Best word to call a friend

Let your besties know how much they mean to you with one of these unique nicknames.

True best friends are as rare as picking a four-leaf clover or winning the lottery. But once you find true friends, they will try their best to stay with you forever. Friends, in addition to our given family, are one of the greatest treasures in life. They are the family that we get to choose, that we willingly welcome into our lives because our worlds are much brighter with them in it. And if our friends can hold our deepest secrets and pick us up when we’re down, they should at least have a notable nickname to carry with them as a reminder of how much we love and appreciate them and their friendship.

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Terms of Endearment

Sometimes, it seems that the better the friend, the quirkier the nickname we give them. The nicknames we choose for our friends are sometimes based on their unique personalities. Other times, a nickname serves as a symbol of a shared memory between just the two of you or among a group of friends. Regardless of how we arrive at their nicknames, these terms of endearment signify our affections for and connections to our friends. And, sometimes, our friends love and appreciate these nicknames so much that they may eventually become a part of their own identity. Some nicknames are absolutely adorable. Some are simply astute observations or accurate descriptions. And some are completely incomprehensible or absolutely ridiculous. Whatever the case, nicknames are a terrific way to express your love for your friends.

We collected a list of cute and funny nicknames to call your BFFs, bros, and best buds. Our friends encourage us, stick by our side through thick and thin, and are inevitably at the heart of every great idea (or those terrible ideas that sound great at first). When you’re in the mood for a movie night? Pick up the phone and call your gal pals over to watch a swoon-worthy Hallmark film. In need of a weekend getaway? Grab your friends and road trip up the coast. No matter what nicknames we give them, when you’re in need of a shoulder to lean on, your friends will always be there. If you’ve yet to assign a nickname to your closest friends and still need a little help figuring it out or just require a little inspiration to arrive at a nickname to let your besties know how much they mean to you, take a few moments and check out this list of potential nicknames.

Nicknames for Girl Best Friends

  • Bestie
  • BFF
  • Queen
  • Senorita
  • Girly
  • Gal
  • Friend for Life
  • Forever Friend
  • Soul Sister
  • Sis
  • Chica
  • Missy
  • Ride or die
  • Homegirl

Nicknames for Guy Best Friends

  • Buddy
  • King
  • Champ
  • Bro
  • Amigo
  • Bubba
  • Tank
  • Tiny
  • Sport
  • Slim
  • Chief
  • Buck
  • Coach
  • Junior
  • Senior
  • Doc
  • Dude
  • Pal
  • Buster
  • Bud

Cute Best Friend Nicknames

  • Boo
  • Mouse
  • Munchkin
  • Bee
  • Dolly
  • Precious
  • Bug
  • Chipmunk
  • Dottie
  • Cutie Pie
  • Bonny Lass
  • Sweetums
  • Toots
  • Buttercup
  • Lovey

Funny Best Friend Nicknames

  • Nugget
  • Teacup
  • Oldie
  • Shortie
  • Kiddo
  • Smarty
  • Boomer
  • Scout
  • Ace
  • Goon
  • Punk
  • Rambo
  • Gump
  • Bond
  • Giggles
  • Speedy
  • Squirt
  • Smiley
  • Rapunzel
  • Ms. Congeniality
  • Teeny

The English language has dozens of words for “friend”. These are slightly different depending where you are in the world, how close you are to a person and the context you’re using the word in. So how do you know which one to use?

Let’s start with the word mate. This is a very popular slang term in the UK, Australia and New Zealand, and you would use it both to describe someone as your friend and to address someone in a friendly, informal way. For example:

“I’m going to the pub with some mates”

“He’s a mate of mine”

“Excuse me, mate, do you have the time?”

In Scotland, you’re also likely to hear the word pal used in much the same way.

You can also use the word “mate” to emphasise or strongly express an opinion/emotion, either if they are a friend or in friendly and informal context. For example:

“Have you been watching Game of Thrones?” “Mate! I love that programme!”

“Sorry if I’m a bit quiet, my cat died this morning.” “Ah, mate. I’m so sorry.”

Another word that’s used in a very similar way in Australia and the US, but less commonly in the UK, is buddy, or the plural: buddies. Again, you can use it to greet or address someone, or to describe your friends. It’s also used to mean “partner” in some situations. For example, a “study buddy” is someone you pair with to study together, to keep each other motivated. If you “buddy up” with someone, you partner with them to get a task done or work on a project together.

When you’re talking about a close group of friends that are all the same gender, English speakers from most countries will often call them the/my boys, guys or girls.

People from the UK and Ireland also describe groups of male friends as “lads”, and “guys” is sometimes also used when it’s a mixed group of men and women, although it’s more commonly used to mean men.

For example:

“I’m going to the football with the boys”

“I’m going out with my girls tonight”

“Are you seeing the guys later?”

“The lads are all going for dinner tonight”

Other slang terms that are commonly used in casual conversation to mean “friend” in many English-speaking countries include bro (short for “brother”) and fam (short for family, meaning someone you are close to).

In the US, you might also hear homey, and in Australia, cobber is sometimes used in the same way as mate, although it’s not as popular as it used to be!

When it comes to describing a best friend or very close group of (usually female) friends, in the UK, people sometimes shorten this to bezzie/bezzies or BFF (“Best Friend Forever”), although you’re more likely to see this written down than say this out loud. It’s also more of a jokey way to describe your best friends!

In England, there is a chance you might hear people use old-fashioned words for friend like chum, although they are usually saying it to be funny – very few people would use the word “chum” seriously.

However, you are more likely to hear people use chummy, for example “they’re very chummy these days”, which means that two people have become good friends. People also use this to describe a friendship or close relationship between people who shouldn’t be close. For example, “That politician is far too chummy with some newspaper owners”.

These are just some of many, many different words that are used to mean “friend” in English. But remember, slang is constantly evolving and new words for friend are invented all the time!

What’s your favourite slang word for friend? Let us know in the comments section below!

The camaraderie between Russian men is widely praised, so it’s no wonder Russians have an array of words for ‘friend’, each of them carrying a slightly different meaning.

1. Брат (brat, ‘brother’)

Kira Lisitskaya (Photo: Alexey Kudenko/Sputnik; Legion Media)

Brother is, of course, much more than friend, so this is how Russian guys call each other if they’re really close and have been through some ordeals together. A diminutive братишка (‘brat-ishka’) is a more friendly variant and ‘bratan’ carries an air of respect and dignity. Also, Russians from the Caucasian region, who practice Islam, consider all fellow Muslim believers “brothers” and even slightly abuse this word, especially with strangers.

However, it’s not uncommon to be called ‘brat’ by a complete stranger on the street in Russia – but in most cases, the person may simply want something from you, like a cigarette or some spare change.

2. Друг (droog, ‘friend’)

The obvious word for a friend has also many derivatives in Russian – дружбан (‘droozhban’), дружище (‘droozhishche’), друган (‘droogan’). All of them just emphasize the meaning of ‘friend’. After брат, друг stands above all other words in terms of seriousness of friendship.

Again, if a stranger wants something from you on the street, they might address you as ‘droog’, trying to imply they mean no harm.

3. Кореш (‘koresh’)

This word came from criminal circles in the early 20th century. In Yiddish, ‘korev’ means ‘relative’. Since the Russian criminal world had many Jewish people speaking Yiddish, their words migrated into Russian. Currently, the word ‘koresh’ just means “a close friend” and doesn’t really carry any criminal meaning.

4. Земляк (zemlyak, ‘homie’)

A clean analogue of ‘homeboy’, земляк (“the one from the same land”) is used to mean that somebody is from the same place as you are, where земля means ‘land’ in Russian. In a vast country, people who go to work and live in Moscow or St. Petersburg from other cities and towns of Russia often end up making friends with people who come from the same regions, often referring to them as ‘zemlyak’, or with a touching diminutive – ‘zemelya’.

5. Старик (starik, ‘old man’)

Used in reference to boys only, ‘starik’ means someone you’ve known for a long time. It is also used ironically, when an older person addresses the younger one, who obviously can’t be an “old man”. However, referring to a girl or a woman as ‘starukha’ (‘old hag’) is an insult, even between girls.

6. Кент (kent, ‘buddy’)

Kira Lisitskaya (Photo: Dmitry Feoktistov/TASS; Legion Media)

Just like ‘koresh’, ‘kent’ probably came from Yiddish, where it means “the one who knows [you]”. This word is also borrowed from the language of criminals and is still used there. Normally, if a Russian guy calls someone ‘kent’, he implies that the friendship is really close and that he and his ‘kent’ overcame some tough times together.

7. Кирюха (kiryukha, ‘a drinking bud’)

Derived from the slang term кирять (kiryat, ‘to drink’), this word means a drink lover and also a buddy who you’re drinking with.

8. Приятель (priyatel, ‘pal’)

You wouldn’t want to call your friend a ‘priyatel’, because it really means a person you have just an easy relationship with, but it can’t be called friendship – yet. ‘Priyatels’ can become friends, but they don’t always do.

9. Товарищ (tovarisch, ‘comrade’)

Kira Lisitskaya (Photo: Isaak Dynin/TASS; Sergey Mamontov/Sputnik)

Derived from the word ‘tovar’ (‘product’), ‘tovarisch’ was initially used in Russia to mean a business partner. But, in the Soviet times, it became a widespread address form for the people in the USSR – and not only men; a woman could also be called a ‘tovarisch’. Currently, this word is used less often and it can be compared to ‘priyatel’ in terms of usage. We also have a separate article for this word.

10. Знакомый (znakomyi, ‘acquaintance’)

This word is the “least friendly” of them all and it’s used to mean a person you know of, but aren’t friends or pals with; you just happen to have their acquaintance and don’t necessarily have good relations with the person.

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Finding fun nicknames for friends is a simple and playful way of getting closer to them! They are a huge part of your life, no matter what they are doing, whether supporting you through emotional times or gossiping about anything and everything. So give them nicknames to boost their sense of belonging!

Nicknames can be a beautiful way to express affection, no matter what. A few are cute, others are funny. Others are just plain silly. If you are wondering what your best friend’s nickname might be, we have got you covered! These 151 nicknames will make your best friend smile. Take a look.

protip_icon Fun Fact

The word “nickname” comes from the word “ekname,” meaning “additional name.”

1. Buddy

The cutest, softest way to let your best friend know that you mean the world to them.

2. Love Guru

For the friend who always gives the best advice to win your crush’s heart! Such a blessing in disguise.

3. Secrets

For that friend who is your secret-holder, and you trust them with every little detail of your life.

4. Meme

For that one friend who is a meme addict and fills your inbox and timeline with memes.

4. Meme

Image: Shutterstock

5. Bestie

An extra special way to let your friend know that they are the best!

6. BFF (Best Friend Forever)

For a friendship that has stood the test of time.

7. The Mechanic

For the talented friend who can fix your car, cooler, and washing machine in no time!

7. The Mechanic

Image: IStock

8. Minion

For the friend who is obsessed with Minions.

9. Boo

Don’t you love that warm fuzzy feeling you get when your friend is being a cute cuddly boo?

9. Boo

Image: Shutterstock

10. Tarzan

For the best friend who never gets tired of trying out risky stunts under your (unwanted) supervision.

11. Nugget

For the best friend who can never say ‘no’ to chicken nuggets and has them with every meal!

12. Techie

That one friend who is super good at handling technology and probably loves coding!

13. Teacup

For the petite friend who could fit in your pocket.

13. Teacup

Image: Shutterstock

14. Baloo

For the one who gives the warmest hugs and makes you feel loved under all circumstances.

15. Sneezy

For the bestie who always seems to be catching a cold. You must be tired of sayingBless you!”

15. Sneezy

Image: Shutterstock

16. Giggly

For the best friend who finds everything funny and does not stop giggling.

17. Lappy

For the friend who would probably carry a laptop to their own wedding. A true workaholic!

18. Bum-bum

For the bestie with the softest tush. You love using their bum as a cushion!

19. Chatter Box

For the one who loves talking and texts all day.

20. Rainbow

For the most colorful and radiant friend ever who makes you believe everything will be okay.

21. Puffy

For the adorable bestie who puffs up like a pufferfish at the slightest annoyance.

22. Cuddle

For the friend who never misses a chance to hold you tight and cuddle with you.

23. Woofy

For the one who loves dogs more than humans!

23. Woofy

Image: Shutterstock

24. Pretty

For the BFF who has a pretty face and an even prettier heart.

25. Doctor

This the perfect nickname for the friend who always has the perfect home remedy or medicine at hand to deal with any ache, pain, or illness. (Alternately known as the “mom” friend.)

26. Love Pie

For the one who never leaves you alone and always has your back.

27. Puzzle

For the friend who always has a big question mark on their face and is perpetually confused.

28. Plum Cake

For the stud bestie who pretends to have a hard exterior but is sweet and soft on the inside.

28. Plum Cake

Image: Shutterstock

29. Gems

For the ever sweet and colorful best friend who makes you believe in happiness.

30. Oldie

For the old soul stuck in a young body, the one who keeps you out of trouble.

31. Bubblewrap

For the one who is as light and fun as bubblewrap!

32. Love

For the sweetheart who means everything to you and completes your life.

32. Love

Image: Shutterstock

33. Monkey Baby

For that monkey friend who hops, jumps, and climbs all over you with no regard for your personal space.

34. Tickles

For that ticklish bestie who bursts into giggles at the slightest touch.

34. Tickles

Image: Shutterstock

35. Mouse

For the friend who covers all their food with generous amounts of cheese.

36. Munchkin

For the cute best friend whose cheeks you just can’t help squishing.

36. Munchkin

Image: Shutterstock

37. Queen

For the friend who rules your heart and will always win your affection.

38. Gangster

For the punk friend who will punch your enemies right in the face for troubling you.

39. Happiness

For that friend who is the source of (almost) all the happiness in your life.

39. Happiness

Image: Shutterstock

40. Flowery

As innocent as a flower! We all have a sweet friend who needs to always be protected.

41. Hershey

For the chocolate-loving friend who always has candies in their bag.

42. Doubles

For the friend who is never satisfied with one (of anything) and will always keep another option as a backup.

43. Star

For the bestie who is a superstar in the making and already has an imaginary spotlight above their head.

44. Shortie

For the tiny friend whose head serves as an armrest.

44. Shortie

Image: Shutterstock

45. Gossip

For the friend who always has the latest gossip!

46. Blossom

For that one friend who is as pretty as a budding cherry blossom and makes you feel fresh when they are around.

47. La-la Land

For the sweet friend whose head always seems to be in the clouds and who is always in a state of bliss.

48. Sassy B!tch

Not all besties are sweet as sugar. Some are saucy and will call you out on your bad behavior.

49. Yummy

For that best friend who cooks tasty meals for you and never lets you go hungry.

50. Calculator

For the smart friend who can calculate how to split the restaurant bill in their head.

51. Superhero

For the best friend who never says ‘no’ and is always there to help when you are in trouble. The real-life superhero!

51. Superhero

Image: Shutterstock

52. King

For the friend who believes in living life king-size.

53. Catalyst

For the person who creates magic in every friendship. You probably didn’t take any time opening up to and trusting this person.

54. Poker Face

For that one best friend who always covers for you in front of your parents with the straightest poker face.

54. Poker Face

Image: Shutterstock

55. Creepy

For the creepy friend whose stalking skills help you find your crush on every social media app out there.

56. Volcano

For the short-tempered friend who blows their top at the slightest sign of annoyance.

57. Twig

For that one friend who never seems to put on weight no matter how much they eat.

58. Gorgeous

For the friend who is beautiful beyond measure.

59. Macho

For the strong friend who looks all macho and tough but is a softy at heart!

60. Juliet

For the love-sick best friend who never gets tired of talking about her boyfriend.

61. Tough Guy

For the friend who never (ever!) sheds a tear, no matter how many cute puppy or baby videos you show them.

62. Greasy

What can you say? This friend just looooves their greasy burger and fries.

62. Greasy

Image: Shutterstock

63. Reactor

For that friend who reacts to every tiny stimulus. Poke them once, and they’ll fly across the room!

64. Engine

For the bestie who leads the way and gives direction to every fun activity.

65. Thor

For the “God of Thunder” bestie who leaves no stone unturned to save and protect you.

66. Chamber

For the best friend who took a century to open up to you and is practically a chamber of all your secrets.

66. Chamber

Image: Shutterstock

67. Dash

For the hyperactive friend who seems to have unusually high energy and superfast reflexes all the time.

68. Smarty Pants

For the know-it-all friend who you keep trying to save from trouble.

69. Bubbles

For the emotional bestie who cries a river at every little thing.

70. Dimples

For the friend with the cutest dimples that you keep poking all day!

71. Blueprint

For the bestie who plans out every detail before doing anything or going anywhere.

72. Pickles

This is for the friend who loves pickles.

73. Boulder

For the bestie who is beyond strong.

74. Kiddo

For the sweet friend who will always be a kid to you, no matter how old they get.

75. Nemo

This friend keeps getting lost in the crowd wherever you guys go.

76. Hercules

For that physically strong friend you go to when you a bottle or box opened.

76. Hercules

Image: Shutterstock

77. Stinky

For the friend who will not take a shower until you throw them in a pool! Ew, I know.

78. Fruity

For the health-conscious friend who not only carries fruits everywhere but also force feeds them to you.

79. Robo

For the stoic friend who betrays no emotions. This is probably also the most practical person in your group.

79. Robo

Image: Shutterstock

80. Hero

For the bestie who makes you feel protected and will go to any limits to be there for you.

81. Rolly Polly

You know this friend. They are always on a roll and jumping from one social event to the next.

81. Rolly Polly

Image: Shutterstock

82. Mars

For the bestie who is so whimsical that it feels like they belong to another planet. Regardless, you would move universes for them.

83. Champ

For the champion of a friend who never misses an opportunity to make you feel proud.

84. Beanie

For the bestie who makes you feel more comfortable than sitting on a bean bag.

85. Ducky Momo

For the friend who goes on quacking all day like a mother duck and is over-protective of you.

85. Ducky Momo

Image: Shutterstock

86. Pancake

For the friend who loves pancakes more than anything else in the world!

87. Candy

For the bestie who always has candy in her bag.

88. Hoodie

For the friend who lives in sweatpants and hoodies.

89. Marshmallow

For that one best friend who is a big softy at heart.

89. Marshmallow

Image: Shutterstock

90. Clumsy

For the clumsy friend who bumps into everything and keeps hurting themselves all the time.

91. Sleeping Beauty

We all have that one friend who always looks sleepy even after downing multiple mugs of espresso. This is the perfect nickname for them.

92. Goldie

For that “Goldilocks” friend whose blonde hair you could play with all day.

93. Bambi

For the friend who keeps wriggling in her heels but will never take them off because she thinks they make her look good!

94. Poopy

That one friend who insists you accompany her to every trip to the ladies’ room whenever you go out.

94. Poopy

Image: Shutterstock

95. Armor

For that “knight in shining armor” friend who can fight wars to keep you safe.

96. Jewel

For the jewel to the crown that is your life, without whom everything seems incomplete.

97. Kitty

For that one friend who is obsessed with cats and whose room is filled with cat-themed items.

97. Kitty

Image: Shutterstock

98. Sweet ‘n Sour

For the funny bestie who is sometimes happy, sometimes sad, and keeps switching emotions at the drop of a hat.

99. Betty Boop

For that one girl friend of yours who wins hearts the old-school way.

99. Betty Boop

Image: Shutterstock

100. Princess

For the royal highness who will only sit with her poodle in a bag and her legs crossed gently.

101. Freckles

For the friend who has a cute sprinkling of freckles across her face.

102. Baby Carrots

For that rabbit friend of yours who nibble at carrots for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

103. Jelly Bean

For the bestie who acts strong but is a softy on the inside.

104. Sparkly

For the best friend who has the most beautiful sparkling eyes!

105. Bee

To the busy bee friend who cancels meet-up plans but makes time for you when you need them the most.

105. Bee

Image: Shutterstock

106. Bossy

For the bestie who cannot go anyone’s way but theirs and is a perfectionist through and through.

107. Winnie

For the cuddly friend who reminds you of Winnie the Pooh.

108. Thunder Muffin

The bestie who is super enthusiastic about everything.

108. Thunder Muffin

Image: Shutterstock

109. Honey Bunny

This is the perfect name to make your best friend feel warm and fuzzy on the inside.

110. Joy

For the one friend who is a big bundle of joy, and just having them around makes you feel happy.

110. Joy

Image: Shutterstock

111. Snow

For the friend who is always cold.

112. Twinkle Toes

For the bestie who is always on her toes, getting work done quickly and efficiently.

113. Lego

For the friend who loves making Lego castles and won’t mind living in one.

114. Judge

For that one friend who judges everyone but you.

115. Jelly

For the BFF who has a squishy jelly belly, and you love sleeping on it.

116. Huggsie

For the cuddly friend who never fails to cheer you up with warm hugs.

116. Huggsie

Image: Shutterstock

117. Stretchy

For the artist bestie who is always sketching on every flat surface they can find.

118. Tweety

For Twitter-obsessed friend who tweets about every little thing going on in their life.

119. Dumpling

For that cuddly friend who reminds you of a soft dumpling.

120. French Fry

For the friend who loves French fries unconditionally.

121. Strawberry

For the bestie who is as sweet and supple as a strawberry.

121. Strawberry

Image: Shutterstock

122. Precious

For the little bunch of happiness who means no less than a treasure to you.

123. Dolly

For the friend who dresses the prettiest and is the sweetest person to be around.

124. Firefly

For the BFF who lights up your world in a million different ways.

124. Firefly

Image: Shutterstock

125. Giggle-boo

For that one friend who cannot stop laughing even in the most serious of situations.

126. Misty

For the best friend who is in love with water and cold places. Their favorite holiday destination will always be a hilltop.

127. Cherry

For one friend who adds goodness to everything in your life. A true cherry on top!

128. Button

This friend is as cute as a button. Simple!

129. Ginger

For the friend with gorgeous red hair that you are totally envious of.

130. Hearty

For the bestie with the biggest heart who is so kind and generous that you fall in love with them over and over again.

130. Hearty

Image: Shutterstock

131. Genius

This friend is your reminder, dictionary, encyclopedia, calendar, and calculator, all in one.

132. Daddy Long Legs

For the tall friend who you struggle to keep up with because you have short legs.

133. Poppy Seed

A smart code for a friend who is always happy and high!

133. Poppy Seed

Image: Shutterstock

134. Itsy Bitsy

For the modern-day Cinderella friend who has tiny feet.

135. Barbie

For that one friend who is too pretty to be real. You can always borrow the sassiest clothes from them.

136.  Lady Killer

For the guy friend who is too hot to handle and has all the ladies drooling.

137. Maggie

For the friend with gorgeous curls that she hates but you love. They remind you of instant noodles!

138. Bro

The sweetest name to call your best friend and welcome them right into your family.

139. Brutus

For that friend who is famous for betraying you for canceling plans at the last moment.

140. Flea Bee

For the friend who keeps scratching herself to get hold of some imaginary fleas.

141. Love Bug

For the friend who is always in love!

141. Love Bug

Image: Shutterstock

142. Pixie

For the tiny, helpful soul who makes you believe in fairies.

143. Gum

For the friend who is addicted to bubble gum.

144. Angel

For the friend who you consider a blessing in your life and wonder what you would do without them.

144. Angel

Image: Shutterstock

145. Veggie

For the vegan friend who munches on anything green in sight and encourages you to do the same.

146. Firecracker

For the friend with a short temper who is always engaged in heated arguments.

147. Trekker

For the trekking freak friend who keeps reminding you of the health benefits of being close to nature.

147. Trekker

Image: Shutterstock

148. Joker

For the entertainer who never runs out of jokes and always makes you laugh.

149. Daredevil

For the who won’t blink before jumping off a cliff. You probably have a heart attack worrying about them.

150. Buck

This is the friend who is always lending you money.

151. Troll

For the poor friend who gets trolled and roasted for everything they say and do.

protip_icon Fun Fact

Mila Kunis was given the nickname “goldfish” by her best friend due to her short attention span.

Infographic: How To Pick The Best Nicknames For Your Friends

You may find it hard to pick the best nickname for your friend from this long list of 151 names. But, as always, we have your back. Here are some tips to help you choose the best nickname for your friends, whether they are your besties, casual friends, colleagues, or mere acquaintances.

Check out the below infographic for some tips to figure out what to call your friends.

how to pick the best nicknames for your friends (infographic)

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

Download Infographic in PDF version

Now that you have a pretty good idea about how to create fun nicknames for friends, all you have to do is let your creative juices flow. Calling your friends by nicknames not only helps you express your love and affection for them, but it also tells a lot about their personalities. So, without holding yourself back any further, go ahead and get started. However, first, make sure that the nicknames you create for your buddies are not offensive.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I make a nickname?

To make a nickname feel more special, there has to be a personal element to it. For example, terms from inside jokes, shared experiences or related to personality traits make good nicknames.

Are nicknames made of one word or two?

There is no rule for making nicknames. Since it is a personal thing, it could be single words or abbreviated phrases. As long as it reflects the person it is for, or the bond this person and the nickname giver share, it can be anything.

How do you make a nickname stick?

If you want a nickname you have made to stick so that everyone uses it to address a specific person, a term of endearment is not enough, it is going to be a game of wits. You must come up with something that is catchy and also reflects the personality of the receiver of the nickname very accurately.

Is it OK to give yourself a nickname?

Why not! Many people use nicknames as their social media handles. These nicknames could be words or phrases you relate to the most, or something that you are very enthusiastic about.

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Sometimes the word “friend” is not enough. So here are 20 ways to call a friend using English slang.

The poet Aquiles Nazoa wrote that friendship is the best invention of the human being; and since language is also an invention, a collective one, we will review the slang, that is: those words that we have invented over time to refer to our friends in more pleasant, simple and affectionate ways.


Dude is a friendly way of saying “friend” to someone who may or may not be your friend. You can even say dude to a stranger if you are in an informal setting. Although the word began to be used in the United States, over time it has come to be used in many countries around the world, including non-English speaking countries.


Bro is a diminutive of the word Brother. Americans began using it in college fraternities, where people call each other “brothers”. But because it is so popular and simple to use, today it is widespread in all cultures, even those beyond the English language.


Chum is a word that originated in the 17th century in British universities. It is an acronym for chamber fellow (roommate), and eventually spread globally by English speakers as a synonym for close friend.

The word chum is so universal that when the first American oilmen traveled to Venezuela in the first half of the 20th century, they made Venezuelans adopt it among themselves. That is why today in Venezuela chamo (adaptation of chum) is used as a synonym for boy.


Mate is another synonym for friend that you can use even if you don’t know the person. Always in informal contexts.


Buddy is more common in Canada and the United States than anywhere else. It is often abbreviated as Bud, which means the same thing. The important thing is that Buddy translates from slang as buddy.


This word is the fruit of the Scottish imagination. Initially it refers to someone you spend a lot of time with and are fond of, but the Scots also use it as a verb meaning to play or have fun: We are palling around”.


A homeboy is a close friend who is usually from the same city as the person who calls him that.


Same case. A homegirl is a friend from your city, town or neighborhood.


Comrade means comrade. Although today it is used to refer to any friend, initially it was the way in which socialist revolutionaries called themselves.


BFF is the most famous acronym for best friend. The letters stand for: Best Friend Forever.


Your biffle is your best friend. It comes from the acronym BFFL (Best Friends For Life).


Although amigo is a Spanish word, many Americans use it frequently to talk to strangers in a friendly way. They also use it, although less, as a vocative for their real friends.


You can hear American women say “chica” to each other in Spanish without any problem. It is common among close-knit groups of friends.


It is common for women to call each other girl, both among friends, acquaintances and even strangers.

Sis / Sista / Sister

When women have a solid or trusting friendship, sis, sista and sister are common vocatives among them.


In some communities in the United States, ace is called ace to a childhood friend from the same neighborhood.


Butty is a historical variation of the word buddy created by the miners, who divided a loot and called themselves butty among those among whom the loot was to be divided.


Blad is a word of Jamaican origin whose etymology comes from the word blood. It is also used in the United Kingdom.


Yes, it means bitch and initially it was an offense. But today it is also used among women who are very fond of each other to call each other.


It is used in the northern part of England as a synonym for “man” or “fellow”.

If you want to learn English in the state of Florida, or online, you can contact us to start building your future.

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