего?

Mr Clennam, you couldn’t have said a better word.

Мистер Кленнэм, лучше и сказать нельзя.

But hey, do you think you could you put a good word in for me at the paper?

Думаю, ты бы мог сказать что-то хорошее обо мне в газете?

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Have you ever heard the expressions “better than” and “better then”? Do you feel confused about whether they can be used as synonyms or what is the difference between them? Well, you’ve come to the right place because all answers plus examples are just a couple of paragraphs away.

The expressions “better than” and “better then” are both correct. Yet, they have a different meanings. “Better than” is a conjunction used in comparisons meaning one thing is better than another. “Better then” is an adverbial phrase used to say something was better at another time.

better than or better then

The use of “better than” and “better then” is not interchangeable; the phrases aren’t synonyms.

Moreover, the use of “than” as conjunction implies that the sentence is comparative. Therefore, it always requires the use of a comparative adjective; in this case, that comparative adjective is “better”.

On the other hand, “then” is an adverb that is used, among other things, to highlight the temporal relationship between two or more events. In this case, the word “better” means that these things being compared were or will be better in a different time than the present.

Better Than

The line “better than” is used in a comparative sentence to say that something or someone is better than another thing or someone. The inclusion of the conjunction “than” is indicative of comparison while the use of “better” defines the quality being compared (one thing is better than the other).

Let’s see how to use “better than” in a sentence with these examples:

  1. He was better than most playing football, that’s why they call him the GOAT.
  2. Being better than me in tennis doesn’t allow you to make fun of my skills.
  3. I knew I was better than him even before we started the fight, I don’t know what happened.
  4. Martha is better than Veronica at mathematics, but Veronica writes beautiful essays.
  5. Being better than Michael with the sword has made me famous!
  6. Nothing compares to being better than the rest playing the guitar; I feel like God on stage!
  7. Being better than you at driving is not something to be proud of, you’re no good at all.

Better Then

The line “better then” contains the adverb “then” which expresses, among other things, a temporal relationship between events. In this case, that relationship is that one event was or will be better than the event happening at another time. For example, we could say “football was better then than now.”

Let’s see how to use “better then” in a sentence with these examples:

  1. Everything was better then! People used to live in a slower rhythm and talk to each other.
  2. Are you telling me that it was better back then with no electricity? I can’t believe you.
  3. I remember everything being better then; I think I idealized my youth.
  4. But were you better then? Maybe you shouldn’t have ended that relationship after all.
  5. Racecar pilots were better then because they were maneuvering on such old machines.
  6. The place we live at was much better then, there wasn’t so much air pollution.
  7. Maybe it was all a chimera after all and we lived better then than we do now.

Which Is Used the Most?

When checking on word popularity, there is no tool more powerful than the Google Ngram Viewer.

better than or better then usage

According to this tool, “better then” has been used close to nothing for the last century. This trend for the word has been to this day maintained with very small nuances.

“Better than”, on the other hand, is at its all-time highest popularity level. Although it experienced a popularity loss between the 1940s and the early 2000s, it received a huge popularity boost that lasts until these days. Finally, that positive trend turned into a flat curve in the past five years.

Final Thoughts

The lines “better than” and “better then” are correct as long as they’re not used as synonyms or interchanged. The first talks about the relationship between two objects/people and the second between two different moments in time. Both represent a comparison in which one is better than the other.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

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