Being true to your word

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Be true to your words so they will trust what you say and what you do.

Проповедуйте то, во что Вы верите: открыто говорите о том, во что Вы верите и что Вам не нравится.

Keep in mind that you must be true to your words.

I believe you’ll be true to your words.

I hope you will be true to your words this time Mr. Gillani.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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true to (one’s) word

As one has promised. Ted promised he would be there and, true to his word, he came and helped us move all that furniture. He’s the best friend a guy could have.

See also: to, true, word

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

true to one’s word

keeping one’s promise. True to his word, Tom showed up at exactly eight o’clock. We’ll soon know if Jane is true to her word. We’ll see if she does what she promised.

See also: to, true, word

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

See also:

  • true to word
  • keep (one’s) word
  • keep one’s word
  • keep word
  • the cake is a lie
  • be as good as (one’s) word
  • be as good as your word
  • as good as (one’s) word
  • as good as word
  • break (one’s) word

The key to having a wildly successful career and a happy life is to attract the right people towards you.

At work, you want the most talented people to want to work for you.

You want the highest performing executives to recruit you to be on their teams.

In your personal life, you want the strong, deep, and loyal friendships.

You want a romantic partner that you admire, respect, and with whom you feel chemistry.

There is one skill… that helps in all of these areas.

In fact, it’s not really a skill at all. It’s merely a choice.

It’s the choice to…

Be True to Your Word.

Someone who is true to her word does the following:

  • She says what she means.
  • She means what she says.
  • She does what she says she will do.

This simple concept has incredible power.

When you are true to your word, there is virtually no deviation between your words and your future actions.

Someone true to their word is unfailingly…


Someone who is reliable is also…


Think about this for a moment.

When you are a reliable and trustworthy boss, and you give your employee a key assignment, he knows that you will come through.

When a competing employer makes promises of great projects, your employee has no idea if they will follow through or not. But, he knows that you follow through… always.

That’s because you are true to your word.

This is why superstar employees value this trait in a boss.

When you tell your boss, “I will get XYZ project done on time, on budget, and with exceptional quality,” if she believes you to be true to your word, she knows the project is as good as done.

This is why high-level executives value team members who are true to their word.

Let’s say you tell a friend, “If you ever get in trouble, call me day or night. I will be there.”

Imagine what happens when one day, your friend actually gets into trouble. He calls you at 3 am asking for help and by 3:35 am, you’re there on his front door.

This is why people value friends who are true to their word.

When your romantic partner says, “I am so nervous about ABC event. Will you show up for me tomorrow night at 7 pm to lend moral support? It would mean a lot to me.” Imagine what goes through his or her mind when you show up at 7 pm… exactly as you said you would.

This is why people value reliable and trustworthy partners.

In every facet of life, being true to your word draws the best people into your life.

Think about it.

The best potential employees, bosses, friends, and romantic partners have options.

The best of the best can choose to work for, recruit, befriend, or partner up with their choice of people.

When you have the option to associate with someone who is true to their word, why would you bother associating with someone who isn’t?


While most people can appreciate the idea of being true to your word, most people do not practice this in everyday life.

In fact, most people are terrible at being true to their word.

Let me give you some examples.

You run into an old acquaintance.

She says, “It was so great to see you. We should get together for coffee.”

You say, “Sounds good, I’ll call you,”… except you don’t call her, and you never planned to.

You were just being “polite.”

Another way to see it is to say you weren’t being true to your word.

You just taught your acquaintance that your word should not be relied upon.

Your CEO asks what do all of you think about this idea?

In your heart of hearts, you think, “This is a stupid, pointless idea.”

But rather than respectfully sharing your concerns, you say nothing.

When silence is assumed to be a positive sentiment, but you actually feel negatively, you aren’t being true to your “word” either.

When you tell your boss, “You’ll have the report done by Monday at noon,” if you hand in your report Monday at 2 pm, you weren’t being true to your word either.

There are three ways to become better at being true to your word.

1) SAY what you actually mean.

Most people speak in a roundabout way that’s difficult to interpret concretely.  Use concrete words:



“I need more information before I can decide.”

“I’m not comfortable making such an aggressive commitment.”

“This doesn’t work for me. Let me explain why…”

2) STOP saying things you do not actually mean.

Don’t agree verbally when you actually disagree in your private thoughts.

Don’t say you’ll be there at 5 pm, when you know you’re not going to be there until 5:30 pm.

Don’t say, “I would love to go to ABC event,” when really you hate the thought.

3) DO what you say you will do… 100% of the time.

If you say you will get the specifications done before the weekend, actually get the specifications done before the weekend.

If you say you will triple check your numbers, actually triple check your numbers.

If you say you will prepare for the Wednesday meeting, actually prepare for the Wednesday meeting.

Being true to your word is not rocket science.

The concept is simple.

But just because an idea is simple doesn’t mean it’s always easy to do consistently… day in… day out.

But when you do, you attract the best of the best into your life.

Most of us consider ourselves good people. We recycle our cardboard, give to charity and generally try to do the right thing when we have the opportunity. Yet most good people also lie quite frequently.

How often, for example, have you lied in order to get out of a social request (“I’d love to come, but I’m busy that night”)?

How often have you lied, or asked your children or coworkers to lie on your behalf, when you get a phone call from someone you don’t want to talk to (“Tell them I’m not here!” or “I’d love to chat, but I’m late for a meeting”)?

How many couples regularly lie to each other for fear of hurting each other’s feelings or getting into a conflict: “I’m not mad; I’m just upset about work” or “Yeah, I’ll be home in a minute”? (Small fibs can add up to a lot of stress. See “Little Lies, Big Stress” to learn more.)

How often do you lie to yourself (“Tomorrow I’ll go to the gym” or “I’ll pay off that credit card next month”)?

We may think our lying is for a good reason: to keep from insulting or wounding someone we care about, to avoid our own discomfort, to smooth over conflict or to make someone happy. Really, though, we most often lie to make our own reality more comfortable.

We may feel that lying gives us more control of our lives: We get to avoid the pain of disappointing someone, of facing a difficult truth or of being the bearer of bad news. We may insist that we lie because we’re trying “to be nice” to ourselves and others. But lying — as with other careless uses of language, such as making false promises, or gossiping, or trying to sound authoritative on topics we don’t fully understand — has a great many negative consequences. (Become more aware of the impact your words have at “The Power of Language“.)

When our words don’t match our actions, we lose a measure of healthy ownership and control over our lives. Careless language undermines our relationships, chips away at our sense of self and decreases our personal power.

Words and language patterns are powerful forces of creation. They articulate our reality. They put our dreams and goals out there for the whole world to see. They define our agreements. And they are the cornerstone of personal integrity.

Florence Scovel Shinn, a metaphysician of the 1920s, said, “There is always plenty on man’s pathway; but it can only be brought into manifestation through desire, faith or the spoken word.”

Every time we speak, we create a road of some sort. The quality of that road, and how far it goes, will be directly related to how well we maintain our integrity with our words and language choices.

How Deceptions Diminish Us

What exactly is integrity? According to the American Heritage dictionary, it is the “steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code,” and “the quality or condition of being whole or undivided; completeness.” Integrity, then, is having high principles and keeping those standards consistent throughout all the different realms of your life.

One of the first places integrity issues show up is in our language patterns. When we are “in integrity,” our words match our actions. As Dr. Seuss put it, “We say what we mean and we mean what we say.” When we break from this pattern and say things we don’t really mean, we move “out of integrity.”

You’ve probably seen this dynamic in action many times. Do you know someone who agrees to things readily but then never seems to be able to show up for his or her agreements? Do you have friends who tell white lies or who “stretch” the truth? Do you know individuals who present themselves as experts on topics they have little or no experience with — who have plenty of opinions but little applicable knowledge to back it up? Do you have friends who say critical things behind each other’s backs, or who say disempowering things about themselves? These are just a few common ways that people deprive themselves of the potential power of speech.

Language is meant to power our dreams into physical reality. When we “spend” our language on half-baked ideas, small fibs, or passionate views on topics we don’t fully understand, when we use language destructively or we say things we don’t really mean, we lose personal power. We lose the ability to manifest and embody our highest choices and dreams.

Personal power comes from being in integrity and diminishes whenever our integrity is undermined. And lying is one of the ways we do that.

The dictionary offers several subtly different definitions of the word “lie,” but all of them are unified by one common theme: the intent to deceive. Of course, the act of deliberately deceiving someone is at complete odds with the commonly valued ideal of “being nice.” And yet, at some point or another, most of us catch ourselves thinking: What does it hurt to tell a little white lie every once in a while?

What lying does, as a rule, is to create multiple realities. When you lie, reality splits, or “dis-integrates.” You now have one reality that you know and live in, knowing the “truth” about a particular issue, and you have another reality that the people to whom you’ve lied live in, which is designed around somewhat or totally different information. The people to whom you have lied make decisions and choices based on the reality they inhabit, but it’s a different reality than the one you inhabit, so that split will now influence your relationship and your common future.

The problem is, you are creating this potentially huge disintegration without having any real way of knowing what the repercussions of that reality split will be down the road. You can’t know how this separate reality might play out in the future, and you can’t really know whether the net outcome for this other person will be better or worse than the course of the reality that might have resulted if you had told the truth.

The more lies you tell, of course, the more multiple versions of reality you create and must live with. That’s an enormous responsibility, and it can be very energy draining because it literally costs your integrity — the state of being connected, sound, consistent and undivided. You may feel pulled in a thousand directions, or plagued by the fear and potential shame of having all these “custom-made” realities come crashing down around you. You may even start to feel unsure of whether you can fully know or trust yourself.

Resurrecting Honesty

In his book The Four Agreements, author and Toltec wise man Don Miguel Ruiz presents a simple but profound code of personal conduct based on adhering to four basic principles or “agreements.” The very first agreement is “Be Impeccable With Your Word.”

In explaining this agreement, he says: “Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.”

That is phenomenally good advice — guidance that provides the essential basis for personal integrity. But how can we be sure we’re speaking the truth, and speaking it with full integrity, not using our truth “against” ourselves or others?

Most of us have had at least one ugly experience being on the receiving end of someone who just had to “speak his or her truth” — and who also seemed intent on making us wrong, guilt-tripping us or hurting our feelings in the process. We’ve all been in situations where someone says something totally unkind or inappropriate and then uses, “Well, it’s true!” as an easy excuse.

Insisting on speaking the whole truth and nothing but the truth all the time doesn’t seem practical or wise; it seems reckless and undiscerning. This is where we need to come back and revisit that last, very important bit of Ruiz’s counsel: “Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.”

That might refer to love for another person, but it also means love of the greater good, for a principle or fundamental truth. Sometimes you may have to speak up in a way that hurts or angers someone close to you but that you feel is necessary for the benefit of a larger group or purpose. And yes, sometimes it means you may elect not to share a particular truth out of care or respect for another person.

The intersection of love and truth is a complex territory. What you need is a personal code of integrity that you can live with and be proud of.

I once attended a conference with a wonderful woman who advised: “There are three questions to ask yourself before you ‘speak the truth.’ One: Are you certain it’s true? Two: Is it necessary? And three: Is it kind?”

Ideally, your statements will pass all three tests. Occasionally, in the interest of ethics, you may find yourself called upon to say something that you know to be true and feel to be necessary but that doesn’t seem particularly kind. In these situations, you have to examine your own intent (is it coming from a place of love or care for a greater good?). Then, if you do decide to share the information, do it with care and appropriate timing.

Of course, even this guideline does not eliminate all doubt. Nor does it eliminate the discomfort inherent in many “speak/don’t speak” quandaries, but it does give you a structure for examining your motives, and a foundation for building your integrity with language — both in the words you speak to others and the messages you send to yourself.

Reclaiming Your Truth

Want to upgrade your integrity and sharpen your truth-telling instincts? Here are some easy ways to get started:

1. Identify your triggers. Sit down and think about where you most frequently break promises with yourself and others. What circumstances, relationships and patterns in your life are most littered with broken commitments and are most likely to result in diminished integrity? Take some time to reflect on why that person or situation acts as a trigger for you. Awareness of what is causing you to lie or use disempowering language can go a long way in helping you correct course. (To learn what may be triggering you, see “9 Types of Emotional Triggers“.)

2. Perceive your language patterns. How often do you say yes when you really mean no — when you realize on some level you have no intention of following through on that “yes”? Do you sometimes say you’ve completed something you haven’t, or fib about how far you’ve gotten? Do you idly agree to do something and then, when the time comes, conveniently “forget” your promise, or don’t have the time, or don’t want to allocate the resources necessary to keep your word? Knowing how you use language in disempowering ways is important information to have as you work to bring more integrity to your language.

3. Take small steps toward honesty. Once you can identify where and when you’re not keeping your word, you can make the necessary adjustments toward telling the truth, even in small ways. Start by practicing with situations that feel the safest for exploring truth-telling. What could this look like in practice? Here’s an example: When your sister-in-law, with whom you’re close and whom you think will respond positively to the truth, calls to invite you over for Friday-night cocktails, and you’re not certain you’re up for it, be honest. Tell her, “I appreciate the invitation, but I’d like to wait to decide. I am having a tough week and I might be exhausted by then.” Or simply let her know what you’re doing instead: “No thanks; I’ve committed myself to spending the evening clearing off my desk.”

4. Examine your relationships. If you are afraid others will be offended by your truth, ask yourself if you really want to be spending time with people to whom you have to lie on a regular basis. It may be that for you to get into integrity, you have to do some housecleaning of your relationships. Look at it this way: If some of your relationships go out with the recycling, you’ll have more room for building relationships with people you can be honest with.

5. Give your word less often. If something is a “maybe” for you, say so, being clear that you are choosing to withhold your commitment until a later time. Or err on the safe side, and decline. Realize that your commitments matter; if you are consistently breaking your word, your relationships will never be fully satisfying. If keeping your word means you have to give it less often, then by all means, give it less often. The less it is given and broken, the more powerful it becomes. Over time, you will find yourself more energized to make commitments, and clearer about what kinds of commitments are right for you.

Building a Better Reality

It may take you some time to break the cultural habits of white lies, broken promises and powerless language, but the results will be well worth it. In her book The Game of Life and How to Play It (Random House UK, 2004, originally published in 1925), Florence Scovel Shinn writes, “After man knows the truth, he cannot be too careful of his words.” What she means is that once you realize the potential of language spoken with integrity, you suddenly become incredibly aware of how much of our daily language is spoken without it. And your tolerance for careless, destructive and sloppy language plummets accordingly.

You will find yourself to be a much happier person when your words match your intentions and when your actions match your words. You will find yourself sleeping better when there are no niggling half-truths or broken commitments keeping you awake at night.

As your word becomes more and more powerful, your reality will begin to reflect that. As you speak from a place of integrity, and use clear language in the service of your highest choices, you will start to manifest those choices very much as you have described them. When that happens, you’ll know you are on the right path and headed in a direction of personal power.

How to Say No With Integrity

Saying no can be tough, but it’s essential to establishing high-integrity relationships and a reputation for trustworthiness. Here are some examples of common types of requests for your time and energy — and ways to say no with integrity. A general tip: Keep it short. The more words you use to say no, the more others will suspect you are lying — or open to negotiating.

  1. You’ve got plans for the weekend. On Thursday your boss sticks his head in your office and says, “We need another volunteer for the company tournament this weekend. Can we count on you to be there?” You respond: “I appreciate you thinking of me, but this is my weekend for [catching up around the house, taking the kids to my mom’s, resting up for the big presentation on Monday, or whatever it is you have planned for the weekend]. I’ll look forward to hearing how it all went on Monday!”
  2. Your mom calls and wants you to come to dinner — tonight. You respond: “That sounds like fun; I’d love to have dinner with you. Tonight won’t work for me, but let’s look at the calendar right now and find a good time. And if you let me know a bit in advance next time, I can keep the calendar open.”
  3. Your college-age child calls to ask you to fix or take care of something she could (and should) probably be handling herself. You respond: “You know, this is one of those adult responsibilities that I have a lot of confidence you can now take care of all on your own. If you want some suggestions on how to get started, let me know. Otherwise, just do your best with it. I’ll be excited to hear how it turns out.”
  4. A former workmate contacts you for a recommendation you don’t want to give. You respond: “I appreciate your thinking of me, Dan, and wish you all the best in your job hunt; I think there are other people who might be a better choice for that kind of recommendation, though. Why not contact your former supervisor and ask her for the referral? I am sure she would be happy to help.” Or, “Dan, as you know, I’m an accounting guy. I’m better with numbers than words. Just thinking of writing this makes me sweat! Could you find someone else to do it? Maybe your old boss? Thanks!”
  5. A friend asks to borrow your truck, and you’re not entirely comfortable with the idea. You say: “Sorry, I’m not comfortable loaning my truck out, but I could easily drive you to a rental center where I know you can rent one for less than $50.”

This article has been updated. It was originally published online on March 20, 2012.

Photo: Tiny Buddha

All the time, people say one thing and do another. It’s become normal to be flaky, unreliable, and not a person of your word — except it’s not normal. Saying one thing and doing another is a poor reflection of one’s character, and the people who do this are risking losing valuable relationships.

Make a Firm Inner Decision

I certainly have flaws and shortcomings, but one thing I have going for me is that people say I’m authentic. Being authentic allows me to make real connections with other people. I genuinely care about them and seek to help them, as opposed to the hidden agenda so many people carry. You can (and will) absolutely get paid for helping others, but you must make it your first priority to have a sincere interest in the welfare of yourself and the people around you.

This does not mean you will let people use you, nor does it mean you will be afraid to sell yourself on your true value. Being authentic helps to know when to draw boundaries and stand up for yourself. You refuse to be fake. Do you want to be truly authentic?

Then make a firm inner decision to do so, right now.

What makes you authentic? Think about it and reflect on it, both in your mind and on paper. Knowing these core qualities about yourself will serve you well.

Five Traits of People With Authenticity and Integrity

Through my travels around the world, discussions with dozens of experts, and conducting my own research, here are five traits of people with authenticity and integrity:

  1. They don’t have a hidden agenda. It’s perfectly alright to confidently ask for business or a deal, but not having a hidden agenda means that you genuinely care about the person you are talking to.
  2. They refuse to judge others. There is a difference between making an observation and making a judgment. Noticing that someone arrived late to a meeting is an observation. Thinking they are a bad or flawed person for arriving late is a judgment. Refusing to judge others also includes refusing to label others. Instead of judging others, seek to understand others and then help them to improve.
  3. They are true to their word. Say what you mean, and mean what you say. If you made a promise to someone and later find out you are not able to fulfill that promise due to an unexpected circumstance, apologize profusely to that person and make it up to them somehow in the future. It’s alright to change your plans, but it’s not alright to leave someone hanging high and dry because you didn’t care to update them on what was going on with you.
  4. They show interest in others. This expands on point number one — authentic people have the integrity to know they are not the center of everything that goes on. People have complex lives and they’ll be grateful to have a listening ear. You might end up making a good friend because you were willing to listen to their problems and offer thoughtful advice. This doesn’t mean you suddenly let people dump their problems on you, but it does mean you are aware that people have a lot going on in their lives.
  5. They are vulnerable. There’s a time and place to be vulnerable, but never be afraid to take off the mask and show your true self to the world. Vulnerability is how you connect with people and reach their souls.

Bringing it All Together

I was recently burned by someone who I made a deal with. I was told that he’d help me with one of my business initiatives if I helped him with some of the problems he was dealing with. I dedicated an entire evening to helping him with his problems, but when it came time to fulfill his end of the bargain he flaked out on me by not responding to my text and email. This hurt, but I refuse to let the world change who I am. I will remain a person of kindness and love. Just because other people are flaky doesn’t mean you have to be as well. Don’t let the world change who you are. Continue to act with integrity, and be authentic as often as you possibly can.

Jeff Davis wrote The Power of Authentic Leadership: Activating the 13 Keys to Achieving Prosperity Through Authenticity. This book features a billionaire, two Senators, New York Times bestselling authors, icons, and world-renowned leaders. These experts offer you a deep dive into mastering the power of authentic leadership, achieving prosperity, and helping others the way you were meant to help others.

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So, in other


we have no true evidence past your good word?

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Word of your unique talent has reached the ears of the true Lord Rahl.

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Your suspicions may be true, but we cannot rely on the word of one of those creatures.

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Ваши подозрения возможно имеют смысл, но мы не можем положиться на слово одного из этих созданий.

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Он был абсолютно убежден в своей правоте.

Make them holy by the true




is the

true word.

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The Word was the true light that gives light



How can


Bible be the true Word of God if its text cannot be completely verified?

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Как может Библия считаться истинным Словом Божьим, если невозможно установить подлинность ее текста?

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Keep your


feelings to yourself.

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But as God is


our word to you was not yes and no.

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Верен Бог, что слово наше к вам не было то« да», то« нет».

But as God is


our word to you was not yes and no.

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Но заверяем вас: как Бог всегда был верен, так и наше слово к вам никогда не было и» да», и» нет».

Discovering and owning a powerful


that reflects you and your business is the true key of successful branding.

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Открывать и иметь мощное слово отражает вас и ваше дело будут поистине ключом успешно затаврить.

Just goes


show that with patience and strong word of mouth, true literature.

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Просто пришел, чтобы показать, что терпенье и сильное слово настоящая литература.

Only by knowing the Word of God and by applying it daily in


life you will become a true Christian.

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Только зная Слово Божье и применяя его ежедневно станешь настоящим христианином.

You have







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Ты должна обратиться к истинной вере.

Results: 4658,
Time: 0.1888





were true to your word — перевод на русский

Because I’m a noble soul and I’m true to my word.

Просто у меня благородное сердце и я держу своё слово.

I don’t care about protocol and I am true to my word.

Мне начихать на протокол и я держу свое слово.

They want to prove that they’re true to their word.

Они хотят доказать всему остальному Альфа квадранту, что держат слово.

He needs to know that we’re true to our word.

Он должен знать, что мы держим слово.

We must show Martinez and his soldiers that we are true to our word.

Мы должны показать Мартинезу и его солдатам, что мы держим свое слово.

Показать ещё примеры для «я держу своё слово»…

You were true to your word, colonel.

Ты был верен своему слову, полковник.

No matter what you think about me and what I’ve done— — I’ve been true to my word.

Не важно, что ты думаешь обо мне и о том, что я сделал, но я всегда был верен своему слову.

I’d call you a lying son of a bitch, but you were true to your word.

Я назвал бы тебя лживым сукиным сыном, но ты был верен своему слову.

We’re true to our word.

Мы верны своему слову.

And the only way Cassie’s death will have meant something is if the Founder is true to his word.

И единственным способом гибель Кэсси будет означать что-то, если Основатель останется верен своему слову.

The Grand Duke was true to his word.

Эрцгерцог сдержал своё слово.

The cartel has been true to its word.

Картель сдержал свое слово.

He was true to his word.

Он сдержал своё слово.

You were true to your word.

Ты сдержал своё слово.

I was true to my word.

Я сдержал слово.

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Предложения с «true to your word»

Only that you be true to your word.

Всего лишь искренность ваших слов.

One thing I shared with her is that it’s so important to find your own voice, a voice that’s authentic and true to you.

Одна вещь, которую я разделяю с ней, — это важность найти себя, заявить о своей уникальности.

And that’s true, your little angel may not be sexting because only 33 percent of 16- and 17-year-olds are sexting.

Возможно, ваш ангелочек этого и избежит, потому что в настоящее время только 33% 16 — и 17 — летних практикуют секстинг.

Righteous Life Church, your one true path to salvation.

Церковь Праведной жизни, единственно верный путь к спасению.

Oh, that’s your ideal of manliness and your idea of a true American, is it?

Так вот, значит, какой твой идеал мужественности и твое представление об истинном американце?

Is it true, that you have changed since your childhood?

Будет ли правильно сказать, что ты изменилась со времени твоего детства?

If it’s your intention to be truthful to history and you put a piece out saying this is the true story of, say, the murder of Julius Caesar exactly as the historical record has it, then of course, you do have an obligation, because if you then deliberately tell lies about it you are, you know you’re deceiving your audience.

Если вы стремитесь быть честным перед историей и выкладываете произведение, говоря, что это правдивая история, скажем, убийство Юлия Цезаря, в точности, как исторических записях, то конечно, у вас есть обязательство, потому что если вы в тоже время сознательно рассказываете не правду, знаете, вы обманываете аудиторию.

I will find your true corporeal self, Prospero.

Я все равно найду твое истинное воплощение, Просперо.

I believe Christmas presents should be special and have a touch of magic, enabling your dearest wishes to come true.

Я полагаю, что рождественские подарки должны быть особенными и иметь в небольшом количестве волшебство, позволяя Ваши самые дорогие пожелания осуществиться.

I just knew you’d find a wonderful man who would make all your dreams come true.

Я знала что ты найдешь прекрасного человека Который исполнит все твои мечты.

I look upon the flames, which are your true being, not the flesh which masks them.

Я смотрю на пламя, что является истинной твоей сущностью, а не на плоть, скрывающую его.

You want to wear a dress or a skirt and a blouse with classic lines and your true colors.

Вам стоит одеть платье или блузку с юбкой строгого покроя, ваших привычных цветов.

Fire is cleansing, and true wealth is measured by the amount of love in your life.

Огонь очищает, а настоящее богатство измеряется количеством любви в жизни.

You fill out a survey, and for just a buck, you get the name and number of your one true soul mate.

Заполняешь опрос и всего за один бакс получаешь имена и количество близких тебе по духу.

And then you will fulfill your destiny and become a true Nightsister.

А затем ты исполнишь своё предназначение и станешь истинной Ночной сестрой.

I brought you along on this mission under false pretenses, in denial of your true nature.

Я завлёк вас на это задание под ложным предлогом и отрицал вашу истинную сущность.

Is it true that your mom and your stepdad argued over a woman at work?

Правда ли, что твоя мама и отчим ссорились из — за женщины с работы?

Is it true they drill into your head, then drive anointed rods through the fresh holes?

А там правда просверливают голову и вставляют в дырки стержни?

Do you swear by all the gods that your testimony will be true and honest?

Клянетесь ли вы всеми богами, что ваши показания будут правдивы и точны?

It is your last chance to redeem yourself from your past errors and put your feet on the true path to glory.

Последняя возможность для тебя отринуть былые ошибки и обратить стопы на истинный путь к славе!

Just think of the uproar, were people to discover the true nature of your former commanding officer’s demise.

Представь себе гам, когда люди узнают правду о кончине их бывшего начальника.

How you incinerated your true love while she slept so soundly inside her casket?

Как ты сжег свою единственную любовь пока она так крепко спала в своем гробу?

I wonder how your prospects in the High Council would fare if I revealed her true nature?

Интересно, как низко упадет ваш рейтинг в Верховном Совете, если я открою ее истинную природу?

It’s like you get a glimpse of your true self.

Ты словно получаете представление о своем истинном Я

It gives me a true impression of your women.

Она помогает мне правильно увидеть и оценить ваших женщин.

It proved the duplicity in your actions, and revealed your true intent.

Оно доказывает твою двуличность и выявляет твои истинные намерения.

All you needed was to discover that your true power lies in believing in one another.

Вам нужно было понять, что ваша истинная сила заключается в вере друг в друга.

Your great Alagn bai Hulagh salvaged machines and ships and lives of younglings and let the library fall into human hands; a minor loss, so long as the minds which contained that doubtless trivial information were packed onto ships and sent back to home space and safety, true?

Ваш великий Алань спасал машины и молодых регулов, но позволил библиотеке попасть в руки землян.

Your love for Richard blinds you to his true nature, Kahlan.

Твоя любовь к Ричарду ослепляет тебя по отношению к его истинной сущности, Кэлен.

I was beginning to fear the rumors of your destruction were true.

Я уже начал бояться, что слухи о вашей гибели верны.

It means that the vain pursuit of an intellectual life is getting in the way of your true purpose.

Я хочу сказать, что напрасное стремление к интеллектуальной жизни преграждает путь к твоей настоящей цели.

Try, Brother Angel Joseph… to discover it… without your losing sight… of the only true light.

Попробуй, брат Ангел Иосиф… открыть его… не теряя зрения… единственного истинного света.

You see, without fingerprints, you’ll be one step closer to eliminating the possibility for someone to discover your true identity.

Видите, без отпечатков пальцев вы станете на шаг ближе к устранению возможности кого — либо раскрыть вашу настоящую личность.

Just think of the uproar, were people to discover the true nature of your former commanding officer’s demise.

Представь себе гам, когда люди узнают правду о кончине их бывшего начальника.

Repent of your sins… and accept his true love and you will be saved.

Покайся в своих грехах… и прими его истинную любовь и будешь спасён.

I’ve arranged for your dream to come true.

Я сделала так, что твои мечты сбудутся.

I hope your dreams come true. I hope they do.

Я надеюсь, что ваши мечты станут реальностью.

I’m more curious about your true identity.

А мне любопытно, кто ты на самом деле.

It was an arrogant presumption, based on a failure to recognise your true feelings and Miss Bennet’s.

Это ужасное предубеждение основано на нежелании признать твои истинные чувства к мисс Беннет.

Or do they express your true feelings?

Или таковы ваши истинные чувства?

Yes, because you were doing everything in your power to deny your true feelings.

Да, потому что ты делала все, чтобы отрицать свои чувства.

If you’re doing it to escape dealing with your true feelings.

Если ты делаешь это, чтобы сбежать от реальных чувств.

You were using sarcasm to express your true feelings.

Ты используешь сарказм для выражения своих истинных чувств.

I think you just need to stop being a scaredy-cat with your true feelings.

Мне кажется, тебе стоит перестать бояться своих чувств.

And I think, at the end of that week, you’ll have a much better idea of what your true feelings are.

И я думаю, в конце недели, у вас будет намного лучшее представление о ваших настоящих чувствах.

You are almost blind to your own true feelings, no more able to express them than a scar can blush.

Вы практически слепы к своим истинным чувствам, вы не способны выразить их так же, как шрам не способен зардеться.

This was all a scheme so that you’d realize your true feelings for Donna.

Все это было запланировано для того, чтобы ты понял что на самом деле ты чувствуешь к Донне.

Look, being an artist is about expressing your true feelings, in the moment, no matter what the consequences.

Слушай, быть артистом — это значит выражать свои истинные чувства именно в тот момент, независимо от того, какие будут последствия.

Just let him know your true feelings… or you might miss out.

Пусть он узнает о ваших чувствах, а то можете его упустить.

Why? He knows your true feelings toward Miss Murray, for one, and their origins.

Он знает о ваших настоящих чувствах к Мисс Мюррей, для начала и о их происхождение.

Okay, Ted, the downside to having a woman’s mouth is, your feminine pout gives away your true feelings.

Ладно, Тед, обратная сторона обладания женским ртом это, то что твои женственные надутые губы выдают твои настоящие чувтсва.

Keep your true feelings to yourself.

Держи свои чувства при себе.

Whether you despise me, or you just become a coward when you face your true feelings.

Презираешь ли ты меня или просто трусишь перед чувствами ко мне.

I think you’ve made your way in the world by concealing your true feelings under a mask of positivity and niceness.

Думаю, вы привыкли Скрывать свои чувства под под маской жизнерадостности И милой улыбкой, но под этим.

Were that true, I would still pray Crixus takes your life before he falls.

Было бы это правдой, но я все еще продолжаю молиться что Крикс забрал твою жизнь до того, как падет.

And is it true that you’ve been spending the farm’s money on gingham shirts you tie into a knot to expose your belly?

И ты в самом деле тратил деньги на клетчатые рубашки, которые завязывал узлом, обнажая живот?

True, but they also keep your house from sliding down the hill.

Да, но так же они помогут сохранить дом от дальнейшего скольжения вниз по холму.

True, but I’m sure they’ll come up at your murder trial.

Правильно, но я уверена, они пригодятся на вашем процессе за убийство.

And is it true that you’ve been spending the farm’s money on gingham shirts you tie into a knot to expose your belly?

И ты в самом деле тратил деньги на клетчатые рубашки, которые завязывал узлом, обнажая живот?

Make a wish light a candle and watch your Sweet 16 birthday wishes come true

Загадай желание, зажги свечу и смотри как твои Сладкие 16 День Рождения желания исполняются

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