Better word for defined


  • as inaccurate
  • as inbounded
  • as incertain
  • as indefinite
  • as inexposed
  • as infixed
  • as inlimited
  • as inoutlined
  • as inrepresented
  • as inrestricted
  • as inspecial
  • as inveridical
  • authentic
  • careful
  • correct
  • definite
  • detailed
  • exact
  • factual
  • meticulous
  • proper
  • rigorous
  • scientific
  • skillful
  • solid
  • specific
  • strict
  • systematic
  • true
  • close
  • concrete
  • deft
  • discriminating
  • discriminative
  • distinct
  • explicit
  • faithful
  • genuine
  • judicious
  • just
  • literal
  • matter-of-fact
  • methodical
  • on the button
  • on the money
  • on the nose
  • particular
  • punctilious
  • punctual
  • regular
  • right
  • rigid
  • scrupulous
  • severe
  • sharp
  • ultraprecise
  • unerring
  • unmistakable
  • veracious
  • belted
  • bordered
  • surrounded
  • circumscribed
  • compassed
  • delimited
  • edged
  • encircled
  • enclosed
  • encompassed
  • enveloped
  • fenced
  • flanked
  • fringed
  • girdled
  • hedged
  • hog-tied
  • restricted
  • rimmed
  • ringed
  • walled
  • boundaried
  • contiguous
  • definite
  • determinate
  • finite
  • limitary
  • individual
  • numerous
  • particular
  • precise
  • special
  • specific
  • specified
  • various
  • a couple
  • a few
  • divers
  • express
  • many
  • marked
  • one
  • regular
  • several
  • singular
  • some
  • sundry
  • upwards of
  • precise
  • assigned
  • assured
  • beyond doubt
  • circumscribed
  • convinced
  • decided
  • determinate
  • determined
  • established
  • guaranteed
  • limited
  • narrow
  • prescribed
  • restricted
  • set
  • settled
  • sure
  • bare
  • disclosed
  • discovered
  • naked
  • resolved
  • solved
  • uncovered
  • unprotected
  • bared
  • caught
  • clear
  • debunked
  • denuded
  • divulged
  • exhibited
  • manifest
  • open
  • peeled
  • revealed
  • shown
  • stripped
  • unmasked
  • unsealed
  • unveiled
  • apparent
  • brought to light
  • dug up
  • evident
  • for show
  • found out
  • laid bare
  • made manifest
  • on display
  • on-the-spot
  • on view
  • unconcealed
  • unhidden
  • unsheltered
  • visible
  • agreed
  • certain
  • definite
  • definitive
  • inflexible
  • limited
  • planned
  • precise
  • resolved
  • restricted
  • settled
  • stated
  • abiding
  • arranged
  • circumscribed
  • confirmed
  • decided
  • enduring
  • firm
  • level
  • narrow
  • prearranged
  • rigged
  • rooted
  • set
  • steady
  • still
  • stipulated
  • unbending
  • changeless
  • determinate
  • inalterable
  • in the bag
  • inveterate
  • never-failing
  • set-up
  • steadfast
  • sure
  • unblinking
  • unchangeable
  • undeviating
  • unfaltering
  • unflinching
  • unmodifiable
  • unmovable
  • unqualified
  • unwavering
  • finite
  • narrow
  • bound
  • bounded
  • checked
  • circumscribed
  • confined
  • constrained
  • controlled
  • curbed
  • delimited
  • fixed
  • hampered
  • local
  • modified
  • particular
  • qualified
  • reserved
  • restrained
  • sectional
  • determinate
  • hemmed in
  • precise
  • topical
  • banded
  • bordered
  • bounded
  • circumscribed
  • delimited
  • delineated
  • edged
  • girdled
  • marked
  • zoned
  • configurated
  • characterized
  • described
  • expressed
  • pictured
  • delineated
  • drawn
  • illustrated
  • interpreted
  • mirrored
  • personified
  • portrayed
  • revealed
  • sketched
  • symbolized
  • barred
  • blocked
  • closed
  • confined
  • controlled
  • deprived
  • prescribed
  • reduced
  • restrained
  • secured
  • shortened
  • tethered
  • bound
  • bounded
  • bridled
  • chained
  • checked
  • clogged
  • cramped
  • curbed
  • decreased
  • deterred
  • diminished
  • encircled
  • fastened
  • fettered
  • foiled
  • frustrated
  • governed
  • hampered
  • hitched
  • impeded
  • inhibited
  • manacled
  • moderated
  • modified
  • narrowed
  • obstructed
  • prevented
  • repressed
  • stayed
  • stopped
  • suppressed
  • surrounded
  • tempered
  • held-back
  • reined in
  • small
  • appropriate
  • certain
  • different
  • exceptional
  • exclusive
  • extraordinary
  • individual
  • limited
  • main
  • major
  • memorable
  • particular
  • peculiar
  • personal
  • primary
  • proper
  • rare
  • significant
  • specialized
  • specific
  • unique
  • unusual
  • best
  • characteristic
  • chief
  • choice
  • express
  • first
  • gala
  • set
  • smashing
  • sole
  • definite
  • designated
  • determinate
  • earmarked
  • especial
  • festive
  • marked
  • momentous
  • out of the ordinary
  • red-letter
  • reserved
  • restricted
  • select
  • uncommon
  • unreal
  • authentic
  • careful
  • close
  • concrete
  • correct
  • definite
  • deft
  • detailed
  • discriminating
  • discriminative
  • distinct
  • exact
  • explicit
  • factual
  • faithful
  • genuine
  • judicious
  • just
  • literal
  • matter-of-fact
  • methodical
  • meticulous
  • on the button
  • on the money
  • on the nose
  • particular
  • precise
  • proper
  • punctilious
  • punctual
  • regular
  • right
  • rigid
  • rigorous
  • scientific
  • scrupulous
  • severe
  • sharp
  • skillful
  • solid
  • specific
  • strict
  • systematic
  • true
  • truthful
  • ultraprecise
  • unerring
  • unmistakable
  • veracious

On this page you’ll find 543 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to defined, such as: authentic, careful, correct, definite, detailed, and exact.

antonyms for defined

  • careless
  • counterfeit
  • easygoing
  • false
  • general
  • imprecise
  • improper
  • inaccurate
  • incorrect
  • indefinite
  • inexact
  • lenient
  • uncareful
  • uncertain
  • undetailed
  • unreal
  • unreliable
  • unsuitable
  • untrustworthy
  • vague
  • doubtful
  • erroneous
  • faulty
  • lax
  • misleading
  • mistaken
  • questionable
  • untruthful
  • wrong
  • free
  • loose
  • unbounded
  • unconfined
  • unlimited
  • common
  • general
  • imprecise
  • indefinite
  • inexact
  • usual
  • questionable
  • uncertain
  • undecided
  • unpredictable
  • unsure
  • imprecise
  • indefinite
  • indeterminate
  • indistinct
  • inexact
  • not clear
  • obscure
  • uncertain
  • unclear
  • undefined
  • unfixed
  • unlimited
  • vague
  • clothed
  • hidden
  • ambiguous
  • blocked
  • closed
  • concealed
  • obscure
  • unclear
  • vague
  • guarded
  • private
  • protected
  • safe
  • secret
  • sheltered
  • shielded
  • imprecise
  • indefinite
  • questionable
  • uncertain
  • unlimited
  • unreliable
  • flexible
  • soft
  • undecided
  • unstable
  • weak
  • changeable
  • irresolute
  • unsteady
  • variable
  • unrestricted
  • extroverted
  • free
  • general
  • indefinite
  • outgoing
  • unbounded
  • unlimited
  • adequate
  • limitless
  • OK
  • satisfactory
  • sufficient
      • free
      • unbounded
      • common
      • commonplace
      • conventional
      • familiar
      • general
      • improper
      • indefinite
      • insignificant
      • like
      • minor
      • normal
      • OK
      • ordinary
      • regular
      • secondary
      • similar
      • standard
      • uncertain
      • unimportant
      • unlimited
      • unnoteworthy
      • unrestricted
      • unsuitable
      • usual
      • least
      • worst
      • indistinctive
      • undistinguished

        Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


        Lengthen Your Lexicon With This Quiz About The Longest English Words


        How to use defined in a sentence

        Cystin crystals are colorless, highly refractive, rather thick, hexagonal plates with well-defined edges.



        OCTOBER 26, 1985


        • authentic
        • careful
        • close
        • concrete
        • correct
        • defined
        • definite
        • deft
        • detailed
        • discriminating
        • discriminative
        • distinct
        • exact
        • explicit
        • factual
        • faithful
        • genuine
        • judicious
        • just
        • literal
        • matter-of-fact
        • methodical
        • meticulous
        • on the button
        • on the money
        • on the nose
        • particular
        • proper
        • punctilious
        • punctual
        • regular
        • right
        • rigid
        • rigorous
        • scientific
        • scrupulous
        • severe
        • sharp
        • skillful
        • solid
        • specific
        • strict
        • systematic
        • true
        • ultraprecise
        • unerring
        • unmistakable
        • veracious
        • belted
        • bordered
        • boundaried
        • circumscribed
        • compassed
        • contiguous
        • defined
        • definite
        • delimited
        • determinate
        • edged
        • encircled
        • enclosed
        • encompassed
        • enveloped
        • fenced
        • finite
        • flanked
        • fringed
        • girdled
        • hedged
        • hog-tied
        • limitary
        • restricted
        • rimmed
        • ringed
        • surrounded
        • walled
        • apparent
        • bare
        • bared
        • brought to light
        • caught
        • clear
        • debunked
        • defined
        • denuded
        • disclosed
        • discovered
        • divulged
        • dug up
        • evident
        • exhibited
        • for show
        • found out
        • laid bare
        • made manifest
        • manifest
        • naked
        • on display
        • on view
        • on-the-spot
        • open
        • peeled
        • resolved
        • revealed
        • shown
        • solved
        • stripped
        • unconcealed
        • uncovered
        • unhidden
        • unmasked
        • unprotected
        • unsealed
        • unsheltered
        • unveiled
        • visible


        adjectiveintent, resolute; established

        • abiding
        • agreed
        • arranged
        • certain
        • changeless
        • circumscribed
        • confirmed
        • decided
        • defined
        • definite
        • definitive
        • determinate
        • enduring
        • firm
        • in the bag
        • inalterable
        • inflexible
        • inveterate
        • level
        • limited
        • narrow
        • never-failing
        • planned
        • prearranged
        • precise
        • resolved
        • restricted
        • rigged
        • rooted
        • set
        • set-up
        • settled
        • stated
        • steadfast
        • steady
        • still
        • stipulated
        • sure
        • unbending
        • unblinking
        • unchangeable
        • undeviating
        • unfaltering
        • unflinching
        • unmodifiable
        • unmovable
        • unqualified
        • unwavering

        Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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        Below is a list of words related to another word. You can click words for definitions. Sorry if there’s a few unusual suggestions! The algorithm isn’t perfect, but it does a pretty good job for common-ish words. Here’s the list of words that are related to another word:

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        Words Related to ~term~

        As you’ve probably noticed, words related to «term» are listed above. Hopefully the generated list of term related words above suit your needs.

        P.S. There are some problems that I’m aware of, but can’t currently fix (because they are out of the scope of this project). The main one is that individual words can have many different senses (meanings), so when you search for a word like mean, the engine doesn’t know which definition you’re referring to («bullies are mean» vs. «what do you mean?», etc.), so consider that your search query for words like term may be a bit ambiguous to the engine in that sense, and the related terms that are returned may reflect this. You might also be wondering: What type of word is ~term~?

        Also check out ~term~ words on for another source of associations.

        Related Words

        Related Words runs on several different algorithms which compete to get their results higher in the list. One such algorithm uses word embedding to convert words into many dimensional vectors which represent their meanings. The vectors of the words in your query are compared to a huge database of of pre-computed vectors to find similar words. Another algorithm crawls through Concept Net to find words which have some meaningful relationship with your query. These algorithms, and several more, are what allows Related Words to give you… related words — rather than just direct synonyms.

        As well as finding words related to other words, you can enter phrases and it should give you related words and phrases, so long as the phrase/sentence you entered isn’t too long. You will probably get some weird results every now and then — that’s just the nature of the engine in its current state.

        Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used to bring you this list of term themed words: @Planeshifter, @HubSpot, Concept Net, WordNet, and @mongodb.

        There is still lots of work to be done to get this to give consistently good results, but I think it’s at the stage where it could be useful to people, which is why I released it.

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        Recent Queries

        How would you define loyalty? Would everyone else define loyalty as you do? Probably not. And this is the reason why writers and authors spend lots of time and many pages defining words such as these. They have many facets that must be identified and described. The word definition essay is often assigned in English courses, because it is an essay type that is usually in a writing curriculum. But, because many of the words/terms may have significance in other subject fields, this type of assignment may be given in other courses as well.

        Typical Definition Essay Words

        Usually, the best words for definition essays are abstract terms – terms that can have rather subjective meanings and that everyone will not define the same. And, if you have an English comp assignment to write a definition essay, and you have the choice of a word, you must select one on which you can write at least 5 paragraphs – an introduction, 3 body paragraphs that will explain at least 3 facets of that definition, and a conclusion. Obviously, you may not want to choose something as simple as a pencil to define. A few essay ideas for the definition essay assignment might be as follows:

        1. Friendship: This term is highly subjective because what is a good friend to one is not to another. Does friendship mean that one party always supports the other when the other is clearly wrong? Does friendship sometimes mean compromising who you are deep inside? Does friendship mean calling the other out at times? Could friendship mean “ratting out” someone in order to get that person the help s/he needs? Find three aspects of friendship that are meaningful to you and write about them.
        2. Happiness: Here is certainly a word that inspires a lot of thought – even books are written on the subject. So, what three things are most important to ensure happiness? Identify them and then describe and defend those three things.
        3. Peace: Is peace always the absence of conflict or troubles? Or is it something that one has within that enables him/her to face conflict or trouble in a better way?
        4. Success: Again, another word about which books are written. Can you identify three things that mean success to you? If you do, they won’t be the same three things that another will identify. But you have identified them and now must support them, explaining why they constitute success.

        Useful information: Purchase essay from expert writers and forget about your writing assignments.

        Definitions Essays in Coursework Other Than English

        There are lots of good words to write a definition essay on that course instructors love to throw out for assignments.

        Psychology: Define mental health; define stress; define morality; define intelligence

        Political Science: Define justice; define equality; define democracy or socialism

        Sociology: Define family; define community; define culture

        Most Definition Essays are Persuasive in Nature

        When you are asked to define a word or term, you are going to be providing your personal opinion, so you need to consider this essay type to also be a persuasive one. You are going to identify those facets of a term that you believe to comprise its definition and you need to convince the reader that you are correct. So, it’s a good idea to use help from a custom essay writing company and recall how a persuasive essay is organized:

        1. The introduction introduces the topic – the word of term you are defining. You might want to begin with a short anecdote or a surprising fact, such as, “There are over 1000 books currently for sale that attempt to define the word ‘success.’” Now the reader know the topic. You will then introduce your thesis. “I define success as doing what you love, harming no one else while doing it, and having a sense of satisfaction about what you accomplish.” Now, you have told your reader what your 3 body paragraphs will include!
        2. The body paragraphs must each stick to a single aspect of your definition. Normally, in persuasive essays, the writer either begins or ends with the most important point, depending on which s/he feels will be most impactful. Each must include a topic sentence and good supporting detail – in this case, perhaps examples of highly successful people exhibiting that facet of your definition.
        3. The conclusion will either reiterate those three facets or may call upon the reader to do something. Perhaps you want to say, “Use this definition of success as your guideposts, and you will have lived a life worth living.”

        Read also: How to benefit from services that promise to do my paper?

        A Word About Transitions

        Transition words for persuasive essays are not radically different than they are for many other essay types. Remember, transitions glue sentences and paragraphs together so that there are logical connections between your thoughts and so that the reader has an idea of what is to come next. As you review your rough draft of your essay, check to be certain that you have used good essay transition words and phrases both between sentences and paragraphs. Commonly used words and phrases for persuasive essays include: therefore, however, exceptions to this, this does not really complete the definition of……..,” additionally, equally important, and furthermore. 

        Good words for a definition essay have should have some complexity about them. They should be terms about which there is not agreement on meaning. Find a word or term that you feel passionate about or find

        help writing an essay for college – you’ll have that essay writing battle won.

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        This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

        This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

        verb (used with object), de·fined, de·fin·ing.

        to state or set forth the meaning of (a word, phrase, etc.): They disagreed on how to define “liberal.”

        to explain or identify the nature or essential qualities of; describe: to define judicial functions.

        to fix or lay down clearly and definitely; specify distinctly: to define one’s responsibilities.

        to determine or fix the boundaries or extent of: to define property with stakes.

        to make clear the outline or form of: The roof was boldly defined against the sky.

        verb (used without object), de·fined, de·fin·ing.

        to set forth the meaning of a word, phrase, etc.; construct a definition.



        There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

        Which sentence is correct?

        Origin of define

        First recorded in 1325–75; Middle English def(f)inen, from Anglo-French, Old French definer “to put an end to,” from Latin dēfīnīre ”to limit, define,“ equivalent to dē- “from, away from, out of” + fīnīre “to end”; see origin at de-, finish

        OTHER WORDS FROM define

        de·fin·a·ble, adjectivede·fin·a·bil·i·ty, nounde·fin·a·bly, adverbde·fine·ment, noun

        de·fin·er, nounmis·de·fine, verb (used with object), mis·de·fined, mis·de·fin·ing.non·de·fin·a·bil·i·ty, nounnon·de·fin·a·ble, adjectivenon·de·fin·a·bly, adverbnon·de·fined, adjectivenon·de·fin·er, nounpre·de·fine, verb (used with object), pre·de·fined, pre·de·fin··de·fine, verb (used with object), re·de·fined, re·de·fin·ing.self-de·fined, adjectivesem·i·de·fined, adjectiveun·de·fin·a·ble, adjective

        Words nearby define

        defier, defilade, defile, defiled, defilement, define, defined, defined-benefit, definiendum, definiens, defining Unabridged
        Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

        Words related to define

        characterize, construe, decide, delineate, describe, designate, detail, determine, exemplify, explain, illustrate, interpret, prescribe, represent, specify, spell out, distinguish, establish, limit, mark

        How to use define in a sentence

        • The appointment has yet to be announced, and the scope of the job hasn’t been fully defined yet because it’s a new position.

        • Long-tail keyphrases are defined as those that are different from general keywords.

        • Most large stone circles in western England and Wales have clearly defined entrances, but it’s not clear that the proposed entryway at Waun Mawn served that purpose.

        • Ambiguous loss is not only difficult to define, but it’s also difficult to live with.

        • Scientists haven’t yet identified an “immune correlate of protection,” which is usually defined to be the level of antibodies in the blood at which they can feel confident that a person is going to be protected from infection.

        • It was something ineffable and harder to define: freedom of speech.

        • This was later repurposed in Europe as an explanation for racial superiority, and the term “Aryan” came to define a white race.

        • To define this show of support by major corporations for LGBT equality as a seachange would be no overstatement.

        • And I would like for this generation to define its own movement.

        • Modern conservatives rightly (as it were) define themselves against the culture at large; hipsters seek to do so as well.

        • In general, any personal property that may be sold; many of the statutes define it.

        • The magnitude, and variety, and demands of the objects embraced by it, define the times necessary for engaging in it.

        • I suppose the more experience a man has had of life the more he hesitates to define what love really is.

        • Cruelty is another cause, almost as general, though more difficult to define.

        • The terms of the covenant must, therefore, define the designed extent of the objects of his death.

        British Dictionary definitions for define

        verb (tr)

        to state precisely the meaning of (words, terms, etc)

        to describe the nature, properties, or essential qualities of

        to determine the boundary or extent of

        (often passive) to delineate the form or outline ofthe shape of the tree was clearly defined by the light behind it

        to fix with precision; specify

        Derived forms of define

        definable, adjectivedefinability, noundefinably, adverbdefiner, noun

        Word Origin for define

        C14: from Old French definer to determine, from Latin dēfīnīre to set bounds to, from fīnīre to finish

        Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
        © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
        Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

        transitive verb



        : to determine or identify the essential qualities or meaning of

        whatever defines us as human


        : to discover and set forth the meaning of (something, such as a word)

        how the dictionary defines «grotesque»



        : to create with established rules or parameters



        : to fix or mark the limits of : demarcate

        rigidly defined property lines


        : to make distinct, clear, or detailed especially in outline

        the issues aren’t too well defined


        : characterize, distinguish

        you define yourself by the choices you makeDenison Univ. Bull.

        the moment that defined the campaign


        Example Sentences

        a term that is difficult to define

        The government study seeks to define urban poverty.

        Her book aims to define acceptable social behavior.

        She believes that success should be defined in terms of health and happiness.

        That fence defines the far edge of the property.

        Recent Examples on the Web

        Invoking perhaps the most reified of texts in a freewheeling sense allows Dacus into the looseness that defines all three of their brushes with more determined dogmas.

        Vulture, 4 Apr. 2023

        Legembi, a second drug, approved in January, is the first that’s been convincingly shown to slow the decline in memory and thinking that defines Alzheimer’s by targeting the disease’s underlying biology.

        Thalia Beaty, Fortune, 4 Apr. 2023

        Of all the professions, perhaps none is more commonly bound by contracts that define where else an employee can go work than local television news.

        Lydia Depillis, New York Times, 3 Apr. 2023

        The song’s victory, though, was the integration of a Black hip-hop artist into a huge hit that anyone asked would call country, and the destruction, however temporarily, of the fundamental, racist genre divide that has defined American recorded music from the start.

        Natalie Weiner, Billboard, 3 Apr. 2023

        For residents of Mogadishu, that can mean taking advantage of the beaches and warm sea that define the southeastern edge of the capital.

        Scott Peterson, The Christian Science Monitor, 3 Apr. 2023

        Five ads that defined Tuesday’s elections in Wisconsin and Chicago Voters head to the polls on Tuesday to select Chicago’s next mayor and Wisconsin’s next Supreme Court justice.

        Ben Kamisar, NBC News, 3 Apr. 2023

        Heralded by critics as WWE’s best storyline of all time, The Tribal Chief’s dominance and control over his real-life cousins always seemed destined to end with both the Usos and Reigns losing the titles that have defined them for much of the past 1,000 days.

        Blake Oestriecher, Forbes, 2 Apr. 2023

        The ban — which lasts from February to April — has pitted environmental advocates against fishermen, who claim the restriction puts a devastating burden on the already struggling industry that has long defined New England’s economy.

        Hanna Krueger,, 1 Apr. 2023

        See More

        These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘define.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

        Word History


        Middle English diffinen, defynen, borrowed from Anglo-French definer, diffiner, borrowed (with conjugation change) from Medieval Latin dēfīnīre, diffīnīre (dif- by association with dif-, assimilated form of dis- dis-), going back to Latin dēfīnīre «to mark the limits of, determine, give an exact description of,» from dē- de- + fīnīre «to mark out the boundaries of, limit» — more at finish entry 1

        First Known Use

        14th century, in the meaning defined at transitive sense 1a

        Time Traveler

        The first known use of define was
        in the 14th century

        Dictionary Entries Near define

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        “Define.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 13 Apr. 2023.


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        Last Updated:
        8 Apr 2023
        — Updated example sentences

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