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Synonyms for Having said that. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 13, from

Synonyms for Having said that. N.p., 2016. Web. 13 Apr. 2023. <>.

Synonyms for Having said that. 2016. Accessed April 13, 2023.

  • #1

That being said, Having said that and That said are all used before saying or writing something contrary to what you have just said/written (meaning «however»). I have also seen «That having being said.» Maybe there are more variations for this.

My question;
Can I just use them interchangeably?
No preferences between formal and informal, spoken and written, AE and BE etc.?

Thank you.

(To the moderators) I’ve found a thread which is asking and answering the meaning of «that being said». I thought asking about the differences of these similar expressions would deserve another thread.That being said :D, if I should add this question to that thread, or another thread on this topic exists please kindly let me know.

Last edited: Jan 5, 2011

    • #2

    First off, «that having being said» is not correct. «that having been said» is however.

    If you use «having said that», then the subject of «say» must follow. Not the case with the other expressions.

    As for the difference between «that said, that being said, that having been said» I don’t really see one. «that said» should be the best option because why use four words when you can use two?

    Last edited: Jan 5, 2011

    • #3

    I think «That having been said» is getting a little clumsy but the other three are OK. The second one specifically requires the speaker or writer to be the subject of the following part of the sentence «Having said that, I ….» while the other two are stand-alone clauses with passive form and can sit next to the subsequent part of the sentence. The meanings are all the same, that what follows might challenge or seem to contrast with what was previously said. They function much as «however» would.

    • #4

    Could we see some examples?

    • #5

    Could we see some examples?

    In my original thought they were exchangeable. So my example sentence would be what I wrote in my original post to the moderators.
    However, according to Julian’s explanation, it is not correct to say «Having said that» in this situation? (I started the next sentence with «if» — I’ve found a thread which is asking and answering the meaning of «that being said». I thought asking about the differences of these similar expressions would deserve another thread.That being said :D (Having said that :cross:?) , if I should add this question to that thread, or another thread on this topic exists please kindly let me know. )

    Tazzler said:

    First off, «that having being seen» is not correct.»that having been said» is however.

    I did not understand this part. Did you mean that grammatically somehow «that having being seen» is wrong but «that having been said» is correct in contrast?

    (Edit) Tazzler edited/corrected this part (Thank you!). And, actually It was a typo on my part too. I meant to write «That having been said», not «that having being said»

    Thanks again!

    Last edited: Jan 5, 2011


    • #6

    To me there’s a sense of relief when this expression is used, as though it had been complicated or taxing to say something. I would expect it to follow a discourse, not a single sentence. Because the preceding text here is so brief, I’m not sure I would use either variant. If forced to choose one, I’d prefer the short version — ‘that said’ — because its brevity best parallels the brevity of the preceding text.

    My impression is that ‘having said that’ and ‘that being said’ are somewhat more formal-sounding than ‘that said’.

    ~ Note that there’s a variant, ‘having said all that’, which might just be the full form of ‘having said that’.

    • #7

    thinking about it, is «that being said» grammatically correct? Since being refers to a process, aren’t the 2 gramatically constructions «that said» or «that having been said»?

    • #8

    I think you’re right, and ‘that having been said’ is clunky but wouldn’t it be grammatically acceptable if you’re recounting something that happened in the past?

    For example: nobody wanted to bring up the real issue but after a while someone blurted out that their colleague was completely incapable. That having been said, it was impossible to ignore the fact that she would have to be let go.

    It doesn’t sound pretty to me but is it wrong?


    • #9

    As for the difference between «that said, that being said, that having been said» I don’t really see one. «that said» should be the best option because why use four words when you can use two?

    So all of these work, right?

    He forgets most things, but having said that, he always remebers my birthday.
    He forgets most things, but that being said, he always remebers my birthday.
    He forgets most things, but that said, he always remebers my birthday.

    • #10

    So all of these work, right?

    He forgets most things, but having said that, he always remebers my birthday.
    He forgets most things, but that being said, he always remebers my birthday.
    He forgets most things, but that said, he always remebers my birthday.

    I’d only use the third, Zaffy.

    The first one suggests that it’s he who says it, and the second comes close to doing that too.

    Last edited: Oct 14, 2021


    • #11

    The first one suggests that it’s he who says it,

    So does it matter if the former sentence has been said by the same person as the second one?

    One person:
    That book is really dull. Having said that, the ending is extremely clever.
    That book is really dull. That being said, I reckon the ending is extremely clever.
    That book is really dull. That said, I reckon the ending is extremely clever.

    Two people:
    A: That book is really dull.
    B: Well, having said that, I reckon the ending is extremely clever.
    B: Well, that being said, I reckon the ending is extremely clever.
    B: Well, that said, I reckon the ending is extremely clever.


    • #13

    You didn’t like this:
    That book is really dull. That being said, I reckon the ending is extremely clever.

    But I guess it works with «with» added before «that», right?

    That book is really dull. With that being said, I reckon the ending is extremely clever.

    sound shift

    • #14

    Re. #13

    I couldn’t use either of those.

    If I had to use «that» and «said», I’d say, «That said, (I reckon) the ending is extremely clever.»

    In practice, I would go for something less wordy, such as «That book is really dull, although the ending is extremely clever.»

    Hermione Golightly

    • #15

    ‘With that being said’ seems unnecessarily wordy and no better than ‘that being said’. It needs to be ‘that having been said… ‘, I think.
    I’d stick to ‘That said,’ and the expression needs to be pronounced with a specific intonation. ‘Said’ has a lot of emphasis and a slightly higher tone than ‘That’. There is a slight pause between the words too.


    • #16

    Well, I’ve got the impression those phrases are way more common in AE and I come across them all the time. I do realise you could word those exmaples in a different, simpler way, but I’m trying to get the difference between them if there is any. Looks like there is a lot of preference among native speakers. What do you think of these? In BE you prefer only the 2nd, right?

    1. It’s expensive. Having said that, I must admit that it is very well made.
    2. It’s expensive. That said, I must admit that it is very well made.
    3. It’s expensive. With that being said, I must admit that it is very well made.
    4. It’s expensive.


    that being said, I must admit that it is very well made. (I guess some omit «with»)

    sound shift

    • #17

    Re. #16

    I’ve heard BrE speakers use 1 and 2, but not 3 or 4. I don’t use any of the four.

    Having said that, the index has now rallied off the 6500 level on three separate occasions now.
    С другой стороны сейчас индекс поднимался выше уровня 6500 три раза.

    Having said that, some of the major indices, such as the UK’s FTSE, are approaching key technical support levels where the indices may reverse course and head higher, at least in the short term anyway.
    При этом, некоторые основные индексы, такие как FTSE Великобритании, приближаются к ключевым техническим уровням поддержки, где индексы могут развернуться и все же направиться вверх, по крайней мере, в краткосрочном периоде.

    Having said that, the excessive supply and the still-weak global demand argues against a sustained rally.
    С другой стороны, избыток предложения и по-прежнему слабый мировой спрос не в пользу устойчивого роста.

    Having said that, America and the West, in a contrary, in their attempts to win these post-colonial nations’ support would be well advised to remember Abraham Lincoln’s “gardening” wisdom.
    Вместе с тем Америке и Западу, в противоположность этому, в их попытках добиться поддержки этих постколониальных наций можно было бы посоветовать вспомнить «садоводческую» мудрость Авраама Линкольна.

    Having said that, whatever America does at Guantanamo does not justify Iraqi mistreatment of American or British prisoners.
    Несмотря на то, что я сказал, чтобы ни делала Америка в Гуантанамо, это не оправдывает плохое обращение жителей Ирака с американскими или британскими пленными.

    Having said that, these policies are still works in progress.
    Сказав это, эти политические меры все еще являются проектом в стадии развития.

    Having said that, I disagree with Heidi on this polka dot dress.
    Сказав это, я не соглашусь с Хайди насчёт этого платья в кружочек.

    But having said that, many thousands of people in the UK have tried it and a good proportion of those people derived pleasure and good experience from it so I’m not going to say that it’s a very dangerous drug.
    Однако необходимо сказать, что тысячи людей в Великобритании попробовали его и большая их часть получили удовольствие и положительный опыт от его использования таким образом я не могу сказать что это очень опасный наркотик.

    Having said that, it looks as though there’s a storm elbowing its way into the party.
    Должна сказать, похоже что в эту сторону идет шторм.

    Having said that, there is room for a deal: Greece has made clear its willingness to engage in continued reforms, and has welcomed Europe’s help in implementing some of them.
    Несмотря на всё сказанное, пространство для договоренностей есть: Греция четко обозначила свое желание начать серию реформ и приветствует помощь Европы в реализации некоторых из них.

    Having said that, it is striking that a man of liberal values such as my «Peace Now» friend should advocate the physical separation of groups as the road — perhaps the only road — to peace.
    Принимая во внимание эти обстоятельства, удивительно, что такой молодой человек либеральных взглядов как мой друг из движения «Мир Сейчас» поддерживает физическое разделение сторон как путь — возможно единственный путь — к миру.

    So far, at least, he has refused to intercede in the discussion of whether federal law should trump state legislation, having said that he has “bigger fish to fry.”
    До сих пор, по крайней мере, он отказывался вступать в обсуждение того, должен ли быть издан федеральный закон, превосходящий легализацию в отдельных штатах, заявляя, что у него есть «дела поважнее».

    Having said that, it works with compressed nitrogen.
    Говоря проще, она работает на сжатом азоте.

    Having said that, I outlined my talk about five minutes ago.
    Тем не менее, я составил план своей речи пять минут назад,

    I usually tend to think that the book is usually better, but, having said that, the fact is that Bollywood is now taking a certain aspect of Indian-ness and Indian culture around the globe, not just in the Indian diaspora in the U.S. and the U.K., but to the screens of Arabs and Africans, of Senegalese and Syrians.
    Я обычно считаю, что чаще всего лучше именно книга. И тем не менее, Болливуд сейчас распространяет определенные аспекты индийской сущности и культуры по всему миру. И не только среди индийской диаспоры в США и Великобритании, но и на арабские и африканские экраны, от Сенегала до Сирии.

    But having said that, there is an enormous desire among everybody, including the poor, to educate their children.
    Вместе с тем, наблюдается колоссальное желание со стороны всех слоев, включая беднейшие, дать своим детям образование.

    But having said that, then we come to what I call as ideas in progress.
    После всего перечисленного, мы подходим, наконец, к «работающим» идеям.

    He then goes on to say, «Having said that, would any but these boiled brains of nineteen and two-and-twenty hunt in this weather?»
    Затем он продолжает: «Кто, кроме этих двадцатилетних балбесов, станет охотиться в такую погоду?»

    Having said that, I wish to reiterate that my delegation would like to see the full implementation of Security Council resolution 1244 (1999), and that the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia must be respected by all.
    Сказав об этом, я хотел бы еще раз повторить, что моя делегация хотела бы, чтобы резолюция 1244 (1999) Совета Безопасности была в полной мере выполнена и суверенитет и территориальная целостность Союзной Республики Югославии уважался всеми.

    Having said that, I would really appeal to you all- if we are interested in moving forward and do not want to look like the same old Conference on Disarmament that actually can never do anything but process- to see if you can really accept the documents as they stand.
    Вместе с тем я бы поистине призвала всех вас- если мы заинтересованы в поступательном продвижении и не хотим выглядеть как дряхлая Конференции по разоружению, которая, собственно, так и не может заниматься ничем, кроме процесса,- посмотреть, не можем ли мы, собственно, принять документы как есть.

    Примеры употребления слов в разных контекстах собраны автоматически из открытых источников с помощью технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных. В случае обнаружения неточностей или замечаний к тексту, используйте опцию «Сообщить о проблеме» или напишите нам

    I want to know the meanings of these phrases Having said that and That being said, the difference between them, and in which context I can use both of them.

    According to my first understanding of these expressions, I think they are equivalent to the phrase «Considering what was said before» or in «reference to what has already been said». I am not sure of the meaning, but hope to find its exact meaning.

    asked Mar 30, 2014 at 5:18

    Cloo's user avatar


    2333 gold badges5 silver badges13 bronze badges


    They are both well-understood idioms, mostly used in a context in which you are about to state a paradox, or contradiction, e.g.:

    John failed all his A levels. But having said that he is highly literate in matters of IT and has found a well paid job immediately.

    England are underdogs for their opening World Cup fixture against Italy. That being said it is not unknown for the Italians to lose an opening match against ranked outsiders, such as when they were beaten by Ireland in New York in 1994.

    Both of them mean, and could easily be replaced with ‘Notwithstanding that…’

    answered Mar 30, 2014 at 23:06

    WS2's user avatar


    64.1k45 gold badges152 silver badges296 bronze badges

    They are pretty literal. Having said that is usually followed by a clause with the speaker of that as the subject.

    «Having said that, I think …» OR
    «Having said that, he sat down again…»

    «That being said» doesn’t have any implications on who said it.

    answered Mar 30, 2014 at 5:28

    Jim's user avatar


    33.2k10 gold badges74 silver badges126 bronze badges


    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

    сказав это

    говоря об этом

    С учетом этого

    говоря это

    Исходя из этого

    С учетом вышесказанного

    Несмотря на это

    Сказав об этом

    Учитывая сказанное

    при этом

    тем не менее

    сказав, что

    Вместе с тем

    заявив, что

    свете вышесказанного

    Still… having said that… I feel guilty.

    И все же… сказав это… я чувствую вину.

    Again, having said that, let’s distinguish between a library and a framework in a bit more detail.

    Опять же, сказав это, давайте различим библиотеку и фреймворк немного более подробно.

    Second, having said that, I’m not so convinced that any amount of context is going to help the slavery passages.

    Во-вторых, говоря об этом, я не уверен, что любое количество контекста как-то объяснить эти слова о рабстве.

    And having said that, she went on her way.

    Сказав это во всеуслышание, он пошел своей дорогой.

    Now having said that, let’s go ahead and learn about the steps.

    Сказав это, давайте продолжим и узнаем о шагах.

    So having said that, let’s begin with the guide.

    Сказав это, давайте начнем с руководства.

    Now, having said that, let me explain.

    But having said that, I believe there are certain ways we tend to differ, generally speaking, from women in our emotional life.

    Но, сказав это, я считаю, что есть определенные способы, которыми мы, как правило, отличаемся от женщин в нашей эмоциональной жизни.

    So having said that, let’s straight jump to the list and find the best anime to watch on Netflix.

    Сказав это, давайте сразу перейдем к списку и найдем лучшее аниме для просмотра на Netflix.

    Now having said that, let’s start with our selection of best Netflix documentaries.

    Сказав это, давайте начнем с нашего выбора лучших документальных фильмов Netflix.

    Now having said that, let’s begin with the best action movies on Netflix.

    Сказав это, давайте начнем с лучших боевиков на Netflix.

    But having said that, you could claim to be «regulated in North America» by being registered in Mexico.

    Но, сказав это, вы можете утверждать, что вас «регулируют в Северной Америке», зарегистрировавшись в Мексике.

    I will deny ever having said that.

    Still… having said that… I feel guilty.

    Тем не менее… говоря это… я чувствую себя виноватым.

    He later denied having said that.

    However, having said that, even the most expensive drives can fail.

    Так уже сложилось, что даже самые дорогие автомобили могут выйти из строя.

    Napoleon is quoted as having said that an army fights with its stomach.

    Наполеон цитирует, что сказал, что армия борется со своим животом.

    But, having said that, there is another point of substance I must mention.

    Но при этом имеется еще одно соображение существа, о котором необходимо упомянуть.

    And having said that, he passed into nirvana.

    I regret having said that to him.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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