Besides is not a word

Asked by: Phyllis Will

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Besides is very informal and seldom used in formal contexts.

Is Beside formal?

Beside is a preposition. It means ‘at the side of’ or ‘next to’. It is rather formal: He would like to take a photograph of us.

How do you say Besides formally?


  1. additionally.
  2. also.
  3. besides.
  4. further.
  5. furthermore.
  6. moreover.
  7. on the contrary.
  8. on the other hand.

How do you use besides?

I have exams coming up soon, and besides that I have to study for my driver’s test. It is on this issue and more besides that they still strike insurmountable problems with no valid explanation.

Is Besides formal or informal?

Additionally, moreover, furthermore, and admittedly are very formal and are seldom found in colloquial contexts. Besides is very informal and seldom used in formal contexts.

30 related questions found

Is besides correct grammar?

«Beside» is a preposition that means «close to» or «next to.» «Besides» is also a preposition that means «in addition to» or «apart from.» It’s can also serve as an adverb that means «furthermore» or «another thing.» Example: Come and sit beside me.

Can we use besides?

( English teacher )

You can use both «besides» and besides that», but they have different meanings. «Besides» means «addition to» and you can use it in a sentence like : «Television can educate us besides entertaining us.» You can also use it to connect two sentences. e.g. «Walking in the park is really fun.

Does Besides mean instead of?

In addition, in addition to. Other than; except for; instead of. I don’t want to go anywhere besides India.

What else can I say besides And?

synonyms for and

  • along with.
  • also.
  • as a consequence.
  • as well as.
  • furthermore.
  • including.
  • moreover.
  • together with.

Is it beside the point or besides?

Beside the point is a common idiom that means “unimportant” or “not relevant to the matter at hand”. Many people incorrectly use besides the point, which is understandable since both besides and beside the point can crop up when a topic is being argued or reasoned through.

Is besides followed by also?

»Besides» as an adverb, which is a word that modifies a verb, means »also,» »as well as,» or »furthermore. » In this case, it’s usually followed by a comma (,) but not always.

Is besides followed by comma?

Besides is a preposition or a linking adverb. … As a linking adverb, we usually put a comma before and after besides in writing: I don’t think going for a walk is a good idea. It’s quite cold, and, besides, it’s getting late and we don’t want to be out in the dark.

Is except a preposition?

When to use Except

Except usually functions as a preposition or a conjunction. As a preposition, except means “but.” As a conjunction, except is often followed by “that,” and it means “only” or “with the exception of.” In the rare cases that except functions as a verb, it means “to exclude, to object.”

What is the meaning of considering besides?

(bɪˈsaɪdz ) preposition. 1. apart from; even considering.

Is it beside the fact or besides the fact?

Even though these words are very close to each other in spelling, it’s best to observe the distinctions that separate beside vs. besides. Beside is a preposition that means nearby; at the side of. Besides is an adverb and a preposition and means in addition to; as well and apart from.

How do you write besides in a formal email?

The correct way to use “besides” in the sentence is by adding “that” behind it.

Where can you use besides in a sentence?

Besides sentence example

  • Besides , those are my animals. …
  • She knows four hundred words besides numerous proper nouns. …
  • If only he would smile with something besides his eyes. …
  • What does he have that I don’t – besides money and good looks? …
  • Besides , it’s her word against mine.

Can I start a sentence with besides?

However, colloquially, beginning a sentence with «besides» makes perfect sense: «He didn’t go to the store because he was tired. Besides, it was raining.» I would usually say «And besides, it was raining», but I think that is just a personal preference.

How do you use besides as a conjunction?


  1. We can use «besides» between two sentences. I have paid a lot of money for the car. Besides, I have paid for the insurance. …
  2. we use «besides» at the end of a sentence as the word «anyway». Tom is really very kind to me. He is a good colleague, besides. …
  3. We use «besides» followed by a noun / pronoun or Ving.

What does besides you mean?

Besides something or beside something means in addition to it. I think she has many good qualities besides being very beautiful. adverb.

Is besides an adverb?

Besides can be used in the following ways: as a preposition (followed by a noun): Did you talk to anyone else besides Joan? as an adverb (without a following noun): I’ve read all the books on the list and a few others besides.

Is besides an academic word?

First of all, ‘besides’ is an informal word, so you should not use it in your academic writing. … Students want to use it synonymously with those linking words, but it has a slightly different connotation.

Is besides that informal?

These type of communications tend to be more formal grammatically than used in spoken English, which is often much more casual in grammar. Replacing ‘Additionally’ with ether ‘besides’ or ‘besides that’ is much more informal.

Is as well formal?

“As well” is a little more formal than “too” and less common in American spoken English. Many Americans do use it in writing, however. “Also” is generally more common in writing than speech.

There are a lot of confusing words in English. Some sound the same; some look the same; some have very similar definitions but differ in function. Such is the case for the two words beside and besides. Many writers aren’t sure when to use beside or besides in their writing since both words look alike. Can they be used interchangeably? Or do they have different functions?

Today, I want to answer any questions you may have about these two words.

What is the Difference Between Beside and Besides?

In this post, I want to discuss the differences between besides and beside. I will outline their definitions, their functions in a sentence, and their use in popular phrases. Plus, at the end, I will give you a trick to keep track of them. After reading this post, you shouldn’t mix up besides vs. beside ever again.

When to Use Beside

what is the meaning of prepositionThe word beside (without the “s”) functions as a preposition and its most common definition is at the side of; next to.

  • My best friend will always stand beside me.
  • The soldier had his pistol beside his hips.
  • We all sat beside the fire and cooked smores.
  • “The greatest player in the game today, alongside the Great One, standing beside the kid poised to take over their legacy.” – USA Today

Beside also has a few figurative definitions: in comparison with; on equal footing with.

  • This policy seems quite mainstream when it’s beside the others.
  • You have earned your place beside the best reporters in the industry.

Both of these still have to do with the first definition of being next to something or someone, but they are more figurative or imaginary, as opposed to literally sitting beside someone.

Popular Phrases Using Beside

There are two popular phrases that always use the word beside, not besides. Those phrases are beside the point and beside oneself.

  • That is completely beside the point. (Irrelevant to matter at hand)
  • I am completely beside myself right now. (Extremely excited or agitated)

When to Use Besides

beside versus besidesThe word besides (with the “s”) can function as both an adverb and a preposition.

As an adverb, besides is defined as in addition to, as well; moreover, furthermore.

  • I’m perfectly willing to take on more work and, besides, I want to.
  • I’m too tired to go swimming. Besides, the water is too cold.
  • “Besides, I had no doubt that in the future we would be close friends or more.” – New York Daily News

As a preposition, besides is defined as in addition to; apart from.

  • Besides the award, there was a write-up in the local paper.
  • No one besides the store manager can make that call.
  • Besides your father, no one else understands where I’m coming from.

How to Avoid Confusion

preposition beside grammar and usage rulesIn best usage, beside is used exclusively for the meaning at the side of. Similarly, besides, as a preposition, is used exclusively for the meanings in addition to and except for.

Sometimes writers ignore this distinction and it leads to confusion in the mind of the reader. For example,

  • Beside all of the ice cream, the dog ate the cake.

If the distinction between the two meanings in preposition form is not observed, it is not clear whether the above sentence is saying the dog was near the ice cream while it ate the cake or that the dog ate both the ice cream and the cake.

In order to avoid such ambiguity, it’s best to observe the distinction.

Remember the Difference

A great way to remember the difference between besides or beside is to look at the length of each word.

Besides has one additional letter on the end and means in addition to. You can remember that the longer word means in addition to.


Even though these words are very close to each other in spelling, it’s best to observe the distinctions that separate beside vs. besides.

Beside is a preposition that means nearby; at the side of.

Besides is an adverb and a preposition and means in addition to; as well and apart from.


  • 1 What is the Difference Between Beside and Besides?
  • 2 When to Use Beside
  • 3 Popular Phrases Using Beside
  • 4 When to Use Besides
  • 5 How to Avoid Confusion
  • 6 Remember the Difference
  • 7 Summary

Beside vs Besides

Have you ever been confused by the words beside and besides? Most non-native speakers think of them as being the same or having similar meanings and even use them interchangeably. However, the words are not the same, and there are many differences that will be highlighted in this article.


Beside is a preposition that is used to indicate closeness between two things. It literally means ‘next to’, and this meaning is conveyed in the following examples.

• The teacher asked his pupil to sit beside him.

• The tennis ball is lying beside TV.

• My house is beside the river.

• There is no one beside him in the commentary box.

To be sure, if ‘beside’ indeed is the word that is correct in the sentence you are writing, you can try substituting it with ‘next to’ or ‘not relevant to’. If they seem correct, beside is the word you should use.


The word besides is an adverb or a preposition. It means ‘in addition to’ or ‘apart from’ when used as a preposition. When besides is used as an adverb, it means ‘as well as’ or furthermore. Take a look at the following examples to grasp the usage of this word.

• Besides, the court did not go into the details of the ownership of the company (used as an adverb meaning furthermore)

• Besides Sammy, no one else completed the project on time (a preposition here, besides means apart from)

To make sure if besides is the word that is required in the sentence and not beside, all you need to do is to try ‘in addition to’ in the sentence. If it makes sense, besides is indeed the word to be used in the sentence.

What is the difference between Beside and Besides?

• While there was a time before 18th century when beside and besides were used interchangeably, a distinction is made between the two today, and both are reserved for different use.

• While beside is used as a preposition, besides is used both as a preposition as well as an adverb.

• Beside means next to while besides means apart from.

Today I want to talk about the word “besides” and how it’s often incorrectly used, especially among second language learners. Many second language learners use the word to mean “in addition to that”. The correct way to use it is actually by adding “that” after it.

Here’s an example of the incorrect use:

“Hi Tina, this is Wani. Please go through the list of ingredients and let me know what needs to be bought. Besides, please help to check whether we have enough plates for the party.”

In the above example, Wani is telling Tina to go through the list of ingredients and to help check whether they have enough plates for the party.

The correct way to use “besides” in the sentence is by adding “that” behind it.

Here’s the correct way to use it:

“Hi Tina, this is Wani. Please go through the list of ingredients and let me know what needs to be bought. Besides that, please help to check whether we have enough plates for the party.”

So remember this: when you’re using “besides” to mean “furthermore” or “in addition to”, add “that” after it.

When to use “besides” with a comma after it

You might be wondering, “but I always see people using ‘besides’ with a comma after it. How does that work?”

This is often used to reinforce an argument. It has the same meaning as “anyway”. You use it when you’ve set out some points and you want to introduce your final winning argument.


“I don’t want to watch the show again because the tickets are too expensive. Besides, I didn’t really enjoy it.”

“I won’t be joining you guys for dinner tonight. It’s been a long day at work and I just want to be at home. Besides, I’m not even hungry.”

So there you have it. The next time you need to use the word “besides”, just remember this post!  I hope this has been helpful!

The words Beside and Besides seem to have the same meaning but they are quite different from each other in usage and definition. Let’s check out Beside vs Besides vs Except for differences.

Semantic Difference between Beside and Besides

The words beside and besides semantically differ from each other. The word Beside means “by the side of” or “next to somebody or something”. It is also used to compare with somebody or something. Whereas the word Besides means “in addition to something or somebody” or ” apart from somebody or something”. Below are given some examples of Beside and Besides.

“Beside” Examples

Example 1: I sat beside my mother all night.

Example 2: There is a textile mill beside the River Thames.

Example 3: John’s painting looks childish beside yours.

Example 4: Your work looks quite impressive beside hers.

“Besides” Examples

Example 1: You and I have lots of things in common besides music.

Example 2: What other vegetables do you like besides carrots.

Example 3: Besides reading novels, I also like writing short stories in my spare time.

Example 4: There is no one in my family besides my only son.

Beside in a sentence

  1. The child was sitting beside her mother.
  2. Go and sit beside your brother.
  3. They walked beside each other in silence.
  4. I placed the book on the table beside hers.
  5. She was beside herself with rage when I slapped her.

Besides in a sentence

The usage of besides at the beginning of a sentence is given below.

  1. Besides Spanish, I know German and Italian.
  2. Besides balloons, they also bought many candies for the niece.
  3. Besides the English book, I have the Encyclopedia.
  4. What other sports do you play besides basketball?
  5. Besides, it is too late now.

Which part of speech is Beside?

The word Beside is a preposition. It means “next to or at the side of”. For example – You can sit here beside me.

Which part of speech is Besides?

The word Besides is a preposition. It means “in addition to somebody or something”. For example – What other sports do you like besides cricket?

The word Besides is an adverb also. It is used to make an extra comment that adds to what you have just said. For example – I don’t really want to go there. Besides, it is too late.

The word Besides is a preposition and it means “in addition to”. For example – What other English desserts do you like besides pineapple pudding?

The word Except is also a preposition and it means ” apart from”. It is used to mention the only thing that is not included in the statement. For example:

  • I like all English traditional desserts except pineapple pudding.
  • The miners work every day except Friday.
  • All students attended the class except Manisha.
  • I have everything for the trip except a pair of good leather shoes.

Beside and Besides Exercises

1. __________________ working as an engineer, she also writes poems in her free time.

Show Answer

Answer – Besides

2. Your answer is ________________ the point.

Show Answer

Answer – Beside

3. __________________ advising me, she gave me money.

Show Answer

Answer – Besides

4. Both the girls came late in the classroom and sat ___________________ me.

Show Answer

Answer – Beside

5. ____________________ Salman, all of the boys were present in the lab.

Show Answer

Answer – Besides

6. I have got no family _________________ my parents.

Show Answer

Answer – Besides

The words “beside” and “besides” aren’t separated by much. One simple “s” letter can change their entire meaning. And relationship to other nouns (or objects). It can get confusing when we want to refer to a change of subject or a position of an object.

Learn the difference between “besides” and “beside” in this short guide…

What Does “Besides” Mean?

Several people face some perplexity while using the words beside vs. besides. The word besides (with the s) can be used as an adverb or a preposition, depending upon the context.

Besides, when used as a preposition means, *apart from* or *in addition to*.

However, when used in the context of an adverb, it means *furthermore*, *moreover*, *as well*, *another thing*.

For example:

  • Besides Alice, has anyone else not submitted their assignment?
  • Besides, there is more to it than what meets the eye.
  • No one besides the CEO can call the shots on this issue.
  • Besides, it is not the same color as I wanted.
Word Form/Variation
Besides Apart from (preposition)
Besides In addition to (preposition)

What Does “Beside” Mean?

The word beside is a preposition. It indicates the location of a place (or something). In other words, beside means by the side, next to, or near something.

Beside, the preposition, is used to place two nouns physically next to each other.

It’s mostly used in a formal context (business emails, proposals, and presentations).

For example:

  • Your trousers are hanging beside your shirt in the closet.
  • May I sit beside you during the show?
  • I live right beside your house.

Differences Between “Beside” vs. “Besides”

The two words are quite different from each other. Beside as a word that puts two nouns next to each other in a sentence. For example, “I always keep my sugar candy beside me.”

Whereas, besides, can get used as an adverb or preposition in a sentence. For example, “I do not like fishing, besides I do not own a fishing boat.”

The reason some people often get confused when talking about beside vs besides is because they have similar spelling with the exception of the “s” at the end. The “s” changes the meaning of the word entirely.

Sentence example
Sentence example

When to Use “Beside”

The word beside is a preposition that means *by the side* or *next to.* It essentially indicates the place or location of a thing.

You should use beside when you want to put two nouns next to each other.

Sentence Examples

  • David and Tanya sat beside each other on the bus.
  • I keep a glass of water beside my bed each night.
  • I wish to sit beside you at the lunch table.
  • The newspaper is kept beside you on the chair.

Beside is mainly used in formal communication. The above example sentences are grammatically correct. And are consistent in their meaning if “beside” was replaced by “next to” or “by the side.”

When to Use “Besides”

Use besides as a preposition or an adverb in a sentence.

It can be used as a preposition when you want to convey the meaning *, in addition,* or as an adverb when you want to convey the meaning *moreover.* Besides is less formal in tone.

Sentence example
Sentence example

For example:

  • I do not like late-night parties. Besides, I have an early morning flight to catch.

When replaced with the synonym moreover, the writing will sound more formal.

For example:

  • I do not like late-night parties, moreover, I have an early morning flight to catch.

The same goes for using *in addition* when replacing the word besides.

Sentence Examples

  • I can pick up the flowers for you. Besides, I’m going in the direction of the florist anyway.
  • Besides the fact that I am too tired after the flight, I wouldn’t like to mingle with those people.
  • No one else besides the school principal can permit you to attend the play during school hours.
  • Besides being an expert at the game, he has years of experience in coaching.

“Besides” and “beside” synonyms

Knowing a words synonyms can give us a better grasp of the meanings. And their overall use in the English language.

Here are the synonyms for each of the words:

  • Synonyms for beside – near, close to, next to, a step away from, alongside, at the edge of, abreast of, adjacent to, abreast of, at your elbow, by, neighboring, etc.
  • Synonyms for besides (adverb) – in addition, also, on top of that, to boot, moreover, furthermore, in any case.

When used as a preposition – in addition to, over, and above, as well as, not including, barring, except, etc.

When used as an adverb – again, additionally, yet, also, likewise, further, moreover, furthermore, etc.

Is it “besides the point” or “beside the point”

A commonly used phrase with both of the words occurs in English. It is the phrase “besides the point.” We can get confused with the differences between “beside the point” or “besides the point.”

The correct term and appropriate spelling are “beside the point” (and not “besides the point”). This is an idiom that translates to “unimportant.”

October 11, 2018

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In teaching students from a multitude of countries, this is one of the commonalities that I’ve noticed- namely, that everyone is using ‘besides’ incorrectly!

First of all, ‘besides’ is an informal word, so you should not use it in your academic writing.

It’s fine for Speaking Part 1 and 2, but make sure you’re using it correctly.

Besides’ is not exactly the same as ‘and’ or ‘in addition’. Students want to use it synonymously with those linking words, but it has a slightly different connotation.


We use ‘besides’ to add an idea as an afterthought– to add a piece of information that we thought of while we were speaking.

For example: “I can’t go out tonight, because I’ve got work in the morning… besides, I haven’t been sleeping well and I’m exhausted.”

So, what should you use instead of ‘besides’ in your formal writing?

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➠ What is more

➠ Moreover

➠ Furthermore

➠ In addition

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Every language has a different set of rules to speak and write, and English is one of the tricky languages. Sometimes even native speakers also make grammatical errors while speaking and writing.

For any language, grammar is the base for writing and speaking; the rules and systems we follow to write and speak are called Grammar.

Key Takeaways

  1. Meaning: “Except” is used to exclude something from a group or category, while “besides” implies the inclusion of additional items or ideas.
  2. Context: “Except” highlights an exception or exclusion, whereas “besides” emphasizes additional elements or alternatives.
  3. Examples: “All the fruits are ripe except the apples” (excluding apples); “I like all fruits besides apples” (including apples and others).

Except is a preposition used to indicate exclusion or exclusionary conditions and it means that something is not included or not part of a particular set or group. Besides is a preposition used to indicate in addition to, as well as or also, and can also be used as an adverb to mean “moreover”.

Except vs Besides

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Connecting the two parts of the sentence, words and clauses are called a conjunction. ‘Except’ is also a conjunction.

‘Except’ is a preposition following the noun and a conjunction following a Clause or adverb phrase. Except is used to exclude something from the sentence.

Comparison Table

Parameter of Comparison Except Besides
Function It excludes an entity, situation, or individual from the sentence.
For E.g.
1. All came to the party except James.
2. I teach mathematics except for calculus.
It includes an entity or a situation, or an individual from the sentence
For E.g.
1. Besides James, all came to the party.
2. I teach mathematics besides English.
Meaning ‘Except’ means, apart from ‘Besides’ mean, in addition to.
Statement Type Rejection Statement. ‘Except’, while used, gives a recommended rejection. Addition Statement. ‘Besides’, while used, gives a recommended addition.
Part of the sentence In a sentence, except can feature at the start or middle. Besides shall feature in all parts of the sentence.
Statement Intensity ‘Except’ Reduces intensity when used in negative sentences.
For E.g.
1. He had a terrible day except that he had met his girlfriend.
‘Besides’ Improves or Increases intensity while used in negative sentences.
For E.g.
1. He had a terrible day; besides, he met his ex-girlfriend on the way home.
Tense Forms When used in other tense forms, the form and spelling of the word change as per the tense, for E.g.
1. Excepted
2. Excepting
3. Excerpts
It does not change its spelling or form in any tense form.

When to Use Except?

Except Preposition followed by nouns, pronouns, conjunction followed by clauses, and adverb Phrases. It expresses people, things, location, duration, and reasons.

Expect explains a particular ‘thing’, ‘person’, and ‘others’ by excluding it from the sentence. The word can be used in the beginning and middle, followed by the noun and pronoun. It can be used in all forms of tenses.

For E.g.

  1. I like to do all the house chores except washing clothes.
  2. The coffee shop will be open daily except for Sundays

‘Except’ or ‘Except for’ is used in general statements like all, everyone, nobody, every, no, and whole after generalizing words. Both forms of use are correct.

For E.g.

  1. I like all fruits except for Kiwi
  2. I like all fruits except kiwi
  3. I like fruits except for the kiwi

Except is also used to introduce someone in the sentence by excluding them.

For E.g.

  1. Everyone was dancing well except for Shiny.
  2. All the students were in uniform except John.

When to Use Besides?

Besides is a preposition and linking adverb, which means in addition to or also or as well. If Besides is used as a linking adverb, then while writing, we put a comma before and after besides.

Besides, it is something additional to a sentence that has already been stated, besides suggesting that the addition of nature is an afterthought.

For E.g.

  1. Do you play any other sports besides Cricket?
  2. What other forms of dance do you like besides salsa?

Besides and Besides seem similar, but the meaning and use forms differ. Beside is a word with no S, which is used only as a preposition, followed by a noun, which means next to or compared to.

She was sitting beside him during a meeting.

Besides, a word that ends with the letter S is used as a preposition and linking adverb, which means an addition to the sentence with an already stated nature.

For E.g.

  1. She wants to travel to other places besides Paris.
  2. She wants to eat all flavours of Ice cream beside the black currant.


Main Differences Between Except and Besides

  1. The main difference between Except and besides is the actual nature of the word. ‘Except’ excludes someone or something, while ‘Besides’ includes someone or something.
  2. ‘Except’ statements strongly reject an entity from the situation. Whereas ‘Besides’ statements enormously add an entity to the situation.

Difference Between X and Y 2023 04 06T131835.157



Emma Smith 200x200 1

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.

Зачастую отдельные слова переводятся одинаково. Но это вовсе не значит, что они являются полноценными синонимами. Чтобы избежать ошибок на письме и в устном общении, полезно разбираться в тонкостях употребления лексических единиц. Выясним на примерах, какова разница между besides и except при использовании в речи.

Особенности применения besides

Besides [bɪˈsaɪdz] означает кроме того, помимо, кроме, притом, сверх того.

Besides jeans, Sue decided to try on a cotton blouse and a leather skirt.

Кроме джинсов Сью решила примерить блузку из хлопка и кожаную юбку.

Besides two pears, the kid ate some strawberries.

Помимо 2 груш ребенок съел несколько клубник.

There are three girls besides Nelly in the classroom.

В классе 3 девочки помимо Нелли.

That dish was healthy besides being tasty.

То блюдо было полезным, вдобавок вкусным.

Рассмотрим детально примеры. Besides Polish, Sandy could speak Chinese and Spanish. Помимо польского, Сэнди могла говорить на китайском и испанском.

Из этого следует, что Сэнди владеет 3 языками. Польский язык, как видно из контекста, входит в перечень

Besides the dishes, Henry washed the floor and vacuumed the carpet in the bedroom. Кроме посуды, Генри вымыл пол и пропылесосил ковер в спальне.

Кроме в данном случае подразумевает вдобавок к вымытой посуде выполнение других видов работ: он вымыл пол, пропылесосил ковер.

Besides применяется при необходимости внести дополнение либо акцентировать внимание на значимой информации:

That raincoat did not suit Polly. Besides it was not her colour. – Тот плащ не подошел Полли. Притом это не ее цвет.

Nick is an irresponsible person. Besides, he never keeps his word. – Ник безответственный человек. Кроме того он никогда не держит своего слова.

Terry sold his flat a year ago. Besides, he put the car up for sale. – Терри продал свою квартиру год назад. Вдобавок он выставил автомобиль на продажу.

На заметку. Нельзя смешивать предлог besides c beside. Последний обозначает местоположение чего-л., локацию объекта – рядом с кем-то или чем-нибудь, близ, около:

They set up a tent beside the river, didn’t they? – Они разбили палатку у реки, не так ли?

Mary dislikes sitting beside her stepfather. – Мэри не нравится сидеть рядом с отчимом.

Is their cottage beside the post office? – Их коттедж находится около почты?

Слово употребляется в значении по сравнению с, а также мимо:

Lora seemed happy beside her brother. – Лора казалась счастливой по сравнению со своим братом.

All her attempts to change anything were beside the question. – Все ее попытки изменить что-либо были мимо цели.

Когда используем except

Предлог except [ɪkˈsept] в переводе означает кроме, исключая, за исключением. Словом except пользуются, когда исключают кого-н. или что-н.:

Everyone was silent except (for) – Все промолчали, кроме Линды.

Kelly bought all the vegetables except (for) cucumbers. – Келли купила все овощи, кроме огурцов.

She eats everything except (for) sweets and buns. – Она ест все подряд, за исключением конфет и булочек.

All the children, except (for) Jane, were ready to go for a walk. – Все дети, исключая Джейн, были готовы отправиться на прогулку.

У слова except отрицательное значение. Употребляя лексему, мы исключаем какой-л. объект из перечня:

Does Jake like all the toys except (for) pinky elephants? – Джеку нравятся все игрушки, за исключением розовых слонов?

Слово except показывает, что в перечень любимых игрушек не входят розовые слоны.

Иногда except применяют вместе с for. For используется с именными словосочетаниями или существительными:

Rose sent the invitation cards to her classmates except for Jane and Steve.–Роз послала пригласительные открытки своим одноклассникам, кроме Джейн и Стива.

The old man listens to radio programs except for weather forecast. – Старый человек слушает радиопрограммы, за исключением прогноза погоды.

После неопределенных местоимений и их производных часто for не употребляется. Это не касается случаев, когда for сопровождается уточнением:

He informed everyone except for Peter who was at the meeting. – Он сообщил всем, кроме Питера, который был на встрече.

Pam isn’t going to change anything in her life except for her attitude to her work which means everything to her. – Пэм ничего не собирается менять в собственной жизни, за исключением отношения к работе, что значит все для нее.

Позиция лексической единицы в начале предложения требует обязательной постановки for и выделения запятой:

Except for Paul, everyone guessed what had happened. За исключением Пола, все догадались о случившемся.

Except for her cousins, the guests went home early. Исключая ее двоюродных сестер, гости ушли домой рано.

Лишь except стоит перед союзами и предлогами:

Helen couldn’t do anything except how to water the beds. Хелен ничего не могла делать, кроме как поливать цветники.

Henry is a tough person, except when he communicates with his grandchildren. Генри жесткий человек, за исключением случаев, когда общается с внуками.

They had no other way to get to the market quickly except byУ них не было другого способа быстро добраться до рынка, кроме как на такси.

Внимание! Личные местоимения после except (for) стоят в объектном падеже:

Nancy told the latest news to everyone except (for) him. Нэнси рассказала последнюю новость всем, исключая его.

Everyone smiled except (for) her. Все улыбнулись, кроме нее.

Her friends were pleased with this result except (for) me. Ее подруги были довольны таким результатом, но только не я.

Отличие except от besides

У besides положительное значение: дополняет то, что имеется. Слово уместно, когда речь идет о добавке к чему-нибудь/кому-либо:

Besides Nastya, Ann and Peter went to the sea. Кроме Насти Анна и Петр поехали на море (поехали втроем).

У лексемы except противоположный смысл. В отличие except от besides исключает из списка кого-либо или что-то:

All passengers showed their tickets except – Все пассажиры показали билеты, исключая Дениса (Денис не показал).

Лексические единицы выполняют в предложении функции других частей речи. Besides может быть наречием, означает сверх того, вдобавок к тому, кроме того, также:

It is too early. Besides, I have a lot to do. – Еще слишком рано. Вдобавок к тому у меня много дел.

Lily refused to go to the cafe; besides, she did not want to stay at home alone. – Лили отказывалась идти в кафе; она также не хотела оставаться дома одна.

Слово except употребляется как:

Часть речи




Возражать, исключать, отводить, протестовать

Willy excepts the possibility of returning to his former occupations.

Вилли исключает возможность вернуться к прежним занятиям.

They excepted against the judges’ decisions, didn’t they?

Они протестовали против оценок судей, правда?


Если не, кроме как, за исключением того, что

Lee was never late for work except something extraordinary happened.

Ли никогда не опаздывал на работу, если не происходило что-нибудь чрезвычайное.

These events are almost identical, except that Boris got married later than Jan.

События почти идентичны, за исключением того, что Борис женился позже Яна.

Изучение правил с примерами укажет на except / besides разницу при употреблении, поможет корректно использовать грамматический материал.

В чем разница между besides и except?

Слова besides и except переводятся как «кроме». Но используются в разных ситуациях. Поэтому очень часто вызывают трудности в использовании. В статье вы узнаете, когда какое слово нужно использовать. 


Произношение и перевод:
Besides [bɪˈsʌɪdz] / [биса’идс] – кроме/помимо

Значение слова:
В дополнение к чему-то/кому-то

Мы используем слово besides, имея ввиду в дополнение к чему-то/кому-то (помимо, вдобавок к чему-то).

Это слово имеет положительный смысл: мы добавляем еще что-то к тому, что у нас есть. Например: Кроме английского она знает немецкий и испанский (то есть она знает английский и вдобавок немецкий и испанский). 


Besides teaching English, he writes novels.
Кроме преподавания английского, он пишет романы.

Besides apples I have bananas and pears.
Кроме яблок у меня есть бананы и груши. 

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Произношение и перевод:
Except [ɪkˈsɛpt] / [иксе’пт] – кроме

Значение слова:
Не включая кого-то/что-то

Мы используем слово except, имея ввиду исключая кого-то/что-то.

Это слово имеет отрицательный смысл: все только не это. Например: Она купила все продукты кроме молока (молоко не купила).  


The shop is open every day except Monday.
Магазин открыт каждый день кроме понедельника. 

Everyone laughed except Tom.
Все рассмеялись кроме Тома. 

В чем разница?

Слово besides имеет положительный смысл: мы добавляем еще что-то к тому, что у нас есть. Его мы используем, когда говорим в дополнение, помимо, в добавок к чему-то/кому-то. Например: Кроме Мэри на день рождения она пригласила Тома и Джейн (пригласила всех троих).

Слово except имеет отрицательный смысл: все только не это. Его мы используем, когда исключаем кого-то/что-то. Например: Она пригласила всех своих друзей кроме Тома (Тома не пригласила).

Упражнение на закрепление

А сейчас выберите одно из двух слов для следующих предложений:

1. ___ кошки у нее есть собака и попугай.
2. Она ест все ___ сладкого.
3. ___ пианино она умеет играть на гитаре.
4. ___ рисования она занимается музыкой.
5. Они работают каждый день ___ воскресенья.
6. Она любит все овощи ___ капусты.
7. ___ зарплаты она получила премию.
8. Я никого не видела ___ Тома. 

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