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Young woman with dark long wavy hair sleeping peacefully on belly on comfortable bed under white blanket near bedside table with alarm clock and smartphone Man in Blue Long Sleeve Shirt and Black and White Plaid Pants Sitting on Brown Couch A Person Winding His Wristwatch Content young ethnic female watching video on cellphone while lying on comfortable bed with long cylinder pillow in morning and enjoying free time Green summer field in countryside with long shadow of person Crop faceless young female in casual outfit wearing smart watch opening cosmetic bottle while standing against white background

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nautical brass lamp, stylish lamp navigation, light a long time sailing brass spyglass captain, stylish nautical telescope, nautical telescope in the box

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Synonyms for For a long time. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 11, from

Synonyms for For a long time. N.p., 2016. Web. 11 Apr. 2023. <>.

Synonyms for For a long time. 2016. Accessed April 11, 2023.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

I thought on her words for a long time.

Я потом долго вспоминал ее слова.

Have not heard new clever words for a long time?

Давно не слышали новые умные слова?

You will be comfortable, you will not have to pick up words for a long time.

Вам будет комфортно, не придется долго подбирать слова.

When reading a foreign text with an unimportant knowledge of the language, the look stops on unfamiliar words for a long time.

При чтении иностранного текста при неважном знании языка взгляд останавливается на незнакомых словах достаточно надолго.

Large brands and enterprises have been using such words for a long time for enticing their consumers.

Крупные бренды и предприятия давно используют такие слова для привлечения потенциальных клиентов.

But I had been used to words for a long time.

Но я давнёхо уж свыклась со словами.

In the United States a number of words for a long time not as pronounced as it is written in English.

В Соединенных Штатах ряд слов уже давно произносится не так, как написано в английских словарях.

Другие результаты

I haven’t heard that word for a long time.

There’s been no word for a long time.

He kept his word for a long time.

I have wanted to use that word for a long time.

Я давно хотела использовать это слово.

Thank you, Gorynych, we will remember you with a good word for a long time.

After reading Matthew 3:13-17, I could not utter a single word for a long time.

Перечитав Евангелие от Матфея 3:13-17, я долгое время не мог вымолвить и слова.

The word «Lubyanka» in the Soviet Union became a familiar word and for a long time had an ominous meaning.

The father and son were exactly petrified with astonishment, and when the strange vision disappeared and the door quietly shut again, they could not say a word for a long time.

Отец и сын точно окаменели от изумления, и когда странное видение исчезло и дверь вновь тихонько затворилась, они долго еще не могли вымолвить ни слова.

However, the new word for a long time after that was not used and was revived only famous Lavoisier in 1789, It became widespread, when everywhere are talking about the flight of the Montgolfier brothers on the first balloon.

Однако новое словечко долго после этого не употреблялось и было возрождено лишь знаменитым Лавуазье в 1789 г. Оно получило широкое распространение, когда всюду заговорили о полётах братьев Монгольфье на первых воздушных шарах.

Many of us had waited to hear those words for a mighty long time.

People have been trying to define the word friendship for a long time.

In 1968, he developed a class with positive, negative and mutual coupling, but the device is issued only one letter at a time — each word had for a long time to print.

В 1968 году он разработал класс с прямой, обратной и взаимной связью, но устройство выдавали только одну букву за раз — каждое слово приходилось долго печатать.

I chased «happiness» and used that word for a long time, but I think it’s mostly a waste of time.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Автоматический перевод

в течение длительного времени

Перевод по словам

long  — длинный, долгий, долго, давно, долгий срок, стремиться
time  — время, времена, раз, период, приурочить, повременный


He waited for a long time.

Он ждал долго / много времени.

She cut the deck for a long time.

Она долго снимала колоду.

Henry VIII reigned for a long time.

Генрих VIII царствовал долго.

I retain this drug for a long time.

Этот препарат долго выводится у меня из организма.

These potatoes keep for a long time.

Этот картофель долго лежит /хранится/.

I didn’t tumble to this for a long time.

Долгое время я не мог этого понять.

Chris hasn’t written me for a long time.

Крис уже давно мне не писал.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The screaming went on and on (=continued for a long time).  

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for a long time — перевод на русский

«Yes, I’ve loved Orie for a long time, since the first day I saw her.»

«Я давно люблю Ори, с нашей первой встречи.»


Он уже давно готов.

You’ve known me for a long time.

Ты давно меня знаешь.

I’ve had a poem running through my mind for a long time now.

Есть стихотворение, которое давно крутится у меня в голове.

We’ve been hanging around Axis ports for a long time, and we’ve seen what they do.

Вокруг уже давно вооружаются страны оси. и мы видели, к чему это приводит.

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The Virginia Challenge Cup, which our grand Lady Julia brought us, is something Clear Valley has been wanting for a long time.

Кубок Вирджинии, принесла нам великолепная Леди Джулиям. Ясная Долина мечтал о нем мечтал долгое время.

The eyes of a man who has undergone suffering, alone, for a long time.

Глаза человека, испытывавшего страдания, в одиночку, долгое время.

For a long time she wouldn’t eat anything except ravioli.

Долгое время она не хотела есть ничего, кроме пельменей.

I’ve been sitting here for a long time trying to add things up and now I know the whole score.

Я сидел здесь долгое время, пытаясь во всем разобраться и теперь я все понял.

For a long time now, the leader has been a charming fellow called Naga who seems to have all the sweetness and lovability of a mad dog.

Уже долгое время вожаком был очаровательный парень по имени Нага, который также мил и любвеобилен как бешеный пёс.

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I have wondered for a long time why it was said that Nosferatu took his coffins with him filled with dirt.

Я долго размышлял над тем, почему говорили, что Носферату привез с собой гробы с землей.

Are you going to stand still for a long time?

Ты там долго еще стоять собираешься?

I light a cigarette it lasts for a long time, my lighter doesn’t work properly…

Я закуриваю сигарету это длится долго, моя зажигалка плохо работает…

We’ve been together for a long time, Master.

Мы были вместе долго, господин.

Been looking for these guys for a long time.

Я так долго уже искал этих ребят.

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Here’s something I’ve had for a long time, over ten years.

я хранил его очень долго, больше дес€ти лет.

I could have gone on for a long time, except for this… and missed you by a half an hour all the time.

Я мог бы ходить очень долго, если бы не этот случай… и всегда расходиться на полчаса.

And I’m gonna for a long time.

— Да, и я буду петь очень долго! — Что ты имеешь в виду?

They might have the means of paying our corpse a visit, but I shouldn’t advise it for a long time.

Может быть, у них есть корабли, чтобы нанести визит нашим трупам. Только я бы этого им не советовал — очень долго.

Because you have something he has wanted for a long time.

Потому что у вас есть то, о ком и о чем, он очень долго мечтал.

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It isn’t that, but when you’ve been away for a long time, you…

А это и не так, но когда уезжаешь надолго, то…

After hearing this, the King pondered for a long time.

После этих слов король надолго задумался

You’ll stay for a long time, won’t you?

Вы ведь останетесь надолго, правда?

You’re going away for a long time?

— Ты уезжаешь надолго?

For a long time, son.

Надолго, сынок.

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Bored for a long time, bored watching the other men. While the other women in town were still asleep.

И она поняла, что ей уже давно скучно, что она давно смотрит на других мужчин, в то время, как другие женщины города ещё спали.

— You know, I do not sleep for a long time

— ¬ы знаете, € уже давно не сплюЕ

No, no. Not for a long time now.

Нет, уже давно нет.

You didn’t have it for a long time because you’ve been locked up.

У тебя их уже давно не было. Это из-за тюрьмы.

But there’s been nothing between us for a long time

Но между нами ничего не было уже давно.

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If I followed you, if I didn’t want to lose sight of you for one minute, if I perhaps embarrassed you, it’s because, for a long time, I’ve loved you.

Если я следила за вами… если я не хотела потерять вас из виду ни на минуту… если я вам, возможно, помешала… это потому, что уже очень давно… я люблю вас.

For a long time I’ve wished to see you again.

Я очень давно хотел снова вас увидеть.

I have known him for a long time.

Мы знакомы очень давно.

I have this feeling… inside my head that’s been haunting me for a long time.

Это чувство сидит у меня в башке и очень давно меня преследует.

Oh Jesus, I’ve been here for a long time

Я не видел Бентон очень давно.

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You, for example, for a long time you failed to catch me.

Вот вы, например, в течение долгого времени не могли меня поймать.

I’ve been wondering about this problem for a long time…

Я был озабочен этой проблемой в течение долгого времени.

Or for a long time.

Или в течение долгого времени.

Doing it for a long time.

Заниматься своим делом в течение долгого времени.

For a long time, I was fooled by Danton.

В течение долгого времени я терпел двуличность Дантона.

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She’d been getting out to meet me for a long time.

Мы встречались с ней довольно долго…

The crew has been on patrol for a long time.

Мой экипаж патрулирует уже довольно долго.

You see, we’ve worked together for a long time and this was to be our last job.

Да. Понимаете, мы довольно долго работали с ним вместе, и это дело должно было стать последним.

You look like you’ve been walking around for a long time.

Похоже, ты здесь бродишь уже довольно долго.

I did that shit for a long time.

Я занимался этим дерьмом довольно долго.

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Both the term and the outlook survived for a long time, the whole of medieval philosophy.

Этот термин и точка зрения продержались очень долгое время, На промежутке всей средневековой философии.

— I’ve been writing to her for a long time and I asked her for pictures so I could see how you were growing up.

— Я писал ей очень долгое время и просил выслать фотографии, чтобы видеть, как ты подрастаешь.

I was alone for a long time.

Я была очень долгое время одинока.

Look, I promise you, I haven’t been in contact with your mother for a long time.

Клянусь, я не виделась с вашей мамой уже очень долгое время.

But for a long time, I knew même that it did.

Но … в частности, я даже не знал о существовании геев, очень долгое время, пока рос.

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Tasks can be boring or fun. There seems to be no in between, and a lot of that enthusiasm depends on the length of the task in question. This article will specifically look into words we can use for tasks that will take a long time.

Which Words Can Describe A Task That Will Take A Long Time?

We can provide plenty of options to describe tasks of this nature. You should check out some of the following:

  • Time-consuming
  • Resource-intensive
  • Lengthy
  • Drawn-out
  • Extended
  • Prolonged
  • Protracted
  • Cumbersome
  • Arduous
  • Tedious
  • Boring

Words For A Task That Will Take A Long Time

The preferred version is “time-consuming” because it highlights the exact meaning we’re looking for. We can call tasks that are either boring or fun time-consuming. The idea is that they “consume” a lot of “time,” but we need not indicate whether we like the task or not.


“Time-consuming” is a great adjective we can use to talk about long tasks. We mainly use it negatively to show that we’re not happy about the amount of time something takes to complete. However, it can also be a positive adjective when needed to be.

The definition of “time-consuming,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “taking a lot of time to do or complete.”

  • These tasks are very time-consuming, but I’m a diligent worker and get them done.
  • I hate how time-consuming my days can be when the boss sets these tasks.
  • Stop setting time-consuming work for him. He’s suffered enough already!


“Resource-intensive” is a good adjective we can use with a more specific meaning. It refers to tasks that take a long time because of the amount of “resources” they demand from what is available in an office.

For example, if a system requires a lot of memory to run, it can be slower than usual. This is made worse if your office’s equipment is old-fashioned and lacks memory. The work could be slow through no fault of your own because it’s “resource-intensive.”

  • The resource-intensive tasks always make me lose my mind!
  • I don’t think you realize how resource-intensive this one was!
  • Stop giving us such resource-intensive tasks! How are we ever going to complete them?


“Lengthy” works when we want to show that a task continues for a long time. We use it mainly negatively, but it can also show that we might be happy with certain tasks that require more time than usual.

The definition of “lengthy,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “continuing for a long time.”

  • The lengthy tasks are always the ones that I look forward to doing.
  • Sometimes, it’s nice to have lengthier tasks! That way, you can switch your brain off and just get them done.
  • I want to stop with these lengthy jobs. I need to take a break from them!


“Drawn-out” shows that we are not best pleased with the length of a task. It is a negative adjective we can use to describe a task that takes more time than it deserves.

It’s a good word to share your disappointment with a superior. If you believe that the task did not require as much time or effort as you gave to it, you might want to use a word like this to explain yourself.

The definition of “drawn-out,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “lasting longer than is usual or necessary.”

  • You’ve managed to make this task more drawn-out than I thought possible!
  • I feel like this task has drawn-out for longer than I wanted it! I’m so sick of it already.
  • Can we stop handing out drawn-out jobs for the lackeys to do now, please?


“Extended” means that something is longer than usual. If someone is used to shorter tasks or jobs, we can use “extended” whenever we’ve decided to set them one that might take more time than they’re used to.

The definition of “extended,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “long or longer than usual.”

  • I have extended the hours required to complete this task. Hopefully, you’ll find them more suitable now.
  • If you’d like any more of these extended tasks, please do not hesitate to contact me.
  • I think you should look into getting an extended record for this. The longer the employment, the better.


“Prolonged” means that something is designed to last for a long time. Often, tasks like this don’t require much brain power, but they certainly require a great deal of dedication.

Sometimes, the most boring jobs are the ones that take the longest time. Therefore, we need to find somebody who is willing to commit some hours into a task no matter how boring it might seem to them.

The definition of “prolonged,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “continuing for a long time.”

  • The prolonged tasks have managed to keep my workforce busy for a very long time.
  • I didn’t mean to set so many prolonged jobs for you. I’ll try to find someone to help you lighten the load.
  • Oh, no! This task is going to be a prolonged one! I need to find the time to set aside for it.


“Protracted” means that something takes a long time to complete. It works well when we want to use something other than “prolonged” to show that it requires a great deal of effort or time.

The definition of “protracted,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “lasting for a long time or made to last longer than necessary.”

  • I have set a few tasks that might be a little protracted, but they’re necessary.
  • You should find attached a list of protracted jobs that I need you to delegate for me.
  • If you think I’m going to do a job that protracted for you anytime soon, you can think again!


“Cumbersome” is great to show that we aren’t particularly thrilled with the length of a task. It means that we have a difficult time managing our time and effort because we find it much longer than it needs to be.

The definition of “cumbersome,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “difficult to do or manage and taking a lot of time and effort.”

  • These tasks are particularly cumbersome. I think we should talk to the boss about them.
  • Do you mind giving me such cumbersome tasks when I’m supposed to be on vacation?
  • I need to find a job that’s less cumbersome. I’m sick of the long hours!


“Arduous” works when we want to show that something is difficult because it is long and requires a lot of effort. Typically, arduous jobs are difficult because they require our minds to be active at all times.

Some people only have another “bandwidth” for a certain amount of time in their job roles or with the tasks they do. Therefore, if a task is not only long but challenging, it can prove too difficult for some people.

The definition of “arduous,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “difficult, needing a lot of effort and energy.”

  • The arduous tasks set by our managers are getting a little out of control.
  • I can’t handle all these arduous tasks! I need a break before I go mad.
  • Let’s not agree to do any more of the arduous tasks! They’re not worth our time!


“Tedious” allows us to be a little more specific with our inspiration or enjoyment from a job. We can use it to show that it’s long, but it also shows that we are not happy about doing it and will find it boring.

“Tedious” is a bit harsh when used to talk about all long tasks. While some tasks are long, they don’t always have to be synonymous with the word “boring.” However, some people simply avoid tasks that take more than a few hours for this very reason.

The definition of “tedious,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “boring.”

  • The boss has set some pretty tedious tasks for us over the coming weeks.
  • These tasks are very tedious. I think we might be able to speed them up if we work together but not by much.
  • I don’t want to have to do any more tedious data-entry jobs. I’m sick of them!


Again, if we want to be more specific about whether we will enjoy the task (or not), then “boring” is a good option. It doesn’t specifically refer to the amount of time the task will take, but the implication is that it will be long and uninspiring.

Most people find longer tasks to be boring. If they take up far too much of someone’s time, they might find that they’re bored beyond belief. That’s why we can use this word just as well as “tedious.”

The definition of “boring,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “not interesting or exciting.”

  • This task is so boring! I really didn’t want to do it, but the boss made me.
  • I think this is incredibly boring! I wish there were something else I could be doing right now.
  • Well, it’s definitely going to be a boring task. It’s going to take at least a couple of hours!

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martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

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