Best word for handsome man

In this article, you will find words to describe a handsome man. Until recently, the male drive to look beautiful or strong was often derived from an inherent need for men to feel and seem more successful, competitive, virile, and powerful – a state known as toxic masculinity, according to some.

However, a new generation is taking a radically different approach, which is a welcome development. Instead of trying to please or appeal to others, they dress to allow them to feel comfortable with themselves.

We are also becoming less judgmental and more welcoming of physically and psychologically different folks from us as a society. We have included words to describe a handsome man to ensure that you get the best understanding.

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Words to Describe a Handsome Man That Start with A

Adorable: charming, lovable, attractive, and easily loved.

Attractive: very pleasing in appearance, sexually alluring.

Adventurous: full of excitement.

Agreeable: quite enjoyable and pleasurable; pleasant.

Ambitious: a strong wish to be successful, powerful, or rich.

Amiable: having or displaying a friendly and pleasant manner.

Attentive: very polite or courteous.

Athletic: physically strong, fit, and active.

Ample: enough or more than enough; plentiful.

Appropriate: suitable or proper in the circumstances.

Abundant: available in large quantities; plentiful.

Words to Describe a Handsome Man That Start with B

Bright: intelligent and quick to learn.

Bold: brave, confident and courageous.

Brash: showing too much confidence and too little respect.

Bright: cheerful and lively.

Broad-minded: tolerant or liberal in one’s views and reactions.

Bountiful: large in quantity; abundant

Beauteous: beautiful.

Bonny: attractive or beautiful.

Beautiful: pleasing the senses.

Words to Describe a Handsome Man That Start with C

Calm: peaceful, quiet, and without worry.

Candid: truthful and straightforward; frank.

Caring: displaying kindness and concern for others.

Charming: very pleasant or attractive.

Compassionate: feeling or showing sympathy and concern for others.

Composed: calm and in control of emotions.

Considerate: kind and helpful.

Cute: attractive in a pretty way.

Clean-cut: appearing neat and respectable.

Copious: abundant in supply or quantity.

Words to Describe a Handsome Man That Start with D

Dear: endearing; sweet.

Dependable: trustworthy and reliable.

Disciplined: showing a controlled form of behavior.

Discrete: individually separate and distinct.

Dutiful: conscientiously or obediently fulfilling one’s duty.

Demigod: greatly admired or respected.

Dexterous: showing or having skill.

Words to Describe a Handsome Man That Start with E

Eager: keenly expectant or interested.

Emotional: arousing or characterized by intense feelings.

Energetic: showing great activity.

Engaged: having formally agreed to marry.

Enthusiastic: showing enthusiasm.

Ethical: morally good or correct.

Excellent: extremely good; outstanding.

Easy-on-the-eyes: pleasant to look at.

Exquisite: extremely beautiful and delicate.

Elegant: graceful and stylish.

Words to Describe a Handsome Man That Start with F

Fair: moderately good.

Faithful: remaining loyal and steadfast.

Fastidious: very attentive to and concerned.

Frank: open, sincere, or undisguised.

Fun: playfulness or good humor.

Words to Describe a Handsome Man That Start with G

Good-looking: physically attractive.

Gracious: courteous, kind, and pleasant.

Gorgeous: beautiful; very attractive.

Gallant: brave; heroic.

Giving: providing love or others.

Generous: showing kindness towards others.

Words to Describe a Handsome Man That Start with I

Imposing: grand and impressive in appearance.

Impressive: evoking admiration through size, quality, or skill.

Inspiring: having the effect of inspiring someone.

Intelligent: having or showing intelligence.

Interesting: arousing curiosity or interest.

Imaginative: having or showing creativity or inventiveness.

Inventive: showing creativity or original thought.

Words to Describe a Handsome Man That Start with L

Lovely: very beautiful or attractive.

Level-headed: calm and sensible.

Lighthearted: amusing and entertaining.

Loving: feeling or showing love.

Loyal: firm and constant support.

Words to Describe a Handsome Man That Start with M

Manly: courage, strength, and spirit.

Magnanimous: generous or forgiving.

Muscular: relating to or affecting the muscles.

Munificent: characterized by or displaying great generosity.

Meticulous: very careful and precise.

Moderate: average in amount, intensity, or degree.

Words to Describe a Handsome Man That Start with O

Observant: quick to notice or perceive things.

Open-minded: willing to consider new ideas; unprejudiced.

Optimistic: hopeful and confident about the future.

Orderly: well behaved.

Organized: able to plan one’s activities efficiently.

Words to Describe a Handsome Man That Start with P

Pulchritudinous: beautiful.

Princely: suitable for a prince; very grand.

Personable: having a pleasant appearance.

Pretty: attractive in a delicate way.

Presentable: clean, smart, or decent.

Plentiful: abundant.

Prepossessing: attractive or appealing in appearance.

Words to Describe a Handsome Man That Start with S

Sexy: sexually attractive or exciting.

Stunning: extremely impressive or attractive.

Spruce: neat in appearance.

Stately: slow, formal, and dignified.

Strong: powerful and difficult.

Suitable: right or appropriate.

Splendid: magnificent; very impressive.

Stylish: fashionably elegant and sophisticated.

Sightly: pleasing to the eye.

Sizable: fairly large.

Words to Describe a Handsome Man That Start with T

Tactful: having or showing skill.

Tenacious: persisting in existence; not easily dispelled.

Thoughtful: showing consideration.

True: rightly or strictly so called; genuine

Trustworthy: honest or truthful.

  • Adorable
  • Attractive
  • Adventurous
  • Agreeable
  • Ambitious
  • Amiable
  • Attentive
  • Athletic
  • Ample
  • Appropriate
  • Abundant
  • Bright
  • Bold
  • Brash
  • Bright
  • Broad-minded
  • Bountiful
  • Beauteous
  • Bonny
  • Beautiful
  • Calm
  • Candid
  • Caring
  • Charming
  • Compassionate
  • Composed
  • Considerate
  • Cute
  • Clean-cut
  • Copious
  • Dear
  • Dependable
  • Disciplined
  • Discrete
  • Dutiful
  • Demigod
  • Dexterous
  • Eager
  • Emotional
  • Energetic
  • Engaged
  • Enthusiastic
  • Ethical
  • Excellent
  • Easy-on-the-eyes
  • Exquisite
  • Elegant
  • Fair
  • Faithful
  • Fastidious
  • Frank
  • Fun
  • Good-looking
  • Gracious
  • Gorgeous
  • Gallant
  • Giving
  • Generous
  • Imposing
  • Impressive
  • Inspiring
  • Intelligent
  • Interesting
  • Imaginative
  • Inventive
  • Lovely
  • Level-headed
  • Lighthearted
  • Loving
  • Loyal
  • Manly
  • Magnanimous
  • Muscular
  • Munificent
  • Meticulous
  • Moderate
  • Observant
  • Open-minded
  • Optimistic
  • Orderly
  • Organized
  • Pulchritudinous
  • Princely
  • Personable
  • Pretty
  • Presentable
  • Plentiful
  • Prepossessing
  • Sexy
  • Stunning
  • Spruce
  • Stately
  • Strong
  • Suitable
  • Splendid
  • Stylish
  • Sightly
  • Sizable
  • Tactful
  • Tenacious
  • Thoughtful
  • True
  • Trustworthy

Final Thoughts on Words to Describe a Handsome Man

Thank you for taking the time to read our post on words to describe a handsome man. It is becoming fashionable to have new standards of attractiveness, and the advertising sector is continually portraying the athletic “ideal” physique. This indicates that men are shifting their attention away from physical attractiveness and toward health.

Every culture has its own conception of what the ideal man should look like. Nowadays, we see handsome individuals on social media, on television, on catwalks, and the red carpet, among other places. We tend to think of them as the pinnacle of beauty, establishing a benchmark by which we may determine whether or not other individuals are visually appealing.

Historically, males were supposed to demand attention by possessing other characteristics such as riches, power, and wisdom. However, although physical attractiveness and good looks may have appeared anywhere on this list, they were not considered the most desired, desirable or even required characteristics in a man’s character. We hope you enjoyed our article about words to describe a handsome man.

You’re looking for the perfect word to describe that handsome, sometimes indescribable man in your life. 

He’s pretty unique, after all, and you want to capture his essence with just the right adjectives.

Well, it’s your lucky day – we’ve compiled an extensive list of words that speak to the qualities of an attractive man. 

Whether you’re writing a love message to your husband or boyfriend, want to send him a sweet text, or just want words to speak about him, this extensive collection of words will help you express the allure of a handsome man in all its facets. 

So, let’s dive in and explore the world of enchanting descriptions!

As you read through this list of words describing an attractive man, mark any that fit the bill with the guy you care about. 

You might try finding words with a first letter that spell out your guy’s name. 

For example, if his name is Jason, he might be Joyful, Ambitious, Supportive, Outgoing, and Noble.

Have fun with it, and make a game of describing your guy in a way that makes him feel special and adored.

Words to Describe a Handsome Man That Start with the letter “A”:

Ambitious: having a strong desire for success, power, or achievement.

Alluring: powerfully and mysteriously attractive or fascinating.

Articulate: able to express oneself clearly and effectively in spoken or written language.

woman kissing man Words to Describe a Handsome Man

Athletic: physically fit, strong, and active, with an aptitude for sports.

Amicable: displaying a friendly and pleasant manner.

Assertive: confidently self-assured and able to stand up for oneself and one’s beliefs.

Adventurous: eager to explore and try new things, unafraid of the unknown.

Astute: having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people; shrewd.

Amiable: having a friendly and sociable disposition.

Adaptable: able to adjust to new conditions or situations with ease.

Words to Describe a Handsome Man That Start with the letter “B”:

Bold: showing courage and a willingness to take risks.

Brilliant: exceptionally intelligent, talented, or skillful.

Brave: able to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage.

Benevolent: well-meaning and kind, with a genuine concern for others.

Balanced: having a healthy mix of various traits, emotions, and abilities.

Brainy: highly intelligent and knowledgeable.

Breathtaking: astonishing and awe-inspiring.

Buoyant: optimistic and cheerful, having a positive outlook on life.

Brawny: physically strong and muscular, with a powerful build.

Byronic: dark, romantic, and brooding qualities of the literary archetype, Lord Byron’s heroes.

Words to Describe a Handsome Man That Start with the letter “C”:

Charismatic: having a charm that inspires devotion or admiration in others.

Confident: believing in oneself and one’s abilities; self-assured.

Creative: having the ability to produce original and imaginative ideas or work.

Compassionate: showing sympathy and concern for others, especially those who are suffering.

Chivalrous: courteous, respectful, and honorable, especially towards women.

Captivating: irresistibly attractive or engaging, holding the attention of others.

Caring: showing kindness and concern for the well-being of others.

Courageous: able to confront fear, danger, or pain; showing bravery.

Committed: dedicated and loyal, showing a strong sense of responsibility and devotion.

Cultured: refined and sophisticated, possessing a wide range of knowledge for the arts, literature, and other intellectual pursuits.

Words to Describe a Handsome Man That Start with the letter “D”:

Dazzling: extremely impressive, beautiful, or skillful.

Devoted: giving one’s time, effort, or affection generously to a person or cause.

Discerning: having or showing good judgment, especially in matters of taste.

Dynamic: full of energy, enthusiasm, and the ability to make things happen.

Dignified: having or showing a composed or serious manner that is worthy of respect.

Dashing: stylish and attractive in appearance and demeanor, with a sense of flair and confidence.

Diligent: hardworking and meticulous, displaying great care and attention to detail.

headshot of male model posing Words to Describe a Handsome Man

Dependable: reliable and trustworthy, consistently meeting expectations and fulfilling responsibilities.

Delightful: highly pleasing and enjoyable, creating an environment of happiness

Disarming: having the ability to remove suspicion or hostility through charm or friendliness.

Words to Describe a Handsome Man That Start with the letter “E”:

Elegant: graceful, stylish, and refined in appearance, manner, or style.

Empathetic: understanding and sharing the feelings of others.

Enthusiastic: showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.

Endearing: inspiring affection and warmth, making others feel fondness or attachment.

Exemplary: worthy of imitation; representing the best of its kind.

Encouraging: supportive and uplifting, providing motivation and inspiration to others.

Erudite: knowledgeable and learned with a deep understanding of a wide range of subjects.

Energetic: full of vitality and enthusiasm, showing a strong drive and liveliness.

Engaging: interesting and enjoyable, able to hold the attention and interest of others.

Enterprising: resourceful and ambitious, showing initiative and a willingness to take on challenges.

Words to Describe a Handsome Man That Start with the letter “F”:

Fascinating: extremely interesting and captivating, holding the attention of others.

Fearless: brave and courageous, unafraid to face challenges or take risks.

Fierce: showing intensity and passion, whether in competition, determination, or personal beliefs.

Fit: in good physical shape, exhibiting strength, agility, and overall wellness.

Flexible: adaptable and open to change, able to adjust to new situations or ideas with ease.

Focused: having the ability to concentrate and maintain attention on a task or goal.

Forgiving: willing to let go of past mistakes, holding no grudges or resentment.

Fortunate: blessed with good luck or favorable circumstances

Friendly: approachable and easy to get along with, having warmth and kindness.

Fulfilled: satisfied and content with life, enjoying a sense of accomplishment.

Words to Describe a Handsome Man That Start with the letter “G”:

Gallant: brave, chivalrous, and honorable, especially towards women.

Genuine: authentic and sincere with true character and emotions.

Gifted: having exceptional talent, intelligence, or skill.

Gracious: courteous, kind, and pleasant, especially towards others.

Gregarious: sociable and outgoing, enjoying the company of others.

man standing by door posing smiling Words to Describe a Handsome Man

Grounded: sensible, practical, and emotionally stable.

Gutsy: courageous, daring, and willing to take risks.

Generous: willing to give or share, especially in terms of time, money, or other resources.

Gentle: mild-mannered, calm, and kind, demonstrating a considerate and caring nature.

Goal-oriented: focused on achieving specific objectives with strong determination and ambition.

Words to Describe a Handsome Man That Start with the letter “H”:

Hardworking: diligent and committed to putting forth effort and dedication.

Happy: experiencing or expressing a state of contentment and satisfaction.

Harmonious: having a pleasing and consistent combination of personality or demeanor.

Healthy: in good physical and mental condition. Serious about good nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle choices.

Helpful: willing and able to provide assistance or support to others.

Heroic: showing great courage and bravery in the face of adversity.

Humble: modest and unpretentious, not overly

Humorous: having a good sense of humor, able to make others laugh and see the lighter side of life.

Honest: truthful, sincere, and free from deceit, showing integrity in actions and words.

Words to Describe a Handsome Man That Start with the letter “I”:

Imaginative: creative and inventive, able to think of new and original ideas.

Independent: self-reliant and able to make decisions or take care of oneself without the help of others.

Insightful: possessing a deep understanding of people and situations, with a keen sense of perception.

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Inspiring: motivating and encouraging others to achieve their best or pursue their dreams.

Intelligent: displays a high level of mental ability, understanding, and reasoning.

Intense: showing strong emotions, commitment, and focus.

Intriguing: arousing curiosity and interest due to an air of mystery or complexity.

Intuitive: able to understand or sense things.

Irresistible: extremely attractive or alluring, impossible to resist or ignore.

Innovative: introducing or using new ideas, methods, or groundbreaking techniques.

Words to Describe a Handsome Man That Start with the letter “J”:

Joyful: expressing or experiencing great happiness and delight.

Judicious: having or showing good judgment, especially in making decisions.

Just: guided by fairness, reason, and impartiality.

Jovial: characterized by good humor and cheerfulness.

Jaunty: having a lively, self-confident, and carefree manner with a sense of flair.

Jocular: inclined to joke or engage in light-hearted humor.

Judicious: wise and sensible, showing good judgment and discernment.

Juvenescent: youthful in appearance or manner with a quality of freshness and vitality.

Junoesque: possessing an appearance of a stately or regal quality.

Journeyman: skilled and experienced in a particular trade or craft.

Words to Describe a Handsome Man That Start with the letter “K”:

Keen: having a sharp intellect and quick understanding.

Kind: caring, considerate, and gentle, showing concern for the feelings and well-being of others.

Knowledgeable: possessing a wide range of information and understanding in various subjects.

Kempt: well-groomed, neat, and tidy in appearance.

Kindhearted: having a sympathetic and benevolent nature and concern for others.

Knightly: showing chivalry, honor, and courtesy.

Kudos-worthy: deserving praise, recognition, or admiration for achievements or qualities.

Kinesthetic: possessing a strong bodily awareness and coordination, excelling in physical activities.

Kooky: unconventional, quirky, and eccentric in an endearing manner.

Kindred: sharing similar characteristics, interests, or qualities.

Words to Describe a Handsome Man That Start with the letter “L”:

Loyal: faithful and committed, showing dedication and allegiance to a person or cause.

Level-headed: calm, rational, and sensible, especially in difficult or stressful situations.

Lively: full of energy and enthusiasm, displaying a vibrant and spirited demeanor.

Logical: capable of thinking clearly and making well-reasoned decisions or solving problems.

Laid-back: relaxed, easygoing, and not easily bothered by stress or pressure.

Laudable: deserving of praise or admiration for achievements.

Learned: highly knowledgeable, educated, or well-informed, especially in a particular field or subject.

Likable: possessing qualities that make others feel positively inclined or drawn to them.

Light-hearted: cheerful, good-natured, and easygoing attitude.

Listener: attentive and responsive to the thoughts, feelings, and ideas of others.

Words to Describe a Handsome Man That Start with the letter “M”:

Magnetic: possessing a strong and irresistible appeal or charm that attracts others.

Mature: demonstrating emotional and mental growth, characterized by wisdom, responsibility, and self-awareness.

Motivated: driven by a strong desire to achieve or accomplish a goal.

Modest: humble and unassuming, not overly boastful.

Mindful: aware of and attentive to the present moment.

Meticulous: extremely careful and precise, showing great attention to detail.

Masculine: possessing qualities traditionally associated with men, such as strength, courage, and assertiveness.

Multifaceted: possessing many skills or talents.

Mystical: having a spiritual or mysterious quality.

Melodious: possessing a pleasant and harmonious voice or sound.

Words to Describe a Handsome Man That Start with the letter “N”:

Noble: displaying high moral principles and integrity.

Nurturing: caring and supportive, often providing guidance, encouragement, and protection.

Noteworthy: deserving attention or recognition.

Nonchalant: cool and unconcerned having a casual and relaxed attitude.

Natural: unpretentious, authentic, and true to oneself.

Navigable: able to find one’s way through difficult situations or challenges.

Neat: tidy and well-organized in terms of appearance or personal habits.

Nurtured: well-cared for with strong self-worth and emotional well-being.

Natty: a stylish and fashionable sense of good taste and sophistication.

Nonjudgmental: open-minded and accepting, not prone to making harsh or critical judgments of others.

Words to Describe a Handsome Man That Start with the letter “O”:

Optimistic: hopeful and confident about the future, maintaining a positive outlook on life.

Open-minded: receptive to new ideas and experiences, willing to consider different perspectives and opinions.

Outgoing: friendly, sociable, and eager to engage with others.

Observant: attentive and perceptive, able to notice and understand subtle details in people and situations.

Original: unique and creative, not bound by convention or imitation.

Organized: orderly and methodical, able to manage tasks and priorities efficiently and effectively.

Obedient: respectful of authority and willing to follow rules or instructions.

Objective: impartial and unbiased, able to make decisions or judgments based on facts and evidence rather than personal feelings or opinions.

Opportunistic: resourceful and adaptable, able to take advantage of situations or circumstances to achieve desired outcomes.

Open-hearted: genuine, warm, and sincere, with a willingness to share emotions and connect with others on a deeper level.

Words to Describe a Handsome Man That Start with the letter “P”:

Passionate: showing intense emotions and a strong commitment to a cause or interest.

Patient: able to endure waiting, delays, or difficulties without becoming annoyed or anxious.

Perceptive: possessing a keen understanding of people and situations, often able to grasp subtle details and nuances.

Persistent: determined to continue in spite of difficulties with tenacity and resolve.

Polite: respectful in behavior and speech, displaying good manners and consideration for others.

Positive: characterized by a constructive or optimistic attitude.

Pragmatic: practical, realistic, and focused on finding solutions rather than dwelling on problems or obstacles.

Punctual: consistently on time and dependable with respect for the schedules of others.

Playful: lighthearted, fun-loving, and able to enjoy humor or amusement in various situations.

Protective: willing to defend or care for others.

Words to Describe a Handsome Man That Start with the letter “Q”:

Quick-witted: possessing a sharp intellect and the ability to think or respond rapidly.

Quixotic: idealistic and romantic in pursuit of lofty goals or ideals.

Quality-driven: committed to achieving high standards in work or personal life.

Quantitative: skilled in working with numbers, data, and analysis.

Quaint: charmingly old-fashioned or unusual.

Quiescent: calm, peaceful, and untroubled.

Quiet: reserved and not overly talkative, preferring to listen and observe rather than dominate conversations.

Questioning: inquisitive and curious, always seeking to learn and understand more about the world and people around them.

Quenchless: insatiable with an endless desire for knowledge, adventure, or personal growth.

Quintessential: representing the most perfect example of a quality, embodying the best attributes.

Words to Describe a Handsome Man That Start with the letter “R”:

Respectful: showing consideration and regard for the feelings, opinions, and rights of others, treating people with kindness and dignity.

Responsible: trustworthy and reliable, able to be counted on to fulfill obligations and commitments.

Resilient: able to recover quickly from setbacks or challenges.

Resourceful: creative and inventive, able to find solutions to problems or challenges using the available means.

Romantic: displaying a love for or appreciation of romance.

Reflective: thoughtful and introspective, taking time to ponder experiences to gain a deeper understanding.

Relaxed: calm and easygoing, not easily bothered by stress or pressure.

Receptive: open and willing to listen to or accept new ideas, opinions, or suggestions.

Refined: cultured, sophisticated having good taste and manners.

Radiant: emitting happiness, confidence, or warm positive energy.

Words to Describe a Handsome Man That Start with the letter “S”:

Sincere: genuine and honest, showing true feelings or intentions without pretense or deceit.

Supportive: providing encouragement, assistance, or understanding.

Sensible: having good judgment, reason, and practicality.

Spontaneous: willing to act on the spur of the moment.

Sophisticated: cultured, well-educated with refined tastes and manners.

Strong: physically and emotionally resilient, able to endure challenges or difficulties without faltering.

Self-assured: confident in one’s abilities or qualities.

Steadfast: unwavering in purpose, loyalty, or commitment.

Sympathetic: compassionate and understanding, able to empathize with the feelings or experiences of others.

Seductive: alluring and enticing, and appeal that attracts others.

Words to Describe a Handsome Man That Start with the letter “T”:

Trustworthy: reliable and honest, able to be counted on to keep promises or maintain confidentiality.

Thoughtful: considerate and attentive to the needs or feelings of others.

Talented: having natural aptitude or skill in a particular area.

Tenacious: determined and persistent, unwilling to give up easily in the face of challenges or obstacles.

Tactful: skilled in handling delicate or sensitive situations with diplomacy and discretion.

Tender: Warm and affectionate, displaying a caring side in relationships or interactions.

Tolerant: open-minded and accepting of differences, willing to respect and embrace diverse perspectives or beliefs.

Tranquil: calm, peaceful, and serene.

Thorough: careful and meticulous, paying close attention to detail and ensuring tasks are completed accurately.

Teasing: playfully provocative or flirtatious.

Words to Describe a Handsome Man That Start with the letter “U”:

Understanding: empathetic and compassionate, able to listen and appreciate the feelings, thoughts, or experiences of others.

Unassuming: modest and humble, not seeking attention or praise.

Unselfish: generous and willing to put the needs or desires of others before their own.

Uplifting: inspiring and encouraging, able to raise the spirits or morale of those around them.

Unflappable: calm and composed under pressure, not easily upset or agitated.

Unique: distinctive and one-of-a-kind, having qualities that set them apart from others, often embracing their individuality.

Uninhibited: free-spirited and not held back by social conventions. Often willing to take risks or explore new experiences.

Unforgettable: leaving a lasting impression with a presence that is difficult to forget.

Urbane: sophisticated, polished, and refined in manner.

Undaunted: courageous and fearless, not easily discouraged or intimidated.

Words to Describe a Handsome Man That Start with the letter “V”:

Versatile: adaptable and flexible, able to excel in a variety of tasks or situations.

Visionary: creative and forward-thinking, able to imagine and plan for future possibilities or innovations.

Vibrant: full of energy, enthusiasm, and vitality.

Valiant: courageous and brave, willing to face challenges or adversity with determination and strength.

Vigilant: alert and watchful, always on guard to protect or defend those around them.

Virtuous: possessing strong moral principles and commitment to honesty, fairness, and justice.

Vivacious: animated and spirited, possessing an infectious energy that draws others to them.

Venerable: respected and admired for wisdom, experience, or achievement.

Venturesome: bold and adventurous, willing to take risks or embark on new experiences.

Words to Describe a Handsome Man That Start with the letter “W”:

Wise: possessing knowledge, experience, and good judgment.

Witty: clever and humorous, able to use language in a quick and inventive manner.

Warm: friendly and welcoming, having genuine kindness with others.

Well-groomed: taking care of personal appearance, dressing neatly, and maintaining cleanliness.

Worldly: experienced and knowledgeable about different cultures, customs, and perspectives.

Wistful: characterized by a thoughtful or reflective longing.

Wise-cracking: engaging in humorous or sarcastic remarks.

Wholesome: showing qualities that are considered morally good or beneficial.

Well-rounded: possessing a wide range of skills, interests, and experiences.

Willing: ready and eager to take on tasks or challenges.

Warmhearted: kind, caring, and affectionate, having a genuine concern for the well-being of others.

Words to Describe a Handsome Man That Start with the letter “X”:

Xenodochial: friendly and hospitable, particularly towards strangers or foreigners.

Xerophilous: able to thrive in challenging environments, having resilience and adaptability.

X-factor: possessing an undefinable quality or charisma that sets them apart from others.

Xenial: Hospitalitable and willing to go out of their way to make others feel comfortable and at ease.

Xiphoid: sharp, incisive, or penetrating in thought or intellect.

Words to Describe a Handsome Man That Start with the letter “Y”:

Youthful: possessing a youthful appearance and vitality.

Yearning: characterized by a strong desire or longing for something.

Yielding: flexible and willing to compromise. Able to find solutions that satisfy the needs or desires of all parties involved.

Yare: agile, quick, and responsive with ease and grace.

Yugen: possessing a deep awareness and appreciation for the beauty and mystery of the world.

Words to Describe a Handsome Man That Start with the letter “Z”:

Zealous: passionately committed to a cause or goal.

Zen: calm, composed, and balanced, possessing a sense of inner peace and tranquility.

Zestful: full of energy, enthusiasm, and vitality, approaching life with excitement and enjoyment.

Zany: unconventional, eccentric, or amusingly strange.

Zeitgeist: in tune with the spirit of the times, showing awareness and understanding of current cultural or social trends.

Final Thoughts

We hope this list has inspired you and expanded your vocabulary. Now you’re equipped with a range of adjectives to express the captivating charm of your favorite man. 

Boost his confidence with this list words to describe a handsome man. Make him blush and feel like a king. Check out our ultimate list now!

Do you think Brad Pitt or Idris Elba are attractive? If so, how would you describe them? How do you feel when you think about them?

If you are at a loss for words, never fear! Welcome to our alluring and irresistible collection of words to describe a handsome man!

This lineup of words to describe handsome men can provide you with some help if you need to compliment a guy you like from school or work, on social media, while on a date, in a poem, letter or card, letting your partner know how delicious they are or if you need to come up with the right word with this guy you are texting.

When in the presence of a good-looking man, we can often stumble over our words, and we may struggle in that moment in describing a handsome man.

It is repetitive and common always calling a guy ‘handsome’, it is so cliché. So, impress that luscious guy by learning a word or two from our eye-catching list of words to describe a handsome man’s body, personality and spirit.
words to describe handsome men

Words To Describe A Handsome Man


  • Active
  • Adorable
  • Affable
  • Agile
  • Alluring
  • Ample
  • Appealing
  • Aristocratic
  • Arresting
  • Athletic
  • Attractive
  • August


  • Beauteous
  • Beautiful
  • Becoming
  • Bold
  • Bonny
  • Bounteous
  • Buff
  • Butch
  • Check out our largest collection of words to describe a man


  • Captivating
  • Charismatic
  • Charming
  • Classy
  • Clean-cut
  • Comely
  • Confident
  • Courtly
  • Cute


  • Dapper
  • Dashing
  • Debonair
  • Desirable
  • Dignified


  • Easy-on-the-eyes
  • Elegant
  • Enchanting
  • Energetic
  • Enthralling
  • Enticing
  • Exquisite
  • Eye-catching


  • Fanciable
  • Flawless
  • Fine
  • Fit


  • Gallant
  • Gentleman
  • Glamorous
  • Good-looking
  • Gorgeous
  • Graceful
  • Gracious
  • Gregarious
  • Groomed


  • Handsome
  • Happy
  • Heroic
  • Hot
  • Hunky
  • Husky
  • Hypnotic
  • Words To Describe Love


  • Impressive
  • Inviting
  • Irresistible


  • Knockout


  • Lovely
  • Luscious


  • Macho
  • Magnanimous
  • Magnetic
  • Majestic
  • Manly
  • Masculine
  • Mighty
  • Muscular


  • Neat
  • Nice-looking
  • Noble

words to describe a handsome man personality


  • Perfect
  • Photogenic
  • Pleasant
  • Polished
  • Powerful
  • Presentable
  • Pretty
  • Pulchritudinous


  • Ravishing
  • Red-blooded
  • Refined
  • Robust


  • Sensual
  • Sexy
  • Sharp
  • Sightly
  • Smooth
  • Sophisticated
  • Splendid
  • Spruce
  • Spunky
  • Stately
  • Statuesque
  • Strapping
  • Striking
  • Strong
  • Stunning
  • Stylish
  • Suave


  • Tall
  • Tantalizing
  • Tasty


  • Vigorous
  • Virile


  • Well-built
  • Well-dressed
  • Well-favored
  • Well-formed
  • Well-proportioned
  • Our largest list of Words To Describe Someone
  • Words To Describe A Strong Woman

We hope that this list gave you some striking ideas for choosing some good words to describe a handsome man.

When you think of your husband, boyfriend or your crush, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Good-looking, fit, hot or macho?

Use these words to describe a hot guy to switch it up and never get tired of the boring ‘handsome’ word.

Don’t forget that everyone loves to get compliments, remind your man by using one of these words. We hope this collection helped you find words to describe a man you love or just can’t keep your eyes off of!

In this page you can discover 102 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for handsome, like: pulchritudinous, sexy, good-looking, attractive, easy-on-the-eyes, hunky, manly, stunning, magnanimous, spruce and princely.

In this post

  • 1 How do you describe a handsome man?
  • 2 What can I say instead of handsome?
  • 3 What is a handsome man called?
  • 4 How would you describe a hot guy in one word?
  • 5 How do you tell a man he’s attractive?
  • 6 What words describe a good man?
  • 7 How do you tell a guy he’s hot?
  • 8 How do you call a guy cute?
  • 9 How do you compliment a guy?
  • 10 How do you compliment a boy?
  • 11 How do you compliment a guy’s picture?
  • 12 What is the word for a perfect man?
  • 13 How do you tell someone they are attractive?
  • 14 What compliments do guys like?
  • 15 Can I say cutie to a guy?
  • 16 How do you say you are handsome without saying it?
  • 17 Do men like being called handsome?
  • 18 How can I hype my boyfriend?
  • 19 How do I make him feel masculine?

Words to Describe a Handsome Man That Start with A
Adorable: charming, lovable, attractive, and easily loved. Attractive: very pleasing in appearance, sexually alluring. Adventurous: full of excitement. Agreeable: quite enjoyable and pleasurable; pleasant.

What can I say instead of handsome?


  • attractive.
  • beautiful.
  • clean-cut.
  • dapper.
  • elegant.
  • good-looking.
  • graceful.
  • lovely.

What is a handsome man called?

An adonis is a very handsome man, especially a young one. You might secretly think of your good-looking neighbor as “a young adonis.” You’ll most commonly see this word capitalized: Adonis, though if you’re using it to mean “handsome guy,” it’s okay to use a lower-case a.

How would you describe a hot guy in one word?

You can describe a hot guy using the adjectives like smoky, gallant, captivating, alluring, sensuous etc.

How do you tell a man he’s attractive?

How to Tell a Guy He’s Handsome over Text

  1. 1 “Good morning, handsome.”
  2. 2 “You’re the hottest guy I’ve ever known.”
  3. 3 “I miss your handsome face.”
  4. 4 “You looked so good today.”
  5. 5 “You look so handsome in that picture!”
  6. 6 “Send me a selfie.”
  7. 7 “We’re a pretty good-looking couple.”

What words describe a good man?

  • captivating.
  • charismatic.
  • charming.
  • classy.
  • confident.
  • elegant.
  • energetic.
  • enticing.

How do you tell a guy he’s hot?

OMG! You are so freaking hot! I love your (insert specific physical attribute here such as eyes, smile, abs, shoulders).” It is one thing to tell a guy that he is good looking, but telling him specifically what makes him so dreamy, will give his ego an extra little lift.

How do you call a guy cute?

How To Tell If A Guy Likes It When Someone Calls Them Cute

  1. Call Them Adorable First. An advanced way to call someone cute is to call them adorable.
  2. Establish Your Feelings.
  3. Ask Them.

How do you compliment a guy?

Pick phrases such as:

  1. I know they say that a smile is contagious, but around you, that is certainly the case.
  2. You make me feel safe around you.
  3. I love the respect you have not only for me but for other people.
  4. You are always so happy, positive, and upbeat!
  5. Just the sound of your voice makes me feel safe.

How do you compliment a boy?

115 Compliments for Men

  1. You are so handsome.
  2. You have a great sense of style.
  3. I love to watch you move.
  4. Just looking at you makes me smile.
  5. When I look into your eyes, I see intelligence, humor, and kindness.
  6. You smell fantastic.
  7. Your smile is my favorite thing.
  8. Don’t rush to shave on my account.

How do you compliment a guy’s picture?

There are several ways you can respond to a guy when he sends you a picture of himself, including, “Awesome, I get to look at you all day.” Or, “I like your hair in this picture,” or, “Gosh, you’re so handsome.”

What is the word for a perfect man?

What is another word for ideal man?

hero celebrity
hotshot celeb
icon luminary
paragon fave
dignitary winner

How do you tell someone they are attractive?

Read on for 19 tips to keep in mind when giving someone a compliment so that it really hits home, according to experts.

  1. Be Specific.
  2. Say Their Name.
  3. Praise Their Listening Skills.
  4. Compliment Their Style.
  5. Acknowledge Their Effort.
  6. Point Out How Kind They Are.
  7. Be Honest & Heartfelt.
  8. Keep The Focus On Them.

What compliments do guys like?

You’re Sexy” Simple and deadly effective. “Men are just like women in this regard; they love when you compliment them on their looks,” Leiser says. “So if he shaved, got a haircut, or hit the gym, let him know how sexy he looks.”

Can I say cutie to a guy?

‘Cutie’ can be used for describing males and females. ‘Cutie’ is more appropriately used when describing younger individuals. A five year old boy or girl could be called a ‘cutie’.

How do you say you are handsome without saying it?

I have never seen anyone as beautiful as you You make my heart melt Your beauty is incomparable Your smile melts my heart Lovely Dazzling Wow, You are gorgeous. Delightful Handsome I think you are very attractive think you’re good-looking Appealing Grand Charming Pretty Splendid Graceful You look drop dead gorgeous.

Do men like being called handsome?

Guys enjoy it when someone calls them handsome because it boosts their mood and confidence. This, in turn, can help them feel motivated to do better and be better in their lives. There are several different ways you can tell a guy he’s handsome. Try them and watch the change that comes over him.

How can I hype my boyfriend?

Compliment his appearance

  1. You are so handsome.
  2. I love everything about you.
  3. You smell amazing!
  4. I get lost in your eyes.
  5. Your hair looks so soft.
  6. Your smile makes me melt.
  7. Wow, you’re so strong!
  8. Those arms look like they could protect me.

How do I make him feel masculine?

Here’s how to celebrate your manly-man and make your marriage even better.

  1. Contrast is everything. One way to make your husband feel like a man is to act like a woman.
  2. Recognize his physical strength.
  3. Let him lead.
  4. When he looks good, tell him!
  5. Flirt.
  6. Teach your kids to admire him.

The idea for the Describing Words engine came when I was building the engine for Related Words (it’s like a thesaurus, but gives you a much broader set of related words, rather than just synonyms). While playing around with word vectors and the «HasProperty» API of conceptnet, I had a bit of fun trying to get the adjectives which commonly describe a word. Eventually I realised that there’s a much better way of doing this: parse books!

Project Gutenberg was the initial corpus, but the parser got greedier and greedier and I ended up feeding it somewhere around 100 gigabytes of text files — mostly fiction, including many contemporary works. The parser simply looks through each book and pulls out the various descriptions of nouns.

Hopefully it’s more than just a novelty and some people will actually find it useful for their writing and brainstorming, but one neat little thing to try is to compare two nouns which are similar, but different in some significant way — for example, gender is interesting: «woman» versus «man» and «boy» versus «girl». On an inital quick analysis it seems that authors of fiction are at least 4x more likely to describe women (as opposed to men) with beauty-related terms (regarding their weight, features and general attractiveness). In fact, «beautiful» is possibly the most widely used adjective for women in all of the world’s literature, which is quite in line with the general unidimensional representation of women in many other media forms. If anyone wants to do further research into this, let me know and I can give you a lot more data (for example, there are about 25000 different entries for «woman» — too many to show here).

The blueness of the results represents their relative frequency. You can hover over an item for a second and the frequency score should pop up. The «uniqueness» sorting is default, and thanks to my Complicated Algorithm™, it orders them by the adjectives’ uniqueness to that particular noun relative to other nouns (it’s actually pretty simple). As you’d expect, you can click the «Sort By Usage Frequency» button to adjectives by their usage frequency for that noun.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source mongodb which was used in this project.

Please note that Describing Words uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

The world has been blessed by the presence of man and woman both and this makes it a beautiful place to live. We have witnessed a lot of writers using adjectives for describing beauty of women all along in their books, articles, and blogs. But have you ever thought about men in the same way? Men do not get so much attention as women. So in a small survey conducted by the Universities reported a great fact.

It was found that when women were asked to describe men they were unable to find the right word. It showed the loss of words to describe a man. But this does not mean that our English language does not have enough words to describe them. But the thing is we do not make use of those words very often. It also displays the dependence of the mindset of an individual who is busy compiling a list of the words.

Generally, while we are trying to describe a man, people are searching for or seeking the words that sound very masculine. Most people also try to use very powerful words as well. This tendency of using only strong and bold words or adjectives is because of the alignment with the stereotype of the society about men. You would find that some of the words that are given by society as well by making a comparison, competition, and power.

Basically, the descriptive words about men have direct linkage with the internal as well as the external belief barrier and which leads towards the career, life and how they are connected.

You can use some cool adjectives like groomed, husky, classy, elegant etc. to describe men.

Following is a list of strong adjectives that we use to describe handsome man.

Powerful Protector Groomed
Polished Graceful Unemotional
Husky Refined Insensitive
Stately Exquisite Elegant
Rich Aristocratic Courtly
Splendid Heroic Classy
Noble Gallant Majestic
Handsome Charming Athletic
Protective Polite Affable
Alluring Captivating Enticing

You can describe a hot guy using the adjectives like smoky, gallant, captivating, alluring, sensuous etc.

So we could see that most words that are used to describe men seem to give an implied meaning of something that may or may not be there.

Positive Adjectives for Strong Men

Let’s explore some more positive adjective words to describe the personality of good men, along with sentence examples.

  1. Adaptable – Sherry can change depending on the situation.
  2. Adventurous – Lucy likes doing new and different things.
  3. Affable – Do you know, Mohan is easy to talk to. You never feel awkward in front of him. 
  4. Agreeable – Peter is a guy who is quite enjoyable to talk to. If you want, you can call him to discuss the project.
  5. Amiable – Gunther is working in the Cafe and he is very friendly and nice.
  6. Amusing – Alexa is funny and fun
  7. Athletic – Yesterday, at the gym we were trained by some of the really strong men who had an athletic figure. It was so inspiring to workout with them.
  8. Bright – Bharat seems to be a very bright student. He scores well in the exam even after working for part-time jobs.
  9. Charming – Danish has a magic touch which makes him very charming and amusing at the same time. 
  10. Chatty – Alexa loves talking and talks a lot.
  11. Considerate – The person is really generous to others hence we can think that he is considerate. It is really nice to talk to someone like that. 
  12. Convivial – Alexa is always in a good mood and is always friendly
  13. Dependable – If Alexa says she will do something, she will do it.
  14. Diligent – Maya must learn a lot of things from Mayank. He is a diligent person.  
  15. Diplomatic – In this cunning world, a guy has to be diplomatic in order to be successful. A person who is good at handle the situations on both sides.
  16. Dynamic – In an IT industry you can come across a lot of new employees. But Satish is the most dynamic person I have ever met. He is full of energy and very creative.
  17. easy going – This is the same as “laid-back” — it means “relaxed”
  18. Efficiency – Jacky and Joseph are one of the most efficient employees in the IT industry. 
  19. Energetic – She has a lot of energy.
  20. Enthusiastic – She shows a lot of excitement and interest in things.
  21. Generous – It is a record of ten years, this man donates a huge amount to the orphanage. He is quite a generous person. 
  22. Giving – Mike likes giving things to people — it’s the same as “generous.”
  23. Gregarious – You would be knowing about Mohan as he is a gregarious person. 
  24. Handsome – There were a lot of handsome men auditioned for the part in the play of Romeo and Juliet.
  25. Hardworking – Javed is a hardworking guy who is working out two jobs to make the ends meet.
  26. Helpful – Jerry is really a helpful colleague. He helps every new employee to get the induction work done quickly.
  27. Humorous – Alexa funny and entertaining.
  28. Impartial – Mr. Geller, a mathematics teacher in St. Martin’s is a very impartial person. He treats every kid equally.
  29. Intuitive – Alexa can understand what’s happening using her feelings
  30. Kind – The head of the family, Mr. Wilson is one of the kindest people. He is the one who has kept everyone emotionally attached and cares about everyone.
  31. Kooky – Alexa is a little crazy. But in a fun way.
  32. Likable – I know Heather only as a colleague but he is a very likable person. 
  33. Loyal – Sherry will always be on your side.
  34. Observant – At a Hawkins Police, Jim is the only officer who is very observant in each and every case.
  35. Organized – You should have seen John’s office desk. He is the most organized person in this family. 
  36. Patient – A person has to be really patient to deal with difficult situations in real life. This characteristic I could see only in Perry.
  37. Polite – Mark, being born and brought up in Karaikal, is quite a well-mannered and polite guy. It feels nice to have him around.
  38. Practical – Maya always stated about Gamit that he is very practical and expects everyone to behave in the same way. 
  39. Proactive – We need proactive people like Mohan at this workplace. Unless no project would be completed on time.
  40. Protective – While in the scenario of natural calamities or disaster, men were trying to be protective of their family.
  41. quick witted – Nick is an employee who can work out all the project work quickly and intelligently. This is what makes him quick-witted.
  42. Reliable – The same as “dependable”
  43. Resourceful – Lucy is good at finding ways to solve problems.
  44. selfdisciplined – Mohit could be considered to be the most self-disciplined person. 
  45. sincere – Henry is a sincere employee this company could ever get. He is the one who completes his work before time and makes sure everything is in order.
  46. straight forward – The Hawkins Police Chief – Jin Harper, is a straight-forward person. 
  47. sympathetic – Garry Mathew is a very understanding and caring person. Yes, I think it would be right to say that he is very sympathetic toward others.
  48. trustworthy – You can trust her to be honest and sincere.
  49. Understanding – The same as “sympathetic” — he understands other people’s problems well.
  50. Versatile – Lucy can do different things depending on the situation.

Let’s have a look at some common words used to describe gentlemen qualities of a man which make him standout.

  1. Astute – marked by practical hardheaded intelligence
  2. Athletic – relating to or befitting athletics or athletes
  3. Attentive – taking heed; giving close and thoughtful attention
  4. Healthy – exercising or showing good judgment
  5. Famous – widely known and esteemed
  6. Fantastic – extraordinarily good; used especially as intensifiers
  7. Fascinating – capable of arousing and holding the attention
  8. Attractive – pleasing to the eye or mind especially through beauty or charm
  9. Endearing – lovable especially in a childlike or naïve way
  10. Energetic – working hard to promote an enterprise
  11. Champion – protect or fight for as a champion
  12. Chilled – uncomfortably cool
  13. Chivalrous – having the qualities of gallantry attributed to an ideal knight
  14. Civil – of or relating to or befitting citizens as individuals
  15. Clean – morally pure
  16. Diplomatic – skilled in dealing with sensitive matters or people
  17. Discreet – unobtrusively perceptive and sympathetic
  18. Friendly – characteristic of or befitting a friend
  19. Enough – enough to meet a purpose
  20. Enterprising – marked by aggressive ambition and energy and initiative
  21. Entertaining – agreeably diverting or amusing

Sometimes you might feel that the words are limiting but with the proper use of those words in the correct context will help you bring to good content.


You can describe a man in hundreds of words and it will be one of the most motivating and encouraging things for him. We have helped you to find some good words which can be generally used for men. It is not necessary that the words have to be masculine to describe a man. You can always opt for some kind and soft words. Stay tuned to EnglishBix to learn words to describe personality of a person.

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Table of Contents

  1. What is the origin of the word beautiful?
  2. What is another word for handsome?
  3. What is the female version of handsome?
  4. Can you call a man gorgeous?
  5. Do guys like being called beautiful?
  6. What is another word for a beautiful guy?
  7. When a man is gorgeous?
  8. What makes a woman attractive?
  9. What are the characteristics of a handsome man?
  10. What kind of girls do guys like?
  11. Which face type is the most attractive?
  12. How do I become pretty?

In this page you can discover 102 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for handsome, like: sexy, pulchritudinous, good-looking, hunky, manly, easy-on-the-eyes, attractive, stunning, spruce, magnanimous and tall.

What is the origin of the word beautiful?

The classical Greek noun that best translates to the English-language words “beauty” or “beautiful” was κάλλος, kallos, and the adjective was καλός, kalos.

What is another word for handsome?

Some common synonyms of handsome are beautiful, comely, fair, lovely, and pretty.

What is the female version of handsome?


Can you call a man gorgeous?

What a gorgeous man! Or “gorgeous” is only used for women and thing. Yes, you certainly can. Words such as beautiful, pretty, good-looking and handsome can be seen a reasonably objective assessments of someone’s appearance.

Do guys like being called beautiful?

Yeah, beautiful is not a good word for a guy. I might joke around with a friend by saying “you are a beautiful man!” but it usually doesn’t come through as a compliment since it’s not very masculine. Attractive, sexy and handsome are all fine. Men definitely like to hear they’re good looking.

What is another word for a beautiful guy?

What is another word for handsome?

attractive gorgeous
beautiful fetching
fit hunky
likely ravishing
suave dapper

When a man is gorgeous?

). “Gorgeous” is rarely used in reference to a man, but when it is, it is really extravagant praise, even more so than when used in reference to a woman. A gorgeous man is a breathtakingly handsome man. So your best bet here would be “handsome” or “very handsome.”

What makes a woman attractive?

Men prefer women with a big and beautiful smile, wide waist-hip ratio, unique dressing style, healthy-looking hair, great sense of humor, smart conversations, and appealing high-pitched voices, among the most attractive things guys find in girls.

What are the characteristics of a handsome man?

Characteristics of the male “Sexy face” in the comparison to the “unsexy face”:

  • Browner skin.
  • Narrower facial shape.
  • Less fat.
  • Fuller and more symmetrical lips.
  • Darker eye brows.
  • More and darker lashes.
  • Upper half of the face broader in relation to the lower.
  • Higher cheek bones.

What kind of girls do guys like?

The most attractive type of girl is one who’s expressive, positive, easygoing and caring at the same time. This kind of personality is what makes a man adore a woman. It’s also WAY more powerful than looks and appearances. That’s because it goes straight into a man’s heart!

Which face type is the most attractive?

The Face Shape That Wins Hearts But the heart shape, otherwise more commonly known as a V-shaped face, has been scientifically proven to be the most visually attractive face shape to have. Heart-shaped faces like those of Hollywood star Reese Witherspoon are deemed as ‘mathematically beautiful’.

How do I become pretty?

How to look pretty: Step 1 Get the Basics Right

  1. Have Plenty of Sleep.
  2. Make Hygiene a Priority & Smell Good.
  3. Get your Skincare Right.
  4. Keep Your Hair Clean and Done.
  5. Give Yourself a Pretty Manicure.
  6. Buy Clothes in Your Actual Size.
  7. And Wear Cute Clothes.
  8. Love a little Makeup.

Another Word For Handsome : Best Motivation Blog: Another Word For These : Looker, very handsome man, beaut.. What are some opposite words for handsome? Find another word for handsome. The word ‘handsome’ is made up of 8 letters. How to use the word ‘handsome’ in a sentence. Meaning of handsome with usage examples.

What is another word for handsome? (adjective) of a size greater than average of its kind. Trying to find another word for handsome in english? List of alternate words & synonyms of handsome. What are some opposite words for handsome?

The Most Handsome Man In The World By Social Media Users ...

The Most Handsome Man In The World By Social Media Users … from
How does the adjective handsome differ from other similar words? (adjective) of a size greater than average of its kind. Our thesaurus contains synonyms of handsome in 32 different contexts. Another word for handsome that begins with g? But he says that in spanish and it sounds funnier than the word handsome. This is the romanized version of how to say the word, the written version is spelled out using hangul. Looker, very handsome man, beaut. (s) pleasing in appearance especially by reason of conformity to ideals of form and proportion;

The bounteous goodness of god;

How to use the word ‘handsome’ in a sentence. Handsome often implies stateliness or pleasing proportion and symmetry: So instead of translating as he is/looks handsome is there another more coloquial way of saying the same thing. Trying to find another word for handsome in english? The browser firefox doesn’t support the video format mp4. What is another word for handsome? The term comes from kabuki. What is another word for handsome? What’s another word for cute for a guy? Saturday’s child is loving and giving; That a lady talks handsomely, (eloquently:) that a book sells handsomely. Looker, very handsome man, beaut. That is handsome which is not only superficially pleasing, but well and harmoniously proportioned, with usually the added idea that it is made so by art, breeding, or training find a translation for this antonym in other languages:

When japanese use the word handsome, which they pronounce hansomu, they mean someone is actually slim, opposite of fat /overweight. In this page you can discover 102 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for handsome , like: But he says that in spanish and it sounds funnier than the word handsome. The term comes from kabuki. We have listed all the similar and related words for handsome alphabetically.

This Korean Pro Gamer Is The "Mr. Worldwide Handsome" of ...

This Korean Pro Gamer Is The «Mr. Worldwide Handsome» of … from
Looker, very handsome man, beaut. What is another word for handsome? List of alternate words & synonyms of handsome. A beautiful landscape, a beautiful woman. Handsome often implies stateliness or pleasing proportion and symmetry: While all these words mean exciting sensuous or aesthetic pleasure, handsome suggests aesthetic pleasure due to proportion, symmetry, or elegance. If you know synonyms for handsome man , then you can share it or put your rating in listed similar words. The korean word for handsome is pronounced haenseom.

Here you can find all synonyms for handsome.

We have listed all the similar and related words for handsome alphabetically. The bounteous goodness of god; A beautiful landscape, a beautiful woman. (adjective) of a size greater than average of its kind. List of alternate words & synonyms of handsome. So instead of translating as he is/looks handsome is there another more coloquial way of saying the same thing. What are another words for handsome man? That a lady talks handsomely, (eloquently:) that a book sells handsomely. That is handsome which is not only superficially pleasing, but well and harmoniously proportioned, with usually the added idea that it is made so by art, breeding, or training find a translation for this antonym in other languages: But he says that in spanish and it sounds funnier than the word handsome. List of alternate words & synonyms of handsome. What is another word for handsome? Handsome often implies stateliness or pleasing proportion and symmetry:

Another word for handsome, synonyms of handsome, personable, smart, comely, shapely, sightly, nice, beautiful, good, pleasant, lovely, pretty, delightful what is another word for handsome? What is another word for handsome? What’s another word for cute for a guy? This is the romanized version of how to say the word, the written version is spelled out using hangul. Our website is a database of synonyms for different english words.

Hello - Hello Handsome Word Art graphic by Janet Scott ...

Hello — Hello Handsome Word Art graphic by Janet Scott … from
The korean word for handsome is pronounced haenseom. The browser firefox doesn’t support the video format mp4. Frequently asked questions about handsome. Meaning of handsome with usage examples. It was a handsome house situated on a large lot. How to use the word ‘handsome’ in a sentence. So instead of translating as he is/looks handsome is there another more coloquial way of saying the same thing. Handsome is an acceptable dictionary word for games like scrabble, words with friends, crossword, etc.

The browser firefox doesn’t support the video format mp4.

If you cannot find a word but you can still see a list of links, then keep looking until the links disappear! Saturday’s child is loving and giving; Find another word for handsome. The word ‘handsome’ is made up of 8 letters. What is another word for handsome? The bounteous goodness of god; (s) pleasing in appearance especially by reason of conformity to ideals of form and proportion; Handsome is an acceptable dictionary word for games like scrabble, words with friends, crossword, etc. The korean word for handsome is pronounced haenseom. A gentleman asked me on the catskill mountain. Some common synonyms of handsome are beautiful, comely, fair, lovely, and pretty. When japanese use the word handsome, which they pronounce hansomu, they mean someone is actually slim, opposite of fat /overweight. Frequently asked questions about handsome.

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You might run into a handsome guy, or spot someone you like in public and want to point him out to a friend. Of course, you want to be more discreet, so we listed 10 British slang words you could use. Note that some of these words might be considered offensive by some, so be careful when using them.

British Slang For Handsome Man (In Alphabetical Order)


  • Meaning:
  • (Adjective) ‘Bev’ is a modern-day word that means handsome. The word became popular on the ‘Love Island’ television show where viewers hear the British slang constantly.
  • Example: The guy that just walked past us is such a bev.


  • Meaning:
  • (Adjective) The term ‘buff’ is used by younger people whenever they see a handsome man. ‘Buff’ also means a physically well-toned person.
  • Example: Did you see our new buff classmate?


  • Meaning:
  • (Adjective) ‘Dishy’ is British slang for a very attractive person. It can either be used to describe a boy or a girl. It is common slang in the UK, especially with younger folks.
  • Example: That dishy man over there keeps looking at you!



(Adjective) The word ‘fanciable’ is an informal word used to describe a very attractive person. This British slang is also used in the USA but not that common.

Example: Have you seen a tall, fanciable man walk in this direction?


  • Meaning:
  • (Adjective) The term ‘fit’ is derived from people who have healthy bodies and are always at the gym. Also, ‘fit’ is British slang for a very attractive person, both male and female.
  • Example: He’s so fit, I wonder if he’ll notice me.


  • Meaning:
  • (Adjective) The term ‘hot’ has been popularized worldwide and is commonly used in the USA and the UK. It is used as British slang for the word ‘handsome’ or ‘handsome man’ and is used to describe a person with a fit and healthy body as well.
  • Example: Gosh, that man is hot! Does he already have a girlfriend?


  • Meaning:
  • (Adjective) ‘Leng’ is a roadman slang first used in Great Britain to describe a very attractive guy. It has become a popular British slang around the UK today. 
  • Example: Oh my, that boy is leng! 


  • Meaning:
  • (Adjective) The term ‘lush’ can mean two things: a great experience or occasion, or an attractive or good-looking fellow. The word ‘lush’ is a British slang that is commonly used today to describe a good-looking guy.
  • Example: I wonder when this lush man will come our way.


  • Meaning:
  • (Adjective) ‘Peng’ is a word that describes superior quality. Since the British are creative when it comes to words, ‘peng’ has become British slang for a handsome man or an attractive person in general.
  • Example: His qualities and passion make him a peng in my eyes.


  • Meaning:
  • (Adjective) The word ‘stunning’ is used to describe someone or something attractive. It is common slang in the US and the UK today. The UK has adapted this as British slang for handsome men and beautiful women.
  • Example: The man you were talking to was stunning. Please introduce us to each other!

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