Best word for rude

What is a better word for rude?

  • discourteous,
  • disrespectful,
  • ill-bred,
  • ill-mannered,
  • impertinent,
  • impolite,
  • inconsiderate,
  • thoughtless,

What is another word for insulting?

SYNONYMS FOR insulting rude, discourteous, abusive, derogatory, offensive, nasty.

What is another way to say disrespectful?


  1. discourteous, rude, impolite, uncivil, unmannerly, ill-mannered, bad-mannered, ungracious, irreverent, inconsiderate.
  2. insolent, impudent, impertinent, cheeky, flippant, insubordinate, churlish.
  3. contemptuous, disdainful, derisive, scornful, disparaging, insulting, abusive.

What is the highest form of disrespect?

Being aware of, yet completely indifferent to someone else is the highest (or lowest, as it were) form of disrespect.

How do you deal with blatant disrespect?

Try disarming them with kindness. If someone is being disrespectful or rude, responding with kindness can take them by surprise and encourage them to rethink their behavior. Instead of getting upset or retaliating, try deescalating the situation with a smile and a few kind words.

What is an example of disrespect?

To disrespect is defined as to show rudeness or a lack of respect. An example of to disrespect is for a child to call his mother rude names. Disrespect is defined as rudeness or a lack of courtesy. An example of disrespect is not saying “Thank you” to someone who helps you.

What are signs of disrespect?

Here are ten signs of disrespect to watch out for.

  • They don’t listen to you.
  • They don’t prioritize you.
  • They give you the silent treatment.
  • You caught them lying to you.
  • They flirt with others.
  • They hurt your feelings on purpose.
  • They refuse to spend time with your family or friends.
  • They have inconsiderate personal habits.

Why do I get so angry when I feel disrespected?

We try to impose our mind on their world. When we take things personally, we feel offended and disrespected. Our reaction is either to defend ourself by exerting dominance or submitting passively. Either way we are provoked by someones criticism and view it as literal, personal and serious.

What happens when you disrespect someone?

To disrespect someone is to act in an insulting way toward them. When you disrespect people, you think very little of them. Disrespect is all about not showing respect. Actually, it’s about showing the opposite of respect, by acting rude, impolite, and offensive.

How do you respectfully disrespect someone?

If you’ve been disrespected by someone close to you, use these techniques to manage their disrespect the right way.

  1. Live a life above reproach. The first thing anyone has to learn about respect is that it must be earned.
  2. Practice equinamity.
  3. Be kind and ask questions.
  4. Take the initiative.
  5. Practice empathy.

What to say when you feel disrespected?

5 Steps for Telling Someone They Hurt or Disrespected You

  1. Start with why what you want to say is important.
  2. Briefly describe what happened that felt hurtful or disrespectful.
  3. Say how their behavior made you feel—the impact.
  4. Ask for what you need going forward.
  5. End by reinforcing why you are making this request.

How do you tell if a guy is confused about his feelings for you?

How to Tell if a Guy Is Confused About His Feelings for You

  • He will have sex with you but won’t hold your hand.
  • He doesn’t take you on real dates.
  • He has a wandering eye.
  • He doesn’t talk about the future with you.
  • He never does anything nice for you.
  • You’re in a situationship.
  • Communication frequency fluctuates often.

Can you fall in love through texting?

Originally Answered: Is it possible for a guy to fall in love with a girl through texting? Yes, u can… u can definitely. But proceeding to another level of relationship u need more than texting her.

What Emojis do guys use when they like you?

21 Emojis Guys Use When They Love You

  • The Heart Eyes ? Whether you like it or not, most guys are selective about the emojis they use.
  • The Blushing Face Emoji ?
  • Kiss Mark ?
  • The Kissy Face Emoji?
  • Hugging Face Emoji ?
  • The Relieved face ?
  • Upside-Down Face ?
  • The Smirk face ?

What does ? mean from a guy?

Heart eyes emoji ? You’ll see it and you’ll know that for a guy, it means that he’s captivated by you. You have his heart, and he’s praying to God that you feel the same way for him – especially if he puts more than one heart eyes emoji in the same message.

What does ? mean from a girl?

Time to break out the smirking face emoji to make sure your sexy innuendo lands. Adding this emoji to a text indicates you are flirting or sending a suggestive message. On social media it can also mean you are feeling smug and self-satisfied because you just did something baller.

What does ? mean from a girl?

? Meaning: Two Hearts This emoji is widely used to express warm feelings, love and romance. This emoji is present in many romantic texts, and can mean everything that is related to it: from “love is in the air” to the deeper and mature emotions.

What does ? ? mean on Snapchat?

In sexual contexts, the sweat droplets emoji is used to depict sexual fluids. Sometimes, this emoji also represents actual sweat or water and is completely unrelated to sex.

  • abusive
  • blunt
  • boorish
  • coarse
  • crude
  • ignorant
  • impolite
  • insulting
  • intrusive
  • obscene
  • surly
  • vulgar
  • uncivil
  • abrupt
  • bad-mannered
  • barbarian
  • barbaric
  • barbarous
  • brusque
  • brutish
  • cheeky
  • churlish
  • crabbed
  • curt
  • discourteous
  • graceless
  • gross
  • gruff
  • illiterate
  • impertinent
  • impudent
  • inconsiderate
  • insolent
  • loutish
  • low
  • offhand
  • peremptory
  • raw
  • savage
  • scurrilous
  • short
  • uncivilized
  • uncouth
  • uncultured
  • uneducated
  • ungracious
  • unmannerly
  • unpolished
  • unrefined
  • wild
  • coarse
  • ignorant
  • angular
  • artless
  • barbarous
  • callow
  • formless
  • fresh
  • green
  • inartistic
  • inelegant
  • inexperienced
  • inexpert
  • makeshift
  • primal
  • raw
  • rough
  • roughhewn
  • roughly made
  • rudimental
  • rudimentary
  • shapeless
  • simple
  • uncivilized
  • unconversant
  • uncultivated
  • unfashioned
  • unfinished
  • unformed
  • unhewn
  • unpolished
  • unprocessed
  • unrefined
  • wild
  • harsh
  • unpleasant
  • violent
  • abrupt
  • guessed
  • imperfect
  • imprecise
  • inexact
  • in the ballpark
  • proximate
  • rough
  • sharp
  • startling
  • stormy
  • surmised
  • turbulent
  • unprecise

On this page you’ll find 279 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to rude, such as: abusive, blunt, boorish, coarse, crude, and ignorant.


What is another word for rude?

Many synonyms of rude suggest a violation of manners or propriety, including
impolite, bad-mannered, ill-mannered, mannerless, unmannerly, and discourteous.

A word that suggests that a person doesn’t know how to interact with others—or doesn’t care how they do—is tactless.

Words that suggest a more active, deliberate rudeness are disrespectful, insolent, and impertinent.

People who are overly blunt or aggressive might be described as brash, brusque, crude, or boorish.

The word uncivil implies that someone is behaving in a way that ignores common courtesy.

A generally rude person might be called a jerk (or worse names).

Rude can also describe something that is crudely made. The word crude can also be used as a synonym of this sense.

What is a more polite word for rude?

How is rude different from mean?

What is another word for a rude awakening?

  • exact
  • gradual
  • kind
  • mannerly
  • nice
  • polished
  • polite
  • refined
  • respectful
  • smooth
  • sophisticated
  • gentle
  • mild
  • peaceful
  • pleasing
  • exact
  • gradual
  • kind
  • mannerly
  • nice
  • polished
  • polite
  • refined
  • respectful
  • smooth
  • sophisticated

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.

How to use rude in a sentence

There appears a rude attempt to picture the mouth cavity and to show those interesting accessories, the teeth.


On the upper part of each of these posts was a rude carving of a hideous human face with prominent teeth.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • barbarian
  • barbaric
  • base
  • bawdy
  • blue
  • boorish
  • brutish
  • cheap
  • churlish
  • common
  • crass
  • crude
  • dirty
  • earthy
  • filthy
  • foul
  • foul-mouthed
  • gross
  • gruff
  • ill-bred
  • immodest
  • impolite
  • improper
  • impure
  • incult
  • indelicate
  • inelegant
  • loutish
  • low
  • lowbred
  • mean
  • nasty
  • obscene
  • off-color
  • offensive
  • raffish
  • raunchy
  • raw
  • ribald
  • rough
  • roughneck
  • rude
  • scatological
  • smutty
  • tacky
  • tasteless
  • uncivil
  • uncivilized
  • uncouth
  • uncultivated
  • uncultured
  • unpolished
  • unrefined
  • vulgar
  • vulgarian
  • calumniating
  • castigating
  • censorious
  • contumelious
  • defamatory
  • derisive
  • disparaging
  • insolent
  • insulting
  • invective
  • libelous
  • maligning
  • obloquious
  • offensive
  • opprobrious
  • reproachful
  • reviling
  • rude
  • sarcastic
  • scathing
  • scolding
  • scurrilous
  • sharp-tongued
  • slanderous
  • traducing
  • upbraiding
  • vilifying
  • vituperative
  • bold
  • conceited
  • disdainful
  • domineering
  • egotistic
  • forward
  • haughty
  • imperious
  • overbearing
  • pushy
  • rude
  • assuming
  • bantam
  • bold
  • brassy
  • brazen
  • cheeky
  • defiant
  • disrespectful
  • forward
  • impertinent
  • impudent
  • insolent
  • nervy
  • rude
  • saucy
  • shameless
  • smart-ass
  • all thumbs
  • amateurish
  • artless
  • blundering
  • bulky
  • bumbling
  • bungling
  • butterfingers
  • coarse
  • floundering
  • gawky
  • graceless
  • green
  • having two left feet
  • having two left hands
  • incompetent
  • inept
  • inexpert
  • klutzy
  • lumbering
  • maladroit
  • oafish
  • rude
  • stiff
  • stumbling
  • uncoordinated
  • uncouth
  • unfit
  • ungainly
  • ungraceful
  • unhandy
  • unpolished
  • unrefined
  • unskilled
  • unskillful
  • barbaric
  • barbarous
  • boorish
  • brutal
  • coarse
  • cruel
  • inhuman
  • lowbrow
  • merciless
  • philistine
  • primitive
  • rough
  • rude
  • uncivil
  • uncivilized
  • uncouth
  • uncultivated
  • uncultured
  • unsophisticated
  • untamed
  • vicious
  • vulgar
  • wild

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

Last Updated: November 19, 2021 | Author: Bobby Labarge

What is another good word for rude?

1 uncivil, unmannerly, curt, brusque, impertinent, impudent, saucy, pert, fresh. 2 unrefined, uncultured, uncivilized, uncouth, coarse, vulgar, rough. 8 rustic, artless. 9 stormy, fierce, tumultuous, turbulent.

What is a polite way to say rude?

uncouth. adjective. behaving in a way that polite people consider rude or offensive.

What is another word for lack of respect?

What is another word for lack of respect?

lese majesty belittlement
disdain disparagement
disregard disrespect
boldness coarseness
contempt discourtesy

What does rude mean in slang?

a. lacking refinement, culture, or elegance; uncouth, boorish, coarse, vulgar, etc. b. British, Informal. indecent; obscene.

What is a rude person?

Rude refers to bad behavior or just plain bad manners. For example, children are taught to say “please” and “thank you” or they are considered rude. A rude person needs a little work — rude also means crude or basic, like a rude cabin out in the woods that barely keeps the rain out. It can be a sudden realization, too.

Is it rude to call someone rude?

My friend replied that telling someone that they are rude is, in itself, an act of rudeness, making me, rather than her, the perpetrator of bad behavior in this situation! … Of course I didn’t mean it, just as I know you don’t mean to be rude and scold me.” But apparently she resorted to the “You’re another” defense.

What is the adjective of rude?

adjective. /rud/ (ruder, rudest) 1having or showing a lack of respect for other people and their feelings synonym impolite a rude comment rude (to somebody) (about somebody/something) The man was downright rude to us.

Is being rude good?

Rudeness perpetuates rudeness. And the act of being rude or being the recipient of rude behavior can impede productivity, emotions and overall health. … Rudeness happens when someone behaves in a way that doesn’t align with the way someone else might think is appropriate or civil, he says.

Why am I rude to my parents?

Often times we behave rudely because our emotions get the best of us. If you find yourself in a situation with your parents where you keep getting angrier and angrier, finding a way to calm down, collect your thoughts, and keep yourself from losing control is critical.

How do you shut up a rude person?

5 Comebacks to Shut Down Rude People

  1. Say thank you. A person can be rude by putting in their input where it doesn’t belong and giving you a view that you didn’t ask for. …
  2. Take a deep breath. Take the high road. …
  3. Ask if it was necessary. But of course, you don’t have to always keep quiet. …
  4. You’re right. …
  5. Let it go.

What to say to someone who disrespects you?

5 Steps for Telling Someone They Hurt or Disrespected You

  • Start with why what you want to say is important. …
  • Briefly describe what happened that felt hurtful or disrespectful. …
  • Say how their behavior made you feel—the impact. …
  • Ask for what you need going forward. …
  • End by reinforcing why you are making this request.

What is disrespectful behavior?

Disrespectful words and actions are rude and show a lack of respect. If you want to “dis” someone, be disrespectful towards them. … Disrespectful behavior can range from blatant rudeness to just not acting impressed or awed by something others hold sacred.

How do you call a rude friend?

Call the person out on his or her behavior.

Another tactic to stop the spiral of rudeness is to simply call them out on their behavior and ask them to stop. If someone you can’t get away from is consistently rude to you, you need to address the issue directly.

It’s never nice to be rude. You will earn disrespect, gain negativity, and lose friends. Whether it’s intentional or just a spur of the moment, be a good judge of character with the following expressions for rudeness.

Slang Words for Rude (in Alphabetical Order)

A Fine How Do You Do 


  • (Expression) A polite way of calling someone out for their rudeness.

  • Example: 

Person 1: Hello Mrs. Bennett, I heard your daughter ranked last place in her class. 

Person 2: Well that’s a fine how do you do. Kids can learn at their own pace.

Below the Belt 


  • (Expression) Based on the rules of physical sports such as boxing not to hit below the waistline, “below the belt” is an unfair and person-attacking comment.

  • Example: The bullies went below the belt when they made fun of Andrew’s tragic family history.

Cheeky Chappy


  • (Noun) A British slang for someone who is too forward with their opinions but gets away with it because s/he is charming.

  • Example: The TV host is such a cheeky chappy. He pokes fun at guests yet ends up making the audiences laugh.

Cock a Snook 


  • (Verb) The British way of taunting someone by placing the thumb of an open hand right at one’s nose. This is usually done by kindergarten and elementary school kids.

  • Example: Remember not to cock a snook whenever your uncle does a quirky thing. Your uncle is still your uncle even if he’s sick.



  • (Verb) To purposefully make a rude statement. 

  • Example: Jay made a rap diss about how entertainment agencies shackle artistic freedom.

Eat and Run


  • (Verb) To go off immediately after eating without having the customary thank you or short conversation among family and friends. In eating establishments, this means not to pay for the meal.
  • Example: Johnny and Mark ate and ran out of the sushi house because they forgot their wallets.



  • (Adjective) A wild animal trait used by Australians to refer to someone who has completely lost their temper.

  • Example: Hank doesn’t care how you feel once he’s drunk and feral. He’ll just say whatever he wants.



  • (Adjective) A Canadian slang for rude, noisy, and disrespectful tourists.

  • Example: Those gorby tourists just spat at the street.



  • (Noun) Based on a viral meme, a “Karen” is a middle-aged, Caucasian lady who is disrespectful towards supermarket staff or middle-waged employees in general.

  • Example: The last restaurant guest pulled off a total Karen when she won’t drink her white wine because “it’s not clear enough”.

Nosy Parker 


  • (Noun) A person who asks similar, annoying, and uncomfortable questions one after the other. 

  • Example: Mr. Holmes avoids his neighbor because she’s a nosy parker.

Out of Line


  • (Expression) Since each one has their own boundaries with each other, to be out of line is to cross these boundaries. 

  • Example: Vicki was out of line for commenting on how much Chloe earned on being a waitress.

Party Pooper


  • (Noun) Someone who does not participate in party games and activities despite being invited.

  • Example: You won’t be invited to parties anymore if you don’t join in the games. Don’t be a party pooper.

Rude Awakening


  • (Idiom) Being struck by the realization that someone or something is not what it appears to be. 

  • Example: Dana is in for a rude awakening when she’ll know her husband’s affair.

Smart Alecky 


  • (Adjective) Someone who thinks they are so smart that they stamp a negative expression among others.

  • Example: The smart alecky sports commentator mispronounced the player’s last name. The player thought he was unprofessional and rude.

Uncultured Swine


  • (Noun) A degrading term for someone who has not learned to navigate social conventions.

  • Example: That uncultured swine did not even greet the birthday celebrant yet he ate most of the cake.

What is another word for Rude?

  • crude

    good, courtesy

  • uncivil

    impolite, behaviour

  • impolite

    behaviour, courtesy

  • coarse

    uncouth, courtesy

  • raw

    good, crude

  • unmannerly

    impolite, behaviour

  • vulgar

    courtesy, crude

  • rough

    crude, good

  • disrespectful

    impolite, courtesy

  • discourteous

    impolite, behaviour

  • ill-mannered

    impolite, behaviour

  • gross

    coarse, disrespectful

  • primitive

    good, culture

  • boorish

    crude, disrespectful

  • harsh

    unpleasant, coarse

  • unpolished

    good, crude

  • unrefined

    characteristic, disrespectful

  • uncouth

    coarse, disrespectful

  • churlish

    ill-mannered, disrespectful

  • uncultured

    characteristic, culture

  • uncivilized

    characteristic, culture

  • impertinent

    ill-mannered, intrusive

  • ill-bred

    ill-mannered, uncultured

  • ignorant

    barbarous, uncivilized

  • ungracious

    ill-mannered, uncivil

  • crass


  • abrupt

    unpleasant, sudden

  • insulting

    offensive, scornful

  • brusque

    coarse, abrupt

  • unmannered


  • short


  • graceless

    uncouth, uncivilized

  • insolent

    abrupt, insulting

  • savage

    culture, barbarous

  • obscene

  • abusive

    offensive, cruel

  • blunt

  • impudent

    bold, abrupt

  • low


  • offensive

    unpleasant, indecent

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Rude Thesaurus

Definitions of Rude

Rude Antonyms

Nearby Words

rudeness, rudely

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aggressive, aggressive child, child deers, animals, male elderly person, senior, nurse rude, father, shoes babies rude, blowing, child hand pump, cock pump, fountain pump

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Synonyms for Rude. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 11, from

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Synonyms for Rude. 2016. Accessed April 11, 2023.

How does the adjective rude differ from other similar words?

Some common synonyms of rude are crude, raw, and rough. While all these words mean «lacking in social refinement,» rude implies ignorance of or indifference to good form; it may suggest intentional discourtesy.

Where would crude be a reasonable alternative to rude?

The words crude and rude are synonyms, but do differ in nuance. Specifically, crude may apply to thought or behavior limited to the gross, the obvious, or the primitive.

When would raw be a good substitute for rude?

In some situations, the words raw and rude are roughly equivalent. However, raw suggests being untested, inexperienced, or unfinished.

turning raw youths into polished performers

When is rough a more appropriate choice than rude?

The synonyms rough and rude are sometimes interchangeable, but rough is likely to stress lack of polish and gentleness.

Synonym definition

A synonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression that has the same meaning as another, or almost the same meaning. Synonyms are other words that mean the same thing. This avoids repetitions in a sentence without changing its meaning.

Antonym definition

An antonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression whose meaning is opposite to that of a word. Antonyms are used to express the opposite of a word.

Use of synonyms and antonyms

Synonyms and antonyms are intended to:

  • — Enrich a text, an email, a message.
  • — Avoid repetitions in a text.

Examples of synonyms

The words acknowledge, enjoy, welcome are synonyms for «appreciate».

Examples of antonyms

The words blockage, encumbrance, handicap are antonyms for «help».

Use of

In your daily life, for writing an email, a text, an essay, if you want to avoid repetitions or find the opposite meaning of a word. This site allows you to find in one place, all the synonyms and antonyms of the English language. is more than 70,800 synonyms and 47,200 antonyms available. Here you use the synonyms for rude. These synonyms for the word rude are provided for your information only.

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English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:5.0 / 1 vote

  1. rude

    Whatever is not civilized is barbarian; barbaric indicates rude magnificence, uncultured richness; as, barbaric splendor, a barbaric melody. Barbarous refers to the worst side of barbarian life, and to revolting acts, especially of cruelty, such as a civilized man would not be expected to do; as, a barbarous deed. We may, however, say barbarous nations, barbarous tribes, without implying anything more than want of civilization and culture. Savage is more distinctly bloodthirsty than barbarous. In this sense we speak of a savage beast and of barbarous usage.

    atrocious, barbarian, barbaric, barbarous, brutal, cruel, inhuman, merciless, savage, uncivilized, uncouth, untamed

    civilized, courtly, cultured, delicate, elegant, graceful, humane, nice, polite, refined, tender, urbane

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. rude

    impertinent, rough, uneven, shapeless, unfashioned, artless, unpolished, uncouth, inelegant, rustic, coarse, vulgar, clownish, raw, unskilful, untaught, illiterate, ignorant, uncivil, saucy, impolite, impudent, insolent, surly, currish, churlish, brutal, uncivilized, barbarous, savage, violent, tumultuous, turbulent, impetuous, boisterous, harsh, inclement, severe, insulting, grotesque, barbaric, archaic

    modest, bashful, civil, courteous, ceremonious, deferential, smooth, even, artistic, polished, fashioned, courtly, elegant, high-wrought, polite, accommodating, considerate, refined, gentle, peaceful, culm, genial, balmy, halcyonic, serene, placid, modern, modish, fashionable

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:3.0 / 2 votes

  1. ill-mannered, bad-mannered, rude, unmannered, unmannerlyadjective

    socially incorrect in behavior

    «resentment flared at such an unmannered intrusion»

    uncivil, yokelish, unmannered, unmannerly, lowbred, natural, underbred, raw(a), ill-mannered, primitive, rude, ill-bred, rude(a), crude, bad-mannered, bounderish

    later(a), refined, polite, processed, late

  2. ill-bred, bounderish, lowbred, rude, underbred, yokelishadjective

    (of persons) lacking in refinement or grace

    uncivil, yokelish, unmannered, unmannerly, lowbred, natural, raw(a), primitive, ill-mannered, ill-bred, rude, underbred, rude(a), crude, bad-mannered, bounderish

    processed, late, polite, refined, later(a)

  3. uncivil, rudeadjective

    lacking civility or good manners

    «want nothing from you but to get away from your uncivil tongue»- Willa Cather

    uncivil, yokelish, unmannered, unmannerly, lowbred, natural, underbred, raw(a), ill-mannered, primitive, rude, ill-bred, rude(a), crude, bad-mannered, bounderish

    polite, processed, late, later(a), refined

  4. natural, raw(a), rude(a)adjective

    (used especially of commodities) being unprocessed or manufactured using only simple or minimal processes

    «natural yogurt»; «natural produce»; «raw wool»; «raw sugar»; «bales of rude cotton»

    refined, polite, processed, late, later(a)

  5. crude, primitive, rudeadjective

    belonging to an early stage of technical development; characterized by simplicity and (often) crudeness

    «the crude weapons and rude agricultural implements of early man»; «primitive movies of the 1890s»; «primitive living conditions in the Appalachian mountains»

    bad-mannered, ill-bred, rough, yokelish, primitive, unrefined, rude, crude(a), underbred, rude(a), vulgar, bounderish, archaic, gross, raw, lowbred, naive, stark(a), earthy, crude, unprocessed, blunt, ill-mannered, unmannered, raw(a), unmannerly, natural, uncivil

    refined, later(a), processed, polite, late

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. rudeadjective

    rough, rugged, uneven, shapeless, unfashioned, unformed, unwrought, crude, ill-formed

  2. rudeadjective

    artless, unpolished, raw, coarse, inelegant, uncouth, clownish, loutish, boorish, ungraceful, uncivilized, untrained, untaught, undisciplined, ignorant, barbarous, illiterate, brutal, savage

  3. rudeadjective

    uncivil, uncourteous, impolite, impudent, impertinent, saucy, vulgar, insolent, ill-bred, surly, currish, gruff, churlish, bearish, BRUSQUE

  4. rudeadjective

    violent, fierce, impetuous, inclement, boisterous, tumultuous, harsh, severe, turbulent

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. rudeadjective

    crude, unpolished, raw, rough, indelicate, unrefined, coarse, undisciplined, uncivilized, inelegant, inartistic, artless, uncivil, discourteous, inurbane, impolite, romping, hoidenish, boisterous, turbulent, violent, inclement, tumultuous, unwrought, unfashioned

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «rude»:

    impolite, coarse, roed, discourteous, garish, foul-mouthed, brazen, crass, rudd, insolent, vulgar, ruda, ruud, disrespectful, polite, rough, bad-tempered, crude, nude, harsh

Suggested Resources

  1. rude

    Song lyrics by rude — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by rude on the website.

  2. RUDE

    What does RUDE stand for? — Explore the various meanings for the RUDE acronym on the website.

How to pronounce Rude?

How to say Rude in sign language?

How to use Rude in a sentence?

  1. Jared Taylor:

    I consider it rude, I don’t condone it, but it’s obviously not a hate crime.

  2. Tennessee Titans:

    Real quick, I want to say I am sorry for the way I handled the press conference, I know not everybody that was there is here. But I was rude and inappropriate, and I just want to say I apologize for it.

  3. Bible, 1 Corinthians 13:4-7:

    Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

  4. Norman Matara:

    It’s a rude awakening to the government and to the politicians, if you have decades of continuously destroying your public health system, and then now you have a pandemic, you cannot then overturn that decay … in one year or in six months.

  5. Jeanette Williamson:

    I was trying to be nice to her in the beginning, she was so rude, would n’t make eye contact then I just started to get irate. She started to say mean things to me. And it fired me up even more.

Translations for Rude

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • غير مهذبArabic
  • obscè, robust, rude, bastCatalan, Valencian
  • sprostýCzech
  • uforskammet, fræk, vulgær, sjofel, uhøflig, grovDanish
  • unhöflich, grob, unverschämt, frechGerman
  • αγενήςGreek
  • grosero, rudoSpanish
  • rõve, jämeEstonian
  • karkeatekoinen, karkea, moukkamainen, töykeä, karkeatapainen, rivo, tylyFinnish
  • malpoli, impoli, grossierFrench
  • ढीठHindi
  • durvaHungarian
  • oscena, offensivo, maleducato, rudeItalian
  • 失礼, 無礼Japanese
  • 버릇없는Korean
  • inhūmānus, inconditus, rudis, importunūs, insolensLatin
  • grubusLithuanian
  • grofDutch
  • uforskammet, ubehøvlet, stygg, rå, grovNorwegian
  • niegrzecznyPolish
  • بدمخی, شډلPashto, Pushto
  • rudePortuguese
  • nepoliticosRomanian
  • пошлый, грубый, неотёсанный, сырой, неприличный, невежливый, крепкийRussian
  • drzak, nepristojanSerbo-Croatian
  • nesrámenSlovene
  • oförskämd, ohövligSwedish
  • jeuriSwahili
  • మోటుTelugu
  • bastosTagalog
  • ڈھيٹھ, بدقسمتیUrdu

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[ ɹˈuːd], [ ɹˈuːd], [ ɹ_ˈuː_d]

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