Beautiful young woman word

beautiful young woman — перевод на русский

Uh, you’re a very attractive woman, a very beautiful young woman.

Э, ты очень привлекательная женщина, очень красивая молодая женщина.

Karen Torres, you are a beautiful young woman with fantastic taste in clothing. And although your jokes do tend to bomb you make up for it with that sparkling smile of yours.

Кэрен Торрес, ты красивая молодая женщина с отличным вкусом в одежде, и хотя иногда твои шутки имеют эффект взорвавшейся бомбы, ты всегда дополняешь их своей потрясающей улыбкой.

You’re a beautiful young woman.

Ты красивая молодая женщина.

You’re an extremely beautiful young woman.

Ты очень красивая молодая женщина.

Very beautiful young woman. The Perfect Fox.

Очень красивая молодая женщина, идеальная лисичка.

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Why she shouldn’t have a suitor, such a beautiful young woman!

Ну конечно, как ей без поклонника, такая красивая девушка.

A beautiful young woman in a silvery costume.

Красивая девушка в серебристом костюме.

You know, Lindsey, I just want to say how nice it is to have such a beautiful young woman in our home.

Знаешь, Линдси, до чего же здорово, что у нас дома такая красивая девушка.

Have you seen a beautiful young woman in a ball gown pass through?

Вы не видели, пробегала ли тут красивая девушка в бальном платье?

I saw a beautiful young woman who laughed at my jokes.

Я увидел красивую девушку, которая смеялась над моими шутками.

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And most of all we have a beautiful young woman and her lover lying dead in each other’s arms.

И в завершение всего… прекрасная молодая женщина и ее любовник, лежащие мертвыми в объятиях.

You see, you are a beautiful young woman and I have really enjoyed tackling some of these issues with you.

Видишь ли, ты прекрасная молодая женщина и я наслаждался процессом решения твоих проблем.

You are a beautiful young woman.

Ты прекрасная молодая женщина.

You were a brilliant and beautiful young woman.

Ты была прекрасной молодой женщиной.

And haley is turning into this beautiful young woman.

А Хэйли превращается в эту прекрасную молодую женщину.

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Uh, I never realized what a beautiful young woman you’ve become.

Я никогда не задумывался, какой красивой женщиной ты стала.

She’s become such a beautiful young woman.

Она стала такой красивой женщиной.

If you’ll excuse me, Lana, there is a beautiful young woman in a yellow dress that I must go to.

— Виноват, Лана, вот там красивая женщина, в желтом платье, я должен к ней подойти.

Have you been approached recently by a beautiful young woman who strangely and inexplicably finds you attractive?

Не пыталась ли недавно с вами сблизиться красивая женщина, которая странным и необъяснимым образом вдруг сочла вас привлекательным?

Yes, of beautiful young women in nothing but their birthday suit.

Да, красивых женщин на которых нет ничего кроме того костюма, в котором они родились.

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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

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красивая молодая женщина

красивая девушка

красивую молодую женщину

красивой молодой женщиной

красивая женщина

красивую девушку

красивая молодая девушка

красивой молодой женщины

прекрасную молодую женщину

красивой молодой женщине

красивой молодой девушкой

красивой девушки

красивой девушкой

It is hard to believe she is already a beautiful young woman.

Tamar, 35, a beautiful young woman, lives alone with her two daughters.

Why would such a beautiful young woman

Annie is now a beautiful young woman who has recently completed her first year of university.

Джессика — молодая и красивая девушка, которая закончила с успехом предпоследний учебный год в университете.

Once, they catch a beautiful young woman who is just getting into this very peculiar «waiting list».

Однажды они ловят красивую молодую женщину, которая как раз попадает в этот очень своеобразный «лист ожидания».

That’s when I first noticed you had blossomed into a beautiful young woman.

A beautiful young woman holds up a mirror (the conventional symbol of truth).

In front of all there is a beautiful young woman with a child.

You’re an extremely beautiful young woman.

Look at you, beautiful young woman.

Quickly seduce a beautiful young woman tonight.

And the guest list always includes a beautiful young woman.

A beautiful young woman is found dead.

She is now a beautiful young woman, living on her own.

Pechorin meets a beautiful young woman, Bela, who becomes the object of his fixation.

He becomes fixated on Mina, a beautiful young woman who looks like his dead former love.

Там его привлекает Мина, красивая девушка, которая похожа на его прежнюю любовь.

Stories in Chinese literature describe Magu as a beautiful young woman with long birdlike fingernails, while early myths associate her with caves.

В китайской литературе Ма-гу описывается как красивая молодая женщина с длинными птичьими ногтями, в то время как ранние мифы связывают её с пещерами.

In a small village, there lived a beautiful young woman named Maria.

В одной мексиканской деревне жила молодая и красивая девушка по имени Мария.

She is a beautiful young woman and, unlike Alper, she leads a modest, calm life.

In the beginning of his trek he meets a beautiful young woman in a small bar in Wyoming.

В начале своего путешествия он встречает красивую молодую женщину в небольшом баре в штате Вайоминг.

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The night before the Titanic departs, Horty meets a beautiful young woman named Marie, who explains that she is


chambermaid aboard the Titanic.

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Накануне отплытия парохода Хорти встречает красивую молодую женщину по имени Мари, которая представляется горничной с« Титаника».

I wouldn’t talk about my wife either if I had too many bourbons got behind the wheel and

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Я не стал говорить бы о своей жене, даже выпив слишком много бурбона,

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Другой- молодую красавицу с орлиным носом, с зачесанными висками и с розою в пудреных волосах.

Lavretsky pursues


education in Moscow, and while he is studying there,

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Лаврецкий продолжает свое образование в Москве, и, во время посещения оперы,

Stories in Chinese literature describe Magu as a beautiful young woman with long birdlike fingernails,

while early myths associate her with caves.

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В китайской литературе Ма- гу описывается как красивая молодая женщина с длинными птичьими ногтями,

в то время как ранние мифы связывают ее с пещерами.

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This ghost inhabits the clumps of wild banana trees and is popularly represented as a beautiful young woman wearing


green traditional Thai costume.

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В народных верованиях он представлен как призрак красивой молодой женщины, одетый в зеленые традиционные тайские одежды.

In that cloud Juan Diego saw a beautiful young woman who looked more like girls from his tribe than


white Spanish.


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В облаке том Хуан Диего увидел прекрасную молодую женщину, которая была больше похожа на девушек его племени, нежели на белокожую испанку.


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In the books, Glinda is depicted as a beautiful young woman with long, rich red hair and blue eyes,



pure white dress.

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В книгах Глинда изображается как красивая молодая девушка с длинными, ярко- красными волосами и голубыми глазами, одетой

в чистое белое платье.

and found Abishag the Shunamite, and brought her to the king.

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И искали красивой девицы во всех пределах Израильских, и нашли

Ависагу Сунамитянку, и привели ее к царю.



bizarre story for you… police are

now searching for the hot chick bandit… a beautiful young woman who lures men into dark alleyways,… beats them senseless,

and takes their wallets.

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Специально для вас, забавный рассказ… полиция сейчас

разыскивает бандита по кличке» горячая цыпочка»… красивая девушка, которая завлекает мужчин в темные аллеи,… бессердечно избивает их

и забирает бумажники.

But tell us why a beautiful young woman like Jessica King… from one of the finest families in Brixton,

just about to be married to


good, decent professional man… and with


bright, shining future in front of her.

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Но скажите нам, зачем такая красивая молодая женщина как Джессика Кинг из одной из лучших семей в Брикстоне

которая собиралась выйти замуж за хорошего, честного человека которую ожидало светлое, яркое будущее.

The French tale of a beautiful young woman destroyed by her conflicting needs for love and luxury had

already inspired Massenet’s Manon(1884),


relatively new and immensely popular work at the time of Manon Lescaut’s premiere.

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Французский роман о прекрасной молодой женщине, которую губят вошедшие в противоречие стремления к любви и к роскоши,

уже вдохновил оперу Массне» Манон»( 1984), сравнительно недавнюю работу, пользующуюся огромной популярностью во время премьеры» Манон Леско».

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Time: 0.0253





English is a beautiful language as it is filled with all the amazing words which have the power to influence your day. Now if you are one of those who is looking for a good list of beautiful words then perhaps you have come to the right place. Whenever you are describing a woman you look of some of the best words that can make her feel confident hand happy. But sometimes you get stuck with the vocabulary. It would not happen to you anymore.

We will help you with learning some adjectives that will help you to describe a beautiful woman. We have already been into the fact that “Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder” which is a true fact. Hence we can say that everyone who could potentially have a different opinion of what the word beautiful means and what would be a beauty for them.

Following is a list of adjectives to describe a beautiful woman and girl in writing:

Wonderful Magnificent Superb Grand
Splendid Groovy Astonishing Stylish
Fabulous Clever Lovable Remarkable
Glorious Sensual Vibrant Effervescent
Strong Scrumptious Succulent Cute
Radiant Adorable Exquisite Radiant
Clever Curvy Fox Sexy

Now we realize that this is a very subjective topic and it can be very difficult to pick out wrong and right here. So just to help you out we have come up with some really good adjectives that would be defining a beautiful woman.

1. Cute

The most common word that we hear for all girls and women. Cute is a word which means someone is very appealing and pretty in away. It can be used for a person you are usually attracted to. It is used to symbolize somebody whether in a romantic way or in a non-romantic way.

2. Adorable

The meaning of the word can be similar to that of cute, which means someone who is really pretty and quite appealing in the appearance. It can also be used to describe the way to talk about in a lighter and more playful form.

Adore as you see is a verb and means that you have a deep love and respect for someone.

3. Attractive

It is a bit strong word to describe a woman. It can also be considered as one of the most generic and objective ways to describe a woman. “Attractive” means that a person has a pleasing appearance which does not necessarily mean to denote romantic interest.

4. Exquisite

The word by definition means that something or someone which is very beautiful as well as very delicate in a refined way.

It is very similar to the word lovely. It is used when you wish to define a person’s extreme feminine beauty and shows that you are giving importance to the details.

5. Radiant

The word itself means that something which very bright and shining. It is a kind of beautiful and specifically used to describe feminine beauty. With this word, you can describe the beauty in a very light, manner full of energy.

6. Fox

By definition, it is a word that is used to describe a woman who is very attractive and with her boldness and confidence. It is her look that makes her appear wild and superior. It is a British slang word that is mostly used to describe a confident woman.

7. Pretty

It is similar to beautiful in meaning but in a more innocent and/or physical way. 

Ex. Ashima was standing next to me. I was astonished to see that she has turned out to be so pretty.

8. Gorgeous

It is another synonym for beautiful that denotes a very powerful physical attraction. While the world beautiful may have more of an inner/outer quality, gorgeous is purely physical attraction. 

Ex. It was a cocktail party yesterday. You could have met gorgeous ladies in the party.

9. Lovely

It is a synonym for what is generally a feminine beauty that describes an elegant and/or radiant beauty.

Ex. I gifted my wife a saree and it looked lovely on her.

10. Exquisite

It means to be beautiful in a very delicate and refined way. 

Ex. I was mesmerised by witnessing her exquisite beauty when she walked on the ramp for the first time. 

11. Stunning

Defined as a surprising and/or shocking appearance, which supposedly may even cause the loss of consciousness. 

Ex. She was looking stunning with the outfits she bought from the online store.

12. Sexy

It is a word that I believe translates into other languages and most people have an understanding of. It means that the person is attractive in a very sexual, sensual way, that they cause excitement. 

Ex. Maya was looking sexy when she was dressed for the cocktail party. 

13. Alluring

Something that seduces or lures you in a mysterious way.  You can say this about a person or a thing.

Ex. You can see Smriti entering the Great Hall and spread the alluring effect in the air. Everyone was stunned by the look of Smriti.

14. Bewitching/Bewitched (adj)

The quality of “casting a spell” on somebody, being hypnotized, or losing control, as is often the case with romantic desires.

Ex. The Yule Ball was the deciding event that took place before Triwizard Tournament. Mohini was looking bewitching in her white dress and surprised everyone by her look. 

15. Good-looking

It is one of the most common ways to describe a person who is attractive.

Ex. There was a gang of girls staying at the Resort. They all were good-looking and had a glow on their faces. It was because their team won the championship.

16. Breathtaking

It is something that takes the breath away and is often used to describe natural beauty or something of extreme grace.

Ex. The queen of the Mehrana Gharanas has breathtaking beauty that was taking the town by surprise. 

17. Blooming: thriving in vigor, health, and beauty.

Ex. If you want to have a blooming beautiful look. Go for eyelash extensions. It will make you look beautiful and young. 

18. Classy: stylish; elegant; fashionable.

Ex. She was a classy woman and had immense energy to balance work life and personal life. 

19. Dazzling

It is something or someone who dazzles you or blinds you with a bright and surprising light that confuses your vision.

Ex. When you are happy from inside, your beauty is dazzling.

20. Dashing spirited: elegant; audacious; fashionable; showy.

Ex. If you wan to look dashing, just wear your confidence. It will do the magic. 


The English dictionary is filled with a lot more word that can be used to describe a woman in a positive way. These are some of the sweet words that you can use for your female friends, colleagues or even your elders.

These are some of the words which can make her day. Being positive does not cost you anything so always be positive. If you can put up some more words then they are always welcomed. For more updates stay tuned to EnglishBix.

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  1. Adjectives for Beautiful Smile
  2. Adjectives for Beautiful Eyes
  3. Words for Valentine’s Day

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Babe, dish, hottie, doll, honey, beauty, etc.

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