Better word for very interested

“Very interesting” is a good way to show your enthusiasm or interest in a certain subject. However, it can be a bit bland. That’s why we think it’s a good idea to look into a few better alternatives. This article will present all the best ones out there!

What Can I Say Instead Of “Very Interesting”?

There are many better ways of saying “very interesting.” You can try any of the following to see which works for you:

  • Captivating
  • Inspiring
  • Gripping
  • Riveting
  • Amazing
  • Enthralling
  • Stimulating
  • Entrancing
  • Compelling
  • Absorbing
  • Engrossing
  • Appealing
  • Attractive

Better Ways To Say Very Interesting

The preferred version is “captivating.” It works well because it shows that your “interest” is taken to a new level. This level is so high that you don’t even know how to best handle yourself when dealing with whatever is “very interesting” to you.


“Captivating” works really well because it shows that our interest is piqued by something. It means that something has been “very interesting,” to the point where we almost cannot stop thinking about it or looking at it. It’s a great synonym for this purpose.

The definition of “captivating,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “holding your attention by being extremely interesting, exciting, pleasant, or attractive.”

These examples will help you to understand it better:

  • It was a captivating performance, which is why he’s a top earner in the industry.
  • You come up with captivating arguments, which is why I know you belong on this debate team.
  • I received many captivating resumes, and now I don’t know which of them to hire!


“Inspiring” works well when you find something so “interesting” that it makes you want to change something about yourself. It’s likely that “very interesting” things might be perceived as “inspiring” if they have a profound impact on the minds of the people around.

The definition of “inspiring,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “encouraging, or making you feel you want to do something.”

Check out some of these for more:

  • That was the most inspiring thing I’ve heard in all my years.
  • The things you come out with are truly inspiring, and you should be proud of yourself.
  • I don’t think things can get much more inspiring than that, young man!


“Gripping” works well when you want to show that something has physically “gripped” your attention. That means it is so “interesting” that there is nothing else you can find a good reason to think about. It takes up all your brain power when something is “gripping.”

The definition of “gripping,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “so interesting or exciting that it holds your attention completely.”

These examples will help you to understand this one:

  • I’ve had a few gripping meetings in my time, but this one takes the cake.
  • I don’t think the play was all that gripping.
  • This performance was very gripping!


“Riveting” is a great word we can use that’s meaning is identical with “very interesting.” It’s a popular choice for many native speakers to show when they are taken with something “interesting.” It also works well in many sarcastic situations.

The definition of “riveting,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “extremely interesting.”

Here are a few ways you can make it work:

  • That was a riveting speech, and I think he’s going places.
  • It was riveting to hear someone speak about that.
  • Oh, it’s very riveting when you’re close to learning a new language!


“Amazing” works well when you want to show that something has surprised you. Typically, things that we find “very interesting” are equally surprising to us because we never expected them. That’s why “amazing” works as a good synonym.

The definition of “amazing,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “extremely surprising.”

You should look through some of the following examples to see how it works:

  • Honestly, I’ve never heard news more amazing than that!
  • That’s amazing to hear, and I’m so happy for you.
  • Amazing! I can’t think of anything better to spend my time doing.


“Enthralling” is a great way to show that something has taken your attention completely. “Very interesting” things might be capable of doing this, and you might be required to put all your thought and energy into whatever those things are from then on.

The definition of “enthralling,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “keeping someone’s interest and attention completely.”

Check out some of these examples to see how it works:

  • I’ve never seen something as enthralling as that.
  • It’s enthralling, and there’s not much more I need to say about it.
  • My hobby is enthralling to me, but I get that you don’t like it.


“Stimulating” works well to show that your mind or brain is challenged by something. Usually, these things will cause you to show great enthusiasm or interest, which is why we can use it synonymously with “very interesting” as an adjective.

The definition of “stimulating,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “causing enthusiasm and interest.”

You can see how “stimulating” works in the following ways:

  • The project was really stimulating for me.
  • Working on this team was the most stimulating part.
  • I loved how stimulating the movie was from beginning to end.


“Entrancing” works well when we want to liken our interest in something to a “trance.” We use it to show that it’s taken our thoughts, and we can’t stop thinking about whatever is “very interesting” about a thing or person.

The definition of “entrancing,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “beautiful or interesting in a way that means you cannot stop listening to or watching someone or something.”

Check out some of these to see how you can use it for yourself:

  • It’s quite entrancing when you can just switch off and focus on the outside world.
  • This is almost too entrancing for me!
  • I don’t mean to sound soppy, but you’re so entrancing.


“Compelling” can work really well when we want to show that something makes us pay close attention to it. Again, “very interesting” things have a key role in taking everyone’s interest or attention away from other things because they come as such surprises.

The definition of “compelling,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “very exciting and interesting and making you want to watch or listen.”

These examples will help you to understand more about it:

  • This is truly the most compelling thing I’ve seen.
  • It’s very compelling, which is why it works so well.
  • You’re a compelling person, and everyone listens to you.


“Absorbing” can work well when talking about interesting things. It means that certain types of things are able to keep your attention for much longer than normal. This is a key trait of what makes things “very interesting” in the first place.

The definition of “absorbing,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “very interesting and keeps your attention.”

We can use “absorbing” in the following ways:

  • It’s absorbing to watch them work because no one else does it quite like them.
  • The point you raised earlier was truly absorbing and gave me much to think about.
  • These points are very absorbing, which is why I think we should study them for longer.


“Engrossing” works really well when we want to show that our interest is fully engaged. Something that is considered “engrossing” is capable of keeping our attention for a long time, and we often want to learn more about it before it’s too late.

The definition of “engrossing,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “very interesting and needing all your attention.”

You can refer to the following examples to see how it might work:

  • This is truly the most engrossing thing I’ve seen in a while.
  • Honestly, the way he speaks in his meetings is so engrossing that I almost don’t know how to respond.
  • You’re a very engrossing candidate for this role, Mr. Peters.


“Appealing” works well when something is “interesting.” When something has a high “appeal,” it means that we are completely attracted to it, which usually happens when we find something interesting. The more appeal it has, the more interested we are.

The definition of “appealing,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “attractive or interesting.”

Check out some of these examples to see it in action:

  • The new rules are very appealing for the company, and I like them!
  • These are both appealing options, and I’m happy for you to choose either.
  • Okay, they’re not quite as appealing as I first thought, but they’re still good enough!


“Attractive” works well because it’s used in the same way as “appealing.” You might notice that “attractive” is part of the definition for “appealing” as well, which shows that interesting things can be very “attractive” prospects for us.

The definition of “attractive,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “causing interest or pleasure.”

These examples will help you to understand how it works:

  • He is a very attractive prospect because of his qualifications.
  • These products are all incredibly attractive, which is why they’re flying off the shelves.
  • We have sold only the most attractive units in the last few months.

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Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

What is another word for “interested”? Following is a list of synonyms for “interested” with example sentences and ESL pictures. Learning these words to use instead of “interested” will help you enhance your vocabulary.

Table of Contents

Interested Synonym

“Interested” Definition and Examples

Meaning of “Interested”:

“Interested” is simply defined as giving attention to something or the people and things involved. It means having a concern or showing curiosity or fascination. It could also mean having a stake or claim or being influenced by personal interests.


  • We are not interested in watching anything related to politics.
  • I am interested in learning a foreign language.
  • Gere became interested in Buddhism in the 1970s.

Other Words for “Interested”

Often-used synonyms for “Interested”.

  • Absorbed
  • Agog
  • Attentive
  • Burning with curiosity
  • Captivated
  • Eager
  • Engrossed
  • Fascinated
  • Inquiring
  • Intent
  • Intrigued
  • Keen
  • Riveted

An ultimate of 100+ different words to use instead of “interested”.

  • Absorbed
  • Active
  • Advantaged
  • Affected
  • Agape
  • Agog
  • Alert
  • Amenable
  • Anxious
  • Attentive
  • Attracted
  • Attractive
  • Biased
  • Burning with curiosity
  • Captivated
  • Careful
  • Caring
  • Cautious
  • Champing
  • Charmed
  • Colored
  • Committed
  • Concentrating
  • Concerned
  • Considering
  • Curious
  • Delighted
  • Diligent
  • Eager
  • Endued
  • Engaged
  • Engrossed
  • Enraptured
  • Entertained
  • Enthusiastic
  • Entranced
  • Excited
  • Exciting
  • Fascinated
  • Fascinating
  • Focused
  • Funny
  • Game
  • Hearing
  • Hearkening
  • Heedful
  • Immersed
  • Impatient
  • Implicated
  • Impressed
  • Individual
  • Inquiring
  • Inquisitive
  • Intent
  • Interesting
  • Intoxicated
  • Intrigued
  • Investigative
  • Involved
  • Keen
  • Meddlesome
  • Mindful
  • Nosy
  • Observant
  • Occupied
  • Partial
  • Partisan
  • Passionate
  • Piqued
  • Pleased
  • Predisposed
  • Prejudiced
  • Preoccupied
  • Prying
  • Questioning
  • Rapt
  • Receptive
  • Recommendable
  • Regardful
  • Related
  • Relevant
  • Responsible
  • Responsive
  • Restless
  • Riveted
  • Searching
  • Sharp
  • Snoopy
  • Solicitous
  • Stimulated
  • Strange
  • Sympathetic
  • Tantalized
  • Thrilled
  • Titillated
  • Useful
  • Vigilant
  • Warped
  • Watchful
  • Willing
  • Worried

Synonyms for Interested with Examples

Learn “interested synonym” examples in English.

  • Absorbed

They are absorbed in the experiment.

  • Agog

The villagers were agog for the news.

  • Attentive

She was very attentive to her guests.

  • Burning with curiosity

I’m burning with curiosity – you must tell me who’s won!

  • Captivated

The children were captivated by his thrilling story.

  • Eager

Robert was eager to talk about life in the Army.

  • Engrossed

He seemed completely engrossed in his book.

  • Fascinated

I’m fascinated by the trivia of everyday life.

  • Inquiring

A man has been inquiring for you at the office.

  • Intent

She was intent on pursuing a career in business.

  • Intrigued

The natives were intrigued with the color of our skin.

  • Keen

She’s very keen to learn about Japanese culture.

  • Riveted

I was absolutely riveted by her story.

More interested synonym examples in English:

  • My hobby is chess. Are you interested in learning?
  • We shall be interested in hearing your comments.
  • He did not seem at all interested in the subject.
  • I casually mentioned that I might be interested in working abroad.
  • I’m not interested in all this scientific malarkey.
  • She is always interested in space science.
  • He wasn’t interested in growing flowers in the garden.

Another Word for Interested | Infographic

Another Word for Interested | 100+ Synonyms for "Interested" with ExamplesPin

Last Updated on January 11, 2021

very interested in — перевод на русский

I’d be very interested in that.

Я был бы очень заинтересован в этом.

As a businessman I’m very interested in the course of history.

Как бизнесмен, я очень заинтересован в ходе истории.

He’s become very interested in you and your future role in the family.

Он очень заинтересован в тебе и твоей будущей роли в семье.

He was very interested in people’s response under stress.

Он был очень заинтересован в ответных реакциях людей на стресс.

— The Denver club, They are very interested in your coaching services.

-Клуб Денвера очень заинтересован в твоих услугах.

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The candidate is very interested in you, he reads your clippings every day,

Кандидат тобой очень интересуется, Всё время вырезки твоих статей читает

He’s very interested in that sort of thing.

Он очень интересуется такого рода вещами.

Herr Hitler admires you and is very interested in artists…

Г— н Гитлер восхищается Вами и очень интересуется художниками…

Temple’s very interested in science.

Темпл очень интересуется наукой.

He’s very interested in reading and in stories.

Он очень интересуется чтением и историями.

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This is my first movie, and I’m very interested in it.

Это моя первая роль в кино, и мне всё это очень интересно.

It sounds interesting. We’re very interested in hearing what you have to say.

Нам очень интересно услышать, что ты скажешь.

I was raised by parents Who weren’t very interested in having kids.

Меня воспитали родители, которым было не очень интересно растить ребенка.

When you have somebody’s attention and their eyes are lighting up Because they are very interested in what you have to say, That is a great feeling and i experienced that firsthand today.

Когда привлекаешь чье-то внимание, и их глаза загораются, потому что им очень интересно то, что ты рассказываешь, возникает такое приятное чувство, и сегодня я испытал его на себе.

I have something the sorcerer would be very interested in.

Я имею что-то волшебное. Это должно быть очень интересно.

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I’m very interested in that body.

Меня очень интересует этот труп.

I really am very interested in that mine of yours.

— Меня очень интересует ваша шахта.

— We are very interested in your world.

— Нас очень интересует ваш мир.

No, I’m very interested in one of the awards tonight.

Меня очень интересует одна из сегодняшних наград.

Captain Carter, Mr Narim seems very interested in our planet.

Капитан Картер, мистера Нарима очень интересует наша планета.

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He’s very interested in books.

Его интересуют книги.

Mr. Perier says they’re very interested in my ideas.

И месье Перье сказал, что их интересуют мои идеи.

We sell images to newspapers, magazines, journals et cetera, and I’d be very interested in any pictures of your lottery syndicate.

Мы продаем фотоснимки газетам, журналам и прочим СМИ, и меня интересуют любые снимки вашего лотерейного синдиката.

You know I’m very interested in sex as a social matter.

Конечно, я несколько раз ему подсунула, вопросы секса интересуют меня похлеще социальных.

I am also very interested in public affairs.

— Меня интересуют связи с общественностью.

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I’m very interested in … this investment opportunity.

Я заинтересован в такой возможности вложения денег.

I don’t think he’s very interested in men either.

Но я не думаю, что он заинтересован в мужчинах.

— And someone is very interested in removing it, which has me a little busy.

Но кто-то заинтересован в том, чтобы заставить его перестать биться, поэтому я немного занят.

I understand you are very interested in one of our players.

Как я понимаю, вы заинтересованы в одном из наших игроков.

My investors are very interested in importing if they like what I see.

Мои инвесторы заинтересованы в импорте, только если мне понравится увиденное.

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I’m sure the Doctor will be very interested in these things.

Я уверен, что Доктор очень заинтересуется этими вещами.

I believe I have a buyer in Los Angeles who will be very interested in this.

Думаю, у меня есть покупатель в Лос-Анджелесе который очень заинтересуется этим

One that I think the DA will be very interested in.

Которым папа несомненно очень заинтересуется.

Your loyal henchman seems to be very interested in this girl.

Ваш верноподданный кажется очень заинтересовался этой девушкой.

Yea, I’m very interested in Ayahuasca.

Да, я очень заинтересовался аяхуаской.

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I doubt Brian’s very interested in speed bumps.

Сомневаюсь, что Брайан интересуется скоростными ограничителями.

Our bosses are very interested in a bunch of VIPs that went missing last night.

Наше начальство интересуется группой VIP-персон, пропавших прошлой ночью.

She’s very interested in Olive’s work and has been… a great comfort to me around your illness.

Она интересуется работой Олив и очень… поддерживала меня по поводу твоей болезни

I am very, very interested in the poison that can turn people into zombies.

Я очень сильно интересуюсь ядом на Гаити, который превращает людей в зомби.

I’m very, very interested in your boy, Mrs. Boucher.

Ещё как интересуюсь, миссис Буше.

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I’m a Belgian producer, just got in from Belgium, like, and I’m very interested in your novel…

Я бельгийский продюсер, только что из Бельгии. И меня очень заинтересовал ваш роман… Как он называется?

I’m very interested in the myth of Siegfried.

Меня очень заинтересовал миф о Зигфриде.

You seem very interested in this Band-Aid.

Тебя, кажется, очень заинтересовал этот лейкопластырь.

He’s very interested in your story.

Его очень заинтересовала ваша история.

There’s currently an investor very interested in your work.

Инвесторов очень заинтересовала ваша работа.

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I’m sure he’ll be very interested in hearing what I have to say.

Уверен, ему будет интересно услышать мой рассказ.

It’s printed in the Earthman’s brainwave patterns, but I don’t suppose you’ll be very interested in that.

Он отпечатан в линиях биоритмов мозга землянина, но я не уверен, что вам будет интересно его знать.

Very interested in government and technology, how that’s gonna intersect and co-exist. Shape the future.

Интересно, как госуправление и технологии будут соединяться, определяя будущее.

I’d forward them to, uh, Chief Johnson, but she doesn’t seem very interested in following up anyone other than Gail.

Я бы отправил их и шефу Джонсон, но похоже, другие ей не интересны, только Гейл.

Recently, everyone has been very interested in the perfect man’s mother.

Сейчас поклонникам передачи интересна и мать звёздного холостяка.

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in the success of the democratic and free-market reforms in that country.


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успехе демократических реформ и реформ свободного рынка в этой стране.


context icon

Нам очень интересно ваше отношение к данному нововведению поэтому пожалуйста, поделитесь им с




expect that representatives of the CSCE»Troika» will visit Belgrade for further talks.


context icon

что представители» тройки» СБСЕ посетят Белград для дальнейших переговоров.


In this regard, we are very interested in establishing dialogue with other countries and international organizations,

especially since a number of European Union countries have


conducting similar programmes with success.


context icon

В этой связи мы очень заинтересованы в налаживании диалога с другими странами и международными организациями,

тем более, что ряд стран Евросоюза с успехом осуществляют такие программы.


and urge you to contact us or Hannah’s Hope if you


out there.


context icon

и призываем вас связаться с


или с организацией Hannah’ s Hope, если вы находитесь в США.


In this case, we are very interested in the combination of the IP address of the requestor(second field)

and the user-agent last field.


context icon

В данном случае нам очень интересна комбинация IP адреса запрашивающего( 2е поле) и user-

agent последнее поле.


We are very interested in the report entitled“An Agenda for Development” which the Secretary-General

presented to the General Assembly on 4 May 1994.


context icon

секретарь представил Генеральной Ассамблее 4 мая 1994 года.


As Vice-Chairman of the Authority on Educational Issues, I want to say that we are very interested in participation in JINR educational programmes.


of scientists leads to what everyone wants- Brazil membership in one form or another to our Institute.


context icon

А пока мы очень заинтересованы, чтобы наши связи развивались, укреплялись, и тогда взаимный интерес ученых

приведет к тому, чего все желают- членству Бразилии в том или ином виде в нашем Институте.


and I hope that our cooperation will not only


beneficial for the client but will also


conducive to developing their operations in Ukraine.

context icon

и я надеюсь, что наше сотрудничество не только принесет пользу компании, но и поспособствует развитию ее бизнеса в Украине.

and support strict compliance with existing international legal instruments that regulate the activities of States in the field of outer space law.


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и поддерживаем неукоснительное соблюдение существующих международно-правовых инструментов, регулирующих деятельность государств в сфере космического права.



want to make it possible to issue electronic visas for foreigners,

and of course, we are very interested in a 72-hour visa-free stay for foreigners in the Pskov

region,” explained O. Kachnova.

context icon

Хотим сделать так, чтобы было возможно оформление электронных виз для иностранцев, и,

конечно, нам очень интересно безвизовое 72- часовое пребывание для иностранцев на территории Псковской области»,-

пояснила О. Качнова.

whose consequences


not confined to armies in wartime, but extend much further, threatening the peace and security of peoples throughout the world.


context icon

последствия которых не ограничиваются их поражающей способностью на армии в военное время, а оказывают более широкое воздействие, создавая угрозу миру и безопасности народов во всем мире.


market that


directed at implementing various forms of joint activities with Indian companies in providing financial protection of Russian-Indian cooperation in military technical and space spheres.


context icon

которые направлены на реализацию различных форм совместной


индийскими компаниями работы по обеспечению финансовой защиты российско-индийского сотрудничества в военно-технической и космической областях».


I hope that these discussions on verifiability can


conducted with an open mind and

that no premature conclusions will


announced, and we are very interested to see the team of experts from Washington briefing us on these concerns.


context icon

И я надеюсь, что эти дискуссии относительно проверяемости можно


провести без предвзятости и что



объявляться преждевременных выводов, и нам будет очень интересно увидеть бригаду экспертов из Вашингтона, которые устроят


брифинг относительно этих озабоченностей.


Results: 38,
Time: 0.0269





Today, you’re going to learn 41 positive emotion adjectives and idioms to describe happy emotions. For more positive English words, check out 59 Positive Personality Adjectives!

Do you ever find yourself saying this:

“I’m so happy. I mean … I’m really, really happy. This makes me so happy. I’m happy — are you happy? I’m happy!”

It sounds like you need some synonyms for “happy.”

Today, I’m going to show you how to stop repeating yourself when you’re talking about positive feelings.

By the end of this lesson, you’ll be able to stop repeating yourself when you want to say that you’re feeling:

  1. Happy
  2. Excited
  3. Surprised
  4. Interested
  5. Satisfied
  6. Emotional
  7. Relaxed

So let’s get started.

other words for happy: a happy woman

Yep. She’s definitely happy.

More Words for “Happy”

Pleased — This word means between “happy” and “satisfied.” Very often, you’re pleased with a particular thing. Like your exam results. Or the hippo dancing.

Cheerful — This is when someone is visibly happy. They walk into the room, and you can see it in the way they walk, what they say and the massive smile on their face.

Exuberant — This is like cheerful — but even stronger.

Euphoric — When you’re intensely happy. This is when all you can feel is your own happiness. It really is a very strong feeling.

Merry — This is a little like cheerful. Usually, when you’re feeling merry, you might be in quite a playful mood as well. We often associate this with how you feel after a couple of glasses of wine.

Overjoyed — This simply means “very happy.”

Elated — Somewhere between “happy” and “overjoyed.”

Glad — “Glad” is similar to “pleased.” Usually, you’re glad about something in particular. Like the wonderful news. Or the football result.

Bonus Idioms — Happy

Actually, there are quite a few idioms to describe being happy. Here are some of the more common ones:

On cloud nine
On top of the world
In high spirits
As happy as Larry

You may have noticed that most of these refer to being somewhere high up. Which makes sense, right?

The Larry idiom? Well, that doesn’t make sense. I mean — who’s Larry, and why’s he so happy?

Ah… English!

Words for “Happy” on a Scale

At the top: you’ve just won the lottery, and your doctor has told you that you have a genetic condition that means you can NEVER put on weight.

At the bottom: you’re at the supermarket, and you’ve found a till with no queue.

Words for happy: euphoric, overjoyed, elated, exuberant, merry, cheerful, pleased, glad

2. Excited

Take a look at this picture. How would you describe her?

other words for excited: an excited woman

How many words did you find?

Here are some more!

More Words for “Excited”

Click to listen

Thrilled — This just means “very excited.” You can also use it to mean “happy,” like, “We’re thrilled you’re going to come and visit us at our ant factory.”

Charged — Imagine you’re about to do a parachute jump. How do you feel? This is like “excited” but has more adrenaline. More tension.

Pumped — “Pumped” is kind of similar to “charged.” You’re excited AND ready for an intense situation, like a dangerous mountain biking trail or a heavy game of kangaroo wrestling.

Words for “Excited” on a Scale

Because some words are just too strong for some situations and others are just too weak, I’m going to add a scale for each word in this lesson.

The scale ranges from “going to a new cafe” (not very exciting… but kind of exciting. A bit) to “preparing to fight a massive bear” (so exciting that it’s kind of terrifying).

So the “red zone” is something you might want to avoid unless your lifestyle is pretty extreme.

Words for excited: pumped, charged, thrilled

Small print: These may vary slightly depending on the situation and who’s talking.

3. Surprised

other words for surprised: a surprised child

Yes! You guessed it! She’s surprised!

More Words for “Surprised”

Astonished — Just “very surprised”

Astounded — I’d say that this is even stronger than “astonished.” It’s got an element of shock. Maybe you look a bit like this:


Amazed — You probably already know this one. It’s like “surprised,” but there’s an air of magic to it. Like that time when you first saw a unicorn. What? You haven’t seen a unicorn yet? Well … you’ll be amazed.

Startled — This can be a bit negative sometimes. “Startled” has a feeling of shock and even alarm to it. I always think of that feeling when you’re at home, and you think no one is there. You go to the kitchen for a cup of tea, and you see your flatmate there. You thought she was out, right? How do you feel? Startled!

Taken aback — This is usually a bit more negative as well. Again, it’s on that line between “shocked” and “surprised.”

Dumbstruck — Very, very surprised. Maybe so surprised that you can’t speak.

Bonus Idiom — “Surprised”

My jaw dropped — This is about the same as “astounded.”

We also have the adjective “jaw-dropping.” Like, “Did you see that magician? Absolutely jaw-dropping! I mean … how did she make your wallet disappear completely? And then run away? Amazing!”

Words for “Surprised” on a Scale

Again — we’re going from “weak surprise” to “strong surprise.”

Weak surprise is when your friend has a new hat.

Strong surprise is when you get home, and your house is suddenly a zebra.

Words for surprised: dumbstruck, astounded, amazed, astonished, taken aback, startled

4. Interested

other words for interested: an interested man

OK. How does he feel?

How many words can you use?

Here are some more!

More Words for “Interested”

Captivated — You know that feeling when you can’t stop looking at something? Like that perfect musical performance. Or one of those films that you watch, and you can never really understand what’s happening. But you just keep watching. Because you’re interested — or “captivated.”

Fascinated — Very interested

Absorbed — This is when you’re completely “stuck inside” something. Have you ever had that feeling when you’ve been so interested in a book you’re reading that you miss your bus stop? That — exactly that — is “absorbed.”

Engrossed — This is basically the same as absorbed.

Bonus Idiom — Interested

On the edge of your seat — When you’re just really interested in what’s happening. I always imagine sitting in the cinema, so interested in the film I’m watching that I’m literally sitting on the (front) edge of my seat.

Words for “Interested” on a Scale

Weak interest is when your best friend wants to tell you about their job interview. It’s kind of interesting because it’s your friend. Even though the interview itself isn’t interesting.

Strong interest is that film. We all have one of those films. It’s that film.

Words for interested: engrossed, captivated, absorbed, fascinated

5. Satisfied

other words for satisfied: a girl with a teddy bear

Oooh… You’ve got what you want, and it feels good!

But how many words can you use to describe it?

More Words for “Satisfied”

Fulfilled — That special feeling you get from being satisfied with your life — maybe it’s work; maybe it’s family; maybe it’s helping homeless rabbits.

Gratified — This is more or less the same as “satisfied.”

Satiated — We usually use it to describe feeling satisfied after a meal.

Words for “Satisfied” on a Scale

At the top, we have “completing a 5-year degree course.”

At the bottom, we have that feeling after a good cup of tea.

Words for satisfied: fulfilled, gratified, satiated

You may have noticed that there’s no “red zone” here. Well, it seems we don’t have many common words meaning “extremely satisfied.”

6. Emotional

other words for emotional: an emotional man

We all get that feeling sometimes, right? When our feelings and emotions take over.

Sometimes, it can feel great, can’t it?

More Words for “Emotional”

Moved — It simply means “emotionally affected.” For example, when we watch a powerful drama, or when someone buys us flowers unexpectedly.

Overwhelmed — This is when something gets too much for us. Have you ever suddenly started crying with happiness when you weren’t expecting it? You could say you were overwhelmed with emotion. This can be used for negative situations as well as positive ones.

Overcome — It’s basically the same as “overwhelmed.”

Impassioned — This is another way of saying “very emotional.”

Words for “Emotional” on a Scale

Low-level emotional is when your favourite TV show is doing a double-length episode this week.

And high-level emotional is “everyone you’ve ever met has decided to throw a party for you and tell you how awesome you are.” (Hmmm… maybe that’s a bit creepy, but you get the idea!)

Words for emotional: overwhelmed, overcome, impassioned, moved

7. Relaxed

other words for relaxed: a relaxed woman reading by a lake

Oh, yeah. That’s the life.

OK. This is the last one. Before you read on … how many words do you know for relaxed?

More Words for “Relaxed”

Chilled out — You’re by the pool. You’ve got your favourite cocktail in your hand. There are no kids anywhere. You can hear the waves of the sea hitting the beach nearby. How do feel? Yep. Me too.

Calm — This one means relaxed, but it also means “not stressed” or “not angry.”

Soothed — If “calm” means “not angry/stressed,” then “soothed” means “not angry/stressed anymore.” In order to be “soothed,” you need to be angry/stressed first. Then you see the cat video, and you calm down.

Content — You know that feeling when you feel very happy with your life. Sure, you could have a bit more money, and maybe life would be a bit better if that guy in the office didn’t sing so much. But generally speaking, you’re happy and (this is the important part) you don’t want anything more. Everything’s fine the way it is. That’s “content.”

Tranquil — Remember the feeling you had by the pool? Now be 10 times more relaxed. Now you’re tranquil. Congratulations!

Serene — This one is more or less the same as “tranquil.”

Composed — You know that guy who’s always really calm, but not in that pool-side way — more in that focused, dynamic way? You could tell him that there was a bomb in his trousers, and instead of panicking, he’d just figure out a way to control the situation. Never panics, never gets emotional … He’s composed.

Words for “Relaxed” on a Scale

Super relaxed is when you’ve actually just left your body.

Mildly relaxed is when you thought you had to wash a few plates. But it looks like someone else has already done it.

Words for relaxed: serene, tranquil, chilled out, composed, soothed, calm, content

So now you can talk about your feelings with these positive emotion adjectives. Good work!

But I want to make sure you’ve understood these well.

So, in the comments below, can you tell me about a time when you felt thrilled, on the edge of your seat or merry?

I’d love to hear your stories!

Did you find this useful? Do you know any people (or dolphins) that might also benefit from this? Then BE AWESOME AND SHARE! Spread the knowledge!

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Thank you all for your answers!

My daily speech often includes much in the usage described above; it is not uncommon to me at all. For example today, I believe I said, «I am much impressed by your progress.» I was speaking to one of my students whose work has been improving. Perhaps my San Francisco dialect renders my word choice out of the mainstream of American English.

Actually, there is a point with your sentence. The word «impressed» with the preposition «by» can be perceived as an adjective

1.1. I seem very impressed by your progress.

or as a past participle

1.2. Your progress very much impresses me.

And the majority of past participles accept a bare «much» as an verbal intensifier. I bet you wouldn’t feel comfortable which the following variant, where the adjectival sense is only acceptable.

1.3. I am very impressed at your progress.

The things are getting interesting with the word «interested». It is apparently an adjective and denotes a state, which can be proved by substituting «seem» for «am». So the word «very» perfectly fits.

2.1. I am very interested in the news.So far so good. The first bizarre thing comes out when we apply the intensifier «very much».

2.2. I am very much interested in the news.

The word «much«, and for that matter «very much», is an intensifier only for nouns, verbs, prepositional phrases, comparatives, but never adjectives in general. Barely anybody could say The hair is much red, or The house is much big.
But for some reason, according to one of my grammar books, it should work with the majority of adjectives that have their past-participle homonyms. Why? What in particular makes the participle adjective so special, that they, being natural adjectives, take «very much» as intensifier? Maybe that «very much» applies to the verb «be», or feels in some way different, I don’t know.

2.3. I am much interested in the news.

But what really stupefies me is the «much» in 2.3. A bare «much» is negative oriented, and occurs in affirmative sentence only in quite a formal style. Moreover, it is hardly found as a verb intensifier except for some related to senses verbs like appreciate, enjoy, prefer. But here it is going to go before an adjective. Nonsense, and it is not surprising that it is uncommon, as Parla noted.

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