Becoming more popular in one word

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

стать более популярным

стать более популярной

становятся более популярными

становятся все популярнее

стать более популярными

становится более популярным

становятся популярнее

становятся все более популярными

стали более популярными

стал более популярным

станут более популярными

становится все более популярным

становится все более популярной

стать популярнее


And he never switched to salon painting to become more popular.

I can go online and become more popular, but I don’t want to do that.

Videos replacing images (an idea that some designers have flirted with for years) might become more popular.

Использование вместо изображений видео (идея, с которой многие дизайнеры заигрывают уже несколько лет) может стать более популярной.

Coca-Cola is hoping that a hefty dose of nostalgia will help New Coke become more popular the second time around.

Coca-Cola надеется, что здоровенная доза ностальгии поможет New Coke стать более популярной во второй раз.

As mobile devices become more popular in Hong Kong, advertisers are willing to spend more on mobile advertisement.

Поскольку мобильные устройства становятся более популярными в Гонконге, рекламодатели готовы больше тратить на мобильную рекламу.

Using stainless steel for sculptures and art has become more popular over the last decade.

Использование нержавеющей стали для скульптур и искусства стало более популярным за последнее десятилетие.

Thanks to the blockchain cryptography has become more popular, but this industry is full of specialized jargon.

Благодаря блокчейну криптография стала более популярной, но в этой индустрии полно узкоспециализированного жаргона.

Using e-cigarettes has become more popular since tighter restrictions were introduced around real cigarettes.

Использование электронных сигарет стало более популярным, поскольку касаемо реальных сигарет были введены более жесткие ограничения.

Genetic testing in screening for monogenic atherosclerotic disorders is likely to become more popular in the coming years.

Генетическое тестирование для скрининга моногенных атеросклеротических расстройств, вероятно, станет более популярным в ближайшие годы.

So 5 inch ceramic cup wheels will become more popular with more and more market sales pushing.

Так 5-дюймовые колеса керамическая чашка станет более популярным с все больше и больше продаж на рынке толкает.

This is not normally considered to be a mainstream tattoo, but it has become more popular in certain spheres.

Это обычно не считается мейнстримом татуировки, но она стала более популярной в определенных сферах.

Finally, the use of wood in lighting has become more popular as options have increased.

Наконец, использование древесины в освещении стало более популярным, поскольку варианты увеличились.

But their use has become more popular in recent years, especially with people who have chronic illnesses, such as fibromyalgia.

Но в последние годы их использование стало более популярным, особенно у людей, страдающих хроническими заболеваниями, такими как фибромиалгия.

Integration with social networks will help your competition become more popular and gather the maximum number of participants.

Интеграция с социальными сетями поможет Вашему соревнования стать более популярным и собрать максимальное количество участников.

Korea has recently become more popular as a result of their entertainment industry.

The EAEU transparency may give this union a chance to become more popular among the citizens of its member states.

Прозрачность ЕАЭС, пожалуй, даст возможность этому союзу стать более популярным среди граждан государств-членов.

Rental of real estate in the tourism industry in Greece in online booking format over the past few years has become more popular.

Аренда недвижимости в туристической отрасли в Греции в формате онлайн бронирования за последние несколько лет стала более популярной.

Global warming: artificial grass will become more popular as the impact of global warming becomes more apparent.

Глобальное потепление: Искусственная трава станет более популярным, как воздействие глобального потепления становится все более очевидной.

Hopefully this will change soon as these companies become more popular.

Но мы ожидаем, что в скором времени ситуация изменится, когда эти компании станут более опытными.

In the last five years it’s become more popular.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат become more popular

Результатов: 655. Точных совпадений: 655. Затраченное время: 146 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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APA Classic Thesaurus. (-0001). Synonyms for Becoming more popular. Retrieved April 13, 2023, from
Chicago Classic Thesaurus. -0001. «Synonyms for Becoming more popular» (accessed April 13, 2023).
Harvard Classic Thesaurus -0001, Synonyms for Becoming more popular, Classic Thesaurus, viewed 13 April, 2023, <>.
MLA Classic Thesaurus. «Synonyms for Becoming more popular» 30 November -0001. Web. 13 April 2023. <>

Nowadays, several types of music genres, including, rock, hip-hop, R&B and country are becoming more popular across the world and which has sung in various languages.

As Lambie has commented, there is no populars.

My suggestion is

Nowadays, several[ ]music genres, including[ ]rock, hip-hop, R&B[,] and country[,] are becoming more popular across the world and are being sung in various languages.

I have

a. deleted types of which is redundant, as stangdon has commented

b. completed the bracketing comma pair for the appositive «including…and country»

c. deleted the comma before rock

c. Three listing commas are used to separate the four nouns in the series; the comma after R&B is optional, and its use depends on region. The colon should not be used if the introductory expression for a list is not a complete sentence.

Colons with Lists

Rule 1: Use the colon after a complete sentence to introduce a list of items when introductory words such as namely, for example, or that is do not apply or are not appropriate.

Rule 2: A colon usually does not precede a list unless it follows a complete sentence.



  • #1

I wonder if in the following context Present Simple is correct. The sentence was written by an acquaintance of mine. I suppose only Present Continuous would be fine here, but maybe I’m wrong.

Events in the fresh air featuring historical events become more and more popular.

Events in the fresh air featuring historical events are becoming more and more popular.

However, I believe that if the same sentence finished with ‘every year’, Present Simple would be fine. Am I right?

Events in the fresh air featuring historical events become more and more popular every year.

  • pops91710

    • #2

    Events in the fresh air featuring historical events are becoming more and more popular.I am not familiar with the expression «in the fresh air»? Was this written by a native speaker?

    You might be wanting to say Open-air events featuring historical moments are becoming more and more popular with each passing year.

    • #3

    I agree about «open-air events», pops, but do you really mean «historical


    » or was that a senior moment?
    Also possible is «Outdoor events».

    The main question seems to be the «are becoming» vs «become» choice, and I agree with sunny’s analysis: present simple does not work unless you tag something like «every year» on the end. Even when you do that, present continuous is probably still the better option.


    • #4

    I agree about «open-air events», pops, but do you really mean «historical


    » or was that a senior moment?
    Also possible is «Outdoor events».

    The main question seems to be the «are becoming» vs «become» choice, and I agree with sunny’s analysis: present simple does not work unless you tag something like «every year» on the end. Even when you do that, present continuous is probably still the better option.

    What do you believe he means by an historical event?I am not sure what that is, really. Couldn’t that be a moment that took place in history? …are becoming more and more popular with each passing year works well in my country. I’m not sure what the problem is there, if there is one. But you are right, the question was about that phrase.

    Until I can understand what exactly he is putting on display in his history fair, I can’t be sure what to say. Living displays of moments in history, plays acting out historical events? I am just a little confused. Maybe that’s a senior moment?

    • #5

    It wasn’t written by a native speaker of English and writing ‘historical events’ the person meant a kind of cultural event organised to commemorate an event from the past — e.g. the recapturing of a castle, a battle, etc.


    • #6

    It wasn’t written by a native speaker of English and writing ‘historical events’ the person meant a kind of cultural event organised to commemorate an event from the past — e.g. the recapturing of a castle, a battle, etc.

    BINGO! A re-enactment I suppose.

    • #7

    He hasn’t said what type of event he is holding, exactly, and it’s clumsy of him to use the word «event» twice in his sentences (which I’ve only just noticed), but I imagine their purpose, other than to entertain and to educate, is to commemorate something historical. I imagine something along the lines of a battle re-enactment, with plenty of (simulated) bloodshed. Or maybe a spot of jousting.

    I thought your changing ‘event’ to ‘moment’ may have been unintentional (hence «senior moment»). I think of a moment as being very short; even a short battle would be longer than a moment.



    • #8

    He hasn’t said what type of event he is holding, exactly, and it’s clumsy of him to use the word «event» twice in his sentences (YES! which is my reason for using moment)

    I think of a moment as being very short; even a short battle would be longer than a moment. Hmmm.. How about that iconic moment on Iwo Jima when the Marines raised the American flag on Mt. Surabachi?:D

    Definition #3 of moment= A particular period of importance, influence, or significance in a series of events or developments: a great moment in history;


    Last edited: Jan 18, 2014

    • #9

    Thank you all very much. :)

    more popular — перевод на русский

    Leto is growing more popular with every passing week.

    С каждой неделей Лето становится все популярнее.

    Just goes to show, never get more popular than the boss.

    Никогда нельзя становиться популярнее начальника.

    Hey, even though I’m much more popular, we have some things in common.

    Эй, даже не смотря на то, что я гораздо популярнее тебя, у нас есть кое-что общее.

    Far more popular than him.

    Намного популярнее его.

    If you wanna be more popular, you’re gonna have to break up with Eric.

    Если ты хочешь стать популярнее — ты должна расстаться с Эриком.

    Показать ещё примеры для «популярнее»…

    He’s medium popular, and he just bought a great car so soon he’ll be getting more popular.

    Он средней популярности, а этот недавно купил классную тачку и скоро будет более популярным.

    So you will be more popular I told you my private affairs and you publisize them on the paper

    Так ты будешь более популярным Я рассказал тебе мои личные переживания и ты опубликовал их в газете

    How does Noel Kahn get suspended, and then come back more popular than he was when he left?

    Как Ноэль Кан получил отстранение И вернулся обратно более популярным,чем он был перед тем,как ушел?

    It’s getting more and more popular, and we’re serving tumbleweeds, man.

    Он становится все более популярным а к нам лишь изредко заглядывают,старик

    And getting even more popular.

    И становится ещё более популярным.

    Показать ещё примеры для «более популярным»…

    If this is because I’m more popular than you, then I think what you’re… Let’s not mistake popularity for infamy.

    Если это из-за моей популярности то ты просто не понимаешь, что делаешь.

    Amongst them, there’s one who is independent, who’s also more popular than the rest.

    Среди них тоже процветает зависть на почве уровня популярности.

    NARRATOR: George Michael Bluth had never been — more popular.

    Джордж Майкл Блут находился на пике популярности.

    If anything, his arrest has made him more popular.

    Во всяком случае, арест добавил ему популярности.

    I wonder why stories of degradation and humiliation make you more popular.

    Интересно, почему истории об унижении приносят популярность?

    Показать ещё примеры для «популярности»…

    Yes. It’s one of our more popular attractions.

    Это один из наших наиболее популярных аттракционов.

    It’s a collection of the more popular tools of self-flagellation.

    Это коллекция наиболее популярных инструментов для самобичевания.

    It’s not one of my more popular theories, but I kind of like it.

    Это не одна из моих наиболее популярных теорий, но я вроде как придерживаюсь её.

    Yeah, the more popular the kid, the better the liar.

    Да, наиболее популярны дети, которые лгут лучше всех.


    Если ты постишься в один день а на следующий день ты пируешь можно догадаться, какой день будет наиболее популярным у тебя.

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