спать, ложиться в постель, кровать, постель, слой, ложе, постельный
глагол ↓
- класть в постель; укладывать спать
- ложиться в постель
to bed with smb. — а) ночевать с кем-л.; спать с кем-л.; б) разг. спать /сожительствовать/ с кем-л.
- ночевать, останавливаться на ночлег
- сажать, высаживать (растения)
to bed up — с.-х. напахивать борозды, гребневать
- стлать подстилку (для животных)
to bed down a horse with straw — подостлать лошади соломы
- спец. ставить на основание или на фундамент
to bed bricks in mortar — класть кирпичи на раствор
- геол. напластовываться
to bed up — с.-х. напахивать борозды, гребневать
- уст. брать жену на брачное ложе
существительное ↓
- кровать, постель; ложе
- матрац, тюфяк; подстилка
feather bed — перина
bed of hay [leaves] — подстилка из сена [листьев]
bed of straw — соломенный тюфяк
the soldiers lay down on a bed of straw — солдаты улеглись на соломе
the dog on his bed in the corner — собака на своей подстилке в углу
- брачное ложе, брак
marriage /nuptial/ bed — брачное ложе
to be false to one’s bed — арх. изменять супругу
the eldest son of the second bed — старший сын от второго брака
- поэт. смертное ложе, могила (тж. narrow bed, bed of dust)
bed of honour — а) поле чести, поле брани; б) воинское кладбище, братская могила
to lie in the bed of honour — пасть на поле чести /в бою/; пасть смертью храбрых
to put to bed with a shovel — похоронить, закопать
- ночлег
bed and breakfast — ночлег и завтрак
to make up a bed — устроиться на ночлег
ещё 17 вариантов
Мои примеры
he sat on the edge of the bed — он сидел на краю кровати
he worked in the coal beds — он работал на угольных пластах / на залежах угля
bed of brick — нижняя грань кирпича
confinement to bed — постельный режим
cosy bed — удобная кровать
to deepen the bed of the river — углублять русло реки
the genial bed — брачное ложе
head of the bed — изголовье
to pass on in one’s bed — умереть естественной смертью
mobile bed — неустойчивое русло ;аллювиальное русло
river bed — речное русло
rock bed — скалистое русло
Примеры с переводом
He lay in bed all morning.
Он лежал в постели все утро.
You should go to bed early.
Тебе надо бы пораньше лечь спать.
Dad has a whisky before bed.
Перед сном папа выпивает порцию виски.
He goes to bed at the crack of dawn
Он ложится спать на рассвете.
Simon lay in bed thinking.
Саймон лежал в постели и размышлял.
I came home and found him in bed with (=having sex with) my best friend.
Я вернулась домой и застала его в постели (т.е. за сексом) с моей лучшей подругой.
Will you help me bed out the plants?
Поможешь мне высадить цветы?
ещё 22 примера свернуть
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
He wanted me to go to bed with him.
The foundations were bedded in cement.
The children were bedded at ten o’clock
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Фразовые глаголы
bed down — уложить, устроить на ночь, улечься, устроиться на ночь, закреплять
bed in — закреплять, вкапывать, полностью отладить, оседать, отстаиваться
Возможные однокоренные слова
embed — вставлять, встраивать, внедрять, врезать, вделывать, запечатлевать
imbed — внедрять, врезать, вставлять, вделывать, запечатлевать
bedding — постельные принадлежности, залегание, основание, напластование, ложе, наслоение
beddable — соблазнительная, волнующая, соблазнительный, сексуально привлекательный
bedder — растение, высаживаемое в грунт, лежняк, нижний жернов, тот, кто стелет постели
Формы слова
I/you/we/they: bed
he/she/it: beds
ing ф. (present participle): bedding
2-я ф. (past tense): bedded
3-я ф. (past participle): bedded
ед. ч.(singular): bed
мн. ч.(plural): beds
bed — перевод на русский
And you can keep his bed.
И ты можешь занять его кровать.
I’m gonna move into Victoria’s old bed.
Я собираюсь занять бывшую кровать Виктории.
Rebecca, I put your outfit on your bed.
Ребекка, я положила твой наряд на кровать.
When you’re ready to kick the bucket, they get you out of the way so they can use the bed.
Когда ты готов протянуть ноги, они убирают тебя с дороги… чтобы освободить кровать.
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‘Tis habit born of a long misunderstanding… which brought us together in the same bed for several years.
Эта привычка родилась от простого недоразумения, что свела нас в постели на несколько лет.
I was in bed with the lady when her husband caught us.
Я был в постели с этой дамой, когда её муж нас застал.
Anyway, I’m relieved to know he’s not confined to his bed.
Как бы там ни было, меня облегчает то обстоятельство, что он не прикован к постели.
Соня, что вы делаете в моей постели?
— Upstairs in bed.
— Наверху, в постели.
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Now, you must go to bed and you must get well quickly before I come back.
А теперь ты должна идти спать, тебе еще надо выздороветь до моего возвращения.
You may go to bed.
Можешь ложиться спать.
Мой папа-генерал всегда говорил, что джентльмен никогда не ложится спать, не сняв шпоры.
А… а вы уверены, что вы идёте спать?
You go straight to bed and don’t do nothing I wouldn’t do.
Отправляйся спать и не делай такого, чего бы мне не следовало делать.
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You’ll catch cold, come back to bed.
Холодно, иди ложись!
— Natasha, come to bed, you’ll catch cold!
Наташа, ложись, ты простудишься!
Eat your dinner and go to bed. In the morning you’ll go to school.
Поужинаешь и ложись, а утром пойдешь в школу.
Be careful when you go to bed, or you may hurt the baby.
Не осмотревшись, не ложись, не ровен час, придавишь дитя.
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— You’re drunk and I’m going to bed.
-Вы пьяны, и я хочу лечь.
You better go to bed, Hopsie.
Тебе лучше пойти лечь, Хопси.
My wife was asleep, sir, and I was just about to go to bed.
Моя жена спала, и я уже собирался лечь.
Come on, I’ll put you to bed.
Я могу лечь сам.
I’d like to go to bed early.
Я хотел бы лечь пораньше.
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I’m putting you to bed.
Ложись спать.
— Everything’s okay. Go to bed.
Все в ажуре, ложись спать.
Go to bed now, Parris.
Ложись спать, Пэррис.
Why don’t you go to bed.
Ложись спать.
You go to bed now.
Иди, ложись спать.
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Вы не хотели бы выпить перед сном?
Would you like me to get you nice and clean for bed?
Хочешь, чтобы я помыла тебя перед сном?
Ah ah, shouldn’t drink coffee before going to bed.
Не стоит пить кофе перед сном.
I told you not to drink coffee before going to bed.
Разве я не говорил вам не пить кофе перед сном?
It’s so nice out, I thought I’d get some air before I went to bed.
Но на улице так хорошо, что я решила подышать свежим воздухом перед сном.
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Doctor, the man in the next bed would like to see you, sir.
Доктор, человек на соседней койке, желает вас видеть, сэр.
We picked it up in a bed in Jacksonville.
она валялась на койке в Джексонвилле
I was reading Esquire and Joe in the next bed wanted to trade.
Я читал книгу а Джо на соседней койке и ее захотели обменять.
There is no smoking in the prone position in bed.
Лежа на койке — не курить!
Any man caught smoking prone in bed spends a night in the box.
Каждый, кто будет курить, лежа на койке проведет ночь в карцере.
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Once Susan’s in bed.
Когда уложу Сьюзан в кроватку.
Off to bed you go!
Поскакали в кроватку!
I thought we’d put the bed here and, um, the chest of drawers
Думаю, кроватку мы поставим здесь.
— Come on, Mother. And so to bed, where I can cuddle up to my jewellery.
Да, в кроватку, гдя я усну в обнимку со своими драгоценностями.
Come along, Cookie. You have to go to bed.
Давай, Куки, пора в кроватку.
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The only thing to do is to go to bed and get a good night’s sleep so we can face this problem tomorrow with clear minds.
Нам надо лечь спать, чтобы завтра со свежими головами обсудить сложившуюся проблему.
Don’t you think we ought to go to bed?
А нам не лучше лечь спать?
Don’t you want to go to bed, Emperor?
Вы не хотите лечь спать, Император?
I’m going to bed.
Собираюсь лечь спать.
I was tired and wanted to go home and go to bed.
Я устал и хотел пойти домой лечь спать.
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From Middle English bed, bedde, from Old English bedd, from Proto-West Germanic *badi, from Proto-Germanic *badją.
- (Received Pronunciation, General American) IPA(key): /bɛd/
- (AAVE, some speakers) IPA(key): [beː]
- (General Australian) IPA(key): /bed/
- Rhymes: -ɛd
bed (plural beds)
- A piece of furniture, usually flat and soft, on which to rest or sleep.
My cat often sleeps on my bed.
I keep a glass of water next to my bed when I sleep.
1762, Charles Johnstone, The Reverie; or, A Flight to the Paradise of Fools, volume 2, Dublin: Printed by Dillon Chamberlaine, →OCLC, page 202:
At length, one night, when the company by ſome accident broke up much ſooner than ordinary, ſo that the candles were not half burnt out, ſhe was not able to reſiſt the temptation, but reſolved to have them ſome way or other. Accordingly, as ſoon as the hurry was over, and the ſervants, as ſhe thought, all gone to ſleep, ſhe ſtole out of her bed, and went down ſtairs, naked to her ſhift as ſhe was, with a deſign to ſteal them […].
- A prepared spot in which to spend the night.
When camping, he usually makes a bed for the night from hay and a blanket.
- (usually after a preposition) One’s place of sleep or rest.
Go to bed!
I had breakfast in bed this morning.
- (uncountable, usually after a preposition) Sleep; rest; getting to sleep.
He’s been afraid of bed since he saw the scary film.
- (uncountable, usually after a preposition) The time for going to sleep or resting in bed; bedtime.
I read until bed.
- (uncountable) Time spent in a bed.
1903, Thomas Stretch Dowse, Lectures on Massage and Electricity in the Treatment of Disease, page 276:
I am quite sure that too much bed, if not too much sleep, is prejudicial, though a certain amount is absolutely necessary.
1907, Jabez Spencer Balfour, My Prison Life, page 181:
Some prisoners, indeed, are always up before the bell rings — such was my practice — they prefer to grope about in the dark to tossing about in the utter weariness of too much bed.
1972, James Verney Cable, Principles of Medicine: An Integrated Textbook for Nurses:
This condition is one of the dangers of «too much bed«. The nurse should inspect the legs of each patient daily
- (figurative) Marriage.
- George, the eldest son of his second bed.
- (figurative, uncountable) Sexual activity.
Too much bed, not enough rest.
- Abbreviation of bedroom.
2 beds, 1 bath
- A place, or flat surface or layer, on which something else rests or is laid.
The meats and cheeses lay on a bed of lettuce.
- The bottom of a body of water, such as an ocean, sea, lake, or river. [from later 16thc.]
sea bed
river bed
There’s a lot of trash on the bed of the river.
- An area where a large number of oysters, mussels, other sessile shellfish, or a large amount of seaweed is found.
Oysters are farmed from their beds.
- 1941, Emily Carr, Klee Wyck, Chapter 18, [1]
- I knew that there were kelp beds and reefs which could rip the bottoms from boats down in Skedans Bay.
- A garden plot.
We added a new bush to our rose bed.
1907 August, Robert W[illiam] Chambers, “Afterglow”, in The Younger Set, New York, N.Y.: D. Appleton & Company, →OCLC, page 168:
Breezes blowing from beds of iris quickened her breath with their perfume; she saw the tufted lilacs sway in the wind, and the streamers of mauve-tinted wistaria swinging, all a-glisten with golden bees; she saw a crimson cardinal winging through the foliage, and amorous tanagers flashing like scarlet flames athwart the pines.
- A foundation or supporting surface formed of a fluid.
A bed of concrete makes a strong subsurface for an asphalt parking lot.
- The superficial earthwork, or ballast, of a railroad.
- The platform of a truck, trailer, railcar, or other vehicle that supports the load to be hauled.
- Synonym: tray
The parcels were loaded onto the truck bed before transportation.
- A shaped piece of timber to hold a cask clear of a ship’s floor; a pallet.
- (printing, dated) The flat part of the press, on which the form is laid.
- (computing) The flat surface of a scanner on which a document is placed to be scanned.
- A piece of music, normally instrumental, over which a radio DJ talks.
- (darts) Any of the sections of a dartboard with a point value, delimited by a wire.
- (trampoline) The taut surface of a trampoline.
2000, Sports: The Complete Visual Reference[2]:
These 5 judges mark the athlete’s staying in the center of the bed, uniformity of bounce heights, and general style.
- (heading) A layer or surface.
- A deposit of ore, coal, etc.
- (geology) The smallest division of a geologic formation or stratigraphic rock series marked by well-defined divisional planes (bedding planes) separating it from layers above and below.
- Synonyms: layer, stratum
- (masonry) The horizontal surface of a building stone.
the upper and lower beds
- (masonry) The lower surface of a brick, slate, or tile[1].
- (masonry) A course of stone or brick in a wall.
Usage notes[edit]
Sense 1. To prepare a bed is usually to «make» the bed, or (US, Southern) to «spread» the bed, the verb spread probably having been developed from bedspread.
Like many nouns denoting places where people spend time, bed requires no article after certain prepositions: hence in bed (“lying in a bed”), go to bed (“get into a bed”), and so on. The forms in a bed, etc. do exist, but tend to imply mere presence in the bed, without it being for the purpose of sleep.
See also Appendix:Collocations of do, have, make, and take
Derived terms[edit]
- air bed/airbed
- alveolar bed
- angel bed
- ant-bed
- apple-pie bed
- arrester bed
- bark bed
- bed and board
- bed and breakfast
- bed bath
- bed blocker
- bed bug
- bed check
- bed cover
- bed frame
- bed ground
- bed hair
- bed head
- bed in
- bed jacket
- bed linen
- bed load
- bed moulding
- bed of down
- bed of honour
- bed of justice
- bed of nails
- bed of roses
- bed out
- bed push
- bed rest
- bed screw
- bed settee
- bed sheet, bedsheet
- bed surf
- bed surfer
- bed tea
- bed trick
- bed truck
- bed wench
- bed wetter
- bed-and-breakfast
- bed-and-breakfast deal
- bed-and-breakfast transaction
- bed-and-breakfasting
- bed-bath
- bed-blocker
- bed-check
- bed-closet
- bed-cover
- bed-fast
- bed-frame
- bed-headed
- bed-hop
- bed-hopper
- bed-in
- bed-jacket
- bed-mould
- bed-ridden
- bed-room
- bed-sitter, bedsitter
- bed-sitting room
- bed-tea
- bed-wet
- bed-wetter
- bed-wetting
- bedbound
- bedbox
- bedbug
- bedchamber
- bedclothes
- bedder
- bedding
- bedfast
- bedfellow
- bedground
- bedless
- bedload
- bedmate
- bedpan
- bedpost
- bedridden
- bedroom
- bedside
- bedspread
- bedspring
- bedstead
- box bed
- box-bed
- boxbed
- breakfast in bed
- bring to bed
- bunk bed
- cabin bed
- camp bed
- canopy bed
- capillary bed
- chair bed
- co-bed
- coal bed
- come to bed
- come-to-bed
- creek bed
- day bed
- death bed conversion
- death bed/deathbed
- death-bed
- death-bed conversion
- dirt bed
- divan bed
- divorce from bed and board
- double bed
- feather bed/featherbed
- feather-bed
- field bed
- filter bed
- flatbed
- flower bed, flowerbed
- fluidized bed
- four-poster bed
- French bed
- gatch bed
- get out of bed on the wrong side
- get up on the wrong side of bed
- get up on the wrong side of the bed
- go to bed
- go to bed with
- go to bed with the chickens
- go to bed with the sun
- green-bed
- hay bed
- hide-a-bed
- hog bed
- Hollywood bed
- hospital bed
- hot bed/hotbed
- in bed
- in bed with
- in the bed
- interbedded
- Jack-go-to-bed-at-noon
- kelp bed
- key bed
- kick someone out of bed
- lazy bed
- lazy-bed
- lesbian bed death
- lie in the bed one has made
- loft bed
- make one’s bed
- make one’s bed and lie in it
- make the bed
- marker bed
- marriage bed
- Murphy bed
- nail bed/nailbed
- orthopedic bed
- out of bed
- oyster bed
- pebble-bed reactor
- pencil-post bed
- pig bed
- piss-the-bed
- pissy bed
- pissy-bed
- plank bed
- platform bed (see platform)
- Polish bed
- powder-bed
- procrustean bed
- put to bed
- put to bed with a shovel
- raised bed
- red under the bed
- reed bed
- river bed
- river-bed
- roller bed
- sea bed
- settee bed
- settle bed
- share a bed
- shell bed
- shit the bed
- single bed
- sleigh bed
- slug-a-bed
- sofa bed/sofa-bed
- spawning bed
- spring bed
- straw bed
- straw-bed
- stream bed
- sunbed
- take to one’s bed
- tan bed
- tanning bed
- test bed
- throw someone out of bed
- too much bed makes a dull head
- trackbed, track bed
- trestle bed
- truckle bed
- trundle bed
- twin bed
- vac bed
- wake up on the wrong side of bed
- wake up on the wrong side of the bed
- water bed, waterbed
- water-bed
- wet the bed
- you make the bed you lie in
- → Chichewa: bedi
- → Chuukese: pet
- → Esperanto: bedo
- → Japanese: ベッド (beddo)
bed (third-person singular simple present beds, present participle bedding, simple past and past participle bedded)
- Senses relating to a bed as a place for resting or sleeping.
- (intransitive) To go to bed.
I usually listen to music before I bed.
- (transitive) To place in a bed.
- For she was not only publicly contracted, but stated as a bride, and solemnly bedded, and after she was laid, there came in Maximilian’s ambassador with letters of procuration
- To put oneself to sleep. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
- (transitive) To furnish with a bed or bedding.
- (transitive, intransitive) To have sexual intercourse with. [from early 14th c.]
- Synonyms: coitize, go to bed with, sleep with; see also Thesaurus:copulate with
- 1730, William Forbes, The Institutes of the Law of Scotland (page 121)
- And he who lies with another Man’s Wife after she is married, even before her Husband had bedded with her, is guilty of Adultery, […]
- (intransitive) To go to bed.
- Senses relating to a bed as a place or layer on which something else rests or is laid.
- (transitive) To lay or put in any hollow place, or place of rest and security, surrounded or enclosed; to embed.
- 1810/1835, William Wordsworth, Guide to the Lakes
- Among all chains or clusters of mountains where large bodies of still water are bedded.
2014 August 17, Jeff Howell, “Home improvements: Repairing and replacing floorboards [print version: Never buy anything from a salesman, 16 August 2014, p. P7]”, in The Daily Telegraph (Property)[3]:
But I must warn you that chipboard floors are always likely to squeak. The material is still being used in new-builds, but developers now use adhesive to bed and joint it, rather than screws or nails. I suspect the adhesive will eventually embrittle and crack, resulting in the same squeaking problems as before.
- 1810/1835, William Wordsworth, Guide to the Lakes
- (transitive) To set in a soft matrix, as paving stones in sand, or tiles in cement.
- (transitive) To set out (plants) in a garden bed.
- (transitive) To dress or prepare the surface of (stone) so it can serve as a bed.
- (transitive) To lay flat; to lay in order; to place in a horizontal or recumbent position.
c. 1599–1602 (date written), William Shakespeare, “The Tragedie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies […] (First Folio), London: […] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, →OCLC, [Act III, scene iv]:
Your bedded hair like life in excrements
- To settle, as machinery.
- (transitive) To lay or put in any hollow place, or place of rest and security, surrounded or enclosed; to embed.
Derived terms[edit]
- bed down
- embed
- ^ 1874, Edward H. Knight, American Mechanical Dictionary
Further reading[edit]
bed on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
- BDE, DBE, DEB, Deb, Deb., EBD, Edb., deb
From Dutch bed, from Middle Dutch bedde, from Old Dutch bedde, from Proto-Germanic *badją.
- IPA(key): /bɛt/
bed (plural beddens, diminutive bedjie)
- bed
- Synonym: kooi
Alternative forms[edit]
- béd (Skolveurieg)
From Proto-Brythonic *bɨd, from Proto-Celtic *bitus. Cognates include Welsh byd and Cornish bys.
bed m (plural bedoù)
- world
- universe
- Ian Press (1986) A grammar of modern Breton, Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, →ISBN, page 322
Etymology 1[edit]
From German Beet (“bed for plants”), originally the same word as Bett (“bed for sleeping”), from Proto-Germanic *badją, cognate with English bed and Swedish bädd.
- IPA(key): [ˈb̥eð]
bed n (singular definite bedet, plural indefinite bede)
- bed (a garden plot)
Etymology 2[edit]
From Old Norse beit f (“pasturage”), Old Norse beita f (“bait”), from Proto-Germanic *baitō (“food, bait”), cognate with German Beize (“mordant”) (whence Danish bejdse).
- IPA(key): [ˈb̥eˀð], [ˈb̥eðˀ]
bed (definitive plural bedene)
- (obsolete) pasturage
- only in the expression: gå nogen i bedene «poach on someone’s preserves»
Etymology 3[edit]
See the etymology of the corresponding lemma form.
- IPA(key): [ˈb̥eˀð], [ˈb̥eðˀ]
- past tense of bide
Etymology 4[edit]
See the etymology of the corresponding lemma form.
- IPA(key): [ˈb̥eˀ], (solemnly) IPA(key): [ˈb̥eˀð], [ˈb̥eðˀ]
- imperative of bede
From Middle Dutch bedde, from Old Dutch bedde, from Proto-Germanic *badją.
- IPA(key): /bɛt/
- Hyphenation: bed
- Rhymes: -ɛt
bed n (plural bedden, diminutive bedje n)
- bed (furniture for sleeping)
- (garden, agriculture) patch, bed
- layer, often a substratum
- bed of a body of water
- 1950, Willy van der Heide, Drie jongens op een onbewoond eiland, Stenvert.
- Op een gegeven ogenblik stieten ze op een uitgedroogde beekbedding; het bed van de beek was naakte lava.
- 1950, Willy van der Heide, Drie jongens op een onbewoond eiland, Stenvert.
Derived terms[edit]
- beddengoed
- bedgenoot
- bedkamer
- bedlamp
- bedleger
- bedplassen
- bedstee
- bedtijd
- bedvriend
- bedvriendin
- bedwants
- bloembed
- dekbed
- doodsbed
- eenpersoonsbed
- hemelbed
- inbedden
- kampbed
- ligbed
- luchtbed
- plantenbed
- rivierbed
- rozenbed
- spijkerbed
- stapelbed
- stroombed
- tweepersoonsbed
- verbedden
- waterbed
- zeebed
- ziekenhuisbed
- Afrikaans: bed
- Berbice Creole Dutch: bedi
- Negerhollands: bet, bedi, bere, bedde
- → Virgin Islands Creole: bedi (archaic)
- Skepi Creole Dutch: bede
- → Caribbean Javanese: bèt
- →? Mohegan-Pequot: beed
- → Papiamentu: bèt, bèchi, bèrchi, bed
- → Saramaccan: bédi
- →? Sranan Tongo: bedi
- → Caribbean Hindustani: bedi
- → Caribbean Javanese: bèḍi
- → Galibi Carib: bedi
Etymology 1[edit]
From English bird.
- bird
Etymology 2[edit]
From English bed.
- bed
Middle English[edit]
Etymology 1[edit]
From Old English bedd.
- bed
- English: bed
- Scots: bed
Etymology 2[edit]
- Alternative form of bede
Northern Kurdish[edit]
- Rhymes: -ɛd
- bad
Norwegian Bokmål[edit]
- IPA(key): /beːd/
Etymology 1[edit]
From Danish bed, from German Beet.
bed n (definite singular bedet, indefinite plural bed, definite plural beda or bedene)
- (horticulture) a bed (for plants)
Derived terms[edit]
- blomsterbed
Etymology 2[edit]
- imperative of bede
- “bed” in The Bokmål Dictionary.
Norwegian Nynorsk[edit]
Etymology 1[edit]
From German Beet.
bed n (definite singular bedet, indefinite plural bed, definite plural beda)
- (horticulture) a bed (for plants)
Derived terms[edit]
- blomsterbed
Etymology 2[edit]
- present tense of beda
- imperative of beda
Etymology 3[edit]
From Old Norse beðr.
bed m (definite singular beden, indefinite plural bedar, definite plural bedane)
- (pre-2012) alternative form of bedd
- “bed” in The Nynorsk Dictionary.
Old English[edit]
- IPA(key): /bed/
bed n
- Alternative form of bedd
Old Irish[edit]
- IPA(key): /bʲeð/
Etymology 1[edit]
See the etymology of the corresponding lemma form.
- third-person singular past subjunctive of at·tá
Alternative forms[edit]
- ·beth
Etymology 2[edit]
See the etymology of the corresponding lemma form.
- inflection of is:
- third-person singular past subjunctive
- third-person singular/second-person plural imperative
- third-person singular conditional relative
Alternative forms[edit]
- bad (3 sg. past subj.; 3 sg. and 2 pl. imperative)
Old Irish mutation | ||
Radical | Lenition | Nasalization |
bed | bed pronounced with /v(ʲ)-/ |
mbed |
Note: Some of these forms may be hypothetical. Not every possible mutated form of every word actually occurs. |
Old Saxon[edit]
Alternative forms[edit]
- beddi
From Proto-Germanic *badją (“dug sleeping-place”), from Proto-Indo-European *bʰedʰ- (“to dig”). Cognate with Old Frisian bed, Old English bedd, Dutch bed, Old High German betti, Old Norse beðr, Gothic 𐌱𐌰𐌳𐌹 (badi). The Indo-European root is also the source of Ancient Greek βοθυρος (bothuros, “pit”), Latin fossa (“ditch”), Latvian bedre (“hole”), Welsh bedd, Breton bez (“grave”).
bed n
- bed
thena lefna lamon bārun mid is beddiu
- They were bearing the living lame man with his bed
(Heliand, verse 2309)
Declension of bed (neuter a-stem)
- Middle Low German: bedde
- Low German: Bett
- Dutch Low Saxon: bedde
- German Low German: Bedd
- Plautdietsch: Bad, Bed
- → Icelandic: beddi
- Low German: Bett
bed (contracted be)
- imperative of bedja.
Borrowed from English bed and German Bett.
- IPA(key): /bed/
bed (nominative plural beds)
- bed
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Now hurry off to bed.
А теперь марш в кровать.
Talking prime rib in bed
Короче говоря, рёбрышки в постель
You have your bed, Lieutenant.
Вы унаследовали его койку, поручик.
Its bed capacity was increased from 43 to 63 during the reporting period.
В рассматриваемый период количество койко-мест в этой больнице увеличилось с 43 до 63.
I shared my bed with you.
Я делил с тобой ложе.
And ruin your bed linen.
И испортить постельное белье.
The crater is believed to be a dried up lake bed.
Считается, что это дно высохшего озера.
I left my sick bed.
Я встал со смертного одра.
And his disembodied tibia in my flower bed.
И его голени в моей клумбе.
Long grass, hawthorn, lavender, nettle beds.
Высокая трава, боярышник, лаванда, заросли крапивы.
Which means Branch was not shot anywhere near the creek bed.
Что означает, что Бранч не был убит рядом с руслом ручья.
Natural pressure drop (pressure difference) and initial energy of the gas bed?
Естественным снижением давления (разница в давлении) и первоначальной энергией газоносного пласта?
This is our Doctrine of Signatures flower bed.
Это наш Принцип подписи цветочных грядок.
другие переводы 10
bedded / bedded / bedding / beds
You’re not in bed?
Почему ты не спишь?
But you are in a bed, that’s how you wake up dead in the first place, fool!
Но он уже был в постели, когда умер, вот как он проснулся мёртвым, понятно, осёл!
другие переводы 3
The aquifer’s pore structure allows gases and liquids to flow through the bed.
Пористая структура такого водоносного пласта позволяет газам и жидкостям просачиваться через его основание.
Словосочетания (770)
- 4 poster bed — кровать с балдахином
- air bed — надувная кровать
- armchair bed — кресло-кровать
- ash bed — пепловый слой
- backsight bed — прицельная колодка
- ballast bed — земляное полотно
- balloon bed — стоянка аэростата
- banish to bed — отправлять спать
- be in sick bed — болеть
- be off to bed — пойти спать
Now hurry off to bed.
А теперь марш в кровать.
Talking prime rib in bed
Короче говоря, рёбрышки в постель
You’re not in bed?
Почему ты не спишь?
You have your bed, Lieutenant.
Вы унаследовали его койку, поручик.
Its bed capacity was increased from 43 to 63 during the reporting period.
В рассматриваемый период количество койко-мест в этой больнице увеличилось с 43 до 63.
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bed — кровать; спать
Перевод слова bed
single bed — односпальная кровать
hospital bed — больничная койка
the genial bed — брачное ложе
Simon lay in bed thinking.
Саймон лежал в постели, размышляя.
He lay in bed all morning.
Он лежал в постели все утро.
You should go to bed early.
Вы должны пойти спать пораньше.
Схожие слова
kip — койка, ночлежка, спать
to kip out — спать на свежем воздухе
sleep — спать
to sleep easily — спать спокойно
О мебели на английском читайте здесь.