Best six word sentences

1. Why whisper what you can shout?

2. I love with all my heart

3. Life is a box of chocolates

4. I’m weird just deal with it

5. I eat, sleep and speak music

6. I don’t follow. I always lead

7. People will shout my name worldwide

8. You don’t like me? Don’t look?

9. You take risks when you love

10. Pluto is still a planet!!

11. Know what’s better than 24? 25!!

12. What time is it? ADVENTURE TIME!!!!

13. Money can buy anything except respect

14. Om nom nom me like cookie

15. Laugh all day for no reason

16. Live, love, and write amazing songs

17. I love love but it hurts

18. Moms cookies make everything feel better

19. I hate the thought of marriage

20. I hate him but I love him

21. To be or not to be

22. Love is a very complex thing

23. Keep calm and draw anime people

24. My room is an organized mess

25. I lived through the year 2012!!!

26. Sour candy makes my face twitch

27. The odds are not «in my favour»

28. When Fiddler died so did I

29. Home is where the heart is

30. I stand up for what’s right

31. I am terrified of tall people

32. There’s always gonna be another mountain

33. Your the apple to my pie

34. The letter Q is so dumb

35. I like big, fat, wrinkly pugs :)

36. Everybody knows bird is the word

37. My life is a blond moment

38. Follow me every thing is alright

39. Scrabble is nerdy but so fun

40. Add «in my pants» after every song

41. Yeah I’m that kind of girl

42. Where you think your goin baby?

43. You can hide or be seen

44. Normal is boring weird is fun

45. Six words can mean the world

46. Know me before you judge me

47. Lovers gonna love haters gonna hate

48. Spongebob is my one true love

49. Bright and colorful amazing and wonderful

50. Cuz it’s the best day ever!!!

51. Insomnia gives me time to think

52. I woke up today for you

53. Live like there is no tomorrow

54. Congrats! Your at number 54 now!

55. Say something nice or don’t talk

56. Inspiration slaps me in the face

57. Don’t wait for it to happen

58. Make it up as you go

59. Last chance for one last dance

60. I feel funny when your around

61. I’m in my own little world

62. Cancer took my Pappy. Cure it

63. They died so we could live

64. Sometimes she wishes she wasn’t born

65. You are my one and only

67. Your mine all mine. Remember that

68. He’s mine he just doesn’t know

69. I make mistakes because I’m human

70. Sleeping with a giant teddy bear

71. Can you tell that I’m bluffing?

72. With you I can do anything

73. How is being suspended a punishment?

74. I don’t want to fit in

75. Dreams don’t happen unless you try

76. With great power comes great responsibility

77. Home alone. Hears noise. Calls mom.

78. Girls just want to have fun

79. Together we’d make the perfect team

80. I eat soup with a fork

81. There’s no place like grandmas house

82. Straight up pimpin my home slice!

83. Earth without art is just «eh»

84. I do it because I can

85. I never use a public bathroom

86. Finn and Marceline belong together forever

87. I’m proud to be an American

88. Got some Popsicles in the cellar.

89. Frosty the snowman is a boss

90. The sky is not the limit

91. Ill love you no matter what

92. Tis the wind and nothing more!

93. You are my everything and more

94. You meant so much to me

95. You broke my heart. It hurt

96. Dancing around the flames of love

97. I think of you every day

98. I loved everything and lost everything

99. I got it from my mama


Here are the saddest six word sentences ever written.

1. “I just want to get away.”

2. “I should have stayed with you.”

3. “Leaving you was the worst decision.”

4. “I will never regret walking away.”

5. “My pulse now echoes your name.”

6. “I wasted my time missing you.”

7. “I’m sorry, I can’t love you.”

8. “I feel so completely alone now.”

9. “I can’t find myself without you.”

10. “All I wanted was love back.”

11. “Why could not you accept me?”

12. “Things are not getting any better.”

13. “I’m sorry I cared too much.”

14. “I’ll keep pretending everything is fine.”

15. “Your voice became my favorite song.”

16. “I feel so alone without you.”

17. “I’m still in love with you.”

18. “We went from everything to nothing.”

19. “Nothing matters now, but you did.”

20. “I should never have believed you.”

21. “I still think of you sometimes.”

22. “I don’t want to feel lonely.”

23. “You deserve someone better than me.”

24. “I’m completely burnt out and empty.”

25. “Timing was never on my side.”

26. “Nothing hurt as bad as you.”

27. “You are all I’ll never have.”

28. “I used to feel so happy.”

29. “Please tell me I meant something.”

30. “Why didn’t you ever call back?”

31. “You never came back – you promised.”

32. “I hope you regret leaving me.”

33. “I hope you feel my absence.”

34. “Pain’s better than nothing at all.”

35. “I can’t fill the emptiness inside.”

36. “You ruined my hopes and dreams.”

37. “I should’ve never given you power.”

38. “Maybe I am wasting my time.”

39. “I destroyed myself so you couldn’t.”

40. “I was stupid to believe you.”

41. “I should have walked away sooner.”

42. “Your love heals my broken parts.”

43. “Please promise you will remember me.”

44. “I want to feel less alone.”

45. “Ignoring you only makes it worse.”

46. “What we had wasn’t true love.”

47. “We crave what we can’t have.”

48. “And then it was too late.”

49. “I know I deserve better now.”

50. “You’re worth more than you think.”

51. “Blades hurt less than your memory.”

52. “I’m pathetically in love with you.”

53. “I’m always an option to you.”

54. “I want to be wanted deeply.”

55. “I can’t make you love me.”

56. “I don’t know who I am.”

57. “Her silence was the loudest noise.”

58. “I’m terrified of falling in love.”

59. “They said time heals – they lied.”

60. “Don’t lie, I know you’ll leave.” Thought Catalog Logo Mark

Six Word Sentences

This is a very simple writing task that is excellent for reluctant writers as well as an extension task for those more able.

I find a motivating or funny picture without any form of caption or text. I display this picture on our classroom TV (screen / Smartboard etc).

The task is to come up with a six word sentence that tells the story of the picture. You will be very surprised what children come up with.

So simple, but excellent to form a basis for further narrative writing.

To accompany this idea, we have created some additional resources. A set of twenty images are available, with space to write a six word sentence.

A set of ‘challenge cards’ are also available, to give your children an additional challenge while they write their six word sentence.


Six Word Sentences

Six Word Sentences Challenges

«It is my ambition to say in ten sentences what others say in a whole book.» 

—Friedrich Nietzsche 

How about telling a story using only six words?

According to science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke, Ernest Hemingway used to bet friend and fellow writers ten dollars each that he could craft an entire story in six words. After collecting bets, this is what Hemingway supposedly wrote: «For sale: baby shoes, never worn» on a napkin.»

Here are some of my favorites:

You’re not a good artist, Adolf.

My Dads met at Bible camp.

Sorry soldier, shoes sold in pairs.

Single shy zombie seeks terminal necrophiliac.

Born a twin, graduated only child.

In these examples, it only takes one sentence to do what the best stories do when they work; make us laugh, make us wonder, make us cry.

As with music, a memorable sentence is a matter of selecting the right words, in the right order.
Since I love writing and want to write well, I collect the sentences I admire, in part for the pleasure of words, the music of language and the satisfaction of a story, a mood, an image distilled, palpable. I I also study sentences looking for patterns. Painters learned how to paint, by imitating the masters. It makes sense to me that to write well, one should start by imitating sentences one admires. At least, that is my project here.

Six Word Stories cover all the genres: horror, sci-fi, romance, mystery. They can be poetry, memoirs, jokes or just stories. The stories can bring suspense, or drama, or intrigue, or amusement. A 6 word story is a nourishing bite of narrative for all readers.

In this post, I share ten examples of the Six Word Story literary form, using some of the best stories found on Reddit.

Use all your six words

A six word story is not a place for glue words. Use every character and syllable you are given to bring power to your words.

Sticks. Spears. Swords. Guns. Nukes. Sticks. from r/sixwordstories

Here, we get a whole story from beginning to end, an escalation that we recognise from history. The final word reminds us that history repeats, and things can easily get out of hand.

Be clever with your sentence construction.

You don’t need to write one long sentence to write a six word wonder. Think if a change of order, or breaking a couple of grammar rules might bring a bigger impact.

loop! Help, I’m trapped in a from r/sixwordstories

In this example, we find ourselves trapped in our own loops, reading the story over and over again looking for a way out of the the words.

Build on previous six word stories

Everyone (surely) must have read the alleged Hemingway classic – For Sale: Baby Shoes. Never worn. If not, I’ve written a whole article on that six word wonder.

Once that story is in your DNA, there is joy from finding other stories that riff off the idea, like six word jazz, playing with the structure of the story to generate new surprises. Here’s a great example.

Clarification: Baby shoes were wrong color. from r/sixwordstories

Make your reader read twice

He bottle-feeds his wife’s killer. from r/sixwordstories

It takes two reads to understand what’s happening here. But when you understand the full ramifications and tragedy of the story, the emotional impact hits you hard.

Thankfully, at only six words, it’s not a chore to read through twice.

Play with your 6 word story presentation

██ ███ trust ███ ███ ██████ the government, ██ ██ █ ████ █████ everything ██████ ██ is █████ ███ ██████ █ ███ fine ███ ██████. from r/sixwordstories

In this fascinating example of how to use formatting to create an incredible six word story, we see all but six words redacted from a longer statement.

trust… the… government,… everything… is… fine…

We already have the makings of a political thriller. You can’t help but be tempted to start filling in the blanks. Does the true opening begin “Do not trust anything said by the government” perhaps?

Some might argue that the format here means it is not a true six word story. But when I check it with the six word wonder tips, it meets all the criteria. You are allowed, in fact, encouraged to use punctuation to make your story work.

.-.. — … .. -. –. .- .-.. – .. – ..- -.. . .-.. .- … – .-.. .- -. -.. … . . -. …- .- -. ..- .- – ..- from r/sixwordstories

Or how about using morse code? This one reads “LOSINGALTITUDELASTLANDSEENVANUATU”


Be literary

Readers read. They understand the structure of story in their bones. Your 6 word story can play with their understanding. So, we know that many chapters and TV shows end on a cliffhanger. So why not, play with that idea.

I just wrote a great cliffhanger. from r/sixwordstories

In this story, the cliff hanger is the cliff hanger! What a fantastic literary trick to be played on the reader.

Don’t be afraid to write dark worlds

Many six word stories work best when looking at the darker side of the human condition. And why not, fiction is about conflict and you’ll find few novels without a tragedy or murder.

We all die. You, just sooner. from r/sixwordstories

In six words, you can imagine how this bad news might be received.

The smallest coffins are the heaviest. from r/sixwordstories

And here, the tragedy of who might be in the smallest coffin is suffocating.

And don’t forget dark humour

The format lends itself to humour because the story format is are so similar to a joke. Combining darkness and comedy can reap some really rich rewards.

Died a virgin, wasn’t buried one. from r/sixwordstories

So is this comedy or tragedy? Probably a combination of both.

“Oedipus!” “I’m coming Mother!” “Damn, already?” from r/sixwordstories

And this one will touch all those greek history buffs.

Add a touch of romance

Six word memoirs give an insight into a person’s mind. And their thoughts are often directed at sad romance.

I look for you in everyone. from r/sixwordstories

This passage is beautiful because the narrator is in love but has lost their love, and wants it back. Did the other person leave them, or die? Or were they only imagined. We don’t know. But we do know the narrator won’t rest until you are found.

Use dialogue

“Wrong number,” says a familiar voice. from r/sixwordstories

Some writers forget that they are welcome to include dialogue in their stories. Ever read a book without a conversations. Probably not because dialogue is one of the best was to show, rather than tell.

Adding dialogue into a 6 word memoir or story really helps the reader leap into the narrator’s head.

“I’m faking Alzheimers.” said Granddad. Again. from r/sixwordstories

Use mirroring language

Six Word Wonders are poetry a their heart because they use a standard word form to communicate an idea or story.

Lean into the poetry by finding clever mirroring effects.

He came early. Now she’s late. from r/sixwordstories

In this story, “early” mirrors “late”. Three word sentences. And a brilliant twist, when we realised what “He came early.” really means.

Tell a joke

A witty or even awkward pun can elevate a six word story.

RIP boiled water… you’ll be mist. from r/sixwordstories

This story illustrates the power of a steaming joke told in six words.

Lessons to be learned for writing six word stories

To sum up our lessons on writing six word stories:

  • Use all your six words
  • Be clever with sentence construction
  • Build on previous six word stories
  • Make your readers read twice
  • Play with your 6 word story presentation
  • Be literary
  • Don’t forget dark humour
  • Add a touch of romance
  • Use dialogue
  • Use mirroring language
  • Tell a joke

What next?

All these stories are taken from the incredible subReddit r/sixwordstories. Pay the site a visit and enjoy new ideas.

You may also enjoy finding out about Six Word Wonder. A new book with over 500 six word stories, memoirs, jokes and poems.

Lastly, just start writing your own. Get stuck in.




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‎»For sale: baby shoes, never worn.» — Ernest Hemingway

A story told in only six words — Hemingway called this his best work. Can you do better?

Created Jan 9, 2010





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According to legend, Ernest Hemingway was challenged to write a short story using only six words. He came up with: “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.”

Six-word stories are a great way to practice your writing without actually having to write much.They can also be used to warm up before working on a novel or short story.

When I had first heard about six-word stories, I thought, “A whole story in six words? That’s impossible!”

Then I wrote my first six-word story—and it was really easy, not mention fun! Once you write your first, you can write a whole army of them. Here’s how six-word stories can be used as a great writing prompt.

My sprite is in a coffee cup.

Photo by zoovroo

1. Read

Before you write a six-word story, you should look at some examples. A great website you can use is If you just want to look at a few quick examples, here are a few I liked:

“Rapunzel! I am slipping! A wig?!”

Misleadingly deep puddle. Curious child missing.

“I love you, too,” she lied.

Artificial limb, bungie jump-bad idea.

2. How to Write a Six-Word Story

Now that you’ve looked at some examples, you’re ready to write!

But if you end up staring at a blank screen right now—I was before I was able to write a six-word story—just think of a sentence or two that might be intriguing and tells a story without telling an entire story.

If you’re still stuck, try this tip: use magnetic poetry. You know the kind that you put on your refrigerator and mess around with? That often gives me ideas.

If you have an idea, but can’t figure out how to shorten it into six words, here’s some more advice: use contractions. Use “I’m” instead of “I am.” Use “They’re” instead of “They are.”  Now what if your story is too short? Use adjectives. Don’t say, “the ball is round.” That’s only four words. Use, “the ball is big and round,” or, “the ball is furry and round,” or even, “The man-eating ball is hungry.”

And don’t worry if your six-word stories aren’t works of art. They’re supposed to be fun and creative.

3. Use Your Six-Word Stories as a Writing Prompt

When you write or read a six-word story, you probably want to know more about the story, right? Six-word stories severely limit you, and of course, that’s the point!

Once you’ve written a few six word stories, why not turn it into a write prompt. Choose one, and writing that same story using as many words as you would like. Now you can create interesting characters, surprising plot twists, and as much description as you want.

Have you ever written a six-word story? How did you like the process?

Need more grammar help? My favorite tool that helps find grammar problems and even generates reports to help improve my writing is ProWritingAid. Works with Word, Scrivener, Google Docs, and web browsers. Also, be sure to use my coupon code to get 25 percent off: WritePractice25

Coupon Code:WritePractice25 »


Write a six-word story about anything you like. It can be humorous, dark, mysterious, and anything else you can think of. Then use that six-word story as a writing prompt.

Write for fifteen minutes and lengthen your six-word story into a more-than-six-word-story. Then post both stories as a comment.

Be sure to comment on a few other peoples’ practices. Have fun!

Joe Bunting

Joe Bunting is an author and the leader of The Write Practice community. He is also the author of the new book Crowdsourcing Paris, a real life adventure story set in France. It was a #1 New Release on Amazon. Follow him on Instagram (@jhbunting).

Want best-seller coaching? Book Joe here.

2014.07.29. 02:38


  1. I had two cups of coffee.
  2. I am going to the store.
  3. The teacher is in the classroom.
  4. I will give it to you.
  5. I would like to be there.
  6. I will buy one of each.
  7. I will do it right away.
  8. I will go if you go.
  9. I would like to be there.
  10. It was not what I wanted.
  11. There are two boys playing.
  12. Will she go with her family?
  13. We made it in art class.
  14. He will go if you go.
  15. They will think about buying it.
  16. The children went out to play.
  17. He and she will go then.
  18. The plane went over the mountain.
  19. I’m going back to my house.
  20. She got in line after you.
  21. There’s a good show on television.
  22. That is a very large boat!
  23. That was such a good dinner.
  24. Why do you ask these questions?
  25. We will read this book together.
  26. I can’t wait to go home.
  27. He was a very kind man.
  28. I like to breathe fresh air.
  29. Can you say that word again?
  30. I am going through the tunnel.
  31. Are we going the right way?
  32. She would also like to go.
  33. That is a very small school.
  34. He left because he was bored.
  35. I wonder what I should do?
  36. I am about to go to work.
  37. Please be kind to each other.
  38. He made me dinner last night.
  39. Do you like to drink coffee?
  40. I want to buy the other one.
  41. Yes I am related to her.
  42. Nobody can make you do anything.
  43. Are you going out for lunch?
  44. I think these belong to me.
  45. It costs more for that car.
  46. I drove my bike to school.
  47. It is time to go now.
  48. Did you like the long weekend?
  49. There are four seasons in Canada.
  50. Has the mail come in yet?
  51. I am going to work now.
  52. You are my number one fan.
  53. She walked right by my side.
  54. Will you be at my wedding.
  55. You look good with blond hair.
  56. I better not tell you now.
  57. We had very nice weather today.
  58. You and I are good friends.
  59. I started my job last week.
  60. That was a very good story.
  61. How many miles away is Toronto?
  62. I can do without my books.
  63. That is a very good idea.
  64. Can we swim in the river?
  65. Can you watch that for me?
  66. I like being at the pool.
  67. Every day I go to work.
  68. You can keep it for yourself.
  69. Can I help you with something?
  70. I have been waiting since lunch.
  71. It is usually very good.
  72. Are you sure it’s all right?
  73. Today will be a better day.
  74. She is good at problem solving.
  75. The sun is hurting my eyes.
  76. I like to run every morning.
  77. It is very cold outside today.
  78. I would like to travel south.
  79. I love to listen to music.
  80. I have become a proud parent.
  81. How many questions did you do?
  82. Black is the opposite of white.
  83. You have to measure the ingredients.
  84. I reached out to grab him.
  85. Make sure you watch your step.
  86. That looks like a Roman numeral.
  87. How much money do you have?
  88. He is going to school today.
  89. You can listen to the radio.
  90. I have a really good plan.
  91. The snow has covered the grass.
  92. How long will you stand there?
  93. We will cover the full area.
  94. How many birds did you see?
  95. She told me to do it.
  96. That was a very big ship.
  97. I began to work out today.
  98. They will come at four p.m..
  99. Would you like a second one?
  100. That will be enough, thank you.
  101. How far away do you live?
  102. Will you let me help you?
  103. I have to go home soon.
  104. We need to save the trees!
  105. We get wiser over the years.
  106. I like to give people presents.
  107. Hope you have a good day!
  108. Do you have anything to say?
  109. We have different cultures in Canada.
  110. How do you spell your name?
  111. That was a long time ago.
  112. I like to play this game.
  113. It is very warm in here.
  114. The clothes will hang to dry.
  115. How did you get that equation?
  116. Will you stay for a while?
  117. Put the fruit into the bowl.
  118. It is as white as snow
  119. The book is on the table.
  120. I have a brand new car.
  121. My dog was killed last year.
  122. There’s a hole in the wall.
  123. I know exactly what you mean!
  124. My chair is made of metal.
  125. The storm affected the whole nation.
  126. The pipes are made of lead!
  127. I just had a new baby!
  128. He likes everything on his pizza.
  129. It’s hard to get something free.
  130. My daughter is six years old.
  131. Some birds can fly very high.
  132. She uses a lot of force.
  133. My aunt died on the weekend.
  134. My son is five years old.
  135. He stood there for two hours.
  136. Spring is just around the corner!
  137. What section are you seated in?
  138. You weigh yourself on a scale.
  139. You are as good as gold!
  140. That is a lot of cake!
  141. She said yes to the offer.
  142. Ontario uses a lot of power.
  143. What shoe size do you wear?
  144. Does this contain any chemicals?
  145. That is a very tall building.
  146. Please line up in a row.
  147. She grew her hair very long.
  148. I suppose I can do that!
  149. That is a very nice garden!
  150. That is a very popular design!
  151. She has pain in her shoulder.
  152. Let’s walk to the corner store.
  153. We live in a rich country.
  154. He is the chief of police.
  155. I don’t eat meat on Fridays.
  156. How is your sense of smell?
  157. Girls grow up to be women.
  158. Did you see the tennis match?
  159. He is especially busy on Mondays.
  160. Are you afraid of the dark?
  161. He stretched to catch the ball.
  162. She does not have any fear.
  163. What is the plural of man?
  164. I think that’s a fair price.
  165. A gun can be very dangerous
  166. She won’t allow that to happen.
  167. He can’t wait until March break.
  168. The opposite of «wrong» is «right.»
  169. He is neither young nor old.
  170. I settled for a different one.
  171. The truck almost hit my car.
  172. There are people working ahead.
  173. She was born in southern Australia.
  174. There are more planets besides Earth!
  175. My mother was in the army.
  176. Why won’t you listen to me?
  177. Milkshakes are really good and thick.
  178. Most children like to blow bubbles.
  179. Board games are a lot of fun.
  180. Santa lives at the North Pole.
  181. Parties are a lot of fun.
  182. I’m lucky to have my sight.
  183. Have you read the current news?
  184. He works in a big industry.
  185. It’s not nice to hit people.
  186. Look at the dog’s curly tail!
  187. Who does this bag belong to?
  188. I like various types of music.
  189. Half of her family is British.
  190. My shirt is made of cotton.
  191. We will have corn with dinner.
  192. I love my sister very much!
  193. We both agreed on the decision.
  194. We all prepared the meal together.
  195. I guess I’ll go with you!
  196. My car has a flat tire.
  197. Addition is taught in math class.
  198. Her eye has a blind spot.
  199. What size shoes do you wear?
  200. I think the bird is dead.
  201. I need a very long rope.
  202. Who wants to provide the dessert?
  203. We like to eat chicken wings.
  204. Which church does she go to?
  205. Please go talk to the chief.
  206. Ottawa is the capital of Canada.
  207. Did he eat the entire cake?
  208. You should go see a doctor!
  209. Who wants to cook dinner tonight?
  210. Would you rather watch something else?
  211. Don’t forget to wear your hat!
  212. Do you have a medicine supply?
  213. «Yes» is the opposite of «no».
  214. A potato is a root vegetable.
  215. We need a heart to live.
  216. She went to the General Hospital.
  217. The moon comes out at night.
  218. We are very happy for you.
  219. Windows are made out of glass.
  220. The weather is very nice today.
  221. I love the smell of flowers!
  222. I would like to visit Europe.
  223. How do you like your eggs?
  224. I will meet with him later.
  225. That is a very good reason.
  226. My brother is taller than me.
  227. The store is around the corner.
  228. The sky is very blue today.
  229. It doesn’t really matter to me.
  230. I moved out west last year.
  231. I need to paint my house.
  232. What region do you live in?
  233. Is it going to rain today?
  234. Would you like to sit down?
  235. Don’t get lost in the forest.
  236. We get our energy from food.
  237. Let’s go swim in the lake.
  238. Can I go on that ride?
  239. Someone told me about the party.
  240. I wonder who’s going to win?
  241. We won a trip to Africa.
  242. Are you able to help me?
  243. I built this house by myself.
  244. Perhaps I will see you later.
  245. He is stranded on an island.
  246. The class is filled with students.
  247. Can I have the cheque please?
  248. That is a very tall lamp.
  249. I hope to win the lottery.
  250. Stay within this area, please!
  251. She came inches from my car.
  252. I need to get some rest.
  253. It is very cool outside today.
  254. I like to wear nice clothes.
  255. Can you fill in this report?
  256. Do you take the express bus?
  257. The car rolled into a ditch.
  258. Is that a 45 degree angle?
  259. That is a very nice melody.
  260. My French class is after lunch.
  261. Good things come in small packages.
  262. There are four people here today.
  263. So what are we doing now?
  264. Fries are usually cooked in oil.
  265. Can you give me some information?
  266. The letter «R» is a consonant.
  267. That is a very good rule.
  268. It is very dark in here.
  269. The stars are very bright tonight.
  270. I jumped higher than everyone else.
  271. I need a second copy, please!
  272. How many instruments do you play?
  273. Do you need some new clothes?
  274. A square is another common shape.
  275. They have written many books together.
  276. We enjoy spending the holidays together.
  277. What terms are you talking about?
  278. How much experience do you have?
  279. Please wash your hands before dinner.
  280. The bridge is made of steel.
  281. What are you doing this evening?
  282. Watch out for those toxic substances!
  283. Can you provide me with information?
  284. Our guests came by train yesterday.
  285. He lives at 32 York Road.
  286. «Do you smoke?» — «I used to.»
  287. Tables are usually made of wood.
  288. Where can I find Chestnut Street?
  289. Neither of them was any good.
  290. He drank half glass of milk.
  291. They all live in this village.
  292. They paid me for the books.
  293. The Dutch live in the Netherlands.
  294. I wish I had a car!
  295. It’s tiring running round this field.
  296. You buy petrol by the litre.
  297. He asked his father for money.
  298. «How far did he travel?» — «1,600 miles.»
  299. She spoke to me at last.
  300. My husband caught five small fish.
  301. I finished writing my book report.
  302. She talks faster than I do.
  303. A mouse is similar to a rat.
  304. Furniture is often made of wood.
  305. Tell Joe not to close the door. (=I want you to tell Joe…)
  306. Joe wins every time. He always beats Bill.
  307. I hope to see you there.
  308. Peter is not angry, and neither is Mary.
  309. What sizes shoes do you wear?
  310. She told me everything about herself.
  311. One hundred years make a century.
  312. I am interested in building ships.
  313. He accused the man of stealing.
  314. They say that he is ill.
  315. Peter hasn’t finished his work yet.
  316. He was lying on his bed.
  317. I noticed him cutting the grass.
  318. One must protect oneself against gangsters.
  319. The English are fond of sport.
  320. This man always wears black shoes.
  321. You ought to have come yesterday.
  322. I bought an English book to read.
  323. Jane has some money in her bag.
  324. Please excuse me for being late.
  325. Who is your favourite English writer?
  326. Keith never understands anything his mother says.
  327. He played well yesterday, didn’t he?
  328. Was the baby sleeping when I phoned?
  329. We enjoyed ourselves during the holiday.
  330. Most crimes take place at night.
  331. Will you be among the 5000 winners?
  332. My brother can swim very well.
  333. Have you ever made a cake?
  334. Wine is usually made from grapes.
  335. Neither of my parents speaks Spanish.
  336. A year consists of twelve months.
  337. Apples are sold by the pound.
  338. Sick people must stay in bed.
  339. John is a great friend of mine.
  340. I come here to learn English.
  341. Look out! A car is coming.
  342. A saucepan is for cooking in.
  343. I laid the table for supper.
  344. You must do your work carefully.
  345. This is a plan of Middleford.
  346. We’re in a library in Middleford.
  347. Is Mary there? — Yes, she’s here.
  348. Ah, you’re here. — Yes, I am.
  349. We aren’t in the library now.
  350. He’s at home with Mrs Harrison.
  351. They’re at twenty-one Gladstone Avenue, Middleford.
  352. She’s quite old and rather fat.
  353. There’s a cat under the table.
  354. Are you thirsty? — Yes, I am.
  355. The glasses are on the shelf.
  356. Mrs Harrison hasn’t got any food.
  357. Yes, Bruce has some money tonight.
  358. Arthur hasn’t got a gold watch.
  359. He has only a cheap watch.
  360. Bruce has got lots of money.
  361. We haven’t got any wine now.
  362. Have you got a full one?
  363. These potatoes aren’t hot, they’re cold.
  364. Yes, it’s not bad, is it?
  365. I’ve only got 2 pounds 10.
  366. He is tired, cold and miserable.
  367. Perhaps they are in Bruce’s car.
  368. But is my bedroom window open?
  369. It’s not mine; it’s Mrs Harrison’s.
  370. Well, ring it. Ring the bell.
  371. Is it hers? — Perhaps it is.
  372. Look at all those people, Mary.
  373. I’ve got the radio here, Arthur.
  374. Listen, Mary, they’re playing our song.
  375. Well, you aren’t drinking my coffee.
  376. Mary is also there with him.
  377. He is giving them to Mary.
  378. Arthur is climbing the ladder again.
  379. This is hard work for him.
  380. You’re getting those new books ready.
  381. Arthur’s putting them on the shelves.
  382. Show me some of them, please.
  383. Here’s a good book for Arthur.
  384. Arthur is getting out of bed.
  385. He is waiting for the bus.
  386. Now it is twenty to ten.
  387. He must go to work immediately.
  388. Arthur is standing at the bus-stop.
  389. What can I do? Tell me.
  390. You mustn’t stay for another minute.
  391. Arthur’s letter is from his parents.
  392. I must try the next carriage.
  393. Where’s Kate? Ah, here she is.
  394. Bob! What are you doing here?
  395. They don’t always wear pretty dresses.
  396. That’s very kind of you, Bob.
  397. Do you know my brother Arthur?
  398. I don’t like it very much.
  399. I only eat good food here.
  400. I don’t know many people here.
  401. There’s an accident up the road.
  402. Somebody’s standing in front of me.
  403. Somebody’s going to the car now.
  404. I’m going to examine him first.
  405. Haven’t you got anywhere to go?
  406. I’m going to take your pulse.
  407. Two of your ribs are fractured.
  408. He isn’t anybody from the village.
  409. You can read it after lunch.
  410. Don’t you want to see Mary?
  411. You haven’t asked either of us.
  412. She is always early for work.
  413. He’s still standing near the door.
  414. Have you had a good weekend?
  415. What have you done this morning?
  416. How long have you been here?
  417. I’ve had them since last Wednesday.
  418. I’ve waited six weeks for it.
  419. Come into my office at once!
  420. Arthur is happy about this too.
  421. Mr Steele has just gone home.
  422. I‘ve just got this one letter.
  423. I’m in no hurry at all.
  424. I expect it’s still quite warm.
  425. Now I really must go home.
  426. No, really, I must be off.
  427. Saturday? That’s the twenty-nineth, isn’t it?
  428. Well, he’s in hospital, isn’t he?
  429. There’s Sheila and her brother, Michael.
  430. After breakfast he rang Mary up.
  431. The others were not there yet.
  432. It was a very hot afternoon.
  433. All right, then I can steer.
  434. We can have our picnic there.
  435. Have you got enough room, Shelia?
  436. Do you want some pickled onions?
  437. Yes, there are some over there.
  438. No, thanks, I’ve got one already.
  439. What about Mary, Shelia? And me?
  440. Oh, haven’t you got any? Sorry.
  441. Have you been here before, Mary?
  442. It was you, Arthur, wasn’t it?
  443. I’ve come for my driving lesson.
  444. Sorry, what was your name again?
  445. Do sit down for a minute.
  446. You are a bit early, actually.
  447. How do you do, Mr Newton.
  448. Make sure it’s in neutral first.
  449. Don’t worry about reverse just yet.
  450. I need a car like that.
  451. So you passed your test. Congratulations.
  452. Nothing wrong with that, is there?
  453. Well, that’s out of question then.
  454. Yes, I suppose so.
  455. May I look at something else?
  456. We’ve got one or two inside.
  457. Not for you really, is it?
  458. How much are the monthly installments?
  459. Now what about this one here?
  460. You’ve got a bargain there, sir.
  461. Yes, it doesn’t seem too bad.
  462. So Artur now has a car.
  463. It’s a pity Mary isn’t coming.
  464. She’ll be with Bruce, I suppose.
  465. It’s a fantastic castle, isn’t it?
  466. It’s round the corner, isn’t it?
  467. Shall I sit in front now?
  468. Well, why did you come, then?
  469. Arthur doesn’t know anything about them.
  470. Has he ever won a race?
  471. Don’t put any money on him!
  472. Most people are smaller than her.
  473. Well, have you decided anything yet?
  474. So Arthur was lucky for once.
  475. In fact it was the worst.
  476. It’s very crowded today, isn’t it?
  477. The crowd seems to like him.
  478. He kicked that Didcot player deliberately.
  479. Well, he kicked that poor chap.
  480. So Arthur got a black eye.
  481. Radios aren’t allowed in the library.
  482. What do you think you’re doing?
  483. This is a library, you know.
  484. Will you come into my office!
  485. They’re a doctor and a teacher.
  486. It’s a postcard in my suitcase.
  487. It’s a stamp on my envelope.
  488. I want to live in America.
  489. My brother has a new girlfriend.
  490. My grandmother and grandfather are old.
  491. I have a park at home.
  492. I am happy in the evening.
  493. My house is small and friendly.
  494. My mother and father are old.
  495. Nine hundred is a large number.
  496. My address is 8, Flower street.
  497. Her husband is a horrible man.
  498. I like to drink mineral water.
  499. My sister has a new boyfriend.
  500. We have to catch a train.
  501. Certainly I like noodles with poppy-seed.
  502. I’d like to learn to drive.
  503. I never go to football matches.
  504. Fortunately I know him / her.
  505. I go to a nearby school.
  506. I have a very good hairdresser.
  507. I was five days in hospital
  508. I know a very good interpreter.
  509. He leaves for school at six.
  510. She looks after my son carefully.
  511. I’d like to see the sea.
  512. Can you see that beautiful flower?
  513. I was child in a village.
  514. When do you go to beaches?
  515. I like cooking with my friends.
  516. I always have a big dinner.
  517. What do you like to eat?
  518. How many friends do you have?
  519. This is not my favourite game.
  520. I don’t like getting up early.
  521. Do I have to go shopping?
  522. I went swimming two years ago.
  523. I have never tried ice skating.
  524. What do you know about it?
  525. Would you listen to me, please?
  526. Blood is red because of iron.
  527. Relax! Don’t do this (this way)!
  528. The short way is this way.
  529. Don’t smoke here – children are here.
  530. This spring has been very hot.
  531. And then I suddenly saw her.
  532. What will you do in summer?
  533. What do you take photos with?
  534. The traffic is very busy here.
  535. Where have you bought this tree?
  536. I don’t usually answer this question.
  537. I think I’ll never try windsurf.
  538. I am thirsty and also hungry.
  539. I can’t go into the bathroom.
  540. My bedroom is in the attic.
  541. I don’t have too much clothes.
  542. We have to mend our cooker.
  543. What’s this mess on your desk?
  544. Dogs don’t like me – it’s mutual.
  545. There are no kings in Hungary.
  546. You have a very futuristic lamp.
  547. What is in your left pocket?
  548. Do you know the latest news?
  549. My PC is on my desk.
  550. Do you have any other ideas?
  551. Do you have a red pen?
  552. I love plants in my home.
  553. I haven’t broken many plates yet.
  554. I’d like a brand new radio.
  555. Where’s the nearest toilet? … Quickly!
  556. My whole day is very busy.
  557. I was born in this town.
  558. Where and when were you born?
  559. Well, let’s stop this conversation now.
  560. There is something in my eye.
  561. What would be your last wish?
  562. Do you go to football matches?
  563. My friend wanted to study medicine.
  564. What has happened to your nose?
  565. What are you thinking about now?
  566. Have you ever ridden a poni?
  567. Can you translate it for me?
  568. Take a cake from my tray!
  569. What do you want to become?
  570. Is there anything in your bottle?
  571. I like that character. Do you?
  572. Most people like Christmas very much.
  573. I have to clean the house.
  574. What do you want to get?
  575. Can you give me the direction?
  576. I kissed her and I left.
  577. Where did you lose your cap?
  578. I don’t have a favourite novelist.
  579. The past few years were difficult.
  580. I know some pretty girls there.
  581. I have never visited a prison.
  582. When do you want to retire?
  583. Why did you send him there?

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Címkék: fordítás angol angol tananyag példamondatok szókincsfejlesztés

The Best Six Word Stories

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Ever since I found /r/sixwordstories on Reddit I wanted to share the best from there.

The description of the subreddit reads:

«For sale: baby shoes, never worn.» — Ernest Hemingway

A story told in only six words — Hemingway called this his best work. Can you do better?

Post a six-word story, or discuss others’ submissions in the comments! (Note: The comments don’t need to be limited to six words… use lots!)

I do no think there is a lot to add to that.

The Heartbreaking Ones

There are way too many sad six word stories, so I decided to pick the best.





The Apocalyptic Ones

The end is near.




The Punny Ones

There is no rating here…

The Genius Ones




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