Better word for very useful

very useful — перевод на русский

It’s very useful for us, Doctor.

Это очень полезно для нас, Доктор.

Well, that could be very useful.

Что ж, это может быть очень полезно.

— Very, very useful.

— Очень, очень полезно.

It is very useful

Это очень полезно.

In fact, it’s been a very useful…

Фактически, это было очень полезно…

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It could prove very useful.

Он может оказаться полезным.

It could be very useful.

Это может оказаться полезным.

It could be very useful.

Он может оказаться полезным.

But I have begun to realise how very useful such a thing might be.

Но я начинаю понимать, насколько это может быть полезным.

It would be very useful for me to see.

Это может оказаться полезным.

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It’s going to be very useful, if I can just get the darn thing to work.

Он может быть весьма полезен, если я смогу заставить эту штуку работать.

I find he’s very useful in certain situations.

Я думаю, что он весьма полезен в таких ситуациях.

Well, all I can say is that it was very useful.

Ну, я могу сказать, что он оказался весьма полезен.

Furthermore this search proved very useful.

Более того, этот обыск оказался весьма полезен.

I find him very useful, as you will discover.

Весьма полезен, как вы сейчас узнаете.

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Well, with such a mug, it is very useful, poor thing!

Ну, с такой-то рожей, ему оно очень пригодится, бедняжке!

That’ll be very useful if we need somebody to say the words,

Нам это очень пригодится, если понадобится кто-то, чтобы сказать:

But it’s very useful.

Но это очень пригодится

He’ll be very useful on the road.

Он вам очень пригодится, в полевых условиях.

— This lady could be very useful to you.

— Думаю, что эта дама тебе бы очень пригодилась.

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And I think he could be very useful on the war committee.

Мне кажется, он пригодится на военном комитете.

That’s very useful.

Это пригодится.

Ooh. That’s very useful, actually.

Вообще-то, это пригодится.

This information will be very useful for my project.

Эта информация пригодится для моего проекта.

It is very useful, whether one is young or in late middle age, to know the difference between literally and figuratively.

Неважно молоды вы или разменяли еще один десяток, вам пригодится знать разницу между этими двумя словами.

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You have been very useful for me.

Вы мне очень помогли.

you have been very useful for me.

Вы мне очень помогли.

That’s very useful.

Это очень помогло.

Well, he said that’s too bad, because in this case, it would’ve been very useful to have it on.

Говорит, очень жаль, ведь в данном случае оно бы очень помогло.

That’s very useful, Mrs Sweetland.

Вы очень помогли нам, миссис Свитленд.

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You’ve been very useful to us, Max.

Tы нам очень помогаешь, Макс

Yes, she would become very useful in a few years.

Да, в скором времени она станет очень успешной.

Simply damaging an enemy’s car can be very useful, as well, as long as you can get your own team in position to do the repairs.

Простое повреждение вражеской машины может быть очень действенным, кроме того, до тех пор, пока вы можете доставить на место вашу команду, чтобы устранить поломку.

She is a tool… a very expensive, very useful tool.

Она инструмент… очень дорогой и полезный инструмент.

Отправить комментарий

I’m looking for a word to describe a thing that is small but very useful.

It is not important about the nature of the word, also it may be an animal name.

I found the word ‘peppy‘ and ‘streamline‘ but I would like better words for the purpose.

For example:

I love my swiss army knife, it’s so {small but very useful}

AndyT's user avatar


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asked Dec 22, 2016 at 10:16

Vilture's user avatar


How about gadget, widget, or gizmo?


gadget: A small
mechanical or electronic device or tool, especially an ingenious or
novel one

widget: A small
gadget or mechanical device.

gizmo: A gadget, especially one whose name the speaker does
not know or cannot recall

answered Dec 22, 2016 at 13:50

Richard Kayser's user avatar

Richard KayserRichard Kayser

17.8k3 gold badges22 silver badges54 bronze badges

The words «Compact» (or) «Niche», in some way, also convey the single word alternative you are looking for.

answered Dec 22, 2016 at 12:11

Monzoor's user avatar


1,4531 gold badge8 silver badges14 bronze badges


На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

For example, popular «House, M.D.» will fill your vocabulary with not very useful words like names of rare diseases and other medical terms.

Например, популярный нынче «Доктор Хаус» пополнит ваш словарный запас не слишком полезными словами вроде названий редких болезней и прочих медицинских терминов.

You can’t point to any object that those words mean, but they are very useful words; I should say the same of «universe.»

Вы не можете указать на объекты, которые обозначаются этими словами, однако это очень полезные слова; я бы сказал то же самое о слове «вселенная».

These are very useful words in English.

Другие результаты

And obviously a word which we can never apply is not going to he a very useful word.

Но очевидно, что слово, которое мы не можем применять, становится бесполезным.

Very useful word. So, look at that.

And I’ve found a very useful new word, ignostic.

People with problems to communicate, will find this tool very useful to give their words a voice.

Люди с проблемами общения, найдут этот инструмент очень полезным, чтобы дать своему голосу слово.

It is very useful to learn new words and idiomatic expressions.

It really useful words for me.

Its sophisticated system of word construction generates a high percentage of useful words.

Его сложная система построения слова генерирует высокий процент полезных слов.

After these words, on this day in this issue has not made any single useful word.

После этих слов, по сей день в этот вопрос не внесено ни единого полезного слова.

Key Words for Fluency provides practice in learning collocations of some of the most useful words in English.

Кёу Words for Fluency — (Pre- Intermediate, Intermediate) обеспечивает практику в изучении словосочетаний некоторых из самых полезных слов на английском языке.

This app include 1500 most useful words in the daily life.

Компактное издание: 1500 самых необходимых в повседневной жизни слов.

You will learn over 600 useful words and phrases.

This will be different from game to game, so it’s hard to compile a general list of useful words.

Это будет отличаться от игры, поэтому сложно собрать общий список полезных слов.

They watch all series in Russian and write down useful words.

Они смотрят все сериалы на русском языке и выписывают полезные слова.

It does not take much time and will allow to learn a couple of useful words.

Это не отнимет много времени и позволит выучить пару полезных слов.

These particular combinations became useful words for describing as well as feeling the state of consciousness they induced.

Эти отдельные комбинации стали полезными словами для описания, а так же чувством состояния сознания, которое они вызывали.

And I don’t find them useful words in mixed company.

Another section of the book also provides a small dictionary with more than 1,500 useful words arranged alphabetically.

Также отдельным блоком в книге представлен небольшой словарь, который содержит более 1500 полезных слов, расположенных в алфавитном.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 14026. Точных совпадений: 3. Затраченное время: 331 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200


adjective прилагательное

















  1. полезный

    useful property
    полезное свойство

    socially useful work
    общественно полезный труд

    extremely useful tool
    чрезвычайно полезный инструмент

    other useful information
    полезная информация

    useful contribution
    ценный вклад

  2. удобный

    useful format
    удобный формат

  3. пригодный

  4. эффективный

  5. нужный

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений useful на 1 миллион слов: 46.

Примеры предложений

The only useful answers are those that raise new questions.
Единственные полезные ответы — те, которые поднимают новые вопросы.

This knife was very useful to me.
Этот нож очень мне пригодился.

A cow is a useful animal.
Корова — полезное животное.

Rocks and minerals are useful for us in many ways.
Камни и минералы полезны нам во многих отношениях.

Salt is a useful substance.
Соль — полезное вещество.

This is useful information.
Это полезная информация.

Tom taught Mary a lot of useful French.
Том научил Марию многим полезным выражениям на французском языке.

This book may well be useful to you.
Эта книга может оказаться для вас полезной.

This dictionary is as useful as that one.
Этот словарь такой же полезный, как тот.

I hope this data will be useful to you.
Я надеюсь, эти данные будут вам полезны.

Credit cards are useful but dangerous.
Кредитные карты удобны, но опасны.

Edison invented many useful things.
Эдисон изобрел множество полезных вещей.

That’s a very useful piece of information.
Это очень полезная информация.

Greek and Latin are useful languages, so I’m studying them.
Греческий и латинский — полезные языки, поэтому я их учу.

Thank you very much for the useful advice.
Большое спасибо за полезный совет.

This book is very useful for us.
Эта книга очень для нас полезна.

I think this dictionary is useful for beginners.
Думаю, этот словарь полезен для начинающих.

That book contains useful ideas.
В этой книге собраны полезные идеи.

Wikipedia is a very useful site.
Википедия очень полезный сайт.

I like to invent useful things.
Мне нравится изобретать полезные вещи.

Download Shtooka Recorder and get familiar with it. You will be using it to record the sentences. It’s a very useful program.
Скачайте программу «Shtooka Recorder» и ознакомьтесь с ней. Вы будете использовать её для записи предложений. Это очень полезная программа.

To create a website, it is useful to know how to code.
Чтобы создать сайт, полезно уметь кодить.

Read such books as will be useful in later life.
Читай те книги, которые будут полезны тебе в дальнейшей жизни.

Judo is not only good for young people’s health but also very useful in forming their personalities.
Дзюдо не только хорошо влияет на здоровье молодых людей, но и очень полезно для формирования их личностей.

Swimming is a very useful skill.
Плавание — очень полезный навык.

Iron is much more useful than gold.
Железо гораздо полезнее золота.

This book will be useful to anyone who wants to improve their memory and logical thinking.
Эта книга будет полезна всем, кто желает улучшить свою память и логическое мышление.

A dairy cow is a useful animal.
Дойная корова — полезное животное.

She gave us some useful information.
Она предоставила нам некоторую полезную информацию.

This is a very useful book.
Это очень полезная книга.

One of the fundamentals of good writing is to avoid weak and vague words. It is a lesson we have been subjected to since school.

Remember how our teachers emphasized on adding meaningful and appropriate vocabulary for a good score?

Well, guess what? We have come to terms with the realization that it was not just for good grades, it was for making an impact on your writing. Making your writing sharpen, rank better on Google, and engage the audience.

Good writing is hard, and writing without repetition is even harder. While writing, we tend to use words common to our understanding that not only makes the text look very bad awful but also leaves the meaning powerless.

One common word from our vernacular is “very”

If you are a blogger, student or in any other domain that involves written communication, this article is for you. It is time for all of you to expand your vocabulary and skip the lazy word.

It will give your confidence a boost, your writing a power, your speech a sophistication and you might be able to land up better work opportunities by being able to communicate more efficiently – you will be finally able to convey your intelligence.

201 Words to Use Instead of Very (Infographic)

201 Words to Use Instead of Very Infographic

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Why It Is Important To Use Powerful Words?

Admit it or not, we have been misusing this word since our initial understanding of the language, and we are all admitting the guilt. Florence King once termed the word “very” as one of the most useless words in the entire English Language.

[clickToTweet tweet=”Florence King says, the word ‘VERY’ is the most useless word in the English Dictionary. Stop using very and use these 201 powerful words instead.” quote=”Florence King says, the word ‘VERY’ is the most useless word in the English Dictionary. Stop using very and use these 201 powerful words instead.”]

According to Florence, “very” is treacherous because of its weakening effect when it is used to do precisely the opposite- strengthening the text.

Words to Use Instead of Very Meme

The word “very” is killing what is supposed to be – powerful and meaningful at the same time. This modifier has been violated by squeezing it in, where it had no space.

Though replacing this word with much complex and more significant words may do the opposite as well. But in many cases, chances of making the text look and sound smarter exist.

It is all about using the right words in the right place.

There exists an entire range of better and powerful words – apparently for a purpose. Expressing ourselves in a better and sophisticated way does not hurt anyone. That is why, expanding vocabulary is a remedy which when appropriately utilized, has the power of doing wonders.

For example look at this sentence; The place was very calm.

The reader understands the meaning, and the phrase seems familiar to our understanding. Now, what if in the same sentence, the word very calm is replaced with something else. It now reads; The place was serene.

Again, the meaning is understood, but substituting ‘very’ gave the entire sentence a whole new intensity and power. It is the power of a good vocabulary. All you had to do is omit the lazy words and replace them with something better.

The easy way is no way and little efforts to expand your word database might come handy in a long way. Your text will value more, and you can keep the readers engrossed in whatever you write.

Final Words

I have gone through a phase of convenient writing and trust me; it is not worth it. If you can improvise, then it is always better to cease the opportunity. Better vocabulary will improve your perception in the minds of people, and you will eventually end up with a good grasp of language and speech.

So, it is time to go ahead and get rid of the word ‘Very’

You can still use it but do not misuse it. Laziness will just not do, not in your work, not in your essays and the sooner you realize it, the better it is going to be for you.

Don’t forget to leave your thoughts in the comment section below, and let us know what you think of this infographic. Share this post with your followers and make it very popular trending.

In English, you can sound convincing, interesting, and smart by using more precise English words instead of very.

How to use the word “very”

“Very” is a great word in English. The word “very” is an intensifying modifier. You can use it to give the adjective or adverb a stronger meaning.

For example, by saying “a very short meeting” instead of “a short meeting”, you stress that the meeting is short. Adding “very” gives an emphasis to the adjective or adverb you use to describe a noun, such as a person, a situation, an action, or an object.

Using “very” can be vague

“Very” is a very good word. However, using the word “very” can be vague, because “very” is often placed in front of a more common word, such as “good”, “necessary”, “interesting” or “important.”

For example, when speaking or writing, using “essential” is more precise and convincing than “very necessary”. Instead of saying “very important“, say “crucial.”

Try to use more descriptive English words instead of very to sound smarter and more convincing in English.

Using “very” can be repetitive and boring

In addition, if you use the word “very” too much, it makes your writing and speaking seem boring and repetitive. Saying “It is very simple and also very special” can sound boring.

Avoid repeating “very” and try saying “basic” instead of “very simple” and “exceptional” instead of “very special.” Similarly, don’t say “very good” all the time. Say “excellent” instead.

Use a variety of English words instead of very to sound more interesting in English.

Replace “very” with more convincing words

Avoid using 2 words (“very + adjective/adverb“) to describe something. It is better to use 1 word that has the same meaning but is more precise and descriptive.

For example, you can replace “very accurate” by saying “exact.” Instead of saying “very clear“, say “obvious.

Don’t repeat yourself by using “very” too much. Have a look at this infographic by Proofreadingservices

This useful infographic presents 128 words instead of saying very you can use in English:

English words instead of very

*Note: This article may contain affiliate links, which means we may receive a small commission, at no cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link.

Here are 20 useful English words instead of “very” you can use in business situations:

  1. excellent = very good
  2. exact = very accurate
  3. obvious = very clear
  4. cutthroat = very competitive
  5. comprehensive = very complete
  6. innovative = very creative
  7. meticulous = very detailed
  8. costly = very expensive
  9. swamped = very busy
  10. crucial = very important
  11. captivating = very interesting
  12. essential = very necessary
  13. frequently = very often
  14. compelling = very powerful
  15. rapid = very quick
  16. grave = very serious
  17. brief = very short
  18. basic = very simple
  19. intelligent = very smart
  20. exceptional = very special

Study the new vocabulary

To help you study the new vocabulary, I created these flashcards. Using Quizlet, you can study the flashcards to memorize the new words:

Let’s practice 

Which of the 128 words can you use at work? Choose 1 of the words and write a sentence in the comments below!

I look forward to reading your sentences!

Happy learning!

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