Better word for go away

What is another word for Go away?

  • leave

    depart, action

  • depart

    leave, action

  • go

    leave, depart

  • disappear

    leave, depart

  • vanish

    leave, depart

  • exit

    leave, retire

  • get out


  • retire

    recede, withdraw

  • withdraw

    retire, be in motion

  • pass


  • go forth

  • flee

    disappear, vanish

  • quit

    be in motion, leave empty

  • retreat

    recede, retire

  • shove off


  • fade

    disappear, recede

  • take off

    retire, be in motion

  • go out

    leave a place

  • split

    scram, be in motion

  • scram

    leave hastily, be in motion

  • move

    leave a camp, leave a place

  • decamp

    retire, leave a place or responsibility

  • push off

    scram, leave quickly

  • beat it

    scram, leave quickly

  • move out

    leave empty, leave a place

  • evaporate

    disappear, vanish

  • go off

  • vamoose

    scram, leave hastily

  • skedaddle

    leave hastily, leave quickly

  • shoo

    leave hastily

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Photo search results for Go away

Man Carrying Black and Gold Briefcase Person in Blue Denim Jeans Sitting on Boat Woman Wearing Black Hoodie and Knit Cap Man Wearing Eyeglasses Inside the Car Black businesswoman speaking on smartphone Female Model Wearing Pink Costume Going Down Pink Stairs

Image search results for Go away

luggage, travel, holiday chest, money, collect chest, luggage, send mail say goodbye, old man, man trees, old, avenue wanderer, backpack, hike

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Synonyms for Go away. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 12, from

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Synonyms for Go away. 2016. Accessed April 12, 2023.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we lived in a world where we were always happy to see the people around us? Alas, that’s not my life, and I doubt it’s yours either. In fact, we’re saying—or thinking ?—”Go away!” so often that having just one phrase isn’t enough sometimes. If you need another way to say go away, keep reading. You’ll learn 10 synonyms for go away, complete with an infographic! By the end of this post, you will have lots of ways to say…

But wait…It doesn’t end there!

Instead of doing a normal vocabulary quiz this time, I’ve created a separate dictation exercise to help you reinforce these words. I’m trying out something new doing this, so I’d really appreciate the feedback. If you like the dictation exercise, let me know in the comments so I can do more for you!

Related: 18 words to describe bad people, inspired by Game of Thrones characters


We’re starting off with one of my all-time favorite words in English: vamoose! First of all, it just sounds funny. And it starts sounding even funnier when you learn the word’s origin.

This English word started its life as the Spanish “Vamos!”, which means “Let’s go!” How vamos became vamoose, I have no idea, but I personally find this transformation hilarious.

Related: Learn 8 fabulous French loanwords in English

Well, I don’t think I’m the only one who finds this word funny because it’s always got a playful tone. When you tell someone to vamoose, you’re telling them to go away quickly, and you’ll probably have a smile on your face as you say it.

Cuthbert: Hey, vamoose, before my mom sees you! I’m grounded, and she’ll kill me if she finds out I had friends over!


Similar in meaning but different in tone is scram. If you say “Scram!“, you’re telling someone to go away right now.

We often say this to someone who is being a nuisance, like a pesky little brother who won’t stop talking during your TV show. However, we can also use this playfully. For example, if my husband is trying to kiss me while I’m busy writing a blog post, I might smile at him and tell him to scram. (And yes, this actually happens…quite a lot! I’m lucky to have an affectionate hubby! ?)

Bonus vocab: NUISANCE

Bonus Vocab: PESKY

Annabelle: Scram! I don’t have time for your practical jokes right now! I’m studying for a test.

Related: This is a word we often use in its Pig Latin form, amscray! Learn more in this post all about Pig Latin ?

GO AWAY SYNONYM 3: Skedaddle!

Skedaddle means to go away quickly, especially in order to avoid someone. Like vamoose, it’s always said playfully.

I’m not alone in adoring this synonym for go away. One of my favorite Twitter teachers, Suzanne of @DazzleEnglish, had this to say:


Wonderful wonderful word…..

SKEDADDLE [informal, humorous] = leave quickly, run away.

? When I saw my boring neighbour approaching I skedaddled.#TrulyFabWords #BigEnglish

— Suzanne ✨? (@DazzleEnglish) April 20, 2018

Suzanne: Let’s skedaddle before Rufus comes back and regales us with another tale of his womanizing exploits!


When you tell someone to scoot, you’re telling them to go away quickly.

Alfred: Scoot, or you’re going to be late for work!

GO AWAY SYNONYM 5: Get lost!

All of the go away synonyms above could be playful, depending on your tone and the situation. This one isn’t.

Get lost!” is something you say when you’re annoyed or angry with someone for pestering you to do something that you don’t want to do. It’s another way of saying, “I’m not going to do what you want, so go away!” (In other words, it’s a way to say “F#@% off!” without using any curse words.)

Bonus Vocab: PESTER

Ronald: Come on! How do you know you won’t like kissing me if you’ve never tried it?
Lacey: I’ve already told you I’m a lesbian, but you won’t stop pestering me! Get lost, okay?!

Related: When you join our email family, you’ll get a FREE eBook about 50 ways to use get, including 30 idioms with get! ?

Related: Once you’ve studied the eBook, try out this 50-quest exam, all about the word get! ?


Beat it is another way to say go away immediately.

William: I think I hear the cops! Beat it!

Related: “Beat it!” sounds like something that Pincy Cat would say to the lippy squirrel. Check out this guest post by Pincy!

GO AWAY SYNONYM 7: Make yourself scarce!

When you say, “Make yourself scarce!“, you’re saying, “Go away and stay away for a little while!” We especially use this if we want the person to go away in order to avoid an unpleasant situation.

Bonus Vocab: SCARCE

Vanessa: Mrs. Dalloway is coming back, and she’s going to want to know where your homework is. Quick, make yourself scarce!

GO AWAY SYNONYM 8: Take a hike!

Like get lost, we reserve take a hike for when we’re angry or annoyed with someone and we want them to go away. It’s a bit rude, but it’s another way to avoid saying, “F%#@ off!

Petunia: Don’t you ever speak to my child that way again! Take a hike, bozo!

Bonus Vocab: BOZO

GO AWAY SYNONYM 9: Go fly a kite!

Alternatively, you could tell someone to go fly a kite, which is a way of saying, “Go away and stop annoying me or interfering!

Ethel: You know, I couldn’t help but noticing some tension between you and Miranda—
Randy: No offense, Ethel, but go fly a kite. My relationship with my girlfriend is none of your business.

Related: When you go fly your kite, you may stumble upon some lovely plants. Check out this video post to learn 7 advanced English adjectives for plants!

GO AWAY SYNONYM 10: Never darken my door again!

This go away synonym is old-fashioned. So old-fashioned, in fact, that we only use it now to be playful or humorous. It sounds incredibly dramatic, and this just adds to the fun.

Never darken my door again!” is another way to say, “Go away and never come to my home again!” If we said this nowadays, we would be joking.

Curtis: You don’t happen to have any Scotch, do you?
Tim: I knew it! You’re not my friend, you’re just after my whisky! Be gone, false one, and never darken my door again!

Related: Songs are great vocabulary builders! Learn 11 new vocabulary words with Aretha Franklin + George Michael!

Infographic: Another Way to Say Go Away

Thanks for sticking it through to the end of this post! To thank you, I’ve created this infographic summarizing these 10 other ways to say go away. I hope it helps you!

Related: Want more vocabulary infographics? You’ll like this post on phrasal verbs with jump!

Don’t forget to go do the dictation exercise to reinforce these 10 ‘go away’ synonyms! You can find it here!  ??

Here you will learn 10 other ways to say go away in English. If you have ever wanted to tell someone to go away, this post is for you.

Usually, we use ‘go away’ when you’re busy and someone is annoying you. You can also use it in a joking way. 

Just be very very careful how you use some of the expressions below as they might offend and upset people.



Harry is a native English teacher with over 10 years of experience both online and in face-to-face lessons. With his extensive experience in business, he specialises in Business English but happily teaches ESL students with any English learning needs.

10 Other Ways to Say Go Away in English

Welcome back to my English lessons. Today we’re going to give you some more expressions. And what I’m going to do today is show you different ways to say one particular expression.

The expression that I have for you today is GO AWAY

I’m going to give you 10 ways in which you can tell people to go away. Well, nine plus go away makes ten.

Intermediate to Advanced English Marathon

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

INSANITY: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

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When we say GO AWAY we really want somebody to leave us alone. We want to be on our own, we’ve got work to do or perhaps we just want to sit in a dark room pull down the shades and fall asleep.

Whatever you want to be, whatever you want to do, you want to do it on your own.

So here are the ways in which you can express yourself. Some of them will be a little bit colloquial. Some of them will be a little bit more formal. And there’s one a little bit rude but I’ll explain that one when I get to it. It’s still used and some people use in different ways. Some people see it as rude, some people don’t. But I mention that when we get to it.

So let’s start.

1️⃣ So first one GET LOST

This can be a little bit rude depending on how you say it.

GET LOST – if you get a bit aggressive or have a little bit of an anger in your voice, somebody really knows when you say that you want to be left alone.

Or you might just say it in a playful way GET LOST. Just leave me.

So GET LOST doesn’t mean you want somebody to run away and never be seen again. But you’re saying it in such a way is ‘I don’t want to see you for the moment so just get lost.’

I’d want to be on my own so I won’t have to see or speak to anybody.

2️⃣ Our second option is LEAVE ME ALONE

Leave me alone. Quite simple LEAVE ME ALONE means I want to be on my own, I want to be left alone, I like to be on my own, why don’t you leave me alone.

So any time that we want to be left alone then we just say LEAVE ME ALONE.

You can say it with a bit of emphasis because that might sound that you’re a little bit angry:

Leave me alone, I’m tired, I want to go to bed


Leave me alone, I have lots of work to do.

10 Other Ways to Say Go Away in English

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3️⃣ Third one is GET AWAY

At the beginning we had go away. So here’s slightly similar GET AWAY means I don’t want to see you right now, you’ve really upset me today.

Maybe one of the kids is bisbehaving and annoying you. 

Get away, go to your room!


Get away! Stop pretending everything is fine!


Here’s one of these very informal expressions.

When I get on my bike, I want to cycle and just go ahead and enjoy the fresh air.

But when we say to somebody ON YOUR BIKE we’re in a sort of funny way asking them to leave and just go away.

On your bike, I’ve had enough

I don’t want to hear any more, on your bike

Just go away and leave me alone.

5️⃣ Another informal expression and this was almost an idiomatic expression is SLING YOUR HOOK

SLING YOUR HOOK means leave, go away.

When somebody stopped working many many years ago in the shipyards they used to have this big big hook. And they used to use the hook to grab on the bags and carry them away. When they sling their hook they put it over the shoulder in a sling and they disappear.

So TO SLING YOUR HOOK means to stop and just go away.

As I said, it’s a really informal expression. It’s an idiomatic phrase and just be careful how you use it.

Again you’re using it in a joking way:

Sling your hook, I’ve had enough.


This is something that a parent would definitely say to the child. I don’t to be offensive in any way. So the child is under their feet, he/she is in the kitchen when they’re trying to cook. Or he/she’s getting in the way during the holidays.

Run along and play with your friends.

Run along and take the dog for a walk

Run along and get to school, you’re going to be late.

10 Other Ways to Say Go Away in English

10 Other Ways to Say Go Away in English. Advanced English learning. Advanced English lessons at #learnenglish #englishlessons #tienganh #EnglishTeacher #vocabulary #ingles #อังกฤษ #английский #aprenderingles #english #cursodeingles #учианглийский #vocabulário #dicasdeingles #learningenglish #ingilizce #englishgrammar #englishvocabulary #ielts #idiomas

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7️⃣ Another way of saying go away is PUSH OFF

Here’s when we’re getting a little bit rude. Push off doesn’t mean to push somebody it means go away. It’s very British English.

Push off, I want to be on my own


Hike is when we go and we’ll put our backpack on and we put our walking boots on and we would go off up the hills or the mountains to get some fresh air. So hiking is really really popular idea.

When you ask somebody to take a hike it means you want them to go away for a long time.

Just just take a hike and come back in a day or come back in a week

Take a hike, let me get on with this work

9️⃣ And then finally, this is the one that’s a little bit rude that I warned you about is PISS OFF

When we’re really annoyed with somebody we can say piss off. But be very very careful who you use this with because they might get upset.

It is slightly rude and vulgar.

It’s not the worst thing you can say to them but it’s not far from it.

Piss off and leave me alone, it I’ve had enough

Just piss off and take the kids, get out of the house

So these are 10 other ways to say GO AWAY in English. As I said:

  • go away
  • get lost
  • leave me alone
  • get away
  • on your bike
  • sling your hook
  • run along
  • push off
  • take a hike
  • piss off

but be careful how you use it.

As always, remember to subscribe to my channel and join me on and I’ll catch up with you very soon.

More Information

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English Vocabulary


How to use go away in a sentence

It was like his beautiful courtesy to call me in and introduce me to Blow instead of letting me go away.


When we get through the pigs the rest of the pig-men will go away, and the cow-men show us their cows.


And while the men breathed the bitter fumes, Chew-chew threatened the angry god and commanded him to go away.


Thus on the surface of bare rock or frozen earth all the rain may go away without entering the ground.


I want you to go away every day and do great things, and then come home in the evening and tell me all about it.


However, he paid his debts, gave him a sum of money, and told him to go away and never to return again during his life.


The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like «longing for a time in the past», then the engine will return «nostalgia». The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it’s starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a «search engine for words», or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren’t included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn’t notice, you can click on words in the search results and you’ll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

уходить, отойти, разойтись


- уходить

he went away with my book — он ушёл, прихватив мою книгу
Go away! — Да иди ты! / Не валяй дурака!
don’t go away with the idea that … — разг. не думай, пожалуйста, что …

Мои примеры


itch to go away — нетерпеливое желание уйти  
to go away — уходить  
to long to go away — стремиться уйти  
go away would be to admit defeat — уйти означало бы признать себя побеждённым  
go away with a flea in ear — получить резкий отпор  
an itch to go away — нетерпеливое желание уйти  
go away please! — уходите, пожалуйста!  
go away without thanking him — уйти, не поблагодарив его  
go away — заканчиваться; рассасываться; выматываться  
long to go away — стремиться уйти  

Примеры с переводом

She’s gone away with my clock.

Она сбежала с моими часами.

If this pain doesn’t go away soon, I shall go mad.

Если боль вскоре не отпустит, я сойду с ума.

The farmer’s daughter and the lawyer’s son have gone away together!

Дочка фермера сбежала с сыном адвоката!

Don’t go away with the idea that you won’t have to pay for it.

Не думай, что тебе не придётся за это платить.

The favourite is going away nicely now, and is sure to win.

Фаворит идет с хорошим преимуществом, он теперь точно выиграет.

Other forms: went away; going away; gone away; goes away

Definitions of go away

  1. verb

    move away from a place into another direction

  2. verb

    go away from a place


    go forth, leave

    exit, get out, go out, leave

    move out of or depart from

    depart, leave, pull up stakes

    remove oneself from an association with or participation in

    see moresee less


    arrive, come, get

    reach a destination; arrive by movement or progress


    reach and board

    show more antonyms…

    show 32 types…
    hide 32 types…
    go out

    leave the house to go somewhere


    leave behind

    depart, quit, take leave

    go away or leave

    pop off

    leave quickly

    walk away, walk off

    go away from


    leave as fast as possible

    walk out

    leave abruptly, often in protest or anger

    come away

    leave in a certain condition

    decamp, skip, vamoose

    leave suddenly

    buzz off, get, scram

    leave immediately; used usually in the imperative form

    beetle off, bolt, bolt out, run off, run out

    leave suddenly and as if in a hurry

    ride away, ride off

    ride away on a horse, for example

    go out

    take the field

    linger, tarry

    leave slowly and hesitantly

    depart, part, set forth, set off, set out, start, start out, take off


    get out, pull out

    move out or away

    rush away, rush off

    depart in a hurry

    break away, bunk, escape, fly the coop, head for the hills, hightail it, lam, run, run away, scarper, scat, take to the woods, turn tail

    flee; take to one’s heels; cut and run

    slip away, sneak away, sneak off, sneak out, steal away

    leave furtively and stealthily

    abandon, empty, vacate

    leave behind empty; move out of

    walk out of

    leave, usually as an expression of disapproval


    depart after obtaining formal permission

    beat a retreat

    depart hastily

    lift off, take off

    depart from the ground

    roar off


    blaze, blaze out

    move rapidly and as if blazing

    sally forth, sally out

    set out in a sudden, energetic or violent manner

    plump out

    depart suddenly

    flee, fly, take flight

    run away quickly


    run away, as if in a panic

    break camp, decamp

    leave a camp


    go on a date with

  3. verb

    get lost, as without warning or explanation


    disappear, vanish

    see moresee less



    come into sight or view


    show 10 types…
    hide 10 types…
    fall away, fall off

    diminish in size or intensity


    go as if by falling


    disappear or come to an end


    be abolished or discarded

    absent, remove

    go away or leave

    blow over, evanesce, fade, fleet, pass, pass off

    disappear gradually

    fade, wither

    lose freshness, vigor, or vitality

    skip town, take a powder

    disappear without notifying anyone (idiom)

    die off, die out

    become extinct


    go away from the surface to which (a substance) is adsorbed

  4. verb

    become invisible or unnoticeable


    disappear, vanish

    see moresee less


    dematerialise, dematerialize

    become immaterial; disappear

    clear, dissipate

    go away or disappear

    bob under

    disappear suddenly, as if under the surface of a body of water

    type of:

    cease, end, finish, stop, terminate

    have an end, in a temporal, spatial, or quantitative sense; either spatial or metaphorical

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘go away’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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3 формы глагола go away

Английский глагол go away [gəʊ əˈweɪ], переводится как: уходить.
Входит в группы:
фразовые глаголы.

3 формы глагола go away: Infinitive (go away), Past Simple — (went away), Past Participle — (gone away).

📚 Глагол go away имеет значения: отойти, разойтись.

👉 Формы глагола go away в настоящем и прошедшем времени 2-я и 3-я форма.
❓ Как будет go away в прошедшем времени past simple.

Три формы глагола go away

Base Form Past Simple Past Participle Перевод
go away [gəʊ əˈweɪ]

went away [went əˈweɪ]

gone away [gɒn əˈweɪ]


Как поставить go away во 2-ю и 3-ю форму?

🎓 Как поставить глагол go away в Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect?

👉 Всё очень просто, в этих временах прошедшего, будущего и совершённого времени, в английском используются 2я и 3я форма глагола:

  • First form (V1) — go away. (Present simple, Future Simple)
  • Second form (V2) —
    went away.

    (Past simple)

  • Third form (V3) —
    gone away.

    (Present perfect, Past perfect)

Как поставить go away в past simple?

Если вы не совсем поняли какую форму для go away нужно использовать в прошедшем времени, будет:
go away в past simple — went away.

What is the past tense of go away?

The past tense of go away is went away.

The past participle of go away is gone away.

Временные формы глагола — Verb Tenses

Past simple — go away в past simple, будет went away.

Future simple — go away в future simple будет go away. (will + V1)

Present Perfect — go away в present perfect будет
gone away.
(havehas + V3)

Past Perfect — go away в past perfect будет
gone away.

(had + V3)

Правильный или неправильный глагол go away?

👉 Правильный это глагол ли нет? Глагол go away это .

Примеры применения глагола go away

    I only went away for a few minutes — Я ушел всего на несколько минут
    (Past Simple)

    We should go away this summer — Мы должны уехать этим летом
    (Present Simple)

    My nasty cough has finally gone away — Мой неприятный кашель наконец ушел
    (Present Perfect)

    I told my little brother to go away — Я сказал своему младшему брату уйти
    (Past Simple)

    I’m going away next week — Я уезжаю на следующей неделе
    (Present Continuous)

    I have to go away for a week or two — Мне нужно уехать на неделю или две
    (Present Simple)

    He went away for a pizza — Он ушел за пиццей
    (Past Simple)

    We went away to the beach for a couple of days — Мы уехали на пляж на пару дней
    (Past Simple)

Вместе с go away, часто смотрят глаголы

grow up

and launch.

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Leave, scram, vamoose, depart, retreat, withdraw. exit…

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