Better word for get used to

If you have problems with the verb structures used to, be used to, get used to, I hope this video will be helpful. I have recorded a 14-minute grammar training for you to understand the difference between these structures and practise using it in your own speaking.

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It is very important to remember that all the structures described in the video are used only for the repeated actions, but not one-time actions.

For one-time actions in the Past, use Past Simple construction. (e.g. I entered the university in 1997. – I entered it only once)

Here are some collocations with the word HABIT

What the structures with USED mean:

used to – to show the habit we had in the past and don’t have now

get used to – to show the process of developing a new habit

be used to – describing the state when we have some present habit – it means we do something on a regular basis and enjoy it.

In the video, you will also find an explanation on using ‘would’ and ‘will’ as alternatives to USED TO.

Patterns used with USED TO structures

Be careful about the verb form you use after ‘used to’ constructions.

USED TO + V1 (e.g. I used to smoke a lot.)


BE USED TO + Ving, and (e.g. I am used to eating vegetarian food.)

GET USED TO + Ving (e.g. I am getting used to riding a bicycle to work.)

Practice Exercises

The answers are in the video or have a look at the very end of the post.

Exercise 1: Are these sentences correct or not?

  • I used to speak French every day.
  • I am not used to eat so much for breakfast.
  • He used to smoking.
  • He is got used to flying after his first year as a journalist.
  • She would like skiing as a child.
  • We are getting used to sleeping with the windows open.
  • She will going to the beach every day.

Exercise 2. Use the correct form of ‘used to’, ‘be used to’ or ‘get used to’.

  • It was very hard to ___ eating so much rice when I moved to China.
  • She ___ be quite slim, but she has put on so much weight in the last months.
  • I am afraid I will never ___ driving on the left!
  • I am slowly ____ reading from the screen. I ___ only read paper books in the past.
  • Hasn’t he still ____ our southern lifestyle? It’s so easy!
  • I don’t want to drink white coffee! I ____ drinking my coffee black!

Exercise 3. Write one or two sentences describing the situations below using ‘used t0’, ‘would’, ‘be used to’, ‘will’ or ‘get used to’.


Situation: I live in a new country where people speak a language different from my mother tongue. How do I feel? Answer: I used to live in a different country. I am getting used to speaking a new language.

  • I liked to drive a car before, but I don’t drive much now. I prefer the bicycle.
  • I ate a lot of meat in the past. Now I only eat vegetables.
  • We have dinner in the same restaurant every weekend. We like this restaurant very much.
  • I was a top model before, but now I live in a small house in a village. I am retired, and I don’t work anymore.


Exercise 1

1) I used to speak French every day. correct
2) I am not used to eating so much for breakfast.
3) He is used to smoking. / He used to smoke.
4) He is got used to flying after his first year as a journalist.
5) She would used to like skiing as a child.
6) We are getting used to sleeping with the windows open. correct
7) She will going to the beach every day.

Exercise 2

  • It was very hard to get used to eating so much rice when I moved to China.
  • She used to be quite slim, but she has put on so much weight in the last months.
  • I am afraid I will never get used to driving on the left!
  • I am slowly getting used to reading from the screen. I used to only read paper books in the past.
  • Hasn’t he still got/gotten used to our southern lifestyle? It’s so easy!
  • I don’t want to drink white coffee! I am used to drinking my coffee black!

Exercise 3 Example answers

  • I used to drive a lot. Now I am used to riding a bicycle.  
  • I didn’t use to be a vegetarian. I used to eat meat. I got used to eating vegetables instead of meat. 
  • We will go to the same restaurant every weekend. We are used to visiting the same restaurant every weekend.
  • I used to be a top model. I used to have a lot of media attention. I have got used to a quieter life now. 

Have you changed your habits in the course of your life? How is your life different from before? Write in the comments using the examples with USED TO!

Please share this post on social media if you find it useful. 

More grammar lessons:

Learn English Irregular Verbs the Clever Way

How to Use Prepositions of Time

How to Easily Ask Questions with ‘Can I’

How to use So do I / Neither do I

Оборот used to в английском языке

В английском языке, особенно в разговорной речи, часто используется оборот used to. Вы можете услышать его в беседе, в фильме, по радио, встретить в газете или художественном произведении. На самом деле это три похожих, но имеющих разное значение оборота: used to, be used to, get used to. И ни один из этих вариантов не имеет значения «использовать что-то», как глагол to use. Разберем эти обороты подробнее.


  • Таблица: used to be used to get used to — правила и примеры.
  • Оборот used to — действие в прошлом.
  • Оборот be used to — иметь привычку.
  • Оборот get used to — привыкать к чему-то.
  • Вопросительная и отрицательная формы (таблица).

В этой таблице приведены схемы, значение, примеры употребления трех разновидностей предложений с used to. Более подробный разбор читайте ниже.

Used to Be used to Get used to


Пройдите тест на уровень английского:

Узнать свой уровень

  • I used to do smth.

Только в прошедшем времени.

  • I am used to doing smth.
  • I am used to smth.

В прошедшем и настоящем времени.

  • I get used to doing smth.
  • I get used to smth.

В прошедшем, настоящем, будущем.

  • Действие, происходившее в прошлом (уже не происходит).
  • Привычное действие, повторявшееся в прошлом.
  • Иметь привычку к чему-то.
  • Приобретать привычку к чему-то.
  • I used to read more in my childhood.

В детстве я читал больше.

  • I’m used to living in New York.

Я привык к жизни в Нью-Йорке.

  • I’m used to New York.

Я привык к Нью-Йорку.

  • I got used to working out.

Я привык заниматься спортом.

  • You’ll get used to this place.

Ты привыкнешь к этому месту.

Оборот used to — действие в прошлом

Предложения с used to строятся по схеме: I used to do something.

Где вместо I может быть любое другое подлежащее: he, she, they, Boris, my friend и т. д., а вместо to do — любое действие, выраженное глаголом в начальной форме (инфинитивом), в том числе вместо to do может использоваться глагол to be (быть). Оборот употребляется только в прошедшем времени.

Оборот used to используется в двух случаях.

1. Действие происходило какое-то время в прошлом, но сейчас уже не происходит

Обратите внимание, период времени при этом очерчен неточно (earlier, when I was young, years ago и т. д.)


I used to smoke a lot but now I don’t. — Я много курил, но теперь не курю.

Martin used to gamble when he was younger. — Мартин играл в азартные игры, когда был моложе.

Много курил — это действие, происходившее длительное время в прошлом, причем период времени не очерчен конкретно. Сейчас это действие уже не происходит («теперь не курю»).

Играл в азартные игры — тоже действие, относящееся к прошлому. Временной период имеет размытые рамки («when he was younger»). В этом примере напрямую не указано, что Мартин больше не играет, но собеседнику это понятно и без уточнения, т.к. это подразумевает сам оборот used to.

Очень часто употребляется шаблон типа I used to be, то есть в качестве глагола в этой схеме используется глагол «быть».

You used to be smarter. — Ты был умнее.

There used to be a farm here but now there is a mall. — Здесь была ферма, а сейчас здесь торговый центр.

I used to be an adventurer like you then I took an arrow in the knee. — Я тоже был искателем приключений, как и ты, но затем меня ранили стрелой в колено.

2. Действие в прошлом являлось обычным, повторяющимся

In my childhood I used to read fairy tales. — В детстве я читал сказки.

Имеется в виду: имел обыкновение, привычку читать сказки, читал их время от времени.

When Elvis sang, he used to take off his scarf and give it to girls in the audience. — Когда Элвис пел, он снимал свой шарф и отдавал его девушкам из зрительного зала.

Имеется в виду, что у Элвиса было такое обыкновение, он часто так делал.

Обратите внимание, что в данном случае можно практически без искажения смысла использовать не только used to, но и глагол would. Также в этом значении иногда используют форму Past Simple, но этот вариант менее употребителен.

In my childhood I used to read fairy tales = In my childhood I would read fairy tales.

When Elvis sang, he used to take off his scarf and give it to girls in the audience = When Elvis sang, he would take off his scarf and give it to girls in the audience.

Оборот be used to — иметь привычку

Предложения с этим оборотом строятся по схемам: I am used to doing something или I am used to something.

Вместо I может использоваться любое другое подлежащее. Вместо doing — глагол с окончанием -ing. В качестве дополнения может выступать не только глагол, но и существительное или местоимение.

Оборот be used to значит иметь привычку к чему-то. В отличие от used to do something, этот оборот может употребляться в прошедшем и настоящем времени.

Примеры с дополнением-глаголом:

I am used to reading only the English Wikipedia, although my native tongue is Russian. — Я привык читать только англоязычную Википедию, хотя мой родной язык русский.

My friend was used to living in a small town. — Мой друг привык жить в маленьком городе.

Примеры с дополнением-существительным и местоимением:

That job is ok for me, I‘m used to hard work. — Эта работа мне подойдет, я привык к тяжелой работе.

I dont’ want to move, I‘m used to my apartment. — Я не хочу переезжать, я привык к своей квартире.

I‘m used to it. — Я привык к этому.

Оборот get used to — привыкать к чему-то

Предложения с оборотом get used to строятся с глаголом, существительным или местоимением в качестве дополнения в основном в прошедшем и будущем временах. Имеет значение: приобретать привычку. Не иметь привычку, как be used to, а именно приобретать.

That’s what we eat for dinner. Get used to it. — Вот, что мы едим на обед. Привыкай.

I got used to living in Canada in spite of the cold weather. — Я привык жить в Канаде, несмотря на холодную погоду.

He doesn’t like his new job but he will get used to it. — Ему не нравится его новая работа, но он к ней привыкнет.

Вопросительная и отрицательная формы

Вопросительные и отрицательные формы предложений с used to, be used to, get used to строятся по схемам:

Used to Be used to Get used to
Утверждение I used to sleep a lot I’m used to working hard I got used to my new job

I didn’t use to sleep a lot

I’m not used to working hard I didn’t get used to my new job
Вопрос Did I use to sleep a lot? Am I used to working hard? Did I get used to my new job?

Замечу также, что вопросы с used to задаются редко. Как правило, вопрос может строиться, например, в Past Simple или Present Simple, а ответ звучит уже с used to.

Представим ситуацию. Джон и Марк заговорили о теннисе. Тут выяснилось, что Марк хорошо разбирается в теме. Естественно, Джон предположил, что Марк увлекается теннисом.

John: Do you play tennis? — Ты играешь в теннис?

Mark: I used to. But then I had an injury. — Играл (раньше). Но потом получил травму.

Было бы странно, если бы Джон задал такой вопрос: Did you use to play tennis? Он ведь предположил, что Марк играет в теннис, а не играл когда-то, а затем перестал.


Здравствуйте! Меня зовут Сергей Ним, я автор этого сайта, а также книг, курсов, видеоуроков по английскому языку.

Подпишитесь на мой Телеграм-канал, чтобы узнавать о новых видео, материалах по английскому языку.

У меня также есть канал на YouTube, где я регулярно публикую свои видео.

I used to study English every day, but it still took a while to get used to all the rules. Now I am used to English grammar!

Used to, get used to, and be used to are three verb forms with similar structures but different meanings. Students often get them confused because they look and sound similar, so explicit instruction that compares and contrasts these three forms is beneficial and appreciated!

Try presenting used to, get used to, and be used to using the comparison chart below. Then get your students to practice with the discussion questions at the end of this post or the grammar exercise in our Grammar & Usage Resource on Used To, Get Used To & Be Used To.

Comparison Chart

Used To, Get Used To & Be Used To – Grammar & Usage Resources


Used To + Base Verb

Used to is always followed by a base verb. Note that used to follows normal simple past verb rules, so it becomes use to with the auxiliary verb did in questions and negative statements.


Used to is a unique expression in English. Its form and function are similar to a modal (i.e., it gives extra information about the verb and is followed by a base verb). Used to shows that an action was performed repeatedly in the past, but is no longer performed in the present. It is commonly used when talking about long periods in the past (e.g., childhood, school years, past job, etc.).


  • I used to eat meat, but I don’t anymore.
  • They used to study English every day in high school.
  • Did you use to play video games when you were a child?
  • My teacher didn’t use to give us any homework. Now we get homework every day!

2. Get Used To


Get Used To + Noun/‑ing Verb

Get used to is followed by a gerund (‑ing verb) or a noun. In this expression, the used to part will never change to use to. Only get changes to reflect the verb tense.


Get used to indicates that something is becoming familiar. Use this expression for a new habit or routine. Though it is possible to use get used to for both positive and negative experiences, it is more commonly used with negative situations (e.g., when something is difficult).


  • I am getting used to living with my new roommate.
  • Our new teacher quickly got used to our large, multicultural class.
  • They couldn’t get used to the noisy neighborhood, so they moved.
  • Has your brother gotten used to his new boss yet?

3. Be Used To


Be Used To + Noun/‑ing Verb

Be used to is followed by a gerund (‑ing verb) or a noun. Note that the used to part will never change to use to. Only be will change to reflect the verb tense.


Be used to indicates that something has become familiar. Use this expression when something is now a habit or routine (and has been going on for a while). Like get used to, it is possible to use be used to for both positive and negative experiences, but it is used for negative situations slightly more often.


  • She is used to getting up at 6:00 am because she does it every day.
  • Is your friend used to the noise from the construction site next to her office?
  • The teacher wasn’t used to answering so many questions during class.
  • By this time next year, I will be used to living in Brazil.


Get your students to ask each other the following discussion questions to practice used to, get used to, and be used to.

  1. What is something that you used to do as a child but no longer do now?
  2. Name five things that you are used to doing every day.
  3. Think of a time when you started a new hobby. Was it hard to get used to it? How long was it until you were used to it?
  4. Imagine you have to move to a new city. Do you think you’ll have a hard time getting used to living there? How about another country?
  5. What types of TV shows did you use to watch when you were younger? What do you enjoy watching nowadays?


  • Simple Past
  • Simple Past – I Used To
  • Fracking
  • How to Teach “Used To” in 6 Easy Steps

We use the structure ‘To Get Used To’ to talk about the process of becoming accustomed to an action or situation.

If you make a change in your life there may be a period of time in which you have to become accustomed to, or get used to, new things.

For example, if you moved from Spain to Ireland, you would probably need
some time to become accustomed to things that are different from life in Spain. At first the Irish weather might seem very strange to you. You could say:

I hope I get used to the Irish weather.

After a month or two, you might say:

I’m getting used to the Irish weather.

This means you are in the process of becoming accustomed to the Irish weather.

After a year, you might say:

I am used to the Irish weather.

This means the process is finished and Irish weather is now normal for you.

If you stay in Ireland for a long time but still think the weather is very strange, you could say:

I will never get used to Irish weather!

The structure ‘To Get Used To’ is followed by either a Noun or a Gerund (‘-ing’ form of a verb)

Содержание [показать]

  • used to
  • Формула для used to выглядит так:
  • Утверждение
  • Отрицание
  • Вопрос
  • be used to
  • get used to
  • Тест

Давайте разбираться, в чём же разница и как правильно употреблять эти конструкции в речи.

Важно запомнить, что used to всегда относится к прошлому. Используем эту конструкцию, чтобы говорить о привычках, состояниях или фактах, которые были актуальны раньше, но сейчас потеряли актуальность.

  • We used to live in San Diego. – Раньше мы жили в Сан-Диего. (То есть сейчас мы там уже не живём.)
  • I used to take the bus to school every day. – Раньше я каждый день добирался до школы на автобусе. (Сейчас я больше не хожу в школу или обстоятельства изменились, и теперь я хожу в школу пешком.)

Мы говорим о том, что мы делали регулярно в прошлом, а сейчас не делаем.

  • I used to watch funny videos on Saturday mornings. – Раньше я смотрел смешные ролики по субботам. (Больше я не смотрю их по субботам.)
  • Our cousins used to visit our house every weekend. – Наши двоюродные братья приезжали к нам каждые выходные. (Больше так не делают.)

Внимание! Чтобы задать вопрос или составить отрицательное предложение с used to, убираем -d на конце (так же как в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях с past simple).

  • Did you use to believe anything that you don’t believe now? – Верил ли ты раньше во что-нибудь, во что не веришь сейчас?
  • I didn’t use to run very often in the morning but now I go running every day. – Раньше я не бегал так часто по утрам, а теперь бегаю каждый день.

Формула для used to выглядит так:


I, You, We, They, He, She + used to + verb


I, You, We, They, He, She + didn’t use to + verb


Did +I, You, We, They, He, She + use to + verb

be used to

Be used to используется как в настоящем, так и в прошедшем времени. Эту конструкцию используем, когда говорим о том, что мы привыкли или не привыкли делать. Вот классический пример:

  • I’m not used to waking up so early. – Я не привыкла вставать так рано.

Пара замечаний по грамматике. Если после be used to идёт глагол, то всегда с окончанием -ing, вместо to be подставляем соответствующую форму am/is/are или was/were (если используем конструкцию в прошедшем времени.)

  • He lives in Canada. He’s used to driving on the right side of the road. – Он живёт в Канаде и привык к правостороннему движению.
  • Are you used to your new phone yet? – Ты привык уже к своему новому телефону?

get used to

Конструкция get used to похожа на be used to. На русский переводится, как «привыкать». В отличие от be used to, здесь акцент на самом процессе, а не результате. Get used to можно использовать во всех временах.

  • I’m getting used to my funny roommate. – Я привыкаю к своему странному соседу по комнате. (То есть мы ещё в процессе налаживания отношений.)

После get used to ставим существительное или глагол c окончанием -ing (герундий).

  • She is getting used to living alone for the first time. – Впервые в жизни она привыкает жить в одиночку.
  • It can take a long time to get used to driving a manual car. – Чтобы привыкнуть водить машину с механической коробкой передач, понадобится время.
  • Don’t worry. You’ll get used to it! – Не переживай, ты привыкнешь к этому.

Можно этой напутственной фразой закончить статью. Ведь, чтобы освоить эти конструкции, важно использовать их в речи. Помним, что practice makes perfect.

Практикуйте, практикуйте и ещё раз практикуйте. Со временем вы уверенно будете жонглировать этими фразами. А пока пройдите тест по теме used to, be used to, get used to.

Больше тестов по грамматике вы найдёте на платформе ЛингвоХэбит! Зарегистрируйтесь или авторизуйтесь на сайте, чтобы ежедневно получать порцию английского языка.


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Confused About the Difference Between Used To, Be Used To and Get Used To

English learners often confuse used to, be used to and get used to. And that makes a lot of sense! They sound almost exactly the same, after all.

But they actually have very different functions in the English language. So, how do we use them, and what’s the difference? Advertisements

The difference between used to, be used, and get used to is:

  1. Used to is a verb we use to talk about something that happened in the past that doesn’t happen anymore. We always use it in the past tense.

  2. Be/get used to is an adjective that means we are so familiar with something that is seems normal or usual. Just as with any adjective, we can use the verb be or get before it.

There are a few more subtle differences and common mistakes that we’re going to talk about today. We’ll talk about:

  • Used To: Usage and Structure

  • Be Used To and Get Used To: Usage and Structure

  • Common Mistakes to Avoid

Then you’ll have the opportunity to practice and test your knowledge with a couple of practice exercises and a writing prompt. So, if you’re ready to dive into the differences between these two phrases, let’s get started!Advertisements

The Difference Between Used to, Be Used TO and Get used to

How to Use Used To

Used to actually functions as a modal verb. We use modal verbs such as can, could, would, or should to talk about things such as ability, probability, suggestion, advice, or obligation, to name a few. 

Used to is a modal verb that we specifically use to talk about habits we had in the past. So, because it functions as a modal verb, we always put used to with a base verb. Here’s the basic structure:


  • Subject + used to + base verb + . . .


  • He used to work here.

  • She used to run every day.

  • We used to be good friends.

Keep in mind that we never change the base verb that comes after used to.


  • He used to work here.

  • He used to working here. 

  • She used to run every day.

  • She used to running every day.

How to Use Used To

Used To in the Negative

If we want to talk about how a habit or repeated action didn’t exist in the past, but it exists now, we can use did not use to. Here, we use use to instead of used to because of the auxiliary verb did, so be careful of the spelling here.


  • Subject + didn’t + use to + base verb + . . .


  • He didn’t use to cry so much.

  • She didn’t use to drive so fast.

  • We didn’t use to fight like this.

We can also use “never used to” to express the same meaning.


  • He never used to cry so much.

  • She never used to drive so fast.

  • We never used to fight like this.

Used To in a Question

It is possible to use used to in a question if we want to know if someone has always had the habit they have now. And in this case, we have to follow the same spelling of “use to” without the -d at the end.


  • Did + subject + use to + base verb + . . . ?

We can also put a question with used to in the negative:

  • Didn’t + subject + use to + base verb + . . . ?


  • Didn’t you use to climb trees when you were a kid?

  • Did you use to exercise more in the past?

  • Did they use to take such long vacations?Advertisements

Used To With Adverbs of Frequency

We often use used to with adverbs of frequency like sometimes, never, always, or often to show how often a repeated action or habit occurred in the past.


  • They never used to make so much noise.

  • We sometimes used to swim in the river.

  • He always used to eat dessert after every meal.

Related post: What’s the Difference Between If and Whether?


How to Use Be Used To and Get Used To

Now, let’s take a look at the phrases be used to and get used to.

I’m grouping be used to and get used to together because they have a similar function, and their meanings are almost the same.

Both be used to and get used to are adjectives that mean we are accustomed to doing something, or that we are in the process of getting accustomed to it. Here are some examples:

  • I am used to waking up early.

    (I am accustomed to waking up early.)

  • It was uncomfortable at first, but eventually, I got used to public speaking.

    (Eventually, I got accustomed to public speaking.)


With be/get used to, there are two possible structures:

  • Subject + be/get + used to + -ing

  • Subject + be/get + used + noun

Get Used To

We covered the uses of get in another post, but the important thing to remember here is this: get indicates a process of change. To understand this, let’s look at a simple example. If I say,

  • “I wasn’t used to the humidity when I first moved to Taiwan, but eventually I got used to it.”

Using get here in its past form got signifies that the transformation is complete: I am now accustomed to the humidity.

So we often say that we got used to something when we were in a situation that felt strange or difficult, and we slowly became accustomed to it until it felt normal.

Remember also that we always follow get used to with a noun or a gerund (-ing verb). We never follow it with a base verb.


  • It took him a while to get used to the slower pace of life here.

  • When I was younger, I hated waking up early. But eventually, I got used to it.

  • Even though they have lived here for nine years, they still can’t get used to the winters.

We often use get used to in the continuous form if the process of change is still ongoing:

  • I am slowly getting used to the weather here.

  • They are still getting used to the traffic in this city.

Be Used To

We can use be used to to show how something that didn’t feel normal in the past feels normal now.


  • He is used to the sound of their fighting now.

  • We are used to the smaller rooms in this apartment.

Unlike get used to, we don’t use be used to in the present continuous tense:

  • We’re being used to the smaller rooms in this apartment.

  • We’re used to the smaller rooms in this apartment.

It takes time to get used to new things, so we can use get used to and be used to with still, already, yet, and just to show where we are in the process of adjusting to a new experience.


  • I have just gotten used to that new car smell.

  • He’s still not used to his new work environment.

  • We’re already used to the customs here.

  • They haven’t gotten used to living in an old house yet.Advertisements

Also check out: What’s the Meaning and Difference Between Although, Even Though, and Though?

How to Use Be Used To and Get Used To

Used To, Be Used To, and Get Used To: Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Make sure to spell used to correctly in sentences that aren’t negative or questions. Don’t forget to add the -d, even though you can’t always hear it in speaking:

    • We use to go to that park all the time.

    • We used to go to that park all the time.

  • But with questions and negative sentences, we don’t add the -d to use to.

    • He didn’t used to cry so much.

    • He didn’t use to cry so much.

    • Did you used to climb trees?

    • Did you use to climb trees?

  • In American English, the negative form of used to is didn’t use to, but in British English, it’s okay to say used to not. Just be careful not to get confused.

    • They didn’t use to argue so much. (American English)

    • They used to not argue so much. (British English)

  • Be careful not to confuse be used to with the modal verb used to.

    • She was used to visit her grandmother more often.

    • She used to visit her grandmother more often.

    • They were used to invite us to dinner sometimes.

    • They used to invite us to dinner sometimes.

  • Be careful not to confuse be used to with get used to.

    • I am got used to the new apartment.

    • I am used to the new apartment.

    • They aren’t get used to having a dog.

    • They aren’t used to having a dog.Advertisements


Using the word given, complete the second sentence so its meaning is similar to the first. All answers need used to, be used to, or get used to.

1. In the past, I had the habit of shopping in the store, but now I only shop online.

I used to shop in the store and not online.

2.Eating a vegetarian diet is going to feel normal for you eventually.

You _______________________________________ eating vegetarian.

3. We didn’t like your old habit of smoking.

We didn’t like that _______________________________________ .

4. Living on the top floor without an elevator feels normal to them now.

They _____________________________ living without an elevator.

5. She is never going to adjust to that smell.Advertisements

She is never going ______________________________________________  that smell.


Are the sentences correct? If not, what’s the correction?

  1. Were you use to go to church in the past?

  2. Annie has gotten used to life at her new university.

  3. They got used to stop by the store every day.

  4. Our old dog is used to go to the bathroom inside the house.

  5. I use to make friends more easily.

Used to, Be Used To, Get Used To Exercises

Used To, Be Used To, and Get Used To: Writing Exercise

Taking some time every week to practice your writing is one of the best ways you can improve, and I usually notice more improvement in students who do some extra writing in English every week.

So here’s a writing prompt to get you thinking and scribbling or typing away in English:

What is one old piece of technology that we used to use that we should use again? Why? Write at least five sentences to support your argument, and use used to, get used to, and be used to in your writing.

About the writer

Marta is an online ESL teacher who works with students from around the world. As a writer for In English With Love, her mission is to empower English learners with knowledge and positivity.

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В английском языке есть еще два полезных оборота, которые используются, чтобы говорить о привычках. Их очень легко спутать с оборотом used to из прошлого урока, ведь они тоже образуются при помощи глагола use. Это такие обороты как: to be used to и to get used to.

Правила использования оборотов

Оба эти оборота используются, чтобы рассказать о том, к чему мы привыкли, т. е. о том, что когда-то было новым и необычным.

I’m used to my new job. — Я привык к новой работе.

I can’t get used to living in France. — Я не могу привыкнуть к жизни во Франции.

Оборот to be used to  может использоваться как в настоящем, так и прошедшем времени, поэтому глагол to be будет изменяться по временам, например:

He wasn’t used to Chinese food.
They are used to rainy weather.

Как видно из примера, отрицание образуется при помощи частицы not. Если вы хотите задать вопрос, измените порядок слов:

What food are you used to?

Синонимом оборота to be used to является выражение be accustomed to.

Так как глагол to be является статичным глаголом, данный оборот не используется в во временах группы Continuous.

Оборот  to get used to может использоваться в Continuous, обозначая процесс привыкания.

I’m getting used to the place. — Я привыкаю к этому месту.

В отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях с оборотом  to get used to используйте соответствующие вспомогательные глаголы:

I didn’t get used to your new haircut.
Did you get used to your new flat?

После  to be used to и to get used to используется либо существительное, либо глагол с окончанием ing.

Различия между to be used to и to get used to

Чем же эти два выражения отличаются от used to? Сравним три предложения.

I used to live in Italy. — Когда-то я жил в Италии. (Сейчас я больше не живу в  Италии.)
I got used to living in Italy. — Я привык жить в Италии. (Сейчас я живу в Италии.)
I am used to living in Italy. — Я привык жить в Италии. (Сейчас я живу в Италии.)

Несмотря на то, что два последних предложения на русский язык переводятся одинаково, в английском между ними есть различия. Предложение с got used to подчеркивает не результат привыкания, а процесс приобретения привычки. Предложение с be used to, наоборот, говорит о результате, о том, что мы уже к чему-то привыкли.

Задания к уроку

Задание 1. Выберите верный вариант.
1. I (used to/got used to) cook a lot but now I don’t.

  1. She can’t (get used to/used to) being rich.
  2. He (is used to/didn’t use to) getting up at 6 o’clock.
  3. I remember how we (used to/are used to) speak about music all the time.
  4. They (got used to/used to) live in a house when they were children.
  5. He can’t stand buses, but now he (is being used to/is getting used to) public transport.
  6. I hope you (will get used to/be used to) a new city.
  7. We moved here not long ago but I have already (got used to/used to) the place.

Задание 2. Переведите.

  1. Мы обычно ходили в парк на выходных.
  2. Я пытаюсь привыкнуть к своим новым соседям.
  3. Он уже привык ложиться спать рано.
  4. Тим не привык иметь домашнего питомца.
  5. Джейн любила чай, а сейчас пьет только кофе.
  6. Они не привыкли к холодам (the cold).
  7. Отец бывало быстро ездил.
  8. Я не могу привыкнуть к работе в большом офисе.

Ответ 1.

  1. used to
  2. get used to
  3. is used to
  4. used to
  5. used to
  6. is getting used to
  7. will get used to
  8. got used to

Ответ 2.

  1. We used to go to the park at the weekend.
  2. I’m trying to get used to my new neighbors.
  3. He has already got used to going to bed early.
  4. Tim isn’t used to having a pet.
  5. Jane used to like tea but now she drinks only coffee.
  6. They didn’t get used to the cold.
  7. Father used to drive fast.
  8. I can’t get used to working in a big office.

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