Better word for begin

What is another word for “begin”?  The list below shows different ways to say “begin”(synonyms for “begin”) with meaning and examples that you should learn to improve your English vocabulary.

Table of Contents

Begin Synonyms

Begin Definition and Examples

Meaning of Begin: It is the point of the sequence that corresponds to the earliest time when an event or an act commenced.


  • “Before we begin, it is important that all issues are resolved so that the process is smoother.”
  • “It is not easy to begin the story of a tragedy when you know the other person is about to be heartbroken.”
  • ” I ought to begin to think of packing it in as a journalist.”

Other Words for “Begin”

Frequently used synonyms for Begin. 

  • Commence
  • Open
  • Start
  • Initiate
  • Launch
  • Set Out (On)
  • Establish

Big list of 90+ different words to use instead of “begin”.

  • Activate
  • Appear
  • Approach
  • Arise
  • Attack
  • Become
  • Begin to
  • Boot
  • Break
  • Break ground
  • Bring
  • Bring about
  • Bud
  • Build
  • Carry out
  • Cause
  • Come
  • Commence
  • Create
  • Dawn
  • Depart
  • Develop
  • Do
  • Drive
  • Effect
  • Emanate
  • Embark
  • Embark on
  • Embark upon
  • Emerge
  • Engage
  • Enter
  • Enter on
  • Enter upon
  • Establish
  • Fall to
  • Generate
  • Germinate
  • Get
  • Get cracking
  • Get down
  • Get down to
  • Get going
  • Get started
  • Get the show on the road
  • Get under way
  • Get underway
  • Go
  • Go ahead
  • Go into
  • Grow
  • Happen
  • Hire
  • Hit the ground running
  • Ignite
  • Inaugurate
  • Induce
  • Initiate
  • Instigate
  • Institute
  • Introduce
  • Kick off
  • Launch
  • Lead
  • Lead off
  • Leave
  • Make
  • Move
  • Occasion
  • Occur
  • Open
  • Organize
  • Originate
  • Pioneer
  • Prepare
  • Proceed
  • Produce
  • Rise
  • Set
  • Set about
  • Set in motion
  • Set off
  • Set out
  • Set to
  • Set up
  • Spring
  • Sprout
  • Start
  • Start off
  • Start out
  • Tackle
  • Take
  • Take off
  • Take on
  • Take up
  • Trigger
  • Undertake

“Begin” Synonyms with Examples


  • Example: We will commence with this work.


  • Example: I opened the window.


  • Example: It started to rain.


  • Example: They wanted to initiate a discussion on economics.


  • Example: They managed to launch on a new business.

Set Out (On)

  • Example: We set out on our journey at 6 a.m.


  • Example: The committee was established in 1912.

More interesting examples with the word “begin”

  • “The next day the union voted to begin an indefinite strike.”
  • “We have amassed the raw data and are about to begin analyzing it.”
  • “The pair have often been known to abandon their script and begin ad-libbing.”
  • “The presentation of prizes will begin in the town hall at nine o’clock.”
  • “Police have set up an incident room as they begin to investigate this morning’s fire.”
  • “Whenever he was angry he would begin to stammer slightly.”
  • “First I need your hand, then forever can begin.”
  • ” We watched the vase begin to take shape in the potter’s hands.”
  • “He’s awaiting trial, which is expected to begin early next year.”

Another Word for “Begin” | Image

Another Word for begin | List of 90+ Synonyms for "Begin" in EnglishPin

Last Updated on December 16, 2020

What is another word for Begin?

  • come into being, start the ball rolling

  • come into being, come into existence

  • origin, lay the foundation

  • come into being, come into existence

  • appear, come into existence

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Asked by: Mr. Jarred Bechtelar

Score: 4.3/5
(74 votes)

Some common synonyms of begin are commence, inaugurate, initiate, start, and usher in. While all these words mean «to take the first step in a course, process, or operation,» begin, start, and commence are often interchangeable, with begin, opposed to end, being the most general.

What to say other than to begin with?

synonyms for to begin with

  • basically.
  • formerly.
  • primitively.
  • at first.
  • at the outset.
  • at the start.
  • first.
  • primarily.

What is the synonym and antonym of begin?

begin. Antonyms: abstain, bring to an end, cease, come to an end, conclude, desist, discontinue, end, end, finish, give over, intermit, leave off, pause, quit, refrain, stop, terminate. Synonyms: commence, enter upon, inaugurate, initiate, institute, originate, set about, set going, set in operation, set on foot, start.

What words mean new beginning?

new beginning

  • fresh start.
  • clean hands.
  • clean sweep.
  • clear conscience.
  • square one.
  • tabula rasa.

What is the formal word of begin?

Some common synonyms of begin are commence, inaugurate, initiate, start, and usher in.

27 related questions found

How can I start a sentence without using I?

The Quick Fix

  1. Start with a prepositional phrase. A propositional phrase lets us know where the subject of the sentence is in time or space, or what the relationship is between two entities. …
  2. Swap the clauses. …
  3. Cut out unnecessary actions. …
  4. Avoid filter phrases (I thought, I saw, I heard).

What can I use instead of I am writing to you?

The informal version of “…to inform you…” is “…to let you know…”; it turns out the pairing “I am writing to let you know…” (both informal) is much more common than “I write to let you know…” (mixed formal/informal) by 8,840 to 5,960.

What is a different word for I?

In this page you can discover 32 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for i, like: myself, self, yours-truly, id., i, one, ego, unity, character, number one and single.

What do you put in an essay instead of first?

first off

  • first of all.
  • first thing.
  • firstly.
  • foremost.
  • immediately.
  • in the first place.
  • primo.
  • up front.

Is firstly a real word?

Even though they are both adverbs, ‘first’ and ‘firstly’ are hardly interchangeable in all situations: we never say “I firstly noticed it yesterday.» One might say «firstly, what are you doing in my home?» or «firstly, I hope you have insurance»—but if you want to avoid criticism, ‘first’ is the best bet for most …

What can I write instead of firstly secondly?

Re: Is there any alternative to «First, Secondly,thirdly…»? «Last but not least» is used quite commonly. It sums up a list, and re-inforces the importance of all of the points. «Last but definitely not least» may also be used.

Is it correct to say first and foremost?

You use first and foremost to emphasize the most important quality of something or someone. It is first and foremost a trade agreement.

When did firstly become a word?

The first known use of firstly was in the 15th century.

Is firstly formal or informal?

You can use either first or firstly as an adverb to introduce a statement that is the first in a series of statements. The use of firstly is more formal. Similarly, you can also use second, third, etc. instead of secondly, thirdly, etc. to refer to further points or statements.

Is there a comma after firstly?

one should use commas after their transition word or phrase that starts a new sentence. However, the example sentences in Cambridge Dictionary seem to invalidate this rule. Firstly I would like to thank you for your kind offer of a job … Firstly the sodium chloride is dissolved in the water and heated gently.

What is a good transition word for second?

And, in addition to, furthermore, moreover, besides, than, too, also, both-and, another, equally important, first, second, etc., again, further, last, finally, not only-but also, as well as, in the second place, next, likewise, similarly, in fact, as a result, consequently, in the same way, for example, for instance, …

What comes after thirdly?

As noted earlier, few people say «firstly,» and fewer yet say «fifthly,» «sixthly,» «seventeenthly,» etc. Many adverbs do not end in -ly. It makes more sense to use second, third, and fourth rather than secondly, thirdly, and fourthly.

How do you not use the word I?

Following General Rules. Use the third person point of view. Never use “I,” “my,” or otherwise refer to yourself in formal academic writing. You should also avoid using the second-person point of view, such as by referring to the reader as “you.” Instead, write directly about your subject matter in the third person.

How is the word begin different from other verbs like it?

Some common synonyms of begin are commence, inaugurate, initiate, start, and usher in. While all these words mean «to take the first step in a course, process, or operation,» begin, start, and commence are often interchangeable, with begin, opposed to end, being the most general.

How is commence related to other words for begin?

Commence can be more formal or bookish than begin or start.

When could inaugurate be used to replace begin?

The words inaugurate and begin are synonyms, but do differ in nuance. Specifically, inaugurate suggests a beginning of some formality or notion of significance.

the discovery of penicillin inaugurated a new era in medicine

When would initiate be a good substitute for begin?

While the synonyms initiate and begin are close in meaning, initiate implies taking a first step in a process or series that is to continue.

initiated diplomatic contacts

Where would start be a reasonable alternative to begin?

The synonyms start and begin are sometimes interchangeable, but start, opposed to stop, applies especially to first actions, steps, or stages.

How are the words usher in and inaugurate related as synonyms of begin?

Usher in is somewhat less weighty than inaugurate.

ushered in a period of economic decline

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:3.0 / 1 vote

  1. begin

    commence, enter upon, inaugurate, initiate, institute, originate, set about, set going, set in operation, set on foot, start

    abstain, bring to an end, cease, come to an end, conclude, desist, discontinue, end, end, finish, give over, intermit, leave off, pause, quit, refrain, stop, terminate

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:1.0 / 1 vote

  1. begin

    initiate, commence, prepare, start, originate, arise, inaugurate

    achieve, complete, terminate, conclude, consummate, finish, close, end

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:5.0 / 1 vote

  1. Begin, Menachem Beginverb

    Israeli statesman (born in Russia) who (as prime minister of Israel) negotiated a peace treaty with Anwar Sadat (then the president of Egypt) (1913-1992)

    finish, end, terminate, cease, stop

  2. get down, begin, get, start out, start, set about, set out, commenceverb

    take the first step or steps in carrying out an action

    «We began working at dawn»; «Who will start?»; «Get working as soon as the sun rises!»; «The first tourists began to arrive in Cambodia»; «He began early in the day»; «Let’s get down to work now»

    bug out, take, pop, make, mystify, experience, develop, put down, draw, array, have, become, sustain, protrude, jump, initiate, receive, scram, take off, bulge, go, stimulate, sire, lead off, bulge out, drive, engender, startle, fix, pay back, get under one’s skin, stick, suffer, beat, swallow, set about, get down, father, go about, incur, contract, dispirit, bring forth, grow, get going, come out, dumbfound, stupefy, start, depress, light, cast down, originate, take up, bring, bewilder, mother, induce, range, buzz off, catch, write down, bugger off, obtain, beget, puzzle, flummox, get, deject, generate, capture, find, amaze, get off, baffle, produce, approach, pop out, attempt, start out, pose, vex, embark on, aim, let, set forth, perplex, arrest, gravel, let down, fetch, depart, set down, commence, part, dismount, arrive, set out, convey, set off, acquire, come, lower, bring down, dismay, pay off, undertake, unhorse, demoralise, cause, lay out, start up, demoralize, take down, nonplus

    terminate, end, cease, finish, stop

  3. begin, startverb

    have a beginning, in a temporal, spatial, or evaluative sense

    «The DMZ begins right over the hill»; «The second movement begins after the Allegro»; «Prices for these homes start at $250,000»

    go, bulge, embark on, startle, set forth, get down, take off, start up, set about, start out, commence, bulge out, lead off, part, start, pop, bug out, come out, take up, get, originate, depart, protrude, get going, set out, initiate, set off, pop out, jump

    terminate, stop, end, cease, finish

  4. begin, lead off, start, commenceverb

    set in motion, cause to start

    «The U.S. started a war in the Middle East»; «The Iraqis began hostilities»; «begin a new chapter in your life»

    go, bulge, embark on, startle, set forth, get down, take off, start up, set about, start out, protrude, commence, bulge out, lead off, part, start, pop, bug out, come out, take up, get, originate, depart, lead astray, get going, set out, initiate, set off, pop out, jump

    stop, end, terminate, cease, finish

  5. beginverb

    begin to speak or say

    «Now listen, friends,» he began

    get, start out, set out, set about, get down, commence, start, lead off

    end, cease, terminate, stop, finish

  6. beginverb

    be the first item or point, constitute the beginning or start, come first in a series

    «The number `one’ begins the sequence»; «A terrible murder begins the novel»; «The convocation ceremony officially begins the semester»

    get, start out, set out, set about, get down, commence, start, lead off

    cease, end, finish, terminate, stop

  7. beginverb

    have a beginning, of a temporal event

    «WW II began in 1939 when Hitler marched into Poland»; «The company’s Asia tour begins next month»

    get, start out, set out, set about, get down, commence, start, lead off

    terminate, end, stop, cease, finish

  8. begin, startverb

    have a beginning characterized in some specified way

    «The novel begins with a murder»; «My property begins with the three maple trees»; «Her day begins with a workout»; «The semester begins with a convocation ceremony»

    go, bulge, embark on, startle, set forth, get down, take off, start up, set about, start out, commence, bulge out, lead off, part, start, pop, bug out, come out, take up, get, originate, depart, protrude, get going, set out, initiate, set off, pop out, jump

    finish, stop, end, terminate, cease

  9. begin, startverb

    begin an event that is implied and limited by the nature or inherent function of the direct object

    «begin a cigar»; «She started the soup while it was still hot»; «We started physics in 10th grade»

    go, bulge, embark on, startle, set forth, get down, take off, start up, set about, start out, commence, bulge out, lead off, part, start, pop, bug out, come out, take up, get, originate, depart, protrude, get going, set out, initiate, set off, pop out, jump

    terminate, end, cease, finish, stop

  10. beginverb

    achieve or accomplish in the least degree, usually used in the negative

    «This economic measure doesn’t even begin to deal with the problem of inflation»; «You cannot even begin to understand the problem we had to deal with during the war»

    get, start out, set out, set about, get down, commence, start, lead off

    end, cease, terminate, finish, stop

  11. beginverb

    begin to speak, understand, read, and write a language

    «She began Russian at an early age»; «We started French in fourth grade»

    get, start out, set out, set about, get down, commence, start, lead off

    finish, stop, terminate, cease, end

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. beginverb

    originate, arise, take rise

  2. beginverb

    commence, make a beginning, take the first step, break ground, break the ice

  3. beginverb

    commence, institute, originate, enter upon, set about, set on foot, set in operation

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «begin»:

    start, commence, initiate, starts, begins, beginning, launch, starting, outset, begun, undertake, embark, commencement, started, engage

Suggested Resources

  1. begin

    Song lyrics by begin — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by begin on the website.

How to pronounce begin?

How to say begin in sign language?

How to use begin in a sentence?

  1. Dale Ketcham:

    They’re moving very fast, this is actually getting closer to what Elon got into this business for to begin with. This is fundamental infrastructure to get to Mars, the early stages of it.

  2. Ryan Sweet:

    We are due for some pay back after strong job growth over the last couple of months, i also think the timing is right for the tightening in financial market conditions last year to begin to affect the employment data.

  3. Atlanta Fed President Dennis Lockhart:

    I expect the normalization of monetary policy — that is, interest rates — to begin sometime this year, i expect normalization to proceed gradually, the implication being an environment of rather low rates for quite some time.

  4. Jake Levine:

    Before Launchpad I thought we would have to go directly to consumers and begin talking to retailers, but we leapfrogged that phase.

  5. Bob Stefanowski:

    These proposals don’t even begin to scratch the surface of lowering the burden of affordability on Connecticut’s families, and small businesses.

Translations for begin

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • beginAfrikaans
  • بدأ, يبدأArabic
  • başlamaqAzerbaijani
  • пачынаць, пачацца, пачаць, пачынаццаBelarusian
  • почвам, започвам, почнаBulgarian
  • শুরু করা, আরম্ভ করাBengali
  • començar, iniciarCatalan, Valencian
  • začít, začínatCzech
  • begyndeDanish
  • beginnen, starten, anfangenGerman
  • αρχίζωGreek
  • komenci, ekiEsperanto
  • iniciar, empezar, comenzarSpanish
  • alustama, hakkamaEstonian
  • hasiBasque
  • اغاز کردن, شروع کردنPersian
  • alkaa, aloittaaFinnish
  • byrjaFaroese
  • commencerFrench
  • tosaighIrish
  • empezar, comezar, comenzar, iniciarGalician
  • התחילHebrew
  • शुरू होना, शुरू करनाHindi
  • kezd, elkezdHungarian
  • սկսելArmenian
  • comenciar, iniciarInterlingua
  • mulaiIndonesian
  • komencarIdo
  • byrja, hefjastIcelandic
  • cominciare, iniziareItalian
  • 開始, 始まる, 始めるJapanese
  • იწყება, დაიწყებაGeorgian
  • бастауKazakh
  • ចាប់ផ្ដើមKhmer
  • 시작하다Korean
  • баштооKyrgyz
  • incipere, initiare, committoLatin
  • ເລີ່ມLao
  • pradėtiLithuanian
  • sāktLatvian
  • почне, започнеMacedonian
  • mulaMalay
  • ibdaMaltese
  • Burmese
  • beginnen, aanvangenDutch
  • begynneNorwegian
  • començar, entamenarOccitan
  • zaczynać się, zaczynać, zacząć, zacząć sięPolish
  • iniciar, começarPortuguese
  • entschaiver, entscheiver, cumenzar, scumanzar, inizier, antschever, cumanzer, iniziarRomansh
  • începeRomanian
  • начинаться, начинать, начать, начатьсяRussian
  • pòčēti, по̀че̄тиSerbo-Croatian
  • ආරම්භ කරනවාSinhala, Sinhalese
  • začať, začínaťSlovak
  • začetiSlovene
  • fillojAlbanian
  • börja, begynna, inleda, påbörjaSwedish
  • ప్రారంభంTelugu
  • шуру кардан, шуруъ карданTajik
  • เริ่ม, เริ่มต้น, เริ่มทำThai
  • başlamakTurkmen
  • başlamakTurkish
  • башларгаTatar
  • починати, почати, починатися, початисяUkrainian
  • شروع کرناUrdu
  • boshlanmoq, boshlamoqUzbek
  • bắt đầuVietnamese
  • beginön, primönVolapük
  • באַגינעןYiddish

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  • English (English)


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