Best word to say beautiful

bragelinaDo you have a hard time finding different ways to describe beautiful and attractive things, experiences, and people?

English has so many ways to say the same thing. This rich mix of different tongues and the evolution of English (much thanks to our friend Shakespeare) has made English the beautiful mélange [mixture] that it is today. Pay attention to the Etymology of some of the words below.

FREE Guide: 101 Words You Won’t Learn in School

Your native language probably has an elaborate selection of words to describe beauty and attraction, but you probably only know a few in English.  By creating a rich vocabulary, you enrich your English and sound much more natural.

The 16 Most Common Synonyms For Beauty

*Organized from innocent to more suggestive of romantic and/or sexual interest

1. Cute can be used to describe a dog, a baby, or a person you are attracted to in a romantic or non-romantic way.  To call somebody cute is often the first phase of romantic interest, but it can also be confused with a plutonic/NON-romantic love.


2. Adorable has the same sense as cute, but it’s a bit stronger. It’s a way to talk about a lighter, more playful form of beauty that can be applied to pets, babies/kids, and people for whom you may or may not have a romantic attraction.  Adore as a verb, however, means to have a deep love and respect for someone.


3. Attractive is the most generic and objective way to say that another person has a pleasing appearance. It does not necessarily denote romantic interest. This is a word you might use to talk about a person (to objectively describe someone as good-looking) and not to a person your interested in.


4. Good-looking is one of the most common ways to describe a person who is attractive. Although good-looking is a little more suggestive of romantic intentions than the word attractive, it does not necessarily denote romantic interest.  It is used to talk about people who have a pleasing appearance. Good-looking comes from to look good (e.g. you look good in that dress).


Learn English with Friends: Ross’s Beautiful Cousin

5. Beautiful is the classic way to describe a feminine beauty (at least when talking about people), which often expresses both outer and inner beauty. Calling a person of the opposite sex beautiful (i.e. you are beautiful) is more and more suggestive of romantic interest because it could denote attraction to their whole being.

This is, however, different than saying “you look beautiful” (a compliment on somebody’s current appearance which may or may not denote romantic interest). It’s also important to keep in mind that a woman (especially) often compliments another woman’s physical beauty without romantic intentions, as a man may (to a woman). But it’s rare to hear a heterosexual man describe another man as beautiful.

*Important Cultural Note: With romantic intentions, beautiful is generally used to describe a feminine or very intimate beauty. So, in English speaking cultures, it’s not common for a woman to call a man beautiful unless she was describing a more delicate type of beauty. While a man would call a woman beautiful, a woman would call a man good-looking, cute, or even handsome. Also keep in mind that beautiful is not just used to describe people, but also places and things, which is much more universal.


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6. Handsome is a word that is traditionally used to describe an attractive man. In the United States, this is a more old-fashioned word, and is rarely used by younger generations, while Australians of all ages use this to describe attractive men all the time.

In the U.S. the general tendency (for younger people) in describing an attractive man isn’t to use beautiful or handsome (although they aren’t incorrect).  Most people younger than 40 would use good-looking or cute in this situation.


7. Pretty is similar to beautiful in meaning, but in a more innocent and/or physical way. Beautiful is a more powerful and complete concept (beauty can describe not just outer beauty, but also inner beauty, as well as grace), and has more of an impact. Pretty, on the other hand, may be more based on physical appearance that can be molded by cosmetics. While it does denote attraction and there’s nothing superficial about this word, pretty is not as deep and significant as beautiful. It’s also not so formal.

Note: This is another word describing feminine beauty. A woman would generally never call a man “pretty.” Another common collocation is for a witch to call kids “my pretties” when she has a malicious intention.


8. Gorgeous is another synonym for beautiful that denotes a very powerful physical attraction. While the world beautiful may have more of an inner/outer quality, gorgeous is purely physical attraction. This can be used for both feminine and masculine beauty, although it is more common for women to use this to describe men.


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9. Lovely is a synonym for what is generally a feminine beauty that describes an elegant and/or radiant beauty. You can also use it to describe things and events (i.e. I had a lovely time at the park, my vacation was lovely, etc). This is used a lot in posh British English.


10. Exquisite means to be beautiful in a very delicate and refined way. Similar to the word lovely, when describing people, exquisite denotes an extreme feminine beauty. Employing similar qualities (delicate, refined, etc), we can use exquisite to talk about food, wine, an experience, and anything else that demands a keen/sensitive attention to details.


11. Stunning is a surprising and/or shocking appearance, which supposedly may even cause the loss of consciousness. It is commonly used to describe feminine beauty, but can be used to describe a man too.


12. Foxy is another word that is used in English to describe a very attractive woman or man. You can say “she’s foxy,” or “She is a fox,” although this word is not used so much nowadays (it’s more 7o’s slang). The literal meaning of a fox is a wild animal (similar to a dog- see definition below), and the origin of the British word is foxismonitism, which means young and attractive.

Check your translations: When I was a beginning Spanish speaker in Mexico, I learned that the literal translation for fox in Spanish was zorra. So I was on a date with a foxy woman one night, and everything was going really well until I looked her in the eyes and said “eres muy zorra” and she surprised me with a slap in the face. Apparently zorra means prostitute in Spanish.


13. Radiant is a bright, or shining kind of beautiful that is specifically used to describe feminine beauty. This is a beauty that is vibrant with light, luminosity, life, energy and health. It also is common to use this as a temporal, in-the-moment beauty.


14. Sexy is a word that I believe translates into other languages and most people have an understanding of. It means that the person is attractive in a very sexual, sensual way, that they cause excitement. Nowadays, however, when used in a colloquial sense, sexy can sometimes be used to describe exciting, glamorous and/or trendy things, like a “sexy new guitar,” or a “sexy new computer” (similar to chic).


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15. Hot is similar to sexy in that it’s an attractiveness that provokes sexual interest or even lust. You can say that “he is hot,” or that “he is a hottie.” Both hot and sexy are slightly objectifying. Here’s a definition from urban dictionary.


16. Babe is noun used to describe a very beautiful woman (or in rare cases, a man). It’s to the same degree as gorgeous, but it’s definitely not as common as it used to be. You’ll certainly see a lot of pop cultural references though in old movies and songs.


59 More Common Synonyms and Collocations For Beauty 

These are in Alphabetical Order with a asterisk* next to ones that I perceive to be more popular

  • *Aesthetically Pleasing (adj) is a more objective way to say that it pleases the senses. It’s much more common to use this to describe design than human beings (it’s very objective).
  • *Appealing (adj) : Something that is attractive or interesting (it appeals to you). We use this to talk about things and/or ideas, and it doesn’t commonly connote romantic intention with people.
  • *Alluring (adj): Something that seduces or lures you in a mysterious way.  You can say this about a person or a thing.
  • *Amazing (adj): Something or someone that surprises or impresses you (when describing a person, this is more of an in-depth feeling, not strictly external beauty).
  • *Angelic (adj)/ an Angel (n): Is another way to describe something of a religious connotation, or, when describing a person, a mystical or sacred type of connection or beauty.
  • *Banging (bangin’) (adj) (Banging) is an informal but popular slang expression meaning sexy or hot when describing a person (mainly used to describe women), but can also mean that something is awesome (non-sexual). It comes from the verb bang, which means to hit hard, and can also be a synonym for “to have sex.”
  • A Beauty/ A Beaut (n) is to describe a particularly perfect example of something (for things and people), mainly used by men.
  • Becoming (adj) is more of an elegant word meaning that it brings out the beauty, such as a nice dress or shirt that makes a person or thing more beautiful. It can also mean that it is appropriate, or fits well with something.
  • Beguiling (adj) is a type of beauty that is charming and attractive, but sometimes in a clever or deceptive way.
  • Bewitching/Bewitched (adj) has the quality of “casting a spell” on somebody, being hypnotized, or losing control, as is often the case with romantic desires.
  • Bootylicious (adj) the name of a famous Destiny’s Child song is a combination of the words booty (butt or ass) with delicious. This is a more “curvaceous” or voluptuous (as referring to a full-figured or bigger woman) form of sexual attractiveness.
  • *Breathtaking (adj) is something that takes the breath away and if often used to describe natural beauty or something of extreme grace.
  • Buxom (adj) is a particularly voluptuous and/or big-breasted form of feminine beauty.
  • *Captivating (adj) is a type of beauty that surprises and holds you captive (prisoner). This is often used to describe people and things that grab you and leave you without control.
  • *Charming (adj) is a pleasantly hypnotic aspect of a person that may have more to do with their behavior and/or presence. This is used much more to describe the ideal man (i.e. prince charming) in a romantic sense than a woman. Similar to bewitched and enchanting.
  • Comely (adj) is a word that originates from “becoming” and has a similar meaning. This is an attractive combination, or something that fits well together, such as clothes, or a couple that complements each other.
  • Dainty (adj) is a delicate or exquisite feminine beauty. This word is a bit old-fashioned and common in old-English literature.
  • *Dazzling (adj) is something or someone who dazzles you, or blinds you with a bright and surprising light that confuses your vision.
  • Delightful (adj) is something that delights, or pleases you. When talking about beauty, it’s something that pleases the senses.
  • *Divine (adj) is a word used to describe a heavenly or sacred type beauty, similar to angelic. 
  • Doll (n) is a bit of an outdated/old-fashioned adjective to describe beauty or cuteness, most likely originating from toy dolls . It has a connotation of smooth, delicate features, with a hint of innocence. You might see these in old movies.
  • Dreamy (adj) is a type of human beauty that invokes a person to daydream (to fantasize about something). Although this word is outdated/old-fashioned, a teenage girl might describe her crush (the person she likes) as dreamy.
  • *Drop-Dead (adj) Gorgeous is a common collocation for a woman or man who is so attractive that your heart will stop beating. Drop-dead is only used to describe people.
  • * Eye-Catching refers to something that catches/grabs the eyes and attention from people, literally attracting looks from all around.  As exemplified
  • Easy on the eyes (adj) is a type of beauty that makes it easy to look at that person. It is, of course, an understatement (the presence of something as being smaller). Also Not Hard to Look At.
  • *Eye-Candy (n) is an informal slang expression meaning that something tastes good to your eyes, but doesn’t have a lot of depth. Although it is not a bad word, it is very direct and sexual.
  • Enchanting (adj) is a beauty or appeal that has the power to enchant, or “casts a spell” over you (uses magic to change your state). This can be used with people and things. Similar to charming and bewitched.
  • *Fabulous (adj) is a beauty or appeal that inspires wonder. Similar to wonderful and amazing.
  • Fair (adj) is a very delicate form of beauty that comes from old-English (i.e. my fair lady or the ).  It also means just, or light-skinned and/or blonde.
  • *Fine (adj) is a 90’s slang word meaning sexy or attractive (man or woman), often used by young people.
  • *Fly (adj) is a 90’s ghetto slang word that means anything from cool, to sort of a mix between beautiful and cool. It can be used to describe a person or a thing. 
  • Fetching (adj) is an adjective meaning attractive that comes from old English. ‘To Fetch” literally means “to go get” or “grab.” It can be used for things and people. 
  • *A Goddess (n) is literally a female deity, but when describing an attractive female it means that she is so beautiful that she has a sacred, divine quality that is almost superhuman.
  • Glamorous (adj) means to possess a magical and/or exciting charm, or glamour.
  • Glorious (adj) is a type of appeal that evokes splendor, admiration, and glory.
  • *Graceful (adj) is an elegant type of beauty, often delicate in appearance or movement.
  • *A Head turner (n) is a person so beautiful that they cause people to turn their heads to look at them as they walk or drive past (often causing car accidents).
  • Heart-stopping (adj) is an extreme and surprising type of beauty that is said to “stop the heart.”
  • *Hottie (adj) is a synonym, often used by adolescents or young people, to describe someone who is sexy and attractive. Urban dictionary defines “hottie” as someone who physically attractive but doesn’t know it yet.
  • Hypnotic (adj) is somebody who is so attractive that they hypnotize you in a way that you lose control.
  • *Irresistible (adj) is a type of attraction or appeal that cannot be resisted. This is often used to describe a beautiful person, but is also used to describe emotions, feelings, and impulses.
  • *A Looker (n) is a synonym for somebody who “looks good,” as in good-looking, typically used to describe a young woman.
  • *Luscious (adj) is literally something that tastes good, rich, and sweet. As is often the case, the sensual experience of food transfers over to describe somebody who is sensually attractive.
  • *Magnetic (adj) is an attractiveness or appeal that acquires the quality of a magnet, that lures, pulls you toward it.
  • *Magnificent (adj) is an impressive and extravagant type of beauty that can be used to describe a person or a thing. 
  • *Marvelous (adj) is an adjective that literally means to inspire wonder, awe, and admiration. It can be used to describe a strong attraction or appeal toward a person, or a thing. 
  • *Nice (adj) is a colloquial synonym for beautiful that also means pleasant and enjoyable. When talking about a female (and possibly a male), saying that person is “nice” implies sexual attraction (Australian English).
  • *A Perfect 10 (n) is a person (usually a woman) who gets a perfect score on a scale of 1 to 10. This 1 to 10 scale/scorecard is a way shallower men tend to objectify women and give them a superficial grade for their beauty so they can systemize and communicate their conquests with their friends. For example, a 10 is perfect, a 9 could be very beautiful/gorgeous, an 8 is beautiful, a 7 is cute, and a 6 is okay.
  • *Ravishing (adj) is an extreme and/or stunning beauty that hypnotizes you.
  • Riveting (adj) is something that fully captures your attention in a positive way to the point of losing control.
  • Seductive (adj) is a type of beauty that seduces you, attracts you, and tempts you.
  • Sensuous (adj) is another word describing purely physical beauty, referring to the appreciation of a person’s physical qualities.
  • *Smoking (smokin’ hot) is a person that is so hot (sexy) that smoke emits from them (figuratively). Urban dictionary defines it as “beyond the point of (more than) really hot.”
  • *Spectacular (adj) is a type of beauty that is dramatic and impressive, that evokes peoples attention as a spectacle. This is used for both people and things.
  • *Striking Beauty (adj) is a common collocation with beauty that describes it as something that strikes, or hits you hard, causing an impact.
  • *Sublime (adj) is a type of beauty that is almost spiritual or sacred, and that inspires admiration. This can be used to describe people, but it’s more often used to describe things. 
  • Taking (adj) is a type of person who captivates (grabs or takes you into possession) with their beauty or charm. This is not commonly used nowadays.
  • A Traffic Stopper (n) refers to a person who is so attractive that they stop traffic. Whatever the reason, this is usually a reference to women. This can be used to describe fascinating and beautiful things as well.
  • Winsome (adj) describes someone is attractive in physical appearance of character. This is not commonly used nowadays.
  • *Wonderful (adj) is a beauty or appeal that inspires wonder, amazement, curiosity.

Return from 75 Ways to Say Beautiful to Top Real Life English Articles

admirable, adorable, alluring, angelic, appealing, beauteous, bewitching, captivating, charming, classy, comely, cute, dazzling, delicate, delightful, divine, elegant, enthralling, enticing, excellent, exquisite, fair, fascinating, fetching, fine, foxy, good-looking, gorgeous, graceful, grand, handsome, ideal, inviting …

Simply so What is the synonym and antonym of flow? ˈfloʊ) The act of flowing or streaming; continuous progression. Antonyms. rise recede ascend ride linger stay in place precede. move outpouring motion overflow flood.

What is a word for beyond beautiful? Some common synonyms of gorgeous are glorious, resplendent, splendid, sublime, and superb. While all these words mean “extraordinarily or transcendently impressive,” gorgeous implies a rich splendor especially in display of color.

also How do you say beautiful without saying it? +45 Ways to Say YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL in English

  1. You are so adorable.
  2. I have never seen anyone as beautiful as you.
  3. You make my heart melt.
  4. Your beauty is incomparable.
  5. Your smile melts my heart.
  6. Lovely.
  7. Dazzling.
  8. Tip-top.

How do you describe a hot girl?

9 words you can use to make a woman feel sexy

  • Tell her she’s enticing. …
  • Tell her she’s captivating. …
  • Tell her she’s alluring if you feel her sexiness actually drawing and luring you to her. …
  • Call her sensuous when the flirtation gets really deep and it is only a matter of time before you both seal the deal.

What’s something that flows? something that flows; stream. an outpouring or discharge of something, as in a stream: a flow of blood. menstruation. an overflowing; flood. the rise of the tide (opposed to ebb).

What does the word circulate?

Definition of circulate

intransitive verb. 1 : to move in a circle, circuit, or orbit especially : to follow a course that returns to the starting point blood circulates through the body. 2 : to pass from person to person or place to place: such as. a : to flow without obstruction.

What is the antonyms of flow? ▲ (flow from) Opposite of to proceed or be produced continuously. diminish. subside.

What word means beautiful and strong?

[ puhl-kri-tood-n-uhs, -tyood- ] SHOW IPA. / ˌpʌl krɪˈtud n əs, -ˈtyud- / PHONETIC RESPELLING.

What is slang for gorgeous? comely (old-fashioned), prepossessing, hot (informal), fit (British, informal), lush (slang)

What is the most powerful word for beautiful?

  1. Stunning. Stunning is used to describe someone who is very attractive. …
  2. Enthralling. The word “enthralling” comes from the word “thrall,” which is a historical word meaning servant or slave. …
  3. Breath-taking. This one is pretty self-explanatory. …
  4. Radiant. …
  5. Exquisite. …
  6. Mesmerizing. …
  7. Sublime. …
  8. Divine.

How do you say you are hot? 6 Ways to say it’s very hot!

  1. It’s sweltering!
  2. It’s boiling hot!
  3. We’re having a heatwave!
  4. It’s like a furnace/oven outside!
  5. It’s so hot you can fry an egg on the pavement!
  6. It’s scorching!

How do you say someone looks hot?

  1. Fit (not used in the US) The main meaning of ‘fit’is that the person is healthy and exercises a lot, but it has also come to mean attractive, and especially someone with a nice body. Wow, that guy standing at the bar is so fit!
  2. Foxy. Think of the Jimi Hendrix song “Foxy Lady. …
  3. Gorgeous. …
  4. Hot. …
  5. Ravishing. …
  6. Stunning.

How do you make a girl pretty over text?

You could try:

  1. “You are so perfect. I can’t hide my feelings any longer—you’re just too stunning for me to shut up about it.”
  2. “Your beauty moves me in a way that’s hard to explain. …
  3. “Getting to see you is the highlight of my day. …
  4. “I apologize if this is a little bit forward, but I think you’re totally gorgeous.”

How can a woman look sexier? How to be sexy? 6 tips for women to look sexier and feel confident!

  1. There is nothing sexier than eye contact. Advertisement. …
  2. The inner you also needs to be sexy. There is no doubt that physical appearance can be made sexier. …
  3. Keep your hair in place. …
  4. A red dress is always magical. …
  5. Wear high heels. …
  6. Use the magic of your touch.

How do you say hot slang? Other slang words for attractive people include:

  1. a ten / a perfect ten. This probably comes from rating people’s appearance on a scale of 1 to 10.
  2. a looker / a stunner. …
  3. hot stuff. …
  4. foxy (usually used for women, with “lady”) …
  5. a stud / a hunk (only for men) …
  6. a babe (usually for women, although occasionally for men as well)

What are some flirty compliments?

Compliments for women

  • Your mind is just as sexy as your beauty.
  • I miss your smile.
  • You’re an amazing friend.
  • I can’t believe I found someone like you.
  • I get excited every time I see you.
  • I love making you laugh.
  • You’re my best friend.
  • I’ll always have your back.

What is the adjective form of flow? adjective. moving in or as in a stream: flowing water. proceeding smoothly or easily; facile: flowing language. long, smooth, graceful, and without sudden interruption or change of direction: flowing lines; flowing gestures.

What is the synonym of rhythm?

beat, cadence, tempo, time, pace, pulse, throb, lilt, swing. technical periodicity. 2’poetic features such as rhythm, rhyme, and alliteration’ metre, measure, pattern, stress, accent, pulse, time, flow, cadence.

What is difference between circulation and recirculate? As verbs the difference between circulate and recirculate

is that circulate is to move in circles or through a circuit while recirculate is to (l) again.

What is the adverb form of circulate?

circlingly. So as to circle; with a circling motion.

What is the adjective form of circulate? circulative. Promoting circulation; circulating.

  • alluring
  • appealing
  • charming
  • cute
  • dazzling
  • delicate
  • delightful
  • elegant
  • exquisite
  • fascinating
  • fine
  • good-looking
  • gorgeous
  • graceful
  • grand
  • handsome
  • lovely
  • magnificent
  • marvelous
  • pleasing
  • pretty
  • splendid
  • stunning
  • superb
  • wonderful
  • admirable
  • angelic
  • beauteous
  • bewitching
  • classy
  • comely
  • divine
  • enticing
  • excellent
  • fair
  • foxy
  • ideal
  • nice
  • pulchritudinous
  • radiant
  • ravishing
  • refined
  • resplendent
  • shapely
  • sightly
  • statuesque
  • sublime
  • symmetrical
  • taking
  • well-formed

On this page you’ll find 137 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to beautiful, such as: alluring, appealing, charming, cute, dazzling, and delicate.

antonyms for beautiful

  • awkward
  • bad
  • coarse
  • crude
  • drab
  • dull
  • homely
  • horrible
  • inelegant
  • inferior
  • insignificant
  • offensive
  • ordinary
  • paltry
  • poor
  • repulsive
  • rough
  • ugly
  • uncouth
  • unrefined
  • disgusting
  • grotesque
  • hideous
  • plain
  • unattractive

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

TRY USING beautiful

See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.


What are other ways to say beautiful?

A person or thing that is beautiful has perfection of form, color, etc., or noble and spiritual qualities: a beautiful landscape, a beautiful woman. Handsome often implies stateliness or pleasing proportion and symmetry: a handsome man. That which is lovely is beautiful but in a warm and endearing way: a lovely smile. Pretty implies a moderate but noticeable beauty, emphasizing gracefulness or delicacy: a pretty flower.

How to use beautiful in a sentence

Along the way, you’ll visit a women’s weaving cooperative, learn how to make tortillas, and hunker down at beautiful glamping sites, one of which has front-row views of Fuego, a very active volcano.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • adorable
  • agreeable
  • alluring
  • beautiful
  • beckoning
  • bewitching
  • captivating
  • charming
  • comely
  • enchanting
  • engaging
  • enthralling
  • enticing
  • fair
  • fascinating
  • fetching
  • glamorous
  • good-looking
  • gorgeous
  • handsome
  • hunky
  • interesting
  • inviting
  • looker
  • lovely
  • luring
  • magnetic
  • mesmeric
  • pleasant
  • pleasing
  • prepossessing
  • pretty
  • provocative
  • seductive
  • stunning
  • taking
  • tantalizing
  • teasing
  • tempting
  • winning
  • winsome
  • amazing
  • astonishing
  • beautiful
  • cool
  • excellent
  • exceptional
  • fabulous
  • great
  • impressive
  • intense
  • marvelous
  • mind-blowing
  • outstanding
  • remarkable
  • terrific
  • wonderful
  • acceptable
  • agreeable
  • attractive
  • beautiful
  • comely
  • cute
  • effective
  • enhancing
  • excellent
  • fair
  • graceful
  • handsome
  • neat
  • nice
  • presentable
  • pretty
  • seemly
  • tasteful
  • welcome
  • well-chosen
  • alluring
  • beautiful
  • captivating
  • charming
  • desirable
  • enchanting
  • engaging
  • enthralling
  • enticing
  • fascinating
  • glamorous
  • lovely
  • luring
  • pretty
  • seductive
  • tempting
  • winning
  • winsome
  • adorable
  • beautiful
  • charming
  • dainty
  • delightful
  • pleasant
  • pretty
  • adorable
  • beautiful
  • charming
  • dainty
  • delightful
  • pleasant
  • pretty

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

You are beautiful in other languages

BEAUTIFUL! Across the globe, this simple word is used as an expression of admiration, applause, acclaim, adulation, and appreciation. Our rich earth is filled with an abundance of beauty and every language has a way of expressing this out loud. If you’re looking for another word for beautiful, you’ve certainly arrived at the right place! Continue reading to discover more than 100 ways to say beautiful in different languages of the world.

Beauty is simply reality seen with the eyes of love

The dictionary defines beautiful as pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically and of a very high standard. As possessing qualities that give great pleasure or satisfaction

Similar words: attractive, handsome, pretty, good-looking, alluring, gorgeous, lovely, stunning.

The word beautiful is guaranteed to induce feelings of delight and happiness. An easy way of making someone feel loved, acknowledged, and appreciated.

Beauty however, is not limited to physical appearance, but can be used to describe anything that moves you, such as a beautiful tropical island, a beautiful sunset, a beautiful book, a beautiful song, a beautiful mind, a beautiful soul. Maybe even an exotic food?

Life is short in the pursuit of finding beauty, but there’s certainly no shortage of words for beautiful and ways to say beautiful in many languages from around the world.

The words may be different, but the good intentions and intended joy are one and the same, with infinite feelings no matter which country you may find yourself in. You can learn a lot about a region and its inhabitants from the way the locals express themselves and an advantage of traveling is this insight gained. 

It’s always a good idea to know a few words in the language of the country you’re exploring. Start conversations, impress the locals, and make a new best friend by learning these other words too:

  • HELLO in every language of the world
  • I LOVE YOU in different languages of the world
  • CHEERS in all languages of the world
  • GOODBYE in other languages
  • THANK YOU in another language
  • GOOD MORNING in a different language
  • GOOD NIGHT in different languages

Beautiful Around the World

Did you know: Where does the term BEAUTIFUL come from?

The etymological origin of the word is from Middle English bewtefulbeautefull (which meant attractive to the eye).

The word beauty is from Anglo-French bealte. This can be traced back to Vulgar Latin noun bellitās (stem bellitāt-), a derivative of the Latin adjective bellus meaning “charming, pretty, pleasant, nice,” which is related to Latin bonus which mean “good or virtuous.”

The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.

Hellen Keller

beautiful in another language

Continue reading to discover the complete list of beautiful in different languages. Copy and paste, save to your phone, or print out and stick it in your passport. I’ll be continually updating this as I discover even more ways of saying beautiful in other languages.

Be sure to bookmark this post so that it’ll always be on hand for when the moment strikes.

If you wanted to say beautiful to every person in the world, you would need to learn those words from over 7,000 languages.

Fortunately, just by reading this guide I have put together for you, you will be able to say beautiful to more than 90% of the people in the world. So whether you find yourself in Africa, Europe, Asia, or America, I’ve got you covered, my beautiful friend.

Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.

Khalil Gibran

10 Other Creative Ways to Say You Are Beautiful

In addition to saying the word beautiful in other languages,
here are a couple other phrases you could use.

  • You light up the world
  • Your beauty is incomparable
  • Your smile melts my heart
  • You are heavenly
  • You are glowing from within
  • I can’t take my eyes off of you
  • Wow, you are gorgeous
  • I love the way you look today!
  • Watching you is like listening to angels sing
  • I have never seen anyone as beautiful as you


Calling someone beautiful is sure to bring a huge smile to their face.

Here’s your ultimate guide on how to say beautiful in a different language.
Over 100 ways to acknowledge beauty in the most spoken languages of the world.

With pronunciation. In brackets you will find how to pronounce the word as it can often be difficult to know how to vocalise the word just by reading or looking at the direct translation.

Are you ready to take a trip around the world and learn how to convey beautiful vibes?

I have included beautiful in every language I could think of. If you don’t spot your language, let me know (in the comments) and I will be happy to add it to this list.

Scroll to the bottom for a little bonus! ↓↓

you are beautiful in different languages

Speaking of beauty, describe your great love for wanderlust with these:
50 beautiful words for travel

How do I say BEAUTIFUL in another language? Every language in the world here ↓

Let’s get into it…

Here’s how you say “beautiful” in:


  • pragtige
    — is the Afrikaans word for beautiful
  • mooi

Afrikaans is a West Germanic language of Southern Africa mostly derived from Dutch. It developed as Dutch settlers and indigenous African mixed languages beginning in the 17th century. Today, an estimated 15 to 23 million people call Afrikaans their mother tongue. It is mainly spoken in South Africa and Namibia and can also be heard in parts of Botswana and Zimbabwe.


  • bukur
    — is the Albanian word for beautiful

Albanian is an Indo-European language, spoken mainly in Albania and Kosovo, though it is also spoken in other areas of the Balkans. With about 7.5 million speakers, it comprises an independent branch within the Indo-European languages and is not closely related to any other language in Europe.


  • scheen
    — is the Alsatian word for beautiful

Alsatian is a West Germanic language spoken by around 900,000 people, mainly in the Alsace region of northeastern France.


  • k’onijo ቆንጆ
    — is the Amharic word for beautiful

Amharic is a Semitic language and the official language of Ethiopia. It can also be heard in Egypt and Eritrea, as well as in Israel, Sweden, Canada and the United States.


Arabic words have slight difference between the masculine and feminine form of the word. Also, words in Arabic change a fair bit based on the country or region in which it is spoken.

  • جميلة (jamila)
    — feminine version of beautiful in Arabic language

    جميل (jamil)
    masculine version of beautiful in Arabic language

    You can also use any of these:

  • حلوة (hellwa)
  • فاتن (fatan)
  • وسيم (wasim)

Arabic (العربية) is a Semitic language spoken by over 420 million people as their first language in areas including North Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, and other parts of the Middle East. Many more people can also understand it as a second language. Modern Standard Arabic is the liturgical language for 1.6 billion Muslims and is the official written form of the language with the Arabic alphabet, which is written from right to left.


  • bonic
    — beautiful in Aragonese

Aragonese is a language in the Romance language family that is native to Spain and spoken by just over 10, 000 people in the Pyrenees valley of Aragon.


  • geghets’ik գեղեցիկ
    — beautiful in Armenian
  • հաճելի

Armenian is an Indo-European language spoken in the Republic of Armenia, as well as in large communities of Armenian diaspora by around 6.7 million people.


  • ধুনীয়া
    — beautiful in Assamese

Assamese is an Indo-Aryan language spoken in the northeast Indian state of Assam, where it is an official language. Native to India and Bangladesh, it is spoken by over 23 million people.


  • gözəl
    — is the Azerbaijani word for beautiful

Azerbaijani or Azeri is the primary and official language of Azerbaijan by its 8.8 million native speakers. It is also widely spoken in Northern Iran and to a small extent in southern Dagestan, the Kvemo Kartli region of Georgia, eastern Turkey, in Shia cities of Iraq, like Karbala and Kirkuk. The language is a Turkic language and is highly intelligible with modern-day Turkish.


  • ederra
     is the Basque word that translates as beautiful

Basque (euskara) is a language spoken in the Basque Country (Gipuzkoa, Araba, Bizkaia) and Navarra (in Spain) as well as in the French Basque Country (Labourd, Soule and Basse-Navarre). Linguistically, Basque is a language isolate and is unrelated to the other languages of Europe.

Bavarian / Austrian German

  • to say beautiful in Bavarian use:

Bavarian is a regional dialect of German spoken in the German state of Bavaria, western Austria, and Northeastern Italy by over 14 million people. It uses German grammar, but takes several root words from Latin.


  • pryhožaja прыгожы
  • выда́тны

Belarusian is the official language of Belarus. This East Slavic language is also spoken in Russia, Ukraine and Poland.


  • sundara সুন্দর
    — is the Bengali noun for beautiful

Bengali বাংলা is the only official language of Bangladesh, one of the 22 official languages of India, and the sixth most spoken language in the world. It is spoken as a first language by the majority of the population in Bangladesh, as well as people in the Indian state of West Bengal.


  • Nik
  • lagat balu

Bhojpuri is an Indo-Aryan language, considered to be one of the most rapidly growing languages in the world, spoken in northern-eastern India and the Terai region of Nepal.


  •  नायनो मोजां हिनजाव Nayno Mojam Hinyav

Bodo बर’/बड़ is the Sino-Tibetan language spoken primarily by the Bodo people of Northeast India, Nepal and Bengal. It is official language of the Bodoland Autonomous region and co-official language of the state of Assam in India.


  • prekrasno
    — is the Bosnian word for beautiful
  • lijep

Bosnian, a south Slavic language of the Indo-European family, is the official language of Bosnia and is essentially the same language as Croatian and Serbian. All three languages used to be known as Serbo-Croatian before the break-up of Yugoslavia.

Brazilian Portuguese

  • bela
    —is the word for beautiful in Brazilian Portuguese
  • bonito

Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil) is the variety of Portuguese dialect spoken in Brazil. It is spoken by virtually all of the 200 million inhabitants of Brazil and spoken widely across the Brazilian diaspora. European Portuguese differs from the Brazilian variety in pronunciation, as well as in some vocabulary.


  • brav
    — is the word for beautiful in Breton
  • kaer

Breton is a Southwestern Brittonic language of the Celtic language spoken in Brittany in the northwest of France.


  • krasiv красив
    is the Bulgarian word for beautiful

Bulgarian is a South Slavic language spoken in Southeastern Europe, primarily in Bulgaria. It is the country’s only official language and Bulgarian is written with Cyrillic.


  • Beautiful in Burmese is:
    lhasaw a sainn လှသောအဆင်း

Burmese is a Sino-Tibetan language spoken in Myanmar where it is an official language and the language of the Bamar people, the country’s principal ethnic group.

Cambodian Khmer

  • da srasa saat ស្រស់ស្អាត
    — means beautiful in Khmer

Khmer is the language of the Khmer people and the official language of Cambodia. With over 16 million speakers, it is the second most widely spoken Austroasiatic language.


  • bonic
    — is the word for beautiful in Catalan
  • preciós

Catalan is a Western Romance language derived from Vulgar Latin and named after the medieval Principality of Catalonia, in northeastern of modern Spain. It is the only official language of Andorra, and a co-official language of the Spanish autonomous communities of Catalonia, the Balearic Islands and Valencia.


  • matahum nga
  • maanindot nga

Cebuano, also known as Bisaya or Binisaya, is an Austronesian language spoken in the southern Philippines region in Central Visayas, western parts of Eastern Visayas and the majority of Mindanao.


  • bunitu

Chamorro is an Austronesian language, the native and spoken language of the Chamorro people, who are the indigenous people of the Mariana Islands.


  • e-mo’ona’e
    — this is the Cheyenne for beautiful

Cheyenne is the Native American language spoken by the Cheyenne people of the United States. It is part of the Algonquian language family. The Cheyenne are a Native American tribe that live in the Great Plains of Minnesota, Montana, Oklahoma, Colorado, Wyoming and South Dakota.


  • zokongola
  • wokongola

Chichewa, also known as Nyanja, is a Bantu language spoken in much of Southern, Southeast and East Africa. It is the national language of Malawi and is also spoken in Zambia, Mozambique and Zimbabwe.

Chinese Cantonese

How to say beautiful in Chinese Cantonese:

  • 美麗
    — the Cantonese word for beautiful

Cantonese is a variety of Chinese originating from the city of Guangzhou and its surrounding area in Southeastern China. Belonging to the Sino-Tibetan family of languages, it is the traditional prestige variety of the Yue Chinese dialect group, which has about 68 million native speakers.

Chinese Mandarin

How do you say beautiful in Mandarin Chinese:

  • měilì 美麗
    — the Chinese word for beautiful.

    The single character 美 means beautiful. However, it is always combined with 丽 to form 美麗 (beautiful).

    美丽 is more commonly used to describe beauty in everyday life, while 美 on its own is an intense lasting beauty.

  • 漂亮 (piào liàng)
    — meaning pretty, can alternatively be used.

Mandarin Chinese is the official language of Mainland China and Taiwan, and is one of the official languages of Singapore. Mandarin is often placed first in lists of languages by number of native speakers with almost a billion speakers.


  • bellu

Corsican is a Romance language from the Italo-Dalmatian family that is spoken predominantly on the Mediterranean island of Corsica. Corsican is closely related to Tuscan and to the Florentine-based Italian.

Hello gorgeous in different languages


  • lijep
    — is the Croatian word for beautiful

Croatian or Hrvatski is a South Slavic language spoken mainly in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, some parts of Serbia, and the neighbouring countries by about 5.5 million people.


  • krásný
    — beautiful in Czech
  • pěkný

Czech is a Western Slavic language which is mutually intelligible with Slovak. It is mainly spoken in the Czech Republic with over 10,5 million speakers.


  • smuk
    — is the word for beautiful in Danish

Danish is a Scandinavian language and the only official language of the Kingdom of Denmark. Closely related to Swedish and Norwegian, it is spoken in Denmark and in some parts of Greenland and northern Germany.


  • सुंदर (sundar)

Dogri is a Northern Indo-Aryan language spoken by around five million people in India, mainly in the Jammu region of Jammu and Kashmir.


  • mooi
    — the Dutch word meaning beautiful
  • knap
    — generally used for men

    You can also use:

  • schoon
  • fraai
  • fijn

Dutch is a West Germanic language spoken by about 27 million people world-wide mostly in the Netherlands and northern Belgium.


  • Che namay samay jarim dhu

Dzonkha or Bhutanese is the sole official and national language of the Kingdom of Bhutan. This Sino-Tibetan language is spoken by over half a million people in Bhutan and is written with the Tibetan alphabet.


  • beautiful

English is a West Germanic language that was first spoken in Anglo-Saxon England in the early Middle Ages. It is spoken in many countries around the world with over 375 million native speakers. English is the second most spoken language, and the most international language in the world.


  • ilusad
    — is the Estonian word for beautiful
  • ilus

Estonian is a Finno-Ugric language spoken as the official language in Estonia. It is closely related to Finnish.


  • vakur
    — is the word for beautiful in Faroese
  • penur
  • fagur

Faroese is a North Germanic language spoken as a first language by Faroe Islanders, residing on the Faroe Islands and in other areas, mainly Denmark.

Farsi / Persian

  • خوشگل ghæshæng
    — the Persian word meaning beautiful
  • زیبا
  • قشنگ

Persian is an ancient language belonging to the Iranian branch of the Indo-Iranian subdivision of the Indo-European languages. It is a pluricentric language predominantly spoken and used officially within Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan.


  • totoka
    — this is the Fijian word for beautiful, pronounced toe-toe-kah

Fijian is an Austronesian language of the Malayo-Polynesian family. It is an official language of Fiji spoken by some 350,000–450,000 ethnic Fijians as a native language.


  • kaunis
    — is the Finnish word for beautiful
  • loistava

Finnish is a Finno-Ugric language spoken only in Finland as the official language and by ethnic Finns elsewhere in Scandinavia.


  • mooi
    — is the Flemish word for beautiful
  • prachtig

Flemish is a Low Franconian dialect cluster of the Dutch language, native to the historical region of Flanders in northern Belgium. It is sometimes referred to as Flemish Dutch, Belgian Dutch, or Southern Dutch spoken by over 6 million people.


  • belle
    is the French feminine word for beautiful
    it’s pronounced like (Bel)
  • beau
    — is the masculine noun for beautiful in French
    pronounced as (Bo)

    Alternatively, you can also use:

  • jolie (feminine)
    joli (masculine)
  • magnifique

French is a Romance language of the Indo-European family spoken by over 354 million people in France and around the world. It is the third most spoken language in Europe, the official language of 29 countries, spoken in parts of Africa, North America, and South America.


  • moai
  • kreas

The Frisian languages are a closely related group of Germanic languages, spoken by about 500,000 Frisian people, who live on the southern fringes of the North Sea in the Netherlands and Germany.


  • fermoso

Galician is a Romance language spoken by around 2.4 million people in Galicia, a region in northwestern Spain, where it is the official language.


  • lamazi ლამაზი
  • მშვენიერი

Georgian is the official language of Georgia and the country’s most widely spoken language with over 4.1 million people.


  • schön
    — the German noun that translates to beautiful

    You can also use:

  • wunderschön
  • hübsch
    — which is more aligned with pretty
  • süßes
    — meaning sweet or cute

German Deutsch is the official language of both Germany and Austria and one of the three official languages of Switzerland. German belongs to the West Germanic group of the Indo-European language family. One of the major languages of the world, German is a native language to almost 100 million people worldwide and the most widely spoken native language in the European Union.


  • tikiraoi

Gilbertese, also called Kiribati, is an Austronesian Oceanic language spoken mainly in Kiribati, but also on the islands of Fiji, the Solomon Islands and Tuvalu.


There are two main words in Greek for beautiful:

  • πανέμορφο panemorfo
    — to say beautiful in Greek
  • όμορφο ómorfo
    — used when describing something or someone that is beautiful
  • ωραίος oraíos
    — meaning nice or good looking man

In the Greek language, the endings change based on gender. “o” is neutral, “os” is the masculine form, and “i” is the feminine form.

Greek (ελληνικά) belongs to the Hellenic branch of the Indo-European language family, mainly spoken in Greece and Cyprus an an official language. It has the longest documented history of any living Indo-European language, spanning more than 3000 years of written records. There are about 13.1 million speakers of Greek worldwide and it is recognised as a minority language in Albania, Armenia, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Turkey and Ukraine.


  • સુંદર sundara
    — is the Gujarati word for beautiful

Gujarati is an Indo-Aryan language native to the Indian state of Gujarat and spoken predominantly by the Gujarati people. Gujarati is part of the greater Indo-European language family.

Haitian Creole

Say beautiful in Creole:

  • bèl

Haitian Creole (kreyòl ayisyen)) is a French-based creole language spoken by 10–12 million people worldwide and the only language of most Haitians. Along with French it is one of the official languages of Haiti.


  • kyau

Hausa language, the most important indigenous bridge language in West and Central Africa, spoken as a first or second language by about 40–50 million people. It belongs to the Western branch of the Chadic language family within the Afro-Asiatic language phylum. It is spoken mainly in northern Nigeria and Niger, and also in Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, the Central African Republic (CAR), Chad, Congo, Eritrea, Germany, Ghana, Sudan and Togo.


How to say beautiful in Hawaiian:

  • uʻ i
  • nani
    — pronounced (nah-knee)

The Hawaiian language is a Polynesian language that takes its name from Hawaiʻi, the largest island in the tropical North Pacific archipelago where it developed. Hawaiian, along with English, is an official language of the State of Hawaii.


  • yafah יפה
    — is the Hebrew word for beautiful
  • נאה

Hebrew is a Northwest Semitic language spoken by over nine million people worldwide. Historically, it is regarded as the language of the Israelites and their ancestors. It is written using its own script from right to left.


  • sundara सुंदर
    — is the Hindi word for beautiful
  • ख़ूबसूरत
  • सुंदर

Hindi (हिन्दी) is an Indo-European language spoken in India, Nepal, and throughout the Indian diaspora. Hindi is descended from Sanskrit, sometimes called “the mother of all languages.” While there are 22 official languages and over 1,000 dialects of India, Hindi and English take precedence in government affairs. It is a link-language for over half of India’s population.


  • zoo nkauj

Hmong is a Hmong-Mien language spoken by about 2.6 million people in China, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, USA, and French Guiana.


  • szép
    — this is the word for beautiful in Hungarian
  • gyönyörű

Hungarian is a Uralic language of the Ugric branch spoken in Hungary and parts of several neighbouring countries. It is the official language of Hungary and one of the 24 official languages of the European Union.

life is beautiful signage language


  • falleg
    — is the Icelandic word for beautiful

Icelandic (íslenska) is a North Germanic language spoken in Iceland as its official language. It’s most closely related to Faroese and Western Norwegian and has around 314,000 speakers. The language is more conservative than most other Western European languages.


  • mara mma

Igbo is the principal native language of the Igbo people of southeastern Nigeria with around 45 million speakers and over 20 dialects.

Indonesian Bahasa

  • indah
    — the Indonesian noun and verb for beautiful

Indonesian (bahasa Indonesia) is the official language of Indonesia.With over 230 million speakers, it is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. It is a group of varieties of Malay, an Austronesian language that has been used as the common language in the multilingual Indonesian archipelago for centuries. Indonesia uses the Latin alphabet system and Arabic numerals.


  • piujuq
    is the word for beautiful in Inuktitut
  • pinniqtuq

Inuktitut is an Eskimo-Aleut language spoken in Arctic territories and the topmost span of North America including Alaska and Northern Canada.


Here are a few of the numerous Irish words meaning beautiful:

  • Go Hálainn
    — this is the all-purpose word for beautiful in Irish

    You could also use:

  • taibhseach
  • galánta

Irish (Gaeilge) is one of the three Goidelic languages, along with Scottish Gaelic and Manx. This Goidelic branch together with the Brythonic branch (Welsh, Cornish and Breton) form the Celtic language family.


Gender-based words apply in Italian. How to say beautiful in Italian:

  • bellissima
    — use this for feminine objects or women that are considered beautiful
  • bellissimo
    — used for masculine objects or men to describe beauty

    You could also use:

  • attraente
    — this word, meaning attractive, is gender-neutral
  • bello
  • bella

Italian (Italiano) is a Romance language of the Indo-European language family spoken by over 90 million people, the vast majority of which are in Italy, Sicily and Sardinia. It is the official language of Italy, San Marino, and the Vatican City.


There are two main words for expressing love in Japanese, but the usages of each are highly dependent on a variety of cultural factors. Note that love is a very strong word and expressions of love are not very common in the culture of Japan.

  • 美しい utsukushii
    — can be used to refer to several types of beauty, but can be considered as too intense to be said to people.

    So these other variations exist:

  • 素敵な suteki na
    — used to describe something or someone that is lovely
  • 綺麗な kirei na
  • 可愛い kawaii
    — meaning cute
  • 美少女 bishoujo
    — used to describe a beautiful girl
  • かっこいい kakkoii
    — used to describe a good looking attractive guy

Japanese (日本語 Nihongo) is an East Asian language of the Japonic language family. It is spoken by about 125 million people, mostly in Japan, where it is the official and national language.


  • criss
    — is a Jamaican saying to express beauty

Jamaican Patois, often also referred to as Jamaican Creole, is an English-based creole language with West African influences spoken mainly in Jamaica. Belonging to the English Creole language family, it is spoken by the the majority of Jamaicans with over 3 million native speakers.


  • ayu
    — is the word for beautiful in Javanese

Javanese is the language of the Javanese people of the island of Java, in Indonesia that is the native language of more than 98 million people.


  • sundara ಸುಂದರ
    — is the Kannada word for beautiful

Kannada, spoken by nearly 45 million native speakers, is a Dravidian language of the people of Karnataka in southwestern India, and by significant linguistic minorities in the states of Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Kerala and abroad.


  • ädemi әдемі

Kazakh is a Turkic language of the Kipchak branch spoken in Central Asia and the official language of Kazakhstan. The language comprises 21 million native speakers including regions of Bayan-Ulgii in Mongolia and the Dzungarian region of Xinjiang, China.


  • muthaka

Kikuyu or Gĩkũyũ is a Bantu language of the Niger-Congo language family that is spoken as a first language by over 6.6 million Agĩkũyũ people in Kenya.


  • mwiza

Kinyarwanda, an official language of Rwanda, is a Bantu language of the Niger-Congo language family that is spoken by at least 10 million people in Rwanda, DR Congo, and Uganda.


A number of different words in Korean are used to express the idea of beautiful. These include:

  • 아름답다 areumdapda
  • 예쁘다 yeppeuda

    예쁘다 (yeppeuda) is more common when talking about people, while 아름답다 (areumdapda) is used for elements such as the scenery.

  • 아름다운 aleumdaun
  • 예뻐 yeppeo
  • 이뻐 ippeo

Korean, an East Asian language, is the official language of South Korea (Republic of Korea) and North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) spoken by more than 75 million people.


  • bedew

Kurdish is spoken by about 30 million Kurds in western Asia including parts of Kurdistan, Iraq, Turkey, Iran, and Syria. It is one of the Indo-Iranian languages, ranks as the third largest Iranian language, after Persian and Pashto.


  • suluu сулуу
  • укмуштай

Kyrgyz is a member of the Kipchak branch of the Turkic language family spoken by over 4 million speakers mainly in Kyrgyzstan, and also in China, Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Turkey.


  • ngam ງາມ

Lao is the main language of Laos. It is a Kra–Dai language serving as a common language among all citizens of Laos, who speak approximately 90 other languages, many of which are unrelated to Lao. Modern Lao is heavily influenced by the Thai language and comprises over 30 million native speakers.


  • pulchram
    — is the Latin word for beautiful

    Alternatively. you could use:

  • bellus
  • formosus
  • decorus

Latin was the dominant language of the Roman Empire from 6th century BC to 600 AD. When the Roman Empire collapsed, Latin evolved into the various languages that we know today. Italian, French, Portuguese, Spanish and Romanian all consider Latin as their parent tongue. Latin is a classical language belonging to the Italic branch of the Indo-European languages.


  • skaists
    — translates as beautiful in Latvian
  • daiļš
  • glīts

Latvian (latviešu valoda) is an Indo-European Eastern Baltic language spoken in the Baltic region. It is the official language of Latvia and one of the official languages of the European Union.


  • جميلة (jamila)
    — feminine version of beautiful in Lebanese language
  • جميل (jamil)
    masculine version of beautiful in Lebanese

Lebanese is a variety of North Levantine Arabic, indigenous to and spoken primarily in Lebanon. With significant linguistic influences borrowed from other Middle Eastern and European languages it is spoken by over 5,7 million native speakers.

you are beautiful in different languages


  • sjoen

Limburgish is a member of the East Low Franconian group of the Germanic languages considered a variety of German or Dutch by many people. It is spoken by around 1.6 million people in the Netherlands and Belgium.


  • kitoko

Lingala is a Bantu language spoken throughout the northwestern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and a large part of the Republic of the Congo by over 70 million people.


  • graži
    — is the word for beautiful in Lithuanian
  • gražus

Lithuanian (lietuvių kalba) is an Eastern Baltic language spoken in the Baltic region as the official language of Lithuania. It is also one of the official languages of the European Union spoken by just under 3 million native speakers. The language is one of the oldest in the world.


  • schéin

Luxembourgish is a West Germanic language that is spoken mainly in Luxembourg. About 390,000 people speak Luxembourgish worldwide.


  • mulungi

Luganda, a Bantu language, is an official language of Uganda along with English and Swahili. It is spoken primarily in Kampala, but may be understood in much of the country and in the African Great Lakes region.


  • ubava убаво
  • прекрасна

Macedonian, the official language of the Republic of North Macedonia, is a south Slavic language spoken as a first language by 2 million people.


  • tsara tarehy

Malagasy is the national language of Madagascar belonging to the Austronesian Malayo-Polynesia family of languages spoken by 25 million people.


  • cantik
    — is the Malay word for beautiful
  • molek

Malay (Bahasa Melayu) is an Austronesian language spoken as the sole official language of Malaysia and Brunei. It is also heard in Indonesia, Singapore, and Thailand at a total of 250 – 300 million speakers.


  • manēāharamāṇ മനോഹരമായ
    — is the word for beautiful in Malayalam

Malayalam (മലയാളം) belongs to the Dravidian language family, spoken mostly in the Southern Indian states of Kerala and Lakshadweep. Around 36 million people use this language, which is one of the 22 official languages of India.


  • sabiħ
    — is how you say beautiful in Maltese

Maltese, a language of central Semitic origin written in the Latin script, is the national language of Malta. It is spoken by around 420,000 people on the Mediterranean islands of Malta, Gozo and Comino. The Maltese language developed from Sicilian Arabic, Over the centuries, it has incorporated many words derived from English, Italian and French.


  • ataahua
    — beautiful in Māori.
    Pronounced: ah-taah-hu-a.

    Always roll your r’s when enunciating Māori words

Māori is an Eastern Polynesian language spoken by the Māori people, the indigenous population of New Zealand. it has also gained recognition as one of New Zealand’s official languages.


  • sundara सुंदर

Marathi is an Indo-Aryan language spoken by around 83.1 million Marathi people of Maharashtra, India. It is the official language and co-official language in the Maharashtra and Goa states of Western India, respectively, and is one of the 22 scheduled languages of India.


  • lakatoo
    — is the Marshallese word for beautiful
  • aiboojoj

Marshallese, also known as Ebon, is a Micronesian language spoken in the Marshall Islands by about 44,000 people. It is an official language of the Marshall Islands, along with English, and is used as the language of instruction in most primary schools.


  • үзэсгэлэнтэй
  • saikhan
  • сайхан
    — the word for beautiful in Mongolian

Mongolian is the official language of Mongolia and both the most widely-spoken and best-known member of the Mongolic language family. It is an Altaic language spoken by approximately 5 million people in Mongolia, China, Afghanistan and Russia.

Moroccan Arabic

  • zwina  زوين‎
    — the word for beautiful in Darija

Moroccan Arabic, also known as Darija, is a form of vernacular Arabic spoken in Morocco. It is part of the Maghrebi Arabic dialect continuum, with over 30 million native speakers.


  • chontzin
  • cualnēzqui
  • quetzaltic

Nahuatl is a group of languages of the Uto-Aztecan language family. It was the language of the Aztecs and the Toltecs. Variations of Nahuatl are spoken by around 1.7 million Nahua people of Central Mexico and the USA and Nahuatl remains the most widely-spoken group of Native American languages in North America.


  • nizhoni
    — is the Navajo word for beautiful

Navajo is an American Indian language of the Athabascan family, spoken by around 170, 000 Navajo people in the Southwestern United States regions of Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and Colorado.


  • ubuhle
    — is the Ndebele word for beautiful

Ndebele, an African language of the Nguni group of Bantu languages, is spoken by around 5 million Northern Ndebele people of Zimbabwe.


  • sundara सुन्दर
    — pronounced as sun-daa-ra is the Nepali word for beautiful

Nepali (नेपाली), is an Indo-Aryan language of the sub-branch of Eastern Pahari written in Devanagari script It is the sole official language of Nepal and one of the 22 scheduled languages of India. While most Nepalese people speak at least some Nepali, there are more than 100 different languages and dialects spoken in Nepal.


Beautiful in Neapolitan

  • bella (feminine)
  • or bello (masculine)

Neapolitan is a Romance language of the Italo-Dalmatian group spoken across much of southern Italy by 6 million people. It is related to but generally not mutually intelligible with Italian.

Northern Sotho / Sepedi

  • mobotse

Northern Sotho is a Bantu language spoken primarily in South Africa, where it is one of the 11 official languages. It is spoken by about 4.2 million people in the South African provinces of Gauteng, Limpopo and Mpumalanga.


The word for beautiful in Norwegian:

  • vakker

Norwegian (norsk) is a Germanic language derived from Old Norse spoken primarily in Norway by over 5 million people where it is the official language.


  • ସୁନ୍ଦର

Odia is an Indo-Aryan language spoken in the Indian state of Odisha where it is the official language.


  • bareeda

Oromo is a Cushitic language spoken by about 30 million people in Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia and Egypt. It is the third largest language in Africa.


Beautiful in Papiamento:

  • bunita
  • kiut

Papiamento is a Portuguese-based creole language spoken in the Dutch Caribbean by less than 500,00 native speakers. It is the most-widely spoken language on the Caribbean ABC islands, having official status in Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaçao.


  • ښکلی
    — means beautiful in Pashto
  • خائسته (khaista)

Pashto is an Eastern Iranian language in the Indo-European family spoken in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran. It is an official language of Afghanistan along with Dari.


Say the word beautiful in Polish:

  • piękny

Polish (polski) is a West Slavic language spoken by about 45 million people. Said to be one of the hardest languages to learn, it is the official language of Poland. It is understood and can be used for communication in the western parts of Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania.


As with other Romance languages, gender rules apply, with “a” being feminine ending for adjectives while “o” is the masculine ending.

  • bela
  • belo
    — the Portuguese noun for beautiful. The pronunciation is (bel-low)
  • Bonita
  • Bonito

    Other words you can use for beautiful in Portuguese:

  • linda
  • formosa
  • graciosa
  • belíssimo

Portuguese (português) is a Romance language spoken as the official language of Portugal and Brazil. It is also the official language of Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, São Tomé e Principe, Angola, Mozambique, and the co-official language of East Timor, and Macau. There are around 200 million native Portuguese speakers.


  • sudara ਸੁੰਦਰ
    — the Punjabi word for beautiful. The pronunciation (sun-dAHR-ra)
  • ਸੁਹਣਾ

Punjabi is an Indo-Aryan language with more than 130 million native speakers in the Indian subcontinent and around the world. It is the 10th most spoken language in the world.


  • frumos
    — the Romanian word for beautiful
  • frumoasã

Romanian (limba română) is a Balkan Romance language spoken by approximately 24–26 million people as a native language, primarily in Romania and Moldova, and by another 4 million people as a second language. Although it descended from Vulgar Latin, Romanian was influenced by Slavic and Greek languages in the Middle Ages. It is an official and national language of both Romania and Moldova.


Beautiful in Russian changes based on who or what you’re describing.

  • красивое (krasivoye)
    — is gender neutral

    To say, “beautiful” to a woman, use:

  • красивая (krasivaya)

    To say, “beautiful” to a man, say:

  • красивый (krasivyy)

    You could also use:

  • prekrasnyy
    — the Russian noun for beautiful
  • Милая (milaya)
  • очаровательная (ocharovatel’naya)
  • прекра́сный, ле́пый, приго́жий

Russian is an East Slavic language spoken by 300+ million people worldwide. It is  is an official language in the Russian Federation, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, and many other people in Central Asia, the Baltic states, the Caucasus, and Eastern Europe know it as a second language. Commonly written in Cyrillic, it is the 8th most widely spoken language in the world.

mooi beautiful in a different language


  • aulelei
    — a commonly used word for beautiful in Samoan

Samoan is the official language spoken in the Samoan Islands, which is made up of the Independent State of Samoa and the American Samoa. The language is the most spoken of the Polynesian language family with a total of 510,000 speakers worldwide.


  • सुरूप
    — a commonly used word for beautiful in Sanskrit
  • सुन्दर

Sanskrit is a 4,000-year-old classical language that belongs to the Indo-Aryan branch of the Indo-European languages. Known as ‘the mother of all languages,’ Sanskrit is the root of many, but not all, Indian languages. It is also the liturgical language of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism. Sanskrit has less than 15,000 native speakers at present and is mostly used by Hindu priests during religious ceremonies.


  • bedhu (masculine)
  • bedha (feminine)
    — a commonly used word for beautiful in Sardinian
  • bellu (masculine)
  • bella (feminine)

Sardinian or Sard is a Romance language spoken by over 1.5 million inhabitants of the Mediterranean island of Sardinia in Italy.

Scottish Gaelic

  • bòidheach
  • sgèimheach
  • bonnie

Scots Gaelic is a Goidelic language of the Celtic and Indo-European language family, native to the Gaels of Scotland. As a Goidelic language, Scottish Gaelic, like Modern Irish and Manx, developed out of Middle Irish.


  • Lepa Лепа

Serbian is a South Slavic language spoken mainly in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia and Macedonia by about 9 million people. Serbian is the official and main language of Serbia and Montenegro.


  • ntle

Sesotho (Sotho) is a Southern Bantu language of the Sotho-Tswana group, spoken primarily by the Basotho in Lesotho, where it is the national and official language, South Africa, where it is one of the 11 official languages and in Zimbabwe where it is one of 16 official languages.

Shanghainese Wu

  • 美女

Shanghainese, part of the Sino-Tibetan language family, is a variety of Wu Chinese spoken in the central districts of the City of Shanghai and its surrounding areas by 10 – 14 million speakers.


  • runako

Shona, one of the most widely spoken Bantu languages, is the main language in Zimbabwe.


  • bedda or beddu

Sicilian is a Romance language spoken by more than 4 million speakers on the island of Sicily in Italy.


  • خوبصورت

Sindhi, an Indo-Aryan language, is the official language of the Pakistani province of Sindh and spoken by over 25 million Sindhi people.


  • lassanayi ලස්සන

Sinhala is an Indo-Aryan language spoken by approximately 16 million Sinhalese people in Sri Lanka and is one of two official languages of Sri Lanka.


  • krásny
    — translates to beautiful in Slovak

Slovak, the official language of Slovakia, is a West Slavic language where it is spoken by approximately 5.6 million people.


  • lepa
    — is the Slovenian word for beautiful

Slovenian, an Indo-European language of the South Slavic language branch is the official and national language of Slovenia spoken by less than 3 million people.


  • qurux badan

Somali, an Afro-Asiatic language spoken by over 16 million people, is an official language of Somalia, a national language in Djibouti, and a working language in the Somali Region of Ethiopia.


The number of different words in Spanish that are used to express the concept of beauty include:

  • Hermosa
  • Hermoso

    Words ending in “a” are feminine while those ending in “o” are masculine. The correct ending is based on who you’re talking to or the gender of the noun that you’re describing.

    Other ways to say beautiful in Spanish:

  • bello/bella
  • guapo/guapa
  • bonito/bonita
  • lindo/linda

Spanish is the second most widely used language in the world natively spoken by more than 437 million people including Spain, most of Central and South America, Mexico and the USA. There are over 21 countries in the world that have Spanish as their official language. It is a Romance language that originated in the Iberian Peninsula.


  • geulis

Sundanese is a Malayo-Polynesian language spoken by about 39 million people mainly in western Java in Indonesia. There are also speakers in Banten, Jakarta, parts of western Central Java and southern Lampung. It is the third most-spoken language in Indonesia.


  • mrembo
  • nzuri
    — is the Swahili word for beautiful

Swahili is a Bantu languages spoken by the Swahili communities in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Mozambique and the Democratic Republic of Congo.


  • mushle

Swati is a Bantu language of the Nguni group spoken in Eswatini and South Africa by the Swazi people. It is the official language of Swaziland (along with English) and since 1994 one of the nine indigenous languages to enjoy official recognition in South Africa. The number of speakers is estimated to be in the region of 2.4 million.


  • vacker
    — the Swedish word for beautiful
  • fin

Swedish is a North Germanic language, closely related to Norwegian and Danish spoken by around 10 million people. A descendant of Old Norse, it is the national language of Sweden and the official language of the Åland Islands.

Swiss German

  • schöni
  • schön

Swiss German (Schweizerdeutsch) is the collective name for the great variety of Upper German dialects spoken in Switzerland, Liechtenstein, in the Austrian province of Vorarlberg, in parts of Baden-Württemberg in Germany and Alsace in France.

Tagalog Filipino

  • ilusad
    — pronounced as pah-GEE-big
  • maganda

Tagalog is an Austronesian language spoken as a first language by a quarter of the population of the Philippines and as a second language by the majority. Its standardized form, officially named Filipino, is the national language of the Philippines, and is one of two official languages alongside English.


  • nehenehe
    — is the Tahitian word for beautiful

Tahitian belongs to the Eastern Polynesian language group, spoken mainly on the Society Islands in French Polynesia and Bora Bora.

Taiwanese Hokkien

  • — pronounced as (súi)

Taiwanese Hokkien is the Hokkien dialect of Min Nan as spoken by about 70 percent of the population of Taiwan.


  • zeʙo зебо
  • хушрӯ

Tajik is the main language of Tajikistan, closely related to Farsi and Kurdish. Since the late 1930s, it is written using a variant of the Cyrillic script.


  • aḻaku அழகான
    — the general term for beautiful in Tamil

Tamil is a Dravidian language spoken in southern India, Sri Lanka and Singapore by about 67.5 million people. It can also be heard in Mauritius and Malaysia.

Tarifit Berber

  • efoolky

Tarifit or Tarifit Berber is spoken by around 4 million speakers in Arrif (Northern Africa) and Europe.


  • матур
  • гүзәл

Tatar (татарча), the national language of the Tatars, is a Turkic language spoken mainly in the Russian republic of Tatarstan as well as Siberia by about 7 million people in Central Asia. It refers to the Volga-Kipchak Kipchak subgroup of the Turkic group of languages. 


  • andamaina అందమైన
    — is the Telugu word meaning beautiful

Telugu is a Dravidian language spoken in the Indian states of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and the union territories of Puducherry by 75 million Telugu people.


  • kapass
    — is the Telugu word meaning beautiful

Tetum is an official language of Timor-Leste belonging to the Austronesian language family and spoken by just under 400,000 people.


How to express beautiful in Thai:

  • S̄wy สวย
    — is the Thai noun for beautiful
    pronounced as (sǔuai)
  • งาม or สุนทร
    — other Thai words for beautiful

Thai ภาษาไทย, the sole official and national language of Thailand, spoken by 50 million people, belongs to the Tai group of the Kra–Dai language family of Southeast Asia.


  • Nying Je po duk
    — This is the Tibetan word for you are beautiful

Tibetan is an official language of the Tibet Autonomous Region of the People’s Republic of China. The Tibetic languages are a cluster of Tibeto-Burman languages descended from Old Tibetan, spoken across a wide area of eastern Central Asia bordering the Indian subcontinent, including the Tibetan Plateau and the Himalayas.

Tok Pisin

  • naispela
    — This is the Tok Pisin word for beautiful

Tok Pisin, more commonly known as New Guinea Pidgin, is


  • talavou
    — is the Tongan word for beautiful, pronounced (TAH-LA-VOE)
  • faka’ofa’ofa

Tongan is an Austronesian language of the Polynesian branch mainly spoken in Tonga, where it is the official language.

Tsalagi Cherokee

  • Uwoduhi adanvto

Cherokee (Tsalagi) belongs to the Iroquoian language family. The Cherokee language is unique among Native American languages in that it is both a written and spoken language.


  • sasekile

Tsonga is a Bantu language spoken by the Tsonga people totalling 12 million people mainly in South Africa, but also Mozambique and Eswatini.


  • Ntle

Tswana is a Bantu language spoken by about 4.4 million people in Bostwana, where it is the national and majority language, Namibia, Zimbabwe and South Africa. The majority of speakers, about 3.6 million, live in South Africa, where the language is officially recognised.


  • güzel
    — the Turkish word for beautiful

Turkish is a Turkic language believed to be of the Altaic language family spoken mainly in Turkey, Northern Cyprus, Cyprus and other countries of the former Ottoman Empire by about 88 million people.


  • koe ko ‘pisi
    — the Tuvaluan saying for you are beautiful

Tuvaluan is a Polynesian language that is native to Tuvalu, Fiji, Kiribati, and Nauru.


  • harnyy гарний
    — the Ukranian word for beautiful
  • вродли́вий or краси́вий
    — can also be used

Ukrainian is an Eastern Slavic language spoken mainly in Ukraine by about 51 million people.


  • خوبصورت khoobsoorat
    — is the Urdu word for beautiful
  • سندر

Urdu is the official national language and lingua franca of Pakistan. It is a member of the Indo-Aryan group within the Indo-European family of languages and is mutually intelligible with Hindi.


  • چىرايلىق

Uyghur is a Turkic language of the Karluk branch written in a Uyghur Perso-Arabic script. It is spoken primarily by 10 million Uyghur people in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China.


  • chiroyli
  • goʻzal

Uzbek is a Turkic language that is the official national language of Uzbekistan spoken by around 27 million people.


How to express beauty in Vietnamese:

  • xinh đẹp
  • tốt đẹp

Vietnamese is an Austroasiatic language spoken mainly in Vietnam, where it is the national and official language, by about 82 million people.


  • hardd
    — how to say beautiful in Welsh

Welsh is a Brittonic language of the Celtic language family spoken natively in Wales, and by some in England.


  • rafet
  • danga rafet
    — you are beautiful in Wolof

Wolof is a national language of Senegal, where it is spoken by approximately 5.4 million people as a first language. It belongs to the Atlantic group of the Niger-Congo language family and is the native language of the Wolof people.


  • umhle
  • entle
    — is the Xhosa word for beautiful

Xhosa is a Nguni Bantu language with click consonants and is one of the official languages of South Africa. It is spoken as a first language by approximately 8.2 million people and by another 11 million as a second language in South Africa, mostly in Eastern Cape Province.


  • sheyn שיין

Yiddish is the historical language of the Ashkenazi Jews originating during the 9th century in Central Europe. Belonging to the Indo-European language family, it is spoken by 1.5 million people.


  • lẹwa

Yoruba is a pluricentric language spoken in West Africa with the number of speakers estimated between 30 and 40 million. It is a language spoken principally in Nigeria and Benin, with communities in Sierra Leone, Liberia, other parts of Africa.


  • kuhle
  • muhle
    — is the word for beautiful in Zulu
  • enhle

Zulu is a member of the Bantu/Nguni family of languages. It is one of the official languages of South Africa spoken by about 10 million people mainly in Zululand and northern Natal in South Africa and also in Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique and Eswatini.

Beautiful in Other Languages — BONUS

beautiful in every language of the world

American Sign Language (ASL)

How to say beautiful in American Sign Language:

  • You start with your thumb pointing at your chin and roll your fingers around the front of your face.

American Sign Language is a complete, natural language that has the same linguistic properties as spoken languages, with grammar that differs from English, expressed by movements of the hands and face.

British Sign Language (BSL)

How to say beautiful in British Sign Language:

  • Your closed hand touches chin then moves forward as fingers open. 

British Sign Language is a sign language used in the United Kingdom as the first or preferred language of some deaf people. The language makes use of space and involves movement of the hands, body, face, and head.


  • lain
    — How to say beautiful in Dothraki
  • zheana

Dothraki is a constructed fictional language spoken by the Dothraki, a nomadic people in the fictional world of George Martin’s fantasy novel series A Song of Ice and Fire and its television adaptation the Game of Thrones.

Elvish Sindarin

  • vanimelda
    — How to say beautiful in Elvish

Elvish Sindarin is one of the fictional languages created by J. R. R. Tolkien for use in his fantasy stories set in Arda, primarily in Middle-earth. Sindarin is one of the many languages spoken by the Elves, called the Eledhrim or Edhellim in Sindarin.


  • mooi
  • bela

Esperanto is an artificially constructed language and belongs to no linguistic family, with most of its vocabulary coming from the Romance languages. This phonetic language is the most widely spoken constructed international auxiliary language.


  • kyamo
    — this is the word for beautiful in Klingon

Klingon is a language that was made for the Klingons in the Star Trek movie. It is a constructed language, and not one that developed naturally. Only a few people can speak the Klingon language well enough to talk in it.


  • bella
  • papagena

Minionese spoken by the minions of the Despicable Me movie series appears to be a polyglot language which borrows words and grammatical rules from many different languages.


  • lor

Na’vi is a constructed language, created for the fictional Na’vi, the humanoid inhabitants of the moon Pandora in the 2009 film Avatar.


  • vanya
  • vanimelda
    — the highest word of praise for beauty

Quenya is one of the fictional languages devised by J. R. R. Tolkien and used by the immortal Elves in the Lord of the Rings and as inspiration for countless travel quotes. Tolkien began devising the language around 1910 and restructured the grammar several times until Quenya reached its final state. The vocabulary remained relatively stable throughout the creation process.


I LOVE YOU: LOVE in different languages

THANK YOU: thanks in every language of the world

HELLO: hi in every language of the world

GOOD MORNING: morning in different languages

GOOD NIGHT: night in different languages

GOOD BYE: Bye in different languages

CHEERS: Cheers in all languages

FRIEND: Best friend in other languages

Aaaaaaaand now you know how to say beautiful in every language of the world! An expression of joy and an acknowledgement of something or someone that delights you and your senses.

What is the word for beautiful in your language? Extra points if you can speak several languages… Let me know in the comments.

If you see an error here or if your language is missing from this list, please comment and let me know!

Stay beautiful <3

Rai x

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To learn, untangle and be the best we can!

Everytime my students describe something with the words ” beautiful/ nice” like- “The dress looked “beautiful/nice”, “The place was “beautiful/nice”, I tell them to use more descriptive words to show what they saw.

It is one of the first ways to make the reader of your story, visualize details. (Remember, the reading strategy that makes reading fun for you?) So here are some words you can use instead of “beautiful”.

Happy learning!

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