Benefits of word processing

Word-processing software has been around even longer than the personal computer itself. It began to catch on in corporate environments in the 1970s and 1980s before really taking off in the 1990s with the rise of home computing, the Windows operating system and the Internet. Word processors offer an alternative to the slower, messier practice of handwriting, and in many instances present the best solution for a company’s documentation needs.

Saving Time

Word processing saves time, making it an obvious asset in the workplace. Most people can type much faster than they can write by hand. Proficient typists can exceed 60 words per minute and potentially go much higher than that, whereas legibility concerns limit people’s handwriting rates. Word processing also saves time in that employees can don’t have to worry about fumbling paper around or writing neatly.

Digitizing Information

By using a word processor to type documents electronically, it becomes quick and easy to transfer, copy and preserve information. This offers great utility and functionality to most companies and compares favorably to paper filing systems. Filing, retrieving and copying all require a significant amount of time in a paper filing system, and the storage requirements are significant. Paper files are also subject to decay, damage and misplacement in a way that digital file systems are not.

Improving Efficiency and Accuracy

Besides simply saving time, word processing offers ways to improve workers’ efficiency and accuracy. Word processors contain software to automatically correct common errors and identify misspellings, improving overall speed and reducing errors. They also makes it easier to create and organize new files as well as retrieve and manipulate existing ones. These kinds of improvements offer a clear appeal to business, explaining the widespread transition to computers and word processing in office environments.

Reducing Supply Costs

While word processors and the computers to run them certainly cost money, so do the materials to use paper documents. A prolific employee might go through several reams of paper in a month, as well as a variety of pens, pencils, staples, paperclips and binders. These material costs add up, as do the logistical costs of having them delivered and the real estate costs of finding room to store them.


Writer Bio

Josh Fredman is a freelance pen-for-hire and Web developer living in Seattle. He attended the University of Washington, studying engineering, and worked in logistics, health care and newspapers before deciding to go to work for himself.

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In the past, most small-business owners got by with a typewriter, handwritten notes and a basic text-editor program, but modern-day business professionals depend on a word processor. Whether you’re applying for a job, writing a business plan or mailing letters to customers, word processing is essential.

Word processing software, such as Microsoft Word and Google Docs, gives you the tools to produce high-quality memos, documents and reports that attest to your professionalism. Most jobs today involve working with computers and using word processing skills in some capacity.

Word Processor Skills

Your word processing skills allow you to perform a wide range of tasks and assignments in an office or business setting. One of the most common word processors is Microsoft Word, part of the Microsoft suite that includes Excel, Outlook and PowerPoint. Depending on the job, you may be required to have basic, intermediate or advanced word processing mastery of one or more Microsoft Office applications. At a minimum, you should be able to perform these basic Word functions:

  • Type, edit, save and print documents
  • Copy and paste blocks of text
  • Format text using different sizes and styles of fonts
  • Insert page numbers, tables, photographs, clip art and charts
  • Use tabs and keyboard shortcuts
  • Set up a mail merge

Advantages of Word Processing

Word processing software is used to type text, input data and create written documents. Word processors have eclipsed the alternative typing software that’s built into most computer operating systems. For example, Techwalla explains that text editor programs like Microsoft Windows Notepad are fine for typing and editing plain text, but text editors don’t allow for any formatting. By comparison, word processing is far more robust and versatile.

With Word processing software, you can add bullet points, borders, lines, bright colors, distinctive fonts and other graphic elements to your documents. Word processing software also offers templates for putting together job resumes, brochures, flyers, ads, inventory sheets and letterhead. Many templates are free and easy to use. Companies can save money by doing their own graphic design work and emailing newsletters instead of paying for postage.

Accuracy of Information

Accuracy is one of the biggest benefits of word processor use. Word processing software applications spot errors in grammar or punctuation, which improves the overall quality of the work. Because word processing software automatically catches misspellings, overall speed and accuracy increase. Employees have more time to work on other tasks when they can quickly finish a letter or report.

Anyone who has ever used a typewriter can fully appreciate the benefits of a word processor when it comes to fixing mistakes. Gone are the days of covering up typos with white correction tape or messy white-out fluid. Prior to word processing, mistakes were more likely to go unnoticed and cause embarrassment to the business when errors were later spotted by recipients of a mass mailing.

File Sharing and Saving

The importance of word processors is notable when it comes to teamwork. Word processors allow cross-functional team members to collaborate on documents in real time from anywhere in the building or even around the world. For example, Google Docs is a free online word processor that allows multiple users to write, edit and comment on each others’ drafts and reports. Group projects can be saved on Google’s servers, making documents readily accessible on the web whenever they are needed.

Data security is another consideration when weighing the benefits of word processing. Electronic records can be encrypted, password-protected, and retained on servers to protect confidential information. An audit trail shows who has viewed the file, which adds another layer of security. In the event of a fire or other natural disaster, electronic records can often still be retrieved from a computer or from a cloud backup, whereas paper records might be damaged or destroyed. Being able to retrieve important records even off-site supports continuity of operations.

Most Important Features of MS-Word

In this article, you will read about the features of MS-Word.

MS-Word Processer is a software package that helps us to write text with many properties with the help of input tools.

Using the MS-Word Processer, we can easily convert or print typed letters, documents and reports or store them for future use.

In other words, a word processor is a computer system consisting of computers, collaborative tools, and software and is used for word processing tasks.

Word processing is word processing by writing words, making sentences, making paragraphs, preparing pages and presenting your words in a planned manner through all such processes.

MS-Word is a powerful word processor developed by a Microsoft company. It comes in a package called MS Office. Microsoft Word is the perfect solution to all types of writing-related problems in our home, office, business centres.

Benefits of word processing

Many features are available as icons in the tool bar when typing words in word processing.

In word processing, we can create a document without fault.

We can extract more than one printing copy of any document without typing it repeatedly and all those copies are the same as the first copy.

Users can decide the format and layout of the document as they wish.

It has special features like boldface, underline, alignment, font size, font style, font colour, page size etc.

Speedy typing with many types of typing.

Facility to add graphics with text.

Facility to link networking, e-mail, fax etc.

If we have many documents to print and we want to print them one by one instead of printing them one by one, we can use the mail merge facility.

We can import and export any document or graphics from anywhere.

It has the facility of extra drawing toolbar, by which we can make any sketch or symbol.

Useful for office, it has many types of samples of letters available.

Pre-made picture, image and symbol files are attached to it, which we can use at any time.

Word wrapping facility.

Text Editing.

Page formatting facility.

Formatting of paragraphs.

Securing and reusing work.

Getting the output of the job.

Dictionary facility.

Spelling and grammar check facility.

Functions of MS-Word

The function of select: – If we want to select the Particular character, word, line, and paragraph from the created document, the keyboard can be done by pressing Ctrl-A.

We can select text in two ways: – (1) With the mouse. (2) From the keyword.

(1) By mouse: – These are the processes for selecting text by mouse.

The first mouse pointer has to be brought on the first letter of the text to be selected.

Now, click and hold the left button of the mouse and bring the mouse cursor to the end of the text to be selected. To select a word, click the word twice and to select a line, click the line two or three times.

(2) By Keyboard:- These are the processes for selecting text by Keyboard

First, place the cursor on the first letter of the first line of the text to be selected.

Now press the shift button and also press the arrow button according to the direction of selecting the text.

The function of Split: – Split means to split. If we can divide the cells of a table created in MS-Word into two parts. A split cell is gapped between two cells, that is, a cell is divided into two parts.

These are the processes for splitting cells:-

Let us first create a table.

Add text or graphics to the table.

Now to divide the cells, place the mouse pointer between the two cells.

Let’s press the split cell from its table menu.

The function of Find: – If we want to find any text in our document, we search with the find command.

These are the processes to find text:-

Select find from edit menu or select find from home menu.

Write the text or character to find.

Identify the format of the character to be searched.

Tell the word where and in which direction to search, such as: –

Search (down):- This command locates the entire document from the cursor point to the bottom.

Search(Up):- This command locates from the cursor point to the beginning of the document.

Search (All):- This command locates the cursor point to the entire document.

Use a special menu for section breaks, paragraph breaks, etc.

Match case or find all word etc. check the special search.

Click on find next command.

Returning to the document after finding the word you want.

Let’s press the enter key or find next button to find it again.

The function of Goto:– We can directly access any page, section, line, bookmark, comment etc. through the goto command. With Goto, we can perform a direct jump to any page or line.

Features of MS-Word

This is the process for Goto:-

Let us type the text.

Then select Goto from the replace sub-menu from the Home menu.

After that, on which you want to go direct, like any line or page, put its line number or page number in the box and press Enter key.

The cursor is indicated at the same place as the line number or page number we entered.

Replace:- In MS-Word we can automatically find a word and convert it to another word.

For example, suppose we search Word, Arvind in our Word document and change it with Bittu.

Follow these steps to replace a word:-

In the Home tab, click on Replace in the Edit Group.

Let us click on the Replace tab.

In the “Find what box”, type the word we want to change.

In the “Replace with box”, we write the text that is to be replaced instead of the first word.

Let us click on the Replace Button.

Features of MS-Word

The function of Header and Footer: – The header and footer is text or graphics, which is printed above and below each page of the document. The header is printed at the top of the page and at the bottom of the footer page.

In Word, headers and footers are used to provide repeated information on the top and bottom margins of the entire document.

Both the header and footer can be same on each page of a document and can also be different for each section.

For inserting header and footer: –

Select Header and Footer from the Insert menu.

Features of MS-Word and Its Function

These are some of the features of MS-Word which are very beneficial for us. Main Features of MS-Word.

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A word processor provides a series of tools for text-based document creation. This can include input, output, editing, and formatting. Early word processors were stand-alone devices, but modern versions tend to be in the form of internal or external computer programs. Word processors are an integral component of most small businesses and large corporations. Continue reading to familiarise yourself with the many benefits of word processing and find out how it can be an invaluable asset within your business.

  1. Save time

When it comes to document creation, time is of the essence. Most people can type much quicker than they can write. Word processors allow you to write down what you have to say in a fraction of the time of traditional modes of text input. The time spent desperately trying to locate a pen and paper can be better spent on more pressing matters relating to the daily running of the business. There are also a number of tips and tricks to improve your typing speed and accuracy. Learning how to touch type can allow you to type at speed without the need to glance at the keyboard below. Regular practice and repetition can induce muscle memory to boost your typing speed and streamline your workload. Most word processors also include a series of pre-made high-quality templates. By taking care of the formatting on your behalf, you are free to focus on the task at hand.

  1. Improve accuracy

One of the main benefits of word processing is its ability to improve the accuracy of your writing over time. Most word processors are designed to detect any mistakes and advise the user on how they should be resolved. They usually pick up on errors relating to spelling, grammar, syntax, punctuation, and readability. These problems are unlikely to be spotted through traditional modes of text input such as pen and paper. This can improve the efficiency of your writing and allow you to create entire documents from scratch in little time and with fewer errors. To find out how you can reap the benefits of a word processor on your own personal device for free, follow the handy guide over at word for macs download.

  1. Save money

As well as saving time, a word processor can also cut costs. There are, however, several small fees involved with sourcing and installing a word processor. Most providers offer their services on a monthly or yearly basis or deliver a flat rate quote. You may also be able to benefit from a free trial or on a pay-as-you-go basis. This can allow you to sample the software before making an informed decision. Over time, your business can save on the material cost of stationery. This can include paper, pens, pencils, staples, folders, and paperclips. With fewer physical supplies to cater for, you can also save money on delivery and storage in the long run.

  1. Increased security

Many word processing platforms allow you to set passwords on your software or individual documents. This can ensure sensitive data is only being viewed by those that have been granted permission. Technological advancements in the computing industry are revolutionising the ways in which we store data online. Lockable filing cabinets are no longer a necessity in today’s modern office. Files can also be encrypted to add an extra layer of safety and security and prevent those with access from making unauthorised changes. It may also benefit you to back up your word processing files on a regular basis. You can do this by creating duplicate copies or investing in a cloud computing storage platform. This can safeguard your files and reduce the likelihood of you losing your documents forever in the event of theft or an internal or external data breach at the office.

  1. Improved collaboration

Traditional methods of collaboration rely on several rounds of meetings and face-to-face conferences. Word processing has opened up a brand-new realm of opportunities when it comes to collaboration amongst employees. It allows staff to submit and make changes to shared documents within an internal database. This can streamline work practices and speed up project timelines. This also benefits companies with employees located around the globe. With access to files around the clock, staff can work wherever and whenever they want. This can save the business time and money over time. According to a recent survey, 75% of employers view collaboration and teamwork as an integral component of their business. By incorporating word processing practices into your business, you can improve collaboration and cooperation within your workforce.

  1. User-friendly interface

Most word processing platforms are relatively foolproof and user-friendly. With a simple, streamlined appearance, they simplify the data input process and encourage you to come back for more. Most platforms are designed with a series of handy toolbars and sidebars. They contain a series of icons and buttons that lets the user know what they do. For example, the pen tool can draw on the page and the picture tool allows you to add stock images or photos. They are also automatically updated and modernised over time. This allows you to keep up to date with the latest technological advancements and make the most of what the platform has to offer. Most word processors are also available on a portable smartphone device or as a downloadable app. This can allow you to work on the go or make any last-minute changes as necessary. There may be a small fee incurred for this service or it may be included as part of your subscription. You must shop around to find a word processor to suit your lifestyle and budget.

The emergence of word processors has revolutionised modern working practices. With the option to input data at home or at work, the possibilities are endless. They can also save you valuable time and money. By familiarising yourself with the benefits of investing in a word processor, you can improve the accuracy and efficiency of your work and streamline your daily work schedule.

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Asked by: Casey Hilpert

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(11 votes)

Some of the functions of word processing software include: Creating, editing, saving and printing documents. Copying, pasting, moving and deleting text within a document. Formatting text, such as font type, bolding, underlining or italicizing.

What are the features of word processor class 10?

What are the four features of word processor?

  • – Creating, editing, saving and printing documents.
  • – Copying, pasting, moving and deleting text within a document.
  • – Formatting text, such as font type, bolding, underlining or italicizing.
  • – Creating and editing tables.

What are the features and advantages of word processing?

What are the advantages of word processing?

  • It is faster and easier than writing by hand.
  • You can store documents on your computer, which you cannot do on a typewriter.
  • There are more formatting choices with a word processor (the spelling, grammar and language tools).
  • You can print copies of your documents.

What are the types of word processing?

Types of Word Processing Applications

  • Microsoft Word. One of the most well-known and widely used word processing applications on the market is Microsoft Word. …
  • WordPerfect. WordPerfect is a word processing application from Corel Corp.. …
  • Lotus Word Pro. …
  • iWork Pages. …
  • And the Rest.

What are the four functions of word processing?

There are four primary functions of word processors: composing, editing, saving and printing.

28 related questions found

What are the main features of word processing?

What are the main features of word processor?

  • Creating, editing, saving and printing documents.
  • Copying, pasting, moving and deleting text within a document.
  • Formatting text, such as font type, bolding, underlining or italicizing.
  • Creating and editing tables.

What are the 10 advantages of word processing?

1) It is faster and easier than writing by hand. 2) You can store documents on your computer, which you cannot do on a typewriter. … 3) There are more formatting choices with a word processor (the spelling, grammar and language tools). 4) You can print copies of your documents.

What are the benefits of word processing?

Improving Efficiency and Accuracy. Besides simply saving time, word processing offers ways to improve workers’ efficiency and accuracy. Word processors contain software to automatically correct common errors and identify misspellings, improving overall speed and reducing errors.

What are 10 features of Microsoft word?

10 Supremely Useful Features in Microsoft Word

  • Convert a List to a Table.
  • Convert a Bulleted List to SmartArt.
  • Create a Custom Tab.
  • Quick Selection Methods.
  • Add Placeholder Text.
  • Changing Case.
  • Quick Parts.
  • Touch/ Mouse Mode in Word 2013.

What is called word processing?

Word Processing refers to the act of using a computer to create, edit, save and print documents. In order to perform word processing, specialized software (known as a Word Processor) is needed. … The editing and formatting capabilities of the word processor demonstrate the application’s true power.

What is the function of word processor?

A word processor (WP) is a device or computer program that provides for input, editing, formatting, and output of text, often with some additional features.

What do you mean by word processing explain its features?

A word processor is software or a device that allows users to create, edit, and print documents . It enables you to write text, store it electronically. … The word processor is one of the most frequently used software programs on a computer, with Microsoft Word being the most popular word processor.

What are 3 new features in Microsoft Word?

Word 2019 gives you new ways to work with documents, like improved digital pen features, book-like page navigation, Learning Tools, and translation.

What are the latest features of Microsoft Word?

Let’s take a look at three of the most useful new features found in Microsoft Word.

  • Resume Assistant (Office 365 only) One of the most difficult aspects of putting together your resume is finding just the right wording to use. …
  • Translate Text. …
  • Turn Text to Speech.

What are the components of Microsoft Word?

The basics of the Word window

  • Title bar. This displays the document name followed by a program name.
  • Menu bar. This contains a list of options to manage and customize documents.
  • Standard toolbar. …
  • Formatting toolbar. …
  • Ruler. …
  • Insertion point. …
  • End-of-document marker. …
  • Help.

What are the benefits of word processing in education?

  • 1 Spelling. Word processors contain an electronic spell checker. …
  • 2 Security. Teachers and students gain a sense of security about losing assignments. …
  • 3 Legibility. Teachers benefit by receiving a readable copy that is easy to grade. …
  • 4 Publishing. …
  • 5 Mobility.

What is the disadvantage of word processing?

If you want to write something down quickly, it can take more time to switch the computer on, open the word processor and set up the document. Sometimes pen and paper is faster.

How has word processing affected writing?

Some studies have shown positive effects towards the use of computer word processing programs. … Some latest word processors are even able put in text citations on student research papers Similarly, computer writing software are able to correct the mistakes and check for plagiarism of researched work.

What is editing in word processing?

Editing: Editing is the process of making changes or corrections in a document. It includes alterations to the text itself, moving or copying items to other locations and applying formatting options to the document itself and items within it.

Why is Microsoft Word black?

If you have enabled the Black Office theme, you will have a Switch Modes button on the View tab of the Ribbon. For more, see

Is Microsoft Word free?

The good news is, if you don’t need the full suite of Microsoft 365 tools, you can access a number of its apps online for free — including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneDrive, Outlook, Calendar and Skype. Here’s how to get them: Go to Log in to your Microsoft account (or create one for free).

What is the Save As command in Word?

Save the current document: Press Ctrl + S to save the current document immediately. Open the Save As window: Press F12 to open the Save As dialog box to save the document with a specific filename or in a new folder. Close the current document: Press Ctrl + W to close the current document.

What are features of word processing package?

Typical features of a modern word processor include multiple font sets, spell checking, grammar checking, a built-in thesaurus, automatic text correction, web integration, HTML conversion, pre-formatted publication projects such as newsletters and to-do lists, and much more.

What is modern word processing?

A word processor, or word processing program, does exactly what the name implies. … Modern word processing programs, however, include features to customize the style of the text, change the page formatting, and may be able to add headers, footers, and page numbers to each page.

Is Excel a word processor?

Examples. Microsoft Word, OpenOffice Writer and WordPerfect are examples of word processing programs. … Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice Calc and Lotus 1-2-3 are examples of spreadsheet programs. Like the word processing applications, each spreadsheet program can open files created in another application.

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riends, in our previous post, we have discussed about the basics of MS Office along with it’s packages (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point and MS Access). MS Word is used for word processing. Among the many word processors, MS Word is the most famous word processor. Word Processing means typing the word or information. However, word processing not only involves typing but also editing and formatting of letters, information. In simple words, we can say that the Word Processing is the act of using a computer to create, edit, save and print documents.

Some Applications of Word Processor

Some of the areas where word processor is used are given below

  • A letter requesting leave or order in an office. 
  • A notice given to appeal to members. 
  • A report sending by a manager to head office. 
  • An essay creating by a student. 
  • A brochure used for admission in Schools, Colleges and Real Estate Offices. 

In order to perform word processing, specialized software (known as a
Word Processor
) is needed. As we have mentioned above, Microsoft Word (MS Word) is one example of Word Processor, but other word processing applications are also widely used.
Examples include: Microsoft Works Word Processor, Open Office Writer,
Word Perfect and Google Drive Document.

Word Processing — Features and Advantages

With word processor, like MS Word, we can type, edit, save and print the various letters, documents, notices, memos and statements. We can have many facilities in Word Processor than a type writer.

A word processor has many unique features as discussed under :

  1. Easy Typing : In MS Word, typing is so easy because 
    • we need not click enter button after the end of a line as in case of type writer. The word processor itself takes the matter to the next line of the document. This facility is called word wrapping.
    • There is no limit for typing the matter in word processing.   You can type the matter continuously without resorting to new page or file. But in a type writer, if you complete a page, you have to take another blank page and start typing.
    • You can easily rectify mistakes as the typed matter appears on the screen.
  2. Easy : The document so typed can be stored for future use. The process of storing is called saving. We can preserve the document for any number of years in word processing. 
  3. Adding, Removing and Copying Test : Documents can be modified easily in MS Office. We need not strike off any word as in the case of type writer. We can easily place a new word in place of existing one. The new word or paras will automatically be adjusted in the place of deleted or modified text. We can also copy a part or whole of the matter from one file or document to another document. 
  4. Spell Check of words : The spellings of words in the document can be rectified automatically. We can find alternative words to our typed words. Not only that, even the grammatical errors can also be rectified in word processor. 

  5. Change the Style and Shape of Characters and Paragraphs : The documents in word processor can be made attractive and appealing because the shape and style of characters or letters in the documents can be changed according to our requirements. You can even change the gap between one line and other line in the document. This process is called line spacing. Not only the lines but also paragraphs can be aligned to make it more appealing to the readers. This facility is called alignment in word processing.
  6. Bullets and Numbering : Bullets are special symbols which can be put for different points or paras in a document whereas numbers are ascending figures like1, 2, 3, …… etc. Which can be assigned to different points in the para or document. In word processor we can assign such bullets or numbers automatically with a single command. 
  7. Headers and Footers : A Header is the text appearing above the document and Footer is the text appearing below the document. In Word Processor, we can create these Headers and Footers in the document easily. 
  8. Creation of Tables : Tables can be created neatly in word processor. If you give directions for required number of rows and columns, word processor provides a ready made table to work .

  9. Inserting Pictures Objects : A picture is worth 1000 words. In word processor, we can insert the picture in the document to make it more attractive. These pictures can be obtained from clip art  which is available in word processor. 
  10. Preview Facility : Before getting a print of our document, we can get a preview of document. If mistakes are there, we can change the document. 
  11. Mail Merge Facility : If we want to send the same information to different persons, there is a facility in Word Processor known as Mail Merge. The main body of the letter can be typed once and we can send the same to different addresses. 

Other Features of M. S. Word Processor

In addition to above features, the following are the additional features in word processing.

  1. Paper Size and Orientation : We can select any size of paper and orientation in M.S. Word. We can select a small paper for visiting card and a middle size paper for typing a notice etc. 
  2. Macros : With the help of macros, we can avoid certain type of repetitive works. This saves our time and efforts. 
  3. Multi-Column Facility : We can create different columns to form the text on it. 
  4. Index and Table of Contents : We can even prepare the index and table contents in M.S. Word. 
  5. We can link the word documents with web pages in Internet. 

Advantages of Word Processing

The following are the advantages of Word Processing.

  1. Quality : It produces error free documents. The spell and grammar check in word processing makes the document to be neat and error-free. We can get multiple copies of excellent formatted nature in word Processing.
  2. Storage of Text : We can take any number of copies with word processor. Not only that, if we need the same document with some slight changes, we need not type the same letter again. Just by making some slight changes, we can obtain a modified copy easily.
  3. Time Saving : We can get any number of copies of document in future without retyping. We can get the copy of document on any printer. 
  4. Security : We can protect the documents in word processing by giving passwords. So there is a less chance of viewing the documents by unauthorized persons. 
  5. Dynamic Exchange of Data : We can have dynamic exchange of objects and pictures from other documents into word processing documents. The documents can be linked to each other. 

That’s all for now friends. In our next post we shall learn «How to work with MS Word». Happy Reading :)

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One invention that plays a large part in business operations is the word processor. Initially launched in the 1800s in the form of the typewriter, today’s computer-based word processing software does the job of the file cabinet, typewriter and ink pen combined. Along with the myriad of capabilities, the ease of use and affordability make it a sensible business investment.

Makes it Easier to Create Templates

In an office setting, the most commonly used documents are often personalized to suit individual scenarios. This is typically done by creating templates using word processing software such as MS Word or Pages.

A template is a document created as a starting point for future documents. Along with the flexibility of adding and removing data, templates offer users the ability to edit and print several copies of important business letters, all with different key information.

Makes it Easier to Save and Secure Documents

The «save» or «save as» feature offered by word processing documents allows users to give documents memorable names within the same file location or in different file locations. When documents are saved onto a secured computer, client information is protected and easy to retrieve at any time.

The password protection feature available in open documents prevents unauthorized changes to important documents. This can prove useful if multiple persons rely on the information within these documents to perform their jobs (e.g., medical insurance claim processors who pay claims according to contractual agreements made with doctors).

Saves Time and the Environment

When word processing software features are used in conjunction with good organizational skills, this saves users time. Instead of spending time sorting and searching for misfiled or misplaced paperwork, using the computer’s search feature makes finding files simple.

Furthermore, word processing benefits the environment by reducing the amount of paperwork needed to perform daily tasks (e.g., archiving, sending out letters, sending meeting agendas). By sending documents via a secured email, the cost of postage and paper waste are reduced significantly.

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