Best friend word list

Find heartwarming words to describe friendship and people. These words lists will help you to describe any personality!

  • Friend Adjectives
  • Friend Nouns
  • Friend Verbs
  • Negatives
  • Friend Phrases
  1. accepting
  2. affectionate
  3. agreeable
  4. always
  5. always there
  6. amazing
  7. amiable
  8. appreciated
  9. appreciative
  10. beautiful
  11. best
  12. bestest
  13. blessed
  14. brotherly
  15. buddy-buddy
  16. caring
  17. cheerful
  18. cherished
  19. close
  20. comfortable
  21. comforting
  22. comical
  23. connected
  24. considerate
  25. cooperative
  26. cordial
  27. crazy
  28. dauntless
  29. dear
  30. dependable
  1. intimate
  2. irreplaceable
  3. kind
  4. kindhearted
  5. laidback
  6. lasting
  7. long-lasting
  8. lovable
  9. loving
  10. loyal
  11. marvelous
  12. meaningful
  13. mutual
  14. nicest
  15. noble
  16. one-of-a-kind
  17. ours
  18. patient
  19. perfect
  20. personal
  21. precious
  22. priceless
  23. profound
  24. protective
  25. rare
  26. real
  27. receptive
  28. relaxing
  29. reliable
  30. remarkable
  1. easy
  2. effortless
  3. empathizing
  4. encouraging
  5. enjoyable
  6. everlasting
  7. everyday
  8. extraordinary
  9. fabulous
  10. faithful
  11. favorite
  12. fond
  13. forever
  14. fortunate
  15. friendly
  16. fun
  17. funnest
  18. funny
  19. generous
  20. genuine
  21. grateful
  22. grounded
  23. happy
  24. heartfelt
  25. heartwarming
  26. hilarious
  27. honest
  28. important
  29. in agreement
  30. in common
  1. sincere
  2. sisterly
  3. special
  4. steadfast
  5. supportive
  6. sweet
  7. sweet-hearted
  8. thankful
  9. thoughtful
  10. timeless
  11. together
  12. touching
  13. treasured
  14. tried-and-true
  15. true
  16. trustworthy
  17. truthful
  18. uncommon
  19. unconditional
  20. understanding
  21. unique
  22. unpretentious
  23. unselfish
  24. uplifting
  25. valued
  26. warm
  27. warmhearted
  28. wonderful

  1. a friendly face
  2. a helping hand
  3. accord
  4. acquaintance
  5. admiration
  6. adventure
  7. advice
  8. affection
  9. ally
  10. amigo
  11. angel
  12. back
  13. best buds
  14. best friend
  15. blessing
  16. blossoming friendship
  17. bond
  18. bosom buddy
  19. brethren
  20. brotherhood
  21. buddy
  22. camaraderie
  23. caring
  24. character
  25. chat
  26. cheer
  27. chum
  1. history
  2. honesty
  3. hug
  4. humor
  5. inspiration
  6. interaction
  7. joy
  8. kindness
  9. laughing
  10. life
  11. loyalty
  12. mate
  13. memories
  14. mentor
  15. old friend
  16. pal
  17. partner
  18. patience
  19. personality
  20. playmate
  21. presence
  22. qualities
  23. rapport
  24. relationship
  25. reliance
  26. saint
  27. sanity
  1. closeness
  2. club
  3. comfort
  4. communication
  5. companion
  6. companionship
  7. company
  8. concern
  9. confidante
  10. connection
  11. conversation
  12. decisions
  13. devotion
  14. discussion
  15. disposition
  16. encouragement
  17. fellowship
  18. forgiveness
  19. free therapy
  20. friend
  21. friendly face
  22. friendship
  23. fun
  24. girl friend
  25. good times
  26. guy friend
  27. happiness
  1. security
  2. sentiment
  3. shared interests
  4. shoulder
  5. shoulder to cry on
  6. sisterhood
  7. smile
  8. someone special
  9. soul mate
  10. spirit
  11. strength
  12. sunshine
  13. support
  14. supporter
  15. team
  16. therapist
  17. therapy
  18. thoughtfulness
  19. thoughts
  20. ties
  21. trust
  22. us
  23. warmth
  24. willingness
  25. wisdom
  26. worth

  1. accept
  2. admire
  3. adore
  4. advise
  5. agree with
  6. appreciate
  7. assist
  8. assure
  9. be friends
  10. be in like
  11. be myself
  12. be partners in crime
  13. befriend
  14. believe in
  15. bounce ideas off of
  16. brighten
  17. call up
  18. care about
  19. celebrate
  20. chat
  21. cheer on
  22. cherish
  23. chime in
  24. chitchat
  25. comfort
  26. communicate
  27. confess to
  28. confide
  29. confide in
  1. have a great time with
  2. have my back
  3. help
  4. hug
  5. identify with
  6. keep company
  7. keep promises
  8. keep secrets
  9. know
  10. know me
  11. last
  12. laugh
  13. laugh with
  14. lean on
  15. learn
  16. lift spirits
  17. like
  18. listen
  19. live
  20. love
  21. love unconditionally
  22. make my day
  23. mean what you say
  24. overcome
  25. party with
  26. play
  27. provide
  28. rant & rave
  29. reciprocate
  1. connect with
  2. converse
  3. counsel
  4. count on
  5. crack me up
  6. cry
  7. depend
  8. discuss
  9. empathize
  10. encourage
  11. enjoy
  12. entrust
  13. experience
  14. express
  15. extend your heart
  16. feel
  17. feel at ease
  18. flatter
  19. fool around
  20. forgive
  21. gab
  22. giggle
  23. give
  24. give advice
  25. go out
  26. go out of your way
  27. go out on the town
  28. gossip
  29. guide
  1. relish
  2. rely
  3. respect
  4. satisfy
  5. share
  6. share clothes
  7. share secrets
  8. shop
  9. show
  10. show you care
  11. smile
  12. sort out
  13. speak the truth
  14. speak up for me
  15. spend
  16. stick up for
  17. support
  18. sympathize
  19. talk
  20. tell
  21. tell it like it is
  22. think of
  23. treasure
  24. treat
  25. trust
  26. trust in
  27. understand
  28. value
  29. voice

  1. accusatory
  2. accuse
  3. adversary
  4. alone
  5. argue
  6. argument
  7. attack
  8. backstabber
  9. betray
  10. bicker
  11. blue
  12. bored
  13. cold shoulder
  14. companionless
  15. compete
  16. deceive
  17. depressed
  1. jerk
  2. joyless
  3. lack
  4. lacking
  5. lonely
  6. lonesome
  7. loss
  8. lost
  9. mean
  10. meanie
  11. miserable
  12. neglectful
  13. nemesis
  14. offend
  15. offensive
  16. oppose
  17. pose
  1. difficulty
  2. disagree
  3. disagreement
  4. disappointment
  5. distrust
  6. drift apart
  7. empty
  8. enemy
  9. failure
  10. far away
  11. fear
  12. fight
  13. fighting
  14. gossip
  15. hard to talk to
  16. hardship
  17. hateful
  1. regret
  2. removed
  3. rival
  4. rude
  5. sad
  6. scared
  7. solitary existence
  8. sorry
  9. squabble
  10. steal
  11. struggle
  12. tell
  13. underhanded
  14. unhappy
  15. untrustworthy

  1. 10 years as friends and going strong
  2. a friend is a gift whose worth cannot be measured
  3. a friend is like a psychiatrist with a sense of humor
  4. a friend like you
  5. a friend through thick and thin
  6. a friendly face to greet me
  7. a friendship like ours
  8. a friendship that grows better with time
  9. a friendship that never fades
  10. a gem of a friend
  11. a good long talk can cure almost anything
  12. a part of my life
  13. a shoulder to cry on
  14. a warm, welcoming personality
  15. always there for me
  16. best friends carry you when your wings forget how to fly
  17. best friends like us stay close in heart
  18. best friends to the end
  19. BFF
  20. BFFL (best friends for life)
  21. calories don’t count when you are having lunch with a friend
  22. central to my life
  23. cherish the time we spend together
  24. close at heart
  25. dance like no one is watching
  26. enjoy your company
  27. forever friends
  1. live by the golden rule
  2. live well, love much, and laugh often
  3. make new friends, but keep the old, some are silver and the others are gold
  4. my friend and therapist
  5. not afraid to be myself around you
  6. on the same page
  7. our friendship is a journey without end
  8. our friendship is easy/effortless/natural
  9. our special friend blend
  10. ours is a beautiful friendship
  11. partner in crime
  12. side by side or miles apart
  13. so much in common
  14. spending time together is effortless
  15. stand by my side
  16. thank you for being my unbiological sister/brother
  17. thanks for being my friend
  18. thanks for your support
  19. that’s what friends are for
  20. the bond of friendship
  21. the comfort of your friendship
  22. the friendship we share
  23. the love and laughter of friends
  24. the meaning of true friendship
  25. the time we spend together is []
  26. there for each other
  27. there is nothing we can’t get through together
  1. friends are angels without wings
  2. friends are flowers that never fade away
  3. friends are the best accessories
  4. friends are the sunshine of life
  5. friends bring sunshine to our lives
  6. friends forever
  7. friends since the school bus
  8. friendship is forever
  9. gems may be precious, but friends are priceless
  10. girls just want to have fun
  11. God gives us friends
  12. good times are even better when they are shared
  13. grateful that you are my friend
  14. gratitude can turn a stranger into a friend
  15. happiness is making new friends
  16. he who finds a friend finds treasure
  17. heart to heart
  18. I can tell you anything
  19. I cannot measure or express your worth to me
  20. I’m here for you
  21. I’m not me without you
  22. I’m on your side
  23. I’m so glad we are friends
  24. I’m your biggest fan/supporter
  25. I’ve got your back
  26. just being with you is fun
  27. lean on me
  1. to whom I can voice my concerns
  2. tried and true friend
  3. true spirit of friendship
  4. we are connected heart to heart; distance and time cannot break us apart
  5. we found each other
  6. we make a great team
  7. who will tell me the truth
  8. you accept me for who I am
  9. you are a special friend
  10. you are my person. You will always be my person
  11. you are my sunshine
  12. you are my tribe
  13. you are very special to me
  14. you brighten my day
  15. you can count on me
  16. you catch me when I fall
  17. you give me peace of mind
  18. you know me in and out
  19. you lift my spirits
  20. you make me smile
  21. you make my soul blossom
  22. you make the world a more beautiful place
  23. you mean so much to me
  24. you speak my language
  25. you’re always a bright, shining star in my life
  26. you’re one of those special people who make life worth living
  27. you’ve made such a beautiful impact on my life

Если вы уже умеете описывать внешность друга (подруги) и можете рассказать о его (ее) характере, давайте поговорим о том, что делает вас друзьями. В этом вам помогут английские слова по теме «My Best Friend» (список №1 для начинающих), текст на английском языке про друга и несколько вопросов на тему «Friends».

My Friends. Английские слова по теме «Мои друзья» Список №1

  1. make friends — подружиться
  2. friends forever — друзья навсегда
  3. see each other — видеть друг друга
  4. miss each other — скучать друг без друга
  5. meet each other — встречаться друг с другом
  6. enjoy doing …. together — делать что-то вместе с удовольствием
  7. have much in common — иметь много общего
  8. share ideas — делиться идеями
  9. phone each other — звонить друг другу
  10. help in trouble (in need) — помогать в беде

My Best Friend (text in English)

  • friendship — дружба

My best friend is my classmate. His name is Dima. He is a tall boy with short dark hair. He has blue eyes and wears glasses. He is brave and strong. Dima is a very optimistic person. He is never sad. He knows a lot of jokes and often makes me laugh.

We made friends in the first form and since then we have a deep friendship.

We often go for a walk together and talk about different things. Dima is my close friend and I can tell him about my problems. He also shares his ideas with me. I can’t say that we have much in common but we have the same hobby. We like playing chess.

We always help each other in need. I think we will be friends forever.

My Best Friend. Задания по активизации лексики

Задание 1. Tell us about your friend. Remember to say:

  • what he/she looks like;
  • what kind of person he or she is;
  • when and how you made friends;
  • what friends are for.

Задание 2. Answer the questions to find out if you are a good friend

  • find out — узнать
  • let — разрешать
  • has forgetten — забыл
  • be absent from school — отсутствовать в школе
  1. How many friends do you have?
  2. Do you let your friend copy your homework if he (she) hasn’t done it?
  3. Do you always buy a present for your friend if he (she) has a birthday?
  4. Do you share your lunch with your friend if he (she) has forgotten it?
  5. Do you call your friend if he (she) is absent from school?
  6. Will you help your friend if he (she) gets a bad mark in some subject?
  7. Will you talk to your friend if he (she) calls you when you are watching your favourite TV programme?

The idea for the Describing Words engine came when I was building the engine for Related Words (it’s like a thesaurus, but gives you a much broader set of related words, rather than just synonyms). While playing around with word vectors and the «HasProperty» API of conceptnet, I had a bit of fun trying to get the adjectives which commonly describe a word. Eventually I realised that there’s a much better way of doing this: parse books!

Project Gutenberg was the initial corpus, but the parser got greedier and greedier and I ended up feeding it somewhere around 100 gigabytes of text files — mostly fiction, including many contemporary works. The parser simply looks through each book and pulls out the various descriptions of nouns.

Hopefully it’s more than just a novelty and some people will actually find it useful for their writing and brainstorming, but one neat little thing to try is to compare two nouns which are similar, but different in some significant way — for example, gender is interesting: «woman» versus «man» and «boy» versus «girl». On an inital quick analysis it seems that authors of fiction are at least 4x more likely to describe women (as opposed to men) with beauty-related terms (regarding their weight, features and general attractiveness). In fact, «beautiful» is possibly the most widely used adjective for women in all of the world’s literature, which is quite in line with the general unidimensional representation of women in many other media forms. If anyone wants to do further research into this, let me know and I can give you a lot more data (for example, there are about 25000 different entries for «woman» — too many to show here).

The blueness of the results represents their relative frequency. You can hover over an item for a second and the frequency score should pop up. The «uniqueness» sorting is default, and thanks to my Complicated Algorithm™, it orders them by the adjectives’ uniqueness to that particular noun relative to other nouns (it’s actually pretty simple). As you’d expect, you can click the «Sort By Usage Frequency» button to adjectives by their usage frequency for that noun.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source mongodb which was used in this project.

Please note that Describing Words uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

My Best Friend. English words related to «My best friend». List # 1

как описать друга на английском

If you already know how to describe the appearance of a friend (girlfriend) and can talk about his (her) character, let’s talk about what makes you friends. This will help you Englishwords related to «My Best Friend» (list # 1 for beginners), English text about a friend and a few questions about “Friends”.

My Friends. English words on the topic «My friends» List # 1

  1. make friends — make friends
  2. friends forever — friends forever
  3. see each other — see each other
  4. miss each other — miss each other
  5. meet each other — meet each other
  6. enjoy doing. together — to do something together with pleasure
  7. have much in common — have a lot in common
  8. share ideas — share ideas
  9. phone each other — call each other
  10. help in trouble (in need) — help in trouble

My Best Friend (text in English)

My best friend is my classmate. His name is Dima. He is a tall boy with short dark hair. He has blue eyes and wear glasses. He is brave and strong. Dima is a very optimistic person. He is never sad. He knows a lot of jokes and often makes me laugh.

We made friends in the first form and since then we have a deep friendship.

We often go for a walk together and talk about different things. Dima is my close friend and I can tell him about my problems. He also shares his ideas with me. I can’t say that we have much in common but we have the same hobby. We playing chess.

We always help each other in need. I think we will be friends forever.

My Best Friend. Vocabulary activation tasks

Task 1. Tell us about your friend. Remember to say:

  • what he / she looks;
  • what kind of person he or she is;
  • when and how you made friends;
  • what friends are for.

Task 2. Answer the questions to find out if you are a good friend

  • find out — find out
  • let — allow
  • has forgetten — forgot
  • be absent from school — absent from school
  1. How many friends do you have?
  2. Do you let your friend copy your homework if he (she) hasn’t done it?
  3. Do you always buy a present for your friend if he (she) has a birthday?
  4. Do you share your lunch with your friend if he (she) has forgotten it?
  5. Do you call your friend if he (she) is absent from school?
  6. Will you help your friend if he (she) gets a bad mark in some subject?
  7. Will you talk to your friend if he (she) calls you when you are watching your favorite TV program?


Know writing: 70 phrases, like to promote your ball

как описать друга на английском

There is less and less time left until ZNO-2019, and schoolchildren throughout Ukraine are getting more and more actively preparing for it. Today we have prepared a selection of useful phrases that will come in handy for Writing on ZNO in English, which, as you know, will be writing a letter to a friend. Save to yourself so you don’t forget to learn!


The letter always begins with a greeting, the phrases for which may differ depending on how close the friend you are writing. 

1. Greetings for a good friend, comrade:

  • Dear Anna,
  • Hi Andrew,
  • Hello Kate.

2. Greetings to your best, close friend, to whom you emphasize how dear he is to you:

  • My sweet Ann
  • Dear Andrew,
  • My dear Kate.

Do not forget to put a comma after the address, and write the rest of the sentence on a new line.


Here you can ask how you are, write that you hope your friend is doing well, apologize for not writing for a long time, and thank him for the letter if the assignment indicates that you are answering his letter or question.

3. How are you? / How are you doing?

4. Hope you’re fine.

5. Hope everything’s going well. / Hope everything goes well for you.

6. I am writing to you after a long time.

7. Sorry for not writing for so long.

8. Thanks for your letter.

9. Lovely to hear from you!

10. It was great to get your letter.

Main part

In the main part, you need to reveal the topic indicated in the assignment. Start with why you are writing and what you want to talk about, and then tell. In your letter, be sure to use connecting words and phrases — for a high score on the ZNO in English, your letter should contain at least 5–7 of them.

11. The reason I’m writing (to you) is

12. In your letter you ask me (to tell you) about / In your letter you ask me to tell you about

13. I’d to tell you about

14. I’m writing to tell you about

15. I can’t wait to tell you the news.

Connecting phrases for expressing opinions

16. I think / believe / consider that

17. From my point of view,

18. In my opinion

19. I don’t agree to

20. Personally I feel that

Phrases about what you like or dislike

21. As for me, I / love / enjoy

22. Most of all I / love

23. I adore

24. I’m totally / really into

25. I’m crazy about

26. I don’t

27. I’m not a huge fan of 

28. I hate / I can’t stand

29. (Rap music) is not my cup of tea.

30. I don’t care that much about

Linking words to reinforce thought / express confidence

31 Indeed

32. For sure

33. Undoubtedly

34. Of course

Connecting words and phrases to add additional information

35. As well as

36. Furthermore / moreover / What is more

37. In addition / In addition

38. Like / wise

39. Not only, but also

40. On top of that

Linking words and phrases for comparison and contrast

41. In contrast / By comparison

42. On the other hand

43. Although

44. However

45. Meanwhile

Linking words and phrases for examples

46. ​​For example / For instance

47. The best example is

48. Such as

49. To give an illustration

Connecting words to explain the reason

50. Because/Because of

51. The

Linking words and phrases to describe the result

52. For that reason

53. As a result

54. So

55. As a consequence

Connecting words and phrases to summarize

56. To sum up

57. In conclusion

58. Above all

59. All things considered


In the final part of the letter, you can ask a friend for his opinion on the subject of your letter, if the purpose of the letter was to share his opinion, as well as ask him to write to you more often and wish health to his entire family.

60. What do you think about?

61. Tell me (please) what’s your opinion on this matter.

62. I’m eager to hear from you.

63. Looking forward to hearing from you.


IELTS: exam format

как описать друга на английском

If your goals are not limited to knowledge of English at a household level and you are making more ambitious plans, considering work, study or living abroad, then in any of these cases IELTS will become a guiding star for your dreams.

Depending on the tasks, the IELTS test is broken for two modules:

Academic Module Is an exam format for those who are going to enter a higher educational institution, master’s degree or MBA program abroad.

General Module (General Training) Is an exam format designed for people who are going to immigrate to English-speaking countries (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Great Britain), who want to get an education not lower than secondary, as well as for those who are looking for work in their specialty.

IELTS Description of each of the exam modules

Academic Module is a series of scientific tasks, where you will be asked to describe a graph, diagram, diagram or draw conclusions from a table. 

General Module (General Training) includes assignments on general topics, for example, writing a letter to a friend or describing a situation, writing an essay in response to a point of view, argument or problem. 


In terms of difficulty level, Academic IELTS and General IELTS Training do not differ, in both modules the same speech patterns used by the candidate are checked and identically assessed in terms of the level of difficulty and literacy of their use.

IELTS Structure

The exam consists of four parts:

— Listening — Reading — Writing

— Speaking

IELTS: Listening

Duration: about 30 minutes (+ 10 minutes for transferring answers)

Number of tasks: 40 questions

Number of parts: Consists of 4 parts, each of which you listen to only once. Different voices and accents are used for native English speakers.


How to write letters in English correctly: 5 templates with examples

Your letters will be judged by those who read them. Do you want to leave a pleasant impression about yourself? We will introduce you to the basic rules of correspondence in English. 

People have been writing letters to each other since time immemorial. By the letters you can judge the character of a person, his education, hobbies, and most importantly, how well he speaks the language in which he writes. Those who study the language will sooner or later face the need to learn how to write letters in English correctly. 

The letter may be needed when entering a higher educational institution abroad, when passing a language exam, when applying for a job. But not only in the world of business communication, it is important to know how to write a letter in English. Informal correspondence can also have an impact on your life, communication with friends and acquaintances.

Your letters will be judged by those who read them. Do you want to leave a pleasant impression about yourself? We will introduce you to the basic rules of correspondence in English. It is also worth repeating the rules for writing the address in English.

 Before you start writing a letter, you need to determine for what purpose you are doing it, and therefore — to determine the type of letter. 

Types of letters in English

All letters can be divided into personal (Personal letter) and business (Business letter). We talked about correspondence with business partners and the main taboos of business correspondence earlier, today we will discuss in more detail the rules of personal correspondence. Are there general strict rules for writing letters in English? If we are talking about personal correspondence, the answer is obvious — no.

This is in business documentation, communication with business partners, letter templates in English are often used. Personal correspondence is your own business, forgive the tautology. And yet, there are some tips to help make the correspondence more enjoyable for you and the person with whom you are having an epistolary conversation.

In addition, if you are a beginner in the world of English, it is still better to try writing your first letters using templates. 

Tip 1. The letter must be properly structured

Of course, the stream of consciousness is a good thing, but only in the works of Joyce. If you want your letter to be read to the end, respect the addressee. Try to make the text easy to read. The construction of your writing in English is as important as the meaning you put into the words you write. 

As a rule, a letter contains the following structural elements: 

  • appeal — a separate line
  • a short introduction (in which you can refer to previous contacts, previously written letters, etc.) — a separate paragraph
  • main body — a few paragraphs
  • conclusion — a separate line
  • end phrase — a separate line
  • signature (name only) — a separate line
  • in the upper right corner, you should indicate the author’s address and the date under the address

We offer a sample letter in English, with the following structure: 

Tip 2. Correct handling in letters in English

The form of the appeal always depends on the degree of acquaintance with the person to whom you are addressing in the letter. Here are some examples.

  • Dear John! — address to a friend, relative
  • Dear Sir — appeal if this John is your boss. Official appeal.
  • My dear sir — an appeal that can be used in personal correspondence with irony 
  • Dear Mr. Smith — an official appeal to an unfamiliar person (you do not know who John is)

Tip 3. A few important points to pay attention to 

1. If you do not know the gender of the addressee, write his full name: Dear TK Spinazola 

2. If you do not know which abbreviation is better to use: Miss or Mrs, since you do not know if a woman is married, use the neutral Ms. 

3. If writing a letter to two people, include both names in the appeal

4. These appeals cannot be shortened: Professor, Dean, Governor, Captain, Admiral, JudgeSister, Senator

5. These calls should never be used in full Mr., Ms., Mrs. and Dr. 

In order to write a letter correctly the first time, it is a good idea to have a sample letter in English handy. 

 Template phrases for writing letters

5 templates of introductory phrases: 

  • It was great to get your letter.
  • Thanks for your letter. It was great / lovely to hear from you. 
  • Thanks for your long letter. It was really great to hear all your news, after not hearing from you for ages.
  • Sorry I haven’t written for so long but.
  • I was really pleased to hear that

These phrases are neutral, with them you can start a letter to any addressee. Sometimes it can be difficult to find words, especially if you are not writing in your native language. Template phrases will help you structure the text of the letter, correctly form your thoughts.

5 templates for closing phrases: 

  • I would really visit me this summer. Write to me and tell me your plans.
  • Please give / send my regards (love) to your. 
  • And write and tell me your plans for.
  • Write back soon! 
  • If you want to know anything else, just drop me a line. 

Template for a letter asking for advice (5 options): 

  • I am writing to ask for your advice
  • Can you give me your advice?
  • I’ve got a problem and I need your advice. 
  • What do you think I should do? 
  • Do you think I should? 

Phrases for different letters: 

 Invitation letter Letter of apology  Thank You letter  Congratulations


Composition Description of a friend Grade 7 Russian (Characteristics of a classmate)

I want to tell you about my friend, his name is Sasha. We have known each other from an early age. We went to kindergarten together, and now we study in the same class and attend the football section.

Each person looks different. My friend is no exception. Sasha is quite tall and fit. Of course, because he is a future athlete! He has dark, slightly curly, short hair. The nose is straight, pointed. The eyebrows are wide, and the eyes are brown and very expressive. Sasha’s eyes are serious, and sometimes even stern. But at the same time, the smile is charming and kind, and the laughter is very contagious. In clothes, Sasha prefers a sporty style, but, of course, wears a uniform to school.

Alexander is a very friendly and open person. Together with him it is always fun and interesting. In addition to training, we walk, play, come up with exciting activities. In winter, for example, we like to go to the skating rink and play hockey.

It happens, of course, that we quarrel, but it quickly passes. If I need any help, Sasha is the first to rush to the rescue. He is a true friend.

Essay description of a girlfriend on behalf of a girl for grade 7

I want to tell you about my friend, her name is Olya. We have known each other for a long time. We were in the same group in kindergarten. And now classmates and dancing together.

Each person has their own distinctive features. My friend is no exception. Olya has very long and beautiful blonde hair. And when he dissolves them, everyone is just delighted. She is short, but slender and athletic, thanks to her love of dancing. Olga’s eyes are gray-blue, her eyebrows are thin, her skin is light, and her cheeks are ruddy. Facial features are soft and smooth. Her smile is very perky, and her laugh is contagious. She dresses well, loves to wear dresses. But, of course, he goes to school in uniform.

Olya is a very friendly and open person. It is always fun and interesting with her. In addition to dancing, we walk, play, come up with exciting activities. In winter, for example, we like to go to the skating rink.

It happens, of course, that we quarrel, but it quickly passes. If I need any help, Olya is the first to rush to the rescue. She is a true friend.

Characteristics of a classmate

I would like to introduce Vanya Samarova to my close friend and classmate. We are on friendly terms with him from a very early age. When we went to kindergarten with him, we constantly fought, but the next scuffle suddenly grew into a strong friendship. Since then, we have not parted. We went to the same school and ended up in the same class. And the more we are in an excellent relationship with him, the more good I learn about Vanya.

 If you look at his appearance, then he can be mistaken for a kindergartner. In fact, this is not the case. Vanya is a very physically strong boy, and hardy. In physical education lessons, he runs the fastest and can pull up on the bar 10 times without much effort. And he plays football perfectly, as he attends a football school.

He has curly ash-colored hair and big blue eyes, which girls really like, and therefore they often flirt with him. However, my classmate is indifferent to the female sex, although he does not refuse to help them, and sometimes protects them from hooligans. Vanya loves to read, and taught me to read literature too. He reads everywhere: at breaks, on the street, in transport.

His passion for reading helps him in his studies, because he is a drummer.

Ivan is a devoted comrade and a man of his word. Somehow my English was not good at all. I could not understand some of the rules, and it is natural to do the corresponding exercises. My mother already wanted to hire a tutor, but Vanya happily agreed to help me. Every day he came and explained the topics to me and helped me with my homework.

Suddenly Vanya fell ill, and I was already thinking about how I would cope with all of these. But then his mother called and invited me to them. Vanya decided to continue his studies in this position. I felt ashamed that I was bothering a sick friend, and began to delve into the topics on my own.

Vanya, having recovered, began to help me again, and two months later I got the first five.

My classmate is also hardworking and respects his household. He constantly helps mom buy groceries and clean the house. Ivan also goes to his sick grandmother twice a week and takes care of her. And, despite the fact that he succeeds everywhere, both in studies, and in additional activities for hobbies, and spending free time on the street. I am proud that there is such a boy in my class who is also a good friend.

Option 4

My deskmate’s name is Amalia, and I really like that name. Me and the rest of the guys in the class often affectionately call her Alcoy. At first she was angry about it, but now she seems to be used to it. We became friends with Alya in the fifth grade, when the class teacher put us at one desk. Now we are already in the ninth, but we continue to communicate just as well.

My friend is a real Armenian, despite the fact that she was born in Russia and visits her homeland only during the holidays. Her origin betrays her appearance, because Amalia looks like all oriental beauties. She has dark, thick hair that she always braids in a ponytail, brown eyes, dark skin and luxurious long eyelashes. Alya loves to laugh, a smile undoubtedly adorns the face of my classmate, and even braces do not spoil it.

Amal prefers pencil skirts to trousers, complements them with neat ballet flats and lace blouses. Her style is very feminine and graceful. She always chooses massive earrings from accessories. For her fifteen years, Alya has amassed a fairly large collection of these jewelry: she contains earrings of almost all colors and sizes.

Amalia is the friendliest and most outgoing person I know. My friend maintains warm friendly relations with the guys from the class, she always agrees to help everyone. In addition, Alya is very quick-witted, she studies only excellently. But classmates do not consider her boring or arrogant, but on the contrary, they respect and follow an example.

Alka has not yet decided who she will become in the future, but she knows for sure that her profession will have to benefit society. Amalia stopped at two faculties, choosing between medicine and economics.

I think she will make an excellent doctor! For this, my classmate has all the necessary qualities, for example, responsibility and patience. Perhaps she should have become a pediatric pediatrician, because she adores children. She especially often deals with her younger brother.

He is in the sixth grade and enjoys sports, so he and his sister love to play football or other outdoor games.

I really appreciate my friend for her character, if necessary, she is ready to listen and give good advice. I am sure that our friendship with Amalia will last for many more years!

Grade 4, Grade 7, 8


Letter of invitation in English

Nowadays, it is important to know how to write an invitation letter in English to all kinds of significant business events and parties. Correctly drafting the invitation is the first step to a successful event. We will reveal for you all the nuances and subtleties of writing an invitation letter in English.

Never let someone else be your priority, letting yourself be their choice.

~Mark Twain

In our article, you will learn what structure and principles should be followed when composing an invitation letter, as well as familiarize yourself with an example of writing an invitation letter in English.

Examples of letters of invitation in English with translation

Writing a letter may be needed when passing a language exam, when entering a higher educational institution abroad, when applying for a job.

Time is money. Today we cannot afford to waste it inviting everyone in person. In this case, the best option is to write an invitation letter.

An invitation letter is usually written for an invitation to an event such as a family gathering, party, business meeting, or social event. All of these types of invitation letters can be divided into two categories: business and personal. In any of these letters, you need to adhere to the same structure of the letter.

Business letter of invitation in English

Inviting colleagues, clients or potential clients to an event is an important aspect of doing business. The number of guests who will attend your event depends on how professional and effective the invitation letter is.

The main rules for writing an invitation letter in English:

  1. In a business letter of invitation, a prerequisite is to address the reader by name (Dear Mr. Smit), perhaps it will require a little more effort, but it is always more pleasant to receive a letter addressed specifically to you, and not written in impersonal phrases like: Dear Colleague.

  2. In a business-style invitation letter, you should always use a formal tone, because you usually write such letters to business partners.

  3. The invitation letter should be short and answer the questions What? Where? How ?, because business people value their time.

  4. Offer an incentive like a free lunch at an event or a prize draw. This will show that you value the time of the invitees. In addition, the incentive will keep guests at the very end of the event.

  5. Write an invitation long before the event itself. This will help the invitees plan their visit to you. Make sure there are no important holidays or football on this day.

  6. Check the letter carefully for grammar and style. And let the other person read the letter so that he finds the mistakes that you missed. A misspelled letter can wipe out all your previous efforts.

Example of an invitation

Dear Ms Blue, It gives us great pleasure to invite you to our annual partners appreciation event on Friday, the 29 of October at 6 pm We believe it to be a wonderful opportunity for us to learn more about your company, establish strong business relations and have a good time. We look forward to seeing you at the event. Sincerely yours, Alexander Pemsky CEO Dear Miss Blue, It is with great pleasure that we invite you to our annual event to celebrate our partners, which will take place on Friday, October 29th at 18:00 pm. We are convinced that this will be a great opportunity for us to learn more about your company, build strong business relationships and have a good time. We look forward to meeting you at our event. Sincerely yours, Alexander PemskyGeneral Director

Write an invitation letter in English

Strictly adhere to the design rules when writing the invitation letter, we used to. However, please note that the invitation letter cannot be long. There should be the most necessary information and very few phrases like “we are very happy to invite you to a meeting”.

  1. Welcome / introduction + name of the person to whom this invitation is addressed.

  2. The main part, which contains information: on what occasion the invitation, the place and time of the meeting, as well as additional information (for example, in what clothes you should come or what to bring with you).

  3. Conclusion / Signature

Your friend will always be pleased to receive an invitation letter from you.

Example of an invitation

Dear William, Thank you for your letter. I was very happy to receive it. I miss you and your family. I will always remember the interesting places which we visited. It was the best holiday ever. I want to invite you to my city. I will be very happy if you agree to come. I am looking forward to your early reply. Love, Debbie. Dear William, Thank you for your letter. I am very happy to receive it. I miss you and your family. I will always remember those interesting places that we visited. This was the best vacation ever. I want to invite you to my city. I will be very glad if you agree to come. I am looking forward to your early reply. Love, Debbie.

Letter of invitation in English for a visa

If you want to get a visitor visa to the USA , then the receiving party draws up an invitation letter on its own behalf. An invitation letter can be from friends, relatives, business partners, organizers of various events. Below we provide one of the options for how such an invitation might look.

Example of an invitation


Learning to correctly describe pictures for the exam — examples and advice!

Hello my beloved readers.

Description of pictures in English on Unified State Examination — one of those tasks for which you need to prepare for a long time and thoroughly. Of course, it may seem to you that everything is as simple as possible, but in reality, an untrained student can fall into the typical pitfalls of this part of the test.

(click and go to the desired part):

  • Plan and useful phrases
  • Sample descriptions with audio recording

Therefore, today I want to discuss in detail with you the plan for this assignment, for which it was invented, and also give you a couple of illustrative examples that you can rely on.

By the way, to prepare for the Unified State Exam, a network of reputable English language schools in Moscow and Moscow Region BKC International House  offers special courses that will allow students to improve their language very well and mentally prepare for the format of this difficult exam.

For those who love (or are suitable!) Distance learning, I heartily recommend . They will be happy to help you pass any exam with 100 points! to the best English teachers (and not only!) and prepare well!

What is it and why did you come up with it?

Description of pictures is the third task in the oral part of the test. It tests your ability to quickly formulate a 2-minute monologue according to the existing plan. In addition, your grammar and vocabulary level is checked, as well as your ability to speak unprepared. This task is considered one of the easiest in the oral part, especially if you put it next to the comparison of pictures.

Action plan

The primary wording of the assignment in 2020 will be as follows.

Imagine these photos are taken from your photo album. Pick one photo to share with your friend. You will start in 1.5 minutes and have to speak for no more than 2 minutes.

Now, pay attention that you have a whole 1.5 minutes to already carefully examine the pictures, make a plan for your answer, and even remember all the words that you may forget while answering. Believe me, these 1.5 minutes give you an unrealistic head start.

After this formulation, you have a small plan, according to which you describe the pictures. It doesn’t change, so now you can start preparing and remembering it.

  • Where and when this photo was taken.

1-2 sentences for this part will be enough.

  • Who or what is shown in this photo.

Here, too, you can not focus too much. 2-3 sentences will be enough.

The most voluminous part of the answer, where you can prove yourself. Tell everything you can about this part, but remember the timing!

  • Why do you keep this photo in your album.

Here the answers may differ for each person, but they may be based on the phrase “to recall good memories”.

  • Why are you showing this photo to your friend.

Unlike other parts of the plan, here you can just come up with a couple of ready-made proposals in advance, and in those same 1.5 minutes, just check if they fit.

Useful phrases to help

Well — Okay. — If you do not know where to start, say this word. It will give you a head start of 1-2 seconds.

In the photo — In the photo

I took this picture when / because —I took this picture when / because

In the foreground / background of the picture — In the foreground / background of the picture

At the very particular moment — At this very moment

Samples and examples

Today I want to give you a sample, memorizing which you can cope with this task without any difficulties. I will also show you examples of how best to answer this assignment.

The first thing I do is evaluate which of the photographs I can speak the most, where I can use my vocabulary knowledge as effectively as possible.

So, let’s begin! I also attach a record.


Adverbs in English

Adverb Is a part of speech that denotes a sign of action.

In other words, an adverb indicates how, where, when, or to what extent something happened:

The guests moved hurriedly into the dining room.
The guests hurriedly went into the dining room.

English adverbs are divided into the following semantic groups:

here — here

there — there

where — where

inside — inside

outside — outside

above — at the top

below — below

somewhere — somewhere, somewhere

anywhere — anywhere, anywhere

nowhere — nowhere, nowhere

and more

now — now

when — when

then — then then

today — today

yesterday — yesterday

tomorrow — tomorrow

before — before, before

lately — recently

recently — recently, recently

once — once, once

and more

much — very

little — little

very — very, very

too — too, very

so — so, to such an extent

enough — enough, enough

hardly — barely, barely

scarcely — barely, with difficulty

nearly — almost

almost — almost, almost

and more

well — good

fast — fast

quickly — quickly, soon

slowly — slowly

quietly — quietly

easily — easy

and more

too — also, too

also — also, besides

either — also, too

else — more, except

only — only, just

even — even


When are adverbs used in English?

Adverbs can characterize an action:

He is running fast.
He runs fast.


She is very witty.
She is very witty.

other adverb:

It’s too late.
Too late.

or the whole sentence:

honestlywe did a great job.
Honestly, we did a great job.

In addition, adverbs in English can combine separate sentences (adverbs therefore, then, however, nevertheless, still, yet, besides, moreover, otherwise, else) or a subordinate and main clause as part of a complex (when, where, how, why) :

It was very hard to start my own business. I continued suddenheless and never looked back.
Starting your own business was very difficult. However, I continued and never looked back.

I don’t care why you are late again.
I don’t care why you’re late again.

Adverbs When, Where, why, how can serve as an interrogative word, opening an interrogative sentence:

Where is that boy?
Where is this boy?

When did you come?
When did you come?

In addition, adverbs can reflect the speaker’s personal attitude to the topic of conversation, in which case they are called «viewpoint adverb».

Foolishly, I agreed to help him.
Out of my stupidity, I agreed to help him.

Clearly, he is mistaken.
He’s obviously wrong.

Actually, I share your opinion.
In general, I share your point of view.

Formation of English dialects


How to create meaningful titles and page descriptions for Google search results


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Google generates page titles and descriptions completely automatically. This takes into account both the content of the page and links to it from other sites. The title and description are intended so that the user can get a general idea about it and understand if it matches his request.

We use a variety of sources to get the information we need to make this feature work, including page titles and meta tags. We can also take into account publicly available information or create rich results based on the markup in the code of the pages.

We do not manually change the titles or descriptions for individual sites automatically generated by Google, but we are working to improve their relevance. You can improve your page titles and descriptions by following the guidelines below.

Create informative page titles

The title is an important element of the search result as it provides an overview of the content of the site and its relevance to the search query. Often a user makes a decision to go to a site based on the information in the title. This is why you should pay special attention to creating titles for your pages.

Below are some tips for headings.

  • As mentioned above, every page of the site must have a title enclosed in a tag .
  • Page titles should be informative and concise… Try not to use too general descriptions (for example, a page for the home page or Profile for a user profile page). Also, avoid overly long descriptions as they may be truncated in search results.
  • Do not use excessive number of keywords… In some cases, it can be useful to add a few informative keywords to the title, but you should not repeat the same words and phrases several times. You should not use expressions that do not carry any semantic meaning. Keyword abuse can be considered spam.
  • Избегайте repetitive or patterned headers… Each page on your site should have a unique descriptive title. If every page of an online store is called «Sale of Cheap Goods», users will not be able to find the desired page among many others. It is also not recommended to use long headings in which only individual phrases are changed (so-called template headings). For example, the standard view title — videos, lyrics, posters, albums, reviews, and concerts is not very informative. This can be avoided, for example, by dynamically changing the title to reflect the actual content of the page. In this case, the words «video», «lyrics», etc. will be present in the title only if the page actually contains the relevant content. You can also specify only a variant as a short title, and use meta tags to describe the content (read more about them below).
  • Use brand elements in your headlinesbut don’t overuse them. It makes sense to specify additional information about the site in the title of the main page (for example, ExampleSocialSite is a place for dating and communication). However, you should not include this text in the heading of every page, as it complicates the perception. In addition, when showing multiple pages of your site in search results for the same query, these titles will look the same. In this case, it is best to include only the site name at the beginning or end of the title line, separating it from the rest of the text with a hyphen, colon, or vertical bar, as shown below: ExampleSocialSite: Register a new account.
  • Be careful when blocking access to search engine robots to the pages of your site. The robots.txt file can prevent Googlebot from crawling your site pages, but it does not guarantee that they will not be added to the index. For example, Google can index your pages if it finds links to them on other sites. To show these pages in search results, Google will create titles for them. Since we won’t be able to access the page itself, external information, such as link text from other sites, will be used to create the header. The noindex attribute can be used to ensure that URLs are not indexed.

Why the titles in the search result and the tag on the page may not match

If we find that the title of a search result contains the above-mentioned shortcomings, we will try to generate a more appropriate version of it based on the text of the links, page content and other sources.

In some cases, a Google-generated title may be used in the search results to make the title of a page more accurately reflect its relevance to a search query, even if the original title is short, informative, and of good quality.

There is a simple explanation for this: the title tag provided by the webmaster cannot change depending on the request.

Since we know the user’s request, we can find an alternative text on the page that more closely matches it. By placing this text in the title, we will help both the user and your site. When users browse search results, they look for keywords entered and other indicators of the relevance of the proposed content. Hence, a well-chosen headline increases the likelihood that a user will click through to your site.

If the titles of your pages in the search results have changed, check to see if it is related to the problems described above. If there are no problems, the reason for the mismatch between the headers may be that the alternative is more relevant to the request. If you think the original title is more appropriate, please let us know in the Webmaster Help Forum.

How Google creates descriptions

Descriptions are automatically generated based on site content. They are intended to provide Google Search with the content of the page that is most relevant to your search query. In other words, users will see different descriptions depending on which queries they entered.

There are two ways to recommend content for creating descriptions:

How to set up the display of descriptions

You can prevent automatic creation of descriptions for your pages in Google search results or specify their maximum length. In the first case, use the nosnippet meta tag, and in the second, use the max-snippet: number. You can also prevent text from specific sections of the page from being taken for descriptions by specifying the data-nosnippet meta tag.

Create accurate meta descriptions

In some cases, Google will use the content of a tag when creating a description if we believe it will help users get a better understanding of its content, so the content of this tag should be concise, relevant and interesting. Its purpose is to convince the user to follow the link. The meta description can be of any length, but the descriptions in the search results are shortened in many cases — usually to fit the width of the device screen.

  • Make sure that all pages of your site have a meta description.
  • It is desirable to use a separate description for each page. Identical or similar descriptions on each page of the site are not informative if individual pages are displayed in the search results. We prefer not to show placeholder texts. Whenever possible, create descriptions that accurately reflect the content of a particular page. Site-level descriptions can be used on the home page or other general pages, otherwise it is better to use page-by-page descriptions. If you don’t have time to create descriptions for each page, try to prioritize by first creating a description for the most important URLs, such as the home page of a site or its most popular pages.
  • The information in the descriptions needs to be systematized. The meta description doesn’t have to be just sentences — it can (and should) include a variety of page-related data. For example, in news articles or blog posts, you can include the author’s name, publication date, and related information. This allows potential visitors to see important information that would otherwise not be included in the description. Likewise, important information such as price, age group, and manufacturer can be included in product page descriptions. This information is usually scattered throughout the web page. A good meta description will help you piece them together. For example, the following meta description provides detailed information about a book: In this example, the information is clearly labeled and structured.
  • Use automated tools when creating descriptions. For some sites (news sites, for example), creating accurate and unique descriptions of each page is quite easy because the content on them is diverse and not very large. The situation is much more complicated with web resources that work on the basis of databases (for example, aggregators of information about goods). In this case, we recommend using automated tools. Good descriptions should be easy to read and distinguish from one another. It is better to create descriptions for individual pages with specific data using software tools. Keep in mind that meta descriptions that consist of long chains of keywords do not give users a clear idea of ​​the page’s content and are unlikely to be used in place of a regular descriptive snippet.
  • Descriptions should unambiguously characterize the content, that is, to be informative. Since users don’t see meta descriptions when they browse the pages, it’s easy to overlook this piece of content. However, useful descriptions can show up in Google search results and increase the amount of quality traffic from search engines to your site.

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Description of a person’s character in English — adjectives that characterize a person and his qualities

The description of the qualities of a person is no less important than the characteristics of his appearance. There are dozens of words that can be used to describe personality traits in English, and each one has its own flavor.

The desire and desire to assimilate as much vocabulary as possible regarding a person’s personal qualities is a chance to make your speech more diverse and rich, as well as the opportunity to improve communication skills and the ability to convey as accurate information as possible to the interlocutor.

Asking a question about a person’s character

To invite the interlocutor to describe someone’s character in English, two phrases are most often used:

What kind of person is she / he? — What kind of person is she (he)?

What is she / he — What is her (him) character?

No less interesting is the fact that character in English can be expressed in two concepts — personality и character… Personality means the innate personality traits of a person, while character means character traits formed during life. The line between the two is very thin, so context plays a key role in their use.

Jim resembles his father both in looks and personality — Jim resembles his father both in appearance and character.

Mary showed a really strong character having done all the work in spite of her illness. — Mary showed a really strong character when she did all the work despite her illness.

English adjectives that characterize a person

All adjectives describing the character can be conditionally divided into several groups, depending on the specific side of the personality.

Attitude to life

The most general group that allows you to describe the mood and view of the world. Includes the qualities of a person in English shown in the table below.

cheerful cheerful, cheerful, energetic
doleful, sad sad
extraverted open, sociable, extrovert
down to earth sane, practical
introverted secretive, withdrawn, introvert
optimistic optimistic, cheerful


English phrases about friendship

Friendship is one of the main components of our life. A person cannot live both without love and without friendship. There are countless books, films, sayings, quotes, aphorisms and catch phrases on this topic.

But today we are not talking about that. Today we are looking at basic English phrases and idioms about friendship (friendship) and friends (friends). How to talk about a friend in English? What phrases should you use to describe friend and friendship in general? You will learn all this by reading this article to the end. We hope that you will learn a lot of interesting and useful information for yourself. So let’s get started!

Describing a friend in English

First, let’s look at those basic phrases and idioms about friendship and friends that will help you describe, describe your friend, and briefly tell about him in English. What kind of friend can be? It can be completely different, but you pay attention to the following English phrases with translation into Russian and choose the ones that you like.

Let’s characterize friends!

  • Alex is mine best friends… — Alex is my best friend.
  • Ann is my close friend… — Anna is my close friend.
  • Tom and mike are good friends… — Tom and Mike are good friends.
  • They are friends… — They are friends.
  • Is tom an acquaintanceof yours? — Do you know Tom? Is Tom an acquaintance of yours?

Pay attention to phrases with the word «friend», which can also give some information, a brief description of your friend or your friendship with someone:

  • True courier — true friend
  • Loyal courier — a devoted friend
  • real friend — a true friend
  • Fast friends — Close friends
  • School friends — school friends
  • Childhood friends — childhood friends
  • old friends — old friends
  • boy-friends, girl-courier — boyfriend, girlfriend (in a relationship)

And now some kind of idioms about what you could go through with your friend and what trials you had:

  • That’s it go attraverso thick and thin — to experience good and bad together, to experience a lot, to go through
  • To go through hell and high water — go through fire and water
  • Fair-weather courier — a friend only in favorable situations
  • Friends in high places — friends in high circles, profitable connections
  • Circle of friends — circle of friends

Talking about friendship and friends

Pay attention to how these idioms behave in sentences in English with translation:

  • Mike is my old best friend; together we wentthrough thick and thin. — Mike is my old best friend; together we have experienced a lot.
  • Anybody s Tom; he is a fair-weather courier… — Nobody likes Tom; he is a friend only in favorable situations.
  • I can resolve this problem, because I have some friends in high places… — I can solve this problem because I have friends in high circles.
  • We wouldn’t to enlarge the circle of our friends… — We would not want to expand the circle of our friends.

A few more phrases about friendship

How to introduce your friend in English to the community? This is very easy to do.

  • This is my friend — This is my friend
  • Meet my courier — Meet my friend
  • Let me introduce my friend — Let me introduce my friend
  • Get acquainted with my friend — Meet my friend

And now some English phrases on how to be friends, with translation:

  • That’s it build bridges — build bridges (links)
  • That’s it cross someone ‘s path — accidentally collide, meet
  • A friend in need is a friend indeed — friend is known in trouble
  • That’s it make friends — make friends, make friends
  • That’s it be at odds at someone — be at odds with someone
  • That’s it be birds of a feather — be from one dough, one field of berry

These expressions will help you talk about your friendship, about your relationship, describe specifically your situation in friendship.

How to tell about your friend in English?

The topic of friendship and friends is the most common topic in any conversation. Therefore, a conversational situation can often arise when the interlocutor asks you to talk about your friend or friends. Also, this is a common topic for school essays or essays — “My Best Friend”.

Tell us about your friend in English!

We want to offer you an example of how you can tell about a friend using the English expressions above. Let’s start!

I think that nobody can live without friendship. Friends make our life happier and worthy. I want to tell about my old and best friend Alex. He is my closest friend. I know that I can believe him, because he always helped me. Together we went through hell and high water. We made friends in our early childhood, and everyone who knows us, says that we are birds of a feather.

Alex is an engineer, he works in a factory. He has a small family, a wife and a son, and we often spend weekends together. Also we go fishing, play tennis and football together. Alex is fond of mathematics and chess; he often plays chess with his son.

We had different situations in our life, but always we helped each other.

I am proud of my friend Alex and I am happy of our friendship.

If you have difficulty understanding this text, then pay attention to its translation:

I believe that no one can live without friendship. Friends make our life happier and more dignified. I want to tell you about my old and best friend Alex. He is my closest friend. I know I can trust him because he has always helped me. Together we went through fire and water. We became friends in early childhood, and everyone who knows us says that we are made of the same dough.

Alex is an engineer, he works in a factory. He has a small family, wife and son, and we often spend weekends together. We also go fishing, play tennis and football together. Alex is fond of mathematics and chess; he often plays chess with his son.

We have had different situations in life, but we have always helped each other. I am proud of my friend Alex and I am happy with our friendship.

Friends, this is all we wanted to tell you about today. Make friends, expand your circle of acquaintances. And of course, communicate in English!


Adjectives are sometimes called descriptive words as they are the words we use to describe, or make clear to others, what we perceive around us. That is how we get to understand that a person is strong or weak, or that a sunset is beautiful. They are words that describe both animate and inanimate things.

What Friendship Words Can We Use To Describe Friends?

cool words from describe your friends

“A sweet friendship refreshes the soul”, brings us joy and laughter. Our friends encourage us and motivate us when we feel depressed or low. Our friendships evolve with time from acquaintance to true friendship and best friends become part of our family. A special friend plays a significant role in our lives and we accept them just the way they are, yet, everyone has a personality and demeanour unique to them. No matter how old your friendship is, “friends gather no dust.”

When writing about true friendship or describe friends, the words to describe that you pick should describe the qualities of your best friend but avoid using the most common words. Whether you’re preparing a speech for a special occasion or composing a toast for your best friend, you can use the following list of friendship words to describe your best friend. 

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127 Friendship Words To Describe Your Friends

Try our interactive list of words to describe friends and friendship.

  1. amiable – People with easy-going personalities that make it easy for others to like them and deal with.
    “Fanny was in an amiable mood today at the office.”
  2. amicable – Friendly and peaceable. Does not involve conflict.
    “The relationship between Laurel and Lily was not amicable.”
  3. affectionate – An expression of fondness. Having warm regard, feelings for someone or something.
    Joy is extremely affectionate towards his brother.”
  4. complaisant – Someone who is willing to please others and accept what they do or say without protest. (Not to be confused with complacent).
    Jane is so complaisant that others take advantage of her.”
  5. deep – Intense, extreme. People who are described as deep are empathic or sensitive.
    I have a deep bond with James; he’s my true friend.”
  6. eternal – Endless or something that goes on forever without end. We often refer to God as being eternal.
    “According to Max and Ben, their friendship is eternal. They are true friends.”
  7. heartfelt – This means that the feeling is genuine and sincere.
    Christine offered her hearfelt thanks to us for her birthday gifts.”
  8. intimate – Intimate means being close, both literally and figuratively. It can also mean very personal or private.
    An intimate friendship blossomed between Rosa and Ray.”
  9. lasting – Enduring. Something that is able to last for a very long time.
    I don’t think I will have a lasting friendship with Jack”
  10. lifelong – Something that remains practically unchanged throughout a person’s life.
    Pretty quickly, Jack and Jill became lifelong chums.”
  11. loving – Enjoying the specified activity or thing. It also means showing great care.
    Steve is a loving friend, husband, and father.”
  12. mutual – We use this term when we have something in common with another party or parties. It could be a feeling, an action or even a friend.
    I met Max through a mutual friend.”
  13. reciprocal – Reciprocal describes something that is the same on both sides.
    John and Rhea shared a reciprocal affection.”
  14. strong – Something that is able to withstand force, pressure, or wear and tear.
    I have a strong bond with my classmate Ross.”
  15. true – loyal or devoted
    I miss Emily as she was the only true friend I had in my life.”
  16. unbounded – Something that has or seems to have no limits.
    “Rose has an unbounded affection for Kate.”
  17. wonderful – Something extremely good; inspiring delight.
    We are fortunate to be friends with Susan as she is the most wonderful person we know.”
  18. warm – To be warm means to have or show kindness, affection, or enthusiasm.
    I share a warm relationship with my brother’s friend Alvaro.”
  19. profound – This denotes a state, an emotion or quality that is very intense. It is not superficial.
    Rachel, the most meritorious student in our school, had a profound influence on all of us.”
  20. pure – Not mixed or adulterated with anything else.
    I and Meena have a pure and tender relationship.”
  21. cordial – Warm and friendly. It also means politely pleasant.
    James was quite cordial and friendly with us at the wedding.”
  22. superb – Something that is impressively good. Excellent.
    I had a superb time with Ben and his family as we went camping in the woods.”
  23. happy – Feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.
    I like Tim as he always has a happy face despite all the troubles.”
  24. honest – Truthful and sincere.
    He might not be my best friend, but I know for a fact that he is an honest guy.”
  25. beautiful – Something that is aesthetically pleasing to the senses.
    Agnes is a pure and beautiful soul, and we love her a lot. .”
  26. gentle – Showing a mild, kind or tender character or temperament.”
    My parents are fond of Shawn as he is so gentle and kind-hearted.”
  27. tender – Showing tenderness, kindness, and affection
    John was so kind and tender towards the little rescued puppy.”
  28. loyal – Giving or showing firm and constant support.
    Even though Emily moved to the far side of town, she remained loyal to her friendship with Gina and visited her whenever she could.”
  29. personal – Concerns one’s private life, relationships or emotions.
    Jennifer took a personal interest in the new girl at school.”
  30. awesome – Extremely impressive.
    “I met my best friend when we were both four years old. Seven year’s later, our friendship is still awesome.
  31. adaptable – capable of adjusting to new conditions
    “Randy is an adaptable man, and the firm thought that he will get used to his new surroundings.
  32. adventurous – inclined to try new, exciting, or risky things
    “Being a couch potato, I am quite envious of John’s adventurous lifestyle.”
  33. affable – friendly and approachable
    “Unsurprisingly, my parents found Max very affable and cordial.”
  34. agreeable – pleasant; willing to agree
    “The boss found Jim most agreeable among all the employees.”
  35. altruistic – unselfish concern for the welfare of others
    “My friend, Dr Ian White’s altruistic nature was admired by all.”
  36. amazing – astonishing or very surprising
    “Grace is an amazing actress.”
  37. ambitious – showing a strong desire of obtaining success, power, wealth, etc.
    Pam is an extremely ambitious woman and has no time for her friends.”
  38. amusing – providing entertainment and funny
    Thanks to Paula’s amusing nature that we didn’t feel bored at the party.
  39. appreciative – showing gratitude
    Brad was very appreciative of my advice.
  40. boastful – bragging or displaying excessive self-pride
    Marie is boastful about her family’s opulent mansion.
  41. brotherly – of or like a brother
    I appreciate Ted’s brotherly advice, but I am not going to listen to him.”
  42. caring – showing kindness for others
    Deep down, Jennifer is a loving, caring person.”
  43. charismatic – having the ability to attract attention or influence others
    We knew from our school days that Richard would become a charismatic leader.”
  44. charming – very pleasing or attractive
    Jennifer has the most charming smile.
  45. chatty – enjoys chatting a lot; talkative
    My new friend, Lance, is an extremely chatty and lively person.
  46. cheerful – happy and having good spirits
    “Cheryl’s cheerful personality made us forget about all our worries.”
  47. cheery – happy or full of cheer
    Johnny was a cheery bloke and that showed in the fancy way he dressed all the time.”
  48. comfortable – relaxed and free from tension; pleasant
    He made himself comfortable on the bean bag.”
  49. comical – amusing or silly in an absurd way
    Benny looked comical in an garish, oversized coat.
  50. compassionate – showing kindness and sympathy
    Jill is a compassionate woman who works for several NGOs.”
  51. considerate – having regard for others’ feelings
    “It was very considerate of Sally to cook food everyday for all the injured people.
  52. dependable – trustworthy and can be relied upon
    Jonathan might not be my best friend, but he is the most dependable guy I know.”
  53. determined – resolute and unwavering
    Alex was determined to the find the truth behind his father’s mysterious disappearance.
  54. diligent – characterized by care and earnest effort in discharging in one’s duties.
    “Joe was the most diligent and hard-working employee in our office.”
  55. diplomatic – possessing skills of dealing with people tactfully
    When asked to choose his closest friend, Gary tried his best to be diplomatic.”
  56. dynamic – positive and energetic
    Bill’s dynamic and forward-looking approach was just what the company needed.”
  57. easy-going – relaxed and not easily worried or annoyed
    She is an easy-going and happy-go-lucky girl.”
  58. empathetic – having the ability to understand others’ feelings
    “Alida was empathetic towards old, homeless people.”
  59. encouraging – providing hope and support
    “Andrew gave me a much-needed encouraging pat on my shoulder.”
  60. energetic – possessing great energy
    “Brandon was an energetic kid who excelled in sports.”
  61. enthusiastic – displaying or having an intense interest in something
    “Tom is enthusiastic about air sports”
  62. extraordinary – unusual and exceptional
    “Matthew was an extraordinary gentleman who was admired by his peers.”
  63. fabulous – exceptionally good
    “Celia looked fabulous in a white satin gown.”
  64. faithful – loyal
    “I’m grateful to have such a faithful friend like Randy.”
  65. favourite – Most preferred or liked among all others
    “Raymond’s favourite writer is Edgar Allan Poe.”
  66. fearless – showing or displaying no fear
    “Ray is a fearless leader.”
  67. fierce – very strong and aggressive
    “Maxine was a fierce competitor in college.”
  68. fiery – quick-tempered and ardent
    “Cathy was known for her fiery temper.”
  69. fond – having a liking for something or someone
    My friends are fond of my mom’s pancakes.
  70. forgiving – willing or inclined to forgive
    Jane has a forgiving nature, and many people take advantage of it.
  71. generous – giving or sharing (especially money) more than usual or expected
    John’s rude behaviour belies his extremely generous nature.
  72. gentle – having a kind, calm or quiet nature
    Tabby might look big and intimidating, but in reality, he is a gentle giant.
  73. genuine – sincere
    It’s difficult to find a genuine friend like Lily.
  74. grateful – thankful for something done or received
    Greg was grateful to Harry for showing all the answers during the test.
  75. gregarious – sociable
    Gregarious and fun-loving, Adam was everyone’s favourite in the group.
  76. hilarious – very funny or triggering a lot of laughter
    Ben was so hilarious that we were down on the floor laughing.”
  77. humorous – funny and making you laugh
    Benjamin’s humorous remarks at the conference made everyone laugh.”
  78. inspirational – providing hope and encouragement
    “Sergio’s inspirational stories motivate me to do better.”
  79. inspiring – encouraging, having an animating influence
    Damien was one of the most inspiring people I have met in my life.
  80. intuitive – instinctive; using or based on feelings instead of facts
    Cathy has an intuitive sense of what I want.”
  81. kooky – strange or eccentric but in a interesting way
    Zico is a kooky character; he has a pet raccoon.”
  82. likeable – pleasant and easy to be fond of
    Chris is a likeable chap and has a big circle of friends.”
  83. lovable – having qualities that inspire affection; adorable
    The principal told Dean’s parents that their son is naughty but lovable.
  84. loyal – faithful and showing constant support
    I can count on Monica as she is a loyal friend.
  85. motivational – able to inspire others to do or achieve something
    Karen had all the traits of a motivational speaker.”
  86. non-judgemental – avoiding judgement based on one’s moral standards
    The thing I admire about Randy is that he is understanding and non-judgemental.
  87. observant – sharp-eyed; paying a lot of attention
    “Max is an observant reader who notices even the slightest of grammatical errors.”
  88. optimistic – hopeful of good things in the future
    “Mark was optimistic about the future of his online business.”
  89. organised – orderly; capable of planning one’s activities efficiently
    “When Dave was an adolescent, he used to be so organised and disciplined.”
  90. passionate – having or showing strong feelings, emotions, or beliefs
    “Jill is extremely passionate about ballet.”
  91. patient – enduring troubles or problems without any anxiety
    “Unlike me, Molly is very patient with toddlers.”
  92. persistent – doing something or determined to do something despite opposition
    “The school suspended Tom for a week for persistent misconduct.”
  93. playful – fun-loving and likes amusement
    “Ross is always in a playful mood.”
  94. polite – well-mannered and behaving in a way that shows regard for others
    According to our teachers, Jim’s polite demeanour is exemplary.”
  95. positive – showing certainty, optimism, or confidence
    Kim was positive that she had submitted the form in time.
  96. practical – capable of making realistic or sensible decisions or choices
    Kathy is not an emotional fool; she is quite practical.
  97. precious – loved and cherished by someone
    Nancy is very precious to her stepmother.”
  98. proactive – assuming an active role in dealing with a situation rather than reacting to it
    “Tara has a proactive approach towards the gender pay gap movement.”
  99. protective – showing a desire to protect someone or something
    “Emily is too protective of her daughter.”
  100. punctual – being or doing something on time
    “Ashley should have arrived by now as she is usually very punctual.”
  101. receptive – inclined to receiving new ideas or suggestions
    Brad was not receptive to my financial suggestions.”
  102. reliable – dependable and can be trusted
    “Adam is a good friend, and a reliable co-worker.”
  103. remarkable – unusual, striking, and worthy of being noticed
    Andy’s remarkable achievement in gymnastics at such a young age should have garnered more attention.”
  104. resourceful – find clever ways to deal skillfully with difficulties
    John is an innovative and resourceful administrator.
  105. responsible – in charge of; obliged to do something
    Alex is responsible for drafting the preliminary budget.”
  106. selfless – having more concern for the welfare, needs, or interests of others than one’s own
    “Tabitha’s selfless devotion towards educating impoverished children is praiseworthy.”
  107. sharp – keen and perceptive
    He’s sharp, observant, and astute.
  108. sincere – without pretense; honest and genuine
    “Faf’s apology was sincere, and we forgave him.”
  109. sisterly – having characteristics typical of sisters
    Rachel and Bessie share a sisterly love that is rarely seen these days between two friends.
  110. sociable – enjoying the company of others; friendly
    Raymond was not feeling very sociable at the party last night.”
  111. steadfast – unwavering and committed
    Pam remained steadfast in her belief that her friend is innocent.”
  112. straightforward – frank and doesn’t hide one’s opinion
    The fact I like about Graham is that he is straightforward and doesn’t talk behind your back.
  113. supportive – giving help, assistance, or encouragement
    Frank has been extremely supportive of my career choices.
  114. sympathetic – showing or feeling sympathy
    Donna was enormously sympathetic when my dog died.”
  115. tactful – showing skill in tackling difficult issues
    David was extremely tactful while dealing with the investors.”
  116. thoughtful – kind and considerate; absorbed in thought
    Such thoughtful behaviour from Ned wasn’t expected; he surprised us all.”
  117. trustworthy – reliable and dependable
    “You can rely on Fred; he is trustworthy.”
  118. truthful – honest and not telling any lies
    “I never doubted Jack as he was always truthful with me.”
  119. uncomplicated – simple and not difficult to deal with
    Olive is a simple and uncomplicated girl.”
  120. unconditional – not conditional
    Jane’s love for her friends in unconditional.”
  121. understanding – compassionate and forgiving
    Kate is understanding and sensitive.”
  122. unique – being the only one of its type or distinctive
    Richie must hone his unique talents.
  123. unpretentious – modest and not pretentious
    “He might be famous, but he is unpretentious and unassuming.”
  124. versatile – capable of adapting to many different tasks
    “John is versatile and is brilliant at a lot of things.”
  125. warm-hearted – kind and showing affection
    “Marie is a warm-hearted, caring woman, and I cherish my friendship with her.”
  126. witty – possessing wit or clever humour
    “Tim is a witty raconteur, and we love listening to his tales.”
  127. spontaneous – uninhibited and prone to acting upon sudden impulses
    Jill’s spontaneous nature has gotten her into trouble before.

Our interactive list of words to describe friends and friendship has definitions, example sentences, and a thesaurus.

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Example usages

Can you use some of these friendship words in your writing? Here are a few examples of how the above friendship words can be included in your sentences.

  1. My friendship with my best friend is loving and sincere. We are loyal to each other.
  2. My friendship with my grandmother is warm and affectionate. She has my back.
  3. My friendship with our funny milkman is really great and fun. He is a good and warm-hearted man.

Origin Of The Word ‘Friend’

The word ‘friend’ originates from Germany and, in Old English, it existed as ‘frond’ which was the present participle of the verb ‘fron’, ‘to love’. The root of the verb ‘fr-‘ meant ‘love’, or ‘be affectionate to’. Today, the word ‘friend’ is known as a common, concrete noun. Befriend or friended, as we use it in the colloquial language, would be the verb form of ‘friend’.

Likewise, ‘friendship’ is also a noun. It is the abstract noun of ‘friend’.

What is a fancy word for ‘friendship’?

Camaraderie describes a friendship where people have spent a lot of time together (a characteristic of a true friend).

Synonyms Of The Word ‘Friend’

  1. Ally – “He is a close ally of the President.”
  2. Bosom buddy“Penny is my bosom buddy, and she will always support me.”
  3. Buddy “John, my old buddy, has sent me a telegram.”
  4. Companion“She has been my constant companion for the last give years.”
  5. Classmate – “I had a quarrel with my classmate.”
  6. Chum“Today at the supermarket, I ran into Frank, my high school chum.”
  7. Comrade“We greeted our dear comrade as he returned from the mission.”
  8. Confidante“Sally is my confidante; she knows all my secrets and will take them to her grave.”
  9. Crony“Marcel spends every evening with his cronies at the local pub.”
  10. Pal“I haven’t heard from my pen pal in Sweden for a long time.”

Antonyms for the word ‘friend’

  1. Antagonist – “Paul is my antagonist in the play.
  2. Enemy “I know Sandra thinks of me as her enemy.”
  3. Foe “Joey is our common foe.”
  4. Nemesis – “He is my nemesis, and this time I will not spare him.

Antonyms for the word ‘friendship’

  1. Hatred “Max is full of hatred and resentment.”
  2. Animosity “The politician has no animosity against the press.”
  3. Antagonism “I felt nothing by antagonism towards Michael.”
  4. EnmityDave revealed that he feels enmity towards his father.

Activity: Write A Descriptive Essay About A Good Friend

Write a short essay that describes a good friend and describes friendship. You could begin the essay by using words that describe how and where you first met. What made you become good friends?

Sweet Friendship Quotes You May Enjoy Reading

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Here are a few quotes on true friends from wise people from another era.

The more I think it over, the more I feel that there is nothing more truly artistic than to love people.” – Vincent van Gogh

“Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” – Marcel Proust

“Friendship is a sheltering tree.” – Samuel Coleridge

“Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.” – Mark Twain

“The only way to have a friend is to be one.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Dale Carnegie was an American writer. Besides being a writer he developed many courses in self-improvement and on how to hone friendship skills, among other things. He wrote one of the first-ever self-help books called How to Win Friends and Influence People in 1937. In the book, he explains how to treat people kindly and make them like you. He stresses the importance of:

  • not criticizing or complaining, but giving honest opinion
  • being a good listener, getting the other person to talk about themselves, and then continuing the conversation about things that interest them

These things can make the other person feel good and that can be the beginning of a friendship.

There are also some friendship quotes that have been made more recently. Here’s a sampling:

  1. “It’s not what we have in life, but who we have in our life that matters.” — Unknown
  2. “ Friends are the people in your life who make you laugh louder, smile brighter, and live better.” — Unknown
  3. “They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” — Carl W. Buechner
  4. “Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It’s not something you learn in school. But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything.” — Muhammad Ali
  5. “To the world, you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world.” — Dr. Seuss
  6. “Best friends are the people in your life who make you laugh louder, smile brighter and live better.” — Unknown
  7. “There’s not a word yet for old friends who’ve just met.” — Jim Henson
  8. “You don’t have to be crazy to be my friend. I’ll train you.” — Unknown
  9. “It’s hard to find a friend who’s cute, loving, generous, caring, and smart. My advice to y’all is, don’t lose me.” — Unknown
  10. “A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.” ——– Walter Winchell.

Which of these quotes did you think was the most interesting? Do you have a special quote of your own?

Now that we have learned quite a few adjectives, go out and make yourself plenty of new friends, back to back. Armed with your new knowledge of descriptive words, create your own list and practice how to describe your new buddies and your friendship with them. Remember to be kind to each other.

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More Reading

What is an adjective?
Comprehensive list of adjectives for kids

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