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information, informative, inform, informality, informed, informally

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Woman with smeared eyes in studio Tattooed smiling woman removing face mask Side view eccentric bald female in pink top yelling loud in colorful studio Confident African American male with dyed hair wearing trendy suit and chain looking at camera while standing near wall on street Diverse cheerful teenage girls looking at camera in bright yellow sweater and pink hoodie on white background Attractive young female model touching hood of beige hoodie

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press, journalist, photographer analytics, information, innovation education, book, stack idea, teamwork, thinking paper, business card, coolie question mark, pile, question

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Synonyms for Informal. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 12, from

Synonyms for Informal. N.p., 2016. Web. 12 Apr. 2023. <>.

Synonyms for Informal. 2016. Accessed April 12, 2023.

Formal and Informal words list in English

Formal English:

Formal Language is like a formal dress, in a formal language you have to be careful with words, you have to choose words with respect. We use it when writing essays for school, cover letters to apply for jobs, or emails and letters at work.

Informal English:

Informal Language is the language you speak in your friend’s circle. It is used in conversation with your family and friends, informal words are also respectful words, but they are less polite as compare to formal words.

Here are Formal and Informal words List in English

1. Verbs – Informal & Formal

a lot of numerous
anyways nevertheless
block undermine
break down fail/collapse
break up disintegrate
bring in introduce
can is capable of
come back return
come/go in enter
deal with handle
enjoyment gratification
faithfulness fidelity
find out discover
from (company) on the behalf of
get obtain
get in touch with contact
give in yield
give the go-ahead authorize
give/bring back return
go against oppose
go ahead proceed
go away leave/depart
go before precede
go down decrease
go out of exit
go up increase
hopeless futile
house residence
hungry famished
it’s about it concerns, it’s in regards to
keep retain
keep up maintain properly
lead to cause
leave out omit
let permit
link up connect
lively energetic
look at examine
look for seek
look into investigate
look like resemble
lots of/ a lot of much, many
make out discern
makeup fabricate
mend repair
need to required
plus/also moreover/furthermore
point out indicate
put in insert
put off postpone
put up tolerate
put up with tolerate
put/set down deposit
rack up accumulate
really big considerable
refer to consult
ring up call
seem appear
set out display
set up establish
settle for choose
show demonstrate, illustrate, portray
show up arrive
speak to address
stand for represent
start commence
take away remove
take out remove
talk about discuss/consider
thanks gratitude
think about consider/ponder
think of conceive
throw away discard
throw out eject
tired Formal and Informal words list in English Pdf fatigued
tons of, heaps of large quantities of, a number of
try out test
wait for await
whole entire/complete
worse inferior
say sorry apologize, apologise

2. Transitions – Informal & Formal

Informal Formal
Anyways Nevertheless
Plus/Also Moreover/ Furthermore
But However
So Therefore/Thus
Also In addition, Additionally
ASAP as soon as possible/at your earliest convenience
Okay, OK acceptable
In the meantime In the interim
I think In my opinion,
In the end, Finally
To sum up In conclusion,
In a nutshell/Basically To summarize,
Anyway, Notwithstanding
All right Acceptable
To top it all off,
On top of it all,
In order to

3. Emphasis Words – Informal & Formal

Informal Formal
lots of/ a lot of much, many
tons of, heaps of large quantities of, a number of
totally completely, strongly
really, very definitely

4. Letter Expressions – Informal & Formal

Informal Formal
Hi Robert, Dear Sir or Madam
Just wanted to let you know… I am writing to inform you…
Love, Yours sincerely, Yours faithfully,
Yours Truly, Best regards, kind regards
Hope to hear from you soon I look forward to hearing from you
You can call me if you need anything Please do not hesitate to contact me

5. Abbreviations – Informal & Formal

Informal Formal
ASAP as soon as possible
T.V. television
photo photograph
cell cell phone
net Internet

6. Slang – Informal & Formal

Informal Formal
kids children
bad negative
good positive
really big considerable
right correct
wrong incorrect
smart intelligent
cheap inexpensive
loaded rich

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Formal English: We use it when writing essays for school, cover letters to apply for jobs, or emails and letters at work.

Informal English: We use it with friends, children, and relatives.

The following list will help you to recognize the informal and formal ways of saying the same thing. The list is divided into sections of: verbs, transitions, emphasis words, abbreviations, and slang.

Verbs – Informal & Formal

Informal Formal
say sorry apologize, apologise
go up increase
go down decrease
set up establish
look at examine
blow up explode
find out discover
bring about cause
put off postpone, delay
rack up accumulate
make up fabricate
stand for represent
find out discover, ascertain
leave out omit
point out indicate
go against oppose
get in touch with contact
It’s about It concerns, It’s in regards to
need to required
think about consider
get obtain
put up tolerate
deal with handle
seem appear
show demonstrate, illustrate, portray
start commence
keep retain
free release
get on someone’s nerves bother
ring up call
show up arrive
let permit
fill in substitute, inform
block undermine
give the go ahead, greenlight authorize, authorise

Transitions – Informal & Formal

Informal Formal
Anyways Nevertheless
Plus/Also Moreover/ Furthermore
But However
So Therefore/Thus
Also In addition, Additionally
ASAP as soon as possible/at your earliest convenience
Okay, OK acceptable
In the meantime In the interim
I think In my opinion,
In the end, Finally
To sum up In conclusion,
In a nutshell/Basically To summarize,
Anyway, Notwithstanding
All right Acceptable
To top it all off,
On top of it all,
In order to

Emphasis Words – Informal & Formal

Informal Formal
lots of/ a lot of much, many
tons of, heaps of large quantities of, a number of
totally completely, strongly
really, very definitely

Letter Expressions – Informal & Formal

Informal Formal
Hi Robert, Dear Sir or Madam
Just wanted to let you know… I am writing to inform you…
Love, Yours sincerely, Yours faithfully,
Yours Truly, Best regards, kind regards
Hope to hear from you soon I look forward to hearing from you
You can call me if you need anything Please do not hesitate to contact me

Abbreviations – Informal & Formal

Informal Formal
ASAP as soon as possible
T.V. television
photo photograph
cell cell phone
net Internet

Slang – Informal & Formal

Informal Formal
kids children
bad negative
good positive
really big considerable
right correct
wrong incorrect
smart intelligent
cheap inexpensive
loaded rich

Informal & Formal Words List

Every English learner needs to learn Formal and Informal words and the situations these words are suitable to use in. We have compiled a huge list of formal and informal words that can help learners differentiate easily.

First thing first, let’s try understand what is a formal and informal word. Formal words are used in official communication in both oral or written. You are a student and you definitely talk to your teachers, your teachers would appreciate if you communicate formally with them. The same is the matter with a boss or anybody in the world with whom you are not frank enough. Let’s take a few examples

you want to write a letter to your teacher to explain why were you absent last day. You have two words ‘away’ and ‘absent’ , in formal situations we definitely have to choose absent but yes if you are talking to your classmate, you can tell him why were you away last day.

Informal words shouldn’t be used with your teachers, boss and the people you are not frank with. You can comfortably use these words with everybody you are frank with, in short.

Also In ————Addition,
Ask ————–Enquire
Afraid-———— Fearful
At First————- Initially
Ask For————- Request
Again & Again  ————-Repeatedly
A Bit ————-A Little
Avoid————- Evade
Anyway ————-Nevertheless
Ask Out————- Invite
Away ————-Absent
At Once ————-Immediately
A Lot Of ————-Numerous

Formal and Informal Words PDF

Bright/smart————- Intelligent
Buy ————-Purchase
Build ————-Construct
But ————-However,
Bad ————-Negative
Beat up————- Assault
Break out ————-Erupt
Block ————-Undermine
Blow up————- Explode
Boss ————-Employer
Brave————- Courageous
Better————- Improved
Big/Large————- Enormous
Bring in————- Introduce
Break off ————-Suspend/adjourn
Break down————- Fail/Collapse

List of Formal Words for Academic Writing

Check ————-Verify
Come after ————-Follow
Choose————- Select
Clear ————-Transparent
Come in ————-Enter
Call off ————Cancel
Complex ————-Convoluted
Call on———— Visit
Childish ————-Infantile
Chance————- Opportunity
Cheap ————-Inexpensive
Can Is ————-capable of
Come up ————-to Reach/attain
Climb———— Ascend
Clothes ————-Garment

List of Formal Words for Academic Writing PDF
Dirty/ polluted ————-Contaminated
Danger ————-Peril
Dare ————-Challenge
Dad ————-Father
Describe————- Depict
Deal with————- Handle
Dim ————-Indistinct
Death————- Demise
Deal ————-with Manage
Drop out ————-of Withdraw (from)

Formal and Informal Words in Writing
End ————-Terminate/ Finish
Ease ————Facilitate
Eager————- Avid
Expect ————-Anticipate
Enough ————-Sufficient
Explain ————-Disclose
End ————-Terminate
Empty ————-Vacant
Enjoyment ————-Gratification

400 Formal and Informal Words List PDF
Friendly ————-Amiable
Free ————-Liberate
Fork out ————-Pay (money)
Fall out————- Quarrel
Fight ————-Combat

A- Z Formal and Informal Words List
Get ————-Receive
Get out ————-Escape
Go ————-Depart
Go before————- Precede
Go after ————Pursue
Good looking ————-Attractive
Give————- Donate
Go down ————-Decrease
Go through————- Examine
Good for————- Beneficial
Go ahead ————-Proceed
Go up ————-Increase
Go on ————-Continue
Go out of ————-Exit
Give up————- Quit
Get away————- Elude
Go away————- Leave/ depart
Give out————- Distribute
Go against———— Oppose
Get ————-Obtain
Good ————-Positive
Get by————- Survive

100 Formal and Informal Words List
Hit out at ————-Criticise
Hungry————- Famished
Here ————-Present
Help————- Assist
Hopeless————- Futile
Happy ————-Pleased
Hurry ————Haste, hasten
Hurt ————-Damage
Idea ————-Notion
Imagine———— Envisage
In charge of———— Responsible
Iron out ————-Solve/overcome
Job ————-Occupation
Keep————- Preserve
Kidding ————-Jesting
Kids ————-Children

List of Formal Words for Academic Writing
Look up to————- Respect
Look at————- Regard
Lucky ————-Fortunate
Lead to————- Cause
Let ————-Allow
Lucky————- Fortunate
Lack ————-Deficiency
Look for ————-Seek
Let ————-Permit
Live————- Reside
Leave out ———–Omit
Look like————- Resemble
Lively ————-Energetic
Laid back———— Relaxed
Live ————-Reside
Look into————- Investigate

200 List of Formal Words for Academic Writing
Make up————- Fabricate
Mainly————- Principally
Mad ————-Insane
Maybe ————-Perhaps
Mend ————Repair
Marvelous————- Exceptional
Need ————-Require
Naked ————-Nude
Next/later ————-Subsequently
Old ————-Elderly
Over At an ————-end
Okay, ok————- Acceptable
Older————- Senior

A- Z Formal and Informal Words in Writing
Put off ————-Postpone
Pay back————- Repay
Put/ set down————- Deposit
Pin down————- Determine
Put in ————-Insert
Pick up ————-Collect
Put up with ————-Tolerate
Point out ————-Indicate

Formal and Informal Words List A- Z
Really big————- Considerable
Remove ————-Eliminate
Rack up————- Accumulate
Refer to ————-Consult
Rich ————-Wealthy
Round ————-Circular
Right ————-Correct

A- Z Formal and Informal Words List
Show ————-Demonstrate
Speed up ————-Accelerate
Stop ————-Cease
Set up ————-Establish
Sick————- ill
Stubborn ————-Obstinate
Start/ Begin ————Commence
Shorten ————-Decrease
Settle for ————-Choose
Say no————- Reject
Small————- Diminutive
See————- Observe
So————- Therefore
Sight————- Vision
Seem ————-Appear
Set out ————Display
Seem ————-Appear
Sweat ————-Perspiration
Say sorry————- Apologise
Say ————-Express

Formal and Informal Words PDF
Talk into ————-Persuade
Tired———— Exhausted/ Fatigued
Throw away ————-Discard
Take out————- Remove
Test ————-Experiment
Thanks ————-Gratitude
Tough ————-Difficult
Try out ————-Test
Talk about ————-Discuss/consider
Throw ————out Eject
Think of ————- Conceive
Try ————-Endeavour
Think about————- Consider
Tell ————-Inform
Use ————-Utilize

A- Z Formal and Informal Words List
Wood ————-Timber
Want/ hope————- Desire
Wrong————- Incorrect
Wait for ————-Await
Want ————-Desire
Worse ————-Inferior
Whole————- Entire/Complete
Young———— Youthful

A- Z Formal and Informal Words List

Formal and Informal Words List PDF

Formal and Informal Words in Writing

Formal and Informal Words in Writing

, List of Formal Words for Academic Writing

, List of Formal Words for Academic Writing

Formal and Informal Words List PDF


Informal & Informal Words List PDF

Difference Between Formal and Informal WordsFormal and Informal Words in WritingFormal and Informal Words PDFInformal To Formal ConverterInformal Words DictionaryInformal Words MeaningList of Formal Words for Academic WritingList of Formal Words for Academic Writing Pdf

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