Better word for planned

What is another word for planned?

558 synonyms found


[ plˈand], [ plˈand], [ p_l_ˈa_n_d]

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    Table of Contents

    Synonyms for Planned:

    • adj.

      aimed (adjective)

      • most steered,
      • more steered.

      all (adjective)

      • planned.

      concerted (adjective)

      • prearranged,
      • agreed upon.

      deliberate (adjective)

      • voluntary,
      • witting,
      • with forethought,
      • Prepense,
      • coldblooded,
      • purposive,
      • thought out,
      • provident,
      • predesigned,
      • Predeterminate,
      • done on purpose,
      • conscious,
      • Designful.

      deliberative (adjective)

      • de-liberative,
      • more meditating,
      • most meditating,
      • most contemplating,
      • most reasoning,
      • ex-cogitative,
      • more reasoning,
      • more contemplating,
      • de liberative,
      • ex cogitative.

      expected (adjective)

      • due.

      fixed (adjective)

      • in-alterable,
      • un-deviating,
      • de-finite,
      • more agreed,
      • un modifiable,
      • un bending,
      • more set-up,
      • un flinching,
      • more setup,
      • un deviating,
      • most rigged,
      • in bag,
      • de-fined,
      • in flexible,
      • un-flinching,
      • more defined,
      • more unmodifiable,
      • un-changeable,
      • more never failing,
      • more rigged,
      • most unmodifiable,
      • most unblinking,
      • un qualified,
      • never failing,
      • more undeviating,
      • un-bending,
      • most arranged,
      • un-modifiable,
      • de-terminate,
      • most neverfailing,
      • most set up,
      • un faltering,
      • most circumscribed,
      • un-faltering,
      • most undeviating,
      • most defined,
      • un movable,
      • more never-failing,
      • un-wavering,
      • most never-failing,
      • more set up,
      • more stipulated,
      • un-blinking,
      • in alterable,
      • most never failing,
      • un wavering,
      • in-flexible,
      • de fined,
      • most stipulated,
      • un-movable,
      • un changeable,
      • more neverfailing,
      • more unblinking,
      • de terminate,
      • in the bag,
      • unmodifiable,
      • most agreed,
      • de finite,
      • more circumscribed,
      • neverfailing,
      • most set-up,
      • most setup,
      • more arranged,
      • un blinking,
      • un-qualified.

      future (adjective)

      • close at hand,
      • looked toward,
      • from here in,
      • down the pike,
      • in the course of time,
      • in the offing,
      • down the road,
      • fated,
      • down the line,
      • just around the corner,
      • from here on,
      • from now on in,
      • in the cards,
      • to be,
      • from here to eternity.

      hatched (adjective)

      • more devised,
      • de vised,
      • most devised,
      • most concluded,
      • de-vised,
      • more concluded.

      intended (adjective)

      • expected,
      • asked for,
      • tried,
      • chosen,
      • Wished,
      • Meant,
      • Plighted,
      • Endeavored.

      intentional (adjective)

      • Meditated,
      • un-forced,
      • most meditated,
      • more meditated,
      • un forced.

      ironclad (adjective)

      • un alterable,
      • un-alterable,
      • un compromising,
      • un-compromising.

      methodic (adjective)

      • meth-odic,
      • meth odic.

      methodical (adjective)

      • grooved,
      • most grooved,
      • Systematical,
      • Methodic,
      • more grooved.

      methodical/methodic (adjective)

      • in groove,
      • re gular,
      • most structured,
      • more wellregulated,
      • ex-act,
      • well regulated,
      • more well-regulated,
      • most well regulated,
      • by book,
      • more well regulated,
      • most methodic,
      • ex act,
      • more methodic,
      • most wellregulated,
      • more methodized,
      • more disciplined,
      • most methodized,
      • re-gular,
      • more structured,
      • wellregulated,
      • most disciplined,
      • most well-regulated.

      Other relevant words: (adjective)

      • hatched,
      • thought-out,
      • hoped for,
      • looked-for,
      • undeviating,
      • studied,
      • deliberative,
      • all together,
      • well-regulated,
      • Aimed,
      • thought about,
      • in a groove,
      • intended,
      • prepared,
      • willful,
      • thought-about,
      • set-up,
      • by the book,
      • gone into,
      • methodical,
      • predetermined,
      • deliberate,
      • ironclad,
      • concerted,
      • calculated,
      • thought-through,
      • prospective,
      • by numbers,
      • well-planned,
      • disciplined,
      • never-failing,
      • structured,
      • to come,
      • proposed,
      • thought through,
      • looked for,
      • strategic,
      • unblinking.

      predetermined (adjective)

      • preordained,
      • precogitated,
      • cut and dried,
      • preplanned,
      • foredestined.

      prepared (adjective)

      • of a mind,
      • up on,
      • psyched-up,
      • sewed-up,
      • in readiness,
      • psyched up,
      • Gaffed,
      • all set,
      • sewed up,
      • prepped,
      • in order,
      • all systems go.

      projected (adjective)

      • on the docket,
      • in the making.

      proposed (adjective)

      • Volunteered,
      • most submitted,
      • re-commended,
      • re commended,
      • more proffered,
      • pro-posed,
      • pro posed,
      • more submitted,
      • Urged,
      • most proffered.

      prospective (adjective)

      • lookedfor,
      • most looked-for,
      • most hoped-for,
      • more hoped for,
      • more awaited,
      • more soon-to-be,
      • more looked-for,
      • more hopedfor,
      • about be,
      • more hoped-for,
      • more soon to be,
      • more looked for,
      • most hopedfor,
      • soon-to-be,
      • most awaited,
      • most soon-to-be,
      • most lookedfor,
      • hoped-for,
      • more lookedfor,
      • hopedfor,
      • most soon to be,
      • most looked for,
      • soon to be,
      • most hoped for.

      strategic (adjective)

      • dis-honest,
      • dis honest.

      studied (adjective)

      • more thought through,
      • well-considered,
      • most thoughtout,
      • most thought out,
      • most wellconsidered,
      • more thought out,
      • more thought about,
      • gone in to,
      • most thought-through,
      • most thought about,
      • wellconsidered,
      • most thought-about,
      • most thoughtthrough,
      • re-viewed,
      • re viewed,
      • well considered,
      • most thought through,
      • more well-considered,
      • most well considered,
      • more thought-through,
      • more thoughtabout,
      • most thoughtabout,
      • most well-considered,
      • more thoughtthrough,
      • more thought-out,
      • more well considered,
      • more plotted,
      • more thoughtout,
      • thoughtabout,
      • thoughtthrough,
      • most thought-out,
      • thoughtout,
      • more wellconsidered,
      • most plotted,
      • more thought-about.

      tactical (adjective)

      • more well planned,
      • wellplanned,
      • more well-planned,
      • most wellplanned,
      • tactical,
      • well planned,
      • most well planned,
      • more wellplanned,
      • most well-planned.

      willful (adjective)

      • most willed,
      • more willed.
    • n.

      • unpremeditated.

      conceived (noun)

      • conceived.

      contrived (noun)

      • contrived.

      deep-laid (noun)

      • deep-laid.

      formed (noun)

      • formed.

      Other relevant words: (noun)

      • aforethought,
      • premeditated,
      • intentional,
      • fixed,
      • plotted.

      planned (noun)

      • preset,
      • projected,
      • put up.

      projected (noun)

      • prelogisticated,
      • cut-and-dried,
      • under advisement,
      • on the drawing board,
      • under consideration,
      • cut out.

      put-up (noun)

      • put-up.
    • v.

      calculated (verb)

      • measured,
      • Counted,
      • Summed,
      • quantized,
      • determined,
      • Accounted,
      • added,
      • Gauged,
      • thought,
      • Deduced,
      • valued,
      • quantified,
      • Computed,
      • ranked,
      • Assessed,
      • totaled,
      • estimated,
      • Triangulated,
      • presumed,
      • concluded,
      • Inferred,
      • figured,
      • Rated,
      • divided,
      • scheduled,
      • Judged,
      • Reckoned,
      • Guessed,
      • Surmised,
      • Enumerated,
      • Schemed,
      • systematized,
      • evaluated,
      • Approximated,
      • Appraised,
      • Tallied,
      • Scored,
      • rationalized,
      • considered,
      • programmed,
      • multiplied,
      • Weighed,
      • supposed.

      imagined (verb)

      • daydreamed,
      • imagined,
      • brainstormed,
      • fantasized,
      • Theorized,
      • Opined,
      • observed,
      • Contemplated,
      • reflected,
      • perceived,
      • envisioned,
      • Created.

      intended (verb)

      • minded,
      • resolved,
      • Chose.

      ordered (verb)

      • composed,
      • integrated,
      • Methodized,
      • controlled,
      • regulated,
      • categorized,
      • Classed,
      • Marshalled,
      • arranged,
      • framed,
      • pigeonholed,
      • harmonized,
      • adjusted,
      • unified,
      • balanced,
      • classified,
      • settled,
      • stabilized,
      • established,
      • cast,
      • Screened,
      • orchestrated,
      • normalized,
      • shaped,
      • Sifted,
      • stratified,
      • Devised,
      • Righted,
      • grouped,
      • graded,
      • Subordinated,
      • Collated,
      • separated,
      • maintained,
      • organized,
      • designed,
      • Charted,
      • typed,
      • schematized,
      • unsnarled,
      • placed,
      • supported,
      • arrayed,
      • ordered,
      • mediated,
      • set,
      • sorted.

      outlined (verb)

      • Profiled,
      • delineated,
      • silhouetted,
      • contoured,
      • traced,
      • represented,
      • drawn,
      • Drafted,
      • outlined,
      • drew,
      • circumscribed,
      • Sketched.

      planned (verb)

      • anticipated,
      • invented,
      • coordinated,
      • blueprinted.
    • Other synonyms:

      • connive,
      • future,
      • undevised,
      • brainless,
      • unintended,
      • undesigned,
      • machinate,
      • order of the day,
      • connivance,
      • witless,
      • strategize,
      • schema,
      • docket,
      • extemporization,
      • Unmeant,
      • timetable.

      • collusion,
      • foolish,
      • policy,
      • involuntary,
      • game plan,
      • intrigue,
      • collude,
      • skeleton,
      • blueprint,
      • devise,
      • improvise,
      • mindless,
      • haphazard,
      • extemporize,
      • Weak-minded,
      • indiscriminate,
      • project,
      • scheme,
      • unintelligent,
      • conspiracy,
      • ad lib,
      • automatic,
      • unintentional,
      • prospectus,
      • machination,
      • layout,
      • agenda,
      • intention,
      • goal,
      • improvisation,
      • cabal,
      • rambling,
      • silly,
      • reflex,
      • calendar,
      • design,
      • adumbrate,
      • urban,
      • fatuous,
      • inadvertent,
      • premeditate,
      • spontaneous,
      • strategy,
      • random.

      • instinctive,
      • map,
      • lineup,
      • impulsive,
      • why,
      • conspire,
      • schedule,
      • aim,
      • intent,
      • plan,
      • predetermine,
      • chart,
      • desultory,
      • senseless,
      • hit-or-miss,
      • unwitting,
      • sketch,
      • propose,
      • contrive,
      • intend.

      • outline,
      • procedure,
      • conceive,
      • formulate,
      • purpose,
      • meaning,
      • contemplate,
      • ambition,
      • insensate,
      • provision,
      • target.

      • prepare,
      • frame,
      • program,
      • preparation,
      • idea,
      • plot.

      • arrange,
      • lay,
      • object.

      • arrangement,
      • objective,
      • spot.

      • mean.

      • bill,
      • draft,
      • view.

      • end,
      • block.

      • hold,
      • have.

      • point.

      • mark,
      • line.

      • give.


      • alphabetical.


      • prospect.

    How to use «Planned» in context?

    Why is it so important to have a «planned» approach to life?

    In today’s society, it seems like everything is just going «unplanned.» So many people are caught up in the moment and don’t have a plan for the future. This can lead to a lot of Anxiety and stress. A «planned» approach to life allows for a sense of certainty and control. It can help you stay organized and minimize stress in your life. It can give you a roadmap to follow and help you stay on course.

    Paraphrases for Planned:

    Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
    • Equivalence

      • Adjective
      • Proper noun, singular
    • Reverse Entailment

      • Adjective
        pre-planned, well-planned.
      • Verb, past tense
    • Independent

      • Adjective
        agreed, alleged, allotted, anticipate, attempted, available, foreseeable, foretold, orchestrated, organised, organized, plotted, predicted, premeditated, proposed, prospective, Envisaged, Intending, Managed, Preparing, thought-out.
      • Proper noun, singular
        foreseen, needs, predicted, proposed, Envisaged, Recipes, Screenings, Achievements, appropriations, payments, expectations, forecasts, items, dollars, disbursements, contributions, requirements, DSS, indicators, outputs, authorisations.
      • Noun, plural
        predicted, Envisaged, Facilities, Guarantees, Schedules, exemptions, approaches, demands, accomplishments, applications, sets, commitments, purposes, rules, inclinations, forecasts, obligations, points, allocations, amounts, aspects, locations, outlays, components, items, disbursements, contributions, streams, requirements, horizons, markings.
      • Noun, singular or mass
      • Verb, past tense
        account, added, addressed, adopted, advertised, affirmed, agreed, allotted, applied, arranged, assembled, attended, built, called, cast, completed, concluded, conducted, conferred, conveyed, decided, defined, demonstration, deployment, described, designed, determined, elaborated, envisioned, featured, felt, figured, found, granted, heard, imagined, implied, initiated, invested, involved, love, made, mounted, noted, offer, orchestrated, organised, organized, outlined, perform, permitted, plotted, predicted, produced, promulgated, propose, proposed, put, read, recommended, reflected, represented, requested, resolved, retained, said, saw, scheduled, shed, shot, solved, sought, sprinkled, stipulate, structured, thought, understood, van, wait, wanted, Accounted, Achieved, Aimed, Approached, Asked, Was, Believed, Brought, Carried, Catered, Dealt, Deemed, Delivered, Deployed, Devised, Did, Discussed, Drafted, Earmarked, Encompassed, Envisaged, Existed, Explored, Filed, Fitted, Got, Had, Incurred, Installed, Introduced, Launched, Looked, Managed, Mapped, Meant, Mentioned, Necessitated, Numbered, Offered, Oversaw, Planed, Rated, Reimbursed, Relied, Repaid, Screened, Singled, Took, Those, Threw, Viewed, Were, Worked, Conformed, Consisted, Convened, Counted, Created, Wanna, Maps, showed, allocated, foresaw, preparations, items, mandates, mandated, rescheduled, masterminded, prepped, sponsored, laid, 2007, ‘d, ‘il.
      • Verb, gerund or present participle
        according, appearing, being, covering, ensuing, falling, fixing, flowing, going, Anticipating, Arising, Envisaged, Establishing, Expecting, Occurring, Pertaining, Relating, Stemming.
      • Verb, past participle
        accepted, accomplished, adapted, added, addressed, adopted, advanced, advertised, agreed, aligned, alleged, allotted, amended, applied, approach, appropriated, approved, arranged, arrested, articulated, associated, attached, attempted, authorised, authorized, balanced, based, booked, broadcast, built, called, cancelled, cast, charged, chosen, cleared, collected, completed, conceived, concluded, conducted, contracted, controlled, decided, dedicated, deferred, defined, delayed, derived, described, designed, destined, determined, devoted, divided, done, drawn, dropped, elaborated, embedded, embodied, employed, ended, endorsed, enforced, engaged, entertained, entrenched, envisioned, equipped, evidenced, executed, exposed, expressed, extended, felt, fight, figured, filmed, finished, focused, foreseen, formulated, found, fulfilled, fund, furnished, geared, given, governed, granted, guaranteed, guided, handled, headed, heard, identified, imagined, implanted, implemented, implied, incorporated, informed, initiated, inscribed, insert, instructed, integrated, interpreted, invested, involved, kept, keyed, known, led, left, lined, linked, located, made, maintained, marked, measured, named, needed, noted, opened, opposed, organised, organization, organized, outlined, packaged, paid, painted, perceived, permitted, placed, planted, pledged, plotted, poised, posed, posted, postponed, predetermined, predicted, premeditated, presented, processed, produced, prohibited, proposed, proscribed, protected, published, pursued, put, raised, ratified, read, realized, received, recognised, recognized, recommended, recorded, reflected, registered, regulated, reinforced, released, report, requested, reserved, resolved, run, said, sanctioned, scheduled, secured, seen, selected, serviced, shot, situated, sorted, sought, stopped, stored, structured, studied, study, supported, supposed, tailored, taught, thought, thrown, timed, treated, trimmed, understood, used, venue, wanted, web, wired, written, yeah, Accorded, Achieved, Advocated, Afforded, Aimed, Anchored, Approached, Asked, Awarded, Been, Borne, Begun, Believed, Brought, Captured, Carried, Channelled, Cited, Claimed, Dealt, Deemed, Delivered, Demanded, Deployed, Devised, Discussed, Displayed, Drafted, Earmarked, Emanated, Enacted, Enshrined, Entailed, Entered, Enunciated, Envisaged, Excluded, Exercised, Explained, Explored, Fitted, Followed, Had, Happened, Has, Incurred, Inferred, Installed, Instituted, Introduced, Investigated, Issued, Judged, Launched, Liquidated, Looked, Managed, Mattered, Meant, Met, Mentioned, Negotiated, Obtained, Occurred, Offered, Passed, Performed, Planed, Rated, Reached, Regarded, Relied, Screened, Shown, Slated, Tackled, Undertaken, Viewed, Waited, Compiled, Comprised, Computed, Constructed, Construed, Convened, Counted, Created, Promoted, Provisioned, started, Submitted, Supplied, evaluated, enhancements, sprayed, ensured, sequenced, allocated, replaced, preparations, items, mandated, reviewed, rescheduled, masterminded, phased, sponsored, spelled, previewed, monitored, laid, scrutinised, pre-positioned, 2005, timetabled.
      • Verb, 3rd person singular present
        Guarantees, Charges, takes, exists, passes, seeks, amounts, envisions, envisages, features, happens, contributions.
      • Verb, base form
        anticipate, deliver, exist, fall, foresee, form, intend, occur, Envisaged.
    • Other Related

      • Adjective
      • Proper noun, singular
        plan, plans.
      • Noun, plural
      • Noun, singular or mass
      • Verb, past tense
        approved, conceived, curriculum, identified, staged.

    Word of the Day




    • PLANNED synonyms at
    • PLANNED synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
      — PLANNED synonyms
    • Collins Dictionary — synonyms of PLANNED
    • YourDictionary
      — another words for PLANNED
    • prepared
    • outlined
    • programmed
    • in the making
    • on the docket
    • prospective

    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

    On this page you’ll find 34 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to planned, such as: prepared, outlined, programmed, in the making, on the docket, and prospective.

    TRY USING planned

    See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.

    How to use planned in a sentence


    OCTOBER 26, 1985


    • anticipated
    • calculated
    • designed
    • directed
    • intended
    • marked
    • planned
    • steered
    • deliberate
    • designed
    • intended
    • planned
    • premeditated
    • agreed upon
    • collaborative
    • combined
    • joint
    • mutual
    • planned
    • prearranged
    • united
    • advised
    • aforethought
    • calculated
    • careful
    • cautious
    • cold-blooded
    • conscious
    • considered
    • cut-and-dried
    • designed
    • designful
    • done on purpose
    • express
    • fixed
    • intended
    • judged
    • meticulous
    • planned
    • pondered
    • prearranged
    • predesigned
    • predeterminate
    • predetermined
    • premeditated
    • prepense
    • projected
    • provident
    • prudent
    • purposed
    • purposeful
    • purposive
    • reasoned
    • resolved
    • schemed
    • scrupulous
    • studied
    • studious
    • thought-out
    • thoughtful
    • voluntary
    • wary
    • weighed
    • willful
    • with forethought
    • witting
    • calculated
    • cogitative
    • contemplating
    • contemplative
    • excogitative
    • meditating
    • meditative
    • planned
    • probing
    • purposeful
    • reasoning
    • reflective
    • thinking
    • abiding
    • agreed
    • arranged
    • certain
    • changeless
    • circumscribed
    • confirmed
    • decided
    • defined
    • definite
    • definitive
    • determinate
    • enduring
    • firm
    • in the bag
    • inalterable
    • inflexible
    • inveterate
    • level
    • limited
    • narrow
    • never-failing
    • planned
    • prearranged
    • precise
    • resolved
    • restricted
    • rigged
    • rooted
    • set
    • set-up
    • settled
    • stated
    • steadfast
    • steady
    • still
    • stipulated
    • sure
    • unbending
    • unblinking
    • unchangeable
    • undeviating
    • unfaltering
    • unflinching
    • unmodifiable
    • unmovable
    • unqualified
    • unwavering

    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


    Synonyms of planned

    • adjective

    • as in designed

    • as in expected

    • verb

    • as in prepared

    • as in intended

    • as in designed
    • as in expected
    • as in prepared
    • as in intended

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    Definition of plannednext


    as in designed

    Synonyms & Similar Words


    • designed

    • intended

    • deliberate

    • considered

    • intentional

    • advised

    • calculated

    • studied

    • willed

    • purposeful

    • premeditated

    • conscious

    • set

    • voluntary

    • measured

    • knowing

    • weighed

    • reasoned

    • purposive

    • thoughtful

    • wilful

    • witting

    • volunteer

    • willful

    • elective

    • optional

    • premeditative

    • prepense

    • discretionary

    Antonyms & Near Antonyms

    • chance

    • haphazard

    • random

    • inadvertent

    • accidental

    • unintentional

    • incidental

    • nondeliberate

    • necessary

    • unwitting

    • sudden

    • ordered

    • forced

    • required

    • aimless

    • mandatory

    • spontaneous

    • purposeless

    • desultory

    • compulsory

    • impromptu

    • impetuous

    • abrupt

    • nonpurposive

    • obligatory

    • involuntary

    • hitormiss

    • coerced

    • casual

    • impulsive

    • unpremeditated

    • nonelective

    • extemporaneous

    • instinctive

    • unforced

    See More

    • chance

    • haphazard

    • random

    • inadvertent

    • accidental

    • unintentional

    • incidental

    • nondeliberate

    • necessary

    • unwitting

    • sudden

    • ordered

    • forced

    • required

    • aimless

    • mandatory

    • spontaneous

    • purposeless

    • desultory

    • compulsory

    • impromptu

    • impetuous

    • abrupt

    • nonpurposive

    • obligatory

    • involuntary

    • hitormiss

    • coerced

    • casual

    • impulsive

    • unpremeditated

    • nonelective

    • extemporaneous

    • instinctive

    • unforced

    See More


    as in expected

    Synonyms & Similar Words

    • expected

    • anticipated

    • predicted

    • awaited

    • projected

    • possible

    • potential

    • future

    • prospective

    • later

    • subsequent

    • approaching

    • upcoming

    • forthcoming

    • coming

    • eventual

    • after

    • imminent

    • nearing

    • unborn

    • final

    • impending

    • pending

    • ensuing

    • oncoming

    • last

    • ulterior

    • posterior

    • ultimate

    Antonyms & Near Antonyms

    • previous

    • prior

    • precedent

    • past

    • preceding

    • anterior

    • antecedent

    • bygone

    • previous

    • prior

    • precedent

    • past

    • preceding

    • anterior

    • antecedent

    • bygone

    See More


    2 of 2


    past tense of plan


    as in prepared

    to work out the details of (something) in advance

    we planned the school dance down to the smallest detail

    Synonyms & Similar Words

    • prepared

    • designed

    • organized

    • arranged

    • plotted

    • budgeted

    • calculated

    • devised

    • charted

    • choreographed

    • outlined

    • projected

    • shaped

    • blueprinted

    • drafted

    • intended

    • contemplated

    • laid out

    • framed

    • mapped (out)

    • strategized (about)

    • conspired

    • sketched

    • schemed (out)

    • figured

    • premeditated

    • contrived

    • concerted

    • aimed

    • meant

    • intrigued

    • had on

    • machinated

    • meditated

    • got up

    • put up


    as in intended

    to have in mind as a purpose or goal

    I plan to have a party for my birthday, even if I have to throw it myself

    Synonyms & Similar Words

    • intended

    • hoped

    • contemplated

    • proposed

    • meant

    • aimed

    • went

    • designed

    • wished

    • tried

    • looked

    • calculated

    • purposed

    • attempted

    • purported

    • aspired

    • meditated

    • allowed

    • plotted

    • dreamed

    • figured on

    • considered

    • accomplished

    • executed

    • performed

    • debated

    • pondered

    • struggled

    • achieved

    • schemed

    • dreamt

    • endeavored

    • effected

    • strived

    • strove

    • mulled (over)

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    “Planned.” Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 13 Apr. 2023.

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    Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

    1. plannedadjective

      designed or carried out according to a plan

      «the planned outlays for new equipment»

      plotted, aforethought(ip)

      ad hoc, unpremeditated, casual, chance(a), unplanned

    2. aforethought(ip), planned, plottedadjective

      planned in advance

      «with malice aforethought»

      casual, ad hoc, unpremeditated, chance(a), unplanned

    PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

    1. List of paraphrases for «planned»:

      scheduled, projected, expected, anticipated, foreseen, envisaged, intended, forecasted, planning, programmed, provided, predicted, prescribed, scheme, forecast, contemplated, stipulated, plans, plan, envisioned, proposed, prévues, referred, specified, spending, schemes, contained

    How to pronounce planned?

    How to say planned in sign language?

    How to use planned in a sentence?

    1. John Blackmon:

      Google Maps’s almost an indoctrination of distrust of police and we’ve got to put a stop to Google Maps, there are other socio-economic topics that are available and they want to focus half of their effort on negativity towards the police ? That seems odd to me. PARENTS ANGERED AFTER PLANNED PARENTHOOD PARTNER LEADS ‘ GRAPHIC ’ SEX-ED LESSON IN SCIENCE CLASS Students can pick.

    2. Pastor Brad McLean:

      Our priority as a church is to care for our families who have lost a loved one in this accident. There will be services being planned and prepared, i would encourage people to pray for the family of the driver of the other vehicle. That family is hurting. I would encourage you to show love and grace to them.

    3. Sarah Sanders:

      I know that deputy attorney general had always planned to stay around two years. He would like to help with the transition of bringing the new attorney general in. We hope that happens relatively soon, i know he wants to allow him to build a new team. He’s doing a great job and we’ll let him make any further announcements on that from here.

    4. General Manager Kateryna Matiushchenko:

      January and February 2023 were not that bad, better than we planned, given the constant threat of massive attacks and electricity switch-offs.

    5. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush:

      My record as governor of the state of Florida was we expanded women’s health spending through community-based care, we didn’t spend it through Planned Parenthood — we defunded Planned Parenthood. But we expanded women’s health issues and programs.


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    Are we missing a good synonym for planned?

    Need another word that means the same as “planned”? Find 2 synonyms and 30 related words for “planned” in this overview.

    Table Of Contents:

    • Planned as an Adjective
    • Definitions of «Planned» as an adjective
    • Synonyms of «Planned» as an adjective (2 Words)
    • Usage Examples of «Planned» as an adjective
    • Associations of «Planned» (30 Words)

    The synonyms of “Planned” are: aforethought, plotted

    Planned as an Adjective

    Definitions of «Planned» as an adjective

    According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “planned” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

    • Planned in advance.
    • Designed or carried out according to a plan.
    • With planning and intention.

    Synonyms of «Planned» as an adjective (2 Words)

    aforethought With planning and intention.
    With malice aforethought.
    plotted With planning and intention.

    Usage Examples of «Planned» as an adjective

    • The planned outlays for new equipment.

    Associations of «Planned» (30 Words)

    array Elaborate or beautiful clothing.
    I shall have my men drawn up here in battle array ready to come to your help.
    artifice A deceptive maneuver (especially to avoid capture.
    An industry dominated by artifice.
    calculated Carefully thought out in advance.
    A calculated insult.
    concoct Make a concoction of by mixing.
    His cronies concocted a simple plan.
    deliberate Unhurried and with care and dignity.
    A deliberate attempt to provoke a response.
    deliberately In a careful and unhurried way.
    She was working deliberately.
    designed Planned or conceived in detail or for a specific purpose.
    Games designed for all ages.
    headed Having a tip, end, or top part of a specified kind.
    A cool headed fighter pilot.
    intended Planned or meant.
    The intended victim escaped.
    intentionality Expressive of intentions.
    knowingly In full awareness or consciousness; deliberately.
    When a journalist knowingly misleads their readers.
    measured (of speech or writing) carefully considered and restrained.
    His measured prose.
    methodical (of a person) orderly or systematic in thought or behaviour.
    A methodical man he assembled all the papers into a huge pile.
    motivated Provided with a motive or given incentive for action.
    A highly motivated child can learn almost anything.
    musicology The scholarly and scientific study of music.
    object Express or raise an objection or protest or criticism or express dissent.
    When asked to drive the truck she objected that she did not have a driver s license.
    ordered Marked by an orderly, logical, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts.
    An ordered sequence.
    organized Formed into a structured or coherent whole.
    A repressive regime which crushed organized labour.
    plan Make a design of plan out in systematic often graphic form.
    They drew up a six step plan.
    premeditated (of an action, especially a crime) thought out or planned beforehand.
    Premeditated murder.
    purpose The quality of being determined to do or achieve something firmness of purpose.
    The building is no longer needed for its original purpose.
    purposefully With a useful purpose.
    Purposefully vague answers.
    purposely On purpose; intentionally.
    She had purposely made it difficult.
    ruse An action intended to deceive someone; a trick.
    Emma tried to think of a ruse to get Paul out of the house.
    scheme Devise a system or form a scheme for.
    He schemed to bring about the collapse of the government.
    setup An act that incriminates someone on a false charge.
    It takes time to learn the setup around here.
    skillfully With skill.
    Fragments of a nearly complete jug skillfully restored at the institute of archaeology.
    studied Produced or marked by conscious design or premeditation.
    He treated them with studied politeness.
    systematic Done or acting according to a fixed plan or system; methodical.
    A systematic search of the whole city.
    thorough Performed comprehensively and completely; not superficial or partial.
    Thorough research.

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