Better word for very sad


as in heartbroken

feeling unhappiness

movies in which the hero dies always make us feel sad

Antonyms & Near Antonyms


as in depressing

causing unhappiness

the sad news about our uncle’s death made my father cry

Antonyms & Near Antonyms


as in pathetic

deserving pitying scorn (as for inadequacy)

no one expected the supermodel to be a great actress, but her acting is sad beyond belief

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

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“Sad.” Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 13 Apr. 2023.


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Asked by: Airis Lindbuchl

asked in category: family and relationships Last Updated: 21st November, 2020

What is another word for very sad?

anguished brokenhearted
devastated miserable
morose woeful
wretched depressed
grief-stricken inconsolable

See full answer. Thereof, what can I say instead of sad?

Synonyms for sad

  • bitter.
  • dismal.
  • heartbroken.
  • melancholy.
  • mournful.
  • pessimistic.
  • somber.
  • sorrowful.

One may also ask, how do you describe extreme sadness? Synonyms for sadness

  1. anguish.
  2. grief.
  3. heartache.
  4. heartbreak.
  5. hopelessness.
  6. melancholy.
  7. misery.
  8. mourning.

Furthermore, what is another word for extremely sad?

unhappy, sorry, sorrowful, downcast, dismal, gloomy, glum, pensive, heavy-hearted, dispirited, dejected, depressed, desolate, troubled, melancholy, morose, grieved, pessimistic, melancholic, crushed, brokenhearted, heartbroken, heartsick, despondent, careworn, rueful, anguished, disheartened, lamenting, mourning,

What do you call a feeling of great regret or sadness?

an emotion of great sadness associated with loss or bereavement. regret, rue, ruefulness, sorrow. sadness associated with some wrong done or some disappointment. cheerlessness, uncheerfulness. a feeling of dreary or pessimistic sadness.

In this lesson, you’re going to learn 60 negative feelings in English. Also check out 8 Better Words for “Happy” Plus 33 More Positive Emotion Adjectives & Idioms.

Talking about our feelings, especially negative feelings, isn’t easy — even in our first language.

So today I’m going to show you different words to describe negative emotions in English.

You’re going to learn:

  • Other words for sad
  • Other words for angry
  • Other words for anxious
  • Other words for jealous
  • Other words for regretful
  • Other words for bored
  • Other words for tired

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Other Words for “Anxious”

Negative feelings: other words for "anxious"

VOICE IN YOUR HEAD: What if it breaks?
YOU: But this is Canada! Nothing breaks here!
VOICE IN YOUR HEAD: Nothing’s perfect. Remember that story in the news last year?
YOU: It’ll be fine.
VOICE IN YOUR HEAD: But will it?
YOU: … erm …


In many languages, “nervous” and “excited” have the same meaning.

So sometimes I hear, “I have to go to see the doctor today. I’m excited.”

Which isn’t the feeling I usually get when I have to go and see the doctor. Unless it’s THE doctor:

Doctor Who

Doctor Who Series 8 by Doctor Who Spoilers | CC BY 2.0

So “nervous” is basically the negative of “excited.” That feeling before an exam, seeing the doctor or when you’re about to cross a massive rope bridge.


OK. We all know what this means, right?

Just remember that “stressed” is how you feel — not “stressful.”

Use “stressed” for the situation:

“I’m stressed. This Christmas shopping is really stressful. Perhaps I should become a pagan or something.”


OK. As you’re about to see, we have three words for “afraid” and at least two for “very afraid.”

The first word for “afraid” is … erm … “afraid.”

Blog lists sometimes aren’t as simple as they seem to be.


This means “afraid.”

“It’s only a quick checkup — nothing to be scared of.”


And again — it means “afraid.”

Why do we have so many words for “afraid”?

Why is Samuel L. Jackson in every film ever made?

The answer to both those questions is … “I don’t know.”


This one means “very afraid.”

“Scared of spiders? He’s absolutely terrified of them.”


This one also means “very afraid,” so it’s like “terrified,” but there’s a little extra meaning in there.

Originally this word meant “turned into stone.”

So it’s like you’re so frightened that you can’t move.

Like you’ve been turned into stone.


This is a mix of “worried” and “anxious.”

When you just can’t relax.

Think about how a mother might feel when her teenage kid is out with his friends.

She’s not relaxing until he’s home, right?

Or when you’re waiting for your latest exam result.

On edge

This is pretty much the same as “unsettled.”

Sometimes we use it to describe a personal characteristic.

We’ve all met that guy, right? The one who just can’t relax. Always worried about something.

He’s on edge.

“Every time the president says something it puts me on edge.”

Have butterflies in your stomach

Feeling nervous?

Then you’ve got butterflies in your stomach.

Nice phrase, yeah? I mean, it really feels like that sometimes, right?


You know that feeling?

Something bad’s going to happen. But you don’t know what.

And you don’t know why.

You just know.

It’s basically about feeling worried about the future, even though there may not be any reason to.


You might have noticed the word “stressed” in “distressed.”

Well, it’s similar but not quite the same.

“Distressed” means “upset” or “worried.”


This is also a bit like “on edge” or “unsettled.”

And this time, we can really see it.

He just won’t sit down! Or stop walking up and down the room.

Think about someone who’s had too much coffee.


“Oh sit still! Please! You’re so fidgety.”
“I can’t — I’m too nervous. He’ll be here any moment.”

This one means you’re so nervous that you can’t stop moving parts of your body.

Maybe you’re kicking your leg against the chair or maybe just moving your hands around.

It’s similar to “jittery.”


A lot of these adjectives describe someone moving around because they’re too nervous.

And this is another one of those.

When you’re restless, you can’t relax because you’re too worried.


This one is quite general.

Use it to describe a general feeling of anxiety or discomfort.

Other Words for “Angry”

Negative feelings: other words for "angry"

Grrrr! She’s really angry.

But I would be too. I’m always angry when someone steals my dolls.


Very angry.


Very, very angry. We’re talking more than dolls here.

“How did he react to the news?”
“He was absolutely livid!”

Pissed off

Very angry. But be careful with this one — it’s pretty rude. Friends only!


Slightly angry and irritated.

It’s quite a low-level anger. Like when the builders next door are making loads of noise. Or that bee won’t leave you alone.


This is basically the same as “annoyed.” It’s rather British, though.

“To be honest, I was a bit miffed when I found out they’d all gone to watch the new Star Wars film without me.”


The older I get, the more I make sure I don’t get bitter.

You can look at people younger than you and say, “Hey! That’s cool! Look at them! I was that young once, but now it’s over and everything’s fine.”

Or you could choose to be bitter about it — hating the young because you just don’t have that fresh-faced beauty and trust in the world anymore.

I usually go for the first option. It’s the better one, right?


Really, really angry. The same as “furious.”

It’s amazing how many words we have for “angry,” isn’t it?


Furious. Enraged. Pissed off. Very, very angry.

Why do we have so many of these?

At (your) wit’s end

When you’ve run out of patience, and you’re ready to explode!

“I’ve tried and tried, but I can’t get the pieces to fit. Honestly, I’m at wit’s end!”


This is basically the same as “angry.”

But it’s a little weaker.

I usually think of a mother saying something like:

“If you push that dog one more time, I’m going to be very cross with you.”


Absolutely furious!

Again — we have a lot of words for “very, very angry.”

I’d like to know why.


Here’s another one. It means “very, very angry.”


The last one. Guess what it means? Yep! Furious! Enraged! Pissed off! Livid! Fuming!

Or very, very angry.

Other Words for “Sad”

Negative feelings: other words for "sad"

She’s gone! The love of his life!

And they only got nine days together.

He’ll never forget her! Maybe.


“Hey, how’s it going?”
“I dunno. I’m feeling a bit down today.”

Sometimes we just feel a bit sad. Maybe there’s a reason for it or maybe there isn’t.

Either way, we can say we’re feeling down.


Or if you’re bored of using “down,” use “low” instead. They have the same meaning.

Both “down” and “low” are idiomatic adjectives.

Down in the dumps

“What’s a ‘dump’?” you might ask.

A dump is that place where all your rubbish goes after it gets collected.

Kind of a sad place, isn’t it?


This is actually a medical term and can be a serious psychological disorder.

But sometimes we also use it when someone’s kind of “long-term” unhappy.

Maybe they’ve just split up with someone.

Or maybe they’ve been reading the news too much.

“I think he’s depressed. He hasn’t left the house for weeks.”


Erm … not happy.

Or sad.


This is an interesting one.

It’s a kind of sadness but has a daydreamlike quality to it.

It kind of feels like this:


We often use it to describe the arts, like a melancholic song or a melancholic picture.

A melancholic scene in a film would have a kind of dreamy sadness to it.


He’s in a bad mood, and he won’t really talk to anyone.

At best you’ll get a one-word answer from him.

He’s being sullen.


This is similar to “sullen,” though a little more negative.

She hasn’t got what she wanted, and now she’s going to sulk.

She’s going to ignore you and not talk to you.

“Don’t be so sulky. There’ll be another ice cream van soon.”


Have you ever suffered from a broken heart?

Remember that feeling? That’s being heartbroken.

Hurts, doesn’t it?


So you got the promotion! You’ve been made mega-super-boss-manager, and you’re going to be on that massive salary, working in New York, company car, Manhattan penthouse flat. Everything!

Then you find out that you got the wrong memo, and in fact, you’ve been fired.

Very disappointed, right?

And sad. Very, very sad.

Or crestfallen.

Other Words for “Jealous”

Negative feelings: other words for "jealous"

She loves him.

He loves her.

And that other guy just isn’t happy about that.


There’s a subtle difference between envy and jealousy.

Jealousy is about fear — fear of losing something (or usually someone) to another person.

Envy is just that feeling of “You have that. And I want it!”

Green with envy

Yep. Envy comes in a colour.

And that colour is green!

You can use this like an adjective:

“Oh! You should’ve seen him! He was green with envy!”

The green-eyed monster

This one comes from the Shakespeare play, Othello.

We use it to describe jealousy as a character.

Some quick research shows that we can talk about dealing with the green-eyed monster, taming the green-eyed monster or how the green-eyed monster is a problem to overcome.

“They were getting along just fine. Then the green-eyed monster reared its ugly head.”

Yeah. Jealousy’s ugly.


Have you ever been treated unfairly?

Maybe the cops stopped you for no reason.

Or maybe the guy who buys cakes for the boss got the promotion, even though he can’t count past 199.

Then you probably felt resentful.

Other Words for “Regretful”

Negative feelings: other words for "regretful"

“I can’t believe what I’ve done! I’ll never find a 1980s orange-and-brown vase again!”

Yeah. That’s probably a good thing.


Back in December, we looked at the differences between “ashamed” and “embarrassed.”

To summarise, shame is a negative feeling you get as a result of something about YOU.

Perhaps it’s because of something you’ve done that didn’t meet your own personal standards.


If feeling ashamed is because of something you did that didn’t meet your own personal standards, feeling embarrassed is more about how other people look at you.

You feel bad because they might be laughing at you or judging you in some way.

“After what she did last week, she’s too embarrassed to show her face at work.”


Feeling guilty is related to feeling bad, but not for yourself (that’s “ashamed”) but for other people.

Let’s say you borrow a friend’s iPad, and you break it.

That feeling in your stomach that you get because your friend doesn’t have an iPad anymore? That’s guilt.


This word is quite strong and means “very, very regretful and guilty for something you’ve done.”

This feeling is usually a long-term one — the subconscious dealing with what you’ve done.

Other Words for “Bored”

Negative feelings: other words for "bored"

There he is — stuck in a conversation with Megan. Probably the most boring woman EVER!

He’ll never escape.

Bored stiff

Very bored — about one minute into a conversation with Megan.

“When can we go? I’m bored stiff.”

Bored out of my mind

Very, very bored — about a minute and a half into a conversation with Megan.


Not interested. But not totally bored.

Sick and tired

This is a little different.

We use this when we talk about something we’re doing.

So you can get sick and tired of watching Game of Thrones (this happened to me after one episode) or sick and tired of working in the same place every day.

Other Words for “Tired”

Negative feelings: other words for "tired"

“Please. No … more … cat … videos.”

Interestingly, there are different ways of feeling tired.

I mean — are you tired because you haven’t slept?

Or have you just been running around too much?


Fatigue is that special kind of tiredness that happens after repeating something for a long time.

Maybe you’ve been cycling for eight hours, and you suddenly just need to stop.

Or maybe you’ve been working far too long without a holiday.


Very, very tired.

“Exhaust” means “to completely finish or run out of something.”

When you’re exhausted, you’ve completely run out of energy.


Very, very tired.

This one’s very British.

So say it to Americans and watch them get confused.

Great fun!

“I didn’t think I’d be so knackered after just one hour with those kids.”


This one’s more American than British.

But the British understand it because American stuff is EVERYWHERE! (I guess you noticed.)

It also means “very tired.”


This is similar to “exhausted.”

Very, very tired. Usually because you’ve been too active or stressed.


This is simply the state of wanting to sleep.

Your bed is calling you.

“What was in that drink? It’s made me so sleepy.”

Burned out

You work and work and work and work.

Then you snap. You just can’t work any more.

This is the feeling of extreme fatigue as a result of being overworked in the long term.

Take a break, yeah?


This is similar to “sleepy.”

Your eyes are half closed.

You want to go to sleep.

You say “hmmm….” instead of … well, instead of any sentence at all.

You’re drowsy.

It could be just because you need some sleep.

Or maybe you’ve had too much to drink.

Some medications also have a warning label:

“Warning: may cause drowsiness.”

Worn out

This basically means “very tired,” “exhausted” or “knackered.”

It comes from the phrasal verb “to wear someone out.”

Wow — that was a long list.

But you made it this far! Well done!

You now know 60 words to describe negative feelings and emotions.

As a reward, have some lovely carrot cake:

Carrot cake

Cake Club Carrot Cake by Mack Male | CC BY 2.0

But let’s finish with a question or two (or four):

  1. Have you ever got burned out? If so, how did you deal with it? If not, how do you avoid it?
  2. Is there anyone you know who makes you feel embarrassed? Who? Why?
  3. What do you do to cheer up when you’re down in the dumps?
  4. When was the last time you were bored out of your mind? Why?

Let me know in the comments!

As soon as you reply, I’ll leave mine! 🙂

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What is another word for Sad?

  • deplorable, disappointing

Use filters to view other words, we have 1564 synonyms for sad.

Synonyms for sad

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What is another word for “sad”? The following list includes some useful synonyms for the word “sad”. Each word has an example sentence to help to understand these synonyms for sad. This list will help you build your vocabulary, especially at advanced levels.

Sad Synonyms

List of Other Words for Sad

  • Doleful
  • Unhappy
  • Out of sorts
  • Bitter
  • Regretful
  • Downhearted
  • Pessimistic
  • Blue
  • Heavy-hearted
  • Morbid
  • Disappointed
  • Troubled
  • Anguished
  • Despairing
  • Tearful
  • Broken-hearted
  • Pensive
  • Disgusted
  • Forlorn
  • Gloomy
  • Rueful
  • Dreary
  • Grieved
  • Hurting
  • Despondent
  • Sorrowful
  • Crestfallen
  • Heartsick
  • Dismal
  • Glum
  • Languishing
  • Somber
  • Distressing
  • Melancholy
  • Cheerless
  • Bereaved
  • Discouraged
  • Woeful
  • Low-spirited
  • Down
  • Pitiful
  • Solemn
  • Despondent
  • Miserable
  • Dejected
  • Inconsolable
  • Wretched
  • In grief
  • Desperate
  • Upset
  • Heartbroken
  • Weeping
  • Desolate
  • Lugubrious
  • Mournful
  • Depressed
  • Painful
  • Woebegone
  • Downcast
  • Low
  • Joyless
  • Distressed
  • On edge
  • Frustrated
  • Morose
  • Disheartened
  • Wistful
  • Pathetic
  • Subdued
  • Down in the dumps

Sad Synonyms Examples


  • His doleful expression showed that he had failed in the examination.


  • She had managed to exorcize these unhappy memories from her mind.

Out of sorts

  • She was tired and out of sorts by the time she arrived home.


  • Losing the match was a bitter disappointment for the team.


  • Mother was most regretful when she saw the remains of the meal.


  • He was very downhearted about the poor grades he got in school.


  • He remains deeply pessimistic about the peace process.


  • When the baby arrived, it was blue and distressing.


  • For the past three months, I have been feeling uneasy, heavy-hearted, and furious.


  • He wouldn’t say why just said it was one of his morbid moods.


  • We were all disappointed to learn that the picnic had been canceled.


  • Although a very religious man, he is still troubled by occasional doubts.


  • He took an anguished breath. He had to be brutal and say it.


  • Her chin sank onto her chest, and she looked despairing.


  • She became very tearful when pressed to talk about it.


  • She is heartsick that she did not see his poor behavior before she married him.


  • The singer gave a dismal performance of some old songs.


  • She was very glum and was obviously missing her children.


  • His expression was somber as he listened to the report of the accident.


  • The divorce was extremely distressing for the children.


  • He fixed me with those luminous, empty eyes, and his melancholy smile.


  • One who is really at home never feels cold and cheerless.


  • Don’t be discouraged at failure.


  • She was looking very woeful, with her eyes red and swollen.


  • I was very low-spirited, but my father and mother encouraged me a lot.


  • The little girl looked so pitiful; I hadn’t the heart to refuse.


  • She usually had a smile on her face, but now she looked solemn.


  • His work was rejected again and again, and he grew more and more despondent.


  • Don’t look so miserable!


  • She looked a bit dejected when she was told that she hadn’t got the job.


  • Doris was inconsolable. How could her husband walk out on her like that?


  • He was wretched when he failed the examination.

In grief

  • I don’t want to be in tears, but I am still in grief.


  • He was desperate when he lost all his money.


  • My best friend tells me that I am silly to be upset about this.


  • He was heartbroken when she left him.


  • Her eyes were red with weeping.


  • In the heart of a grave, a smile will become desolate, a person crazy.


  • He had a long lugubrious face with drooping and soft pouches beneath the eyes.


  • He was at the graveside looking mournful and interesting.


  • I realized I was becoming increasingly depressed and apathetic.


  • Memories can be painful. To forget may be a blessing.


  • In the bathroom, her woebegone face stared at her from the mirror.


  • I thought you were looking a little downcast this morning.


  • Cleared eventually, can the mood as before depressed! Why am I joyless?


  • I feel very alone and distressed about my problem.

On edge

  • She was a bit on edge till she heard he was safe.


  • Are you feeling frustrated in your present job?


  • For days she was morose, and he could do nothing to cheer her up.


  • She was very disheartened by the results of the test.


  • He felt wistful and then smiled to himself.


  • Are you telling me you’re frightened to speak to her? Don’t be so pathetic!


  • You’re very subdued. What’s wrong?

Down in the dumps

  • If you’re feeling down in the dumps, come over and have a chat.

Another Word for Sad | Infographic

Other Words for “Sad” Students Should Know

Sad Synonyms

Last Updated on January 8, 2021

What’s another word for sad? 500+ sad synonyms list in English. There is a huge list of synonyms for sad. These words for sad are very useful. If you are writing an essay or in general speakings repeating sad! sad! sad! seems informal and boring. If you learn these 500+ other words for sad you can improve your vocabulary, writings and speaking. You can Download PDF of another words for sad at the end.

Sad Synonyms List

What’s another word for SAD?

  • Glum
  • Story
  • Come on
  • Unconsolable
  • Howl
  • Sadful
  • Just like
  • Homesickness
  • Dern
  • Misery memoir
  • Goodbye
  • Do to
  • Bereavement
  • Hard working
  • There
  • Keep up
  • Funereal
  • Major
  • Deduce
  • Weep
  • Distract
  • Antidepressant
  • Mood
  • Reactant
  • Morose
  • Plight
  • Empty nest syndrome
  • Bear up
  • Broken-hearted
  • Surge
  • This
  • Take heart
  • Distressing
  • Let go
  • A long face
  • Fado
  • Humane
  • Overcloud
  • Countenance
  • Dry-eyed
  • Careworn
  • Keeping to oneself
  • Weeper
  • Dour
  • I fear (that)/so/not
  • Long lasting
  • Unrejoicing
  • Sulky
  • Comfortingly
  • Grief
  • Flamenco
  • Bummed out
  • Pity
  • Near
  • Gut-wrenching
  • Weigh down
  • Deplorable
  • Affect
  • Seasonal affective disorder
  • Large amount
  • Dark
  • The doldrums
  • Jealous
  • Hiding something
  • Sober
  • Breastbeating
  • Lonely
  • Unfortunately
  • Grey
  • Discomfortable
  • Droop
  • Grief-stricken
  • Tear someone’s heart out/tear at someone’s heart
  • Long wandering journey
  • Terminal
  • Subdued
  • Low–spirited
  • Have the blues
  • Woeful
  • Orphan
  • Your heart aches
  • Black
  • Sentimentality
  • Contrist
  • Popular searches
  • Terminally
  • Moan
  • Tragicomedy
  • Infallible evidence
  • Lining
  • Terminate
  • Annual
  • Tremolo
  • Judging a book by its cover
  • Heavy
  • Moanful
  • Melancholic
  • Blue
  • Soppy
  • Repine
  • Lamentation
  • Commentary
  • Maudlin
  • Blackly
  • Emotional
  • Just in case
  • In your face
  • Blow
  • Touching
  • Despondent

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What's another word for SAD? 500+ Sad synonyms list

Extremely Sad Synonyms List

  • Shame
  • Remorse
  • Dispirited
  • Void
  • Mournful
  • Depress
  • Rueful
  • Adjustment disorder
  • Film noir
  • Empty
  • Meditate
  • Dismal
  • Depressant
  • Low-spirited
  • Light box
  • With much excitement/sadness/enthusiasm etc
  • Resignation
  • Moodiness
  • Trist
  • Intense joy
  • Kiss
  • Up and down
  • Dernful
  • The vapours
  • Highest in temperature
  • Melancholia
  • Bereft
  • Keen
  • Somber
  • Dejection
  • Weepie
  • Harmony
  • Plaintive
  • Break someone’s heart
  • Consistently
  • Consideration
  • Over
  • Beat your breast/chest
  • Dispensation
  • Darken
  • Melancholy
  • Careful
  • Disappoint
  • Mope
  • Relinquishment
  • Weepy
  • Sympathize
  • On the rebound
  • Keep trying
  • Pitiful
  • Inconsolable
  • Withdrawn
  • Unhappy
  • Lunar illumination
  • Minor
  • Empathetic
  • Trace
  • Lighten
  • Droopy
  • Empathic
  • Mesto
  • Holding back
  • Just friends
  • Regretfully
  • Despair
  • Incinerate
  • Looking forward to
  • Woe
  • Lachrymal
  • Discontinue
  • Groan
  • Misadventure
  • What’s wrong?
  • Nocturne
  • Calamitous
  • Hurt
  • Regret
  • Kitsch
  • Loneliness
  • Dismally
  • Bluesy
  • Bawl
  • Broody
  • Dirge
  • Consolation
  • Come to terms with sth
  • Pine for
  • Grave
  • Down in the dumps
  • Desolate
  • Judging someone
  • Long face
  • Plaintively
  • Home
  • Course
  • Tragedy
  • Lugubrious
  • Woebegone
  • Monetarily punished
  • Dolorous
  • Misty
  • Sorrowful
  • Lachrymose
  • Coo
  • Lonesome
  • Soberly
  • Call
  • Neusatz
  • Go out to sb
  • Jealous

What's another word for SAD? 500+ Sad synonyms list

Another word for Sad

  • Reaction
  • Regretful
  • Convey
  • Jumping the gun
  • Plaint
  • While
  • Tragic
  • Morosely
  • Duparc
  • Heartbroken
  • That
  • Depressed
  • Shamble
  • Wish
  • Console
  • Dumps
  • Parse
  • Touched
  • Triste
  • Cheerless
  • A knight in shining armour
  • Mend
  • To someone’s disappointment
  • Grim
  • Banish
  • Broken
  • Tear sb’s heart out
  • Choke
  • Nevermore
  • Doomy
  • Baleful
  • Pathetic
  • With a heavy heart
  • Untimely
  • Ill will
  • Homesick
  • Yowl
  • Be a sad/appalling/interesting etc commentary on something
  • I’m afraid
  • Miss
  • Dreary
  • Chin up!
  • Jack of all trades
  • Keep going
  • Bewilder
  • Dejected
  • Get down
  • Gloomy
  • Someone would turn in their grave
  • Woful
  • Knowing
  • Break sb’s heart
  • Without (so much as) a backward glance
  • Groanful
  • Sombre
  • Brooding
  • Sad-assed
  • Hardened
  • Threnody
  • Heavily
  • Bereave
  • Instance
  • Unheartsome
  • Banausic
  • Pout
  • Affected
  • Mawkish
  • Lament
  • Comfort food
  • It’s/that’s ok
  • Concubine
  • Bittersweet
  • Sable
  • Kitschy
  • A hollow laugh
  • Seductive
  • Desperate
  • Tristtul
  • Downhearted
  • Doleful
  • Merry
  • Buoyant
  • On a downer
  • Prick
  • Empathize
  • Upset yourself
  • Gunn
  • Response
  • Fight
  • Irony
  • Sorry for oneself
  • Imbitter
  • Teary
  • Be down in the mouth
  • Woefully
  • Expression
  • Mop
  • This vale of tears
  • Dumpish
  • Eyed
  • Overshadow
  • Loving
  • Wretched
  • Whine
  • Shroud-waving
  • Bitter
  • Heartless
  • Lone
  • Wanly
  • Hate

What's another word for SAD? 500+ Sad synonyms list

Sad synonyms in English

  • Denial
  • Suffix
  • Words continue after advertisement
  • Haunting
  • Woe is me
  • Sadden
  • Heartbreakingly
  • Pathos
  • Sadness
  • Elegy
  • Piteous
  • Reassured
  • Mow
  • Saturnine
  • Important
  • Snap out of sth
  • Gloom and doom
  • Divination
  • Dumpy
  • Sullen
  • Comfort
  • Sorrow
  • Heartbreaking
  • Saddish
  • Sappy
  • Sb’s heart is in his/her boots
  • Heartbreaker
  • Dull
  • Regrettable
  • Ache
  • Upsetting
  • Highest point
  • Crocodile tears
  • Puffy
  • Upset
  • Lost without
  • Despondency
  • Unenjoying
  • Mourn
  • Pal
  • Blues
  • Sollein
  • Unmerry
  • Happy-sad
  • Choked
  • Solace
  • Low
  • Chasten
  • Sympathy
  • Pain
  • Chary
  • Lovesick
  • Destiny
  • Looked down upon
  • Cheer up
  • Sorry
  • Postnatal depression
  • Alas
  • Tearful
  • Nostalgic
  • Porangi
  • Sigh
  • Move in a spiral pattern
  • Down in the mouth
  • Disappointed
  • Submerged
  • Grieving
  • Serendipitous
  • Feel awful
  • Elegiac
  • Heartbeat
  • In the past
  • Heart-rending
  • Hardwood floors
  • National
  • Regrettably
  • Present tense
  • Shed tears
  • Luctual
  • Disappointment
  • Sad to say
  • Tear jerking
  • Light relief
  • (it’s) too bad that
  • Deject
  • Dismay
  • Touch
  • Bad
  • Ululation
  • Wistful
  • Gloom
  • Tristitiate
  • Life changing
  • Foxy
  • Look
  • Wan
  • Color
  • Plangent
  • State
  • Funk
  • One’s heart sinks
  • Spare someone’s feelings
  • Someone’s heart sinks
  • Brood
  • Dusky
  • Usury
  • Schmaltz
  • In the middle of
  • A slap in the face
  • Flimsy

What's another word for SAD? 500+ Sad synonyms list

I am so sad synonyms in English

  • Join together
  • Solemness
  • Somberly
  • Conversely
  • Be cut up about
  • Down
  • Penance
  • Desolation
  • Reopen old wounds
  • Remorseless
  • Sulk
  • Look awful
  • Get to
  • Jeremiad
  • Brow
  • Moon around
  • Pained
  • Crestfallen
  • Muffled
  • Silver lining
  • Sepulchral
  • Pine
  • Affecting
  • Knowing what you want
  • Haunt
  • Mouth
  • Embitter
  • Singing the blues
  • Sob stuff
  • Heart-wrenching
  • Draw comfort
  • Pensive
  • Heavy-hearted
  • Sink
  • Self-pity
  • Cloud
  • Erme
  • Smiley
  • Wail
  • Country music
  • Bereaved
  • Comforting
  • Cry
  • Sob story
  • Sick at heart
  • Understatement
  • Oppress
  • Wrench
  • Cry on someone’s shoulder
  • Indicate assent
  • In a perfect world
  • Effeminate
  • Pule
  • Disconsolate
  • Lilting
  • Awaken
  • Acater
  • Brokenhearted
  • Miserable
  • Stab
  • Bewail
  • Heartrending
  • Mortician
  • Slough
  • Downbeat
  • Tear apart
  • Sadly
  • Bluish
  • Despairing
  • Moody
  • Depression
  • Remorseful
  • Mourning
  • Unfortunate
  • Feel sorry for someone
  • Forlorn
  • Every cloud has a silver lining
  • Downcast
  • Solemn
  • Black humour
  • Hangdog
  • Tristful
  • Atrabilious
  • Wring
  • Heartsick
  • Lovelorn
  • Dreadful
  • Confront
  • Tweak
  • Pierrot
  • Vojvodina
  • Emptiness
  • Musing
  • Bum sb out
  • Weigh on
  • All too often
  • Made up
  • Tearfully
  • Whiny
  • Languish
  • Tearjerker
  • Tale of woe
  • Move
  • Downer
  • Dumka
  • Feel
  • Nary
  • Torch song
  • Joyless
  • Making less hard
  • Feminine
  • Grieve
  • Depressing
  • Trouble
  • Gunn, thom
  • Intrinsic quality
  • Liquids
  • Dolor

What's another word for SAD? 500+ Sad synonyms list

What's another word for SAD? 500+ Sad synonyms list

What’s another word for SAD? Sad Synonyms list pdf

You can download pdf of other words for sad in English.


About The Author

  • bitter
  • dismal
  • heartbroken
  • melancholy
  • mournful
  • pessimistic
  • somber
  • sorrowful
  • sorry
  • unhappy
  • wistful
  • bereaved
  • blue
  • cheerless
  • dejected
  • depressed
  • despairing
  • despondent
  • disconsolate
  • distressed
  • doleful
  • down
  • down in dumps
  • down in the mouth
  • downcast
  • forlorn
  • gloomy
  • glum
  • grief-stricken
  • grieved
  • heartsick
  • heavy-hearted
  • hurting
  • in doldrums
  • in grief
  • in the dumps
  • languishing
  • low
  • low-spirited
  • lugubrious
  • morbid
  • morose
  • not happy
  • out of sorts
  • pensive
  • sick at heart
  • troubled
  • weeping
  • woebegone
  • bad
  • dark
  • depressing
  • dismal
  • miserable
  • moving
  • pathetic
  • pitiful
  • poignant
  • regrettable
  • serious
  • sorry
  • tragic
  • calamitous
  • dejecting
  • deplorable
  • disastrous
  • discomposing
  • discouraging
  • disheartening
  • dispiriting
  • dreary
  • funereal
  • grave
  • grievous
  • hapless
  • heart-rending
  • joyless
  • lachrymose
  • lamentable
  • lugubrious
  • melancholic
  • oppressive
  • pitiable
  • saddening
  • shabby
  • tearful
  • tear-jerking
  • unsatisfactory
  • upsetting
  • wretched

On this page you’ll find 217 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to sad, such as: bitter, dismal, heartbroken, melancholy, mournful, and pessimistic.

  • advantageous
  • blessed
  • bright
  • cheerful
  • encouraging
  • fortunate
  • glad
  • good
  • happy
  • hopeful
  • joyful
  • light
  • lucky
  • pleasant
  • right
  • worthwhile
  • great

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.

How to use sad in a sentence

It almost seems like an obvious statement, but the sad part is that I don’t think many people fully get it, or even accept it.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • apologetic
  • conscience-stricken
  • contrite
  • crestfallen
  • dejected
  • depressed
  • disconsolate
  • down
  • downcast
  • downhearted
  • guilty
  • low
  • regretful
  • remorseful
  • sad
  • upset
  • woebegone
  • apologetic
  • conscience-stricken
  • contrite
  • crestfallen
  • dejected
  • depressed
  • disconsolate
  • down
  • downcast
  • downhearted
  • guilty
  • low
  • regretful
  • remorseful
  • sad
  • upset
  • woebegone
  • bleak
  • depressing
  • depressive
  • dismal
  • dispiriting
  • distressing
  • doleful
  • dreary
  • funereal
  • gloomy
  • grim
  • hopeless
  • horrible
  • lugubrious
  • morose
  • mournful
  • ominous
  • oppressive
  • sad
  • somber
  • black
  • cheerless
  • comfortless
  • dark
  • discouraging
  • disheartening
  • dismal
  • drear
  • dreary
  • funereal
  • gloomy
  • grim
  • hard
  • harsh
  • hopeless
  • joyless
  • lonely
  • melancholy
  • mournful
  • oppressive
  • sad
  • somber
  • unpromising
  • black
  • cheerless
  • comfortless
  • dark
  • discouraging
  • disheartening
  • dismal
  • drear
  • dreary
  • funereal
  • gloomy
  • grim
  • hard
  • harsh
  • hopeless
  • joyless
  • lonely
  • melancholy
  • mournful
  • oppressive
  • sad
  • somber
  • unpromising
  • black
  • cheerless
  • comfortless
  • dark
  • discouraging
  • disheartening
  • dismal
  • drear
  • dreary
  • funereal
  • gloomy
  • grim
  • hard
  • harsh
  • hopeless
  • joyless
  • lonely
  • melancholy
  • mournful
  • oppressive
  • sad
  • somber
  • unpromising

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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