Being yourself in one word

Each of us is a complex human being. We have our strengths and weaknesses, our past, dream,s our friends and role models. Each of us is unique, and it may take more than 1,000 words to give at least a somehow accurate description of any person in the world. Still, it would be only somehow accurate. 

What to do, however, when hiring managers ask you to describe yourself with the help of one word only? That’s really a tricky situation. They typically expect to hear your greatest strength, or something that is really characteristic for you, something that makes you stand out from the other job applicants in the hiring process. But it’s a silly question indeed, because one word does never tell the entire story

Silly or not, you may get this question in your interview. And you should not remain silent, or think for five minutes before you pick the one word that describes you better than anything else. I put together a list of 100 words, each of them telling something about a person, and divided it to ten groups. Let’s see if you can find your winner in my selection.

100 sample answers to “Describe yourself in one word” interview question

  • Ambitious, bold, creative, positive, passionate, empathic, transparent, honest, resilient, humble.
  • Leader, follower, manager, coach, technician, engineer, teacher, winner, entertainer, entrepreneur.
  • Indescribable, unique, me, nobody, complicated, complex, human, mother, father, loner.
  • Athlete, artist, musician, painter, player, gamer, builder, destroyer, gunner, victim.
  • Dreamer, idealist, philosopher, realist, optimist, pessimist, poet, soul, brain, heart.
  • Tall, young, old, experienced, inexperienced, learner, pupil, short, healthy, fit.
  • Crazy, unpredictable, superhero, lunatic, demon, God, devil, archangel, joker, ace.
  • Responsible, detail-oriented, skilled, flexible, elaborate, adaptable, sociable, listener, talker, alive.
  • Nervous, confident, brilliant, forgiving, unprepared, prepared, strong, excited, happy, undecided.
  • Lost, unemployed, thriving, struggling, hoping, praying, trying, dreaming, screaming, nothing.

What you pick means a lot to you–either in good or bad way

Be careful about your choice. It indicates (at least in the eyes of the interviewers) what matters the most to you. Let me give you a few examples. If you pick a role, or a name of a profession you have or field you studies (manager, engineer, teacher, programmer, etc), it shows that work is really important to you, that it is what you think about the most, and perhaps even live for. Not a bad choice for most hiring managers.

If you pick a character ability–some strength (empathic, responsible, honest, etc), it suggest that you built your identity around this ability, and consider it the greatest asset you can offer to your next employer. This can work work, especially if you pick something fitting to the job description, or for the the company culture.

Is it okay to pick a weakness?

Maybe you feel like a victim, or really unlucky in your life. Or you are just a dreamer, still waiting for your opportunity to realize your ambitions. Or you feel lonely, deserted, or almost a nobody.

I have complete understanding for your feelings. Who says that he never experienced something similar is lying. All of us have some bad days. However, you should focus on something positive in a job interview. Nobody wants to hire an employee who will walk around the office with their head bent, pitting themselves, or even seeding negativity in their colleagues.

Referring to your emotion or condition when it comes to interviewing is another interesting idea

Why not saying that you are excited, or enthusiastic? It is always good if the hiring managers get an impression that the interview is important to you, that you are happy to be where you are. You can describe these feelings when they ask you to describe yourself in one word.

After all, our emotions change, so do our roles in life. Hence it is fine to pick something fleeting, something that describes who you are, or how you feel, in the exact moment when they ask the question. If the interview isn’t going well, or you flopped some questions, you can even pick unprepared, or nervous for your answer.

Experiment with unconventional answers when you have nothing to lose

Interview is a sales talk, and you should try to tell them something that makes a good impression, that show you in the best possible light. However, if the “sales talk” hasn’t been going well up to this point, if you feel that your chances are getting slimmer with each next question, you can try your luck with something unconventional, or even bizarre.

When you find yourself in a situation when you have nothing to lose, why not characterize yourself as crazy, alive, or as an ace, an idealist, or even as a soul? Such a choice allows for a lot of options when they ask you to elaborate on your answer.

And even if they do not ask you to elaborate on your strange choice, it is definitely something they will remember long time after the end of your interview. It’s better when they remember you in any association, than when they forget you five minutes after the end of your interview, perhaps because you told them the same things everyone else did…

If they give you a chance, you should elaborate on your answer

One word is not really enough, but initially that’s what you should say. Because it’s also a test of your ability to follow instructions and orders, so one word is one word, and if you say three or opt for an entire sentence, you are losing points in this interview.

However, if there’s a moment of silence once you tell your word, you may ask whether they do not want you to elaborate on your characteristic, on the one word you picked. And that’s the opportunity you’ve been waiting for, a chance to explain how the characteristic will help you in your new job, or why the one is so important, so special to you, that you picked it from the huge selection of words that characterize your character, life, and attitude…

Ready to answer this one? I hope so! Check also sample answers to other tricky interview questions:

  • Does your academic record accurately reflect your capabilities?
  • What would you do if you saw a co-worker stealing a small item or giving food to someone without paying?
  • If you were an animal, what would you be?
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An interview is a set of inter-related questions that evaluate a person’s personality, behavior, and approach. It is necessary that all these questions are handled and answered in an appropriate way, after thorough preparation and understanding. Efforts must be laid to stick to the core of an answer instead of wandering. An answer that is not crisp or to the point shows your lack of understanding and preparation. This is a personality evaluating question that must be answered after a thorough self-analysis and scrutiny of the self.

Describe Yourself In One Word

Three Tips To Effectively Answer This Question

1) Tell You Major Strength

The best way to answer this question is to share with them your one major strength. After sharing a single word of strength, you are expected to explain this word to your interviewer. This explanation must accompany a logical and well-structured answer that closely resonates and defines your personality in totality.

2) Stick To The Demand Of The Question

This question requires you to explain yourself in a single word. You might be having a lot of wonderful capabilities and strengths in you. But it is high time that you picked and prepared any one strength. Enumerating a long list of strengths is not appropriate for this question as you are expected to respond in a concise and crisp manner.

3) Not One, You can Use ‘Two’ Also

This interview question states that you have to speak a single word. But however, do not follow this question verbatim and try to understand the essence. As an ideal response to this answer, you can use two words also, such as Detail Oriented, Excellent Communication, or Highly Adaptable. The two words used would be counted as one and will not doubt your understanding ability.

Ten Best Sample Answers

Sample Answer One

I would like to say ‘Hardworking’. In my humble opinion, this is the closest word that truly resembles and demonstrates my ability. This also is my biggest strength and along with this, I am looking forward to honing my several other skills also, while working without your prestigious organization.

Sample Answer Two

Sure sir. The one word that describes me is “Detail Oriented”. I am a meticulous person that loves to collect a lot of information before initiating a particular project. This helps me to maintain a high level of accuracy while executing the project and also enhances my ability to finish the task in a time-bound manner.

Sample Answer Three

I would like to state that, ‘Perseverance’ is the word that defines my true personality and attitude. I have a unique ability to continue despite facing difficulties. This makes me worthy of delivering an excellent performance even in times of distress and heavy workload. There are also some situations when an individual has to work for longer periods of time without any break. My ability to persevere helps me a lot in such challenging situations.

Sample Answer Four

My ability to ‘Prioritize’ effectively is the one word that closely resonates and defines my true personality. As we all know, organizations prefer to allot more than one task, that is to be executed during a single workday. In order to finish them in a time-bound manner, it is necessary that employees effectively prioritize. I do so, by arranging the tasks to be executed on the basis of their difficulty level. The toughest being executed initially and followed by some easier tasks.

Sample Answer Five

Absolutely sir. ‘Adaptation’ is the one word that defines me. I have a unique ability to adapt myself according to the different situations arising in one’s workplace. Modification of one’s attitude, behavior, and approach as per the needs and situations, is of prime importance in delivering a stellar performance at one’s workplace. Further, adaptations also allow an employee to work smoothly in a team setting.

Sample Answer Six

The one word that describes me is ‘Communication’. I have the attribute to communicate with all my colleagues, bosses, and seniors effectively and efficiently. Impactful communication skills are effective in assuming leadership responsibilities as this enables you to reach a commanding position, wherein people choose to listen to you. This way, I am able to extend the guidelines and several other important rules with great ease and knowledge.

Sample Answer Seven

I am pretty sure, that word is ‘Patience’. I am always calm and composed no matter how tough or challenging the situation is. This helps me to take better and informed business decisions even in the most difficult times and conditions. Patience is a virtue that is hard to find and people possessing it are poised to reach great heights. I am really honored and lucky to have such an attribute as a natural instinct.

Sample Answer Eight

I am ‘Progressive’, Whatever it is, be it a task at the workplace or it is my career, I have a burning desire inside me to become better every day. This prompts me to work hard and push my limits by achieving the daily targets in an orderly fashion. Progression in career, at tasks executed at a workplace, allows an individual to have the taste of some self-improving abilities, prompting him or her to advance in career and fetch higher salaries.

Sample Answer Nine

The one word that defines me is ‘Loyalty’. It is not a wonder, that once you hire me, I will not leave your organization until my date of retirement. I would leave only when there are a few exceptional or uncontrollable circumstances that are beyond my imagination. I am a very committed and loyal person, willing to work and serve with a single employer. This gives me stability in life and also an employer is saved from the higher attrition costs.

Sample Answer Ten

Not one, I would use two words, those are ‘High Concentration’. I have a unique ability to focus and concentrate highly on a particular task or duty that I am supposed to execute. This gives me two benefits, the first one is that I am able to produce high-quality assignments and the second one is my ability to complete the tasks in a time-bound manner. This is not my natural instinct, rather I have gathered and developed this ability in me, after meditating regularly for at least 20 minutes a day.



Sandeep Bhandari

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How would you describe yourself? When we walk into an interview, we’re trying to project the best possible version of ourselves. We want to appear confident, qualified, and ready to take on the job position. It’s difficult to keep up appearances in an interview, no matter how good you are in the interview itself. This is especially so when the hiring manager starts throwing curveball questions. One such question is “describe yourself in one word.”

It may seem simple enough to pick one positive word. The problem is, that question could be followed by a request to elaborate on your answer. And that could present a much more challenging answer.

When you think about it, it’s the ultimate elevator pitch request. And if you’re asked this question in a job interview. Then how can you break down everything you can bring to the table in just one single word? Or a series of words?

In this guide, we’re going to tackle why interviewers ask this question. And how to craft the best answer. And what answers to emulate and which to avoid.

Why Do Interviewers Ask “Describe Yourself?”

Hiring managers do this for the same reason they ask most questions in an interview. They want to know more about you to determine if you are a good fit for the company or position.

The hiring manager is trying to get to the essence of who you are as a person. And as a professional addition to their team. Or, at the very least, they want to confirm based on first impressions, which you think you may be. The relationship you have with yourself can have a tremendous impact on how you live and work. And this question is meant to put you on the spot to reveal your confidence or insecurity.

Pro tip: In a Job Outlook Survey performed by NACE in 2019. They mentioned that communication skills were amongst the highest hard skills desired by employers. Interview questions like «describe yourself in one word» challenge that ability.

This question is usually used as a setup question to probe deeper. Since many potential hires will use a grand word to describe themselves. But will then struggle to give an example of how that word is exemplified in professional day-to-day behavior. “Describe yourself in one word” also gives the hiring manager insight into how realistic the potential hire is being in their own self-reflective view. We’ll dip more into this in the next few sections.

What Are Hiring Managers Trying to Find Out by Asking “Describe Yourself?”

As we mentioned before, the hiring managers want to paint a picture of who you are. And who you think you are. And how well you can elaborate on a simple one-word answer. Or in a short introduction that uses key skills, keywords, and benefits for the company to describe yourself.

When it comes down to it, they are looking for specific answers in your initial short answer and a subsequent longer answer. And they are looking for honesty, humbleness, and accuracy as well.

For example, let’s say you are interviewing for a position in customer service. Your hiring manager asks you to describe yourself in one word. The word you choose is “friendly.” They ask you to elaborate on this. A negative answer would be one that doesn’t relate to a professional setting. And if you answer with something along the lines of “My friends all say I’m very friendly.” That says nothing about your friendliness in the workplace. However, a good answer would contain an example of an experience in which a customer told you that you were very friendly. And did a great job of taking care of their issue. This shows the interviewee that you have real-world professional examples to back up your claims.

It’s also worth noting that your hiring manager is also likely looking for inconsistencies. And if you came into the interview with an attitude. And then describe yourself as “friendly.” It could make you seem inconsistent, unaware of yourself, or plain dishonest.

How to Answer “Describe Yourself” Effectively

This question is usually used as a setup question to probe deeper. And since many potential hires will use a grand word to describe themselves. But will then struggle to give an example of how that word is exemplified in professional day-to-day behavior. “Describe yourself in one word” also gives the hiring manager insight into how realistic the potential hire is being in their own self-reflective view. We’ll dip more into this in the next few sections.

What interviewees should really do is think about the position and the company. And what qualities would be excellent for someone to be successful in that role. Then, choose one of those words that apply to you.

Describing yourself

When describing yourself, pick keywords that connect together and describe what can be offered to the business. An answer example would be the following.

«I’m a reliable, dependable, adaptable professional. Looking to utilize my skills as a sales professional to apply myself to a business looking to disrupt a major industry.»

Describing yourself in one word

Take the time to brainstorm some possibilities for good words to choose from. And make sure that you are prepared to follow up your answer with an explanation. Your hiring manager may or may not do this, but most of the time will do so.

When it comes down to it, the “one word” part is easy. The explanation is a whole other ballpark.

The safest answer to rely on would be a work ethic word. Answer with a work ethic word that best describes you as accurately as possible. And while also having a specific behavioral example from past professional experience or academic experiences. This is an excellent opportunity to tell a brief but relevant story. A story about when you went above what you were expected to do in your work or school life. It’s wonderful to take time while answering this question. And to show that you’re thinking about the answer. But this is definitely a question you want to think about in advance. Be prepared in advance for how to answer the question and explain your answer with examples or brief stories to back it up.

Describe Yourself Examples

Here are example answers for when a hiring manager asks you to describe yourself.

Using skills to describe yourself

«I’m an adaptable professional with previous sales experience. Looking to utilize my software engineering skills to assist marketing teams to increase leads. And subsequently, increase sales and growth.»

Utilizing keywords to describe yourself

«I’m a trustworthy and open-minded professional. This work environment is one that embraces innovation. And when I work with my colleagues, I want to encourage them to ask broad questions. And use quantitative research to address major problems. I aim to influence, encourage, and lead a meticulous team of engineers toward success.»

27 Bad (SHOULDN’T use) Example One Word Answers to «Describe Yourself In One Word»

These answers are less than ideal for a number of reasons. Some of them are just too underwhelming while others are a bit too boastful. Avoid these at all costs.

  • Intelligent
  • Superior
  • Perfect
  • Obsessive
  • Humble
  • Straightforward
  • Lazy
  • Uncooperative
  • Rude
  • Vindictive
  • Entitled
  • Absent
  • Dramatic
  • Argumentative
  • Victim
  • Arrogant
  • Selfish
  • Late
  • Defensive
  • Disagreeable
  • Flaky
  • Apathetic
  • Disorganized
  • Restless
  • Unfocused
  • Forgetful
  • Secretive

84 Best Example Answers (SHOULD use) To «Describe Yourself In One Word»

Take the time to consider whether that one-word description is true of your personality. Your hiring manager may ask you to elaborate on why that word is such a good descriptor of you as a person.

  • Dedicated
  • Versatile
  • Valuable
  • Flexible
  • Analytical
  • Inventive
  • Exciting
  • Thoughtful
  • Powerful
  • Practical
  • Proactive
  • Productive
  • Professional
  • Meticulous
  • Quick
  • Balanced
  • Achiever
  • Knowledgeable
  • Leader
  • Diplomatic
  • Logical
  • Initiator
  • Original
  • Honest
  • Assertive
  • Attentive
  • Direct
  • Broad-Minded
  • Committed
  • Conscientious
  • Dynamic
  • Customer-Oriented
  • Persistent
  • Mature
  • Methodical
  • Motivated
  • Objective
  • Tenacious
  • Sociable
  • Friendly
  • Realistic
  • Reliable
  • Resourceful
  • Respectful
  • Responsible
  • Creative
  • Confident
  • Traditional
  • Trustworthy
  • Unconventional
  • Unique
  • Eclectic
  • Observant
  • Innovative
  • Imaginative
  • Thorough
  • Outgoing
  • Particular
  • Patient
  • Active
  • Positive
  • Consistent
  • Compassionate
  • Incredible
  • Independent
  • Precise
  • Mediator
  • Emotional
  • Cheerful
  • Forgiving
  • Responsive
  • Candid
  • Industrious
  • Cooperative
  • Successful
  • Motivated
  • Strategic
  • Enthusiastic
  • Organized
  • Focused
  • Steady
  • Creative
  • Active
  • Helpful

If You’re Asked To Explain Why

If the interviewer asks you to explain why you chose that word. Then you’re going to need to line it up to a reason that makes you unique. And if you use the answers above, you should find an ample reason for why you chose that word. Be sure that you use some mixture of your personality along with the reason why you value that word.

A good reason for the word choice will be a small working story. Integration of your personality. And the reason why you value the word for the work environment.

Related Hiring Resources

  • 55 Top Interview Questions and Best Answers
  • Thank You Email After Interview (Samples, How to Write It)
  • 85+ Resume Objective Examples by Job Title
  • 200 Phone Interview Questions (+ Answers)

Positive words to describe yourself

  • Able. I am able to handle multiple tasks on a daily basis.
  • Creative. I use a creative approach to problem solve.
  • Dependable. I am a dependable person who is great at time management.
  • Energetic. I am always energetic and eager to learn new skills.
  • Experience.
  • Flexible.
  • Hardworking.
  • Honest.

Do you see yourself in 5 years?

So, the “where do you see yourself in 5 years” interview question is how interviewers ask if you’re going to stay in the job. You’re excited about the position and what you’ll learn in the coming years. You’re eager to become the best at what you do and progress to the next level when appropriate.

Where do u see yourself after 5 years?

How to answer ‘where do you see yourself in five years? ‘ in an interview

  • Get clear about your career goals. Take some time to brainstorm what your career goals are for the next five years.
  • Find connections between your goals and the job description.
  • Ask yourself if the company can prepare you for your career goals.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years answer example?

Example answer: Over the next few years, I want to explore and develop skills in project management. In five years, I want to have gained experience in leading projects for major clients. I will be looking for opportunities to expand my responsibilities within this role to work towards my goal.

Why do u want this job?

“In my career, I am sure of one thing and that is I want to build a decent career in my current domain. My present job has shown me the path to move and attain what has been my long-term career objective. I have acquired necessary skills to some extent as well as have got accustomed to the corporate way of working.

How do u handle pressure?

Organise your time add

  1. Identify your best time of day, and do the important tasks that need the most energy and concentration at that time.
  2. Make a list of things you have to do.
  3. Set smaller and more achievable targets.
  4. Vary your activities.
  5. Try not to do too much at once.
  6. Take breaks and take things slowly.

What are the 4 categories of stress?

There are four major types of stress: time stress, anticipatory stress, situational stress, and encounter stress. Each of these has its own nuances, drawbacks, and even benefits.

How do I stop pressuring myself?

How to Stop Putting Pressure on Yourself

  1. Understand High Achievement vs. Perfectionism.
  2. Balance Being a Hard Worker and Type A Behavior.
  3. Lead a Balanced Life.
  4. Think Like an Optimistic, Not a Pessimist.
  5. Allow Yourself to Feel, Then Feel Better.
  6. Accept Your Weaknesses, and Everyone Else’s.

What are 4 things you can do when someone is pressuring you?

How to Respond if Someone Is Pressuring You

  1. Remind yourself this isn’t your fault. You did not do anything wrong.
  2. Trust your gut. Don’t feel obligated to do anything you don’t want to do.
  3. Have a code word.
  4. It’s okay to lie.
  5. Think of an escape route.

Is it good to put pressure on yourself?

Yes, you should have goals and standards for your life, but beating yourself up for mistakes will only set you back. Putting too much pressure on yourself only adds stress to your life, which can easily lead to a nervous breakdown if you continue to see yourself in a negative light.

Why do others put you down?

The need to feel superior to others is a major cause for people who put others down. Psychology says those who feel this need bully to knock others down. They may feel superior in that they can assert their dominance over another person. It could also make them feel strong or powerful to beat another person down.

How do you respond when someone tries to put you down?

How To Deal With People Who Put You Down

  1. Realize that their comments reflect on them, NOT you.
  2. Consider the counter-evidence.
  3. Put things firmly in perspective.
  4. Ask whether there was anything constructive in the put down.
  5. Don’t attack them in return.
  6. Laugh it off.
  7. Say thank you.
  8. Tell them how it makes you feel.

What to do when someone lets you down?

5 Things to Remember when Someone Keeps Letting You Down

  1. Avoid Assumptions.
  2. Accept the Other Person for Where They Are.
  3. Let Them Know How You Feel.
  4. Stop the Bleeding.
  5. Move On.

Why would someone try to humiliate you?

You feel humiliated when someone deliberately does something that makes you feel inferior or look bad in the eyes of others. It can be his sole intention to make the other person feel bad, for instance, because he really dislike the other person or to retaliate for an earlier wrongdoing.

How do you tell a friend that they hurt you?

If you’ve found yourself struggling with this issue, here are seven tips for telling someone you’re hurting.

  1. Choose Your Words Carefully.
  2. Be Prepared For All Outcomes.
  3. Write A Letter — But Don’t Always Send It.
  4. Use “I Feel” Statements.
  5. Express Positives With Your Negatives.
  6. Be Specific.

What does it mean when someone lets you down?

If you let someone down, you disappoint them, by not doing something that you have said you will do or that they expected you to do.

How do you stay strong when someone hurts you?

  1. Recognize no one harms another unless they are in pain themselves.
  2. No one can hurt you unless you let them.
  3. Respect yourself enough that you want to feel good.
  4. Consider how you may have contributed to the situation.
  5. Extend kindness.
  6. Meditate.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

How would you characterize yourself in one word: who are you — singer, composer, poet, painter?

Как вы сами можете охарактеризовать себя одним словом: кто вы — певица, композитор, поэт, художник?

Describe yourself in one word.

At a recent event, a woman asked me, «How would you describe yourself in one word

Describe yourself in one word essay example

Describe yourself in one word: Ambitious

Describe yourself in one word: Stubborn

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 6. Точных совпадений: 6. Затраченное время: 55 мс


Describing myself is one of the most awkward things that I can do in my life. This is because I always let other individuals describe myself because they act like a mirror that reflects what I do or behave. However, in this paper, I will be the one to describe myself, which will allow the reader to know some things about what I do and what I like. Basically, I am a 25-year-old Caucasian male who is currently working as a freelance visual artist. What I do is to edit videos or photos then publish it on a certain website, which will be monitored by my employers. The output that I make features characters, sceneries, or a story about something that creates a presentation.

As for my hobbies, I love to do sports such as playing badminton for at least thrice a week. The reason why I do regular exercise is to improve my physical health or to maintain a healthy lifestyle through my lifetime. I do badminton for at least 3 hours because it is enough to ensure that I actively participate in a healthy lifestyle. Participating in other events like lawn tennis is another important gesture, which allows my own self to improve my capacity to ensure that I can maintain my fitness and agility. As a person who is already just a few years away from becoming a middle-aged person, it is important to ensure that I can have the capacity to prevent myself from developing diseases. This is because I will not allow myself to develop various types of illnesses that might cause my longevity to shorten for a shorter period.

In terms of my social life, I usually visit cafes because I love tasting new food or dish that satisfies my Palatine interest. My Palatine interest represents the way I treat food as one of the most important considerations in my life. I love eating pasta because I love the creamy taste of this particular recipe. I love seafood pasta with pesto sauce because for me, it is one of the most mouthwatering food that I usually order or bring it home and it on my own self. I do love recipes that contain curry or sauce that are thick and flavorful, representing the culture of a certain restaurant. As for the snack, I love something that is similar to any type of sandwich. Examples are a chicken sandwich and a tuna sandwich. I don’t like sweet foods because I am now prone to developing tonsillitis.

For my built, I am an average person with a medium body type. My hair is blonde with a green pair of iris. I have a slightly chunky pair of eyes but deep set, so you can see the eye fold when my eyes are half open. One of the most distinct parts of my body is my butt, which is unusually big than an average people. I am allergic to dust because I have a sensitive nose. I am also not comfortable with someone with a strong perfume because my nose gets irritated easily. I am not a cold blooded person and may easily catch a cold when my body is exposed to a cold environment such as the summits of the forest or wearing a shirt during the night time.


  • Mailman, Joshua B. (2013) “Agency, Determinism, Focal Time Frames, and Processive Minimalist Music,” in Music and Narrative since 1900.

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