Being a good person word

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

быть хорошим человеком

том, что ты хороший человек

себя хорошим человеком

Быть добрым

Political correctness is really just being a good person.

Being a good partner is the same as being a good person.

There are ways that you can live a good life without being a good person.

You have to earn it by being a good person.

Not even «being a good person«.

That looking good is important, but being a good person is a must.

Now, I don’t need religion to justify being a good person.

In general, being a good person is attractive.

On ‘being a good person‘.

It’s all about doing the right thing and being a good person.

These are the very basis of happiness and of simply being a good person.

But how is that really different from being a good person?

You just stop caring about being a good person?

Right now matters, being a good person and doing the right thing now is what matters.

Быть хорошим человеком и совершать правильные и хорошие поступки здесь и сейчас — вот что важно.

And I believe that being a person means being a good person.

Is being a good person enough for one be saved?

I would love to be sober and working and being a good person in a community.

Does this stop them from being a good person?

And in this family, being a good person and a loyal friend is more important than… than being famous.

И в нашей семье быть хорошим человеком и верным другом значит гораздо больше, чем… быть знаменитым.

It can be next to impossible to keep bad people from entering your life, but don’t ever stop being a good person just because you’ve encountered a bad person.

Помешать плохим людям проникнуть в нашу жизнь практически невозможно, но никогда не переставайте быть хорошим человеком только потому, что столкнулись с кем-то плохим.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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If we give them


full profile,

it will invariably prompt the inane moral debate about the target being a good person.

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Если мы дадим им полный файл,

это несомненно вызовет глупые моральные споры о том, что цель хороший человек.

Maybe someone lied to you, maybe someone took advantage of you, or maybe… being a good person just wasn’t paying off.

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кто-то обманул


может, кто-то воспользовался


или, возможно… то, что вы были хорошим человеком,


ничего не давало.

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Он хороший человек, и борется с коррупцией, и социальной несправедливостью.

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Results: 30,
Time: 0.0888





Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, KCVO (Henry Charles Albert David; born 15 September 1984) is a member of the British royal family. He is the younger son of King Charles III and Diana, Princess of Wales. He is fifth in the line of succession to the British throne. In 2018, Harry was made Duke of Sussex prior to his wedding to American actress Meghan Markle. They have two children, Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet. In January 2020, the couple stepped down as working royals and moved to the Duchess’s native Southern California. May these Prince Harry Quotes On Success inspire you to take action so that you may live your dreams.

1. “Conversations with my mother, father, my grandparents, as I’ve grown up have obviously driven me towards wanting to try and make a difference as much as possible.” Prince Harry

2. “The majority of us carry some form of unresolved trauma, loss, or grief, which feels – and is – very personal. Yet the last year has shown us that we are all in this together.” Prince Harry

3. “There’s a lot of times that both myself and my brother wish, obviously, that we were just completely normal.” Prince Harry

4. “All I want to do is make my mother incredibly proud. That’s all I’ve ever wanted to do.” Prince Harry

5. “One of the biggest lessons that I’ve ever learnt in life is you’ve sometimes got to go back and to deal with really uncomfortable situations and to be able to process it in order to be able to heal.” Prince Harry

One of the biggest lessons that I've ever learnt in life is you've sometimes got to go back and to deal with really uncomfortable situations and to be able to process it in order to be able to heal. Prince Harry

6. “Anyone who says they don’t enjoy the Army is mad – you can spend a week hating it and the next week it could be the best thing in the world and the best job you could ever, ever wish for. It has got so much to offer.” Prince Harry

7. “It’s so important to know that if you’re going to have a bad day, if you’ve had a bad week or you’ve experienced more trauma or another loss or more stress in your life that you’ve got at your fingertips, whether it’s a WhatsApp group whether it’s an online support group, you’ve got at least a handful of people you can reach out to.” Prince Harry

8. “Every day you are inundated with an overexposure of advertising and mainstream media, social media, and endless comparisons, distorting the truth and trying to manipulating the power of positive thinking. But you don’t let them sway you.” Prince Harry

9. “To be happy is to be mindful, mindful of your feelings, mindful of your surroundings and mindful of the 7.7 billion other humans that inhabit this planet.” Prince Harry

10. “This is not just about women. We men need to recognize the part we play, too. Real men treat women with the dignity and respect they deserve.” Prince Harry

This is not just about women. We men need to recognize the part we play, too. Real men treat women with the dignity and respect they deserve. Prince Harry

11. “Everyone has a different opinion; every country has a different way of doing things. But I do believe that we need a regulatory body so that everyone who owns or manages wildlife is subject to inspection and rated on how well they look after the animals and how the communities benefit.” Prince Harry

12. “People would be amazed by the ordinary life William and I live. I do my own shopping. Sometimes, when I come away from the meat counter in my local supermarket, I worry someone will snap me with their phone. But I am determined to have a relatively normal life, and if I am lucky enough to have children, they can have one, too.” Prince Harry

13. “It’s something my mother believed in: If you are in a position of privilege, if you can put your name to something that you genuinely believe in, you can smash any stigma you want, and you can encourage anybody to do anything.” Prince Harry

14. “I do enjoy running down a ditch full of mud, firing bullets. It’s the way I am. I love it.” Prince Harry

15. “You’ve got to have fun in life, otherwise, wow, imagine life without fun.” Prince Harry

You've got to have fun in life, otherwise, wow, imagine life without fun. Prince Harry

16. “I really regret not talking about it. It is OK to suffer, but as long as you talk about it. It is not a weakness. Weakness is having a problem and not recognizing it and not solving that problem.” Prince Harry

17. “I was the typical 20-, 25-, 28-year-old going around, going, ‘Life is great. Life is fine.’” Prince Harry

18. “We won’t unlock these opportunities for young women and girls unless we can change the mindset of every family and community. To achieve this, it cannot just be women who speak up for girls.” Prince Harry

19. “For me personally, as I said, I want to serve my country. I’ve done it once, and I’m still in the army, I feel as though I should get the opportunity to do it again.” Prince Harry

20. “We all have mental health in the same way that we all have physical health. It’s OK to have depression, it’s OK to have anxiety, it’s OK to have adjustment disorder.” Prince Harry

We all have mental health in the same way that we all have physical health. It's OK to have depression, it's OK to have anxiety, it's OK to have adjustment disorder. Prince Harry

21. “I sometimes still feel I am living in a goldfish bowl, but I now manage it better. I still have a naughty streak, too, which I enjoy and is how I relate to those individuals who have got themselves into trouble.” Prince Harry

22. “I think losing your mother at such a young age does end up shaping your life massively. Of course it does, and now I find myself trying to be there and give advice to other people who are in similar positions.” Prince Harry

23. “I had never heard of Meghan before. I was beautifully surprised when I walked into that room and saw her, and there she was, sitting there. I thought, ‘I am really going to have to up my game here, sit down, and make sure I’ve got a good chat.” Prince Harry

24. “‘When did I know she was ‘The One?’ The very first time we met.” Prince Harry

25. “Part of my role and part of my job is to shine a spotlight on issues that need that spotlight, whether it’s people, whether it’s causes, issues, whatever it is.” Prince Harry

Part of my role and part of my job is to shine a spotlight on issues that need that spotlight, whether it's people, whether it's causes, issues, whatever it is. Prince Harry

26. “My mother died when I was very young. I didn’t want to be in the position I was in, but I eventually pulled my head out of the sand, started listening to people, and decided to use my role for good. I am now fired up and energized and love charity stuff, meeting people, and making them laugh.” Prince Harry

27. “I have witnessed first-hand how the power of sport can positively impact the lives of wounded, injured, and sick Servicemen and women in their journey of recovery. The Invictus Games will focus on what they can achieve post-injury and celebrate their fighting spirit through an inclusive sporting competition that recognizes the sacrifice they have made. I am extremely proud that we are bringing an event like this to the UK for the first time and believe it can have a long-lasting impact on the well-being of those who have served their nations so bravely.” Prince Harry

28. “The only way to see real progress is not by chance; it’s by change.” Prince Harry

29. “I hope that a lot of my mother’s talents are shown in a lot of the work that I do.” Prince Harry

30. “I had to step my family back from all I have ever known to take a step forward into what I hope can be a more peaceful life.” Prince Harry

I had to step my family back from all I have ever known to take a step forward into what I hope can be a more peaceful life. Prince Harry

31. “The fact that I fell in love with Meghan so incredibly quickly was sort of confirmation to me that all the stars were aligned; everything was just perfect. It was this beautiful woman just sort of literally tripped and fell into my life; I fell into her life.” Prince Harry

32. “I know that at the end of the day, she chooses me. I choose her. Whatever we have to tackle will be us together as a team.” Prince Harry

33. “You know, silence only allows the abuser to abuse. Right?” Prince Harry

34. “Once you’re in the military, she means a lot more to you than just a grandmother. She is the queen. And then you suddenly, it’s like start realizing, you know, wow, this is quite a big deal. And then you get goosebumps and then the rest of it.” Prince Harry

35. “You’ve got to give something back. You can’t just sit there.” Prince Harry

You've got to give something back. You can't just sit there. Prince Harry

I hope you enjoyed these Prince Harry Quotes On Success. Do let us know which one was your favorite in the comments section below.

Check Out Prince Harry’s Interview About Princess Diana’s Death From 60 Minutes:

Have A Great Day!

What does it mean to be a good person? The essay below aims to answer this question. It focuses on the qualities of a good person.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What Does It Mean to Be a Good Person?
  3. Qualities of Good Person
  4. Works Cited
  5. Video Version


The term “good” has relative meanings depending on the person who is defining it. Several qualities can be used to define what constitutes a good person. However, there are certain basic qualities that are used to define a good person. They include honesty, trust, generosity, compassion, empathy, humility, and forgiviness (Gelven 24).

These qualities are important because they promote peaceful coexistence among people because they prevent misunderstandings and conflicts. A good person is fair and just to all, and does not judge people. He or she is nice to everyone regardless of their religion, race, social and economic class, health status, or physical state (Gelven 25).

What Does It Mean to Be a Good Person?

A good person treats other people with respect, care, and compassion. Respect shows that an individual values and views the other person as a worthy human being who deserves respect. Compassion is a quality that enables people to identify with other people’s suffering (Gelven 27). It motivates people to offer help in order to alleviate the suffering of others. A good person has compassion for others and finds ways to help people who are suffering. Showing compassion to the suffering makes them happy.

It promotes empathy, understanding, and support. In addition, good people are forgiving. They do not hold grudges, and let go of anger that might lead them to hurt others. They think positively and focus their thoughts on things that improve their relationships (Needleman 33). They avoid thinking about past mistakes or wrongs done by others. Instead, they think of how they can forgive and move on.

A good person is honest and trustworthy. This implies that they avoid all situations that might hurt the other person such as telling lies, revealing secrets, and gossiping (Needleman 34). As such, their character or personality cannot be doubted because they do not harbor hidden intentions.

They act in open ways that reveal their true characters and personalities. On the other hand, good people are kind and respectful. They offer help voluntarily and work hard to improve the well-being of other people. In addition, they treat all people equally despite their social, physical or sexual orientations. Good people do not discriminate, hate, deny people their rights, steal, lie, or engage in corrupt practices (Tuan 53).

Good people behave courageously and view the world as a fair and beautiful place to live in (Needleman 40). They view the world as a beautiful place that offers equal opportunities to everyone. Good people believe that humans have the freedom to either make the world a better or worse place to live in. They act and behave in ways that improve and make the world a better place.

For example, they conserve the environment by keeping it clean for future generations. A popular belief holds that people who conserve the environment are not good but just environmental enthusiasts. However, that notion is incorrect and untrue. People conserve the environment because of their goodness. They think not only about themselves but also about future generations (Tuan 53). They are not self-centered and mean, but generous and caring.

Qualities of Good Person

Good people are characterized by certain qualities that include trust, honesty, compassion, understanding, forgiveness, respect, courage, and good will. They do not steal, lie, discriminate, or deny people their rights. They think about others’ welfare, and advocate for actions that make the world a better place. They promote justice and fairness because they view everyone as a deserving and worthy human being.

Works Cited

Gelven, Michael. The Risk of Being: What it Means to be Good and Bad. New York: Penn State Press, 1997. Print.

Needleman, Jacob. Why Can’t We be good? New York: Penguin Group US, 2007. Print.

Tuan, Yi-Fu. Human Goodness. New York: University of Wisconsin Press, 2008. Print.

Video Version

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Have you ever wondered why people make the choices they do? What makes a person a good person? Should we strive to be good, and if so, why?

If you asked twenty people what it means to be a good person, chances are you would get twenty different answers. What individuals perceive to be good character traits vary depending on several factors. Religion, ethnic background and family dynamics all play a part in forming one’s personal opinions and often dictate how they view others.

Generally speaking, most people share a desire to be good. However, without knowing what makes a person “good,” it’s impossible to achieve that goal. For many, the struggle between trying to be good and having negative character traits can cause extreme anxiety or depression. We will discuss some of these issues and how to overcome them later in this article.

What Is Goodness?

The word «good» is defined by Merriam-Webster as «virtuous, right and commendable; kind and benevolent.»

Henry David Thoreau was quoted as saying, «Goodness is the only investment that never fails.»

Characteristics Of A Good Person

A good person often has habits, or characteristics, that make them stand out to others. A few examples include:


Empathy definition psychology is the ability to emotionally understand the other person’s feelings by imagining yourself in the position of that person. An empathetic person expresses an understanding of how others feel.

It is expressed as an emotion, not just a verbal statement of understanding. An individual who is hurting often longs to have someone who understands what they are going through.

Being A Good Person Does Matter. Read More About How You Can Do This Here.


An individual who wants to be a good person will strive to be honest with themselves and others. Dishonesty is one way to ruin a relationship and can make people view you negatively.


Being humble doesn’t mean a person subjects themselves to humiliation. Rather, a person who practices humility is willing to be kind to others without expecting to be rewarded. A humble person is willing to give of themselves and does not expect to receive anything in return.


Being free from personal biases means that an individual can give an opinion without prejudice. It reflects a commitment to the basic principles of what is right, rather than being committed to the opinions of others.


Taking responsibility for one’s actions is a sign of maturity and is a characteristic of a good person.

Why Being A Good Person Matters

Your actions and behaviors help build your reputation. Some people may be known as selfish, money-hungry, or a menace. Others may be seen as kind, generous and faithful friends. Your reputation, among other factors, will help to create the opportunities you encounter in life.

Life choices, as mentioned above, have a way of following us for years, sometimes throughout our whole life. Below, we’ll discuss how our choices and reputations affect our lives, and why being a good person matters.

How Being Good (Or Bad) May Affect Your Career

Consider, for a moment, that you were the owner of a company and you needed to hire a new employee. Among potential candidates, two have amazing resumes. However, when you look beyond the words on the resume and contact references, one of the candidates is spoken very highly of. You are told that she is passionate about work, honest and very accountable. The other candidate, however, has references that were not as glowing. You were told that he was always late for work, could not take instruction or advice from supervisors without being offended, and was caught being dishonest in a few business deals. Suddenly, the experience outlined on those resumes doesn’t seem as important, does it?

Practicing habits of honesty and integrity are ways to establish yourself as a «good person.» Choosing to do otherwise could result in a negative impact on your career.

The Good, The Bad, And Relationships

Without a doubt, our behavior (whether good or bad) will impact our relationships with others. Practicing bad habits or acting poorly will eventually make people doubt our sincerity and trustworthiness. On the other hand, having a giving attitude and being honest and selfless are characteristics that people seek when building a long-term friendship or intimate relationship. It’s a matter of feeling safe. Relationships are an investment, and people who want healthy relationships will seek out people who make them feel safe, rather than those who leave them feeling uneasy or questioning their worth.

Being good is a personal decision. No matter how much education we receive on the positive and negative effects our behavior has on ourselves and others, no one can force another to be a genuinely good person. Consider the benefits of being a good person and how good behavior can impact your life for years to come.

Earning The Respect Of Others — Doors of opportunity tend to open more easily when we have the respect of others. Having the reputation of being a good person speaks volumes to present or potential employers, your co-workers, and your peers. When other people respect you, you are more likely to have a positive influence on their lives.

Respecting Yourself — If you find it difficult to respect yourself, chances are, others will not be respectful of you either. Acting in a good manner with honest habits and a good work ethic will give you a sense of pride and the right to respect yourself and your efforts.

Feeling A Sense Of Purpose — Our actions can create a sense of accomplishment or a feeling of regret. Learning good behavior, and practicing it daily, will create a feeling of purpose. The more purpose we feel, the more determined we become to accomplish good things in our lives.

When Being Good Seems Hard To Do

Have you ever felt that, no matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to get life on the right track? No matter what a person’s past is like, we all experience days that seem a little more difficult than others. Life is a journey. Every day should be lived with purpose. Even the bad ones.

For many, the struggle to be a good person or to change unhealthy habits is very real. Talking to a friend or close family member may be a good way to gain some insight into how your behavior has affected others. Additionally, if the issue of being a good person is something that you struggle with, but want to achieve, seeking the advice of a counselor or therapist is a great way to discuss your feelings and learn ways to apply good practices.

Research shows that online therapy platforms are effective resources for people who want help with a variety of mental health concerns, including those related to issues of morality, decency, or goodness. In one study, published in World Psychiatry, researchers examined the effectiveness of online therapy—and, specifically, online cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)—in treating a wide range of mental health disorders, finding that online therapy is as effective as face-to-face counseling. Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps individuals understand the problematic thoughts and actions associated with certain situations, so that they can better manage their emotions and interactions. The report also mentions the increased accessibility and ease of use of online therapy platforms. These findings are in line with a growing body of research pointing to online therapy as a beneficial alternative to traditional, in-person therapy.

When you want to talk with a counselor, but don’t have the time to travel to and from appointments, online counseling is an option to consider. At BetterHelp, you can meet with a licensed, professional counselor from anywhere you have an internet connection. An online mental health professional can help guide you on the path to becoming the best version of yourself. Read below for some reviews of BetterHelp counselors, from people experiencing similar issues.

Counselor Reviews

«Michal has been very supportive. Her techniques are very handy and have really helped me switch my negative thoughts to positive ones. Looking forward to learning more from her to become a better version of myself. Thank you Michal.»

«Krysten has been an immense help in dealing with and confronting my anger and depression issues. I started to notice immediate changes in my general disposition within a week of working with her. My friends and family have even said I seem less bitter and jaded. And the fact that I can communicate with her frequently has done wonders in keeping me on track and progressing forward. My time working with Krysten and being on BetterHelp has been a positive experience and done much more for me than traditional in-office therapy ever did.»


When asked, most people will say that they desire to be a good person. The benefits of being good, such as having strong relationships or having a positive influence on others are undeniable. While most behavior is learned in childhood, that doesn’t mean that bad behavior cannot be changed and positive behavior learned. Honesty with oneself is the first step to becoming a good person. With the right tools, you can be a good person and enjoy the benefits discussed in this article.

good person — перевод на русский

You’re a good person

Вы хороший человек.

Mr. Callisto is a good person.

Синьор Каллисто — хороший человек.

I’m not a very good person, Steven.

Я не очень хороший человек, Стивен.

He’s a very good person, if that’s any reassurance, a very fine person.

Он очень хороший человек, и если это как-то успокоит вас, очень благородный человек.

You are a good person, Ramona.

Ты хороший человек, Рамона.

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And with luck, I will perhaps be a better person.

и если мне повезет, возможно, я буду лучше.

I said «I don’t know» to Sam. I’m a better person for it.

Я сказала «не знаю» Сэму этим утром и должна сказать, что чувствую себя лучше.

You made me a better person… even though I put up one hell of a fight.

Ты сделал меня лучше… даже не смотря на то, что я творила, сопротивляясь этому.

And, you know, i thought you’d be a good person To talk to about it, since you’re gay.

Я подумал, что лучше поговорить об этом с вами, раз вы и сам гей.

But I warn you, this may make me a better person.

Но я предупреждаю тебя, это может сделать меня лучше.

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I’m gonna be a better person from here on out.

Я хочу лучшим человеком отныне.

They help make me a better doctor and a better person.

Они помогают мне становиться лучшим доктором и лучшим человеком.

He helped me to stop living in the past and start building from today and using my experiences in the past, to be a better person today and tommorow

Он помог мне прекратить жить прошлым и начать развиваться сегодня, используя мой опыт из прошлого, чтобы быть лучшим человеком сегодня и завтра.

I mean, seriously, since when does working at a hospital suddenly make you a better person?

Серьезно, С каких пор работа в больнице вдруг делает тебя лучшим человеком?

Maybe being friends with you has made him a better person.

Ты могла сделать его лучшим человеком.

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And I am determined to be a better person.

И твёрдо намерен стать лучше.

Maybe I am trying to stop you from becoming a better person.

Может, я пытаюсь помешать тебе стать лучше.

I wanna be a better person too.

Я тоже хочу стать лучше.

I want to thank everyone for coming, and especially my Morty, who’s helped me to be a better person.

Спасибо всем за то, что пришли. и особенно моему Морти, который помог мне стать лучше.

If I want a better life, I need to be a better person.

Если я хочу чтобы жизнь стала лучше, я должен сам стать лучше.

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just one thing… — He’s not… — not a good person.

Всего одна: он плохой человек.

Your wife is not a good person.

Ваша жена — плохой человек.

She’s not a good person.

Она — плохой человек.

You’ve killed 1 7 people, and you don’t think my wife is a good person?

Ты убил 17 человек и считаешь, что моя жена — плохой человек?

I am not a good person.

Я — плохой человек.

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because i read your file and i want the best person for the job.

Читала ваше досье% и хочу, чтоб это сделал лучший.

So if he is strong enough, trust me, he is the best person for this job.

Поэтому, если у него хватает сил, поверьте мне, он — лучший для этой работы.

I mean, you do realize that you are not a good person because you pity-fuck the sick girl, right?

Нет, ты же понимаешь, что ты не лучший, раз трахаешь больную, да?

May the best person win.

Победит лучший.

I know I might not be… the best person for Astrid… but she still needs someone looking after her.

Я знаю, что я не лучший родитель для Астрид… но ей все еще нужен кто-то, чтобы присматривать за ней.

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You’re just a much better person than I could ever hope to be.

Ты на столько хороший человек, что я могу только надеяться стать такой же.

Still, it’s important for the judge to know what a good person you are.

Тем не менее, для судьи важно знать, что ты за человек

I mean, some people love someone because they make them a better person, and that’s not why I love you, because you’ve always just wanted me to be myself.

Некоторые влюбляются, потому что другой человек делает их лучше. Я люблю тебя не поэтому. А потому, что ты всегда хотела, чтобы я была сама собой.

I’m a much better person than he ever was.

Я, как человек, гораздо лучше, чем он был.

And I say you’re a better detective and a better person than he could ever be.

А я тебе говорю, что ты лучший детектив и человек, чем он когда-либо станет.

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Eleanor knowsyou’re the best person to take her company public.

— Элеонор знает, что ты лучший кандидат, чтобы вывести ее компанию на рынок. Она собирается выбрать тебя.

I realized I’m probably not the best person to be in charge of this little guy.

Я осознал, что я, вероятно, не лучший кандидат, чтобы заботиться об этом маленьком парне.

Fitz wanted to quit to give us time to take care of each other, but I wouldn’t let him, because I truly believe that he is the best person to be president of the United States, and I couldn’t let our loss stand in the way of that.

Фиц хотел все бросить и дать нам время позаботиться друг о друге, но я ему не позволила, потому что я на самом деле глубоко убеждена, что он лучший кандидат, на пост президента Соединенных Штатов. и я не могла допустить, чтобы наша потеря помешала этому.

Well, shouldn’t it be the best person for the part?

А разве выбирается не лучший кандидат на роль?

I’m the best person in the division to keep that from happening.

Я лучший кандидат в отделе, чтобы это предотвратить.

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You’ll decide who the best person is.

Если Ты решишь, что лучшая кандидатура

I didn’t tell carlos because I knew I was the best person for the job and I wanted to prove it.

Я не сказала Карлосу, потому что знала, что я — лучшая кандидатура на эту работу и хотела это доказать.

I’m not sure I’m the best person for this job, Miss.

Я не уверен, что я лучшая кандидатура для этого, мисс.

Truth is, I don’t really know how the thing works myself, so I’m not the best person to explain it, but I’ll try.

По правде говоря, я сам не очень знаю, как эта штука работает, поэтому я не лучшая кандидатура, чтобы объяснять это, но я попробую.

Ben and I tried to help you, but as usual, you’re the best person for the job.

Бен и я пытались тебе помочь, но, как обычно, ты — лучшая кандидатура для этого.

Показать ещё примеры для «лучшая кандидатура»…

I don’t think she’s a good person.

По-моему, она не очень хорошая.

Look, you are just such a good person, and I don’t want to see you get hurt.

Слушай, ты очень хорошая, и я не хочу, чтобы кто-то причинил тебе боль.

She said you were a good person.

что Вы очень хорошая.

She’s a good person.

— Она очень хорошая.

No, no, that’s not true because you’re beautiful, and you’re smart, and you’re a good person.

Это не так. Ты прекрасна, умна, и ты очень хорошая.

Показать ещё примеры для «очень хорошая»…

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    English-Estonian dictionary > good person

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    buena persona, persona de bien.

    Nuevo Diccionario Inglés-Español > good person

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    good person

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    good person

    English-Turkish new dictionary > good person

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    being good person

    English-Mandinka dictionary > being good person

  • 8

    3 ( use) it’s no good crying ça ne sert à rien de pleurer ; it’s no good I can’t do it ça ne sert à rien je n’y arrive pas ; would an oil change do any good? est-ce qu’une vidange servirait à quelque chose? ; what good would it do me? à quoi cela me servirait-il? ; these books are no good to me now ces livres ne me servent plus à rien ;

    4 GB ( profit) to be £20 to the good avoir 20 livres sterling à son crédit ;

    5 ( prestigious) ( épith) [address, family, marriage] bon/bonne ;

    6 ( obedient) [child, dog] sage ; [behaviour, manners] bon/bonne ; there’s a good boy ou girl! c’est bien! ;

    8 ( attractive) [legs, teeth] beau/belle ; [handwriting] beau/belle ; to look good with [garment, accessories] aller bien avec [garment] ; she looks good in blue/that dress le bleu/cette robe lui va bien ; a good figure une belle silhouette ;

    14 ( competent) [accountant, hairdresser, teacher] bon/bonne ; she’s a good swimmer elle nage bien ; to be good at être bon en [Latin, physics] ; être bon à [badminton, chess] ; she’s good at dancing/drawing elle danse/ dessine bien ; to be no good at être nul/nulle en [tennis, chemistry] ; être nul/nulle à [chess, cards] ; I’m no good at knitting/singing/apologizing je ne sais pas tricoter/chanter/m’excuser ; to be good with savoir comment s’y prendre avec [old people, children, animals] ; aimer [numbers] ; to be good with one’s hands être habile de ses mains ; to be good with words savoir écrire ; you’re really good at irritating people! iron tu es doué pour énerver les gens! ; he was good as Hamlet il était bien dans le rôle d’Hamlet ;

    16 ( effective) [example, knife, shampoo, method] bon/bonne (for doing pour faire) ; to look good [design, wallpaper] faire de l’effet ; this will look good on your CV GB ou résumé US cela fera bien sur votre CV ;

    17 ( suitable) [book, day, moment, name] bon/bonne (for pour) ;

    21 ( close) ( épith) [friend, relationship] bon/bonne ;

    23 ( accurate) [description, spelling] bon/bonne ; to keep good time [clock, watch] être très précis ;

    24 ( fit to eat) [meat, cheese] bon/bonne ;

    25 ( substantial) ( épith) [salary, size, kilo, length, hour, mile] bon/bonne ; it must be worth a good 2,000 dollars ça doit valoir au moins 2 000 dollars ; a good 20 years ago il y a au moins 20 ans ; a good thick mattress un matelas bien épais ; a good long walk/talk une bonne balade/discussion ; good and early de très bonne heure ;

    26 ( hard) ( épith) [kick, punch] bon/bonne ; give it a good clean nettoie-le bien ; we had a good laugh/look on a bien ri/regardé ;

    2 ( tantamount to) it’s as good as saying yes/giving him a blank cheque c’est comme si tu disais oui/lui donnais carte blanche ;



    (expressing pleasure, satisfaction) c’est bien! ; ( with relief) tant mieux! ; (to encourage, approve) très bien! ; ( in assent) très bien!

    Big English-French dictionary > good

  • 9

    bon1A (a)-(d), 1B (a), 1C (a), 1C (c), 1C (d), 1D (a)-(e), 1E (a)-(d), 2 (a) beau1A (a), 1D (b) gentil1B (a) sage1B (b) favorable1C (b) bien2 (a), 2 (b), 3 pour ainsi dire5 pour de bon6


    (a) bon, agréable; beau (belle);

    good to eat/to hear bon à manger/à entendre;

    she’s never had it so good! elle n’a jamais eu la vie si belle!;

    this is as good as you can get or as it gets c’est ce qui se fait de mieux;

    have a good day! bonne journée!;

    (b) bon, de bonne qualité; bon; bon;

    if it’s good enough for you, it’s good enough for me si ça vous va, alors ça me va aussi;

    (c) bon, compétent;

    do you know a good lawyer? connaissez-vous un bon avocat?;

    to be good on French history/contract law être bon en histoire de France/sur le droit des contrats;

    good afternoon! bonjour!; bon après-midi!;

    good evening! bonsoir!;

    good morning! bonjour!; au revoir!, bonne journée!


    (a) bon, gentil; bon, véritable; bon;

    good behaviour or conduct bonne conduite f;

    he’s a good Christian/communist c’est un bon chrétien/communiste;

    would you be good enough to ask him? auriez-vous la bonté de lui demander?, seriez-vous assez aimable pour lui demander?;

    would you be good enough to reply by return of post? voudriez-vous avoir l’obligeance de répondre par retour du courrier?;

    literary good men and true des hommes vaillants;

    literary the good ship Caledonia le Caledonia

    be good! sois sage!;

    good dog! oh, le beau chien!; c’est bien, le chien!


    (a) bon, souhaitable; bon;

    it’s a good job or good thing he decided not to go c’est une chance qu’il ait décidé de ou heureusement qu’il a décidé de ne pas y aller;

    (b) avantageux, favorable; bon, favorable;

    he’s looking good il a toutes ses chances

    (c) bon, propice; bon, convenable;

    is this a good moment to ask him? est-ce un bon moment pour lui demander?;

    eat your spinach, it’s good for you mange tes épinards, c’est bon pour toi;

    hard work is good for the soul! le travail forme le caractère!;

    figurative he doesn’t know what’s good for him il ne sait pas ce qui est bon pour lui;

    figurative if you know what’s good for you, you’ll listen si tu as le moindre bon sens, tu m’écouteras


    (a) bon, valide;

    my eyesight/hearing is good j’ai une bonne vue/l’ouïe fine

    (b) bon, beau (belle); beau (belle), joli;

    you’re looking good! tu as bonne mine!; tu es très bien!;

    (c) bon, valable;

    she had a good excuse/reason for not going elle avait une bonne excuse pour/une bonne raison de ne pas y aller;

    familiar she’s good for another ten years elle en a bien encore pour dix ans;

    familiar he’s always good for a laugh il sait toujours faire rire ;

    how much money are you good for? de combien d’argent disposez-vous?;

    they are or their credit is good for £500 on peut leur faire crédit jusqu’à 500 livres

    (e) bon, estimé;


    (a) bon, considérable;

    a good amount or deal of money beaucoup d’argent;

    I was a good way into the book when I realized that… j’avais déjà bien avancé dans ma lecture quand je me suis rendu compte que…;

    (b) bon, grand;

    familiar we were good and mad on était carrément furax;

    that’s all very good or all well and good but→ c’est bien joli ou bien beau tout ça mais…

    I’d like a new suit — very good, sir! j’ai besoin d’un nouveau costume — (très) bien, monsieur!;

    she left him — good! elle l’a quitté — tant mieux!;

    he’s feeling better — good, let him go il va mieux — très bien, laissez-le partir;

    good, that’s settled bon ou bien, voilà une affaire réglée;

    (that) sounds good! bonne idée!;

    familiar that’s a good one! elle est (bien) bonne, celle-là!; ironic à d’autres!;

    familiar good on you or for you! bravo!, très bien!;

    good old Eric, I knew he wouldn’t let us down! ce brave Eric, je savais qu’il ne nous laisserait pas tomber!;

    to make good réussir; changer de conduite, se refaire une vie;

    to make sth good remédier à qch; réparer qch; compenser qch; combler qch; apporter des finitions à qch;

    American to make good on sth honorer qch

    for good or evil, for good or ill pour le bien et pour le mal

    what’s the good? à quoi bon?;

    what good would it do to leave now? à quoi bon partir maintenant?;

    what good will it do you to see her? ça te servira à quoi ou t’avancera à quoi de la voir?;

    familiar a fat lot of good that did you! te voilà bien avancé maintenant!;

    ironic that will do you a lot of good! tu seras bien avancé!, ça te fera une belle jambe!;

    it’s no good, I give up ça ne sert à rien, j’abandonne;

    much good may it do you! grand bien vous fasse!;

    the good les bons mpl, les gens mpl de bien;

    pour ainsi dire, à peu de choses près;

    are you married? — as good as tu es marié? — non, mais c’est tout comme

    pour de bon;

    I’m warning you for good and all! c’est la dernière fois que je te le dis!

    he finished up the card game £15 to the good il a fait 15 livres de bénéfice ou il a gagné 15 livres aux cartes

    American familiar good old boy or good ole boy or good ol’ boy = Blanc originaire du sud des États-Unis, aux valeurs traditionnelles;





    Bible the Good Samaritan le bon Samaritain;

    American Law the good Samaritan laws = lois qui protègent un sauveteur de toutes poursuites éventuelles engagées par le blessé;

    ✾ Film ‘The Good, the Bad and the Ugly’ Leone ‘Le Bon, la brute et le truand’

    GOOD FRIDAY En Grande-Bretagne, il est traditionnel, le jour du vendredi saint, de manger des «hot cross buns» (petits pains ronds aux fruits secs, marqués d’une croix).

    THE GOOD FRIDAY AGREEMENT Le processus de paix en Irlande du Nord, qui a été amorcé par les cessez-le-feu des groupes paramilitaires républicains et unionistes en 1994, a abouti au «Good Friday Agreement», l’accord de paix signé à Belfast en avril 1998. Cet accord, parrainé par les Premiers ministres britannique et irlandais, et finalement approuvé par le Sinn Féin et par la plupart des partis unionistes, a mis en place la «Northern Ireland Assembly», un parlement quasi autonome avec un partage démocratique du pouvoir entre les communautés protestante et catholique. Cet accord est une étape vers la fin de trente ans de guerre civile en Ulster.

    You’ve never had it so good Ce slogan a été utilisé pour la première fois aux États-Unis en 1952 par les Démocrates. Il signifie «vous êtes aujourd’hui plus prospères que jamais». En Grande-Bretagne, ce slogan est associé au Premier ministre conservateur Harold Macmillan qui l’utilisa dans un discours en 1957. Aujourd’hui, on utilise cette formule sur le mode ironique lorsqu’une situation n’encourage pas du tout à l’optimisme.

    Un panorama unique de l’anglais et du français > good

  • 10



    1) bueno; educado

    2) bueno, correcto

    3) bueno

    4) bueno, competente

    5) bueno, amable

    6) bueno; útil, beneficioso

    7) bueno, buen (humor), satisfecho, contento

    8) bueno, agradable

    9) bueno, apropiado, adecuado, suficiente

    10) bueno, apto, cualificado, adecuado

    11) bueno; sano; en buenas condiciones

    12) bueno

    13) bueno, positivo

    14) bueno; profundo

    15) bien, sano, en forma


    1) bien, provecho, beneficio

    2) bien, bondad, lado bueno


    bueno, bien


    ¡Dios mío!

    — goody
    — goodbye
    — good-day
    — good evening
    — good-for-nothing
    — good humour
    — good-humoured
    — good-humouredly
    — good-looking
    — good morning
    — good afternoon
    — good-day
    — good evening
    — good night
    — good-natured
    — goodwill
    — good will
    — good works
    — as good as
    — be as good as one’s word
    — be up to no good
    — deliver the goods
    — for good
    — for goodness’ sake
    — good for
    — good for you
    — him
    — Good Friday
    — good gracious
    — good heavens
    — goodness gracious
    — goodness me
    — good old
    — make good
    — no good
    — put in a good word for
    — take something in good part
    — take in good part
    — thank goodness
    — to the good


    bueno / amable


    be good! ¡sé bueno!

    1 muy

    1 ¡bien!


    good heavens!, good grief! ¡cielo santo!

    that’s a good one! (joke) ¡ésta sí que es buena!

    what’s the good of «+ ger»? ¿de qué sirve + inf?

    what’s the good of denying it? ¿de qué sirve negarlo?


    bueno, agradable

    bueno, beneficioso

    completo, entero

    bueno, bastante

    bueno, bien

    bueno, amable

    bueno, hábil

    bueno, sensato



    personales, posesiones




    , mercadería


    , artículos




    I gʊd



    (comp better; superl best) [The usual translation, bueno, becomes buen when it is used before a masculine singular noun]

    2) <food/quality/book> bueno

    it smells good — huele bien, tiene rico or buen olor (AmL)

    to make good something: they undertook to make good the damage to the car se comprometieron a hacerse cargo de la reparación del coche; our losses were made good by the company la compañía nos compensó las pérdidas; to make good one’s escape — lograr huir

    3) ( creditable) <work/progress/results> bueno

    4) (opportune, favorable) <moment/day/opportunity> bueno

    5) (advantageous, useful) <deal/offer/advice> bueno

    burn it; that’s all it’s good for — quémalo, no sirve para otra cosa

    good idea!, good thinking! — buena idea!

    7) (healthy, wholesome) <diet/habit/exercise> bueno


    good grief/gracious! — por favor!

    very good, sir/madam — (frml) lo que mande el señor/la señora (frml)


    as good as: it’s as good as new está como nuevo; he as good as admitted it — prácticamente lo admitió

    10) (skilled, competent) bueno

    to be good AT something/-ING: to be good at languages tener* facilidad para los idiomas; he’s good at ironing plancha muy bien; he is good with dogs/children tiene buena mano con or sabe cómo tratar a los perros/los niños; she is good with her hands — es muy habilidosa or mañosa

    11) (devoted, committed) bueno

    a good Catholic/socialist — un buen católico/socialista


    a) (virtuous, upright) bueno

    be good — sé bueno, pórtate bien

    13) ( kind) bueno

    to be good TO somebody: she was very good to me fue muy amable conmigo, se portó muy bien conmigo; it was very good of you to come muchas gracias por venir; good old Pete — el bueno de Pete

    14) (decent, acceptable) bueno

    15) ( sound) <customer/payer> bueno

    16) ( valid) <argument/excuse> bueno

    17) (substantial, considerable) <meal/salary/distance> bueno

    19) (thorough, intense) <rest/scolding> bueno




    to be up to no good — (colloq) estar* tramando algo, traerse* algo entre manos

    for the good of somebody/something — por el bien de algn/algo

    to do somebody/something good — hacerle* bien a algn/algo

    a) ( merchandise) artículos mpl, mercancías fpl, mercaderías fpl (AmS)

    to come up with o deliver the goods — (colloq) cumplir con lo prometido; (before n) <train, wagon> (BrE) de carga; < depot> de mercancías, de mercaderías (AmS)



    it’s been a good long while since… — ha pasado su buen tiempo desde…

    you messed that up good and proper, didn’t you? — (BrE colloq) metiste bien la pata, ¿no? (fam)

    2) (AmE colloq) (well, thoroughly) bien






    When good is part of a set combination, eg in a good temper, a good deal of, good heavens, look up the noun.
    The commonest translation of good is bueno, which must be shortened to buen before a masculine singular noun.


    at the end of the day, it’s a good investment — a fin de cuentas es una buena inversión

    Note that [bueno]/[buena] {etc} precede the noun in general comments where there is no attempt to compare or rank the person or thing involved:

    if he set his mind to it, he could be a very good painter — si se lo propusiera podría ser muy buen pintor

    [Bueno]/[buena] {etc} follow the noun when there is implied or explicit comparison:

    Use [ser] rather than [estar] with [bueno] when translating [to be good], unless describing food:

    Use [estar] with the adverb [bien] to give a general comment on a situation:

    you’ve written a book, which is good — has escrito un libro, lo que está bien


    she’s good at maths — se le dan bien las matemáticas, es buena en matemáticas

    that’s good enough for me — eso me basta

    40% of candidates are not good enough to pass — el 40% de los candidatos no dan el nivel or la talla para aprobar

    to feel good — sentirse bien

    we’ve never had it so good! * — ¡nunca nos ha ido tan bien!, ¡jamás lo hemos tenido tan fácil!

    how good is her eyesight? — ¿qué tal está de la vista?

    you’re looking good — ¡qué guapa estás!

    it’s too good to be true — no puede ser, es demasiado bueno para ser cierto

    she’s good with cats — entiende bien a los gatos, sabe manejarse bien con los gatos

    good 2., manner 4), a), mood II, 1., time 1., 5)


    3) bueno, agradable; bueno

    it was as good as a holiday — aquello fue como unas vacaciones

    have a good journey! — ¡buen viaje!

    how good it is to know that…! — ¡cuánto me alegro de saber que…!

    it’s good to see you — me alegro de verte, gusto en verte (LAm)

    have a good trip! — ¡buen viaje!

    alive, life 1., 3)

    4) bueno, sano; puro, sano

    it’s good for burns — es bueno para las quemaduras

    5) bueno

    it’s a good chance to sort things out — es una buena oportunidad de or para arreglar las cosas

    I tried to find something good to say about him — traté de encontrar algo bueno que decir de él

    it would be a good thing or idea to ask him — no estaría mal or no sería mala idea preguntárselo

    this is as good a time as any to do it — es tan buen momento como cualquier otro para hacerlo


    the only good chair — la única silla que está bien, la única silla servible or sana

    to be good for (doing) sth — servir para (hacer) algo

    7) bueno

    he is a good risk — concederle crédito es un riesgo asumible, se le puede prestar dinero

    word 1., 1)


    that’s very good of you — es usted muy amable, ¡qué amable (de su parte)!

    he was so good as to come with me — tuvo la amabilidad de acompañarme

    he was good to me — fue muy bueno or amable conmigo, se portó bien conmigo

    nature 1., 2)

    9) bueno

    be good! — ¡sé bueno!; ¡pórtate bien!; ¡estáte formal!

    — be as good as gold

    10) bueno

    I think I’m as good as him — yo me considero tan buena persona como él

    yes, my good man — sí, mi querido amigo

    send us a photo of your good selffrm tenga a bien enviarnos una foto suya

    she’s too good for him — ella es más de lo que él se merece

    lady 1., 5)

    11) bueno

    he’s a good friend of mine — es un buen amigo mío



    14) bueno

    we were kept waiting for a good hour/thirty minutes — nos tuvieron esperando una hora/media hora larga, nos tuvieron esperando por lo menos una hora/media hora

    a good £10 — lo menos 10 libras

    a good many or few people — bastante gente

    15) bueno

    to have a good cry — llorar a lágrima viva, llorar a moco tendido *

    to take a good look (at sth) — mirar bien (algo)


    good day ¡buenos días!; ¡hasta mañana!

    with every good wish, with all good wishes — saludos, un fuerte abrazo

    very good, sir — sí, señor

    good for you! — ¡bien hecho!; ¡enhorabuena!

    good one! — ¡muy bien!, ¡sí señor!

    old 1., 5)

    as good as

    as good as saying… — tanto como decir…

    to come good

    good and…

    to hold good valer ( for para)

    it’s a good job

    make 1., 3), riddance, thing 2)

    — give as good as one gets

    good and proper

    «how are you?» — «thanks, I’m good» — -¿cómo estás? -muy bien, gracias

    1) el bien

    to do good — hacer (el) bien

    he is a power for good — su influencia es muy buena or beneficiosa, hace mucho bien

    there’s some good in him — tiene algo bueno

    a rest will do you some good — un descanso te sentará bien

    for your own good — por tu propio bien

    to be in good with sb — estar a bien con algn

    that’s all to the good! — ¡menos mal!

    what good will that do you? — ¿y eso de qué te va a servir?


    the good los buenos

    any good

    is he any good? — ¿qué tal lo hace?, ¿lo hace bien?

    for good (and all) para siempre

    no good

    it’s no good, I’ll never get it finished in time — así no hay manera, nunca lo terminaré a tiempo



    * * *

    I [gʊd]



    (comp better; superl best) [The usual translation, bueno, becomes buen when it is used before a masculine singular noun]

    2) <food/quality/book> bueno

    it smells good — huele bien, tiene rico or buen olor (AmL)

    to make good something: they undertook to make good the damage to the car se comprometieron a hacerse cargo de la reparación del coche; our losses were made good by the company la compañía nos compensó las pérdidas; to make good one’s escape — lograr huir

    3) ( creditable) <work/progress/results> bueno

    4) (opportune, favorable) <moment/day/opportunity> bueno

    5) (advantageous, useful) <deal/offer/advice> bueno

    burn it; that’s all it’s good for — quémalo, no sirve para otra cosa

    good idea!, good thinking! — buena idea!

    7) (healthy, wholesome) <diet/habit/exercise> bueno


    good grief/gracious! — por favor!

    very good, sir/madam — (frml) lo que mande el señor/la señora (frml)


    as good as: it’s as good as new está como nuevo; he as good as admitted it — prácticamente lo admitió

    10) (skilled, competent) bueno

    to be good AT something/-ING: to be good at languages tener* facilidad para los idiomas; he’s good at ironing plancha muy bien; he is good with dogs/children tiene buena mano con or sabe cómo tratar a los perros/los niños; she is good with her hands — es muy habilidosa or mañosa

    11) (devoted, committed) bueno

    a good Catholic/socialist — un buen católico/socialista


    a) (virtuous, upright) bueno

    be good — sé bueno, pórtate bien

    13) ( kind) bueno

    to be good TO somebody: she was very good to me fue muy amable conmigo, se portó muy bien conmigo; it was very good of you to come muchas gracias por venir; good old Pete — el bueno de Pete

    14) (decent, acceptable) bueno

    15) ( sound) <customer/payer> bueno

    16) ( valid) <argument/excuse> bueno

    17) (substantial, considerable) <meal/salary/distance> bueno

    19) (thorough, intense) <rest/scolding> bueno




    to be up to no good — (colloq) estar* tramando algo, traerse* algo entre manos

    for the good of somebody/something — por el bien de algn/algo

    to do somebody/something good — hacerle* bien a algn/algo

    a) ( merchandise) artículos mpl, mercancías fpl, mercaderías fpl (AmS)

    to come up with o deliver the goods — (colloq) cumplir con lo prometido; (before n) <train, wagon> (BrE) de carga; < depot> de mercancías, de mercaderías (AmS)



    it’s been a good long while since… — ha pasado su buen tiempo desde…

    you messed that up good and proper, didn’t you? — (BrE colloq) metiste bien la pata, ¿no? (fam)

    2) (AmE colloq) (well, thoroughly) bien

    English-spanish dictionary > good

  • 11






       c. ( = well-behaved) [child, animal] sage

       e. ( = attractive) joli


    ► Verb + adverb may be used in French, instead of adjective + noun. For combinations other than the following, look up the noun.


    she as good as told me that… elle m’a dit à peu de chose près que…

    it’s as good as saying that… autant dire que…

       a. ( = virtue) bien m

       c. ( = advantage, profit) bien m

    it’s no good, I’ll never get it finished in time il n’y a rien à faire, je n’arriverai jamais à le finir à temps


    Le Good Friday Agreement (« Accord du Vendredi saint »), également appelé le Belfast Agreement, a été signé le 10 avril 1998 dans le cadre du processus de paix qui devait mettre fin aux « Troubles » en Irlande du Nord. Il avait pour but de régler les relations entre l’Irlande du Nord et la République d’Irlande et entre ces deux pays et l’Angleterre, l’Écosse et le pays de Galles. Il a mis en place la « Northern Ireland Assembly » et lui a délégué certains pouvoirs. L’accord fut soumis à référendum le 22 mai 1998 et la population vota majoritairement pour.


    * * *



    no good can ou will come of it — rien de bon n’en sortira

    to be £20 to the good — avoir 20 livres sterling à son crédit


    1) () gen articles mpl, marchandise f


    GB Railways



    3) () affaires fpl, biens mpl

    4) (colloq)

    to deliver ou come up with the goods — répondre à l’attente de quelqu’un



    1) () gen bon/bonne; [party] réussi

    to feel good about/doing — être content de/de faire

    3) () [eye, ear etc] bon/bonne

    4) () bon/bonne; () [coat, china] beau/belle; [degree] avec mention (after n)

    5) () (épith) [address, marriage] bon/bonne

    6) () [child, dog] sage; [manners] bon/bonne

    9) () [meal] bon/bonne

    10) () (épith) [man, life] vertueux/-euse; [Christian] bon/bonne

    11) () [person] gentil/-ille

    would you be good enough to do —

    12) () [humour, mood] bon/bonne

    to be no good at — être nul/nulle en [tennis, chemistry]; être nul/nulle à [chess, cards]

    15) () bon/bonne

    the car is good for another 10,000 km — la voiture fera encore 10000 km

    19) () (épith) [salary, size, hour] bon/bonne

    it must be worth a good 2,000 dollars — ça doit valoir au moins 2000 dollars





    () c’est bien!; () tant mieux!; () très bien!


    English-French dictionary > good

  • 12

    Law by a person or persons unknown par des personnes inconnues ou non identifiées;

    she is a nice/strange person c’est une personne gentille/étrange, c’est quelqu’un de gentil/d’étrange;

    he’s a good worker, but I don’t really like him as a person au travail il est bien, mais je n’aime pas trop sa personnalité ou mais sur le plan personnel je ne l’aime pas trop;

    familiar I’m not a great eating-out person je n’aime pas beaucoup manger au restaurant ;

    familiar are you a cat person or a dog person? est-ce que tu préfères les chats ou chiens? ;

    to have sth on or about one’s person avoir qch sur soi;

    en personne;

    Un panorama unique de l’anglais et du français > person

  • 13

    beau (belle);

    hey, good-looking! eh, ma jolie!; eh, beau gosse!

    Un panorama unique de l’anglais et du français > good-looking

  • 14
    good-natured person

    English-spanish dictionary > good-natured person

  • 15


    to be a real good-looker wirklich gut aussehen fam

    * * *

    English-german dictionary > good-looker

  • 16


    1 de buen carácter

    de buen genio



    amable, de buen humor; afable, amistoso; sereno, sin pasión

    English-spanish dictionary > good-tempered

  • 17
    good Samaritan

    good Sa·mari·tan

    [-səˈmærɪtən, AM -ˈmerə-]


    the good Samaritan der barmherzige Samariter

    English-german dictionary > good Samaritan

  • 18
    good Samaritan

    good Sa·mari·tan [-səʼmærɪtən, Am -ʼmerə-] n

    the good Samaritan der barmherzige Samariter;

    English-German students dictionary > good Samaritan

  • 19

    bon enfant


    ; de bonne humeur; amical; sans malice

    Un panorama unique de l’anglais et du français > good-humoured

  • 20



    [person] agréable, facile ; [animal] qui a bon caractère (

    after n

    ) ; [discussion, meeting] détendu ; [banter, remark] amical ; [criticism] bien intentionné.

    Big English-French dictionary > good-natured

  • What It Actually Means to Be a Good Person

    What do the words good person mean to you? There are many different kinds of people around the world. Some are friendly and some are confident. However, it is very hard to look for someone that we can identify as a good person. In my opinion, there are several personalities of people, but two important qualities are being faithful and being kind.

    One of the greatest qualities a good person need is being faithful. First and foremost, a trustworthy person is someone we can count on no matter what. For example, a good person is a person with whom you can talk to and trust with your secrets, they won’t open their mouth just for fun of it because they respect you. Furthermore, a trustworthy person will never lie to each other. Another point of being a faithful person is responsible. For instance, as a responsible member of the family, they will take care of whenever they go far away will always worry for the family members. Namely, with a friend relationship, a good person will never penny wise pound foolish, keep a promise, Apologize when you’ve made a mistake.

    Being a kind person is another necessary quality of a good person. Firstly, a good person is someone who has a warm heart. For instance, he or she will give love to people around by they share their couple with virtuous and kind actions such as doing charity, donate money to poor people or taking care of old people in care homes. Moreover, becoming a volunteer can help community life is improved by aiding others and helping hands like joining green summer program. Secondly, caring for each other is a way to build a good character too. For example, when your friend or your family are in a bad situation, a good person can give useful advice to them to help them solve the problem. Namely, Help your friends deal with their struggles and support emotion when they are in bad mood.

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    Being a good person means more than just doing things for others. You have to accept and love yourself before you can put positive energy into the universe. Philosophers have been debating what is good and what is not for centuries, and many people find that it’s more complicated than just being kind. While every person’s journey is different, being good has a lot to do with discovering yourself and your role in the world. In order to truly be good, you will have to consider what ‘goodness’ means to you. Perhaps this means doing good for others, or simply being an honest and kind person. Use some of the following tips to help yourself be a better person.

    1. Image titled Be a Good Person Step 1


      Determine what being a good person means to you personally. Some people think that being a good person is as simple as not doing harm to another. But it is not always about what you don’t do, but what you do for others. Being a good person also includes helping yourself as much as others.[1]
      You have to decide what you believe being a good person entails.

      • What is your ideal person? Make a list of traits that you believe make up a good, ideal person. Start living your life according to these traits.[2]
      • Are you waiting for something in return? Are you doing things because it will help you look good? Or are you doing things because you truly want to give and help? Stop putting up airs and adopt the attitude of giving without expectation of receiving anything in return.[3]
      • Being good does not mean only by outer goodness. You have to consider being good straight from the heart (i.e., purely). Ultimately, you have to decide on your own code of ethics, and what matters is that you follow through with what you believe makes you a good person. At times, this may conflict with what others believe is good, and they might even accuse you of being wrong or evil. Consider their views — either they know something you don’t, in which case you may learn something from them and update your morality, or perhaps their experience is limited, meaning that you should take their views with a grain of salt.
    2. Image titled Be a Good Person Step 2


      Choose a role model. Having a role model provides you with an example of someone to correspond to. This person should have traits that you want to attain. Think of ways that you can better embody the qualities you admire. Think of how to apply those qualities in your work, creative pursuits, personal relationships, diet, and lifestyle.[4]

      • Who do you look up to and why? How are they making the world a better place to live in, and how can you do the same?
      • What qualities do you admire in them, and how can you develop the same ones?
      • Keep your role model close to you, like a friendly spirit that is always at your side. Think of how they would respond to a question or circumstance, and how you should respond in the same manner.
      • Ask your loved ones and people your trust for their input about how you can improve. They may recognize things you might not notice.[5]
      • Check in with your loved ones often and ask them if there are still ways you can become a better person.[6]


    3. Image titled Be a Good Person Step 3


      Stop comparing yourself to others. Try to understand that some have it better than you, but many have it much worse. When we make ourselves miserable by comparing ourselves with others, we are wasting time and energy that we could use in building our own inner resources. Compliment yourself every morning. Being happy makes you a more positive person, which helps you put those positive vibes out into the world.[7]

      • You have your own unique gifts and talents. Focus on sharing them with the world instead of focusing on the gifts of another.[8]
    4. Image titled Be a Good Person Step 4


      Love yourself. Learn to love yourself in every way. Practice unconditional self-acceptance. The only way you can truly love others is to first have confidence and love yourself. What you do and what you believe must make you feel good as well as others. If you try to do things for others without taking care of yourself, you can end up resentful, angry, and negative. If you love yourself, then you will make a positive impact when you help others.[9]

      • Are you superficially acting like a good person? If you are self-loathing and angry on the inside, you may not be a good person despite all your outward actions.
    5. Image titled Be a Good Person Step 5


      Be yourself. Remember to be yourself always and never someone who you’re not. Don’t try to be like somebody else; just be yourself and do good things as simply as you can. Being yourself helps you be a genuine person who can reflect positivity into the world. Staying true to yourself helps you find focus and understand your core values and what you find important.[10]

      • Be good for its own sake. Don’t try to be a good person because your parents told you to, because you want recognition or respect, or for any kind of reward except your own satisfaction in doing what you believe is good. Never act superior to anyone else or brag about your «goodness» or «righteousness». Your dedication to a particular creed, ideology, or set of guidelines does not make you better than anyone else. Do what you believe makes you a good person on your own terms, and remember that it’s an individual journey — everyone’s path is unique. «Do good by stealth, and blush to find it fame.» — Alexander Pope.
    6. Image titled Be a Good Person Step 6


      Pray and/or meditate. Praying to a higher power or meditating can help cultivate the qualities you seek to embody. Meditation and prayer can help you find inner peace and focus on your inner self.[11]
      As you increase your self-awareness, you understand what you really want and find clarity in your life. As you gain inner peace, you feel more positive, which helps you become a better person.[12]

      • Find a private, safe space free from distractions. Sit in a comfortable position. Clear your mind from all thoughts and take a few deep, slow breaths. Observe the thoughts in your head. Don’t feel or react, just observe. If your focus breaks, just count to ten. Meditate until you feel cleansed and rejuvenated.[13]
    7. Image titled Be a Good Person Step 7


      Make small changes. Take a moment to reflect and recognize the things you need to change to be the best version of yourself.[14]
      No one can change immediately. But even small changes can make an enormous and positive difference. Set small goals every month or two and focus on one or two key habits which you want to change.

      • An example for Goal 1: I will listen to others without interrupting at all either verbally or in any other way. Think of how annoying it can be for you when the other person begins to move the lips as if they are about to intervene.
      • Goal 2: I will do my best to think of what things would make another person happy. This could be sharing your food or drink with others when they are hungry or thirsty, letting someone else sit where you want to sit or something else.
    8. Image titled Be a Good Person Step 8


      Review your goals every day. To start your mission to become a good person, make and read a list of your ideals every day. Make it a part of you. Follow the guidelines and add some of your own steps as well.

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    1. Image titled Be a Good Person Step 9


      Try to look at the bright side of things. Bring a positive attitude to every situation. Negativity only hurts yourself and others. If you are negative, it has an impact on the way you treat others. Our mentality can influence the achievements of our days. If something doesn’t turn your way, try to change what you can, smile, stay positive, and move on.[15]

      • The Motto of the Christophers says: «It is better to light a single candle than it is to curse the darkness.» Be that light. When you see controversy, try to be the one who changes the subject by suggesting a solution. Don’t state what you would do, but ask everyone to get involved.
    2. Image titled Be a Good Person Step 10


      Do an act of charity for someone else. Try to do something nice for someone every day, even if it’s something small. An act of kindness and generosity can have a great influence. Smile, hold the door open for someone, pay it forward at the drive through — just try to do something to make someone’s day.

      • Even reach out to people who have been cold or indifferent to you. Show someone who is rude to you the example of your kindness. Maybe people have always been rude to them. Be the person who shows them kindness instead.[16]
    3. Image titled Be a Good Person Step 11


      Make a point to make the world a better place every time you leave the place of your dwelling. Every time you interact with the world you have an opportunity to do something good and positive. It does not have to be something big, but can be something like picking up some trash that someone threw down in a local park or in front of your neighbor’s home. Be conscientious and find a way to give back to the world. Easy ways to make a positive change include:

      • Recycling
      • Buying organic and locally grown food
      • Being a responsible pet owner by cleaning up after your pets[17]
      • Donating old items to shelters or charitable organizations instead of a thrift store[18]
      • Putting items back in the store where you got them instead of leaving them
      • Not taking the closest parking space so you leave it for someone who needs it more
    4. Image titled Be a Good Person Step 12


      Slow down. Don’t be in a hurry in life. Slow down and enjoy the simple things. Time is a medium that helps us organize our days. Sometimes you have to follow the timetable, like when you’re on your way to work or getting your kids to school. But if you have no time commitments, learn to live in the moment.[19]
      Be patient with people. Think the best about them instead of the worst. Don’t think the person who bumped past you is a jerk; instead, understand that he or she may be late for work or to pick up their child.[20]

      • Don’t be in a hurry to get to the store and get back. Enjoy the scenery as you pass by. While in the store, notice all the fine and colorful fruits and vegetables that are there for your nourishment, and realize that others are not as fortunate to enjoy the same benefits. Buy some extra nourishing food to give to the food bank to help feed others. Suggest to the manager there should be a food drop off sold at discount somewhere in the store for the poor.
      • Only use the car horn in an emergency situation. Don’t blow it at a little old man that can barely see over the wheel or someone driving extremely slow. Realize the driver may be taking his/her time so he/she doesn’t injure him/herself or someone else. If they rush past you, understand that they may be in a hurry for something important. Even if they are not, why add to already negative feelings?[21]
        Anger only begets anger.
    5. Image titled Be a Good Person Step 13


      Practice forgiveness. Forgiving someone can be a difficult task. Realizing that people are human and make mistakes helps you let go of negativity so you can forgive the person and move on.[22]
      When you forgive, you let go of resentment that can cause anger, bitterness, and turmoil. Forgiveness also makes you more compassionate towards others.[23]

    6. Image titled Be a Good Person Step 14


      Be honest. Lying violates trust and destroys relationships. Instead of lying, be honest with those around you.[24]
      Good people are honest and direct with what they’re feeling and thinking. Talk to those people who are bothering you, instead of lying or getting others involved. Don’t be passive-aggressive.[25]

      • Have integrity. Make your word mean something. If you say you are going to do something, then follow through on that promise. If circumstances arise that make it so you can’t do it, be honest and direct and let the person know.[26]
      • Being honest doesn’t mean being rude or cruel.
    7. Image titled Be a Good Person Step 15


      Make these small gestures a daily habit. Doing simple things, such as smiling at someone or holding the door open for a stranger, will help you become a better person. Soon enough, these small acts of kindness will become a habit that you don’t even have to think about.

    8. Image titled Be a Good Person Step 16


      Be empathetic. Understand that being kind, understanding, and compassionate in how you treat others is largely the result of having a loving and caring attitude towards others. Try to put yourself in other’s shoes and see things from their perspective.[27]
      Ask yourself, «How would I feel if I were the other person?» You will likely act with the other person’s feelings in mind. This will show in your words and actions. Be kind not so you look good to others, but more so others may benefit from your selfless acts.

      • It doesn’t work very well if you are merely trying to be diplomatic. Don’t adopt a policy like, «Anything for a quiet life.»
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    1. Image titled Be a Good Person Step 17


      Accept everyone around you. Part of being a good person is not being judgmental. You accept everyone, no matter what race, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, or culture they are. Realize that everybody has feelings, every person is valid, and everyone should always be treated with respect.

      • Be respectful of elderly people. Realize that you will be old someday and may need a helping hand. Next time you go to a mall, parking lot, or anywhere, look for an old person struggling with something, like carrying bags or loading groceries into their car. Ask, «May I help you with that?» You will be doing a great service for seniors. Sometimes you may get one who will reject your offer; simply say, «I understand, and I wish you a good day.» Or when you are out and see an old person alone, say hello with an amiable smile and ask how they are doing. Just acknowledging someone can make their day.
      • Be compassionate towards intellectually disabled people. They are people with feelings too. Give them a big smile and treat them like a person. If other people are smiling or laughing with your interaction with them, ignore them and keep your attention on the person who is your true friend.
      • Don’t be racist, homophobic, or intolerant of other religions. The world is a large place full of diversity. Learn from others and celebrate differences.
    2. Image titled Be a Good Person Step 18


      Control your anger. When you argue with someone, try to control your anger. Don’t hide or be rude when you are in an argument with a friend. Talk to them and work it out. It is best not to fight fire with fire, perhaps suggesting that the both of you take some time to think it over. Say, «I want to resolve this with you because you are such a good friend. Let’s take time and think this out.»

      • Don’t blame others. Accept what is your fault, talk to others about what they have done to upset you. But blaming others fosters negativity and resentment.[28]
      • If you can’t let go of your anger, try writing down your feelings, meditating, or managing your thoughts.[29]
      • Don’t try to correct people when they’re angry by saying something irrational. Just listen with compassion and remain quiet. Say to them, «I’m sorry you feel this way, is there anything I can do to help?»
    3. Image titled Be a Good Person Step 19


      Compliment people. Saying nice things to people is an easy way to spread positivity. Compliment a co-workers new haircut or a stranger’s dog.[30]
      Compliment friends who you might be jealous of. Giving credit where due is respectful, and you would want the same respect for an achievement you’ve accomplished.

    4. Image titled Be a Good Person Step 20


      Be a better listener. People rarely take the time to listen to people. Everyone wants to feel important and like they matter. Take the time to listen to people.[31]
      Follow what the person is saying. Don’t get distracted by what’s going on around you or play on your cell phone.[32]
      Be engaged with the person and the conversation. Ask some follow up questions on the topic; this helps them know that you’re paying attention to them.

    5. Image titled Be a Good Person Step 21


      Celebrate other people’s victories and good qualities. Be kind and generous to others, liking them for who they are. Celebrate others when good things happen and don’t be jealous. Be supportive and encouraging.[33]

      • Jealousy is hard to overcome. Try to realize that you don’t have to have the same things as everyone else. Try to stop feeling jealous of other people.
    6. Image titled Be a Good Person Step 22


      Be a role model. Sometimes, you can learn best by teaching. Make yourself available to help other people and foster a genuine desire to see them thrive. Believe in the power of your actions to influence others. Live your life in a way that inspires others. Share your life and philosophies with others. Find someone to be a role model to. Be cautious of the way you live so that you will always be acting in a way that will make someone proud. Give the young good moral values to live by and teach them the importance of morals. Sometimes you will feel as if your effort was in vain, but realize that you have planted the good seed in their minds, and it may take some time to respond to it.

      • When other people see you doing good deeds, they will be reminded to take more positive action themselves. Nurturing someone else and striving to be an example can help you see your own acts more clearly.
      • Start small. Join a Big Brother-Big Sister program, volunteer to coach a kid’s sports team, teach, or be a role model for young family members.[34]
    7. Image titled Be a Good Person Step 23


      Share. Share your possessions, your positivity, and your happiness. Don’t be emotionally stingy. Be generous and encouraging. Share your knowledge. Share opportunities. Share your time.[35]

      • Share your food with others. Never take the biggest slice of pizza or piece of meat, or if you absolutely must do so, split it with others.
    8. Image titled Be a Good Person Step 24


      Respect everyone. Be fair to all people. Treat everyone with kindness, and do not be mean or rude to people, even if they don’t agree with you. Do not bully, but instead, stand up for the bullied.

      • Don’t talk about others behind their backs. Be a genuine person. If you have a problem with someone, confront them in a respectful way. Don’t spread bad things about them when they are not around.
      • Don’t unfairly judge people. You don’t know the circumstances surrounding them. Give people the benefit of the doubt, and respect their choices.[36]
      • Treat others the way you’d like to be treated. Remember the golden rule. Put the energy out into the universe you’d like to receive.
      • Respect extends to your surroundings, too. Don’t throw trash on the floor, don’t purposefully mess up things, and don’t talk too loud or be obnoxious. Respect that other people share the same space as you.[37]
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    • You may make mistakes, but never repeat the same mistakes. Learn from your mistakes and help yourself grow stronger as a person.

    • Remember, happiness is a state of mind. The only thing in the world that we can control is ourselves, so choose to be happy and control yourself by purposely maintaining a positive mental attitude.

    • When people attempt to put you down, don’t talk back or take it to heart. Instead, laugh or shrug it off, or simply say you’re sorry they feel this way. This will show you are too smart to sink down to their level and will prevent you from being harsh, aggressive, and a bad person. Not to mention, when they see how well you handle the situation, even your aggressors may back off or lose their interest in insulting you.

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    • Recognize that you may find it more difficult to be kind and understanding in practice than in theory — just keep working at it.

    • The areas relating to others which you could most likely improve in are quite possibly the ones which you are least willing to admit that you are wrong in; that’s exactly why you can benefit so much from facing that you may be wrong or out of line in how you relate to or treat others.

    • As much as possible, seek to have a sense of humor about these things — both with regards to the mistakes you’ve made and the sacrifices you anticipate you will need to make to be nice.

    • Remember that you are still human — for as long as you live, you will have a tendency to sometimes make mistakes; that’s okay. Everyone makes them. Do the best you can, and if you occasionally make mistakes or are not as nice as you’d like to be, just bring yourself back to focusing on thinking of others as much as yourself.

    • If someone asks you for help and it involves doing what they should do alone never do it! It’s cheating and simply teaches the person that cheating is fine.



    About This Article

    Article SummaryX

    To be a good person, make sure to love and accept yourself so that you can be more accepting of others. Additionally, try to approach situations with a positive attitude, focusing on what you can do rather than what you did wrong. Then, work on being more empathetic by treating others as you would want to be treated. You should also try to perform a small act of kindness every day, like holding open a door or giving someone your seat on the bus. Alternatively, do something positive for the world around you, like recycling your trash or cleaning up after your pet. For tips on how to be a good person by forgiving other people’s mistakes, read on!

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