Better word for covered

What is another word for Covered?

  • sheltered, provided with a cover

  • sheltered, provided with a cover

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What is another word for covered?

2564 synonyms found


[ kˈʌvəd], [ kˈʌvəd], [ k_ˈʌ_v_ə_d]

  • adj.

    all (adjective)

    • covered.

    attended to (adjective)

    • Explored,
    • Surveyed,
    • Regarded,
    • Scrutinized.

    buried (adjective)

    • more inhumed,
    • most inhumed,
    • more interred,
    • interred,
    • more entombed,
    • most interred,
    • most entombed.

    clad (adjective)

    • more garbed,
    • most garbed,
    • more sheathed,
    • facest,
    • more arrayed,
    • most sheathed,
    • most arrayed.

    clothed (adjective)

    • robed,
    • shod,
    • costumed.

    concealed (adjective)

    • masked,
    • enshrouded,
    • tucked away,
    • under wraps,
    • Incog,
    • buried,
    • put in the hole,
    • covered up,
    • Perdu,
    • Secreted.

    covered (adjective)

    • enveloped,
    • wrapped,
    • Blanketed,
    • Overlaid,
    • canopied,
    • sheathed.

    dipped (adjective)

    • most drenched,
    • most bathed,
    • more drenched,
    • more plunged,
    • most coated,
    • more bathed,
    • most plunged,
    • more dunked,
    • most doused,
    • more steeped,
    • more doused,
    • most steeped,
    • more coated,
    • most dunked.

    disguised (adjective)

    • dis-guised,
    • pre-tend,
    • fakest,
    • pre tend,
    • under-cover,
    • under cover,
    • more pretend,
    • most pretend,
    • dis guised.

    fail-safe (adjective)

    • most safeguarded,
    • re-liablest,
    • re liabler,
    • re-liabler,
    • fail safe,
    • re liablest,
    • re-liable,
    • more safeguarded.

    flaky (adjective)

    • Laminated.

    fortified (adjective)

    • more fortressed,
    • most strengthened,
    • most bastioned,
    • most garrisoned,
    • most bulwarked,
    • manned,
    • most barricaded,
    • most walled,
    • more secured,
    • more garrisoned,
    • most manned,
    • more strengthened,
    • more walled,
    • more buttressed,
    • more bastioned,
    • walled,
    • more barricaded,
    • more manned,
    • most secured,
    • most buttressed,
    • most fortressed,
    • more bulwarked.

    hidden (adjective)

    • un detected,
    • un revealed,
    • hermetic,
    • un disclosed,
    • in dark,
    • in-visible,
    • with held,
    • most hermetical,
    • more sequestered,
    • un-known,
    • out view,
    • more eclipsed,
    • most sequestered,
    • un-disclosed,
    • in-discernible,
    • most unrevealed,
    • un-exposed,
    • more imperceivable,
    • most eclipsed,
    • un known,
    • un exposed,
    • with-held,
    • in discernible,
    • in visible,
    • un-revealed,
    • most imperceivable,
    • Imperceivable,
    • withheld,
    • more hermetical,
    • more unrevealed,
    • un-detected.

    hypogean (adjective)

    • hypo gean,
    • hypo-gean.

    included (adjective)

    • Inserted,
    • part of,
    • Numbered,
    • subsumed.

    laminated (adjective)

    • more laminous,
    • most layered,
    • more layered,
    • most laminous.

    leafy (adjective)

    • shaded,
    • wooded.

    mossy (adjective)

    • more mosslike,
    • more cushiony,
    • most cushiony,
    • more velvety,
    • most moss grown,
    • more mossgrown,
    • mossgrown,
    • most mosslike,
    • more moss-grown,
    • moss grown,
    • most mossgrown,
    • over grown,
    • over-grown,
    • more moss grown,
    • most moss-grown,
    • most velvety.

    obscure (adjective)

    • seldom seen,
    • far off,
    • unhonored,
    • irrelevant,
    • orphic,
    • unheard of,
    • unnoted,
    • unheard-of.

    Other relevant words: (adjective)

    • hidden,
    • umbrous,
    • enameled,
    • laminous,
    • Hermetical,
    • at fingertips,
    • concealed,
    • thick,
    • all set,
    • bosky,
    • in line,
    • mosslike,
    • clothed,
    • secret,
    • obscure,
    • camouflaged,
    • in readiness,
    • close to hand,
    • in order,
    • on hand,
    • unrevealed,
    • pretended,
    • out of view,
    • equal to,
    • in place,
    • ready,
    • umbrageous,
    • underground,
    • curtained,
    • in the saddle,
    • fortressed,
    • at the ready,
    • protected,
    • facer,
    • leafy,
    • out of the sun,
    • Garrisoned,
    • all systems go,
    • shady,
    • moss-grown,
    • insured,
    • cushiony,
    • clad,
    • at beck and call,
    • velvety,
    • layered,
    • Bulwarked,
    • fail-safe,
    • in position,
    • bastioned,
    • veiled,
    • painted,
    • adumbral.

    painted (adjective)

    • more enameled,
    • most decorated,
    • most enameled,
    • most ornamented,
    • more decorated,
    • more ornamented.

    plentifully bestrewn (adjective)

    • flowery,
    • starry with,
    • spangled,
    • carpeted,
    • Peppered,
    • bejeweled,
    • strewn with,
    • dotted,
    • powdered,
    • dusted over,
    • spotted,
    • sprinkled over,
    • spread with,
    • flowered,
    • starred,
    • sown,
    • scattered with.

    pretended (adjective)

    • Impostrous,
    • Imposturous.

    protected (adjective)

    • cared for.

    provided with a cover (adjective)

    • lidded,
    • varnished.

    ready (adjective)

    • fixed for,
    • in saddle,
    • most adjusted,
    • more waiting,
    • close hand,
    • more arranged,
    • most waiting,
    • at ready,
    • open to,
    • on brink,
    • most arranged,
    • more anticipating,
    • more adjusted,
    • at beck call,
    • most anticipating.

    secret (adjective)

    • conspiratorial,
    • cloak and dagger,
    • enigmatical,
    • backdoor.

    sheltered (adjective)

    • more curtained,
    • most curtained.

    subterranean (adjective)

    • underfoot,
    • under foot.

    thick (adjective)

    • crawling with,
    • like sardines.

    umbrageous (adjective)

    • in-distinct,
    • most adumbral,
    • most shadowed,
    • more adumbral,
    • boskier,
    • more shadowed,
    • in distinct,
    • most umbrous,
    • out sun,
    • out the sun,
    • boskiest,
    • out of sun,
    • more umbrous.

    underground (adjective)

    • under ground,
    • in the recesses.

    veiled (adjective)

    • more shielded,
    • un-recognizable,
    • most shielded,
    • un recognizable.
  • n.

    ariled (noun)

    • ariled.

    arillate (noun)

    • arillate.

    awninged (noun)

    • awninged.

    barnacled (noun)

    • barnacled.

    beaded (noun)

    • beaded.

    beplastered (noun)

    • beplastered.

    besmeared (noun)

    • besmeared.

    bristling with (noun)

    • bristling with.

    cloaked (noun)

    • cloaked.

    covered (noun)

    • drenched in,
    • overgrown,
    • splashy,
    • daubed,
    • tiled,
    • mud-beplastered,
    • draped,
    • strewn,
    • snowy,
    • smothered,
    • drenched,
    • splattered,
    • crustlike,
    • thickspread,
    • sun-drenched,
    • plastered,
    • spattered,
    • mantled,
    • crusty,
    • white,
    • dabbled,
    • moon-splashed,
    • splashed,
    • muffled,
    • snow-clad,
    • crusted,
    • snow-covered,
    • mossy,
    • sealed.

    Other relevant words: (noun)

    • daub,
    • face,
    • apply,
    • film,
    • encrusted,
    • Reapply,
    • obliterate,
    • pave,
    • application,
    • asphalt,
    • line,
    • varnish,
    • tile,
    • bestrew,
    • proof,
    • blindfold,
    • enshroud,
    • over,
    • slap,
    • dust,
    • wax,
    • film over,
    • tip,
    • fur,
    • prime,
    • fall,
    • swathe,
    • lacquer,
    • coated,
    • plaster,
    • bind,
    • remould,
    • treat,
    • blanket,
    • binder,
    • inlay,
    • grit,
    • cake,
    • resurface,
    • veil,
    • Screened,
    • silver,
    • bury,
    • pad,
    • encase,
    • tier,
    • wreathe,
    • Shrouded,
    • cased,
    • render,
    • seal,
    • paint,
    • bound,
    • smother,
    • waterproof,
    • size,
    • front,
    • cover,
    • carpet,
    • gilded,
    • coat,
    • plate,
    • creosote,
    • gild,
    • covert,
    • bookbinder,
    • overlap,
    • gum,
    • overlay,
    • gilt,
    • whitewash,
    • surface,
    • studded,
    • sheltered,
    • -covered,
    • concrete,
    • crust,
    • cement,
    • lag,
    • drape,
    • retread,
    • palimpsest,
    • layer.
  • prep.

    Other relevant words: (preposition)

    • underneath,
    • neath.

    underneath (preposition)

    • be neath,
    • under-neath,
    • be-neath,
    • under neath.
  • v.

    covered (verb)

    • encased.

    defended (verb)

    • shielded,
    • Defended,
    • Upheld,
    • opposed,
    • buffered,
    • Argued,
    • saved,
    • countered,
    • Responded,
    • Rebutted,
    • secured,
    • Warded,
    • barricaded,
    • backfired,
    • safeguarded,
    • Fended,
    • Retorted,
    • supported,
    • fortified,
    • counterattacked,
    • guarded,
    • sustained,
    • Returned,
    • Averted,
    • Replied,
    • barred,
    • Resisted,
    • Answered,
    • Policed.

    enclosed (verb)

    • trapped,
    • held,
    • enclosed,
    • Encompassed,
    • imprisoned,
    • confined,
    • corralled,
    • Embraced,
    • surrounded,
    • fenced,
    • encircled,
    • Caged,
    • contained,
    • Impounded.

    harbored (verb)

    • Harbored.

    hung (verb)

    • Papered.

    immersed (verb)

    • dipped.

    plugged (verb)

    • corked,
    • stopped,
    • tapped,
    • Bunged,
    • closed,
    • plugged.

    pretended (verb)

    • staged,
    • affected,
    • Defrauded,
    • Bluffed,
    • Falsified,
    • posed,
    • Deceived,
    • Masqueraded,
    • forged,
    • Claimed,
    • Impersonated,
    • faked,
    • showed,
    • disguised,
    • Imitated,
    • Counterfeited.

    protected (verb)

    • maintained,
    • preserved,
    • conserved.

    screened (verb)

    • Hid.

    shaded (verb)

    • blinded,
    • Obscured.
  • Other synonyms:

    • faced,
    • opaque,
    • bald.

    • raw.

    • observed,
    • marked,
    • included,
    • noted,
    • unnoticed,
    • Examined,
    • written,
    • recorded,
    • reported,
    • Investigated,
    • unheeded.


    • paved.

    Other relevant words:

    • pander,
    • j. r. firth,
    • descend,
    • hardened,
    • stick to,
    • o’er,
    • fasten,
    • run,
    • bloodless,
    • figurehead,
    • effort,
    • bloom,
    • jazz,
    • auditory sensation,
    • discharge,
    • course of study,
    • commercial enterprise,
    • brassbound,
    • disconnect,
    • resistance,
    • brass,
    • buck,
    • ecumenic,
    • bang,
    • sore,
    • downslope,
    • terminated,
    • outdoors,
    • stark naked,
    • ante up,
    • fulfill,
    • cheekiness,
    • dark,
    • find out,
    • imbricate,
    • caul,
    • personal credit line,
    • cap,
    • argent,
    • smirch,
    • moved,
    • cornered,
    • digs,
    • employ,
    • see to it,
    • gritstone,
    • interpret,
    • drawn-out,
    • poorly,
    • bump around,
    • mere,
    • lessen,
    • address,
    • tiptoe,
    • look,
    • unaired,
    • take form,
    • dig,
    • shoed,
    • wind,
    • pipeline,
    • kickshaw,
    • furrow,
    • subterfuge,
    • swallow,
    • furnish,
    • gall,
    • whitened,
    • divided,
    • lodge,
    • offend,
    • bald-pated,
    • gilding,
    • stopped-up,
    • try,
    • have a go at it,
    • earth’s crust,
    • flecked,
    • rude,
    • plebeian,
    • attach,
    • ill-humored,
    • jibe,
    • brushy,
    • mannequin,
    • gift,
    • carry on,
    • engild,
    • waterproofed,
    • garment,
    • touch,
    • pall,
    • boneheaded,
    • limit,
    • agree,
    • leaning,
    • regale,
    • depute,
    • material body,
    • shape,
    • conniption,
    • conclude,
    • reason,
    • togged up,
    • subterraneous,
    • levelheaded,
    • overcompensate,
    • run into,
    • blur,
    • diminish,
    • crawl in,
    • facial expression,
    • hatch,
    • pedigree,
    • dramatise,
    • pamphlet,
    • software package,
    • remand,
    • swath,
    • opulent,
    • plastic film,
    • indisputable,
    • find,
    • lard,
    • atomic number 47,
    • recipe,
    • vanquish,
    • abandon,
    • forge,
    • universal proposition,
    • path,
    • sawbuck,
    • dense,
    • door guard,
    • camouflage,
    • imprint,
    • topple,
    • fog,
    • communication channel,
    • chemical formula,
    • flannel,
    • discomfited,
    • level-headed,
    • denture,
    • befog,
    • unopen,
    • catgut,
    • melodic line,
    • autumn,
    • byplay,
    • burned,
    • birthday suit,
    • side,
    • hollow,
    • sand,
    • distressed,
    • recoup,
    • carry,
    • rail line,
    • tie up,
    • corky,
    • overproduction,
    • variety,
    • hide out,
    • stopping point,
    • pigment,
    • impertinence,
    • insured person,
    • fictitious,
    • jolt,
    • preternatural,
    • put on,
    • gather,
    • convoluted,
    • brood,
    • open up,
    • paroxysm,
    • nightfall,
    • back talk,
    • translate,
    • melodic phrase,
    • line of business,
    • causal agent,
    • shut in,
    • recur,
    • deep,
    • showy,
    • primed,
    • dim,
    • engaged,
    • lepidote,
    • crest,
    • afford,
    • suit,
    • delicacy,
    • drop,
    • lengthy,
    • banding,
    • racing shell,
    • floral,
    • pie-eyed,
    • boldness,
    • raincoat,
    • insolence,
    • figure,
    • indentured,
    • safety,
    • closed in,
    • compass,
    • captive,
    • vernacular,
    • lawsuit,
    • causa,
    • tramp,
    • assailable,
    • cloud-covered,
    • come on,
    • peeled,
    • empty-bellied,
    • love,
    • devote,
    • lotion,
    • epidermic,
    • software system,
    • full,
    • befuddled,
    • substantiation,
    • redress,
    • chequered,
    • line of credit,
    • intent,
    • gloaming,
    • livid,
    • closemouthed,
    • unattackable,
    • dawdle,
    • crosshatched,
    • voice,
    • mean,
    • muted,
    • product line,
    • scripted,
    • contour,
    • equip,
    • keep back,
    • uphold,
    • pelt,
    • ailing,
    • deterrent example,
    • powdery,
    • detritus,
    • ash gray,
    • credit line,
    • oecumenic,
    • belowground,
    • sybaritic,
    • traverse,
    • surround,
    • blow up,
    • occupy,
    • audio,
    • rainproof,
    • desolate,
    • dot,
    • bruise,
    • fold,
    • surely,
    • confounded,
    • easy,
    • velum,
    • fleecy,
    • grand,
    • plasterwork,
    • multiply,
    • chummy,
    • grimace,
    • scale,
    • care for,
    • profuse,
    • come out,
    • loge,
    • ruined,
    • clandestine,
    • forepart,
    • speckled,
    • laureled,
    • take over,
    • piebald,
    • finis,
    • even out,
    • settle,
    • exercise,
    • low-keyed,
    • equilibrium,
    • habilitate,
    • instance,
    • stopped up,
    • facing,
    • certainly,
    • spite,
    • diligence,
    • in the buff,
    • packet,
    • evenfall,
    • contrast,
    • tier up,
    • finish up,
    • put behind bars,
    • sequined,
    • natural,
    • stripe,
    • dashed,
    • key,
    • tempered,
    • short letter,
    • crownwork,
    • vacuous,
    • unsheathed,
    • scanty,
    • recess,
    • brook,
    • labeled,
    • unfinished,
    • squiffy,
    • light,
    • agate line,
    • effectual,
    • shut,
    • funny,
    • bemused,
    • cavalry,
    • at sea,
    • heart-to-heart,
    • pertinacious,
    • blockheaded,
    • multi-color,
    • put out,
    • knight,
    • application program,
    • flush,
    • salary,
    • lounging robe,
    • shock,
    • get through,
    • belt ammunition,
    • verbalize,
    • downfall,
    • blotted out,
    • unassailable,
    • imposing,
    • continue,
    • smear,
    • boundary,
    • recompense,
    • counterpoise,
    • telephone line,
    • reassure,
    • last,
    • jounce,
    • sass,
    • fork over,
    • ingeminate,
    • unyielding,
    • cuticle,
    • guild,
    • cosmopolitan,
    • incubate,
    • arranged,
    • burnt-out,
    • diggings,
    • immure,
    • stark,
    • unornamented,
    • scaled,
    • mystic,
    • evacuate,
    • impudence,
    • pass,
    • dominant,
    • deliver,
    • seamed,
    • fingerstall,
    • decrease,
    • go down,
    • calced,
    • defeated,
    • spread,
    • uncouth,
    • living,
    • provide,
    • heavy,
    • flesh,
    • broad,
    • soft,
    • assumed,
    • canted,
    • at bay,
    • flower,
    • stock,
    • all-encompassing,
    • meted out,
    • get together,
    • outfit,
    • particoloured,
    • declination,
    • take,
    • fitting,
    • unintelligible,
    • confidential information,
    • beat,
    • get,
    • affluent,
    • for sure,
    • voluptuous,
    • couple,
    • arcanum,
    • pulverised,
    • aggrandise,
    • tangled,
    • cheeseparing,
    • coffin,
    • sealskin,
    • lesion,
    • conspirative,
    • restrain,
    • forget,
    • varicoloured,
    • obligate,
    • void,
    • imprison,
    • ornate,
    • legal,
    • loaded,
    • laguna,
    • gumption,
    • pursued,
    • counteract,
    • lay to rest,
    • row,
    • underweight,
    • heavyset,
    • linguistic universal,
    • resile,
    • normal,
    • variant,
    • crustal plate,
    • impregnable,
    • draw,
    • luxurious,
    • get the picture,
    • donjon,
    • dower,
    • spangly,
    • fill up,
    • assembly line,
    • end,
    • doorkeeper,
    • authorise,
    • golden,
    • have it off,
    • deep-set,
    • cocker,
    • ending,
    • fictive,
    • freshness,
    • show,
    • cachet,
    • mineral pitch,
    • unsighted,
    • climb,
    • edward douglas white jr.,
    • counterweight,
    • pillow slip,
    • picture show,
    • exuberant,
    • guarantee,
    • meantime,
    • stiff,
    • leaflet,
    • backtalk,
    • ulterior,
    • feeder,
    • renowned,
    • substitute,
    • descriptor,
    • gruff,
    • burst,
    • pillowcase,
    • stimulate,
    • everyplace,
    • cutting,
    • roll in the hay,
    • utter,
    • good,
    • gibe,
    • aureate,
    • billet,
    • ricochet,
    • naked as a jaybird,
    • mumble,
    • thick-skulled,
    • healthy,
    • balance,
    • lush,
    • arm band,
    • drapery,
    • confused,
    • ill-humoured,
    • stippled,
    • word form,
    • devolve,
    • adhesive plaster,
    • reasoned,
    • straits,
    • moth-eaten,
    • dressed to kill,
    • shake up,
    • eclipse,
    • laboured,
    • featherbed,
    • slicked,
    • otherworldly,
    • hand over,
    • fill out,
    • fjord,
    • profound,
    • pay off,
    • hall porter,
    • disquieted,
    • conclusion,
    • repair,
    • event,
    • heyday,
    • countervail,
    • nasty,
    • vocalize,
    • envelop,
    • qualified,
    • true laurel,
    • indemnify,
    • sunless,
    • low-key,
    • striation,
    • lie with,
    • frame,
    • collection plate,
    • fall down,
    • smash,
    • finale,
    • voluptuary,
    • sumptuous,
    • isolated,
    • conserves,
    • receptive,
    • tap,
    • practice,
    • stay fresh,
    • talk,
    • have intercourse,
    • oral cavity,
    • line of work,
    • crown,
    • sensitive,
    • well-fixed,
    • leap,
    • configuration,
    • luxuriate,
    • agonistic,
    • pixilated,
    • head covering,
    • far-famed,
    • make,
    • stifle,
    • unidentified,
    • sustenance,
    • handle,
    • home plate,
    • enigma,
    • mucilage,
    • cheek,
    • roll up,
    • bowel,
    • duplicate,
    • test copy,
    • lodgings,
    • fee,
    • apprehensive,
    • adoptive,
    • varicolored,
    • observe,
    • mist over,
    • tell,
    • launching pad,
    • blank,
    • invade,
    • return,
    • blind drunk,
    • recoil,
    • capable,
    • equalizer,
    • cloak-and-dagger,
    • keep open,
    • wounding,
    • bakshish,
    • software,
    • learn,
    • argument,
    • bung,
    • tally,
    • march,
    • famous,
    • confuse,
    • seal of approval,
    • cutaneal,
    • go along,
    • blindfolded,
    • rise up,
    • haze over,
    • bottom,
    • boiled,
    • strain,
    • cook,
    • compositor’s case,
    • sleep together,
    • spread out,
    • have,
    • incrustation,
    • obliterated,
    • binding,
    • stratum,
    • all-embracing,
    • carapace,
    • glossy,
    • encompassing,
    • new,
    • muddle,
    • stop,
    • pissed,
    • retained,
    • rework,
    • jewel casket,
    • tog,
    • confront,
    • encompass,
    • play,
    • remuneration,
    • gymnastic horse,
    • enigmatic,
    • stocky,
    • simple,
    • offset,
    • plethoric,
    • get it on,
    • illustrious,
    • pourboire,
    • fall back,
    • stage business,
    • reprise,
    • white person,
    • insert,
    • keep on,
    • rule,
    • business concern,
    • jacket crown,
    • complete,
    • entomb,
    • strangled,
    • incorporate,
    • beat out,
    • labelled,
    • plain,
    • manakin,
    • occupation,
    • recessed,
    • raiment,
    • tie down,
    • plow,
    • job,
    • overt,
    • convention,
    • muffle,
    • vocalise,
    • underwrite,
    • enclothe,
    • poached,
    • polished,
    • prophylactic,
    • come down,
    • storage locker,
    • quest,
    • airfoil,
    • remold,
    • dungeon,
    • melody,
    • wipe out,
    • spotty,
    • inkpad,
    • breed,
    • exemplar,
    • well over,
    • burnt,
    • unnoticeable,
    • clear,
    • spring,
    • sticking plaster,
    • edward white,
    • soused,
    • finishing,
    • showcase,
    • wooden-headed,
    • stately,
    • enforce,
    • replete,
    • mount,
    • bare-ass,
    • depict,
    • appreciated,
    • human body,
    • outraged,
    • soma,
    • celebrate,
    • make over,
    • attired,
    • goody,
    • encounter,
    • sort,
    • panoptic,
    • general,
    • false,
    • park,
    • adhere,
    • book binding,
    • subway system,
    • marginal,
    • aggrandize,
    • pronounced,
    • tightly fitting,
    • dance orchestra,
    • sassing,
    • scabrous,
    • phase,
    • leaping,
    • take on,
    • unembellished,
    • sloshed,
    • lesson,
    • sprinkle,
    • causal agency,
    • submerge,
    • interim,
    • blast,
    • husk,
    • live up to,
    • cataplasm,
    • wide,
    • get over,
    • tune,
    • cloud,
    • oblige,
    • incarcerate,
    • mixed-up,
    • practical application,
    • satiate,
    • enclosure,
    • boney,
    • gratify,
    • answer,
    • certifiable,
    • camp bed,
    • silver medal,
    • edward d. white,
    • perceive,
    • representative,
    • blanched,
    • work,
    • set,
    • adorn,
    • cover version,
    • signifier,
    • mask,
    • have it away,
    • tightfitting,
    • restrained,
    • invest,
    • class,
    • unsung,
    • lap,
    • equipoise,
    • prime quantity,
    • small-grained,
    • coddle,
    • bread and butter,
    • crease,
    • mutual,
    • commons,
    • induce,
    • put in,
    • coal-tar creosote,
    • bedim,
    • apart,
    • mazed,
    • mare’s nest,
    • riotous,
    • reprize,
    • backbone,
    • retell,
    • show up,
    • have sex,
    • habilimented,
    • swallow up,
    • launchpad,
    • cut through,
    • rug,
    • production line,
    • unremarked,
    • chassis,
    • stria,
    • retardation,
    • loggerheaded,
    • unseeable,
    • gratuity,
    • convergence,
    • swaddle,
    • trudge,
    • disperse,
    • lean,
    • checkered,
    • sawhorse,
    • spiffed up,
    • undetermined,
    • go,
    • authorize,
    • jailed,
    • lend oneself,
    • white-hot,
    • tweed,
    • implement,
    • report,
    • buddy-buddy,
    • var.,
    • scatter,
    • asterisked,
    • battlefront,
    • phone line,
    • turn back,
    • unfastened,
    • straw man,
    • becloud,
    • napped,
    • ash grey,
    • business organization,
    • expression,
    • personal line of credit,
    • isthmus,
    • noble,
    • specious,
    • injure,
    • hang,
    • retire,
    • lip,
    • back entrance,
    • phone,
    • lengthened,
    • strip,
    • constipate,
    • logical argument,
    • determine,
    • illustration,
    • process,
    • thickheaded,
    • constrain,
    • fount,
    • pad of paper,
    • shoot,
    • take a hop,
    • right,
    • strong,
    • bakshis,
    • undefended,
    • nominal head,
    • support,
    • unnatural,
    • tenacious,
    • box seat,
    • fuddle,
    • gold,
    • overlying,
    • vulgar,
    • screen,
    • unresolved,
    • demarcation,
    • flow,
    • plod,
    • seeded,
    • declension,
    • sate,
    • porter,
    • dress,
    • get across,
    • rouge,
    • ashen,
    • backsheesh,
    • cosset,
    • slurred,
    • crush,
    • hole-and-corner,
    • shodden,
    • oppose,
    • suffocate,
    • sham,
    • ligature,
    • keep up,
    • green,
    • recap,
    • au naturel,
    • incensed,
    • sleep with,
    • verbalise,
    • bay laurel,
    • level,
    • picture,
    • convulsion,
    • ring,
    • free fall,
    • closing,
    • meanwhile,
    • inclosure,
    • cold,
    • suffer,
    • promise,
    • double,
    • grasp,
    • booklet,
    • earnings,
    • bleak,
    • conformation,
    • decline,
    • tightlipped,
    • hit the hay,
    • aerofoil,
    • confidential,
    • bony,
    • clean,
    • secretive,
    • cloak,
    • discovered,
    • quiet,
    • knock,
    • domiciliation,
    • cover charge,
    • bounds,
    • prescribed,
    • clash,
    • capitulation,
    • knotty,
    • strawman,
    • well-off,
    • unavowed,
    • hold on,
    • rap,
    • wrinkle,
    • cast,
    • blockaded,
    • negligee,
    • rough-cut,
    • control,
    • parceled out,
    • twilight,
    • hold back,
    • apprehend,
    • doled out,
    • penny-pinching,
    • enwrap,
    • mystical,
    • barren,
    • stick-in-the-mud,
    • dressed-up,
    • steer,
    • bolt,
    • do by,
    • clutter,
    • go for,
    • good example,
    • speech sound,
    • motion-picture show,
    • accommodate,
    • blotto,
    • laurelled,
    • leprose,
    • pattern,
    • mantle,
    • presence,
    • silvery,
    • bad,
    • scaley,
    • bod,
    • meridian,
    • scrawny,
    • physique,
    • plaster over,
    • jail,
    • equaliser,
    • circle,
    • closelipped,
    • whack,
    • bonk,
    • cockeyed,
    • type,
    • sickly,
    • border,
    • argumentation,
    • tight-fitting,
    • converge,
    • doorman,
    • regurgitate,
    • cryptical,
    • quality,
    • butt against,
    • organise,
    • motion picture,
    • track,
    • pulverized,
    • patched,
    • tantrum,
    • vacate,
    • comfy,
    • confining,
    • armoured,
    • blusher,
    • trace,
    • turn up,
    • seam,
    • echo,
    • breast,
    • eloquent,
    • match,
    • line of reasoning,
    • photographic film,
    • sports meeting,
    • stick on,
    • pass over,
    • predominant,
    • embroider,
    • well-to-do,
    • roofing tile,
    • grounds,
    • miserly,
    • jewelled,
    • foregather,
    • moving picture,
    • caucasian,
    • divided up,
    • undercoat,
    • even off,
    • peak,
    • lineage,
    • earth’s surface,
    • multicolored,
    • robe,
    • ancestry,
    • proscenium,
    • rebound,
    • grade,
    • sack out,
    • gabardine,
    • cryptic,
    • society,
    • edge,
    • denuded,
    • know,
    • prosperous,
    • blossom,
    • particolored,
    • airless,
    • flatware,
    • business line,
    • stick in,
    • jarful,
    • concluded,
    • horse cavalry,
    • egg white,
    • maintain,
    • disappointed,
    • undecided,
    • shut down,
    • tissue layer,
    • smashed,
    • global,
    • typesetter’s case,
    • inundated,
    • overlie,
    • efface,
    • multicoloured,
    • generate,
    • erectile,
    • accrue,
    • merging,
    • beady,
    • topknotted,
    • bolster,
    • blood,
    • compound,
    • do it,
    • toughened,
    • midst,
    • movie,
    • line of descent,
    • hump,
    • engrossed,
    • delineate,
    • down,
    • clear up,
    • feed,
    • prevent,
    • kind,
    • baby,
    • kill,
    • fix,
    • jumble,
    • fork up,
    • fishy,
    • movement,
    • use,
    • trounce,
    • front man,
    • overlayer,
    • treed,
    • gritrock,
    • tenanted,
    • pay up,
    • select,
    • constitute,
    • vague,
    • tablet,
    • suppressed,
    • upset,
    • gingiva,
    • patch,
    • batten,
    • replicate,
    • reclusive,
    • untroubled,
    • whiteness,
    • silverish,
    • boxwood,
    • slur,
    • tortuous,
    • human face,
    • overwhelm,
    • of course,
    • ground,
    • begild,
    • angle,
    • debris,
    • face up,
    • cloistered,
    • come together,
    • snug,
    • trend,
    • planetary,
    • gum tree,
    • in the altogether,
    • close in,
    • console,
    • absorbed,
    • strangle,
    • apparel,
    • go on,
    • make out,
    • lost,
    • facile,
    • afloat,
    • crepuscle,
    • fathom,
    • embrace,
    • occult arts,
    • social club,
    • finish,
    • lily-white,
    • utilize,
    • undisclosed,
    • neutralize,
    • hush-hush,
    • curb,
    • assemble,
    • brim over,
    • check,
    • private,
    • precipitate,
    • slapdash,
    • privy,
    • suspicious,
    • dividing line,
    • pied,
    • blot out,
    • robe-de-chambre,
    • belt out,
    • curtain,
    • blurred,
    • anatomy,
    • top,
    • inhumed,
    • saltation,
    • sensed,
    • physical body,
    • enclosing,
    • spare,
    • eggshell,
    • alien,
    • receive,
    • mystery,
    • enwrapped,
    • livelihood,
    • character,
    • mouthpiece,
    • kip down,
    • sheathing,
    • cover song,
    • reaper binder,
    • neglected,
    • grammatical case,
    • indisposed,
    • build,
    • shield,
    • appareled,
    • run across,
    • go to bed,
    • see,
    • close up,
    • masking,
    • procreate,
    • stale,
    • dealt out,
    • refined,
    • mop up,
    • faithful,
    • hit the sack,
    • stained,
    • back door,
    • seedy,
    • bear on,
    • undefendable,
    • surreptitious,
    • insensible,
    • incased,
    • tributary,
    • ignored,
    • restrict,
    • unknown quantity,
    • cementum,
    • quick,
    • take shape,
    • photographic plate,
    • unsympathetic,
    • air,
    • denude,
    • moxie,
    • home,
    • altogether,
    • metro,
    • truss,
    • correspond,
    • curmudgeonly,
    • size of it,
    • silver-tongued,
    • closing curtain,
    • oral fissure,
    • neglige,
    • bank identification number,
    • guts,
    • procure,
    • fit out,
    • batten down,
    • reiterate,
    • stirred,
    • plowed,
    • order,
    • cogent evidence,
    • forgather,
    • cocktail dress,
    • extensive,
    • get laid,
    • proofread,
    • ostiarius,
    • spread over,
    • unnamed,
    • whang,
    • overcloud,
    • deal,
    • multi-colored,
    • point,
    • bash,
    • serve,
    • overlooked,
    • besotted,
    • control surface,
    • tilt,
    • pic,
    • scraggy,
    • belted ammunition,
    • mollycoddle,
    • run along,
    • shroud,
    • lead,
    • retain,
    • remunerate,
    • bloodline,
    • well-grounded,
    • elaborate,
    • well-kept,
    • tumble,
    • publicise,
    • sleek over,
    • up to,
    • subway,
    • spot,
    • overflow,
    • railway line,
    • savvy,
    • unmarked,
    • cross,
    • burned-over,
    • hold fast,
    • arrest,
    • bewildered,
    • touched,
    • bar,
    • scene,
    • supply,
    • business enterprise,
    • near,
    • glaze over,
    • tufted,
    • bank line,
    • strike,
    • thickly,
    • out-of-doors,
    • patty,
    • describe,
    • indue,
    • cushioned,
    • epicurean,
    • rubble,
    • silver gray,
    • tip off,
    • elongated,
    • spruced up,
    • put away,
    • pamper,
    • iterate,
    • unafraid,
    • launch pad,
    • across-the-board,
    • mired,
    • under the weather,
    • flooded,
    • shadowy,
    • binful,
    • sealing wax,
    • cinema,
    • naturally,
    • unfold,
    • endue,
    • constrained,
    • multicolor,
    • recapitulate,
    • club,
    • intersection,
    • shine,
    • bear,
    • humeral veil,
    • mould,
    • fast,
    • bald-headed,
    • everywhere,
    • watch,
    • font,
    • subscriber line,
    • descent,
    • candid,
    • byzantine,
    • compressed,
    • overabundant,
    • moving-picture show,
    • labored,
    • channel,
    • line of merchandise,
    • summit,
    • stick,
    • stop up,
    • mannikin,
    • injury,
    • sink,
    • detain,
    • appointive,
    • intestine,
    • trial impression,
    • course of action,
    • bundle,
    • glue,
    • premier,
    • crepuscule,
    • rigorous,
    • close down,
    • validation,
    • in the raw,
    • aspect,
    • dental plate,
    • subject,
    • business sector,
    • dip,
    • come,
    • free burning,
    • tippytoe,
    • junk,
    • speak,
    • filling,
    • velvet,
    • velvet-textured,
    • collide,
    • close-fitting,
    • multi-colour,
    • down pat,
    • sure as shooting,
    • undetectable,
    • pin,
    • celluloid,
    • loose,
    • smudge,
    • persistent,
    • infest,
    • combat injury,
    • dull,
    • mingy,
    • wet,
    • tilted,
    • immerse,
    • dainty,
    • note,
    • decreed,
    • guinea pig,
    • unwell,
    • rise,
    • sure enough,
    • stripped,
    • gemmed,
    • jug,
    • deluxe,
    • crib,
    • open air,
    • hold,
    • repress,
    • correct,
    • multicolour,
    • eff,
    • clientele,
    • meretricious,
    • hugger-mugger,
    • screw,
    • garb,
    • spill,
    • nerve,
    • baksheesh,
    • tie,
    • apprenticed,
    • trammel,
    • eat up,
    • make full,
    • rubber,
    • save,
    • celebrated,
    • peignoir,
    • motley,
    • out of sight,
    • bond,
    • gumwood,
    • fogyish,
    • coarse,
    • conserve,
    • overflowing,
    • contact,
    • roadstead,
    • covering fire,
    • parcel,
    • jeweled,
    • indignant,
    • wakeless,
    • step in,
    • extend,
    • slip,
    • hushed,
    • typeface,
    • fluent,
    • finish off,
    • conform to,
    • bay tree,
    • reverberate,
    • scurfy,
    • concealment,
    • inter,
    • fell,
    • drive,
    • overcast,
    • crude,
    • strange,
    • preserves,
    • launch area,
    • specked,
    • articled,
    • social movement,
    • stranger,
    • front line,
    • brochure,
    • butt on,
    • welter,
    • boxful,
    • princely,
    • back,
    • run over,
    • lordotic,
    • plug,
    • atilt,
    • turn in,
    • tender,
    • world,
    • asphyxiate,
    • inhume,
    • tight fitting,
    • butt,
    • slowdown,
    • white river,
    • sizing,
    • flamboyant,
    • silver grey,
    • silvern,
    • hint,
    • shared out,
    • epidermal,
    • telephone circuit,
    • intelligent,
    • kept up,
    • encrustation,
    • mold,
    • ovalbumin,
    • dolled up,
    • forestage,
    • dance band,
    • crusade,
    • model,
    • swayback,
    • nigh,
    • alcove,
    • embellish,
    • footslog,
    • well-situated,
    • nonnatural,
    • fall behind,
    • closely,
    • suspect,
    • bounce,
    • natural covering,
    • smacking,
    • whiten,
    • adequate to,
    • utilise,
    • snow-white,
    • reduplicate,
    • poultice,
    • crocked,
    • inking pad,
    • thickset,
    • repetition,
    • cut across,
    • scraggly,
    • concern,
    • puzzling,
    • transmission line,
    • wrap,
    • inviolable,
    • make up,
    • compact,
    • caseful,
    • stemma,
    • blot,
    • prepare,
    • nude,
    • multi-coloured,
    • stifled,
    • slant,
    • albumen,
    • proceed,
    • be intimate,
    • sozzled,
    • housecoat,
    • jump,
    • hush up,
    • smooth-spoken,
    • origin,
    • dressed to the nines,
    • go to sleep,
    • campaign,
    • fine-grained,
    • nameless,
    • dependable,
    • mystifying,
    • organize,
    • barefaced,
    • notable,
    • submit,
    • come across,
    • swim,
    • usual,
    • come up,
    • embryonic membrane,
    • smack,
    • parentage,
    • set up,
    • ordained,
    • introduce,
    • stodgy,
    • spoil,
    • flick,
    • all-inclusive,
    • ag,
    • foiled,
    • padded,
    • tube,
    • course of instruction,
    • stave,
    • restate,
    • manikin,
    • comprise,
    • unwashed,
    • surrender,
    • inconspicuous,
    • moderate,
    • lot,
    • stuffy,
    • locker,
    • wrapping,
    • plumed,
    • throttle,
    • display case,
    • ring-binder,
    • declivity,
    • software program,
    • cable,
    • hold open,
    • polish off,
    • condom,
    • naked,
    • disconnection,
    • fork out,
    • gear up,
    • taut,
    • seal off,
    • eccentric,
    • disturbed,
    • slog,
    • denudate,
    • hold in,
    • stamp,
    • exposed,
    • fuck,
    • fuddled,
    • stringent,
    • unreasoning,
    • patronage,
    • prime of life,
    • hurt,
    • bare-assed,
    • dour,
    • publicize,
    • even up,
    • skin,
    • blood line,
    • stamp pad,
    • recast,
    • aba transit number,
    • slopped,
    • line of products,
    • swaybacked,
    • dramatize,
    • gloss over,
    • front end,
    • gaol,
    • unsanded,
    • object lesson,
    • pair,
    • sustain,
    • home base,
    • closed book,
    • fatheaded,
    • present,
    • supernatural,
    • prize,
    • chewing gum,
    • calico,
    • opened,
    • gasbag,
    • wage,
    • choice,
    • efflorescence,
    • inclose,
    • unknown region,
    • crinkle,
    • inscrutable,
    • intake,
    • ended,
    • softened,
    • dusk,
    • for certain,
    • fulfil,
    • make love,
    • universal joint,
    • yield,
    • terra incognita,
    • dermic,
    • pelage,
    • well-heeled,
    • corner,
    • give,
    • destined,
    • mate,
    • gatekeeper,
    • screening,
    • plateful,
    • carpeting,
    • forced,
    • trusted,
    • insure.


    • wound.

    Other relevant words (noun):

    • deputise,
    • Accounted,
    • brushed,
    • sound,
    • sure,
    • Engendered,
    • indiscernible,
    • coating,
    • handled,
    • imbricated,
    • bight,
    • garmented,
    • extended,
    • covering,
    • assure,
    • horse,
    • cause,
    • package,
    • ascertained,
    • stewed,
    • Loomed,
    • Cucullate,
    • reproduce,
    • bedecked,
    • backed,
    • fiord,
    • conducted,
    • Trailed,
    • worried,
    • bayou,
    • cot,
    • adjoin,
    • Tegumentary,
    • dispensed,
    • formula,
    • crossed,
    • deputize,
    • belt,
    • Wiped,
    • patented,
    • Dermatoid,
    • contain,
    • folder,
    • invisible,
    • comprehend,
    • common,
    • Provided,
    • guaranteed,
    • Lagged,
    • Penetrated,
    • looked over,
    • Fleeced,
    • indulge,
    • garbed,
    • transcendental,
    • recondite,
    • safe,
    • invulnerable,
    • allotted,
    • distributed,
    • Dissembled,
    • roofed,
    • fill,
    • went round,
    • protracted,
    • described,
    • cortical,
    • apprehended,
    • traded,
    • ironclad,
    • Compassed,
    • caparisoned,
    • Carried,
    • pay,
    • peritrichous,
    • shadowed,
    • treated,
    • togged,
    • secluded,
    • sequestered,
    • coverlet,
    • abstruse,
    • sprayed,
    • continental slope,
    • skinny,
    • decked,
    • Espoused,
    • overspread,
    • grizzled,
    • disguise,
    • ensure,
    • Squeezed,
    • all over,
    • bandaged,
    • addressed,
    • roads,
    • shell,
    • Contended,
    • envelopment,
    • bin,
    • hypogeal,
    • wrapper,
    • Hovered,
    • business,
    • Dawned,
    • baffled,
    • expanded,
    • weedy,
    • cuticular,
    • endow,
    • chased,
    • shared,
    • floored,
    • smeared,
    • Surfaced,
    • Accosted,
    • Indraught,
    • Frith,
    • finished,
    • hide,
    • Ensconced,
    • processed,
    • shelled,
    • Sheeted,
    • Grappled,
    • lagoon,
    • enfolded,
    • filled,
    • thwarted,
    • hatched,
    • Hypogeous,
    • bosomed,
    • topped,
    • Broadened,
    • ecumenical,
    • compensate for,
    • secure,
    • Catholical,
    • container,
    • perceived,
    • satisfy,
    • catholic,
    • casing,
    • apron,
    • tracked,
    • Tented,
    • considered,
    • band,
    • Hypogean,
    • Beclouded,
    • Incubated,
    • wrap up,
    • Scotched,
    • Managed,
    • checked,
    • dermal,
    • soaked,
    • latent,
    • crowded,
    • invested,
    • tailed,
    • strained,
    • mist,
    • suffice,
    • prevalent,
    • mouth,
    • Administered,
    • luxuriant,
    • inlet,
    • example,
    • Warrantable,
    • apportioned,
    • sunken,
    • Bilked,
    • warranted,
    • tagged,
    • clothe,
    • Concocted,
    • Cared,
    • dogged,
    • lined,
    • cowled,
    • casket,
    • counterbalance,
    • occupied,
    • Wielded,
    • jacket,
    • empower,
    • Jacketed,
    • below-ground,
    • sheath,
    • traveled around,
    • assured,
    • continental shelf,
    • adopted,
    • Plated,
    • universal,
    • rife,
    • oecumenical,
    • Fronted,
    • Lotted,
    • peaked,
    • panoplied,
    • packaged,
    • cabinet,
    • controlled,
    • copulate,
    • crested,
    • membrane,
    • frustrated,
    • dressing gown,
    • mastered,
    • Galloped,
    • tipped,
    • awash,
    • keep,
    • scaly,
    • gulf,
    • Comprised,
    • harboured,
    • Hooded,
    • applied,
    • certain,
    • Spined,
    • bed,
    • case,
    • prolonged,
    • sulked,
    • Narrows,
    • Spawned,
    • bypassed,
    • dressed,
    • epidemic,
    • armlet,
    • queered,
    • Brooded,
    • cove,
    • creek,
    • Clicked,
    • bursting,
    • cover up,
    • compensate,
    • clouded,
    • overrun,
    • superimposed,
    • abundant,
    • Squamous,
    • Housed,
    • Coped,
    • ploughed,
    • ascertain,
    • lagune,
    • conceal,
    • subterranean,
    • blind,
    • unperceived,
    • prevailing,
    • Pinnacled,
    • Served,
    • capped,
    • certified,
    • jar,
    • cladding,
    • Palmed,
    • Pouted,
    • tectiform,
    • Intersected,
    • sieved,
    • Besetting,
    • transited,
    • box,
    • arrayed,
    • bay,
    • crowned,
    • Traversed,
    • Vaginate,
    • multiplied,
    • incommunicado,
    • gut,
    • Loricated,
    • protect,
    • armored,
    • excused,
    • involved,
    • called,
    • ostiary,
    • worldwide,
    • armed,
    • kyles,
    • Backboned,
    • blocked,
    • Denied,
    • cutaneous,
    • comprehended,
    • mysterious,
    • directed,
    • squamiferous,
    • strait,
    • Gulph,
    • subdued,
    • cached,
    • envelope,
    • reimburse,
    • Reached,
    • repeat,
    • meet,
    • Skipped,
    • enfold,
    • Offered,
    • close,
    • filled in,
    • gowned,
    • enclose,
    • drown,
    • form,
    • Reared,
    • confine,
    • abut,
    • estuary,
    • fit,
    • preserve,
    • Regaled,
    • occult,
    • course,
    • firth,
    • confluent,
    • unfolded,
    • undercover,
    • bandage.

How to use «Covered» in context?

1. «covered» can be defined as «protected by or providing a covering or protection from the weather.» The idea of being «covered» can be comforting and protective, whether it be from the elements or from fear or worry.

2. The use of covers can have a variety of purposes. Some people might use covers to protect items they value or are important to them, such as a pet or a valuable piece of furniture. Others might use covers to protect themselves from the weather, such as when it is too cold or too rainy outside to be outside.

3. Covered can also have a figurative use.

Paraphrases for Covered:

Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
  • Equivalence

    • Adjective
      cover, Overlain.
    • Proper noun, singular
      cover, covers.
  • Reverse Entailment

    • Verb, past tense
    • Verb, past participle
      coverage, shielded.
  • Independent

    • Adjective
      canopy, closed, coated, considered, financed, funded, insured, regulated, Envisaged, Tackled, Targeted, couverture.
    • Proper noun, singular
      covering, governed, regulated, Targeted, commitments.
    • Noun, plural
      experts, lists, implications, commitments, outcomes, subjects, targets, references, features, displays, items, audiences, coatings, deliverables, jurisdictions.
    • Verb, past tense
      about, account, added, agreed, agreement, amalgamated, analyzed, application, applied, appointed, appreciated, arranged, articulated, assumed, attached, attempted, attended, bearing, belonging, blinded, bore, breached, broached, broadcast, built, burden, called, capped, centered, centred, chargeable, charged, collected, come, commensurate, composed, concentrated, concerning, concluded, conducted, conferred, considered, consistent, consolidated, constituted, conveyed, correspond, cut, deal, defined, designed, developed, discussion, disposal, drove, drowned, earned, elaborated, encompass, endorsed, engaged, engulfed, envisage, evoked, exchanged, expanded, expressed, extended, faced, featured, fell, felt, figured, filled, flooded, focussed, found, fulfilled, funded, gate, governed, granted, guaranteed, handled, heard, hedged, held, hurt, identified, implement, implementation, implemented, implied, imposed, in, increased, inspection, inspectorate, instructed, insured, item, lay, learned, led, left, lined, load, loaded, loading, loads, made, maintained, marked, matched, monitor, moved, nominated, noted, occupied, offset, on, outlined, overlie, paid, permitted, pertain, placed, pointed, posed, prepared, presented, pursued, put, raised, realised, realized, reassured, received, recognized, recorded, recovered, reference, reflected, regarding, regulated, reply, reported, represented, respond, responsible, revealed, revised, round, said, saw, scoured, seized, sold, spoke, spread, stained, stated, stretched, struck, studied, submerged, subsidize, sur, swamped, swept, tested, thought, touch, touched, tour, transmitted, traveled, travelled, tried, turned, used, wanted, who, within, Accounted, Acted, Addressing, Aimed, Allowed, Amounted, Answered, Appeared, Applying, Approached, Areas, Asked, Assessed, Was, Became, Began, Believed, Benefited, Blanketed, Boarded, Brought, Came, Captured, Cared, Carried, Caught, Catered, Caused, Cited, Claimed, Dealt, Debated, Deemed, Did, Discriminated, Eclipsed, Embraced, Enabled, Encompassed, Enjoyed, Entered, Enunciated, Envisaged, Explained, Expounded, Filed, Flew, Forgot, Gained, Went, Got, Had, Heeded, Helped, Hid, Incorporating, Incurred, Injected, Inserted, Into, Introduced, Investigated, Involving, Issued, Kissed, Knew, Lasted, Levied, Logged, Looked, Meant, Met, Mentioned, Negotiated, Obscured, Occurred, Offered, Participated, Performed, Pertained, Ran, Ranged, Reached, Regarded, Relating, Replied, Responded, Responding, Resulted, Resumed, Sailed, Shipped, Tackled, Took, Talked, Targeted, Told, Than, Toured, Trafficked, Trafficking, Traversed, Undertook, Viewed, Visited, Walked, Wore, Were, Which, Worked, Commenced, Commented, Complained, Comprised, Comprising, Consisted, Corresponded, Prevailed, Spanned, Stood, Submitted, Suffered, Surveyed, grasped, touches, requests, hugs, recounted, summarized, entrusted, cached, tasks, gripped, spans, showed, safeguards, ensured, references, debates, foresaw, topics, mandates, recalled, HIT, interviewed, highlighted, reunited, monitored, laid, period, analysed, ‘d, tained.
    • Verb, past participle
      absorbed, accepted, access, accompanied, accomplished, accused, acknowledged, acquired, action, activity, adapted, added, adjusted, admitted, adopted, advanced, affiliated, afflicted, aged, agreed, agreement, altered, amended, analysis, analyzed, applied, appointed, apportioned, appreciated, apprehended, appropriated, approved, arranged, arrested, articulated, ascertained, asserted, assigned, assistance, assisted, assumed, attached, attained, attempted, attended, authenticated, authorized, backed, balanced, banned, based, become, blamed, born, bound, broached, broadcast, built, buried, calculated, calibrated, called, cancelled, capped, care, categorized, centred, characterised, characterized, chargeable, charged, checked, chosen, clad, clarified, cleared, clogged, closed, coated, codified, collected, combined, come, committed, compensated, compensation, competence, competency, compliance, compliant, composed, concealed, concentrated, concluded, conducted, confirmed, confused, connected, considered, consolidated, constrained, contested, continued, convicted, coordinated, copyrighted, corrected, correspond, cost, credited, crossed, cured, decided, decked, declared, dedicated, deducted, defined, depicted, derived, designed, detailed, determined, developed, devoted, directed, directive, disciplined, disclosed, discovered, disposed, disputed, distance, distributed, divided, documented, dominated, done, draped, drawn, driven, dropped, earned, eaten, effected, elaborated, elected, elongated, embedded, embodied, emphasised, employed, encased, enclosed, encumbered, endorsed, enforced, engaged, enrolled, entertained, entitled, envisioned, equal, equality, equipped, everywhere, evidenced, evoked, exactly, executed, exhausted, expanded, expended, expenditure, expense, experienced, exposed, expressed, extended, faced, facilitated, fallen, fastened, featured, fee, felt, figured, filled, financed, fixed, focussed, forbidden, forced, foreseen, forested, formed, formulated, found, founded, framed, framework, fulfilled, funded, furnished, gathered, geared, given, glaciated, glazed, gone, governed, graded, granted, grouped, grown, guaranteed, guarded, guided, handled, have, headed, heard, hedged, height, held, hurt, identified, illustrated, immunized, implementation, implemented, implicated, implied, imported, imposed, incorporated, increased, informed, initiated, inscribed, inspired, instructed, insured, interference, intervention, invested, jammed, joined, jurisdiction, justified, kept, known, learned, led, left, limited, lined, linked, littered, loaded, localised, localized, located, locked, made, mainstreamed, maintained, marked, masked, matched, measured, mediated, mired, modified, moved, narrowed, nominated, noted, obliged, observed, obstructed, occupied, offset, onboard, opened, organised, organized, outlined, overcome, overwhelmed, owned, paid, painted, party, paved, penalized, perceived, permitted, placed, played, pleased, pointed, portrayed, posed, posted, prepared, presented, preserved, produced, prohibited, proscribed, proved, publicized, published, punished, pursued, put, qualified, raised, ranked, read, realised, realized, reasoned, reassured, receivable, received, recognised, recognized, recorded, recovered, redeemed, refer, reference, reflected, registered, regulated, reinforced, released, relevance, remembered, remunerated, renewed, repayable, repeated, report, reported, represented, requested, resolved, respected, retained, retired, revised, revived, routed, rule, ruled, run, said, sanctioned, sealed, seen, seized, sent, serviced, services, shared, sheathed, shouldered, signed, solved, sorted, speech, spending, spent, spoken, spread, stated, struck, structured, stuck, studied, subjugated, submerged, subsidized, substantiated, suggested, supervised, suppressed, surrounded, suspended, sustained, swept, system, taken, taught, terminated, tested, theme, thought, tied, topped, touched, transmitted, transposed, trapped, traveled, travelled, tried, trimmed, trusted, turned, used, vaccinated, valued, vehicle, verified, watch, welcomed, withdrawn, witnessed, worn, wound, wrapped, written, Acceded, Accommodated, Accorded, Accounted, Adhered, Adjourned, Adjudicated, Administered, Advocated, Afforded, Aggregated, Aimed, Allowed, Amongst, Anchored, Answered, Appealed, Approached, Argued, Arisen, Arrived, Asked, Assented, Assessed, Attacked, Attributed, Awarded, Been, Borne, Begun, Believed, Benefited, Boarded, Bridged, Brought, Browsed, Bundled, Canvassed, Captured, Cared, Carried, Caught, Catered, Caused, Challenged, Cited, Claimed, Classed, Dealt, Debated, Deemed, Defended, Defrayed, Deleted, Delivered, Denied, Deployed, Detained, Devised, Disappeared, Disbursed, Discriminated, Displayed, Disseminated, Earmarked, Echoed, Eliminated, Embraced, Emerged, Enabled, Encompassed, Encountered, Endeavored, Endured, Enjoyed, Enshrined, Entailed, Entered, Enunciated, Envisaged, Excluded, Exempted, Exercised, Exhibited, Explained, Expounded, Filed, Fished, Fitted, Fled, Flown, Forwarded, Gained, Generated, Gleaned, Got, Had, Harvested, Helped, Immersed, Incriminated, Incurred, Influenced, Injected, Inserted, Inspected, Installed, Insulated, Intervened, Introduced, Inventoried, Investigated, Invoked, Issued, Judged, Justiciable, Learnt, Legislated, Lodged, Logged, Looked, Managed, Manipulated, Mapped, Meant, Met, Mentioned, Negotiated, Notified, Obscured, Obtained, Offered, Overlaid, Overlain, Overshadowed, Overtaken, Parties, Passed, Performed, Plated, Policed, Questioned, Quoted, Ranged, Rated, Reached, Reaped, Regarded, Reimbursable, Reimbursed, Remained, Remedied, Rendered, Repaid, Replicated, Replied, Responded, Resulted, Resumed, Returned, Scanned, Scrutinized, Sheeted, Shipped, Shown, Tackled, Talked, Targeted, Tasked, Taxed, Told, Termed, Trafficked, Trafficking, Transacted, Transferred, Traversed, Undergone, Underpinned, Undertaken, Upheld, Viewed, Visited, Watched, Worked, 15, Collated, Communicated, Compiled, Comprised, Computed, Confronted, Consigned, Consisted, Construed, Contributed, Counted, Created, Profiled, Promoted, Prompted, Prosecuted, Subjected, started, Submitted, Subordinated, Suffered, Surveyed, Swathed, Swiped, Programs, Vehicles, grasped, accessed, contacted, experts, hailed, finalized, applies, evaluated, tabled, entrusted, refers, cached, objects, refunded, circulated, overlapped, ensured, safeguarded, allocated, replaced, researched, restated, items, hosted, recommenced, positioned, mandated, recalled, withheld, sampled, AM, HIT, GOTTA, 250, interviewed, refundable, opted, mentored, restarted, staffed, regained, reprinted, recaptured, highlighted, reunited, sourced, reminded, monitored, bombed, laid, analysed, endeavoured, subsumed, actioned, abovementioned, summarised, criminalized, refered, _.
  • Other Related

    • Adjective
      coverage, hedged.
    • Proper noun, singular

Homophones for Covered:

  • cheeseboard, caporetto, covert, cypriote, copperhead, caproidae, chessboard, cuprite, cypraeidae, Cpu Board, cooperate, cube root, cavort, cypriot, cuckoo bread, chipboard, cupboard, Cape Verde, cowbird, cape froward, copyread, cyberart, chess board, cheese spread, cabaret.

  • camouflaged
  • capped
  • closed
  • coated
  • concealed
  • enclosed
  • hidden
  • painted
  • protected
  • shielded
  • topped
  • wrapped
  • bound
  • disguised
  • enveloped
  • hooded
  • masked
  • overlaid
  • roofed
  • secreted
  • sheathed
  • sheltered
  • surfaced
  • varnished
  • veiled
  • lidded
  • carpeted
  • dotted
  • overgrown
  • bejeweled
  • flowered
  • overspread
  • peppered
  • powdered
  • sown
  • spangled
  • spattered
  • spotted
  • starred
  • studded
  • dusted over
  • flowery
  • scattered with
  • spread with
  • sprinkled over
  • starry with
  • strewn with
  • marked
  • examined
  • explored
  • included
  • investigated
  • noted
  • observed
  • recorded
  • regarded
  • reported
  • scrutinized
  • surveyed
  • written
  • accounted for

On this page you’ll find 123 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to covered, such as: camouflaged, capped, closed, coated, concealed, and enclosed.

  • bare
  • empty
  • exposed
  • open
  • passed over
  • revealed
  • unfurnished
  • unheeded
  • unnoticed
  • unknown
  • bare
  • empty
  • exposed
  • open
  • passed over
  • revealed
  • unfurnished
  • unheeded
  • unnoticed

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

TRY USING covered

See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.

How to use covered in a sentence

Keep closely covered with a bell glass and, in a few weeks, more or less, the baby Ferns will start to put in an appearance.


About her neck was hung a covered basket and a door-key; and Davy at once concluded that she was Sindbad’s house-keeper.


In the aperture of the window, amid piles of paper, stood a rickety old table, covered with dust.


When I went out he accompanied me to the door, took my hand in both of his and said, «To-day you’ve covered yourself with glory!»


Ramona had covered the box with white cloth, and the lace altar-cloth thrown over it fell in folds to the floor.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • covered
  • entombed
  • hidden
  • interred
  • obscured
  • covered
  • covered up
  • disguised
  • hidden
  • arrayed
  • attired
  • clothed
  • covered
  • dressed
  • face
  • garbed
  • robed
  • sheathed
  • attired
  • cloaked
  • costumed
  • covered
  • decked
  • draped
  • dressed
  • dressed up
  • invested
  • robed
  • shod
  • veiled
  • buried
  • camouflaged
  • covered
  • covered up
  • covert
  • enshrouded
  • guarded
  • holed up
  • hush-hush
  • hushed up
  • incog
  • incognito
  • inconspicuous
  • masked
  • obscure
  • obscured
  • perdu
  • planted
  • privy
  • put in the hole
  • recondite
  • screened
  • secreted
  • shrouded
  • tucked away
  • ulterior
  • under wraps
  • unseen
  • veiled
  • bathed
  • coated
  • covered
  • doused
  • drenched
  • plunged
  • soaked
  • soused
  • steeped
  • wet

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

as in sheltered

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

past tense of cover


as in substituted

to serve as a replacement usually for a time only

a friend covered for me as a hospital volunteer while my family went on vacation


as in coated

to form a layer over

by morning a foot of snow covered the ground


as in shielded

to place a protective layer over

better cover your skin with sunblock if you don’t want a sunburn, not to mention skin cancer

Antonyms & Near Antonyms


as in concerned

to have (something) as a subject matter

this section of the book covers kitchen makeovers for the enterprising do-it-yourselfer

Antonyms & Near Antonyms


as in concealed

to keep secret or shut off from view

covered the foxhole with grass and leaves

Antonyms & Near Antonyms


as in traversed

to make one’s way through, across, or over

we usually manage to cover a lot of ground in a single day


as in monitored

to pay continued close attention to (something) for a particular purpose

I’ll cover the reception desk while you take a break


as in protected

to drive danger or attack away from

covered the wounded soldier until he could be rescued from the downed chopper

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

Thesaurus Entries Near covered

Cite this Entry

“Covered.” Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 13 Apr. 2023.


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Princeton’s WordNetRate these antonyms:2.0 / 2 votes

  1. coveredadjective

    overlaid or spread or topped with or enclosed within something; sometimes used as a combining form

    «women with covered faces»; «covered wagons»; «a covered balcony»

    denudate, undraped, naked, denuded, bald, bare, unroofed

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:3.5 / 2 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «covered»:

    referred, cover, governed, included, overlain, regulated, canopy, encompassed, addressed, protected, hedged, filled, treated, blanketed, coverage, borne, insured, coated, concerned, bezel, targeted, involved, met, treaties, overcast, subject

How to pronounce covered?

How to say covered in sign language?

How to use covered in a sentence?

  1. Van Vilsteren:

    We thought it would be lung tissue, but instead we found little scraps of paper covered with Chinese characters.

  2. Lawrence Garcia:

    Some — but not all — windows were covered, because poll workers seated just inside those windows expressed concerns about people outside the center photographing and filming them and their work, only the media is allowed to take pictures inside the counting place, and people outside the center were not listening to requests to stop filming poll workers and their paperwork.

  3. Bill Northey:

    It’s not traditionally been covered, but we’ve not usually had as many losses.

  4. Joanna Barstow:

    Since long before we started our robotic exploration of the solar system, we wondered if there was life on another world, some of the moons of Jupiter, even though their surfaces are covered with ice, might have liquid water oceans hiding under the surface. Maybe they are sheltering bacterial life as well ? We’d love to find out.

  5. The Atlantic:

    Things didn’t improve when anchor Jon Scott, filling in for Martha MacCallum, covered the story in the 7pm hour. Jon Scott interviewed Pete Buttigieg and repeatedly aimed at casting doubt on The Atlantic reporting. Jon Scott emphasized the denials from Trump flacks and claimed to Pete Buttigieg.


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  • ייִדיש (Yiddish)
  • հայերեն (Armenian)
  • Norsk (Norwegian)
  • English (English)


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