Better word for very serious

What is a better word for serious?

SYNONYMS. solemn, earnest, grave, sober, sombre, unsmiling, poker-faced, stern, grim, dour, humourless, stony-faced. thoughtful, preoccupied, deep in thought, pensive, meditative, ruminative, contemplative, introspective. staid, sedate, studious, bookish.

Is severe a synonym of serious?

In this page you can discover 76 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for serious, like: grave, severe, pressing, earnest, staid, unsmiling, determined, difficult, dire, grim and humorless.

What’s another word for taken seriously?

What is another word for taken seriously?reckoned withforeseenexpectedplanned fortaken into considerationallowed forborn in mindtaken cognizance oftaken note oftaken into account1 more row

How do you describe seriousness?

Seriousness is a quality of being calmly intent, or serious. Your seriousness will serve you well when you’re studying for an important test. The noun seriousness comes from an adjective, serious, with a Latin root, serius, which means “weighty, important, or grave.”

What do you call a very serious person?

1 grave, humourless, long-faced, pensive, sedate, sober, solemn, stern, thoughtful, unsmiling.

How do you tell someone is serious?

Some common synonyms of serious are earnest, grave, sedate, sober, solemn, and staid. While all these words mean “not light or frivolous,” serious implies a concern for what really matters.

When a person is serious?

The definition of serious is showing deep thought, not joking, or a situation that requires careful thought. An example of serious is wearing a full suit to a casual dinner; serious attire. An example of serious is a person who doesn’t smile or laugh easily; serious person.

What do you call a person that never smiles?

Unsmiling – An unsmiling person is not smiling, and looks serious or unfriendly.

Why do models not smile?

They must not exude personality, which would be inappropriate because it might distract from the clothes – and indeed the designer’s personality as portrayed through those clothes. They are, after all, a “model”. In something outlandish, a smiling model could be seen as embarrassed or amused by the designer’s slip.

What happens if I never smile?

Smiling causes skin to overlap around the eyes (think: crow’s feet). Over time, wrinkles form. “If someone chose not to smile, they may have skin that looks more youthful, despite possibly looking joyless,” Dr. Robert Anolik, fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology said in an email.

Can you lose the ability to smile?

Yes it is possible to lose the ability to smile. This is very sad because smiling is not only an expression of positive emotions but also creates positive emotions and a more pleasant mental state. Another condition may be Parkinson’s in which is found a profound reduction of facial movement.

Should you smile in pictures?

We’re always told to ‘Smile!’ for photos – but John says a toothy grin won’t do you any favours. ‘Looking good in a picture isn’t about looking happy; it’s about creating a connection with the viewer,’ he says. ‘When we smile, we’re try to convey happiness, but we should be trying to look friendly.

Why do I smile when someone dies?

People laugh at funerals, Saltz explained, because thinking about death and mortality can cause anxiety. “When some people get really anxious, they laugh and then the more it feels like an inappropriate reaction, the more that they laugh because the more anxious they’re getting,” Saltz said.

What is the Duchenne smile?

The Duchenne smile is an expression that signals true enjoyment. It occurs when the zygomaticus major muscle lifts the corners of your mouth at the same time the orbicularis oculi muscles lift your cheeks and crinkle your eyes at the corners.

Why is it called a Duchenne smile?

The Duchenne smile is named after Guillaume Duchenne, a French anatomist who studied many different expressions of emotion, focusing on the smile of pure enjoyment. He identified thefacial movements that make this smile different from other types of smiles.

How do I know if my smile is Duchenne?

If you want to know if you’ve produced the Duchenne smile, look at your eyes and your cheeks. With Duchenne smiles, your cheeks will rise, and your eyes will have the natural crinkle that’s often affiliated with genuine smiles.

How can you tell a fake smile?

When trying to spot a fake smile, there are three things you can look that will give the “culprit” away.Absence of Closed Eyes. As stated before, one of the key ingredient in a genuine smile is the movement of the orbicularis oculi muscle. Absence of Crow’s Feet. Visible Bottom Teeth.

How can I pretend to be happy?

If I pretend to smile, fake a laugh or say I’m feeling positive, I might not feel that way on the inside….”Fake it ’til you make it” works for me and I wanted to share my thoughts on ways to fake being happy with you too.Find an outlet. Find something to laugh at. Create a Happy Playlist. Sing! Make someone else happy.

Is it good to fake a smile?

We think of our face as reflecting our internal emotions, but that linkage works both ways – we can change our emotional state by altering our facial expression! Pasting a smile on your face, even if you are consciously faking it, can improve your mood and reduce stress.

What is a better word for seriously?

What is another word for seriously?

solemnly earnestly
purposefully resolutely
sedately sincerely
determinedly fervently
intently passionately

What’s another word for very serious?

What is another word for serious?

glum solemn
reflective resolute
resolved ruminative
sedate sombreUK
subdued thoughtful

What is the adjective of serious?

adjective. of, showing, or characterized by deep thought. of grave or somber disposition, character, or manner: a serious occasion; a serious man. being in earnest; sincere; not trifling: His interest was serious. requiring thought, concentration, or application: serious reading; a serious task.

What type of word is thoughtfulness?

adjective. showing consideration for others; considerate. characterized by or manifesting careful thought: a thoughtful essay.

What is another name for thoughtfulness?

What is another word for thoughtfulness?

accuracy attention
attentiveness care
carefulness consideration
kindheartedness kindness
meticulousness precision

How do you describe someone’s kindness?

Kindness is defined as the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.

What is the difference between love and kindness?

Difference between Kindness and Love Kindness is a behavior characterized by benevolent goodness. When a person acts compassionately or generously towards another person or animal, he or she is said to be kind. Love is an emotion that is felt towards other people, animals, and even objects.

Is kindness part of love?

So, kindness is the motivation for kind deeds – just as is love. Aziz – I agree with you – they’re the same upon delivery. But I would go further and say that they also stem from the same impulse: love/kindness. Love and kindness are the same internal feeling and impulse and they are both expressed by kind/loving acts.

How do you practice loving kindness?

How to Practice Loving Kindness Meditation

  1. Carve out some quiet time for yourself (even a few minutes will work) and sit comfortably.
  2. Imagine yourself experiencing complete physical and emotional wellness and inner peace.
  3. Repeat three or four positive, reassuring phrases to yourself.

What is a mindfulness?

Mindfulness is a type of meditation in which you focus on being intensely aware of what you’re sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment.

What is the difference between loving-kindness and compassion?

Loving-kindness is often paired with compassion. The difference is very subtle. It is best explained as our attention for all beings to be happy, whereas compassion is our attention for all beings to be free from suffering.

What is a Maitri?

With an objective to attract investment and employment in the State, Maharashtra Government has launched one stop shop Maharashtra Industry, Trade and Investment Facilitation Cell (MAITRI), the cell marks a paradigm shift in role of the Government from being a regulator to that of facilitator.

What are the benefits of loving-kindness meditation?

Loving-Kindness Meditation packs a punch when it comes to health and happiness.

  • Increases positive emotions and decreases negative emotions.
  • Increases vagal tone which increases positive emotions and feelings of social connection.
  • Decreases Migraines.
  • Decreases Chronic Pain.
  • Decreases PTSD.

Why do I cry during loving kindness meditation?

Crying during meditation is often a manifestation of unresolved and suppressed emotions in our subconscious. When your mind is free of thought, you are able to take a good look into yourself. An important fact to note is that crying during meditation can be a result of negative or positive triggers.

What is loving kindness in DBT?

WhaT iS lOvinG kinDneSS? Loving kindness is a mindfulness practice designed to increase love and compas- sion first for ourselves and then for our loved ones, for friends, for those we are angry with, for difficult people, for enemies, and then for all beings.

Some common synonyms of serious are earnest, grave, sedate, sober, solemn, and staid.

What is the meaning of being serious?

Definition of serious 1 : thoughtful or subdued in appearance or manner : sober a quiet, serious girl. 2a : requiring much thought or work serious study. b : of or relating to a matter of importance a serious play. 3a : not joking or trifling : being in earnest a serious question. b archaic : pious.

What is a Penn?

a member of the Religious Society of Friends founded by George Fox (the Friends have never called themselves Quakers) a university in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. synonyms: Pennsylvania, University of Pennsylvania. example of: university.

Who is furious?

adjective. full of fury, violent passion, or rage; extremely angry; enraged: He was furious about the accident. intensely violent, as wind or storms. of unrestrained energy, speed, etc.: furious activity.

How can I be serious?

Look serious when you think.

  1. Avoid making eye contact with people around you. Fold your arms and cross your legs.
  2. Stay quiet and maintain a serious expression.
  3. You do not stay in this pose permanently. You only need to hold it until you work through your thoughts. Holding it too long may look awkward.

Is a serious matter synonym?

I raise what I consider to be quite a serious matter for your consideration. … What is another word for a serious matter?

hard work no joke
no laughing matter not a trivial issue

Is serious a feeling?

seriousness Add to list Share. Seriousness is a quality of being calmly intent, or serious. … Sometimes seriousness implies a bit of worry, like when you ask about the seriousness of your grandmother’s health problems.

What do you call a very serious person?

1 grave, humourless, long-faced, pensive, sedate, sober, solemn, stern, thoughtful, unsmiling. 2 deliberate, determined, earnest, genuine, honest, in earnest, resolute, resolved, sincere.

What does very seriously mean?

1 : in a sincere manner : earnestly speaking seriously. 2 : to a serious extent : severely, extremely seriously injured.

What does Pennsylvania stand for?

Penn’s woods Pennsylvania means Penn’s woods or Penn’s land. Quaker William Penn was granted the tract of land by King Charles II of England in 1681 as repayment of debt owed to Penn’s father (Admiral William Penn). Originally, Penn suggested Sylvania (woodland) for his land. All State Name Origins.

Is Penn Urban?

Where is Penn located? Penn’s 299-acre urban campus is located in the West Philadelphia neighborhood known as University City, just across the Schuylkill River from Center City Philadelphia.

What GPA do you need to get into UPenn?

3.9 GPA To have the best shot of getting in, you should aim for the 75th percentile, with a 1560 SAT or a 35 ACT. You should also have a 3.9 GPA or higher. If your GPA is lower than this, you need to compensate with a higher SAT/ACT score.

What is D opposite of furious?

Opposite of violent or unrestrained, such as in speed or energy. nonviolent. peaceable. peaceful. calm.

What is furious heart?

Furious Heart is a 30-day challenge, self-help book to deal with your buried hurts, humiliation, and pain associated with ending or enduring abuse in partner relationships.

What is the root of furious?

furious (adj.) late 14c., impetuous, unrestrained, from Old French furios, furieus furious, enraged, livid (14c., Modern French furieux), from Latin furiosus full of rage, mad, from furia rage, passion, fury (see fury). Furioso, from the Italian form of the word, was used in English 17c. -18c.

Is being a serious person good?

They boost our mood and don’t burden us with their issues. But serious people may be worth more of our time. True, serious folks are unlikely to make us laugh but also are unlikely to be annoying like perky types can be. … Serious people may be more likely to make a difference in the world.

When you are a serious person?

A dictionary definition of serious is showing deep thought, not joking, or a situation that requires careful thought. An example of serious is wearing a full suit to a casual dinner; serious attire. An example of serious is a person who doesn’t smile or laugh easily; serious person.

How can I have a serious relationship?

Building a healthy relationship

  1. You maintain a meaningful emotional connection with each other. …
  2. You’re not afraid of (respectful) disagreement. …
  3. You keep outside relationships and interests alive. …
  4. You communicate openly and honestly. …
  5. Commit to spending some quality time together on a regular basis.

Are you serious what is the meaning?

Are you serious? – can be used as a question when questioning someones information or comment Example: Friend: There were over 150 people at the party. You: Are you serious? … However, you can also use it to question someones emotional state.

What is the adjective of serious?

adjective. of, showing, or characterized by deep thought. of grave or somber disposition, character, or manner: a serious occasion; a serious man. being in earnest; sincere; not trifling: His interest was serious.

What does Why so serious mean?

Why so serious? is also an English phrase that’s usually said to a somber person in a joyful setting. In this last case, it has a more sincere meaning than the meme.

What does serious mean in a relationship?

In the most basic sense, a serious relationship is one in which you’re completely committed to your partner; you’re totally open and honest with one another; you trust each other deeply; and you’re on the same page, not only in terms of your values and ethics but about your future together as well.

What is the base word of serious?

mid-15c., expressing earnest purpose or thought (of persons), from Old French serios grave, earnest (14c., Modern French srieux) and directly from Late Latin seriosus, from Latin serius weighty, important, grave, probably from a PIE root *sehro- slow, heavy (source also of Lithuanian sveriu, sverti to weigh, …

How do you explain serious to a child?

definition 1: marked by careful thinking or consideration. … definition 2: not smiling or laughing; solemn; grave. The policeman had a serious look on his face.

What is a serious minded person?

Definitions of serious-minded. adjective. acting with or showing thought and good sense. synonyms: thoughtful serious. concerned with work or important matters rather than play or trivialities.

Why do I take everything serious?

1. You’re a social perfectionist. Social perfectionism is when you can’t stand the thought of other people seeing your flaws or mistakes. … And when you’re in the habit of always worrying about what others think about you, taking things personally is almost inevitable.

What does it mean to have a serious personality?

Individuals with the Serious personality style maintain a sober demeanor. They are solemn and not given to emotional expression. No pretentions. They are realistically aware of their own capabilities, but they are also aware of their own limitations; they are not tempted by vanity or self-importance. Accountability.

Is it very serious or very seriously?

Senior Member. ‘take it seriously’ is the correct phrase in BE because seriously is an adverb, while serious is an adjective (and in this case the word describes the actions of the verb take, so we need an adverb).

How do you say think deeply?

think deeply

  1. ponder.
  2. ruminate.
  3. cogitate.
  4. consider.
  5. deliberate.
  6. design.
  7. devise.
  8. dream.

Are you serious or are you seriously?

Are you serious? is right by itself. If you want to use Are you seriously, it has to be followed by an -ing verb (Are you seriously thinking about moving to Japan?), noun (Are you seriously a student?), or adjective (Are you seriously sick?).

adjective. severe, acute, critical, dangerous. important, crucial, fateful, grim, momentous, no laughing matter, pressing, significant, urgent, worrying. solemn, grave, humorless, sober, unsmiling. sincere, earnest, genuine, honest, in earnest.

What is another word for Sol?

What is another word for Sol?

sun star
Helios luminary
Phoebus sphere
Apollo daystar
Ra Phoebus Apollo

What is the word for clearly expressed?

precisely and clearly expressed or readily observable; leaving nothing to implication. synonyms: explicit definite. precise; explicit and clearly defined. denotative, denotive.

What is a solemn expression?

English Language Learners Definition of solemn : very serious or formal in manner, behavior, or expression. : sad and serious. : done or made sincerely.

How do you describe seriousness?

Seriousness is a quality of being calmly intent, or serious. Sometimes seriousness implies a bit of worry, like when you ask about the seriousness of your grandmother’s health problems. The noun seriousness comes from an adjective, serious, with a Latin root, serius, which means “weighty, important, or grave.”

What is the same meaning of seriously?

Frequently Asked Questions About serious Some common synonyms of serious are earnest, grave, sedate, sober, solemn, and staid. While all these words mean “not light or frivolous,” serious implies a concern for what really matters.

Whats does Sol mean?

Solar day
Sol is a NASA term for Solar day and is essentially used by the planetary scientists. It refers to the time that it takes for Mars to revolve once around its own axis. The solar day on Earth is slightly shorter because the Mars orbit around the sun requires it to turn a bit further on the axis.

What does Sol acronym mean?

Acronym. Definition. SOL. Sadly Outta Luck (polite form)

What is another word for clearly defined?

certainly, plainly, undoubtedly, obviously, openly, definitely, surely, distinctly, precisely, apparently, evidently, positively, seemingly, acutely, decidedly, indubitably, markedly, purely, sharply, audibly.

How do you say make it easier?

synonyms for make easier

  1. abate.
  2. aid.
  3. allay.
  4. ameliorate.
  5. appease.
  6. assist.
  7. assuage.
  8. calm.

very serious — перевод на русский

L-l-I want to tell you all something very seriously.

Я-Я хочу вам сказать кое-что очень серьёзно.

0! Putting it at times in 0 looks good… but 5 in a row is very serious!

Выбрасывать зеро это хорошо, но 5 раз подряд это очень серьёзно!

Very seriously.

Очень серьезно.

«Very seriously.»

Очень серьезно.

Sebastian, I want to talk to you very seriously.

Себастьян, я хочу очень серьезно с тобой поговорить.

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Adolphus, I have something very serious to discuss with you.

Адольфус, мне нужно с тобой серьёзно поговорить.

But I say it to you very seriously.

Я говорю серьезно.

It’s very serious.

Это серьезно.

We need to have a very serious conversation.

Напротив… Нам необходимо серьезно поговорить.

It could be very serious.

Это серьезно.

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— I’m very serious about this.

— Я очень серьезно отношусь к этому.

— I should just like to say that I take very seriously the trust placed in me by the British people today, and I will work hard every day to live up to that responsibility.

Я бы только хотела заявить, что очень серьёзно отношусь к тому доверию, которое британский народ оказал мне сегодня, и я каждодневно буду усердно работать, чтобы соответствовать оказанному доверию.

And, well, I’m very serious about school right now.

А я сейчас очень серьезно отношусь к учебе.

You know, I take my protection detail very seriously.

Я очень серьезно отношусь к своей охране.

Well, I take the safety of my volunteers very seriously.

Ну, я очень серьезно отношусь к безопасности своих добровольцев .

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— I take my job very seriously.

— Я серьёзно отношусь к своей работе.

I take my business very seriously.

Я серьёзно отношусь к своему бизнесу.

I take my traffic duty very seriously, sir.

Я серьезно отношусь к своей работе, сэр.

I take my job very seriously because sometimes it literally can be life or death.

Я серьезно отношусь к своей работе, потому что иногда это буквально касается жизни и смерти.

First of all, I take my job very seriously.

Во-первых, я серьёзно отношусь к своей работе.

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And you being the very serious young cadet… Serious?

А вы, будучи очень сознательным юным кадетом—

Bish, someone is very serious about keeping people out of that room.

Биш, кто-то очень заботиться, чтобы туда никто не проник.

And Jack was very serious about this work.

А Джеку этот проект был очень важен.

Please excuse my little friend, he takes his duties very seriously.

Простите моего друга, он очень ревностно исполняет свои обязанности.

Well when I look at the boy in that painting I see a very intelligent, very serious person and a good person.

Ќ€поимео, когд€ € смотою н€ м€льчик€ н€ этой к€отине,.. … €вижуоченьумного,сеоьЄзного и очень добоого человек€.

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I’m takin’ you very seriously.

Еще как всерьез.

I can’t. There are a lot of things you don’t take very seriously.

Ты многих вещей не воспринимаешь всерьёз.

-She was taking that very seriously.

— Она принимает все всерьез.

The Biscuit will take this memorial very seriously.

А то, что Пряник будет воспринимать эту церемонию всерьез.

Well, for that kind of money, my people will expect some very serious smoking.

За это нужно, чтобы они дымили всерьёз. Питт умеет пускать колечки?

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Hence, the matter is very serious.

То есть дело весьма серьезное.

So, if he’s hired an outsider obviously, this is something he takes very seriously.

Если он прячется за границей, значит дело весьма серьезное.

The American Psychiatric Association categorizes gender dysphoria as a very serious mental disorder.

Американская ассоциация психиатров рассматривает гендерную дисфорию как весьма серьёзное умственное расстройство.

Your son’s committed a very serious crime, and although he may be a minor, the state of Texas intends to prosecute him to the full extent of the law.

Ваш сын совершил весьма серьезное преступление, и пусть он и несовершеннолетний, штат Техас намерен преследовать его по всей строгости закона.

Well, it’s a very serious condition.

Состояние весьма серьезное.

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It’s very serious.

Это очень важно.

— This is very serious.

— Это очень важно.

— Yeah, very serious.

— Ага, очень важно.

It’s all very simple, Gerry. But it’s very serious.

Это очень просто, Джерри, но очень важно.

Ma’am, it’s very serious.

Мэм, это очень важно.

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This is a very serious form of illness.

Вы понимаете, это очень тяжелая форма заболевания.

It’s a very serious operation.

Это, действительно, очень тяжелая операция.

that’s a very serious injury.

это — очень тяжелая рана.

The woman who called herself Mrs. Danvers was very seriously ill.

Женщина, которая называла себя миссис Денверс была очень тяжело больна.

My mom’s illness is very serious..

Моя мама очень тяжело больна.

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I have to talk very seriously to you.

Я должен поговорить с вами со всей серьёзностью.

And I want you to know I take it very seriously.

Хочу, чтобы вы знали, я принимаю ее со всей серьезностью.

Mr. Kent, I take my doctor-patient confidentiality very seriously but Clark needs proper care.

Мистер Кент, я соблюдаю врачебную этику со всей серьезностью.

You don’t see that every day, so when doctors, they hear that, they take it very seriously, as do we, as does the FBI.

Такое не каждый день увидишь, и когда врачи слышат такое они относятся к этому со всей серьезностью, равно как и мы, как и ФБР.

I don’t want you to worry about this part, because I have to take the full, final responsibility for this, and I do, and I take that very seriously.

Даже не сомневайтесь. Я беру на себя полную ответственность. Я отношусь к этому делу со всей серьезностью.

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  • очень серьёзно
  • серьёзно
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  • серьёзно отношусь к
  • очень
  • всерьёз
  • весьма серьёзное
  • очень важно
  • очень тяжёлая
  • всей серьёзностью

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